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9:52 Added: 3 years ago From: ILUMINUX Views: 104,219 Sort by time | Sort by thread (beta)

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These are not coffins... they are floatation devices that they use for making floating docks for things like fish farms, long lines for Oyster farming, prawn traps etc. they are very common where I live.
fahansen 1 day ago

I so a Tv program in Romania about FEMA. A romanian army general,named Emil Strainu,confirmed everything you talk about in this video.So it might be true.
2diks 1 day ago show

This has been flagged as spam ClothesOptional 3 days ago

it's a resident evil......LIFE! soon.

ZacharysGamingExp 4 days ago

nice.......fucking shit.....alsonice Resident evil 2 theme

ZacharysGamingExp 4 days ago

The alien invasion is at hand! This will be what wipes out 90% of the population. What other way could the NWO happen? Aliens! The New World Order is when the ruling powers masters or according to the ancients "Gods"

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return. They will come to dictate us.Those who disobey will die. Thus you see the many coffins. It will likely begin at the olympics as many people will be watching it worldwide and everyone will witness "first contact". So I suggest anyone who is out of london to stay away. 0 Unsaved Playlist
TJD005 5 days ago


"From time immemorial, however, the Jews have known better than any others how falsehood and calumny can be exploited. Is not their very existence founded on one great lie, namely, that they are a religious community, whereas in reality they are a race? And what a race! One of the greatest thinkers that mankind has produced has branded the Jews for all time with a statement which is profoundly and exactly true.
morrison2791 5 days ago

He (Schopenhauer) called the Jew The Great Master of Lies. Those who do not realize the truth of that statement, or do not wish to believe it, will never be able to lend a hand in helping Truth to prevail."
morrison2791 in reply to morrison2791 (Show the comment) 5 days ago

I own 299 999 550 of these. I will bury you all. FemaFuckTards.
Forensource 6 days ago

bodies.... hmm lots of them.... hmm milions of them or so the theory goes.. hmm what did hitler do again??? ah yes thats right he built cofins and then buried the jews... oh no wait that would have taken months... ah..!!! thats right he burnt them!! over. virus, poison,desease, mass execution...whatever. bodis would be burnt not buried! less google more outside!
jfmn24 6 days ago

Most people are just plain ignorant and know nothing about the NWO and some people do know but reject. they are to afraid to have to evaluate their reality and way of life and what i say to those people is this * WAKE THE FUCK UP* "The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the world he did not Exist" and one of my personal quotes" Naivety gives birth to Ignorance"
TJ Samuel 1 w eek ago 5
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DOES ANYONE even watch the videos anymore before they give their opinion. At 3:51 of this video the guy says "Their called casket liners": A casket is a container where you put a Corpse in, and WHY THEY FUCK ARE THERE SO MANY?. its not like someone literally dies every bloody 2 seconds. (People OPEN your EYES at WHAT IS GOING ON)people of YouTube, especially the AWAKENED ONES stop making youtube videos on the Illuminati and the NWO and ACT ON IT.
TJ Samuel 1 w eek ago 4

How to act on it?

meusisto in reply to TJ Samuel (Show the comment) 2 days ago

There are actually 2 deaths every second. Conspiracy theorists love to off on rants just because they don't know the facts.
GuardianoftheSource in reply to TJ Samuel (Show the comment) 7 hours ago

You know the only reason why Christianity made it's way out of the middleeast is through mass genocide of many other cultures right? So stfu up about your revelations bullshit. Your religion is flawed.
SithSw agg 1 w eek ago This has been flagged as spam Sala Americana 1 w eek ago This has been flagged as spam Sala Americana 1 w eek ago show


from a purely unbiased person: from all the research ive done the whle fema death camp thing is retarded and full of paranoia
ILITTHEWORLDONFIRE 1 w eek ago This has been flagged as spam 6dune 1 w eek ago Comment removed Author w ithheld show

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lokaw idu in reply to HistoryCentral (Show the comment) 1 w eek ago This has been flagged as spam show anthonyontherocks 1 w eek ago

LOL, fucking bullshit.

jesuriah 1 w eek ago

Bozo's, hope there's no children around you.

SablePhoenixBlu1 1 w eek ago

come on people just think ! if i was the government and about to have loads of corpses on the back, i'll just dig a big hole, would be faster and noone would ever notice anything
Sebastien Hardy 1 w eek ago

All the decomposing bodies will contaminate ground water and cause disease. Plastic "Coffin liners" prevent ground water contamination and air bourn disease.
MrVetari1 in reply to Sebastien Hardy (Show the comment) 2 days ago

well puting a liner withing your big hole isn't much complex ! but you're right, these a cuffins that prevent ground water contamination within regular cemetries !!! it's a cuffin within which wooden cuffins are put that's all. Vantage, the company that builds those cuffins, has been making them for years !!! NO NEW WORLD ORDER
Sebastien Hardy in reply to MrVetari1 (Show the comment) 2 days ago

Religion is for cowards

beesleeper 2 w eeks ago

doers of evil, evil doers

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BenGoldking 2 w eeks ago

I just took a huge shit on your Christian bible and then I cleaned up with a confederate flag. It's called Creative Reuse.
beesleeper 2 w eeks ago

either way you can't cover our faith with your shit.
DcLover5093 in reply to beesleeper (Show the comment) 2 w eeks ago

lokaw idu in reply to beesleeper (Show the comment) 1 w eek ago

Zombie breeding box

RealCandyRayne 2 w eeks ago

lokaw idu in reply to RealCandyRayne (Show the comment) 1 w eek ago

Is that the ending music from Resident Evil 2 in the background?

Lickthecloth 2 w eeks ago

Lol it's all RE2 music. Great choice!

Lickthecloth in reply to Lickthecloth (Show the comment) 2 w eeks ago

Although I'm skeptical of FEMA theory, I do feel that there are hundreds of thousands of people in the US (if not more) whose absence would make our country a better place.
JohnQRandom 2 w eeks ago

sad but true....most of them are in politics or in Hollywood. :)

alasjajo in reply to JohnQRandom (Show the comment) 2 w eeks ago

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Mmmmm, actually I'm thinking more like the thugs in prison, not the jews. : )
JohnQRandom in reply to alasjajo (Show the comment) 2 w eeks ago


lokaw idu in reply to JohnQRandom (Show the comment) 1 w eek ago

What have mass murderers personally done to you? Nothing, but get rid of them anyway.
JohnQRandom in reply to lokaw idu (Show the comment) 1 w eek ago

Maybe, but if a war with Iran breaks out wouldn't their terrorist cells here go after nuclear facilities hear in the US and water also. Like damns and water purification plants. Just another possibility to consider. Just have to be prepared for everything i guess. Fucking depressing.
rds13601 2 w eeks ago

casket liner. "certainly this is too big for the inside of a casket" didn't even consider they might line the OUTSIDE of a casket
hayyryan 3 w eeks ago

FEMA Concentration Camps And Coffins For The American People Now that's an idea worth a vote!!! Get over yourselves you paranoid, juvenile illiterati!
tafw illiams 3 w eeks ago


Amauri9191 3 w eeks ago

The CDC and every other organizations acronym you care to mention answer to the same force.
01ProFfs 3 w eeks ago

I do well understand why you are in denial. Please wake up.

