Monster Hunter - Felyne Guide

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| M O N S T E R
G |
| M O N S T E R
U N I T E |
----------------------------------------------------------------Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G - Felyne comrade Damage Formula FAQ
Platform: Playstation Portable (PSP)
Version 1.2
By: VioletKIRA & Hikki

Introduction of the Felyne Comrade

How to calculate Damage
Felyne Comrade Leveling Up Information
Felyne Characteristics, Loyalty and Combat Styles
Felyne Comrade Skills
Training Routine and Developement
Misc. Information & Frequently Asked Questions
Credit and Copyright

1. Introduction
When news of the new Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G came out,
many fans had anticipated a fresh new aspect of the game, a
co-operative AI called the Felyne Comrade (also called Felyne
comrade). This concept offered a whole new range of tactics to
the average hunt, enriching the experiences from the
precedent Monster Hunter titles.
Felyne comrades are unique, they come in different colors and
behaviors but creating the best felyne comrade is difficult.
Thats where this guide comes in to help a little... So what
are we waiting for? Lets get started, nya!
2. Damage Calculations
I'm sure many people have already started to wonder how much
damage their Slash Felyne comrade does when launch an attack
on Lunastra's head or if the Attack Up Skill gives them a

small or a big boost in power.

Felyne attacks are considered by many players as "nimble",
"pathetic", "weak"and "suprisingly unreliable"...
And correct they are! (especially the unreliable part) Felynes
are mostly for taunting or baiting opponents and other cutesy
purposes. But that doesn't mean their damage is insignificant.
Unlike our golden rule: Raw > Elemental (for Heavy Weapons),
the felyne's is raw = elemental. Elemental is very useful at
the early stages of the felyne's development as it does more
damage than raw as it is fixed. But raw damage will eventually
overtake the elemental (that is if you train and buff up the
cat). A fully trained cat will do up to 45 damage per attack!
-------------------------------Damage Formula
-------------------------------ATTACK X HITZONE X DEFENSE X RAGE X CRITICAL
Raw Damage = ---------------------------------------------WEAPON DIVIDER
Elemental Damage = -----------------------------------------10
Some inaccuracy can still occur with this formula.
Looks just like ours, but without sharpness and attack type
etc. If you are familiar with how melee damage works, this
should be a breeze for you.
Okay I'll explain each variable carefully:
The following faq will help: (credits to DS31)
---------------------------------------------------------| |
---------------------------------------------------------------------RAW DAMAGE:
------This is the felyne's attack power. To view the attack power,
go to START then Reference, and finally Felyne. Just enter
whatever value is shown, 120 = 120, no need for decimal

This is the body part where the monster is being hit. Felyne's
will mostly hit the legs, head and stomach. It also can do a
jumping slash attack that can sometimes reach the wings. Say
your felyne is attacking Tigrex. It runs and does a SLASH
attack on the HEAD. Looking at the Melee Damage FAQ, the hit
zone's value is 80, hence we substitute it into the equation
as 0.80.
-------This is the monster's defense which can vary from monster to
monster and rage mode to another rage mode. Again an example,
your felyne attacks Naruga, it has a defense of 85%. Simply
substitute 0.85 in Defense.
----When a monster gets angry it's defense in most cases
increases. Okay, now for the example: Akantor gets angry and
goes into rage mode. Its rage multiplier is 0.8, so substitute
0.8 for the Rage Value.
--------Affinity can only be unlocked with the "Combat Expert" skill.
This will give the cat an approximate affinity of 25% - 30%.
When your cat does a critical attack, it will show a light red
slash meaning that your cat has dealt 120% more damage to the
monster than usually. For the Critical part, you need to
substitute 1.2 in. There is no such thing as a negative
--------------This is the most important part of the equation. Notice that
your cat changes its weapon now and then? This only can happen
when your cat's attack is at a certain level.
| Attack Power | Slash Weapon | Impact Weapon | Divider |
0 - 150 | Bone Pick
| Catspaw
| 10.6 |
| 151 - 300 | Crystal Pick | Acorn Hammer | 8.9 |
| 301 above | Ochre Scythe | Barrel Hammer | 8.0 |
Note: These aren't actual names for the weapons.
So from the table above, just substitute the Divider into the
equation from above. Say if you have a Felyne with 190 Slash
attack. Your felyne's weapon will look like some kind of flat
blue crystal wrapped around a stick. Since the attack is
between the 151-300 range, substitute in 8.9 as the Divider.

