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MATLAB SIMULATION OF FS-1015 LPC-10e COPYRIGHT (C) 1996-99 ANDREAS SPANIAS and TED PAINTER This Copyright applies only to this particular MATLAB implementation of the LPC-10e coder. The MATLAB software is intended only for educational purposes. No other use is intended or authorized. This is not a public domain program and unauthorized distribution to individuals or networks is prohibited. Be aware that use of the standard in any form is goverened by rules of the US DoD. This program is free software. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. There is no commitment or even implied commitment on behalf of Andreas Spanias or Ted Painter for maintenance or support of this code. MATLAB is trademark of The Mathworks Inc ALL DERIVATIVE WORKS MUST INCLUDE THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE. ****************************************************************** GUIINIT NSA LPC-10 VOICE CODER GRAPHICAL USER INTERFACE (GUI) 4-28-94 ****************************************************************** DESCRIPTION Create base window for current GUI phase. DESIGN NOTES This function switches on the value of guiPhase: 0 = Startup configuration window - Y/N query for runtime graphical output 1 = Runtime output window - either graphical plots or text status 2 = Termination window with OK button VARIABLES INPUTS guiPhase Current phase of GUI operation (start, runtime, termination)

OUTPUTS Creates output window with text and axes, ready for data. INTERNALS NameStr FileStr StatStr EndStr WSstr L1STR L2STR PSTR guiPax f1 hh YesButton Output window title string Output window filename string Output window status string - frame number Simulation termination string White space string for screen formatting Output window title string Output window subtitle string Percent complete string Object handle percent complete axes Object handle for startup window Object handle for miscellaneous window objects Object handle for startup YES button

% NoButton - Object handle for startup NO button % OKButton - Object handle for OK termination button % ss - Screen size vector for host machine % xorg - Host machine screen X axis origin for output window % yorg - Host machine screen Y axis origin for output window % x - X coordinates for percentage complete rectangle % y - Y coordinates for percentage complete rectangle % F1POS - Output window location in screen pixels % % GLOBALS % guiState - Graphical output or status output mode % 0 = status mode (non-interactive), 1 = graphics mode % guiF1 - Output window object handle % guiSline - Status output text object handle % guiIfile - Input file name % guiOfile - Output file name % FrameCnt - Number of frames processed so far % % CONSTANTS % L1POS - Text line 1 position in output window (pixels) % L2POS - Text line 2 position in output window (pixels) % L3POS - Text line 3 position in output window (pixels) % PPOS - Percent complete bar graph position % FILEPOS - File name message position % ENDPOS - Termination message position % OKPOS - OK button position in termination window % YESPOS - Yes button position in startup window % NOPOS - No button position in startup window % % ****************************************************************** function guiinit( guiPhase ) % DECLARE GUI GLOBALS global guiState guiF1 guiSline FrameCnt guiIfile guiOfile; cWIN = 'k'; % INITIALIZE GRAPHICAL OBJECT POSITIONS L1POS = [110,300,400,50]; L2POS = [110,270,400,50]; L3POS = [100,210,400,20]; PPOS = [0.15,0.35,0.7,0.05]; FILEPOS = [5,30,600,20]; ENDPOS = [110,150,400,20]; OKPOS = [285,100,50,30]; % COMPUTE WINDOW POSITIONS BASED ON SCREEN DIMENSIONS ss = get( 0, 'ScreenSize' ); xorg = ( ss(3) - 600 ) / 2; yorg = ( ss(4) - 400 ) / 2; F1POS = [ xorg yorg 600 400 ]; % INITIALIZE TEXT OBJECTS NameStr = 'NSA LPC-10e VOCODER SIMULATION '; WSstr = ' '; QueryStr = 'Is graphical output desired?'; EndStr = sprintf( 'LPC-10e Simulation Complete. Processed %3d Frames.', FrameCn t );

FileStr = sprintf( 'Input File: %12s%sOutput File: %12s', guiIfile, WSstr, guiOf ile ); StatStr = sprintf( 'Processing Frame #%4d', FrameCnt ); L1STR = NameStr; L2STR = 'FEDERAL STANDARD 1015'; PSTR = 'Percent Complete (%)'; % CREATE BASE WINDOW FOR CURRENT PHASE % 0 : STARTUP PHASE - Y/N QUERY WINDOW if guiPhase == 0 cr; guiState = 0; % 1 : RUNTIME PHASE - EITHER TEXTUAL STATUS OR GRAPHICAL DATA DISPLAY elseif guiPhase == 1 % CREATE WINDOW AND TEXT OBJECTS guiF1 = figure( 'Position', F1POS, 'number', 'off', 'name', ... NameStr, 'resize', 'off', 'Menubar', 'none', 'color', cWIN ); clf; hh=uicontrol('style','text','string',L1STR,'position', L1POS); set(hh,'backg',get(gcf,'color'),'foreg',[1,1,1]-get(gcf,'color')); hh=uicontrol('style','text','string',L2STR,'position',L2POS); set(hh,'backg',get(gcf,'color'),'foreg',[1,1,1]-get(gcf,'color')); hh=uicontrol('style','text','string',FileStr,'position',FILEPOS); set(hh,'backg',get(gcf,'color'),'foreg',[1,1,1]-get(gcf,'color')); guiSline=uicontrol('style','text','string',StatStr,'position',L3POS); set(guiSline,'backg',get(gcf,'color'),'foreg',[1,1,1]-get(gcf,'color')); % CREATE COMPLETION BAR GRAPH guiPax = axes('position',PPOS); x=[ 0,0,0,0 ]; y=[ 0,1,1,0]; fill(x,y,'b'); xlabel(PSTR); axis([0,100,0,1.0]); set(guiPax,'box','off','yticklabel',''); hold on drawnow; % 2 : TERMINATION PHASE - INDICATE NUMBER OF FRAMES PROCESSED AND OK BUTTON else % FIRST, CLOSE RUNTIME WINDOW close; % CREATE TERMINATION WINDOW guiF1 = figure( 'Position', F1POS, 'number', 'off', 'name', NameStr, ... 'resize', 'off', 'Menubar', 'none', 'color', cWIN ); clf; % DISPLAY STANDARD VOCODER TEXT MESSAGES hh=uicontrol('style','text','string',L1STR,'position', L1POS); set(hh,'backg',get(gcf,'color'),'foreg',[1,1,1]-get(gcf,'color')); hh=uicontrol('style','text','string',L2STR,'position',L2POS); set(hh,'backg',get(gcf,'color'),'foreg',[1,1,1]-get(gcf,'color')); hh=uicontrol('style','text','string',FileStr,'position',FILEPOS); set(hh,'backg',get(gcf,'color'),'foreg',[1,1,1]-get(gcf,'color'));

% DISPLAY TERMINATION MESSAGE AND OK BUTTON hh=uicontrol('style','text','string',EndStr,'position',ENDPOS); set(hh,'backg',get(gcf,'color'),'foreg',[1,1,1]-get(gcf,'color')); OKButton = uicontrol('Style','Pushbutton','Position',OKPOS,'Callback',... 'close;','String','OK'); end

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