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3 w eeks ago

It will look more humane to bury the victims of your planned mass extinction in caskets venenceif
01ProFfs 3 w eeks ago

why are they so absecretive out it? and since when did the CDC get involved in cremation and burials!
rusavedbychrist 4 w eeks ago

Burn these cascets to fucks! It's plastic, will burn just fine.
raepood 4 w eeks ago

Please put your tinfoilhat back on and take your medication.

darkiee69 4 w eeks ago This has been flagged as spam show MiClLC in reply to darkiee69 (Show the comment) 3 w eeks ago Comment removed Author w ithheld

Awfully big for a coffin

jedimomg 4 w eeks ago

way to big for a coffin looks like storage bins.

ragtagw anderer in reply to jedimomg (Show the comment) 4 w eeks ago

This has been flagged as spam show MiClLC in reply to jedimomg (Show the comment) 3 w eeks ago Comment removed Author w ithheld

IKR i agree with u @wikkid61

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vera0977 1 month ago

Lot of trolls who believe they are not coffins. Why the curse and insults? Afraid of the truth?
w ikkid61 1 month ago

Ever heard of Hurricane Katrina and the very fact our planet had the moon as close compared to anytime in history-hey-waves and earthquakes are caused by the moon in rotating in a Foci-ever wander qwhy these are only in the south east and no where else? The very fact that Haiti(an Island nation), Japan(an island nation), Philippines(an island nation), and New Zealand(an Island nation) has had their most destructive forces in the last two years? Same with Turkey.
daveme7 1 month ago

Lets pretend for a minute those Island countries never got hit but what we saw there in those countries Texas,Louisiana Alabama, and Florida? Your a scientist might be hinkey stuff going on with the moon and earth rotations-is it better to warn everyone to leave the south east or let the authorities know and despite everything with Katrina-now a very forward thinking govt organizationshould we warn everyone without knowing what will happen?
daveme7 in reply to daveme7 (Show the comment) 1 month ago

SO FUCKING put a fucking casket inside of a casket liner.. bitches...

spicyguava 1 month ago

How about Grave Liners ? Caskets in many places are placed inside of fibreglass grave liners.
rhykko77 1 month ago

Why would there be a need for coffins? Just cremate all the bodies like they did in Nazi Germany its a waste of production and time making so many obese sized coffins, assuming a catastrophic event happened, bodies will be buried without coffins in the midst of so much turmoil. Its just silly, unless its for the employees?
Blackjack3905 1 month ago

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this doesn't bother me.i'm glad that in the event of a catastrophe i would be put in one of these better that than bulldozed into a mass grave pit like in Haiti.they might even have refer trucks that they load these into so that you might one day be identified for proper burial.but i can see why people might be alarmed.but why would they go thru the trouble if they could just put us in a ditch and drop napalm on us?
chris gervais 1 month ago

These guys are idiots. These are grave liners that are put in the ground first, and then the casket is placed inside it. They're commonly used in graveyards all over the country.
tracyfamily 1 month ago

Those aren't caskets, they are burial vaults used in just about every cemetery in the US.
jmarkma 1 month ago 7

Yes indeed - but of course these morons love to come up with crazy conclusions, lol
tracyfamily in reply to jmarkma (Show the comment) 1 month ago

Do you happen to be a dis-information agent?

calambproductions in reply to jmarkma (Show the comment) 3 w eeks ago

No, I just happen to work in the funeral industry and know what I'm talking about.
jmarkma in reply to calambproductions (Show the comment) 3 w eeks ago

Why does FEMA have so much of them?

meusisto in reply to jmarkma (Show the comment) 2 w eeks ago

If the NWO's plan to kill 90% of the population is true, they're for us.
Lickthecloth in reply to meusisto (Show the comment) 2 w eeks ago

Let us take guns then!

meusisto in reply to Lickthecloth (Show the comment) 2 w eeks ago

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If Romney gets in, your 2nd amendment rights to do that are gone.
Lickthecloth in reply to meusisto (Show the comment) 2 w eeks ago

I'm from Brazil. My rights to do that have already been gone. Fight for yours.
meusisto in reply to Lickthecloth (Show the comment) 2 days ago

And the 1st

MrVetari1 in reply to Lickthecloth (Show the comment) 2 days ago This has been flagged as spam show lokaw idu in reply to Lickthecloth (Show the comment) 1 w eek ago

You fucking idiot these are not something you just bury your family member in!!! Not one man is buried in one of these, so wake up and notice that the country your living in is not free my pal... It's soon to be empty, and cold as fuck so wake up and realize it
RedhotDubbysteppers in reply to jmarkma (Show the comment) 2 w eeks ago

Loosen up the tinfoil moron. Or better yet try to educate yourself since you seem to suffer from ignorance. Call your local funeral home and ask them if they use plastic vaults or "grave liners". They simply prevent the ground from caving in when the casket deteriorates. And for anyone believing this is some kind of gov't conspiracy why the hell would they be preparing for mass burials with vaults intended for one person?
jmarkma in reply to RedhotDubbysteppers (Show the comment) 2 w eeks ago

Either way they're anticipating a lot of people dying. They wouldn't buy that many and store them in random places in the U.S.
YouFugginRight in reply to jmarkma (Show the comment) 1 w eek ago

Either way, you wouldn't fit in one you fat idiot.

CampyDef in reply to YouFugginRight (Show the comment) 1 w eek ago

you smell like shit dude

YouFugginRight in reply to CampyDef (Show the comment) 1 w eek ago

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#YOLO brah
CampyDef in reply to YouFugginRight (Show the comment) 1 w eek ago

Theoretically speaking if they needed to kill everyone, wouldn't they use those?
lordnivek12 in reply to jmarkma (Show the comment) 6 days ago

i say these coffins look very cosy indeed can anyone get a a reservation or does one have to book weeks in advance . Im writing off this very day certainly don't want to be left out
mrmagicroundcircle 1 month ago

Fema camps are a good idea. American Jews inside the camp pending further transport to Madagascar.
MrOdeshog 1 month ago Comment removed Author w ithheld This has been flagged as spam show augustmaquet in reply to HistoryCentral (Show the comment) 2 w eeks ago This has been flagged as spam show augustmaquet in reply to HistoryCentral (Show the comment) 2 w eeks ago This has been flagged as spam show augustmaquet in reply to HistoryCentral (Show the comment) 2 w eeks ago This has been flagged as spam show augustmaquet in reply to HistoryCentral (Show the comment) 2 w eeks ago

@joyeeplee No,because they are using trying to get rid of people by decreasing,because u know how lots of people are against the Governor,oh and another thing is that they know we know all of this,so the illuminate are decreasing people.but they are going to soon.and BTW,we still have chances to watch these videos.Jesus Christ is letting us know all of this,but soon we won't be able to watch these these things.THATS WHY PEOPLE NEED TO KNOW.

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vera0977 1 month ago

Ok does this mean these coffins were made in case of a nuclear war (which hasnt happened yet ?
Joyeeplee 1 month ago

their for u and me not war.

w hatisskill in reply to Joyeeplee (Show the comment) 1 month ago Comment removed Author w ithheld

Please: consider going to RAND's Website. for: RM-365. while you are there, search for "LSD studies". Finally... declassified and posted at the Source. Once U see RM-365 and understand RAND... you will see the above is 'psychological war and/or sales'. In USA... it SELLS! People watch the Featured Shit and... buy survival gear and a new truck. Serious. In total it causes Spending, exactly as PLANNED.
RisePatriot 1 month ago Comment removed Author w ithheld

Ok, it gets even MORE OBVIOUS. Think People: which company is the ONLY company that Most Certainly Benefits From High-Click Youtube Videos? Youtube and Google. It is NOT a Ponzi Scheme. It is the Creation of an Advertising Tableau that allows ads to be channeled to YOU based on what YOU view on ... youtube... of course.
RisePatriot in reply to DianaLR27 (Show the comment) 1 month ago This has been flagged as spam show luckystrikebrand1983 1 month ago

Now that I had a good look at them toes are the "The Hercules Airseal Vault" And just kind of an FYI the flat part is the bottom, the round part is the top. The aght of the soil on the top portion (the round part the guy was laying in) forms a Hermedik seal with the bass plate (the flat part) Most states requir a grave liner for below ground burials.