----------------ELEMENTAL DAMAGE:
----------------I found that elemental damage was a bit complex to work with,
so the stuff below can be incorrect.
---------Your felyne will have different elemental attack values based
on their attack power. Yet again (I know I keep saying this)
it is really easy to work with:
| Attack Power | Elemental | ElemAtk Up|
0 - 150 |
| 151 above |
Put 220 if your cat has less than 150 attack power for
whatever elemental the melee weapon has as they all (Fire,
Water, Ice, Thunder and Dragon) have the same elemental power.
Status Attack:
-------------Felyne's also have the status ability, but due to the
difficulties I have encountered, it was too hard to give a
solid value:
| Attack Power | StatusAtk | StatAtk Up|
0 - 150 |
| 151 above |
Again, I apologise these values are only approximations. When
you calculate status, it does not do actual damage it just
lowers the monster's tolerance. Poison, Paralyze and Sleep all
have the same Status Attack.
For more information on Status Values on monsters, go to:
-----------------This is same for raw, except this time it is just elemental.
Okay, this is just simple substitution, for example: Your
felyne attacks Garuga on the face with Water Elemental imbued
to its melee weapon. Garuga takes 20 Water, then just put 0.20
into the elemental hitzone.

What about Bomb damage?!

Well, this Guide at first was meant to be called Felyne
Comrade MELEE damage FAQ. I've expanded it a bit covering more
than Felyne comrade damage. Bomber cats are considered the
Gunners since they can attack from a small distance and from
ledges, so I was too lazy to calculate a proper formula for
damage. They are still however of some value... when they
don't bomb you to death.

3. Felyne Leveling Up Information
Attack, Defense and Health increase when a Felyne Comrade
levels up. Here is a table that shows these values for each
Level Attack Defense Health





































































4. Felyne Characteristics, Loyalty and Combat Styles
-------------------------------Felyne Character
Attack Preference Healing Rate
Attacking Target
Fool Hardy

More Melee

VrySlow Heal

Mostly Lg Monsters


More Melee

Slow Heal

Mostly Lg Monsters


Both Equal

Normal Heal



More Bombs

Fast Heal

Mostly Sm Monsters


More Bombs

VryFast Heal

Mostly Sm Monsters


Only Melee

Normal Heal

Only Sm Monsters

Weapon Lover

Only Melee

Normal Heal


Prefer Weapon

More Weapon

Normal Heal


Bomb Lover

Only Bombs

Normal Heal


Prefer Bombs

More Bombs

Normal Heal


Aims Large

More Melee

Normal Heal

Only Lg Monsters

Aims Small

More Melee

Normal Heal

Only Sm Monsters

Peace Loving

No Attacking

Normal Heal

No Attacking

Double KO

Only Bombs

VrySlow Heal

Only Lg Monsters

For more statistics check out Yuzhy's chart:
-------------------------------Loyalty System
-------------------------------Felyne Comrade's have a Loyatly Level, where the more time you
spend with it doing quests, the more loyal it will become.
This means that it will for example use its health flute, set
traps often, nudge you when you are in Knock Out (Dizzy) or

covering your ears from a monster's scream. As your Loyalty

Heart Level increases, your felyne will do these more often.
The only thing it will do less is become idle, or fall asleep.
To increase Loyalty Heart level, you need the following amount
of Loyalty Points:
1st heart: 1000 points
2nd heart: 2500 points
3rd heart: 4500 points
4th heart: 6000 points
5th heart: 7000 points
When you first hire your Felyne comrade, it should already
have 2 Hearts, so it will start with 2500 Loyalty Points.
Loyalty Points can then be further obtained from quests, by
simply taking the Guild Point Reward's 10%. For example, you
finish Elder "Final Invatation", and you receive 2100 Guild
Points. Your cat will get 2100 x 0.1 = 210 Loyalty Points
added to its total amount.
Also if you set the Felyne's Training Routine to "Break", it
will gain 5 Loyalty Points, so break does have its advantages.

