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~ . . .
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. . . , ~ . j
lu \I ...j !-i i \0. '-'
28 !o!B;f 1 ~ 13 7
Brig. OonerBl C. Candee
Co and '" General Staff Schocl
Fort Leavenworth, Kansas
Doar General:
Thank you for your very nice note. I shall lndeed
hope to have occaslon to eee you In.tashl.ngton. Me anwhlle ,
here le Part Two of the uAAF Hlatory for the library of the
Com d '" General Statf Behool.
.. "
JAllES ?!llITON.
Lt. Col., A.C.,
1 Incl.
." ,
.... ; ".'::: H.A ... . i
_. .: --.:. _ h. ..
frep&1'66 by:
_he 'list-orlan,
l,q. . .,.. ,
.:oy 19 5

.; t J
I '
i' 'i
-,.; .. :!
1. The follow
narrative and the aocompanying
nineteen volumes 0 aupportlng documents comprise Part II
of the hi. tory of tho Meditorranean AllIed Air oroee.
Part I oarried the storr from tho date of activa
tion, 10 Deoembor to 1 3eptomber 1944. Part II
daIs with the eight montha tram then untIl the end of
the uropoan war on 6 'ay 1946.
2. Though prop. red and submitted separatoly, the
two halv of hiatory have been wrItten .0 .s to
form a conaeoutive DDrratlve when a.8umbled. _or this
reason the pages, ohapters and appendioes in Part II bave
been numbered 1n sequence to the pas , ohaptors and sup
porting volumes of Part I. It 1& intsnd.d to complete
the tals With a thIrd tnatallmont -- a brIef epilogue oon
oerning redeploymont, clean-up and diobandment of the
3. Ao with Part I, rtvo copies of Part II bave baen
prepared, of wblch only the flret is eupportod by doouments.
!bls twenty-volume master copy i. bei doapatohed to the
AAF Hi.torioal Archive. in WashIngton. DistrIbutIon of tho
four carbon oopie. of the narratIve I. a. follow., 1) Hq.
II A. ".; 2) Lt. Gsn. Ira C. Eakor; 3l Co
nd Oonsrel
Starr Sohool,
. I.oavenworth..
s.; 4) Air Inistry,
Lt.. Col... A.O ...
flq. !II.A..A. P.
Caserta, Italy,
y 194.5.
II \.
- .

. ,
i \
1:..' Ii Ii
-s; ".. "., "
W' ",.
....... .
1 Soptember 1944 -- 9 Y 1945
Chaptor XII
Chapter XIII .-
Chapter XIV r"HE/CH AIH "'ORe:lt M.A.A.P. Pago 201
Chapter XV AIll CP.E\1 RCCOV&RY Pa 319
Chapter XVI
Ohapter XVII
WITH hUSS IA Pago 366
Ohapter XVIII
Page 410
"-' _ .. -' i .. ...

II f1I!:rOr,y OF 101.1..1..
1 september 1944 -- 9 May 1945
Volume It. NARRt.'l'IVE
VolUl!le '1JJI.V
-- OVE LL DATA, Including
Organiza Hon Charts &I Hosters
top-level direotive.
5) Minutes of Meetlngs & Miso.
4) Jd.f\.A.I'. Oeneral Ordere
Air O-in 's Daily Journal
6) Air -in-C', Press Conroreno68
RAF Organizstion Memoranda 42-75
Documents rs Final Victory
Notes on edlterranean Operations
Data re Air Crow Rscovory
11) Speclo1 Operatlons.
Volume XXXVII -- IlQ. DATA, lnaluding
1) T/O ad Pereonnel Hatters
2) Adjutant General, F..port by
:5) AA 1'1111'0 Oeneral Ordera
4) AAFttrrO Speaisl Ordera
5) Inspeotor Genersl, Report by
6) A-I Seotlon, Report by
7) A-2 Seotlon, Report by
B) 1.-3 Sootion, Report by
g) 1.-4 Seotion, Report by
10) Signols Soction, Report by
11) Weathor Seotion, Report by
12) Chaplain, Report by
13) Flnanoe Report by
14) I. & E. Seotion, Report by
15) Speclel !Jorviooa. Report by
16) Judge Advooate, Heport by
17) Provost Marshal, Report by
18) Air Surgeon, Report by
19) UsaCC/A, Air Division, Report by
201 Publio R lations, Report by
21 Phot9 Seotion, Roport by
22 Ilietprian, Report by
23) L1oison Seotion, Report by
24) seOR Seotion, Report by, plua followlog
a) Roater of Statistical Reporta
b) Ststus & Sorlal number Control
of Airoraft
, ,
0) "Plow of Airoraft & Combat
Crows," Weakly Report of
d) "Monthly hooap1tulot10n of
_oekly neport of Statue of
Airoraft Combat Crowo,"
Soptember 1944--Aprl1 1945
e) Statlotloo on P.renoh Air Foroe
Volume XXXVIII -- COllbAT OPS & n:rI>LLIGENCE DATA, Inoludlng
1) II.A.A.!'. Operations Inotruotions
2) "Monthly Analysio of Airoraft Aooi
dents," ,optembor 194.4--,obruary
3) f,tudy or It.A.A.I'. II tal.liconoe .. as
a) Analys1e Vnlt snd Sample
b) POW Intorrogation Unit and
samplo Roports, inoluding
"What iG the German Say1ngf"
0) 51&Oal Intelllgenoe and sample
<I) lak Illtolllg noo, at>:! osmple
e) Informatlonal Int:sll en00
f) Teohnlos1
S) I\ecognitlon Trainling
h) Photo Into lligeOCIe
1) Order of Ittle Un1t
J) tlon-Combat Intell1l3once
4) Solooted Intell1gsnoe a.
a) "Reoent Ohanges tn Tactic. of
. r1 ftoenth Air I'orce" 20/10/44
b) t'Recent fJevolop::neLnts in Tactics
of \lA'PAP," 20/1l0/44
0) IntelliGonce 20/10/44,
"TarGet Proer.,,,, for Stretegl0
lJomberu, "
tfBuomy All'- t:UQ tioa, u nEnemy
Techn1ques U.ed against MAAr',"
It Air Crew Rocovery status."
d) "SUlllllIlry of All' Operation. again.t
onemy cOl!lllluniont10M in 1944,"
e) "Counter Air Operation." 24/11/44
f) "Attack on llalkan Co...unioation.
In 1944," 24/1:l/44
g) "Attaok on Enomy Oil Supply,"
h) "Att@ok on Dall IJearl,,"8,"
i) "Mln.lay.lng 1n the Danube,"
j) "Tho Psycholo<;1oll1 ar," undntod
.... l
,., ......... ... '" \ .

t/ '. {:"'> -
Ii 1<1'1 ,'" '
, I,
&,.', , JD
k) ttO o -1.ferorLcQ I F ,> +
1'01' thO ;,lr C-1r.-";la -,<Stt.i.di
wit.;. toll8 :',AC "":U onll Or'l
in.: U:1 OVdt'oll ootL..utc of
:"'1 and or for the
l...f.reu <10,'3 "')G-2t
1) llluto9, ;..'Ah;ic ergots
m) "?artiaaH I..ctlvlty in r. Italy,lt
"Con crence :.. otes,ll ;ler1od
.. :]0. - ? Jan.
0) "':0 pOl't on tlo P-SO," 19/1/45
r uCor.fOT'3nCO ::otes," ""l9r:!.od
U-21 January
q) "Jtnllon rartlcipo.t1c:1 ':"n "
tle of britain," 2/2/45
r) 0:1 tho 'L-252 "'rom
Italy," 2'42/45
8) IlCOt)!'crenc:J n 'O'J!' od
22 ,Tan. - 17 ab.
t) "D-.ellno of th, r .. ," 25/3/45
I) 'ICurl'unt Status of (11 JDt'(;6tS,1l
v) Cn1'2.b11i..tloJs--.lDv',"
Ti) Intarro,.;ollo:'5 0; or.. an ':enerals
Von Son ,or', ron \rlotln:horr and
:'hotllUa and. of 'r. t'
Scha.cht and F'rltz "'hysBcn
x) heokl:r Statu8 of :nterdlotion
QUo. Lho lalkaHs
1944--Apr11 1040
VOIU::le X.xJllX
Cihrrht.l.,.o LI'iC: 1', LAU::. I: Oi sun, 254--300
Vol=o XL
Volume XLI CEo :'..:.'HAL ';;!)Il'H ..
?SLM, ,353--420
Volumo XLII
Ce:m.'Ri<I. :J) IT:RRII.<_
O?SLlM, 421--457
Volwne XLIII CE:1f liAr. UI':.'sn.RA
O?SUM, 468--503, and
1) Al'Dold-PorLnl Crsuro, 1
11'44--9 1945
Volume XLIV
Volume XLV
Volume XLVI
..... ";' '::L-,I... ....
.. "
An, 94--105
Volume XLVII
i1E/:i;KLY I.Ti.:.L':"IGL.,:C...
.... '.