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luckystrikebrand1983 in reply to luckystrikebrand1983 (Show the comment) 1 month ago Comment removed Author w ithheld This has been flagged as spam show ConspiracyRealism 2 months ago This has been flagged as spam rurouni18 2 months ago Comment removed Author w ithheld show

You're underestimating the impact a pandemic has on a nation. If a lethal disease were to be spread throughout the USA, you'd end up with a lot of dead bodies.. that's where FEMA coffins come into play.
Zeroxidy in reply to stephen52100 (Show the comment) 2 months ago show

This has been flagged as spam duski0069 2 months ago

This has been flagged as spam show Ganseblumchen12 2 months ago

Conspiracy freaks don't think things thru. If they wanted to exterminate a bunch of people, why go thru the trouble of putting them in coffins. Dig a big hole and dump people in and fill it in. Why have nice neat graveyards of millions of people wasting land? It would be more efficient to just get rid of them en masse. But then again, we know the gov't hired Jews to trick Arabs into attacking the WTC when they could have just blown up a bigger bomb than 1993 at the WTC.
jonnygouda1 2 months ago

"we know the gov't hired Jews to trick Arabs into attacking the WTC" This makes you a conspiracy theorist. You have no evidence to support this claim. HYPOCRITE!
chucktow ne in reply to jonnygouda1 (Show the comment) 2 months ago

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Aww, isn't our Govt thoughtful. They already have a coffin for me free of charge! Thanks satan!
Roscoe187311 2 months ago

lmao, yea how sweet

jjspade81 in reply to Roscoe187311 (Show the comment) 2 months ago

Don't be an idiot. History shows consistently that mass dead are either mass buried or burned. It is cheaper, faster, AND more sanitary. Coffins? How stupid can anyone be to believe the featured Crap? Everyone knows Dead Humans are Served as MEAT at fast food chains. How do we KNOW THIS? Lots of Humans. Few Cows (when did you last see one?). Lots of Dead Humans Disappear Daily and are Turned Into Ground Meat for Taco Bell (mostly).
RisePatriot in reply to Roscoe187311 (Show the comment) 1 month ago

Jesus Fing Christ! Calm the f@ck down ppl and stop taking sh!t to seriously! The truth is not going to be found Utube! Go out and find something else to do with your useless lives!
Roscoe187311 in reply to RisePatriot (Show the comment) 1 month ago

The entire point of my IN FEDERAL COURT FOR REAL is to prove exactly what you say. Nothing outside the Individual Human Being's Immediate Five Primary Senses any relevance at all and is usually an illusion or 'come on' to distract from the Sick Reality Proven. Actual, Real Documented to the Gnats ass: HOLOCAUST. 3w, risepatriot (dotcom). Holocaust is the STRUCTURE.. the System... that was USED and resulted in dead. USA proven to have Exact Same System: 3w, risepatriot (dotcomm).
RisePatriot in reply to Roscoe187311 (Show the comment) 1 month ago

Don't you GET IT? Go LOOK! If this was a big city, it would never surface. Only in a medium sized, isolated 'Petrie Dish' could it be proven using police a/v from MY CASE. Police and Wells Fargo are heard working together to defame and then SWAT Kidnap. Why? As EMPLOYEE I turned them into the FBI, in Person, Sworn with 200 pages of screenprints, etc. Company Messed UP: I evidence parked RICO. 2 days later, LOCAL police/company proved it. Unique in Human History as it is Boring Detail
RisePatriot in reply to Roscoe187311 (Show the comment) 1 month ago

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@TidesAreHigh You said it! Its crap. Don't know your age, but I've watched 4 wars the USA started or got involved in. IF the USA Gov wants another I pray young people AND parents say NO! Can't arrest thousands because the choose to live!
stephen52100 2 months ago

I'd read an article how Phds noted more males born when a war woulfd be fought once the babeis came of age. Noted with relief more girls in the nursery than boys. No wars when at age either. 22yrs after WWI was WWII. Enfants of age and older on Earth to fight in 2 thearters. I find this of interest and weird. Think it wise for young people to "stand down" and say "No!" To war.
stephen52100 2 months ago

Highly contagious, after 1st symptom, dead within minutes to hours. HIGHLY interesting. most died between ages 20-40 regardless of strong/weak in health. NOT THE NORM. Have strong suspicions, but not foul play. Any one else?
stephen52100 2 months ago

1918-19 during and aftdr WWI 20+ million died from a global pandemic flu called The Grip
stephen52100 2 months ago

i like how you think man, this shit has me tripping....

TidesAreHigh in reply to stephen52100 (Show the comment) 2 months ago

I'm not saying this is true or false but why would they waste so much money on coffins? You all talk about how money greedy these people all are wouldn't it just be easier to dig mass graves? They'll have to dig either way it will be much more efficient to just dig mass graves and piles the bodies up by the hundred and then throw dirt on top. Just doesn't make much sense is all I'm saying.
Moxxuren 2 months ago

Look up Vantage Products Corporation this is where the coffins come from.

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Hollow ayPi 2 months ago

probably going to chemically cremate entire families in there.

smoovmoovs 2 months ago show

This has been flagged as spam SuperTurbo1200 2 months ago

hail hitler! die all of you haha we all die some day life sucks then we die get tyhe fuck over it allready
deathangel658 2 months ago

deathangel658 in reply to deathangel658 (Show the comment) 2 months ago

id rather die having a weeks notice so i can bring out the 10-gauge and pop some heads before i go
BongLoadedWithWeed in reply to deathangel658 (Show the comment) 2 months ago

We used one of these many years ago when we buried my grandfather after he passed away in a small town near Madison. They did the hole. Then they drop the flat part into the hole. Then they lower the coffine onto that. Next, they lower the liner down over the coffin, creating a tomb. Dumbass is sitting in the top, which is upside down, not the bottom.
MrJohnson7777 2 months ago

par-a-noia will des- tro-ya!! we all die eventually, so who cares about the how, when, or where of it all. There is only one authority... God. Personally, I choose cremation. It doesn't take up as much space on the planet. eventually the wealthy and powerful will run out of people to rule. without the people, they have nothing.
GOBsux 2 months ago


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opnw ndo 2 months ago

are they rotton yet?

opnw ndo 2 months ago This has been flagged as spam show anthonyontherocks 3 months ago

part 2 and because of paranoid idiots like you we will never get a governments view on UFOs or aliens because Christians and Muslims alike would go nuts,precautions like this might well stop a virus even getting to you,this is why they have giant furnaces and camps,the best way to kill a virus is burn it
paul43073 3 months ago

So u fine with that to be defined as a Virus? Cause it seems like the NWO looks at us like that? Time to wake up dude and make some researches. Dont let the History repeat again. U must Understand what New World Order means brother.
TheGriggori in reply to paul43073 (Show the comment) 2 months ago

all globalists are is huge investers yes they start wars etc but why would they kill of the people that work for them,enslave them maybe but not exterminate them,just think it only takes 1 man to push the button and launch at america or russia or china and ww3 breakes out yet it hasnt happened and it will not,but wouldnt that be an excelent way to cut the population down?
paul43073 in reply to TheGriggori (Show the comment) 2 months ago

it`d be an excellent way to kill the planet and all life

ThunfischXXx in reply to paul43073 (Show the comment) 2 months ago

Great way to deal with our population troubles, if god killed the world why cant we? Of course the bad can get rid of the bad..
Grallos1232 in reply to ThunfischXXx (Show the comment) 2 months ago

Well why did Adolf hitler that? Its something about their ethic vision and how

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they see the world. U must realize they have the war they need to do what they look for now.Im not from America but i hope for the people there that we can stop this and try here to tell as much people as i can about this problem.If we dont stop it there it will affect us all.Its not the time to say its your problem.Cause its a problem that affect us all. Worldwide.
TheGriggori in reply to paul43073 (Show the comment) 2 months ago

Americans are too paranoid haven't you ever though they may be need encase of an natural disaster like an earth quake flood or volcano,same as these so called fema camps they are most likely quarantine camps encase a deadly virus that there wasn't a cure for broke out,they would need to remove the infected to stop it spreading,the only reason they dont tell people these things is because you idiots would just freak out, part 2
paul43073 3 months ago

"When I first heard the term casket liner, I thought a liner for the casket"... No shit. Maybe it goes around the casket? Hmmm, maybe to keep the dirt and things crawling around in it from eating away the wooden casket. Get real, I suppose you've never been to a funeral. They put these over the caskets before the bury dirt on them. God damn people are dumb
AmbiguousUNK 3 months ago