5. Felyne comrade Skills
Felyne comrades can have up to three skills, each having a
different effect on the felyne. Points rewarded from different
quests completed will be needed to acquire these skills.
Certain skills will be unlocked after a condition is reached,
for example hunting the Garuga will unlock the High Grade
Earplug skill or slaying the Hypnoc will activate the Sleep
weapon imbuement skill for your felyne to later on purchase
with points.
-------------------------------Activating Skills
-------------------------------When a skill is purchased your felyne comrade cannot use the
skill straight away, rather it needs time to learn the skill.
To check if your felyne has learnt the skill, go to START
(Menu) -> Reference (Page 2) -> Felyne Status, just below the
Skill Points box it will show you what skills the felyne
currently has. It also shows that the skill is activated
(white), or in the progress of learning (grey). Some more
advanced skills will require more quests to be completed than
other skills for it to be activated. Once activated the skill
will remain until you want the felyne to forget it.

I rank skills according to how the amount of points required

buy the skill:
There are three levels:
| Skill Level | Skill Point | Learning Time|
| Basic
1 - 49 | 1 quest
| Intermediate | 50 - 99 | 2 quests |
| Advanced
100 +
| 3 quests |
- All cats follow this rule, no matter what the lineage or
behaviour is.
- Gathering quests don't count as a quest. This includes
G-level Gathering.
Tip: Having at least one Advanced skill is recommended for a
Lv 20 Felyne.

-------------------------------Acquiring Skill Points

-------------------------------Skill Points are awarded to the felyne when it completes a
certain quest with you depending on the quest's guild point
reward. Calculating this is simple:
-----------------------------------------------Skill Points = 1% of Quest Guild Point Reward* |
If Quest Guild Point is lower than 200, then |
skill points earn will be automatically 2.


*includes the deduction for fainting in the quest.

Easy to work out, so I will show two examples: Finishing the
"Absolute Zero" quest without fainting will earn you 3000
guild points. Take 1% of that will give you 3000 x 0.01 = 30
Skill Points.
Doing "Mountain Herb Picking" will offer you 40 Guild Points.
Since this is below 200, it will be made automatically into 2
Guild Points, as 1% of 40 is 0.4, not an integer! So the least
you will recieve is 2 Skill Points.
If your cat is doing the "Meditation" Training Routine, add 2
Skill Points to your total reward.

-------------------------------Skills List

Shown in different categories:

| Flute
Cost: 20 Points |
| Your Felyne comrade sees when you are in danger |
| and plays a flute to attract your attacker.
| -|
| This has the same effect as the item "Flute" by |
| giving the felyne the temporary "Taunt" Skill. |
| Will only work if there is a boss monster.
| Unlocked at the start.
| Demon Flute
Cost: 60 Points |
| Your Felyne comrade plays a tune that raises
| both you and the Felyne comrade's attack power. |
| -|
| Gives you and the cat attack up small.
| Unlocked at the start.
| Armor Flute
Cost: 60 Points |
| Your Felyne comrade plays a tune that enhances |
| both you and the Felyne comrade's defense.
| -|
| Gives you and the cat defense up small.
| Unlocked at the start.
| Antidote Flute
Cost: 30 Points |
| Felyne comrade plays a tune that cleanses of any|
| impurities and cure Poison status.
| -|
| Same effect as Antidote.
| Unlocked at the start.
| Health Flute
Cost: 70 Points |
| Your Felyne comrade plays a tune that recovers |
| a small amount of your health when needed.
| -|
| Same effect as a Herb.
| Unlocked at the start.

