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% MATLAB SIMULATION OF FS-1015 LPC-10e % COPYRIGHT (C) 1996-99 ANDREAS SPANIAS and TED PAINTER % % % % % % % % % % % This Copyright applies

only to this particular MATLAB implementation of the LPC-10e coder. The MATLAB software is intended only for educational purposes. No other use is intended or authorized. This is not a public domain program and unauthorized distribution to individuals or networks is prohibited. Be aware that use of the standard in any form is goverened by rules of the US DoD. This program is free software. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. There is no commitment or even implied commitment on behalf of Andreas Spanias or Ted Painter for maintenance or support of this code.

% MATLAB is trademark of The Mathworks Inc % ALL DERIVATIVE WORKS MUST INCLUDE THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE. % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % ****************************************************************** ANALYS 2-21-94 ****************************************************************** DESCRIPTION LPC analysis driver. Determines pitch, voicing, rms energy, and reflection coefficients for each frame of input speech. DESIGN NOTES See version 52 release notes. VARIABLES INPUTS speech analysState onsetState OUTPUTS voice pitch rms rc onsetState analysState INTERNALS lo mid hi osbuf osptr vwin obound i, j, half fsum Input speech samples (-1.0 to 1.0) ANALYS.M static variables, stored in a single matrix ONSET.M static variables, stored in a single matrix Voicing decisions (2) Pitch estimate RMS energy measurement Reflection coefficients (10) ONSET.M static variables, stored in a single matrix ANALYS.M static variables, stored in a single matrix Speech buffer base index, frame 1 Speech buffer base index, frame 2 Speech buffer base index, frame 3 Onset buffer (buffer of onset indicies) Free pointer into osbuf Voicing window locations (start, end indicies) Onset boundary descriptions Loop counters Long term DC bias estimator summation

% ivrc - Inverse filter reflection coefficients % amdf - Average magnitude difference, 1 lag per lag in tau % minptr - Index of minimum amdf value % maxptr - Index of maximum amdf value % mintau - Lag corresponding to minimum AMDF value % midx - Initial estimate of current frame pitch % ipitch - Raw and final pitch estimates % lanal - Length of LPC analysis window % dcbl - PEBUF lower bound for short term dc bias removal % dcbh - PEBUF upper bound for short term dc bias removal % abuf - LPC analysis temporary buffer % elen - Energy window length % elo - ABUF lower bound for energy computation % ehi - ABUF upper bound for energy computation % phi - LPC covariance matrix % psi - LPC covariance vector % p1, p2, p3 - Zero padding variables for state matricies (statics) % % GLOBALS % inbuf - Raw speech, scaled to 12 bits magnitude + sign % pebuf - Preemphasized speech % bias - Estimate of long term DC bias % lpbuf - Low pass speech buffer % ivbuf - Inverse filtered speech % tau - Table of AMDF lags % voibuf - Voicing decisions on windows in vwin % awin - Analysis window indicies % ewin - Energy window indicies % rmsbuf - RMS energy % rcbuf - Reflection coefficients % guiSbuf1 - Input signal buffering for graphical display % guiSbuf2 " " " % guiSin " " " % % CONSTANTS % LFRAME - Input speech frame size % OSLEN - Onset buffer length % AF - The analysis frame % SBUFL - Lower index of speech buffers % ORDER - LPC predictor order % % ****************************************************************** function [ voice, pitch, rms, rc, analysState, onsetState ] = ... analys( speech, analysState, onsetState ) % DECLARE GLOBAL CONSTANTS global LFRAME OSLEN AF SBUFL ORDER; % DECLARE GLOBAL VARIABLES global inbuf pebuf bias lpbuf ivbuf tau voibuf awin ewin rmsbuf rcbuf; global guiSbuf1 guiSbuf2 guiSin; % INITIALIZE USEFUL CONSTANTS lo = LFRAME; mid = 2 * LFRAME; hi = 3 * LFRAME; % RESTORE STATIC VARIABLES osbuf = analysState( 1:OSLEN, 1 );