If Our Government was going to Eliminate Us ... Why bother to Bury Us? Too respectful ... I believe they would Burn the Bodies ... no evidence left.
SueBurg22 3 months ago

!!! !!!
DenisFerrarneo 3 months ago This has been flagged as spam show Thechameleonsoul 3 months ago

I don't think they're caskets. Heres why. IF it is HAARP, and misuse it, they could create disasters like Mt. St. Helens. Pulverized eveything like instant

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cremation. And...
stephen52100 3 months ago

The casket liners go on the OUTSIDE of the caskets to keep moisture and bugs from getting in the casket. They don't go inside. I've known this since I was 5
Amtrak504 3 months ago

We need to wake up america .NWO illuminatis UFO's it might be real it might not ,but at least these ppl get involved and try to keep the goverment from having completecontrol over the american ppl .Cause if it was up to yall..We would be all slaves ,BUNCH OF LAZY COUCH POTATOES....OH NO KIM KARDASHIAN TOOK A SHIT .......WHAT IS SHE GONA WEAR TO SLEEP TONIGHT!??COME ON !!!!!!!!!!!!THERES MORE TO LIF THEN THE FUCKEN OSCAR'S
2XmuchXxkoka1n3 3 months ago

125 thousand coffins isnt that many com on ppl fema is a diaster relief company 125 thousan ppl could easily need a place to be burried in a disaster ure government isnt trying to kill u
CRACKFACE86 3 months ago

FEMA needs coffins in case a natural disaster occurs, plus why would they pay to make a bunch of coffins, if they could just dig a bunch of holes. This whole NWO thing is bs.
boeingdude1 3 months ago

I put my Christmas decorations in one of

nvanbc1 3 months ago

They're going to hide the killings and make them look legit so they can have a reason for these masses of coffins, this isn't World War II, they don't even look like they cost that much. Also they look very large, so I'm thinking they plan on putting a few bodies in them and making mass burial sites... But you can deny the truth too, if you want. :]
kidzew 3 months ago
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Those are called vault liners. They go inside of the concrete vault ( on the outside of the coffin). The intended use is to keep the body from leaking into the ground.
kirkkillman 3 months ago

Those arent coffins idiot....stop making shit up and read a book. Any book at all, try everybody poops. Might be little difficult for you, but you have to start somewhere.
bla7657 3 months ago

If you have a better theory say something but denying what is happening around you won't save you.
Partyotter in reply to bla7657 (Show the comment) 3 months ago

@Jtp0321...if u think their not tryin to end us ....ur a fuckin retard

llooollllppp 3 months ago This has been flagged as spam jtp0321 3 months ago show

there is going to be a nwo its been in the news and there are fema camps they have already passed laws to detain people indefinanatly with out giving them judge or jury and its becoming a police state here in the united states and its but unfortunantly no one belives it thats why we dont stand a chance to try and stop it
pammyla66 3 months ago

they goin to kill the fat people?

Trishnanz 3 months ago

if they are goin to kill that many ppl why not just burn them?? much cheaper
Trishnanz 3 months ago

if this was true this would run viral worldwide. Anyone that believes this is just trying to justify why they live like slobs
cropsey7 3 months ago

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This has been flagged as spam jesselyle2186 3 months ago


the CDC you have gotta be kidding me...

mah81393 3 months ago

NWO was born in 9/11

DrSexiiful 3 months ago

the NWO started years ago...

deadlykitten6 in reply to DrSexiiful (Show the comment) 3 months ago

im sure every goverment around the world has things like this, not for concentration camps , not for NWO but in the vent of a natural disaster, huricane katrina for example
bazbow ski 3 months ago This has been flagged as spam 91Skulboy 3 months ago show

No one has ever thought about the fact that if these are coffins,that the could be in case of a major biologic event? If they didnt make them and store them well ahead of time what would they do if it actually happened? It would be simple to surmise that this is just the govt being prepared for something they hope will never happen.
shadow r434 3 months ago This has been flagged as spam show anthonyontherocks 3 months ago

DJGCInDaMix 3 months ago

this is insane how stupid do you really think the government is if there were such a thing they would make sure we did not know about it why leave them

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to be found do you really think that they would take the time to bury us if they going to kill us all why not just burn us??? or dig a big hole??? come to your senses
babybunni1000 4 months ago

There preparing something, We best be prepared too.

MegaGangaking 4 months ago

i love the resident evil 2 music in the background haha

1meanieface1 4 months ago 10

I agree.
JamesRideout123 in reply to 1meanieface1 (Show the comment) 3 months ago

They are grave liners, not coffins. They are for keeping the casket dry (why, who knows). Do you think that a fascist regime (even one led by an incompetent like GWB) would bother with individual graves for the disappeared? Do you think they'd leave piles of real coffins right next to a main road? Really folks, if it went down they wouldn't be telegraphing it, FFS!
Terncote 4 months ago

Those are kinda nice they can put my girlfriend and my dog in there with me kick ass man
hustonray 4 months ago

this will be a nice change

Emil652 4 months ago

@ciarepairs LOL
Emil652 4 months ago

Whats so bad about this. If a mass superbug plague were to spread across the nation and most people were to die then we would need this.
datafreak667 4 months ago

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its for concentration camps, Moron

guruboy5 in reply to datafreak667 (Show the comment) 4 months ago

Alright FUCK IT. The "coffins" witch btw are caskets not coffins. Are being distributed to FEMA location across the US. The main reason along with the temporary morgues are simply for the clean up, identification and burial of dead bodies in the event of a disaster. SO THERE I never regret moving to Russia, to get away from you DUMB ASSES!
datafreak667 in reply to guruboy5 (Show the comment) 4 months ago

Ya I'm pretty sure these are made so if another disaster strikes and people are killed then there bodies can be recovered and placed inside these caskets so not to spread disease, easy identification etc.
Reaper08x in reply to datafreak667 (Show the comment) 4 months ago

Finally someones who can use logic :)

datafreak667 in reply to Reaper08x (Show the comment) 4 months ago

Ya here is a prime example, you remember that picture of floating bodies after the New Orleans was flooded. The picture had people walking on a free way overpass with flood waters underneath it. There you go instead of letting these bodies float around the city they can be contained in these since most of the water was contaminated with sewage thus contaminating the bodies "Believe me I was there it was horrible".
Reaper08x in reply to datafreak667 (Show the comment) 4 months ago

all plagues are man made....

JoshDG92 in reply to datafreak667 (Show the comment) 4 months ago

@kazakhmafia1 if it happened in world war two, why not now?

OQWIKCombatArms 4 months ago

Jews made America so they rule the America they are worshiping Satan and practice stanism judaism and just so many other stuffs if you don't believe me its stupid because Americans told this in public lots of times , but humans are stupid and don't listen

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AlexKuetFam 4 months ago

wow there playing Resident Evil music in the background... makes this even creepier.............
SonnyBurnette1 4 months ago

femas is not real lok at the facts america builds concentratoin camp against americans in america. no sir
kazakhmafia1 4 months ago This has been flagged as spam nikolayzou 4 months ago Comment removed Author w ithheld show

The self destruct sequence has been activated. Repeat, the self destruct sequence has been activated. This sequence may not be aborted. All employees proceed to the emergency car at the bottom platform.
TaskuWright 4 months ago 3 show

This has been flagged as spam Rickey85 4 months ago

resident evil 2 back ground music there police station storage room
Hexenhaus1 4 months ago

Not a coffin. It's a grave liner, not a "casket liner" either. It's upside-down, fool! The top goes on the bottom - you can see from the molding that the flat part can't support itself, but the domed part is braced to take weight. How should I trust the politics of someone who can't observe such basic engineering?
333666666 4 months ago


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in reply to 333666666 (Show the comment) 4 months ago

when is that 3 year extension up? thats the question...