| True Health Flute
Cost: 120 Points |
| Your Felyne comrade learns to play a tune that |
| will recover a larger amount of your health.
| -|
| Same effect as a Potion.
| Unlocked when Felyne's Loyalty is 4 Hearts.
Tip: For Status Attack skills, they go well with
the "Tireless" skill which increases the felyne
comrade's attack rate, getting the monsterinto a
certain status faster.
| Elemental Attack [Fire]
Cost: 15 Points |
| Imbues Felyne comrade's melee weapon with Fire |
| element.
| -|
| See Elemental Table for more info.
| Unlocked at the start.
| Elemental Attack [Water]
Cost: 15 Points |
| Imbues Felyne comrade's melee weapon with Water |
| element.
| -|
| See Elemental Table for more info.
| Unlocked at the start.
| Elemental Attack [Ice]
Cost: 15 Points |
| Imbues Felyne comrade's melee weapon with Ice |
| element.
| -|
| See Elemental Table for more info.
| Unlocked at the start.
| Elemental Attack [Thunder]
Cost: 15 Points |
| Imbues Felyne comrade's melee weapon with
| Thunder element.
| -|
| See Elemental Table for more info.
| Unlocked at the start.

| Elemental Attack [Dragon]
Cost: 30 Points |
| Imbues Felyne comrade's melee weapon with Dragon|
| element.
| -|
| See Elemental Table for more info.
| Unlocked when Felyne's Level is 7 or above.
| Elemental Attack Up
Cost: 50 Points |
| Enhances your Felyne comrade's attacks with
| elemental properties, increasing their effectiv-|
| eness.
| -|
| Element Attack +20
| Unlocked by hunting: Rathalos and Rathian.
| Status Attack [Poison]
Cost: 60 Points |
| Imbues Felyne comrade's melee weapon with a
| Poison effect.
| -|
| See Status Table for more info.
| Unlocked by hunting: Iodrome, Gypceros and
| Chameleos.
| Status Attack [Paralysis]
Cost: 60 Points |
| Imbues Felyne comrade's melee weapon with a
| Paralysis effect.
| -|
| See Status Table for more info.
| Unlocked by hunting: Gendrome, Cephadrome and |
| Khezu.
| Status Attack [Sleep]
Cost: 60 Points |
| Imbues Felyne comrade's melee weapon with a
| Sleep effect.
| -|
| See Status Table for more info.
| Unlocked by hunting: Hypnoc, Plesioth, Basarios |
| and Gravios.

| Status Attack Up
Cost: 120 Points |
| Enhances your Felyne comrade's attacks with
| status effects, increasing their effectiveness |
| -|
| Status Attack +20
| Unlocked by hunting a Plesioth, Lunastra and
| Teostra.
| Wind Negate
Cost: 100 Points |
| Felyne comrade is immune to most Wind effects. |
| -|
| Same effect as "High-Wind Press" Skill.
| Unlocked when Felyne's Level is 9 or above.
| Earplugs
Cost: 140 Points |
| Felyne comrade is completely immune to the scre-|
| ams of Monsters.
| -|
| Same effect as "High-Grade Earplug" Skill.
| Unlocked by hunting a Yian Garuga.
| Attack Up
Cost: 60 Points |
| Raises your Felyne comrade's attack.
| -|
| Attack + 20
| Unlocked by hunting: Yian Kut-Ku, Monoblos,
| Diablos and Rathalos.
| Defense Up
Cost: 90 Points |
| Raises your Felyne comrade's defense.
| -|
| Defense +30
| Unlocked by hunting: Basarios and Gravios.
| Strength Up
Cost: 120 Points |
| Raises your Felyne comrade's health.
| -|
| Health increases by 120%

