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"For there's no royal road to success other than to be educated" Most respected guest of honor, loving and energetic

mother of the district, Mrs. Dolores M. Lavilla; our kind and motherly principal, Mrs. Miriam C. Mariano, spectators, dedicated mentors, beloved parents, colleagues and friends a blessed day to everyone! I am deeply honored and delighted for this lucky day as it manifests our success as graduates of Minuyan Elementary School, Batch 2012.Six years ago, we entered the portals of this beloved institutions, empty and bare. We were so innocent in valuing education then, but as days went by, we have come to grasp the importance of it as we learned the various details and valuable matters because in school, we learned several aspects that we may use to be ready to battle whatever challenges that may come across our way. Today is our graduation day! A very significant moment in our lives because we have successfully attained one of our goals, and yet we must think and understand that graduation does not mean a mere end but signals two different meanings. It may be the end of phase one of the educational ladder but it is also the beginning of another crucial horizon with reference to the acquisition of knowledge in the formal education, where we would be meeting varied trials that may test our capacity and endurance. Much more, graduation is a celebration or rather a culmination of the very hectic struggles in pursuing our long cherished dreams as graduates. After all, we shall be moving out in search for a brighter and a more complicated world out there. At last, we have come to an end of our journey in the first stage of the educational pool, via our supportive teachers, through books and varied instructional materials for more or less one thousand and three hundred days of travel. We have gone so far, as you can see us now fully charged and equipped with the desirable knowledge and wisdom because we did not take our studies for granted unlike others. At this juncture, I wish to express my heartfelt thanks to the following: Our beloved parents, who undauntedly sacrificed and shared most of their time in providing all our needs financially, morally, and spiritually; Our dear mentors from grades one to six, who devotedly pored wisdom into our minds just to cope with the on-going standards of DepEd.

Our classmates and friends, with whom we shared joys and laughter and even pains during our stay together; Likewise to our dear Alma Mater, for providing the most prevalent dwelling and right foundation designed for quality education. Life without you all would be meaningless and vague. Foremost, our special thanks to the Lord, for showering bountiful blessings on all. Dear Lord, You have provided everything for us, and we give You thanks! Fellow graduates, may we join hands and say this simple prayer "God, the Almighty Father, thank you so much for this day our day of success and celebration as we traverse another milestone in our lives. Help us to continue our journey and do envision in our young minds the real meaning of education. Please continue to direct us on the right path. Guide us to be loyal and true in all aspects of life. Fill us with Your graces and teach us to abide by Your will. Most of all, Lord, grant us Your perpetual love and care as we seek the fulfillment of our long cherished dreams in life our education. All these we ask in Jesus' name. amen. Yes, my dear friends, as we keep the ball rolling, we may come to reminisce those noble efforts and sacrifices you have shared with us as they have contributed to our success; and though it is hard to go, we must, in order to satisfy our desire for a brighter tomorrow. Stay sweet, my brothers and sisters, as we say farewell. Soar high a little bit more, and see how meaningful it is to live in this beautiful world. God bless and see you later!

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