airic554 4 months ago

Cheaper alternative to the usual concrete liners or metal liners. That is what these are, burial vaults....grave liners, what ever you want to call them. Cemetery's make you use them in most places because when your loved one you buried rots and leaks all over a coffin and the normal elements, water seeps into the earth and that coffin rots and falls apart the earth above it sinks down somewhat. These grave liners keep the ground flat and uniform. polyguardvaults(dot)com
ajoliver74 4 months ago

a pile of shit, if your going to kill people you would just throw them in a hole not go through the money of making coffins
edw ardthomasbennett1 4 months ago 5

Don't caskets stop the spread of deceases from spreading?

insanitii101 in reply to edw ardthomasbennett1 (Show the comment) 3 months ago

if you burry people nice and deep and dont dig them up there is nothing to worry about.
edw ardthomasbennett1 in reply to insanitii101 (Show the comment) 3 months ago

you would buy coffins if you have seen how the Nazi's graves were discovered and wanted to keep your own mass graves under wraps.
Partyotter in reply to edw ardthomasbennett1 (Show the comment) 3 months ago

in a nutshell how were the nazi graves discovered?

edw ardthomasbennett1 in reply to Partyotter (Show the comment) 3 months ago

When US troops were pushing into Poland they found the death camps and there were literally giant piles of dead bodies.
Partyotter in reply to edw ardthomasbennett1 (Show the comment) 3 months ago

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Probably, people will die by disease, so, they need coffins that seal the air.
manualves101 in reply to edw ardthomasbennett1 (Show the comment) 3 months ago

wouldn't dirt seal the air?

edw ardthomasbennett1 in reply to manualves101 (Show the comment) 3 months ago

Dirt is essential a Sponge. Therefore No, it doesnt seal air completely. The spread of diseases actually increases from soil alone ,traveling for hundreds of miles if a good rain will let it
Iamvox in reply to edw ardthomasbennett1 (Show the comment) 2 months ago

thank you
edw ardthomasbennett1 in reply to Iamvox (Show the comment) 2 months ago This has been flagged as spam show Iamvox in reply to edw ardthomasbennett1 (Show the comment) 2 months ago

This just in: death kills nearly 2,5 million americans each year. Shocking, isn't it?
code123ns 4 months ago 3

Does it kill 500,000 in Georgia,Madison?lol..dumb skeptics

alecboi84 in reply to code123ns (Show the comment) 4 months ago

No.. I guess it would need help of a conspirasy theorist to kill 500 000 out of <4000 population there..
code123ns in reply to alecboi84 (Show the comment) 4 months ago

Um,dipshit..why do they have to be just for Madison?They're just being held there dummy..all the surrounding counties equal to millions..hahahaha,you troll
alecboi84 in reply to code123ns (Show the comment) 4 months ago

so at times they are just for Madison, Madison and surrounding counties, or entire US... depending what suits your theory at that time.

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in reply to alecboi84 (Show the comment) 4 months ago put words in my mouth..You do not even know what my theory is..But sure,you're right..Nothing to worry about,government will make sure you're taken care of,nothing to see here
alecboi84 in reply to code123ns (Show the comment) 4 months ago This has been flagged as spam show MrBeresterk 5 months ago 2

Bull, why use coffins if you can cremate bodies which is much more efficient.
henkgrui 5 months ago

And where/how do you store such a huge mass bodies for cremation?
HaneeFannee in reply to henkgrui (Show the comment) 5 months ago

efficient in what sense? it would take many helpers to operate the crematorium, the coal.. and how many crematoriums would it take in total for over 100,000 dead people?.. putting a body into a cheap plastic box is the most efficient way.
LastbutNotFirst in reply to henkgrui (Show the comment) 5 months ago

This is all fact... mark these words When Shit hits the fan ...
RenaissanceSD89 5 months ago 3

50,000!!! NOT 500,000 as stated in the video! The rough acreage used by the liners in the peak year (2005) is about 4.6 acres. In order to facilitate 500,000 it would require over 46 acres, which a square peg into a round hole you cannot fit! Sorry to disappoint you! The US government isnt conspiring against you! They arent plotting to kill you or me either! The liners are a new type being used here in the US and the oddity of it all caused the paranoid amongst us to add 2+2 and they got STUPID!

Well, Google Map has a really neat feature. Its a time machine! You see, you can actually dial back time by choosing satelite imagery back to 1993! When

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there was nothing at the site except a road. Choose 2005 and YES! FEMA COFFINS! I mean grave liners. So, estimating the approximate size of the liners to be 8 feet by 3 feet, and each stack has 17 per stack, I then measured the piles and walls made from the liners, taking into account thi lids, I mean bottoms, and the rough number there is...

Sorry folks. Hate to burst the conspiracy bubble. I just went to Google Map. Found the location of the "coffins", and guess what? They arent there anymore. Furthermore, I used Google Maps measuring tools and was able to estimate the approximate number of liners (which is actually what they are, and by the way, the idiots in the video that get inside the liner, are in the cover, not the bottom. Its upside down!) How did I count the liners if they arent there anymore?

resident evil 2 music

420JimmyX 5 months ago

In all this game, the devil is the victim, is the scapegoat, will be acused of everything cause the GOD dont want any rivals. Conclusion: live at the full in the freedom of GOD (praying in a right form,following the INSTRUCTIONS in the Bible - keeping the 10 commandments - including keeping the Saturday as the 7th day etc.) instead of in the incapacity and limited power of devil cause he is just a temporary puppet. Jesus Christ is our savior and our hope!
diptdipt 5 months ago

Atleast with bush around the coffins would of been white

sa5spurs 5 months ago

Alex Jones is laughing all the way to the bank...He is exploiting your fears and he is somehow making a profit..Im not sure how he makes money but you can rest assure he is
PlaYah1979 5 months ago

Those aren't coffins, they're grave liners/vaults, they use them in the U.S. so

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Those aren't coffins, they're grave liners/vaults, they use them in the U.S. so that the coffins don't collapse once they're 6 feet below earth, if they weren't used, half the cemeteries in the U.S. would turn into sinking pits of human remains. Those aren't FEMA's, they're from the Georgia company Vantage, the company that makes them and those videos are from people trespassing on their property trying to stir up shit among the American people. Millions of them are distributed every year.
theeyeburninglight 5 months ago Comment removed Author w ithheld

I did some research these are called burial vaults. The coffin is put inside the plastic container to protect the coffin from damage.
usingmybrain100 5 months ago

Google map the field this guy talked about in Madison, GA. The "coffins" are gone now.
ithaclies 5 months ago

you can browse through years in google earth so theyre still there in 2009 or ust by browsing through years :)
trampolineguy88 in reply to ithaclies (Show the comment) 5 months ago

Maybe fema wised up after katrina and decided to build temp housing for disaster victims, of course someone would have to come up with a concentration camp theory instead of thinking logically. For years now there has been talk of deadly flu pandemic and I sleep better knowing fema has plenty of plastic coffins for all those contagious bodies. Also as others have stated in a huge disaster you would need those coffins for all the bodies and plastic cont. would be easier to look at than bodybags
usingmybrain100 5 months ago

Why is everyone who doesn't believe the NWO theory called a sheep? Seems like a massive assumption to make
TrickShotRick 5 months ago

where were all you people BEFORE 9/11? If your insight is so great how come you didn't see that coming? I'm not disputing that it had nothing to do

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with al'qaeda and was certainly an inside job but your paranoia gives real truth hunters a bad name, heaven forbid that the CDC prepare for the chance of an epidemic. Why would anyone involved in a huge conspiracy let a farmer and his son in on it? There's a fine line between intuition and paranoia, most of you appear to have crossed it
maccrimbo 6 months ago This comment has received too many negative votes FearSnake100 6 months ago show

Too bad it was posted 2 years ago? Did Hitler pull off his plan in 6 months? Have you read history? Are you mildly aware things don't happen overnight. I don't even fully believe in fema camps but I'm open to the concept. You are using illogical & highly irrational, country bumpkin logic. Acquaint yourself with a library or a computer and read a little bit about battles through out history.
WeSeeYouNWO in reply to FearSnake100 (Show the comment) 6 months ago 26

You're absolutely right.. who is that tool?

