Intercessor's Guide July 2012

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Gary & Lily Stone
Please pray for the group of Tajumulco Mam young men who are meeting to learn Bible stories. They will be taking Bible stories to unreached areas with the intention of planting churches in these areas. They will be using drama along with the Bible stories to help the people to understand the stories. Pray that God will prepare the hearts of the people to hear Gods Word and receive it. Please pray that the youth will be able to learn and tell the Bible stories with accuracy and emotion. (Gary & Lily work with the Mam indigenous group in Western Guatemala. Pray for their safety as they minister.)
July 4 uly 8-11 July 11 July 20-22 August 13 August 28 Sept 6-17 Oct 20-21

JULY 2012

RON & MARGIE CAROTHERS Global Mobilizer Cluster

The prayer concert featured small group prayer and prayer together as a church. Despite the heat, ten people dressed up in outts representing people groups without the Gospel. We used the 52 Week Prayer Guide for Unreached People Groups to share prayer requests for groups of people around the world who have never heard the name of Jesus....and God heard our praise and intercession.! We mentioned our CUANTITIQUES? wristbands and a lady asked for three. The wrist-band will remind us to pray. This scene is being repeated in Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador and Panama. God is raising up and army of intercessors here in Middle America!! This is the rst step to reach these people who are without hope. (For more information on UPGs go to

Pray for the leadership teams of Sinergia 2013 conferences who are in the initial stages of planning. Pray that each person who expressed interest in missions service during the Sinergia conferences will be contacted and followed up.. Pray that NO ONE will fall through the cracks. Pray that Ron will have wisdom and discernment as he serves as supervisor for global mobilizers in Mexico and Honduras. Please pray for Gods will for AMIGUA and her leadership.


The last few years have been very difcult for us. There have been many disappointments and Rons health continues to be a concern. We realized that many of these struggles worsened when Ron began writing a 52 week prayer guide several years ago. We know that satan is angry that many people here are praying for the UPGs (Unreached People Groups) of the world. Its a spiritual warfare we are willing to ght, but we cant do it alone. Please pray the verses above for us. Please pray for our health and that we will run the race and nish the course that God has assigned us. Thank you for your partnership with us through your prayers. You are an integral part of our ministry!

Happy Independence Day! Team from Second Baptist Church, Washington, NC Happy 62nd Birthday Ron! Guatemala Fellowship Retreat Meeting with El Salvador Leadership Planning meeting, Quetzaltenango, Guatemala Anniversary trip! Retreat in Panajachel, Guatemala

Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere.
Ephesians 6:18b (NLB) Our vision is a multitude of disciples from all peoples of the Americas equipped to fulfill the Great Commission to the ends of the earth.
Please feel free to make copies or post this prayer letter. If you no longer wish to receive this letter, or know of others who would like to be on our mail list, please email us at Your prayers are powerful!

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