Volume XL\ III
,I>':;KLY 1
:_LLl L.'CO: 1i:.Y,
:'J\DAh !,' ?"'::LLI "
1) j,'.oport on SLOB '1 CO.:lbarou:.ant
2) i\ndar lntollionca .;urcau J.6:)Ol'tS
5 ,. G
3) .1,i,..... irt\dnr or
and uotober 1944

Volume L
RADAR "",:.Cl.
1) AA? Alradar ..oporta, r
1944--war:h 194.5
Volume LI
1) onthly JUum3r7, 11-17
VolWlllll Lll -- STATISTICAL Dk
1) ontl:ly Cp.ratlon, "0l'prt. 1-14
Volume LIll STATUS HEPCR"l.'S, . L
1) "Air Power 1:\ tho .. odl torrnnoan,"
:lov. l!l42-- .. ob. 1'345
2) RAF Quarterl' C--9
3) Airfield 3tatus ,-.oporte
Cha tel' ltI [
1. P a ],e. wl th t . S11 t anl e 8Y vlotory ln
ut ern I' noe tt. hlltor1 n1 t 1terr....,e n 11 hel
r oroe -anti 0 t:' \I,.ole It Iterr HeAn Theater
--rea it. Thi. v' e vent whlot
e hael en lrdlng the S.lV08 or t Ot Y8llro,.
n t e U. tigtter u. t oea], 11
oyer t ne" ruvler" bot 0 in 1 to 'u lat 1
41 va.
a nr the
11 dlvlll(\ns tl t aw ISc.1 u'" the : ne V l1er "re ,..e
th t 1'1 d t en In the nrigin 1 ' 1'10 n lny slon.
te",ber thl""tsl ae.s.-ne" veter nl" atty nd 1 nd,
u], tles ten w,' 1'1<. hod Jr lnnCl to roe. wi th ..n
eral 'atton's Thlrd 1"1 ln roe. Control tte
oro.s f m tie south tt.n eesed to A and the
edt t.rrano"n The... ter eel lnovl t ly I to the hnok
g und--a <w1ndllng nf W8r vbr, ohler al
d" e.
J:I lntore Un oolnold8noo tre are> 'H the etr

te 10 1 lnl! " 10nslve all; lnlt 011--
ot "r n tuk
--0 e t al a e:t otly tho ,,0 '" ent.
t'e lnY"slon 0
out ern i noe, t Po ol.r s 1 a
1 t . sur:.. nd.r 0 'U nl. t us ringln to en
t... nth ou dgn to,e . tl fl lnet lve- D1 . Ht 11' roroe
1 tl'. r.tlnsr1ea. eo 1'08 r 30 0 A 011. In 2
att ok. t>atwen the .11' t nn l':i an tne l ....t on 19
the heBY1 ala. ed loeatl's u
at le st two-thIrds. ,"ua
. allan nn17
- 11" ""
1,1. 't'

'-- ....

lnlltlrld 0 co of E 10 v1otorl

h alrl dl be n lar ely ch1evod.
:5. lld 10, trom ,e te er fln, t e o-rt.all. r events
in tbe 0
f tuml" no ... l"ly r" the
o enllvf\ oper tlooe to t e C18& U ot the
of val'.
to oe 01'. The Itallan C ""'&1 n I to
,nUl tl,1 In'l _11 naU n "r .' a lr ng' a touGh t "Pi,
and ti- e
ooftorrd ont 0 a G refinerl in
I' y h d be alnt 1ned It unr. Attl ,. p I re.
lut >1 the 1 0 t "Fa were raj ttvaly ut1n.,
al it 1'1 .nd ?10-4y. orocadu ea f - the nil'
.,l.v. The TaotloAl anti tr"togl0 '11" were q.l tl
o a 10 nf carryln on t "lr reer-o,.tl'" a.slgn '"nta with
a nl '" of r.u Idano" f
aOOve. In consc uenoe '''A j 's
attention awung to tte -1'0 Ie.". of ,...tle 10
ent. 411'100 oy Rnd olo.ln uo Ihop.
ut though 'i '. ele. tJ ore tt.u. flxld on
u reo lto top prlorlty task. or oour.e re'alne4 the 00
letinn of the val'.
result. the "arl04 rom vlot
In "Out arn ,r noe u.,tll v- , "ny wos .. dl !loult on. for
ra l.ned the ton T"l"lorl ty ap,:\.gn ente '1/,
.nd "J uotll the end. I" dI1r ad 10
o II' t10nl Inetruotlons 3 0 13 ...,te bel'. 87 0
1 J 00 bar. or 16 .:ove D"r, 101 r.all snu ,
10 106 0 7 10J 0 1 aroh. 112 0
2 prl1 ond lIb 0 23 rrl1. a.ondory 0 Jectlv"
luotu.ted consldlrabll. h' ev r. (ee 111. Vol.
l'; III)
I A ar tl "s Ir..truct10n (10. 112) outlln1nc
, 11' P ticl _tin" In per.tlon Gr .reahot'. the
flnal ItaliAn b, rnll lva oar
- ".

-l50 I
. .,
. .....,
0:/;}1 r
'he he'4quartere in general
and the Air f
lar. A nlce balance hed tc
atruo. between the 111"ledlat

p eeoutlcn of the fight and the lon arrange nt.
or red. loyment to the Peolflo. of and
oloee-harnels relettonehio wlt
the Itu.elan.. Vl th one
hand HA had to;l'l. llI8xi "" III prelsure on the last-dltoh
defense. of the enemy. With the oth.r get rsady not only
to de.patoh ite own all'
rcee eleewhere ae awl tly a.
;01 le but also to unnel through to the d la J;;
tbe enorlllou. 811' rOrOe" congregatod ln Franoa and gngland.
The detalle of that 01'111 an hl
tOr.y ln thelr own right-- a Hletory whloh. deeplte a 11er
drlblet IIIOveraenta. 41d not reelly u"t11 v-<: Day.
The r.eent n 1'1' tlve. Which corrle. The Hietory of IA
cart! fre!ll the vlctory ln "Ou thern renca to the flnll1
victory ln Europe. theref re cnly on t e exten
slve preperatlone for re1eploy,ent and reak-u 0 the
concsntrating uprn the complotlon of
the war and It. attendent The ran
an slltraordlnar.y gamut ant! De or. 41lcus. nj<" SOlO. of
ln detall ln succeeding chapters tt lI1ey oe w.ll for
t"e a e f l'roOd per ecttve to sUa svlftly over the
whole 1nvclvcd .equence of event
:; 1Jl!'nary. A dre'!latl0 curtatn-ra1eer to the new
, or AAF's career c e on ttrst n third
ln 'Oper Hon :UNION'. the "",cue or over a
1,000 U. S. end
lied a1r en rrO'll l"mont" in
17s which
only lZ daY8 before had taken ?art ln the last bo bar
nt 0 Ploestl.
INI)N was rollowed a rev weeks later
b,1 e1",11"r mase 4e11verl88 rem )ulgerla ond "wttzerland.
covery an" evacuatlon of A'I> nersonnel s a "'aJcr
1lW praoCll\lpatlcn and the stl'cam 0 rescued boys grew
" "
-. -'l1f'"
, ,
.......,;.j .-.,

, j
, ,
ata.d11, ln VOluMe .a .a
any val 8 U8&18d er and
a ler, tha
covary va not
a onl,
ect 0
.ttor - lnterrogatlcfI
&nC'O rev .1eft
th t
n1 1'1
- fl,era h d 10 n "rlevo
Jlly ad- tre
xli prleons.
.1l"'at suot at
.1He a to 11 l't
Dortad by
tha an re auer .fro':!
r Ii. A t an
Inund IUeU ro r,o"a ola tor 0 nnllot.lne " rraoadant-
atrno1.ty tOYS ttgstlr-n 11'1 t'C't13 ....! Lob lr f"ted IPver 1
a ,," 1111\ to
e arrent 01 Sr"I":'Ie <:tJ \&111 eS ",ell. to
r '1ft lin lno11.nta in .. ito: t! e .\Ur. Ipn tlon
lor ea.
e savin en,
t 1t had etuaUy tloI.e t< .e
oov eJl:ro,ed to .. , 11 v o!' C"J tl-e 'J C-bOtto,.a
tl I:' lezle vltr.r
rew.'loef'tl llPI, ci course, the tlrat
\Ie 8 aol to r,e t I tB
on all tho re Inery roocrla 1n the r .... n. ye corore the
.>Usalana to It oontrol of ,ulI""nl",. ThlB aYUt grill> t1nrned
out to De hlvhly o"rortune, lor tl.e ",s.lan 1t olear
that had lIttle lnterest in a.sltt .. ..,b jOy
uatlon Te ..... In t 0
t>.el nl1 t 81,.
a t to t' wprt
t 'e,

7. Rolatlcna "1 til the :be"lane, 1nt1ecl'1, hecu-e t e
J-r p Ole'"' 0 thto
-h,,- t
A t.
1st.,ry. Only
I- ot"),

11 ::It \.1 t"l ai'.u t \l(o blng
i,alon. to the Ukra1ne, t e!'e l ... ti
' roll t1 ; ttcn ('I to 4
8 Rnd auSr1clouS
ut t. e the 'ill 1 na
a4v n084 aoro.. the
I t!':9 ,.. 'It lcult d 1 lt
1>000. to .... lntaln a satta eotory killg nrtnership with
t Eaob day "ee"f1od to a OO't nr"ole. The at
1V In '111 &r1:1 ..,.1 t' e ov uat n 0
JIll ta at P1au tl ",.. re lU t
f>t"r e,:, 1--.
1 rt nt "are the etrlot1y or'" >Uon,l attar a o. a
8,1an Of'llu nl,
- -- - fl""
Greatest Ie leta.

