Bdul Monem Limited (AML) - Company Profile

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Abdul Monem Limited (AML) Company Profile

Abdul Monem Limited (AML) first emerged as a building and construction house in 1958. Since its inception the company invested heavily in equipment, machine, plant, technology and staffing with qualified technical personnel and associates, to deliver the highest quality of work. AML successfully completed many prestigious construction projects of different agencies financed by the World Bank, Asian Development Bank and Japan Bank for International Cooperation. Presently, AML has evolved into one of the largest civil engineering and building construction houses in the country.

Corporate Profile- At a glance

Name of the Company/Group Year of inception of the Group Form of Business of the Group Type of Business of Group Market Customer pattern Total Units of the Group Location of the Group (Head office) E-mail Web

Abdul Monem Ltd. 1958 Private Limited Company Manufacturing, Constructing, Trading, and Service oriented Whole Bangladesh All classes of people especially middle 10 Abdul Monem Ltd.111 Bir Uttam CR Dutta Road, Sonargaon Road, Dhaka.

Business Units & Brands

Construction Unit Monem Business District AM Foundation Beverage Unit Ice-cream & Milk Unit Igloo foods unit Danish Bangla Emulsion Ltd. AM sugar refinery Ltd. AM energy Ltd. AM Pharma Ltd. AM Consulting Ltd.

About Igloo ice-cream

The Company is manufacturing and marketing Igloo ice cream, Countrys leading ice cream brand. Igloo is the pioneer ice cream brand in Bangladesh and started its operation in 1964 in Chittagong. Later, with the expansion of market a new factory was established in Shampur Industrial Area, in Dhaka to cater the market demand. Presently, Abdul Monem Limited used the state-of-the-art-straight-line technology for manufacturing the ice cream. Actually, Abdul Monem Limited is the first in the South Asia to introduce this technology. The facility is producing nearly 20,000 liters of ice cream each day that is distributed throughout the country. Quality& Innovation: Igloo delivers its commitment for quality for each product by maintaining Total Quality Management (TQM). All the raw and packing materials are procured from the best European sources. Strides Quality Control is done at every aspect of the manufacturing process form procurement of materials, blending, material flow, ice cream making, packaging, storing (at main warehouse), distributing and market shelving by the Quality Control Department.

Distribution Network: The distribution network is stretched all over the Country with long fleet of refrigerated von. Firstly, the ice cream is stored in the central warehouse of the factory and from there the ice creams are distributed through the haulage vehicle to the following operational centers: - Dhaka - Comilla - Khulna - Rajshahi : Covers the Dhaka and adjacent sub-base markets. : Covers the Eastern part of the country. : Covers the South and South West part of the country. : Covers the Northern part of the country.

- Chittagong : Covers the South & South East part of the country.

Strictest cold chain is maintained during the distribution and selling of ice creams. The retail shops are provided with the deep freezes to ensure proper storing of the products. Trolley Operation Igloo is operating through trolleys for extended reaches to its consumers. Trolleys are operated to school, alleys, streets, parks etc. and play a rhythmic music to attract the consumers. Trolleys are very colorful with Igloo umbrella and trolley puller wares specific uniforms. Igloo is the first in introducing and operating these trolleys in Bangladesh for any FMCG. Igloo is operating ninety five (95) trolleys.

Why does brand (Igloo ice-cream) matters from consumer perspectives ?

To consumers, brands provide important functions. Brands identify the source or maker of a product and allow consumers to assign responsibility to a particular manufacturer or distibutor. Most important, brands take on special meaning to consumers. Because of past experiences with the product and its marketing program over the years, consumers learn about brands. If consumers recognize a brand and have some knowledge about it, then they do not have to engage in a lot of additional thought or processing of information to make a