ArkMusicFanclub in reply to WeSeeYouNWO (Show the comment) 6 months ago 4

huh? im goin back to school :( lol

djw 2301 in reply to WeSeeYouNWO (Show the comment) 4 months ago

Are you thick? I didn't see an actual reason in your response?

Crazy911Calls in reply to FearSnake100 (Show the comment) 6 months ago 4

wow! thanks for sharing.

ISAWORLD2012 6 months ago 2

there is no expense in getting companys to make thease for you when you are planning on killing them money is not worth anything it is made up to keep control hense no expense. when it finally happens they will create a new currency and a new world army/government/and heath sevivice for a new start.
daxleolisa 6 months ago

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And they will probably do 100 every ten minutes like this, 2 minutes to walk everyone in, wrists bound and drugged to be complacent, 2 minutes to secure everyone, 1 minute in which for the blade to fall and rise, the heads will then fall down into a deep trough where a conveyor belt will take them to a deep hole underground, 1 minute to tip the bodies into the deep trough as well, 2 minutes to clean up any blood/mess.
Zephyesa 6 months ago

2 minutes later next 100 bought in. 600 an hour, 14,400 a day, 5, 265,000 a year, death camp runs for seven years- 36,855,000, and thats just one death camp in one country.. It makes the Nazis look like complete amateurs doesnt it?
Zephyesa in reply to Zephyesa (Show the comment) 6 months ago

u know small tnt holder looks kinda like that, and why would they say it was coffins if there acclaly was that?? if there is going on somthing tho
MegaLichking 6 months ago

When dumbass people go around tying to conspire the government they are hurting everyone. It is treason to sneak around and try to get secret and, fragile documents from the government. When somebody says they have proof the government is secretly holding aliens in the so called "AREA51" it causes people to become suspicious. Afterwards if they ask questions the government doesn't want to answer they seek to deception, thievery, and violence to get their answers. Later when somebody is harmed e
soldeviljr 6 months ago

I'm actually being serious here guys why the fuck would the government spend money on some shitty coffin liners wen they cud just burn us
Robrimsticks 6 months ago 2

it would pollute the ozone man , they want clean air after you die :)
yoyaya007 in reply to Robrimsticks (Show the comment) 6 months ago

money is not real wealth it is made up for control when u realise this it will make u think in a different way it is us that work for this money so we have in a way paid for thease.

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daxleolisa in reply to Robrimsticks (Show the comment) 6 months ago

they are for when i take a massive shit nuff said

littleCUBA1 6 months ago

what is fema any way

DrummmerBoy1 6 months ago

Btw that detention center i was in is James River detention home in virginia
DarnLevel 7 months ago

I have a feeling i wont make it to see 15. Im 13 and ive noticed that in the detention center i was in they were bring them in the detention center.
DarnLevel 7 months ago

what fema ?
bristolart103 7 months ago

Life is hard, in one way or another you and everyone else find ways of making your life seem better by believing in things that are bigger than you or other around you, it can also be a way of making yourself seem a bit more interesting and intelligent to the girl with the big tits at that party. Its ok, shes hot, but come on!!! the next time your mate tells you some interesting yet shady "facts" about freemasons or skull and bones society or even these giant black plant pots, please ask yoursel
decibelscience 7 months ago

Who is your mate? whos the guy that told him and him and him and so on! Your insignificant, its ok we all are. If something IS going to happen, what can you do? if these people are so big and wont be seen until its to late, don't worry, oh well i was wrong. The next time your drug dealer tells you some off peak shit about the illuminate, you take your acid and go about your day. Dont waste your life so much that I get so enraged I feel I have to right an essay on FUKIN YOUTUBE
decibelscience in reply to decibelscience (Show the comment) 7 months ago

Irony yes but I have to vent as my flat mate has been poring this bullshit

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down a poor girls ear holes. Here we go i'm about to throw advice at you, that you wont wanna hear and will think i'm a smarmy cunt for doing so, but hey, if your open to all this bullshit then maybe your open to my wacky ideas. Go back to collage, don't smoke so much skunk and get off the internet a lil bit more often. This world is stunning people try live in it at some point.
decibelscience in reply to decibelscience (Show the comment) 7 months ago

See you all for 2012 (that should be interesting) Peace x

decibelscience in reply to decibelscience (Show the comment) 7 months ago

de population!!!!
TheCrazyoldbat 7 months ago

oh wait those are for the enemys the USA is gonna be at war with a race of giants coming from deep space lol
rezguy4life 7 months ago This has been flagged as spam rezguy4life 7 months ago show

bluebeard2011 8 months ago

obviously not idiot good try tho

Boomheadshot471 in reply to bluebeard2011 (Show the comment) 5 months ago

some one needs to set fire to all of these!

MooseTomson 8 months ago

Well that was in 2000 now its 2012 -- its called a contingency plan. So whats the do you connect new world order and a contingency plan for a nuclear strike? I dont get it this...all you conppiracy theorist have gone off the deep end on this one.

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Now I do believe thereare groups of elitest plotting for their share of the world's money and power, but this is just taking it alittle too far. So go out andd get laid or take up a hobby..cuz youve lost a few marbles with this one
davidshultz2007 8 months ago

TheJaydogg1984 8 months ago This has been flagged as spam show 2012HumanAscension 9 months ago

Pretty big for coffins, although they do say the americans have the biggest obesity problem in the world!
queeniekaz 9 months ago

depopulation !you don`t belive!ok!keep livin` in fantasy land!

1971ROXX 9 months ago

Those aren't coffins... those are grave liners. Look them up anywhere. They are coffin covers used to give support so that when heavy equipment used to dig more graves in a grave yard passes over an existing grave, it doesn't collapse the coffin. Seriously, if they wanted to kill and bury all of you, they would just dig a hole in the ground and throw you in, not spend the resources on a huge, hard plastic coffin.
rediconAoC 9 months ago 3

theres a possibility that they gonna make it look like a terrorist attack... makin another big fat lie to do more wars ... and they will implement martial law to who is against it and then the mass graving can happen....
spotlessmindpt in reply to rediconAoC (Show the comment) 8 months ago

decibelscience in reply to spotlessmindpt (Show the comment) 7 months ago

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What you say makes sense, but some of us enjoy our conspiracy theoriesso stop ruining it for us.
UniverseOffspring in reply to rediconAoC (Show the comment) 8 months ago

I enjoy conspiracy theories, but they are more fun if they make sense.
rediconAoC in reply to UniverseOffspring (Show the comment) 8 months ago

UniverseOffspring in reply to rediconAoC (Show the comment) 8 months ago

Thank you
decibelscience in reply to rediconAoC (Show the comment) 7 months ago

You are wrong prepare to die friend , you are assuming that you wont be killed by a extremelly contagious biological weapon or virus , they need sealed cofins to prevent the virus from spreading,, so again prepare to die like the lambs you are..
vipmodelss in reply to rediconAoC (Show the comment) 6 months ago

You're assuming we WILL be killed by an extremely contagious biological weapon. Your also using that assumption as a basis to make another assumption about a grave liner's intended use. All while multiple sources supporting my post could easily be google'd. You can call me a "lamb" all you like, but in the end only a true sheep would blindly accept sensational tabloid inspired doomsday theories as factual despite them being entirely unsupported by any indisputable evidence.
rediconAoC in reply to vipmodelss (Show the comment) 6 months ago

You want evidence ? Look around , and see how many people we have in the world right now, see what we are doing to this planet , and remember we were the ones who voted on them and putted them in power. They see people like somekind of infestation or inffection that need to be stopped or in this case reduced. Use common sence , what would you do to stop or at least reduce an infection like that ? The best way is reducing the population silently ,so they we wont be able to fight back.
vipmodelss in reply to rediconAoC (Show the comment) 6 months ago
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Yes, there is a overpopulation. Yes, that causes widespread demand for our planets finite resources and we need to take action. However, none of this is indisputable evidence of a future biological warfare attack by our government. Its a poorly supported, oddly specific "theory" that is the product of a distrust for government, which is common place today and typically justifiable, but not when it's accompanied by bias paranoia that usurps an individual's ability to think critically.
rediconAoC in reply to vipmodelss (Show the comment) 6 months ago