forced lund1
e 1n A.1ae1
nev obut tle
anl1 t.he 'J
was t .... 8
Air. orOB, or ortl n. of Lt, to tlo-e lda 0 t grea.
in the er1od... relatlve n t\,,, :'ttptern and
/lotern rent. 1n the I 11 01 1 M tl'l. reJoot wa. ..I ned
t lnoreaoe the "etl\ht 0' t'le "tr, to;l all' otl en.Lva 1y
.ovlu the fifteenth', heavies c10813r to Gel'"l6.ny.
t " .aln
t c tt'J. '"!{"Oved unol':o"'ernt1vo . ]11, r:les"'lte the arsonal
re 'ant 0

turl- S"
rio tnllre waf' 1
era 16 dlleul It:'n 0 "l')r'I'l1

tl re re, 1n t e th,t thp. war ght
on on. f..!"e 41tt."nth liet I"\ut t "'r8!lpre it "If
lor teo ...-2dl e OJ Jet- 1 tore. 1'11t.
altb tr 0 P Ject lor 1n t- e -.icr ter 11n
ated be cre thIs " ..1toL-over otu.lly bogon.
3. On Ootobe,. nor "er "'ote to enorlll ('lles:
-I bTve r an
s.olalm he 1. conce on Jet- -na ckot- It
thl, 1. "one, and nC'l rea. n ,. uot t,
! 11e.e (':ur ,-est arr-"ldrtp., 1l11"e f!"',,"'71 t
taok. on line t"'r1ell :..al1t1tn th.. 1"1"'0'1, 1. to
ve 8V 11.ll,ble ..... n .. r'... '98 'y "',rr1 1 t
veral erau I' ur own t1 r til'
ThiE SUb e&tlt'rl we ' te" ("'0 "! --aos..,-o 1:nt
t tn. or tralnlng. Ao lor tbl
2" oonVer<ll"H, t.lll:. we*; Jro c er t"l General
ater ..hl1" he.s in tho . toto" 21 Ootober
and 1 ... ti"'ve ,er (\9 "':,8 llJly .)1111" i180CSAlir"
cau or shortp, e 01' I'C'duott"'n of' Upon
the "lr 1n-0'" return "'. pt nnoO (1:'5 ove hr)r)
Osner"-l I't t e flttepnth Col.
Colrnna, tl"..e '"':nelnU9li :'011""" fl' e"'J to lin 1.. 811t
ste ntudy of the &1"""" s rna au t
"1M 8 \0" or l1ve (5) !'t'nu a
&lid.. xlII"," at ( ) ..,,,>,,,,,,.. 25 . bar. Il':r. t On
rener.l au
oJn9r1l1 -.\.nt r ten"." c....
terencl 1n ';anne 1'1 all th 1\ eo," nder. ln the
.r ,., t'r u' it wrl tn o;A. . 'fit
101 tiel aonver lnno 1n It:u.y. 0'1
tu 113 ok '""1' oe, l-,.,vevc , ) f r -'"': a:f.
- - "':1
. . ,
iJ "-_ . -::t L.
. .
lfteenth rid nr: r>r"vo

t!'" t
elenento 0
J: In tllO le,l .. orOC6 "'ho trench l.r
oroe, ."t lch hatl oeen
e ly 1 3,

"ver t<-
-'. I P
""'rlt 1
I 00
eo v
j "
t h lr 1 r.;;:e
(I' J ....
tl.e out ern vVRi!lon. 'nesa
'e .uta e
1 lr. ur ,0 el.
I" ctn .JCl1'"
td n uenersltr p.-: tt, .er, I err r""1t1. .... an:lon, ere
"reed \ tt re SPlltot to
t e Ijtu.,tlC\rj f"! tte ...WOlltt. t1" torle 10 9nts tl) be 18 t
,("IV ti ft t r".n 'e:
It opltp ,. it ne089:J r. t., r ,. l"fl .... talon,
Taotlcal .orc. te .u- or lxth r y Group_
The flnl" '-\ t;f 1'0 t!.'1e tc t
if' .("lva tt.e
1 .lIth r l'oroo to "'outJ.orn t rano. or th'tt talk
hi- !.oo't"ulO It"tl.vlIi v... (' 1'''11.58 111 ! '1
a Taotioal r t orae. t .1ngl oonlt"oret1, ere-
fore, lt 8'Jf\;ng w'@e t.(1 te.kf' t 8 ve olte1
of on General tz
et"t.rl, will he n\"ntOAtBA ('r tt-e Or' or t;,e
revlslon.1 lor e. The role "hloh "e1rtb
If\roe Ullitt:! wll1 tpTre A foIl ("lWP !
(1) In a '1ticm to the 110 t 1 r.l tr a1 y
"Kre d tc 1>0 left In 'loutlorn r. noo witb tho
Twelfth ;r
l .:0 -r-n,l, t",10 J-26 Croups
ro t10 Tw1 th J.r 'oroe "ill e lent the...
II If'rn flU Sill pole lr(1 48 are avail,. 10 d
when 81 c'" e y the lngl. 0 eet
u 1n rftnol". 'mar L tz .nti '0 . rl net-r
t'o1nter' tl:e n6l!d ('\r
olo':!fl'1 r. n'" 1'1 turtt" r c" tr1tTut1. .... n '"'r. Cl r art
t t.hIs end. II
1. varlety nC \J i t8 'WPlNt aOCC'lrrU'"' ly tranat.rred
, out bullt ,.,r tl. t eU h re 10811 In It
unUl t e
1 t Coreereno'" 1n it \l'Uer/ en 1. t w p
to 110....
Tlfelttl> to r,,"ce in toto. De In 1ns!> t..e
.. Wi tnry ('I t' e
t 8 t.,.... n (fir.
. ,.

" ,. I

u at onoo. b
Thh 1 !.I')n was , rt nI

"* ve i9nt 1'\1

air corce.
to r noe M"1 I tilly, ",h \I;"" te'
nor nler '8-' ,., th '"e:no'" 1 .... tl,
,,1 01 "l" " u t .Po. 1'0 1 "'8 1.\ ..... ('1 t to tre Theatre
It "It.,. onoe c181!r t: lit ..: "" :j--T' 1'8
nl&tlvea d th lr force
...d H rtere .r.-o t t ranee 1n a'" 1. t1r r tC' t 6 t;wo
i'1 ter- f')8r tv"J0"\6 ,.nlt 111"'" t"Jrt\ng ,ervl08. We
",,1nte'" '"'I t t t t. l' liI't"'ultl f- e neo8A""ry t\ 0 fo
Attan 0 a 1'1 1. a.l '1 ctt -u "ir rrroe here d
waul" oltU8e UII 1, lhO
"mV8111en08 cf reo
ftl\lzIIt1on. tn e." 11:tr>n, \II r1 "'1 t that
\ve rer oent ,.f the unl:c or the Twel tb
r oro.. e remainIng 1 . lUk" "'0 , tte
tt\N, the rode :tnr': 1t"" _tfl.r! ult1 "" 1n until
',Q altuat1.on Illtera and. p,,1,11tl"'" al l' eltth oree
un tll e tn '0 to r 1"' nCI\, wren t e 'ueatt n "uld
Je 0 neldere".
Tnl. "ao tnally oy f.. and 11 T j
"""ra entf>tl"ep - 60"'8 ratn t"'-rCO":Bnt "'UI
tee I: tr t.' vimlonal T6..otl0'1 '\lr tnroe
. e,.l1 UArter--, ,:n'" wtth tt,f'! urt\-oo r"vlno tL"t
u 1 t8 ""l'u'e g1.ven e lrat ro-viSion 1
T"ntloal 4tr 'nt>op l!O th,. t t t onnlt'J" n ",.roper
Jl'lo. TYI eft ot unl t& S'f'leC11 \CIl11.v BOU" "ere
c:t UroUI"", unit"" vt
t11"1f) 'n tneGr ,
nd so :1 0 rtl'.
n8rAl atter thorou.h dlRmls
1on, then
'IJ l'Jtlttel1. ,. 11 to ,..t un which he requeatet1 r
to Join "'1 t. hlm in lorwartUn to the 'j ,Dined
ata or nt early && the It.t, g.....d
to tvefJO 3 A, .k and TO to 'Je tr",nlJlerf'ftd 1ro' hie
t .ater to 800n as onn be
aoe ava11 ole. that l1st \8 a tllt.:i.ed tlereto. It
". ae d th&t th. '''''igln,,01' ODt 1I.110n not
al.ed or until ftar ,rl1 1; 18 nr1er t
.... rtll t the 00 of the 1 t" III t'nr tt B
ve ant f't! tl'le if \. 1r enro. lnl,g-r ,nt,;d
19htera to tl e 'noon a e. I a C w.a
at a x nus that allot er untt taKe -reoedenoe
over the nye ent8
ticn ,n luBer battr;11on .h ul'" 1) tar ve ent
the a8 annn tter 1 roe 1 le.
0,," t".. 18 that" " ...... ed y
t.," 10.
8 U ,1. tat-ad ('In tta e bit lf1.1j
tr8 nd oonl1derao1r elato OY"
1 et!ort and 8111Q1ency, it 18 r Pieri 10 w
I : 1

