Dyptrk M

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MATLAB SIMULATION OF FS-1015 LPC-10e COPYRIGHT (C) 1996-99 ANDREAS SPANIAS and TED PAINTER This Copyright applies only to this particular MATLAB implementation of the LPC-10e coder. The MATLAB software is intended only for educational purposes. No other use is intended or authorized. This is not a public domain program and unauthorized distribution to individuals or networks is prohibited. Be aware that use of the standard in any form is goverened by rules of the US DoD. This program is free software. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. There is no commitment or even implied commitment on behalf of Andreas Spanias or Ted Painter for maintenance or support of this code. MATLAB is trademark of The Mathworks Inc ALL DERIVATIVE WORKS MUST INCLUDE THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE. ****************************************************************** DYPTRK PORTED TO MATLAB FROM LPC-55 C RELEASE 3-11-94 ****************************************************************** DESCRIPTION Dynamic Pitch Tracker. Determines the transmitted pitch by performing a minimum cost search of the pitch over DEPTH previous frames. DESIGN NOTES See considerable discussion of dynamic programming algorithm in version 52 release notes. VARIABLES INPUTS amdf - Average Magnitude Difference Function array minptr - Location of minimum AMDF value voice - Voicing decision OUTPUTS pitch - Smoothed pitch value, 2 frames delayed midx - Initial estimate of current frame pitch COMPILE TIME CONSTANTS depth - Number of frames to trace back LTAU - Number of lags in AMDF INTERNAL sbar minsc maxsc alpha pbar i,j Value of imaginary ray Winner's minimum value Winner's maximum value Confidence level of the AMDF minimum Index of imaginary ray loop indicies

% iptr - Current column of P (IPOINT+1) % path - history % alphax - Scaled version of alpha % ipoint - Current frame position pointer % % ****************************************************************** function [ pitch, midx ] = dyptrk( amdf, minptr, voice ) % DECLARE GLOBAL VARIABLES global LTAU alphax ipoint s p; % DECLARE AND INITIALIZE LOCAL VARIABLES depth = 2; % CALCULATE THE CONFIDENCE FACTOR ALPHA, USED AS A THRESHOLD SLOPE IN % SEESAW. IF UNVOICED, SET HIGH SLOPE SO THAT EVERY POINT IN P ARRAY % IS MARKED AS A POTENTIAL PITCH FREQUENCY. A SCALED UP VERSION (ALPHAX) % IS USED TO MAINTAIN ARITHMETIC PRECISION. if voice == 1 alphax = 0.75*alphax + amdf(minptr)*0.5; else alphax = (0.984375)*alphax; end alpha = alphax*0.06250; if (voice==0) & (alphax<128) alpha = 8; end % SEESAW: CONSTRUCT A PITCH POINTER ARRAY AND INTERMEDIATE WINNER FUNCTION % LEFT TO RIGHT PASS iptr = ipoint+1; p(1,iptr) = 1; i = 1; pbar = 1; sbar = s(1); for i = 1:LTAU sbar = sbar + alpha; if sbar < s(i) s(i) = sbar; p(i,iptr) = pbar; else sbar = s(i); p(i,iptr) = i; pbar = i; end end % RIGHT TO LEFT PASS i = pbar-1; sbar = s(pbar); while i >= 1 sbar = sbar + alpha; if sbar < s(i) s(i) = sbar; p(i,iptr) = pbar; else pbar = p(i,iptr); i = pbar;

sbar = s(i); end i = i-1; end % UPDATE S USING AMDF % FIND MAXIMUM, MINIMUM, AND LOCATION OF MINIMUM s = s + ( amdf .* 0.5 ); maxsc = max(s); [ minsc, midx ] = min(s); % SUBTRACT MINSC FROM S TO PREVENT OVERFLOW s = s - minsc; maxsc = maxsc - minsc; % USE HIGHER OCTAVE PITCH IF SIGNIFICANT NULL THERE j = 0; for i = 20:10:40 if midx > i if s(midx-i) < maxsc*0.25 j = i; end end end midx = midx - j; % TRACE: LOOK BACK TWO FRAMES TO FIND MINIMUM COST PITCH ESTIMATE j = ipoint; pitch = midx; for i = 1:depth j = rem(j,depth) + 1; pitch = p(pitch,j); path(i) = pitch; end ipoint = rem( ipoint+depth-1,depth );

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