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Goulburn Valley Water Electromagnetic Flow Meter Installation - Design Guideline

Description: The following design manual details how a electromagnetic flow meter (meter) is to be installed within GVWs systems. This will enable GVW to accurately measure the volume and flow rate of water entering, leaving and within water storages, Water Treatment Plants (WTP), Wastewater Management Facilities (WMF), Sewerage Pump Stations (SPS) and the reticulation network; as well as to monitor non revenue water (NRW) losses such as evaporation seepage, process water disposal and reticulation leaks. For preferred actual locations for flow meter installations please see Sub Metering Design Manual. Objective: To ensure flow meters are installed to allow for accurate tracking of volumes and flow rates. Reference Documents: Component Description 1. Suppliers Refer to the preferred equipment list 2. Meter priority GVW classes its meters based on priority. This is used to determine installation requirements, ongoing maintenance and replacement of the meter. Meters shall be classed as follows; Priority 1 (P1) Meters for ESC requirements and revenue, WTP raw water and flow to town Priority 2 (P2) SPS to WMF, WMF tertiary treatment inflow and flow to rivers. Priority 3 (P3) Other SPS, internal plant, onsite irrigation and all others. Design Manual for Sub Metering Non Revenue Bulk Flow Meters >50mm - Preferred Suppliers, Installation and Maintenance Requirements, November 2009, TRIM 090/035/94

Goulburn Valley Water Electromagnetic Flow Meter Installation - Design Guideline


New meter accuracy (from factory) The accuracy of the flow tube sensor from the factory is to be a maximum +/-0.5%.


Meter size selection The meters size is to be based on the expected flow velocities within the pipeline and is not to be selected to just match the pipe size. This is particularly important when replacing meters as the operating conditions may have changed from when the original meter was installed.


Pre-delivery inspection A pre delivery diagnostic check is to be conducted on the meter in the factory before delivery to the site. This is to provide a finger print of the meter for future reference.


Upstream/downstream installation requirement The straight length of pipe requirements pre and post the meter, expressed as a ratio multiplied by the pipe diameter are listed in the table below; Required Preferred Minimum Special Cases (excludes P1 meters) Prior approval required - must show good cause Ratio 20:10 10:5 5:3

Example: pipe diameter 150mm = Upstream requirement 3m (150mm x 20): Downstream requirement 1.5m (150mm x 10). No valve, bend, join, injection point or other cause of flow disturbance is to be within 3m upstream of the meter and 1.5m downstream of the meter.


Power Preference Primary 240v AC mains power, or 24v DC Secondary Battery.

Goulburn Valley Water Electromagnetic Flow Meter Installation - Design Guideline


Installation location preference Above Ground. Below ground meters located in a pit are acceptable if required for operational reasons. Buried meters are not accepted.


Pit requirements All below ground meters are to be installed in a pit, see Diagram B. Pit lids shall be light weight and easily opened. Bollards to be installed to protect pit from vehicle traffic loads.


Below ground installation depth requirements No deeper than 1.5m.


Below ground installation protection requirements All meters installed below ground are to be rated to IP68, potted and Denso wrapped, even when immersion in water is not expected. It is important to protect the flow sensor by completely packing the entire sensor (housing, bolts/nuts, and flanges) with Denso mastic (400), then wrap it with Denso tape (600), followed by Denso PVC overwrap tape (931).


Earthing/fluid contact rings Earthing or fluid contact rings when supplied are to be installed as per manufactures specifications. This includes the installation of bonding wire when required by the manufacturers specifications.


Gaskets Neoprene gaskets are to be fitted on both flanges of the flow sensor.


Cables Cables between the sensor and transmitter are to be run in a separate conduit and not run with power cables. Cables between the transmitter and SCADA equipment are to be run in a separate, good quality screened conduit and not run with power cables. 5

Goulburn Valley Water Electromagnetic Flow Meter Installation - Design Guideline


Injection points Chemical injection points are not to be installed near meters. If injection points are required near a meter then they shall be installed 20 diameters downstream of the meter.


Transmitters Transmitters or readouts are to be securely mounted in an easily accessible location out of direct sunlight. They may be installed in a suitably sized cabinet with an isolation switch.


Meter terminations All terminations are shall be as per the manufactures specifications and not as per general electrical terminations.


Potting of terminal box The meters terminal box located on the flow sensor is to be fully potted.


Cathodically protected assets For meters required near or on assets provided with impressed current cathodic protection such as tanks and pipelines, the manufactures recommendations for installation in cathodically protect pipelines shall apply. GVW shall be consulted to see if an asset has impressed current cathodic protection.


Training Installers and appropriate GVW staff to be certified by the ABB installation course.


Australian Technical Standard 4747.5-2008 meters for non-urban water supply Be adopted as minimum requirements for meter installation, supplemented by this report.

Goulburn Valley Water Electromagnetic Flow Meter Installation - Design Guideline


Installed meter inspection, pre GVW acceptance Meter to pass diagnostic check (verification) after installation and prior to GVW acceptance.


Flow checking Installation to allow enough room left for flow check by clamp on meter (only P1 meters when in a pit).P1 meters flow checking point to be reviewed before installation.


Clamp on flow meter requirements To be included in O&M manuals. i.e. pipe type and thickness, lining type and thickness


SCADA connection To be discussed at project inception meeting.

Version No. 1.0 2.0 2.1

Date Apr 2010 Sept 2010 June 2011

Description Original draft issue Revised Format Revised Format

Prepared by: Adam Glasson Jeff Block Adam Glasson

Approved by: Steven Nash

Goulburn Valley Water Electromagnetic Flow Meter Installation - Design Guideline Schematic Plans

Goulburn Valley Water Electromagnetic Flow Meter Installation - Design Guideline

Installation Photos

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