ake to wlth tte
.Dined nte I of r.t
y own eo le th t th le the tlr=t
lnore nt f't a phnlert ,ye ent the or .' rth .11"
lor-oe t thla the t tt to t, ere. 8 fu t) nr It .".
theretnre, to reoo t t '0 10n vttt UI
in ar Y'll.g gl'\ln n w with t le
lnure'oent nI the T el tb n' t knOt' 1<' n1 the
ill"lt ..) visionAl Tactlo"l 11' rce. I .1 that
110. of cur tr"\u1le 1r, Uft s.ret. 11 ,";v") (lut
vi 'ttl g)l':'ter 1n \::t') nil. 41'.rtU 1" tz ha are"',
t:.1" flre, to A6k. () t LOr to; e r t'llrn 0 "v1lle
to the J the tr nster r. eJftor to .f
00 n" the \.J'"Ft _"l Tactl0'1 rnrce.
JIU erncur. I 1"0 t tn let hi
.a nn a. 1 1e. e allO AEre tn rl. uAnel" Jo'" .in..r18 tn us, t '.Y r", :18 t,
to take t, e t' C8 "1 Ir1. 1.8 eneral Tho G in
the It th 1r erv\ce..:o 1'0 trl t 1': ,0' II!'
C lnre to 1"8- 08 10nel :ltOl1, l'\ljr 4 wlo
' JU"t ()O n ln an t
11. ! eaer-l c -rney nO'.1r nl\ an 1. on
ene rl liar u Srlz.8rl t'. neoe ry Iltt.epi tn
r n u to ttae Fen\'or ",. re r.f tr.e A t t.
, + jl 1 t WIl6 .AMr8tJd to reco 8011 to t
tr _t t,o Tlo'.l th 'lr, oroo .. rter. Twenty
8ttonntl TAotlof 1 1t" Jo ; n" lim"l" be ln it-slY, JUt t pt t e nllowLlf(, unit"
"uld 0 tran fef' d to tllo lrot Provlelonal A1r
"'roa ln addltlpn to tM tw" 11 ;t,tor-bo', er group.
"" tl'l) un:
(h. IS)
' l\1nt. Go.
1 Vo.
U ill
1 Con tr.
v 437 eo.

III lr,.
Tee} Unit
2 t.

roUT' 48
'"'" Pl
1 lr uroUI'
(u -). (-ener 1 avane) le
The "e"u t1 " ..11\.
onar,', II wl tb t
onel 111ty 0 u"ervl&1n tt.8
01 eot1t'\n <" .. U I'
. t'.e ty, r t1 ned ""ve nt1
t! ell' re""ar tlcn
or tr nater t trance,
dill tin .1tl eta
r -'l1r'ct a ,OF II" itft 0' t_n
AJ , ..1th tl e A
..,\ 1. Tv"lJ. tl'" At r , 0 08,
wltr t a etat,
f) t e ny, eneraJ.,
at ...... , aID neo8lP 1
It le "ovloua t t the 10e r tnee unite ,,111
Of'U I. 8 rearrar er.lent .,,1 t 1 n 1. tat
.nole. n ad r )(\ye 111 0: t're etJ.eot 0
the nt o. tr lae .... or :el d e lu1 ta 1e
NCO endetlon, nnrrU tin, t e 1'18t,.111 th tl.
tle uty ,In. (I ) It le t >t 000
". 1\ j ..
. if..
... L \
tlC\n l't t
two 01 tte "elrth'. vete an t I te !)c)-oel" >: U 8 \the Z7
t ) de,.. ted ror .. ro' noEt en 14' ia )ru' ry JUt tee.

0 tie
e 8 0
41 o.lon 11.4 to n' terlaU.e. v11t "
t 8 n w r It uneoe " I ,8 te d. tue -velt
re alned In ., "osl ttr- i.S Ion tto mUDd
p tnelt, tl.e rltte nt r'\u. ancl W: 'I 1n "'n the tll al
11 0 tt.. (.er an al' te9 In Itnly. It 18 1 te ttn
how th18 !ill vtctnry ln !tQltnn ce olgn
vould h v.. 00 n al t m.d tt t.e T1'811 th " d oe n wi thdravll.
1;'. To t ke t!'e ,,18ce r)(1 T' J In the T ctloal
r atruotur, 'Ar\l- d1reote t e oor.v Nllnn ('If e
I 19t ter ...n':ll anI', lOllg 4n o ..... er t1.t"llull 8ubordln te
t e Co 8tal nr08. t to t"8 X'I IrA';, 6 . lthdr."al
o )(11 11ghter W ' rnd 1'0:1 Co Rtlll tl e 1. tter e
tlrely a 'rltt81
nd "
1nor nnlt. or after the

t ern I r noe t e
1- '"
t "lena Ii) tn the
et'U ent\ed. are .tN va "'galn 800 u
and CO rl'Y("l 11 I' n!

1 l! vas nC'l lon er neee. ry. e

tun ,tinn wall!! thus t'"o
nC A II rC"ur 1'1

ta a to !Ml 00 18 t.l1.
,8 alntn, t t
a, :'\8 Gener.-l t;" lu!r h d
10 AI'O e,,,l, load on:; "1"11 1 .A In r tr t "I' ..
II. er 01 a Air 1 C ln t "
terrlilCle n, ",er t.
at tegl0
ana've, tt.e au'" ort f tte gC'C'unti
oa al n ln Italy and tt,a or
tl a arti. nl in t;. It
alkane. The atrateglc (:n b r.g n lenslve ")noluder] on
The XII 1 .ter Co ,and reverted tn th At t oroe
OTler tlonal control on lA .. ber. per A' O. ,
17 0 20 bel'.
, ,
oJ .....
16 A 1"11 "1 th r " rol ?'\ att
t 1'10

ot ur nrCge
va nrr'lu t t"" r. 010B8
tie atr t 10 all" .r.. -t an
n 1 h a lvn I.
beoo Jl lnQre8.1S
l1eletu r ar 1 n I"

t SUn ort 0 t""e ert1 &lt8 1n tJe lal. '1B"1 er-:ed
lnto taotio 1 all"

. 1
1 rlll, ,,:. . e.,
un ary, Al anla w
lvorate,"" tte t et
.....a ot the I 1" n
r f "roe 11 teadll.r unt1l
ln 1"11 1" b only 0 t1A., !str a &ril1 t

drlaHo re It the r liB 1n -taly tryl, to
ull I,) ok 1nto tile apc _ren, this .eant thatP an.... T $'
wore th work\.n, nn dl lerent as- oots r1 t}-e a e
In the 0' t leo n At 11 lin" "y.
1&. The AlUed ,nd In I k1y .. hn e to inroa
t 18 lnal oloan-ur (\ the I II en ':"alKn '\.n Ootnbel" 1 1"-'"
.nd tull 01 enaive WI' t. t) c. t t 1. e. \\1 t thnUgl\
1 t oreao1104 the "Gotr 10 tl 01 l",.lftd to ,,1t ,in ft do
On ot ln10gno, thia .ta1led Cnr 1 ok nt Po
q te th on the !V,Hr,<1. ",.., "re- tor until ar ., ring end t'" re
lenle. ant 0 t. worn n4
ve roT 1 th and .1; th \eo. Taotlcr 1 1" loroe n
a\ned 1 to
gram of ot l1e. 1n
tea 10n In
lor. 'Jetore lno
(' vprB also vell
red by tbe hou ""
r "".1 n -:; "'I turno'" f t e1r
atr tegl0 tar, eU t., sll- t 8U nrt" tt.e Unal Itallan
o lenal.- that >egan on "'rll.
? dUna to Dona ttla .t Twlnln tt-rou h a-nnon. Ret.
16. At
ot enalve n t ue n doslr )10 r tl n
rll rhre.sOt
1. ort nt ... attnn. 01' tl"s grnuo an' a1.r t :-088 tf'l
a IT
u '"II t aroh noi e"r1 y t..le Ueneral Slse .er' a
f1nal val It atill.e. d
unll ely thltt 8 ahnv-l!",-n vt')ulti be fle de" 1. 1 tre ,.,,.. Valle,.
or t e
r an r:Dlea t ln ala ta
negotl, tlol." 1 e r11 1n
t "10 erll. -8 lrak.e nvn .nl1 1t )ftC t T"er' t\ve to 4
a ae t e r"'f n A.r tOI in the _("l 'al ey be .. r. e they GOuld
""'111 ) ok tl'> tl'e A1 lne \8 ('\U1t. an .., y. atter t at't 0
tHI n nn 9 .... rl t 'tn. "'",us '" r ul1 r tr at on
J Aj t:181 .)00 e t'8 l1r t '8t1 r t,.. Bur' enlier un
ltlnnal1y. Ttle .et tne oedent. All "r- \ Rll oyer.
u -'Ie 0110ve\1 8ult nt onoO n" v- ny, 8 -ay, tl-;UlS 0.""18
'Xl t uoh ooner thon 1 t .,
h ve otlo 1f1iO. It ...
an. v 1 t .lr1g tlJtlt the bi ttor 'erU terranean oanmalgn.,
whloh h.. benn the scene the ttl' t 11e" ..."!llbiou.
lomdll1 'e, tl.e lrot AlUed Jolnt
M the tlrat
0.... leto vloto1"y.
K) "i\1c'r or ov 11 IU