It is better for you to not believe it then, for example if some rapist find you in an ally and try to rape you , what you would prefer to do ? You have 2 choices , one you try to fight back what will result in more pain and suffering for you , two you just accept the situation without fighting and it will be over soon. It is the same thing about what is going to happend , it IS going to happen sooner o later believing or not and theres is no way out.
vipmodelss in reply to rediconAoC (Show the comment) 6 months ago

Listen man, I'm not going to argue with you anymore. Those plastic things in the video are coffin liners, regardless of what you'd like them to be. And with that I'm done with this asinine conversation.
rediconAoC in reply to vipmodelss (Show the comment) 6 months ago

yes but they could also be used for bodies, and you can get 2 in at a time, or one obese person.. afterall the nazis used cattle trains to transport the Jews, so why cant you get your head around this? A lot of death is coming soon in the western countrys, but it will be done as cleanly as possible, and bodys being dumped by the thousands into huge holes doesnt look good on the news, but large coffin liners being carefully stacked into holes does.
Zephyesa in reply to rediconAoC (Show the comment) 6 months ago

Yes the Jews were transported by cattle trains, but the concentration camps were easily kept secret from the general public by use of a scapegoat, and the bodies were buried in mass graves. If the government wanted to commit genocide, they'd take the same "cost effective" approach. Also, if it were in the interests of population control, it would more likely occur in countries that truly have overpopulation issues, such as India or China, each with a population well over 1 billion.

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rediconAoC in reply to Zephyesa (Show the comment) 6 months ago

india and china will do the same thing, this will happen everywhere, and not for the same reasons, in the west it will be used for religous people, such as christians and muslims, and others who do not or wont fit the NWO plans, people who are criminals, in gangs, who do not contribute, such as homless beggrs, drug addicts, drunks, America wipes out 150 million, and keeps the 150 million that are for the NWO, who are not criminals, not religous and not a burden.
Zephyesa in reply to rediconAoC (Show the comment) 6 months ago

You really seem confident in your "theory." But confidence won't make 2+2=7. Your just flat out wrong. But there is no way to prove that to you, is there? You'll just keep adding more irrelevant detail in an attempt to justify your theory's discrepancies. Do you have any idea how many other people have replied to my original post? Guess how many of them think the same thing will happen: None. They all had their own ideas. No evidence. No support. No credibility. I'm done here.
rediconAoC in reply to Zephyesa (Show the comment) 6 months ago

you must be either stupid, or working for the government.

Zephyesa in reply to rediconAoC (Show the comment) 6 months ago

I don't know about stupid, but I do admit that I am ignorant. That's the thing though, I am willing to admit that, and it drives my inquisitive nature. You on the other hand, think you have all the answers, and when confronted with an alternative point of view, you call them stupid, and you walk away learning nothing from the experience. That my friend, is the vary definition of stupidity: the inability to learn.
rediconAoC in reply to Zephyesa (Show the comment) 6 months ago

I dont think I have all the answers at all, I wish I did, but I di have this thing called a brain, and it is busy observing how the west is gradually being reduced to a police state like the USSR was, like Nazi Germany was, and one of their methids was to to build things like concentration camps and not tell anyone about them, which is what the US has been doing for the last ten years. You need to seriously wake up.

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Zephyesa in reply to rediconAoC (Show the comment) 6 months ago

Just because I don't think these coffin liners have anything to do with mass genocide doesn't mean I think genocide will never happen at all. Your misconceptions are the result of your tendency to make assumptions. They won't get you the facts. I don't look down on you for your perspective, but please ask questions before you assume I'm just some buffoon. There is a real conspiracy against the people, yes, but that doesn't automatically mean all other conspiracies are true.
rediconAoC in reply to Zephyesa (Show the comment) 6 months ago 4

The Jews were like you too, no matter how hot the water got they went on hoping things wouldnt get worse. Your alternative point of view is nothing more than the typical cowards everything is normal, carry on like usual, because it feels nicer.'
Zephyesa in reply to rediconAoC (Show the comment) 6 months ago 20

You are a fucking deluded coward and fear-monger. You get off on it. This is just ridiculous, there are no secret concentration camps for Americans. Go outside and get a life.
racefactory900 in reply to Zephyesa (Show the comment) 4 months ago

lol I suggest you go check out one of the camps yourself, theres plenty of them all over america, and they are building more, go and see for yourself
Zephyesa in reply to racefactory900 (Show the comment) 4 months ago

So you do agree that something bad is already in course right now to kill the population? Let me explain something to you , try to see a pyramid on the top there is the ELITE , bellow the are the Rich people , bellow is the middle class and bellow there is the poor people. In the world today middle class+ poor people represents 80% of the world total population whatever it is that is comming they will be the ones affected by it this is a recicle in process.
vipmodelss in reply to rediconAoC (Show the comment) 5 months ago

unless they kill you with biology weapon and they want to stop spreading contamination. Put the bodies into coffin, then fire up and melt it around the bodies... just a posible scenario...

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in reply to rediconAoC (Show the comment) 6 months ago

THey will do it to cover it up.

armedyboyedik1995 in reply to rediconAoC (Show the comment) 6 months ago

There's millions of them.. wake up.

MyFriendlyPup in reply to rediconAoC (Show the comment) 6 months ago 6

Your right! Its all perfectly clear now! They wouldn't just throw our dead bodies into a hole like the victims of nearly every genocide in recorded human history, They'd place them in concrete molds and bury them individually in the ground, the grave yards spanning hundreds of miles as a sacrafic to appease the sun god Mardoc! Its indesputable! Dont believe me? The evidence everywhere! To Enlighten you further would be an asinine waste of my time, sheep!
rediconAoC in reply to MyFriendlyPup (Show the comment) 6 months ago

???? its been 11 years since he said it lol

GamingForHealthyKids 9 months ago

Has anyone heard of these coffins in Western Australia, apparantly there are heaps down in Serpentine, a guy from my work told me his friend writes a blog about it and hes gone missing. I dont know if its true, this guy apparantly has a history of heavy drug abuse, mainly amphetamines, but also LSD and psychobilin, although he is generally quite normal he came to work highly distressed over the whole thing and everyone is concerned about his mental health, he keeps begging me to believe him...
HXTonner 10 months ago

only thiong i can say about your statement is, lsd in massive doseage causes u to go on as i like to call them "missions" god knows if the guy is in his own world on his on mission, not discrediting this video any at all just saying something to your statement, lsd isnt bad, only in huge doses and for long periods time.
KraqRox in reply to HXTonner (Show the comment) 9 months ago

this was even before 9 11 2001 ,,so it might be an inside initiated job that

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failed even buildings that were not hit and a few blocks away collapsed ,so it makes you think
bassax7045 10 months ago

the cdc is leasing land to store 500,000 coffins that anyone cannot only view but play around in? this is about the cdc dumping money on useless BS that they claim is necessary in order to justify their budget/increase their budget. if they spend less than they're allotted than their budget is decreased. if it were anything more they wouldnt lease the land and have them in plain sight. there's plenty of government owned land for them to hide them if they intended to use them
GJonathanWIII 10 months ago

man why teh fuck would they make coffins , they dont give a fuck bout ur bodies yous tupid retarded fuckers
bodytrojanhorse 10 months ago

more than likely these coffins are for all the elderly and disabled ppl once there health insurance and medicaid expenses are chopped? you think these ppl will live off adrenaline? NOO they are preparing for the deaths of the elderly and the sick! wtf u think the government is trying to do to are ppl sure as hell isnt to help them!
eirippe 10 months ago

Avoid petty laws and useless officials. Balance personal rights with social duties. Prize truth beauty love seeking harmony with the infinite. Be not a cancer on the earth Leave room for nature Leave room for nature.
TheLimanfkv 10 months ago

Georgia Guidestones you can find them in Wikipedia. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature. Guide reproduction wisely improving fitness and diversity. Unite humanity with a living new language. Rule passion faith tradition and all things with tempered reason.

