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Communists in government

SACP officials Central committee

SACP leaders are more powerful in government now than theyve ever been. City Press took a look at SACP leaders in government and gave them a red star if they did the SACP proud and a pink flag in instances when they let the communist side down. All those who fail should head straight to political school in China

Blade Nzimande General secretary, Minister of Higher Education Pink flag for some free tertiary education, red star for his efforts to silence publications like City Press when he doesnt agree with them

Yunus Carrim Deputy Minister of Cooperative governance Pink flag for being somewhat invisible and getting on with his job, whatever it is

Ben Martins Minister of Transport Might need a stint in Chinese political school before he tries to sell etolls to the public in his new position

Rob Davies Minister of Trade and Industry Pink flag for implementing the industrial growth plan and cooperatives in business but he works with businesspeople, which is a little uncommunist

Members co-opted by the central committee

or Jeremy Cronin Deputy general secretary, Deputy Minister of Public Works (formerly Transport) Battered pink flag for trying his best on etolls. What will he do after being reshuffled to a new job?

? Madala Masuku Mpumalanga MEC for cooperative governance Red star for being the brains behind policy in the province, something communists pride themselves on Willies Mchunu KZN MEC for transport and safety and security Red star for being OK in dealing with the taxi industry and working well with the ANC. But he is invisible beyond KwaZulu-Natal Jeff Radebe Minister of Justice Red star for trying but failing to understand the separation of powers in government

David Masondo Finance MEC in Limpopo Suspended from the SACP for wanting too much nationalisation. Were not sure whether to give him a red star or send him to Chinese political school

Gwede Mantashe Chairperson and ANC secretary-general Hes been too busy as ANC cadre to do much in the SACP, but he gets a red star for being instrumental in disciplining Julius Malema. Communists are big on discipline

Dipuo Mvelase Former NPA integrity unit, now a group executive with SARS Red star for her efforts to fight maladministration

Zukiswa Ncitha Mayor of Buffalo City since 2011 China and a pink flag for not acting on an Ernst and Young forensic report on maladministration at the city after R2 billon of the citys R3 billion budget went AWOL

Noluthando Mayende-Sibiya Ambassador in Egypt, former minister of women, children and people with disabilities Maybe theres a political school in Egypt she can attend. As minister she hasnt done much for her portfolio, although her heart was in right place

Thenjiwe Mtintso Ambassador in Rome Red star for her nononsense approach to womens rights

Pumulo Masualle Eastern Cape finance MEC Now that hes stepped down as SACP Treasurer, he should head straight to political school in China. He has taken little action to halt over-expenditure, corruption and maladministration in provincial departments

Jenny Schreiner Senior manager in department of correctional services Red star for lasting in correctional services uniform so long, and pink flag for anti-corruption efforts in her department

Lechesa Tsenoli Deputy minister for rural development and land reform, committee chair on arts and culture Red star for being perhaps the only effective communicator in cabinet members of Politburo

Godfrey Oliphant Deputy Minister of Mineral Resources Pink flag for supporting the states position on mineral resources being the property of the people, but hes not for full-scale nationalisation which, in a normal society, would be uncommunist. But in SA, that is the partys position

Thulas Nxesi Public Works Minister Hopeful pink flag as, about eight months after his appointment, he is still struggling to sort out the maladministration mess left by predecessors


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