ioul rly algol 10ROt &ttor lnillo' tsd ,,"0 are Hao"ared
in "et 1 in 8UO.:ee If, 0: a ter
u t ne't or eMrAlll8d
III t.ry n('lr (\1
'"1 1o t tl Fla
'lve- n
e .uate Int110. tlon of t e lnl!lar ooeable. eve
war t All
cont 0 Jltrl J;Jtlon C\! l.r
A to f. 0
vlotnry 1n ti e etL. t r.
erfttl"'nl in
t. lnal Jr)nthl wr 80 VIllr1r-UO, 0" rat! ,., a, so vld
re.,1 th t 1t w.s.l It 1.>"" 1 ')le to eee the atolly
v,ole. The ek1 v'l 10 ul1 that t e Co
nil tte ot
nnt US .e.n for the
-46 ...
I ! i

o tenllve aotlon val eo and ar- lung that onlJ
tbe lIan ln tha .oon oulo. 'U"VIY 1t all.
>nu t thl only
e. eotlve way to a
len.lye deaorl
tlnn 0 it
.a 1 0 - otion
0. eo."t of G&llu :-011 C'8Ur.I.
aker lnulu1 d IUO;
roun u to Oene..Al
La.t we .. the l?e 0 t. JUt, untL lr ,.oro.
ttao&en. al .. t l' et to d to - e
aJlLAJD L I .. t.?-.. 110s Sf"ut'. ct' > rlln. l
"',1. aallff" De a und tr
.. 0 l,bOO 111ea. Tb.
IAn returner} with _1 to luaur t ,8y
uld r. va rr n8 to ,,"r110. I Aye 8d ..(....'''.,.. I
ther CIt". inolude ur :Jo-17. au( -511 1n 1.
next arlin ttaoll..
ot the -welt'th f erol allO eat a 1'800l'd
('II' "ec ..." etr"t1.nn ...hera tl.ll ntt ";4 " a tar et
118. n Inn81ruok.
11 e 2 8 n alBO hxv' rEl,IJt aU008e wl t.,
UI.. 0 H, \;armon
8 0011 have leatroyod .. yltl"
r'l" oe tllr"'u r haoluto 10/10 aloud u81nJF ("bC"ran
810lUl oent. nne 0"- O,J h. r. n :110 1 ., wal .ade
2.f> Ule f _, the t>l'Ound at_tlena tl'o
an altltude 01 13.000 to t.
Durlnfl; tJ18 1, at t.., w _-<8 we h va a
nu )f'r of ts fro n t.\ .iotA lana for ftttaoks
on tl1i"f\ets wblob ould bltlr t 8 {'l the
,. rnnt. 01 tbese att.citl wo. de 1n a VAry
tow tJaYI, A.1I S(lOr\ as tho liIat:,fIIr would f' r;'ll t,
aun wi t} exoellent raliul tao
ts 1 r
On tbe wo.y b&...:k i'O" one (\1 fur atr tag-to ta .. tl:et ,
one, ur ... \.g tar boy. r n ut 0 oxygen nt!
"OVO to 10,OJO oat. 'be hili,
u .der tr. olC'lU(\I5, iJ.bou t 30.1 8.1.... ill. wor6.1n over a
\.laa1 n 3oston or 20 unl t. He to our
11& tftr 18at10,(" 00" e alit! t ,,).ole ar .
anti nnO,ll.ed "own 17 o. t.e e.1JJ. There 1s no
.. tlon bUt tl at t.(,e rua 1&11 .)()1'I10er 110tl 111.nt1
tied our ..1 terp n saw fi. (d r t t;UJ oorn t.
ne 0 our 17 11 0 ",'enUl ''-In "'lul ed vlth
...iQf1ran 1n 0 er t t
e i 11 te, "lr 50 Clroe aan
tv t ltl .. ty ... cr t: .lr us
1 t 18 nov ourrent .... lit lor our 10 r
t1 te..l. atter tl el lnllb tJ-a .. .. t 0 ..
h.a.vl 00 bra, to go dowr. &Jld atr e one1.J)' t ta.
They I tMyln" a 1.. n I :.>8 .. ot .. 11 and
rolid 6.nd 111 heatl" U any .lllt 1
t nUlld. n d yo, tho 17t1 nd 18th ot
oh, wnen tte 8bVt not 0 ut due
- - ..... 1"'f.jlI
... ...
- --' ......
VI at' ,
1"1 i u I 'P' 1
1 e
tt'l tor.,
atln"o<1 r rt',er n rt

e. ,
o t of,.
'I'! oy ,.,rrlof"l ,n

t.l' t n
'p. "
1 I'
,88 wr.l cl: th
s nl wlJre 1nt It 1n
i 1 UI""

u t,., e IIf .. ''Ill C" Sf" 01 11'"1"'" 1
.'J..,...... ly 11 .. 1nR to 1":art1. tl .0 ,t1nfJ tl'Ol "Jll("lta
fftf1 . ebru rJ J l"'r t' e r til in n"'rOo .no t 11
nn: or Iu 1')81 .V1A. nr cur....ont11 tl 1(: lith
el: . A (i 'f 1- net' t('lnl fC'r t e ('nt'. 8
htV!! rd '''/ t<'l 11. te r:Y" 'l,Aoe 110-\ V'. t t
:It .1:1 t''''n C ,1Mr r rt -ron "'tlli" V8 0''''''1.
lI] t 75:' n! tt:.e t('\n. e r",l" Yu c .lft'11 _"r t" e ",//' ole
e 'rB :11' t 71 (l.:6 It::.)t resu t, \'!tt '!
Tn t... tt,.ok "'n on":)' 1:" rn tte "lroh
)... t .. rr'l h 10/0 (\V, rC1tt, 1 tp.1' r s
coellent eSlIl:. lv'! rl1 :: . ilro ,1l!utr 181\,
t rt.: rtv r vo ala ' 'n blrr.oke" in the
, .."Il- "1 r"', "nl &'0- ... btely 171) a 7" v.., ...

ur to,",
- r1"rlty
1 ttl":Jk n 1

n very IU
0 u1-
"11 1 nto tn r'lllr tf' ri"l tl"
t .0 e nly 5 re
n .... Cr...
n t r1
of t 0 0

oro r-.l)r,bly
t tyI /811 1n
r 0
tl to e.

G lr,'I't:B
I' tly

1nC 0 tl
.0 ;0 ! gt'snl1nc
ot.:orrHfI' .. tC' c' 1 tel"t
. tr
1 n1 try on U
!'"t!" 1. J I l'l.a!' 1n
..,..., l"'"'I 'uc l nr
out 10
n n
r ii' 1
,,)e- ,.t
0(.1 , at tJ.
'c h vo p] ro d .. C' 011 OVAX' 16,0 0 ton. ",r bn be
\18 Mf')nth anti hRve "t"'orrtet'l on ,"11 It 3 days. I
9 "'Uli t' ar oOIlt1n t
-1.e \1111 18 ur 1 eat
ontb. in t,,, rr \,1''1 te. 1. r:r "a8 01) t
'iOntt v t nne; wO (V' r" tul 80ale on 21 in
)rll y.
oI,8C8r tly ,1fto l.tb "tr "ree -1; nut (\vor
e vy ')1"1 or C"n tte tentt 0 n88out1ve (lilY (It o.
e"" tlon. 1',11. 16 '0 the a o'Jnt
1 ttl. <\.',0 0 le.l1. . Mol, tbly still nota n.
'7hey l:'.r..vo w"'r' e'" ut VO"J af 11clt.1n fPII&' ntenanoe
tl(in nd "r 11 l' very t:1F."h. ere
! t 1" rlne1 11 110 un t 1er toot that the7
, , )19 to ut ut ..... vr ("J tl,.tr ilA:j
.1 ,.er i y in u 1'"'1"' r tl n.
C'U 1.1 ont .... ceo 11a1"84
et 1 I nov r \ ""'.I - I 'ul Be. !("U} 1l'".I'CI a
tually d 11V6 tf'\ US too'" J!lt or 9 "'''''1'' "'1, n
nr: v h VI! 0 er 1 1 i 11 te nth r .. r-roe
a 11tUo bltt'.r t an t, co t ore"" 1'0" bn .ber.
"'ur lxY'erlenco trl "llte 1:- 10. te' t.l.e Sf'un .,. C'!
t 11 P gr.. Th11 h beon artlculrr 7 t
1:urlnt t' e 1 on 4ld 0 CC'n "cutlve " "ar t1.on. Ii
hns at1e 8 re d1 .. e 1J8 1n 1J1'O to ..
r 18 hPvl :. tl.81!18 Il<"'\t1 'e . n"'lW
r ght1n to It on ,,11 10n. -hoy h va an ont
SlAP or t k which v not 0 & tot en
;t r ,f1{ .,; ",
i ....
'. :" 1,' ,
.....,r ..
they" tired r'. lally tUgtt. ! think th1t ,
1. one rtluon tor our lnoMBled aocuraoy in bemoardJ ent.
our better or atlen flying an'! our lower 1018 rntlt>.
10.1 is down. tor rtbruary
all airoraft 101. in the fifteenth r foroe 0 hlay,
be oers w... 1.11. The OV raJ. rcr&ft 1088 in ..
a hell wa84.'
' .
. , ,
, '
... i,t.jli f'
... : t ,.., Jf
Chn.. ter
-- '
,...., r tt It, Inv8ut1.
'/ T v&luation
roh to

... .i.ep't .,..rett.,l ucl t.1 8' or .. nlz
tlf'1n&l lor 1,.11 out 1n tho
rot l 1'4. Tr: n v
t I rterr 1r. the 11
o r.. 1 n no o,.. tlr"r., an I
r tinl "lo, n
fIItHnn I nr 'uptrl ; two tun
in toll t be CC' 'Or.
"'flU t
tl ;80' pr .n- '.... ', t-t I't t.
J\ir il 01'0 s. .Ud A'l sUEtt.:!n l' l;lJlJI t' ohl'n,-c.
. lit. For, I '\e..... ll ty
.- \. n-14 lIinoo
A ,.I '8
Il8Ulnntnp-t had
ae rt8d only
l'"jetl"trp J Of' onn' 1 nil lr 8 "11)0 r
(Per.annel) on tt:o A\.r lnlstry tntr 1n lnnr1on.
two 0 let. tl.U8 1'!1 81 III tftne('lualy tnto the
b' r t.o" In,)8 lH t elr !"k n"t n 1 "lr !oroe8--
a t ot veloh the
trl Jte to A t I Ii !lc..;n 11o!1 ent iu tre flrececHt1 Ie r.
GenerRl .er Anc4 lr
r_ 1 lee erp
t,. Twel% t}'\ lr j n "I, . n1 lr N' 1 l.r
vl"ual/ otlr:
In-'; lr.A\ \tJutte Bt .ala. o
1 t. alter.tinn 1n A.'. 1ntern 1 et-u ve
O. .... ;x) an1
A ,

b. OC of
, ..,. li'" , -
, . I '. ,
- .

