SPOAGPOA ExternalAffairsBackup

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External Affairs Cluster SPOA and GPOA by Jerome R.

Sabidong Purpose : Back up SPOA and GPOA for special elections.

General Plans of Action

Fetch-Decode-Execute To implement the duties of the External Affairs Cluster, I have decided to take it to a whole new level : Fetch-Decode-Execute. In Computer Science, Fetch-Decode-Execute is a concept that lies within the very basics of computing. Any computer fetches instructions, decodes these instructions and execute it. In Laymans terms, its like input-process-output. If ever I will be elected as the External Affairs Cluster Coordinator, I will perform these three actions : Fetch - Gather information from the outside through active participation in lectures, symposiums and other talks within or outside the university which are geared toward the improvement of the organizations welfare and awareness. Also, connections to other organizations will be established and strengthened through constant updates between the involved organizations. Decode - Within the organization, externals will be made felt to the members through the continuation of our official publication and the website. To avoid cramming in the creation of publicity materials, I will implement a request for publicity materials form to be accomplished before the materials can be worked on. Execute - Members of the External Affairs Cluster will be trained / given guidance to deliver appealing publicity materials. Aside from this, the release of the materials will also be strategized to reach maximum visibility to the public, which in effect making it more efficient.

Specific Plans of Action

Fetch ..shall be the organizations liaison to other organizations.. shall take charge of updating other organizations on its activities.
- in line with this responsibility, strong ties will be established with other organizations within the university through active participation in the seminars, lecture series and symposiums organized by the Office of Student Affairs and University Student Council which are geared towards the improvement of the organizations welfare. I will make sure that at least 2 people will be present in these events, or at least the minimum number of people required.

Decode ..take charge of the organizations publications..

- Sidereal Times will be published twice if possible. There will be at least 10 copies present in

Last Revised : 8 June 2012

the tambayan so that members will be able to read. These copies will be kept in the library and should be accessible to those who want to read it (even non-members). I want to give one copy to the associate members who are outside of the university / city / country if the funds will allow. - Website Integration and Private URL. My goal by the end of the semester / term is to have our own website address (paid and reliable private host) and integrate all the past blogs into one, main website (not blogsite). - Request for Publicity Materials and Permits Dashboard. This will be made to avoid cramming in the creation of publicity materials and processing permits for requests. It will be a panel board which will be accessible to all the members but will can only be edited by the external affairs cluster. This will include the purpose, the point person, details and other information necessary to the processing of the permit.

Execute ..take charge of the organizations publicity and information campaigns.

- Deliver appealing publicity materials. Aside from producing these, locations of posting will be planned many days before the event to achieve maximum efficiency. - I also want to organize, together with the finance cluster, tie-ups for every events and fundraising projects. - I also propose that there should be money allotted for calling possible companies / sponsors when marketing event/s. Being dedicated to the betterment of the organization, I would like to improve on my proposed plans as my term goes on and create significant projects for the External Affairs Cluster.

Last Revised : 8 June 2012

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