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Daily Lesson Plan Subject Date Time Class No.

of Pupils Age Level Teaching Context Topic : English : 29 June 2011(Wednesday) : 10.30 a.m. 11.30 a.m. :3 : 20 students : 9 years old : Average : World of Knowledge : Occupation

Curriculum Specifications (CS): 1.3.1 Listen to and understand key words in stories heard. 1.5.3 Listen to and understand simple factual texts. 2.3.1 Responding to Wh questions. Focused Skills Integrated Skill Language Input : Listening : Reading and Writing. : Grammar : Nouns

Integrated Subject : Visual Arts and Music. Previous Knowledge : 1. Pupils have learnt nouns in the previous lesson. 2. Pupils have learnt about the topic (Occupation) and have prior knowledge about this topic. Critical Thinking Skills: Relating, Identifying and Visualizing, Attributing and Determining. Moral Values : Co-operative, Helpfulness Teaching Aids : Garfield tag, Laptop, LCD, Powerpoint Slideshow, Worksheets, Picture of Occupations, Song, Speaker

Learning Outcomes : By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: i) Listen to and understand simple texts. ii) Listen to the text and identify at least five nouns correctly. iii) Respond to at least three Wh questions correctly.

Stage / Time

Topic / Content Imagining to be Garfield.

Teaching And Learning Activities Teachers & Pupils Activities

1. Teacher draws the pupils attention by sticking the


Remarks TA : Garfield sticker. CCTS : Relating

Set Induction (+ 5 mins)

Garfiel d

To create interest and Garfield sticker on his shirt, pretends to be Garfield. curiosity towards 2. Teacher asks the students about occupation that they the lesson and to know. draw pupils attention. 3. Teacher tells the students that he is searching for an occupation.

Questions: 1. Do you know what this person do? Pre2. Can u name this Listening occupations? (+ 15 mins)

1. Teacher shows to the students a few pictures about occupation using Microsoft PowerPoint. 2. Teacher explains about the occupation one by one to the students. 3. Students listen to the explanation and will respond to the Wh question that the teacher asks regarding the pictures and explanation given. 1.Teacher will read some text about occupations without saying what the occupations are. 2.While listening to the texts, the students will guess what are the occupations. 3.If wrong, teacher will read the texts again and the students will listen and try to guess what are the occupations again.

To give explains and give information about occupations in the slideshow. To enhance their listening skil.

TA : Laptop, LCD, Microsoft Powerpoint Slides.

CCTS : Visualizing and Identifying

Grammar : Nouns Example: While 1) Policeman Listening 2) Nurse (10 3) Teacher mins)

TA : Text of Occupations

PostListening Production: (+ 25 Listen and Write mins)

1. Teacher asks the students to work in pair. 2. Teacher distributes to each pair 2 set of short stories about the occupation. [1 complete version and 1 is incomplete version] that they represent. 3. Teacher asks the students to tell about the occupation to their partner. As the partner read the

To get pupils to be proactive and to put their knowledge into practice.

TA :Short story (complete and incomplete version) Moral Values: Co-operation, Polite.

story, another student will try to complete the text. 4. Teacher reminds the students to use polite phrases such as Can you repeat that please? or Can you spell the word for me whenever they want their partner to repeat of spell the words. 5.After finish, they will exchange the worksheets and the other person will read while their partner will check whether the answers given are correct or wrong. TA : Laptop, Speaker, Im A Policeman song. CCTS : Evaluating & Making Conclusion

Closure (+ 5 mins)

1. Teacher plays the song entitled Im A Policeman. 2. Students listen to the song and sing together. 3. Then, teacher asks the students about what they have learnt in the lesson. 4. Teacher recaps the lesson.

To end the lesson with some excitement.

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