, ..' .
bl oUnor olnco tho 19. Ull pt.a
J ... ttI _ee
Vloully n .r its 801. Other at
811 r 880t1 n
"Ao 1'1<. and tt.
ari n ,,-tlr:1 8 nt Fq. A... vere a.

. uty Com niler
J ''''''eo V3.ns '. I Ti. l}O
dJu t' nt OenerD.1
<A>l. JIl1rj
20 Jan. 1
t I 'ro 00 50
A1.1 -3
llla v e
14 Clot.
A 1 TO
1 '44
.;., 1 ..
81r II rc'l
12 0,,0. 1 44
Coli t r. s.
(;01. Jo!:n
vol .. J .. 1.
t A 00

Dec 1

}r1Il'. ... n. rt.ur Thoma
I T 1

'e 1 0
ur eon .;ol- Oth len.on A I (),
18 Jan. 1945
"1 I\Ill. ;"1-

I 'TO CY.l 61
31 Dec. 1 144
lit UaUce
Lt. lkll. 'rye llynn
19 Jan. 1 "t5
J.t .. ",,1. \. ..

M'I ITO 00'59
1 .
!leo. 1944
Vol .. N. B. eo
1I I .'Jetr!a 1 Gen. K. nf vely ,. I "l'O 26

16 .roh 19040
The d- ,li.1etr. tlve Jrvelo.... nta wit ,1n
t" f"ltrer leoti OF (" .. tte 0 Qu."rtera re
iJrlef 1, au .. rl .)810
lth t' e a1 11 r 1n VI "t "T e'1
J Tao i)8r] 1..10 - 1 8'!"lte.) r 1

'-e "'110 Vola.
II, end
VollI, .-hie oonte'n II 18 ent ry l1 t on
OJ 8eot1"n.
/ ter the t19 arture r f 1rlgFIl1.1or (Zer.erf:l
I, IT' ulal!er in Ju J 1 "'.1, ,aJ r l,rf,nt HOll,..r! aeryed
... l3t\uP' dJutant c.en.ral until tl e 2" olnt ont e"lone1
o. a1
, Jr. on .. pte ',b r.
t.n a. rd. handled, "MY 31 'n1 10 nt "P.'8 in G.
un tien. 0 ncerne:\ e:xtenslv4J ran r" tl'" ne or the 'C
Ie e
5. lQ.. Tte 010 er tte ("t tr 6 .uropern fr nd
ttl' >e ;lnnln ('\1 tt".. e reo 0: Iny"'Slit ..... t . \; .tt, the 'Mlre
Ul' ent :)8011 '8 t1:e 1.08'" e torte dutle.. ";(ll."'r ko
e tlon
r arson 1
1n (lot !ler t" vAnta n Pi 'the n 1 . rll 1945. The 1. .' e
poll OJ untIl led to "Je ton
1. toe 1 81' t10n r1utlel I'lovn
tl:. I1tl8r e oh eol-elon In. eo .111 tLa o .-.t 1 or eor. 101.
Tbe A r Inereotor A!. /... sell u nrncted com' _Ite
blutH' 1. n e _t 1. IHJ envi ei 0'1 e 120 eerle. 1"1 A.
er;ul.tlona ('1 'ti ft 1. 1()d1"te 8U'oO .... () l t. nd 1
depen ant unite 1;0 ..... tera A'w./ 1'f,. In ad
dlt 0, au erV18t ry Vi9l. t6 nd spot Inerect10ne lOr\; ade
rllp'ul r
lnlnlot1nne r,f .. lll , unt ", fOB deoeotrpllzel1 and 891
to tl:.a A1r of tl.e 12t" 1t>th hlr oroao
tliR10 IJy .,0,:1. f'rrA.e trlcf1, irat, .0
ell lnaneotlC'lo to the ,.o?,elons 0 nl! nt!, a-eoonitly,
to' on; If', & lat Rod 0110 ur t ..le BO!lolC"oa in oorrootln
t e 1r gul r1t1e8 n' tho 0
,.,n level
by 00
nd aotlon. Tbis Ie to tHe r"'nlnoe :ent tt.e A
1. .'. at t>e t 1 to nth t 0,1 T an1.t hT.
6. lth1n the I.G. 'ocUon.t q. the ho
o 1.r ohan 8 ectab. ls}'l 'ent #Of t e
.le1enl"y nt
1.r.... unrt tety P r to
e I 8e Unn

r nate c tt'te
Tto lotte!" t1 d be n
.... at .1 r 8UCO"'!8 since ite
t!b8tl tutlnn
r. n I1f.'J8t. 3y P'"
Fnd 1"0
'1' ... f'l1I" full rA'l"Iorts
n all
ate in 110 oer to 400 ln ry. T. 111 tary iloold"nt, one Injury .-r. oh 10 ,O'lO
.,... O"J , drop, e
1n "VI! b to .40 ln
J nu ry. tJttalltle. tell 3 in r"ve
r to & in
7. T:.e rur':\O
of t 8
lat un! t ...o , r.'1er 1n tte.., ... t .yete tl0
prenar tl"'n nd ,.- vewent 0 tJ C Inlt .. to tLe 'nlt"e<1 '"tate.
and. othe:r t"rle te roe.
itede loy (tnt v r the
re.pon81 111ty ot co within
, anlt
, MTe a 0 tro
r t rce
fl 1\ inp' level. 880 00 '1Anct r 's the and an17
A M In.... eotlons. n, It lneooot1.on 14,8
UI 11&0.
to the 001!! f1Ind level 1.n the S 18 wlty &" rl'9 'ul r uam 1ned
l"pecti"ne. Fallo up lna"'ectlonfl, Qi;l neoe'IUtr were
oonduot. . t at.glng elrd Air PcEs, at are 8
by the OQII,tan"'. 0 tl',e orl
lnal pn llls.... eatlcn.
Tbi. W'1"l rk. , 0 on1lree, ryra, X'o 1"11 a hl"l6t111 t18S in
........ .. to a lODe.

d. t.a 0 1 July 19 I'.. an" ,1 J ,,"u 'I 1 '45 564 '"Ore
en and: 1 'proh. In It,," 1tt.nn t() t
e in 80t1 ns
aup.rvlaed dwrlng tbla .... Col. nr A'a .ctlon 0
duot ,d 54 In. ectlon. M
67 .01.1 lnveaUga
.aoh au
1n f:' te 13(') n .u
ntbly ,.. orto
to, b1a 0 11ce aho..ln el' unl t. In.' in teelr rea
tr. tY"'. or Uon and tre r ting lv.n
t;. 0. unl t oy the aenlor lns- ctlng of. 1 Jar. Th... rta

i f!.JJ, ;1,:.' ':/?"'" 7
... . " .
" , I
ware traneoribad to ohart or"" by un1&, for readY -
ln dater:l1nll\g tha lnspection standard 01 a.1\.Y Ul\l t at anT
given t1 e.
The very 1mportant part tbat 00 :IT'S tent lnsoectlon
plafs ln tho operatlonal efflolenoy 01 an Foros exs
pll led 1n tbe lnal A ef!ort 1n Northern Italy, a
maxl m amount of attle-fleld wae rsqus.ted. TO at
tao &I lnl tlatsd on the
tarnoon 01 ) \prl1 Md ,Iurlnll t' e
noxt .1gbt daye 4,562 heavles. 2,5:52 salums, and 7,50 19hter.
diapatohed. II total 01 13.;; -.I tons of
mbs ",ere dropp d.

