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Dealing with Rising Commodity Prices

March 23, 2011

Copyright 2011 by LeveragePoint Innovations Inc. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the permission of LeveragePoint Innovations Inc. This document provides an outline of a presentation and is incomplete without the accompanying oral commentary and discussion.

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Copyright 2011 LeveragePoint Innovations Inc. Copyright 2011 LeveragePoint Innovations Inc.

Our Presenters Today

Dr. Tom Nagle Senior Partner, Monitor Group Lead author of the top-selling book on pricing for two decades, The Strategy and Tactics of Pricing, 5th edition 2010.

Jay Manson VP Sales, LeveragePoint Value-based marketing, pricing and sales expert. Formerly at Vendavo and the Strategic Pricing Group.

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Copyright 2011 LeveragePoint Innovations Inc. Copyright 2011 LeveragePoint Innovations Inc.

Dealing with Rising Commodity Prices

Rising commodity prices is not a short-term phenomenon. CRB Index of 17 essential commodities has been rising steadily all decade. Given recent monetary policy, the trend is more likely to accelerate than abate.

How will your companys margins and capital requirements be affected?

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Copyright 2011 LeveragePoint Innovations Inc. Copyright 2011 LeveragePoint Innovations Inc.

We Need to Get Ahead of Rising Material Costs

Supply Chain Efficiency We are victims of our supply chain optimization success

Hedging Customer building up inventories will increase demand instability and the appearance of price sensitivity We feel rising material costs sooner We want need to avoid sales dips and revenue lag

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Copyright 2011 LeveragePoint Innovations Inc. Copyright 2011 LeveragePoint Innovations Inc.

Our customers know its coming, but are more comfortable delaying as long as possible

So how do we overcome their resistance and accelerate the process?

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Copyright 2011 LeveragePoint Innovations Inc. Copyright 2011 LeveragePoint Innovations Inc.

Understand and Manage Customers Fears and Expectations

Causes of Resistance

Ways to Manage

Belief that they cant pass along any increase quickly enough to avoid near term hit to profit Perception of unfairness (we are struggling too and you are not being a good partner) Fear of becoming competitively disadvantaged (or hope of short term advantage)

Dont sneak up on them! Warn of anticipated commodity cost increases and relationship to product or service cost If necessary to give adequate advance notice, hedge a few months in advance If must increase without warning, give customers who agree immediately & contractually to maintain volume and accept increases the ability to take in steps; spot customers take all at once
Copyright 2011 LeveragePoint Innovations Inc. Copyright 2011 LeveragePoint Innovations Inc.

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Understand and Manage Customers Fears and Expectations

Causes of Resistance

Ways to Manage

Belief that they cant pass along any increase quickly enough to avoid near term hit to profit Perception of unfairness (we are struggling too and you are not being a good partner) Fear of becoming competitively disadvantaged (or hope of short term advantage)

Announce full price increase, but then give sales reps ability to make pre-authorized tradeoffs between increase and customers acceptance of costreducing behaviors
Less frequent deliveries of larger orders Lower guaranteed product specs that could still meet need Electronic orders, info sharing for demand planning

Be transparent about impact on costs. Make increase a variable surcharge tied to objective index
Copyright 2011 LeveragePoint Innovations Inc. Copyright 2011 LeveragePoint Innovations Inc.

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Understand and Manage Customers Fears and Expectations

Causes of Resistance

Ways to Manage

Belief that they cant pass along any increase quickly enough to avoid near term hit to profit Perception of unfairness (we are struggling too and you are not being a good partner) Fear of becoming competitively disadvantaged (or hope of short term competitive advantage)

NEVER negotiate away the ultimate increase, just the terms for getting there Give large customers mostfavored nation commitments relative to direct competitors Only as a last resort to save a must have customer, agree to delay timing of increase until equal quality competitors match the increase

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Copyright 2011 LeveragePoint Innovations Inc. Copyright 2011 LeveragePoint Innovations Inc.

What Keeps Us From Raising Price

No competitor wants to go first, even while none wants to be left behind

What can you do, within the law, to ease the transition to a price level that still re-establishes competitive margins?
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Copyright 2011 LeveragePoint Innovations Inc. Copyright 2011 LeveragePoint Innovations Inc.

Understand and Influence Industry Competitive Dynamics

Causes of Delay

Ways to Manage

Fear of losing sales to competitors that delay following increase Sales force unprepared to explain increase to customerseasier to say just following industry

Industry market leader (the others use as their price reference) must lead!
Describe need but delay implementing until other industry leaders have expressed similar perceptions and intentions Roll back if necessary to demonstrate that wont happen if other large share firms not prepared to follow

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Copyright 2011 LeveragePoint Innovations Inc. Copyright 2011 LeveragePoint Innovations Inc.

LeveragePoint Value Management Improves Price Realization

LeveragePoint provides sales with the language to capture price in the field.
Price Increase Strategy is Created Price Increase Package Passed to Sales Sales and Customer Pricing Conversation is Captured




How effectively are we capturing the price increase? Where are we experiencing resistance? Why? How do we do it better in the future?
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Copyright 2011 LeveragePoint Innovations Inc. Copyright 2011 LeveragePoint Innovations Inc.

Time Is of The Essence

Pricing for sustainable growth requires: Value-based, not cost-based Profit-driven, not share-driven Proactive, not reactive

Pricing technology enables growth

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Copyright 2011 LeveragePoint Innovations Inc. Copyright 2011 LeveragePoint Innovations Inc.

Thanks for watching! Jay Manson (781) 727 5977

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Copyright 2011 LeveragePoint Innovations Inc. Copyright 2011 LeveragePoint Innovations Inc.

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