product decision. Thus, from an economic perspective, brand allow customers to lower search cost for products both internally and externally. The meaning imbued in brands can be quite profound. The relationship between a brand and the consumer can be seen as a type of bond or pact. Consumers offer their trust and loyalty with the implicit understanding that the brand will behave in certain ways provide them utility through consistent product performance and appropriate pricing, promotion, and distribution programs and actions. Brands can serve as symbolic devices, allowing customers to project their self image. For difficulty in assessing and interpreting product attributes and benefits with experience and credence goods, brands may be particularly important signals of quality. The whole company is dependent on consumer choosing Igloo ice cream products in preference to our competitors products. Thats why Igloo are whole heartedly dedicated to the consumer and focused on meeting his or her needs. Every month Igloo ice cream sells over a million products entire Bangladesh. These individual consumer transactions give the Company huge amount of annual sales. For success and growth, Igloo has to build the greatest possible consumer trust in both the Company and its products. One way is to get as close to the consumer as possible. This is quite a challenge. It means understanding people of all ages growing children, and adults from teenager to old people; and being aware and appreciative of all their needs and motivations. The aim is to achieve better consumer understanding than other competitors. The consumer at the heart of all Igloo do is therefore a maxim that is followed with great determination throughout the company. Employees of Igloo ice cream works hard to put themselves in the shoes of the consumer at everystep from product concept to the writing on the pack. Igloo, a ice cream unit of Abdul monem ltds executives spend days observing consumer in their homes and in the shops. Often this type of hands-on research is more rewarding than huge quantitative studies.

Igloo has the longest and widest varieties of ice cream than any other competitors at the market. Igloo is offering a total of fifty five items including normal, premium and novelty cup, sticks and family pack items. Igloo has more flavor than anyone else in the Industry and is continuously launching new ice creams.

In the ice cream category, the company has applied research and technological expertise to make products that have significantly fewer calories and less fat, yet still with the same great taste. With every bite or sip of a ice cream product, Igloo has to ensure the highest levels of quality and safety. Its a heavy responsibility to assure the highest possible standards all along the supply chain from raw materials via manufacturing, packaging and distribution, to the point of consumption. Igloo sales ice cream products in all around the Bangladesh at different points of sale. These include retail superstores, supermarkets, retail shops, and fast foods outlets. But they also include small family-run neighbourhood shops, stalls in markets, mobile vendors etc.

People can buy Igloo ice cream products in schools, offices, hotels and airports. In icecream parlours and fast food outlets.Different formats, in all shapes and sizes, meet the needs of consumers whenever and however they want to consume a Igloo products. Igloos business objective is to manufacture and market its products in a way that creates value that can be sustained over the long term for shareholders, employees, consumers, business partners and the national economies. Igloo does not favour short-term profit at the expense of successful long-term business development. Igloo Company behind the brands in which they place their trust. Sample Questionnaire about Igloo ice-cream In this section I will ask concerning people on consuming ice cream in their daily life. Name: . Age: .. Gender: * Male * Female Profession: . Location: 1. Do you eat ice cream? __ Yes If No, __ No recognizes that its consumers have a sincere and legitimate interest in the behaviour, beliefs and actions of the

1. What are the reasons why you dont consume ice cream? a. Price b. Health Care c. Taste d. Ingredients (Consist of dairy product) e. Other, ________________________ 2. Which ice cream brand do you usually buy? a. Igloo b. Polar c. Kwality d. Savoy e. Others _______________________

If Yes,

3. Why do you buy the brand you chose? a. Price b. Package c. Quality d. Image e. Availability of Flavor f. Place g. Other, _____________________________ 4. What do you think of Saporito Sapore Ice Cream?
Customer Friendly Low Quality Unpleasant 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 Customer Unfriendly High Quality Pleasant

5. Do you usualy consume the ice cream with ? a. Alone b. Family c. Friends d. Other, _____________________________ 6. In the past 2 weeks, how many times did you eat ice cream? a. None b. 1 time c. 2-3 times d. 4-5 times e. More than 5 7. What type of ice cream do you or your household usually buy?

a. b. c. d.

Cone Cup Family pack Other, _____________________________

3 = Good 4 = Bad 5 = Very Bad 6 = Poor

1 = Excellent 2 = Very Good

8. What do you think about the Social and environmental mission of Igloo ice creams?

9. What do you think about the Advertisements and promotion that Igloo offers ? 10. I am fully satisfied with IglooIce Cream. Disagree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Agree

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