The 10 of April Va' n reoort dny ln tho binary 0 the Ie
torl'anee.n tbeater, 1,235 nsaY)' bolJl)ers, 610 ",e U bo," ra, d
1, 7 19htere belng dUpatchsd and 3,464 tona 0 bomba rapped.
our nercont of all eortles that day were erfeotlve and
o the 1,325 heaviGa dlspatched there were 01\11 two e81'11
tUl'ns. Deaplte ths oonstant oporatlone of the week
90" 01 the tactloal &11'01'8ft 1n tho Thoater "ere opel'8tlonal
t d8 -- an eloquent example 0 lnspeotlon orotl01enOf a' a
adJunot of operatlonal etfiolenoy.
10. IlnJor developments dealt "1th Gl'Ound Gatet1.
I'eraon.l M 81l's llnd pAtrlat10n. In ebru&r1 the 1\-1 Seotion
took oYer t c the Inspeetol' the l'Saponalbl11ty tor
and ths A 1M Ground 0010t1 I'I'Ogl'am. The aooident
rate ro.e sllghtly -- 8.11 ln 'ebruary, 9.72 ln Mal'oh and 10.22
ln April.
Aa by AlIt Regulatlon
:50, dated 12 January
1$145, A-l
eotabliehed a Per.onal Attaira Dlvlalon. A Pel'sonal
Att ra 0 l1cer "aa requested from WaehJngton: ondlng hla arriv
&1, aot10n va' lnltlated to operatlon
8810n of the
P.r.onal At 811'& Seotion lisa to and ....1st mllitary pe ....
sonnltl 1n the
ollovlng oatt.... :
(a) Flnan01al
(b) Health
Employment and Re-employment
.duoetion and Training
(e Logal.
, ...,
lr ieroe
t"er8C' nnel e AiH"l to '-1 .ectlon on 17
",0) arl 1 b. Thl.
lnvohe" 1 e tll1.b ent e

0 tt.! t ni
0 lel
ree.l t H.r

.onn.l 1';, tu ne,1
to / '':'0 CI"lntrfll n eYf\oue

uld 10 astte
blo"', trer.e ... e red to r r e
a an"
00 l.telf
! r ln 1
1!1'T'C"a1. tlcn. 1 ugh tt.e tlon
0 1>lr 010 eJ. t M Tr lnln
or :J 01

lith. o! e lJt Herl-.c ..ant ..Jstt
11" n
oed t


1 lor '-ro.:;8" 1,.
ell re t!9 6. .aolal
.ntert nnunt, en- rec1'"
"tt ';'ll 111 U .. w e
" yld.1 u"". so y roos ble 00 ort av 1 hle Lor their use. "totsl or 6?6 A' 01 leers
1 Q;Jru r nl'l G a1
Intel 16eoo.. The orl ln,l e"lH ln "utlee oetween
- r 1 A / ':'0 and loa -Ot t !ntelilgen",:
1n 1\ o.... ntlnuel1
ponl1.1111 t.) r r re I trl flyer, "-2
e B(,'curl 'ty worrloa
eC\lrlty r oedur was also lit nd
,. .
Aotiv1tie. total1zed <. 01l0w8 lJCtw en 1 "er,te ber.nd
30 nrl1: - ..Ien9r.trfJr 1 ,12tJj 8curlty 'nstt rs, 14:"'; rrl e
lnve tlgptlf"lnl, 11\8; Loy",lty c' eoks, ':170; .... urlty lectu 8
in ",itl repatr1.f1tl 11, ..;1. T.. ' AZbtl.
etsChrr.ent, ttcoched to -_, co"plet." :J,Ob.2 lnvestlp:"tit'lnl,
olltlW8:- .pi",n,. 'e,
7; tol)f'\t, If 10 ; A. ., ..-5 vl 1
tl<"n., 60; Fereonnel, 1uovllr lve, Tlll Ie tioR,
curl ty
rYIYS, 24; lscellrn J,I;, 1.:1.
re o&1ne" lntensely OUIY until the " rll "lnng the Une.
v 10 had proven 80 suo 'esG!ul 1n tle BJnr .. 1 os of
I"t r,l1otory .ttso". by tl,e Taotio 1 Alr oro" &II"

bo rd o"t or 011 t r"et by tltr t07tC Yoro tro "lef
80ur..:ec of Onolll "'rlt, .",.,tr 11. "renrJr1 '11" tl'r at " ta
anO 1n a a.acing raoul t\"'. "'he ,enrl .,nt r t. tlli ,fl1' of
1 Octo")or 1'44c1 t ,e e It" t\ n :"r1 tt vprl"ur air t("lroee
dU t1. I (" t t':e l.. h... tC'
tel11 t; nttl)'""
tLo un 81 ter tlnll 1n Cf'''''1bt t ':'r t
A.,I t..r.. tc rl('l ..... ltb -r1scner ('I \00 r AI
: tntolllgonclt
11 er. ;j ...o1. Gtnft 011
rch 1

Xlrlng tt:e 0 "'l,y ("1 the ter sne",n war,
1t tr.c t tl,o .,ro'>lo.. of /lotanoll "r1aonar
01 lnterroy,t )Po el tclently
1 all 0 the interroga
tion ;'eraon el. Un er th*s B.(,re""'ler:t the Air
both fir1t1oh nd Amor1 an, crntrtmltod th01r 1nter
rot' tion nerec.nnlll)l to Pi 081.tral .11zr>t.t('n ""11 ;1,
WAS entl tlet1 tte It .o'3b1ned vl!rvlcee Detailed Inter
rogattrn 'Jentor
(.. !.;). An"rlc"n 0' r 1.nte1"'I'"OpoP
tlon personnel, Cnr or,nvE'nlence, were 18te 19ned
to tt:e ..-d,lnlotl" tlv ct'ntroJ () Fe .ilIr.unrter
wh1ch 118.6 t("l C-2, '\..... It wal
Il- rep-d, t.Ol'!' 'Vf'l'", ti". _ e '.\. i a oulrl
o 81'" tiona1 oontrol ("'1 the p oC .. 1.cort.
'rhie orgfin1.z w"'e "'rl r\.ly onnoerneCt. wi th
the nt "'totnrc nf tre I"'rlJ '"\A.n
orerr.tlonal all'" orce. It i1ec8d through
huollrttdS ,...t' l.n.ter t: tl'f'ln , "\ctu of t e enemy'. g
a1r s1tu tlan ro whlch tho 11t08 aOle ta
o Jt.,1n "nI!OY RI1SW-rs to "'reet!11V "'ue tlrona rl':g'
0.. In tl'o ',Ion tIle O*aa .tlll
aer10us to Alr in
thft88 answers ( the 1
fl.loll or "t t'lt th8 ene y 11 n!H11 t",\roorrow nr "noxt
II C'""e to 11 I t through er Bn',lrOGl.
i rom A rll 19'-;S untll t',ft 6It".1Il "r
Amerluan rDf) nneT'A of tt,o I\1r ..,ot1.t"'n n c,
tunot1 net1 untier t e r"ll win r tl g'r InC' 88 t
of t!".re, -wtJi cnntrnl:
1. 'd'tltn19trAt VFI 111"lf1trcl by f. 1.'t"''''Iy, a6 -'2
Cn., J.l't..
a. 0rer, t1"na1 1 b.V J
:I. xeout1v
and noltoy d1reoti"n by tho ,w1th
,rt ttAh
;.;0 II 'I oninr nr lopr.
The ArfHJr1.osne war6 1"1),1 1'1 triJ" Lte Jte Ant to
MaJnr (1) and num .roc fro 10 to 10 1n et
various tl "SpftwUrtg Ufi('\n 1 '" T'lAny .II01\no1..
""" ft.ot"'-t...... '
''i ! J;' , . ,.,. k
,. .", ,
they were allotted by til '\>," UlU<. iJ
e"erol.ln H."tlve oont1'OI.- Inter g' ,
thl. untt t rk In evory and battle
ln the edlt8rrane theater - 'Ilclly. !'I_lerno. and
Anzl0, al well as the 1nv8110n o' uthern ranoo on
III gu.t 1944 - landing v1 th the 11lvadlng foroes on
D day Md oontlnul'lfJ through DIu. I> on 0 oil oooaolon.
tor the lnv8..s1on 0 f':oi()ut'1ern ranoe, 26 Hq. Co.
vI'1gned to Jj thull t 080,,118 nec
Headquarter. I To to a.t oltsh a of Or
tlan or the U.,. air lnterro in
retaln the ln the ledlterrabean lor a
pu c & new eu leot1on AItJo Inte111 tines r.otlon,
enti tie'" 8" / tion Unl. t, val 1("l ed,
wlth 11 0 tloers 3 enll.te Thl. new
lz.at1.on plaoel"! all .8rl-.1ftn (1111,;8r under t11reot
and comoleto 00 trol of USA
A Intell1 enoe "eotion.
At 11 tl e.....ue to the rJra tic ourtel1llent 0
an air ,",O"ttlr in tl'l9 ro:itro ean theater and tr.e at
8trld.. wtl1 oh tl.e one 11 was Hn In l\l.oer al 0
1. VItal war industries, it oeoa 8 ioorealillgly
that empha.18 ahould 0 ."lto,ed tro.
taotloal to atr
tegl0 lnterro To aOloarllah
tb1. enCl, all torward 1.ilterrog_tor8 were
reoallerl for urlefln, on ourrent stratoglo
require tint,. liowever. tre &0 1nery or handlin
any po..l 18 Gili' taotl0 :-rt.onBra waa "alntunell
throu,h J
lnt rltlah And 'morlo n rtlolpatlon
at DIO (Alr)
from thl. polnt. funotlon. r the Inter
rog tion Unl t oro"llened to eet ot' or groWl" requlr
ente or plannlng rid operatlng the alr war "f.alnet
Ger any. urveye were
vere dlreotad toward the nt devela 1n lnfor
tlon rer,ardlng reyohologlonl of nur 'f
orti ain.t Ger""t&n lndustry and com -un1 ties. 00
iI.ticn. vere ('. III .'h,.t the Ger"t1ana I:rfl q 11nC
to enable our rla"nlng genole. ettar to understand
00 an reeotlon.. In edrlltlon. many other roqueate
or apealtl0 lntor tlon 01 varloul 141r ,oroe a, enole.
"erB ful 111" "
14. The core ul do arostlon In

between the . neotlon" Alli T nd '-0 t Ora, In W
contlnue" unonango<l. .:01. J. Hardy "ao rel1evM ln
te..oer ao 4c/....
3 anll was re 1 0 II n
to oy 1.
81a Harooa, whn 80rved 45 otl
A 1- 3 u tl1 12
f"l Deouer ten he be \Il: 8 exeoutiYe l1.cer tor Cell. 11.
S. v e. l.A;)1. Uar e alao t'}('\k oare CIt tl,e ('nll
aignlfloant the organl&.tlon---a
..otton or redaploy nt.