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Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
TheLimanfkv 10 months ago

Guys... no more ressources. The maths are easy for our experts.
TheCorbucci 10 months ago

If your are in USA, my opinion is: you can denounce to your government, for negligence and for contributing to panic, because of the way in addressing issues such as FEMA camps, among others, and the answers offered to the population, denounce their secrecy is causing your panic, is to law, is your right, and for sure, this way to act is not in your constitution. You dont have to discuss this in youtube come on, just ask.
Davemike 1 year ago

They were better off telling the people the casket holders, that's more believable but people are so dumb an ignorant you could tell them Fake ass jesus put the caskets there an they'll believe it. Human's are NOTHING to "THEM" the 2 is going to Fight very soon.
Loneleavemealone 1 year ago

Just wonderin, has anyone ever considered that sum natural disaster might be coming that they dont wanna tell us about because they r afraid of mass pannick and that they think might take many lives. Reason tells me its something like that rather than a plot 2 kill all those people. All I say is proof.
JustThaTruth 1 year ago

you would be correct in saying that look up "elenin dwarf star"

eminemforlifenoshit in reply to JustThaTruth (Show the comment) 11 months ago

Ha ha ha he got in it. VERBALMILITIA marc27

verbalmilitia 1 year ago

@Dawoogabug you are right. even the words I write now are being monitored

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and I dont need anyone to betray me. I betray myself everyday as soon as this puter goes on.
sew erbyarnold 1 year ago

they are in Poland too. Big chemical? Germ war? concrete tombs with casket liners?something to put the dead in in event of mass nuclear war.????
sew erbyarnold 1 year ago

Bird flu vaccines

sew erbyarnold 1 year ago

BullionLimitedotcom 1 year ago

bullion is limited you can BET on that brother! they're stealing our damn gold.zeitgeist movement is our only hope.
myvaginableedsdaily in reply to BullionLimitedotcom (Show the comment) 1 year ago

I tried to tweet this and it won't work. Hummmmm Ok. Got it to work.
MaryGreeley 1 year ago

I tried to tweet this and it won't work. Hummmmm

MaryGreeley 1 year ago

The elites are insane if they think they can pull it off. There are too many of us for them to control.
ImplantedAgenda 1 year ago

Haha, if i was the goverment of the new world order the first thing i would do is make sure each person i'm gonna kill has a coffin haha what a joke.
RazorsharpLT 1 year ago

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They ARE casket liners. Just ask your local funeral director to show you one. The only reason you never see them is because it doesn't make sense for the average person to spend money on preserving a casket while their loved one rots inside. The reason it makes sense for the CDC to use plastic rather than the concrete one normally used is because it has a better chance of containment. If there's a breakout pandemic the dead people juices won't contaminate the water table when they sip out.
SSGPops 1 year ago

Repent for the Kingdom of Heaves is at hand! God is raining Judgement to america and this is one of them for turning your back against Him! Oh you earth dwellers! The devil has come to you with great power to destroy all of you! Repent and turn to God and he will save you from damnation and the coming judgement to america!! No guns or revolutions will save you! It is already written and will be fulfilled!
MansoyHumilde777 1 year ago

exactly my friend. my feeling r the same.

glen58316 in reply to MansoyHumilde777 (Show the comment) 1 year ago

In the meeting they said it can happen in the next 10 years from the year 2000, if it happens it could be another 911 inside job.
BJHBNE 1 year ago

Have these things always been around & never really noticed, or did they just start showing up suddenly?
Duckyseventy3 2 years ago

nice resident evil music added and a good upload

SocialistDemocracy 2 years ago

The Bible is in large part responsible for this kind of behavior . The Bible is a fictional work used to control weak minded people throughout history .If all the holy books were destroyed , we could finally do something about the evil men that are running the world . As long as people believe in imaginary devils , they will never take responsibility for letting these things happen .

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MindofaJedi in reply to 4LOSTSOULSONLY (Show the comment) 2 years ago

look at first i was going to go off on u but ill pary fo u my friend he is real man did touch it but thats were faith comes in
EastMemphisJuggalos in reply to MindofaJedi (Show the comment) 2 years ago

without these devils there would be alot more badness in the world because ppl would have nothing to be afraid of, u know nothing u r incompetent
w illthenglishman in reply to MindofaJedi (Show the comment) 2 years ago

don't need to destroy a book for that to take place. Since when is a Jedi a proponent of book burning?
Poonard in reply to MindofaJedi (Show the comment) 2 years ago

shit is going down

mikegtodd 2 years ago

Maybe yours!
Bobster986 in reply to 4LOSTSOULSONLY (Show the comment) 2 years ago

Take Arms!!
DoityDeEmunz 2 years ago

I mention a combination of everything associated with the NWO.

BigC83Boss in reply to 4LOSTSOULSONLY (Show the comment) 2 years ago

I just recorded a video about, that will surely up by noon, it is sad that I have to debate with grown infants!!!
BigC83Boss in reply to 4LOSTSOULSONLY (Show the comment) 2 years ago

I couldn't agree more Brother.

BigC83Boss in reply to 4LOSTSOULSONLY (Show the comment) 2 years ago 9

This is from 2005...

Rodrizona 2 years ago 2
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The first train yard I saw for camps in the US I saw back in 2006. I showed my best friend, nobody believed us. Now, it's almost 2010, and people finally take this shit seriously. And not that many of them too. It's funny how much people refuse to hear.
burnzorz in reply to Rodrizona (Show the comment) 2 years ago 3

With posts like the one from JSTNLRSN, as a Canadian, I can only hope the NWO puts ALL those caskets to good use... SOON! Oh and JSTNLRSN, for goodness sake (literally), PLEASE stay FAR away from Canada.
CapitalEthicsOnline 2 years ago

aliens? why you dont say jesus we need your helpa, take control of our lifes help as to walk with you.
zurry96 in reply to CapitalEthicsOnline (Show the comment) 2 years ago

Aliens we need your help... For People cant afford a funeral... Nuclear bombs there would be nothing left to put in the coffins...
WhatCanIsay100 2 years ago

also, why didnt anyone blow those coffins up? set them on fire, do something to them and see what the excuse of the fire is... and then inquire what was burnt and how much it cost.
Alphaw olfgang 2 years ago

if your dumb enough t o get a vaccine. enjoy your grave

chumbels 3 years ago 29

Very True.! I will Never ever take no goverment made medicine.! Go natural People wake up from the sleep they have casted on you.!!!!
evilw ear818 in reply to chumbels (Show the comment) 3 years ago 3 Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API

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What if its made law to have the vaccine? Nuclear war eh..? Who with ? Iraq!!!! lol
sim0b in reply to chumbels (Show the comment) 2 years ago

Then the rebellion declares 1776 on the empire. Simple as that.

chazflyz in reply to sim0b (Show the comment) 2 years ago

Comment removed Author w ithheld This has been flagged as spam show PoisonIvy1723 in reply to chumbels (Show the comment) 7 months ago

ok wtf... they're not trying to kill off human're mad bluediamond2077. The government is scared, if you've seen the history channel program of the different ways of the human population being wiped out. Nuclear strike is one of them.
boomer12999 3 years ago

wow .. they are getting ready to kill 90% of the human pop off.
bluediamond2077 3 years ago

If you saw Katrina. What would you rather see someone carried in a body bag through the streets where everyone can tell it is a body or would you rather have a plastic container which looks like a storage container? Thousands die in a hurricane.
TheStormchaser1 in reply to bluediamond2077 (Show the comment) 3 years ago

and millions die when they try and fight for their freedom.
Alphaw olfgang in reply to TheStormchaser1 (Show the comment) 2 years ago

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