| Unlocked by hunting: Congalala, Blangonga and |
| Rajang.
| Guard Percentage Up
Cost: 70 Points |
| Your Felyne comrade learns how to defend itself |
| well and raises its blocking effectiveness.
| -|
| Original Guarding Chance = 30%
| Guard Up Chance = 40%
| Unlocked by hunting: Daimyo Hermitaur, Shogun |
| Ceanataur, Red Shogun Ceanataur, Purple Daimyo |
| Hermitaur and Kushala Daora.
| Hyperdrive
Cost: 100 Points |
| Your Felyne comrade gains enhanced mobility and |
| raises its movement and gathering speed.
| -|
| Felyne can now catch up to you when you run. It |
| also can walk faster when holding bombs.
| Unlocked by hunting: Kirin, Tigrex and Naruga. |
| Recovery Speed Inc
Cost: 130 Points |
| Your Felyne comrade recovers from injuries fast-|
| er and lessens the time taken to recuperate.
| -|
| Felyne Healing rate up one level.
| Unlocked when Felyne's Level is 18 or above.
| Affinity Attack
Cost: 80 Points |
| Your Felyne comrade learns how to score critical|
| hits.
| -|
| Affinity: 25%-30% (approx.)
| Unlocked when Felyne's Level is 5 or above.
| Rob 'em Blind
Cost: 100 Points |
| Your Felyne comrade occasionally steals items |
| for you when it attacks.
| -|

| 10% chance of taking a low rarity item from the |

| monster for each attack.
| Unlocked when Felyne's Level is 10 or above.
| Trap Master
Cost: 160 Points |
| Your Felyne comrade learns how to set Shock
| Traps.
| -|
| 5% chance of setting a Shock Trap every 10 min. |
| Unlocked when Felyne's Level is 18 or above.
| Bomb Strength Up
Cost: 150 Points |
| Raises the power of your Felyne comrade's bombs.|
| -|
| Small Barrel Bomb and Large Barrel Bomb will be |
| increased by 150%.
| Unlocked when Felyne's Loyalty is 3 Hearts.
| Bomb Dmg Reduction
Cost: 90 Points |
| Reduces Bomb damage done to both Felyne comrade |
| and hunter.
| -|
| Damage reduced by half.
| Unlocked when Felyne's Level is 6 or above.
| Large Barrel Bomb Skill
Cost: 140 Points |
| Your Felyne comrade will occasionally use Large |
| Barrel Bombs to attack the enemy.
| -|
| Felyne will have a 15%-20% chance of bringing up|
| a Large Barrel Bomb, when attacking with bombs. |
| Unlocked when Felyne's Level is 13 or above.
| Poison Negate
Cost: 30 Points |
| Felyne comrade gains immunity to Poison.
| -|
| Same effect as the "Poison Negated" Skill.
| Unlocked by hunting: Iodrome and Volganos.

| Clairvoyance
Cost: 70 Points |
| Felyne comrade gains senses that help you track |
| spot Monsters.
| -|
| Same effect as Psychoserum works for 10 seconds |
| in 5 minute intervals. Only works if there is a |
| boss monster in the map.
| Unlocked when Felyne's Level is 8 or above.
| Say No To Gathering
Cost: 90 Points |
| Felyne comrade doesn't gather and only attacks. |
| Attack is increased.
| -|
| Any form of gathering is disabled, attack power |
| is increased by 30. Idle or sleeping is still |
| possible.
| Unlocked when Felyne's Level is 12 or above.
| Tireless
Cost: 80 Points |
| Felyne comrade attacks and does not rest. Drains|
| Felyne's comrade's strength and lowers health. |
| -|
| Sleeping and idle states are negated, but health|
| is reduced by 25%.
| Unlocked when Felyne's Level is 15 or above.
| Fall 7x, Get Up 8x
Cost: 120 Points |
| Felyne Comrade comes back after recovering with |
| increased fervor and attack power.
| -|
| Attack will be increased by 10 for each time the|
| felyne faints. After the 8th faint, the attack |
| will return to the original value.
| Unlocked when Felyne's Level is 14 or above.
It is different when a felyne Faints and Retreats.
Fainting is when the felyne's health is reduced to
0. The felyne retreats when its health is 50% or
| Riskbreaker Technique
Cost: 150 Points |