osptr = analysState( 1, 2 ); vwin = analysState( 1:2, 3:5 ); obound = analysState( 1:3, 6 ); % ANALYSIS BUFFER HOLDS 3 SPEECH FRAMES. DISCARD OLDEST AND SHIFT MOST % RECENT FRAMES INTO POSITION. THIS PREPARES FOR LOADING A NEW FRAME. inbuf( 1:mid ) = inbuf( lo+1:hi ); pebuf( 1:mid ) = pebuf( lo+1:hi ); lpbuf( 1:516 ) = lpbuf( 181:696 ); ivbuf( 1:132 ) = ivbuf( 181:312 ); % SAVE ANY ONSET INDICIES GREATER THAN LFRAME, ADJUSTED FOR NEW FRAME j = 1; for i = 1 : osptr - 1 if osbuf( i ) > LFRAME osbuf( j ) = osbuf( i ) - LFRAME; j = j + 1; end end osptr = j; % UPDATE WINDOW INDICIES voibuf(1,1) = voibuf(1,2); voibuf(2,1) = voibuf(2,2); for i = 1 : AF - 1 vwin( 1, i ) = vwin( 1, i + 1 ) - LFRAME; vwin( 2, i ) = vwin( 2, i + 1 ) - LFRAME; awin( 1, i ) = awin( 1, i + 1 ) - LFRAME; awin( 2, i ) = awin( 2, i + 1 ) - LFRAME; ewin( 1, i ) = ewin( 1, i + 1 ) - LFRAME; ewin( 2, i ) = ewin( 2, i + 1 ) - LFRAME; obound( i ) = obound( i + 1 ); voibuf( 1, i + 1 ) = voibuf( 1, i + 2 ); voibuf( 2, i + 1 ) = voibuf( 2, i + 2 ); rmsbuf( i ) = rmsbuf( i + 1 ); rcbuf( 1:ORDER, i ) = rcbuf( 1:ORDER, i + 1 ); end % COPY NEWEST INPUT FRAME TO THE ANALYSIS BUFFER, REMOVING LONG TERM DC BIAS. inbuf( mid + 1 : hi ) = ( speech .* 4096 ) - bias; % UPDATE BIAS ESTIMATE fsum = sum( inbuf( mid + 1 : hi ) ); if fsum > LFRAME bias = bias + 1; end if fsum < -LFRAME bias = bias - 1; end % APPLY PREEMPHASIS FILTER TO FLATTEN INPUT SPECTRUM FOR LPC ANALYSIS, % THEN FIND ONSETS AND PLACE VOICING WINDOW pebuf( mid+1:hi ) = preemp( inbuf( mid + 1 : hi ), 0.4 ); [ osbuf, osptr, onsetState ] = onset( pebuf, osbuf, osptr, onsetState ); [ obound( AF ), vwin ] = placev( osbuf, osptr, vwin ); lpbuf( 517:696 ) = lpfilt31( inbuf( 359:538 ) ); [ ivbuf( 133:312 ), ivrc ] = ivfilt( lpbuf ); [ amdf, minptr, maxptr, mintau ] = tbdm( ivbuf, tau ); % GENERATE VOICING STATE ESTIMATES FOR EACH HALF FRAME

for half = 1:2 voibuf = voicing( vwin, inbuf, lpbuf, half, amdf(minptr), ... amdf(maxptr), mintau, ivrc, obound, voibuf ); end % FIND THE MINIMUM COST PITCH DECISION OVER SEVERAL FRAMES GIVEN THE % CURRENT VOICING DECISION AND THE AMDF ARRAY [ pitch, midx ] = dyptrk( amdf, minptr, voibuf(2,AF+1) ); ipitch = tau(midx); % PLACE THE SPECTRUM ANALYSIS AND ENERGY WINDOWS [ awin, ewin ] = placea( ipitch, voibuf, obound(AF), vwin, awin, ewin ); lanal = awin(2,AF) + 1 - awin(1,AF); % REMOVE SHORT-TERM DC BIAS OVER THE ANALYSIS WINDOW, PUT RESULT IN ABUF dcbl = awin(1,AF) - SBUFL + 1; dcbh = awin(1,AF) - SBUFL + lanal; abuf = dcbias( lanal, pebuf(dcbl:dcbh) ); % COMPUTE RMS ENERGY OVER INTEGER NUMBER OF PITCH PERIODS WITHIN % THE ANALYSIS WINDOW elen = ewin(2,AF) - ewin(1,AF) + 1; elo = ewin(1,AF) - awin(1,AF) + 1; ehi = elo + elen - 1; rmsbuf(AF) = energy( elen, abuf(elo:ehi) ); % ALLOW GRAPHICAL OUTPUT TO TRACK LPC-10 BUFFERING BY TRIPLE BUFFERING % INPUT SIGNAL FOR DELAYED DISPLAY OUTPUT. % THIS WILL ALLOW SIMULTANEOUS DISPLAY OF SYNTHESIZER OUTPUT AND % CORRESPONDING ANALYZER INPUT. % DATA ENTERS AT STAGE 2, IS SHIFTED TO STAGE 1, AND FINALLY TO Sin. guiSin = guiSbuf1; guiSbuf1 = guiSbuf2; guiSbuf2 = abuf; % MATRIX LOAD AND INVERT, CHECK REFLECTION COEFFICIENTS FOR STABILITY [ phi, psi ] = mload( lanal, abuf ); rcbuf = invert( phi, psi, rcbuf ); rcbuf = rcchk( rcbuf ); % SET RETURN PARAMETERS voice = voibuf(:,AF-1); rms = rmsbuf(AF-2); rc = rcbuf(:,AF-2); % PRESERVE STATIC VARIABLES p1=zeros(9,1); p2=zeros(8,3); p3=zeros(7,1); analysState = [ osbuf, [osptr;p1], [vwin;p2], [obound;p3] ];

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