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Chapter 4: Bonding with teammates pt1.

The next day Amus POV: I woke up the next day to one of my maids waking me up for school. Today, I decided to wear a sleeveless white cotton sundress with small, delicate, pink floral designs printed on the whole dress. With a maroon colored cardigan. I decided to let down my hair, and swept my bangs to as side. I brought a pair of black sweatpants, a loose; red cotton t-shirt, a black baggy hoodie, and shoes for street dancing (a/n: what were they called again?) to change into, as I would be having hip-hop and break dancing later. Make up was the usual. When I was ready, I grabbed a piece of toast, and hopped into the Mercedes to go to school. At school Normal POV: Amu and Ikuto were practicing their moves, when the teacher clapped her hands and said: Amu and Ikuto, there is an upcoming dance competition among all the dance schools in Japan and I would like you two to participate with some other dancers. The catch is, you must choreograph one dance with your team members as well as the costumes in this competition, lasting for about the most 10 minutes and shortest 5. You must have a group of at least 4 people and no more than 7. You can dance in pairs, triplets or solo. The 3 sets of dances you have to perform before your own choreography are hip-hop, Latin, and lyrical which I will be helping you in. The winning team gets to spend a week at the most expensive hotel in Japan as well as get to perform their dance choreography for the president of the famous dance academy School for the gifted dancers. Meanwhile, I have teamed you up with Mashiro Rima, Fujisaki Nagihiko, Souma Kuukai, and Tsukiyomi Utau. Youre dancing against Star High Academy. They are also quite good in dancing, however, they tend to be more ruthless, thus, you better not provoke them or youre in deep shit got it? In your team there will be 6 of you in all. The competition will be held at the Sakura esplanade exactly 1 month from now. Get to know your teammates and start planning. You dont have much time. We start practice tomorrow. I wish you the best of luck. Dismissed. Amus POV:

WHOA! This competition is gonna be a tough one but I know we can do it! Dancing for the president of the famous dance academy is my dream come true! Im so excited to meet my team members too; I hope theyre nice Ikutos POV: No kidding, man! My teams gotta win this competition, whether if Its tough or not! Amus POV: Hmmm, I think Rima is in my lyrical dance class, shes always so quiet, but she dances well, Ill try to get her to talk to me and know her better. Utau is in my singing class. Her singing is wonderful, and were almost best friends! She dances amazingly too! Nagihiko sounds so familiar oh yeah! He was my kindergarten best friend! We lost contact after elementary school; I wonder if he still remembers me, he was always there to give me advice when I needed them Kuukaimy elementary school best friend too! I always treated him as my big brother, I wonder if has forgotten me. He was always there to cheer me up when I was down. That big grin and thumbs up he giveshaha, the good times I was deep in thought when suddenly, a rush of warm air breathed down my neck. I shivered and jumped. I turned and met those mesmerizing dark cobalt eyes with long lashes, I knew so much. I was getting lost into them when Amu. Amu. AMU! I heard my name being called, and was shaken back to earth. Okay, okay! Im back! I said irritably Were you thinking of me just now, Amu? Ikuto teased. N-N-NO! You BAKA! I blushed a fiery red. Then why are you stuttering? Ikuto smirked. B-Because! I replied. Damn! Why did I stutter again?! GRR! Sure, I believe you. Ikuto remarked sarcastically. I rolled my eyes and walked away. Ikuto followed.

I sighed and let him follow. I was going to find Rima and the other group members. However, since Ikuto was following me, I decided he could help. I turned around and asked him. Ne, Ikuto, can you help me find Nagihiko-kun and Kuukai-nii? Im going to find Rima-san and Utau-chan. When you get them, meet me at the rose garden, Kay? I asked him. He smirked and asked: if I do it, will you give me a kiss? No. was my reply. Aww, Amus a meanie! he pouted. I knew he wasnt gonna give in to me, so I just said: F-FINE! Okay. He said and walked away, as though nothing happened. I gritted my teeth, with clenched fists and walked off to find Rima and Utau. When I reached the classroom, I saw Rima leaving the room, and quickly caught up with her. I called her name and she turned around facing me. Yes? she asked. I introduced myself and told her all about the competition, she nodded her head and we talked more about our lives. By the time we reached the choir room, I felt as though we have known each other for years. I guess some people just clicked huh? I called Utau and told her about the competition and introduced Rima to her, they were all right with each other and I was relieved. Then I complained to Utau about her brother and she just simply giggled. Rima growled and suddenly had a scary aura around her. She growled and said: That boy shall die! Utau and I sweat dropped. Wow, I thought. Rima can be scary at times, just like Utau. After a while we arrived at the rose garden to see Kuukai dressed in a skirt, embarrassed, nervous and scared with Nagihiko smiling at him sweetly in an insanely manner. A killer aura surrounded him, and Ikuto standing at a side, trying not to laugh.

My eyes were wide with my jaw dropped. Rima was trying to stifle her laughter. While Utau was clutching her tummy, laughing her head off with tears coming out of her eyes. What on earth just happened? Mariel-chan: ohmygawdfour pages long! Sorry for not updating for so long! Hope you like this chapter! R and R! :D

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