| Felyne Comrade receives a great attack and defe-|

| nse boost, but will not recover until quest end.|
| -|
| Attack and defense increased by 50 each. Revival|
| is disabled, name will start to blink as the fe-|
| lyne's health is lower than 60%.
| Unlocked when Felyne's Level is 20.
-------------------------------Erasing Skills
-------------------------------When the skill is erased, half the skill points needed to
purchase that skill will be refunded to the felyne. Take note
that skills can only be erased if the felyne has already
learnt that skill, not in the middle of learning it.
6. Training Routine Development
The Felyne comrade can have training, to increase some of its
stats. To do this go to the Felyne comrade Board ->
Development -> Select Felyne comrade -> Select Training Type
Training Type
Hand To Hand
Experience +10
Attack +2
Defense +2
Attack +1, Defense +1
Skill Point Reward +2
Loyalty Points + 5
Note: Increasing will have effect after a quest. For "Fencing"
it will increase randomly, sometimes attack and sometimes
defense. For Toughness and Strength, it will sometimes
increase by 1, not just 2. I do not know why this happens so

7. Frequently Asked Questions / Misc. Information
Misc. Information:
Note: Increasing will have effect after a quest. For "Fencing"
it will increase

- Without any Training, a Lv 20 cat's attack and defense will

add up to 200.
- A fully buffed Lv 20 cat's attack and defense will add up to
I will add more questions as you ask... so ask away!
Q: What happened to sharpness and attack type?
Well your cat does not sharpen its weapon, therefore is has a
fixed, endless supply of sharpness. As for attack types, a
felyne will have two different attacks:
Spinning Slash - The cat goes on all fours and rushes to the
monster, doing a spin.
- The cat can quickly recover from the spin and launch
- A fast attack.
- Low reach, mostly reaches the legs.
Jumping Slash - Same as the Spinning, but the cat will jump
and do some kind of slam dunk with its melee weapon.
- High reach, this can do tail cuts and claw/wing/face breaks.
- Also a fast attack.
- Slow recovery, leaves the cat open.
Obviously you cannot control what the cat does, so hope for
the best :D
Q: Why don't you have any suggestions on which cat to buy?
---------------------------------------------------------A: Well this FAQ gives enough information for you to customise
your own.
Q: How much damage does my cat do when it bounces off a monster?
---------------------------------------------------------------A: Same as us, multiply the raw damage by 0.7 if the cat
bounces. No, the elemental doesn't change when bouncing.
Q: You don't shed a lot of light on bomb cats... do they suck?
-------------------------------------------------------------A: As you know, bomb cats move slower than normal melee users,
but they are allowed to have that "sonic" effect, from the
bomb's explosions. They also ignore any bouncing. In short it
actually depends on the monster you are fighting.

Q: How much Knock Out does my Impact Cat do?

-------------------------------------------A: It does 20 Knock Out. For more information on Knock Out
values go to:
Q: Can my Felyne cut off tails?
------------------------------A: Yes, it can if you get lucky.
Q: Where do I get that Samurai suit for my felyne?
------------------------------------------------A: It can be obtained by going to Download on the main menu.
No whatever costume your felyne comrade wears does not affect
its damage outcome.
Q: The cloth strip around the Felyne's weapon changes color...Why?
-----------------------------------------------------------------A: It changes color according to its Elemental attack:
None: White
Fire: Red
Water: Dark Blue
Thunder: Orange
Ice: Light Blue
Dragon: Brown
Poison: Purple
Paralyze: Yellow
Sleep: Green
Colors don't effect anything, just for the looks.

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