o 0 t

i .
CJl_ .
vlrl,.Jally unu .a.n eO.
rotl. '\;.1a9 or<1 va' replacetll a
0 1el

111. In uguu
"'. ....0 <:Jtt au ueed
lu t r:'l 10 (ve J8r, glvln
lAI January to...o1. J .ez n
, WI.... re a1.ued 1n on4-r 8
uhtl1 1,,8 'Wat". B r\. DIlJ-to-day dutioa,..r on',bat o....,o=' tlfn.
1.1(11.... to S oy 8 11 or .r 01 tl e nor. tl 08 ina ,.ruotion.
1a ad In tIe lorlod:
o lor.t.
-\'818, ,0, l'\ut A 1 ller arn1n.

bln lreotlve II II

:ion-.... erlltlr-n..l Ii ias t .tJ.ena.

5 -
;"",1 nent ot 1,- "'" 1n Unl U'

\l? .. tact10n . 1'1torloal onu nt.

100 - I r,aration r on ut" (t. conl/01 to
}e 'Altr Ita .A>nferenool)
.)0 1n 'tr ..::t1vo
1l:l 'U8f! 0 reo S '.8 r otlee T r ets"
, .
'Alr PRrtlol .tlon In 0rer tlon
(t.8 flnal '0 ttla lh taly)
,eotlrn her.l. In thl. ,.rIM we. t ,e of
at n, Ad/O, \_4., in a cre"h in iI' rL.:e on 61 e ru y, tle
y r", f ...In- tt"'n to rtJsdlcr (ene .. 1 v&O
t.8 u. "e te. 8Jret y ,..,
!It: 1"'" otl n oat' u. ls1y. :\: A r .net"
.j 1
.. atl"1n I.
t 811
rll( r erjere.l \.rt.lU r a,
1 r a'17
1 ct. iC: IJrv10 .e nlj.
Jor ..4
ae Uan enta t ere, 1 tel" we t 18 rallce

ro ..;ora1.e, , Cl.8
. v
. tora
I <J t e n
.evera re to the
n reo, end tM lOve ent
'1't,8 otber 'tr wa. tr.e 10ar If J0981"'h 1ller
Jr. I e# tl'1 r loer, re rted 11lulng tn otlon
ne,;;2:' Ie He on Gl Vet v en tue 2'3 1n wh1ch toe aa
flyln r,brvor w.a h1t oy fl k. Col. 11'r aa
rB'18cen oy Col. CLeater eoll. "or - ,I, ,. l?,
n l J Ul ry. ctually, the 11 t1nn {' Weather
leer .us ad tili na e (') ], t .... 9 ... or" ooit.
lZ "uther Sq. aI-l ned e it.....nt 17
utllne Hi 't('lrle or dfotF 0 noerntll it.
1 -1:.
q. A. 1 .0
. >
.j J
.' ..
ot t ," 67 .; bs.rdment 1ns r
tte ncnna
of ee I.
involve" an va v' tor Mve ent, w i"'tI OvO , 11"'el1 wi tlo-.('lut
lnt r:"'I.. t1n nr 8!"btlonl tn Bun art ('\
he 1u In 'crth
8 lently the re. v
tr na er l.'! tAt l' out t: e 'lIJot1.r'ns w e carrie "'ut
t -4. A /' by mean. c .. ervlce "nd ofl 10 r
nn t. ore.
17. 'ltgnala. '!'he dual at u! -r t..,1. sec 1- --no Inally
un er 4 -/ TO but aotuo11y tunctlonln aa an Integr.l art
o t." Jnl t '11 nal. ""otlon n. f,. nt \.nU8t! no. 8d.
eneral arrlner re 1net1 tt!8 ser.lrr A er1. n c('\II'""U111, tiona
'/ n vae vo.t"d
1n Col. eter vh!' ra laoet1 Col. i loy(J C. arBOn.
on ove nor. In ('lie .)er 19., tr.e1r WC'rA 1n the . dl
terrnne n h vlng 8en the 16t
quo <I n". to tro Zo e 0 the Interlor ren<l1n&
Aacl n ,eat to allot1er "tho ter. In I roh 1 ,-1.5,
1, It !' tbe 6
and 44 h!lt 0111 Pevy ';"netruotlon
-att,11-ne v ro tr neterre<l to q

Thla Ie t a total
01 11' oroa ConetruJtl n Jottallono d1reotly
a 1 n d to 11<;.. "./ lTO.
I,>. fln noe. 1ne Inanee "non, I'q. "F/
, v
aot1;" ad 9th aro 1 'oj.
rlor to t e t1., 'q. "I 1,,/"1'
hall n roe",,( n.lblo or t! e f': or ln1lnoo
"tl.1tleo f'/

-ore au
r aPo 1 11""8 Y cAll. r. T n
f', "he- "a..s
1n or. r, 'a:
l'!v1ler to t:e Jo!"1 In G8neral, A
/ 1 on
1nance .tUlI1 tlfl:oal'" COt\11r8.
(,) Ie .,onel01 th t O' lete .orvlce
la to all onnel or onlt tl0
vlthln the Jurlll11otlon" A'F/ { '.
1 I I
.1', " /! J
Hi' thb 1
(3) re.... nl1"le lor aUOallot ent t>t AN oprlated
runi. 0.110 to the .. ' ,nerd. t /
nd 10 ,",u,tod1..n 0 18oal,
(4) ,reoprnll 118 fnr teohnl.,l ""8r tl, nl or all
r boroe !Jnt tE 1n t
e .,-,\ ter.... nltan
Tre tor 0 e r,--t.l(' 0". I
11 rei nil )1, or Stao 11 inn r 81 teo oloal
In O. r8T1crts trr- vnl C' the r 1
.11' oroea t 18 1 lre",tl"'1' , ,T IJ )
() 00 end. tr 06 er 01 )nance n
"lnpnod Uflltl vithl. the 11' If\r.}ltfC: ("t
tel' ,. f!:nt1
o L .. er lor rt '1 aurve tor
A r oJI T , fin" ....
lth the 01 the ve ,1n* ce
.etton nd 1. :.Irs1" -ectlf'n (\f h A. I 'NI, all
inano. aer:rloe ("I' tre "I' 3 11' 1nree 10 th1a
t',eater of oper t1."'ns 18 T"rilvll1e fJ1 A -j lTC, .at
l' and XV foJ O. soh .ervloe 00 M
1 88 .tiro whloh eu"ervl a
.In&008 aotlvities nl Ita 00 _nt1. 11 'lEOlJrltn
a 108 or the y 'ree'" 11 b1 I'
T"e--f't ant! 1r .,,rvlce tlnrnt1e 88.1t\ nit.
The ,In'ln:Je ,aotion, hq. A 11M I le '1Itn"l n of
Uoo.1 tuM. (I"" ) Iu ":I t>. CAlm
..ner 1, ft'l'iU,:,., to the GenerAl,
ant1 11 r88j"onel )10 ma1nt",ln1nl' tt recC\r"s and
pre rior tte .porta'" to th" ., tunl1l.
The, I.od "olte, ot A. ./ ,C II to I ballot nood
tUIl B to A'j ,<\II r..;. f.t1l1 XV At !'lei tQr
lL"l Ill. torin nd provlli til j 110 1 .ervl e8 to All
Air ,,,roe or ooi tlon. nd IllS tall tl n. In their
relJ eot1v8 ar-el'tt; re 1'':rd1060 ot nt'l Aft 19nment.
n. sQrvlu' are authl"'lril.' to turtl'.er au
110 !un-ll to r "I t G-1'" lj I, r I: roe
eneral fer"ta, nl1 ,il'" r.r u"'. (<<':801.1).
orKanlzatlon to 1,,'1".1}' 4:.H.t\ .. arB Jtdlotter'!
c1.ll n toe a l1nanoe 110 r tC' rl"or tt'e t1
o i le081 t 110d:l".
lnce t. e lru lUi" ('If orer t1 llt 1n 07 "1)Oro 1 -..,
1 All" to,."e dlaburelJ\1 oi .. to ra in 'this ttlliter
have 0.<:18 th, tollowl", OSih ,,,,,.r.ll1tJru t"r I'a eeot
of 111t ry olvllian 1 -uro'
o lcc.l 1188 d
1d42 t., l'\l Dec
1 f .a
0, -bO, 103l)
Jan 1 :5 ru a
1 Q.:}

1 th Deo 1944
194() t .ra r
1 14:)
11. ain.
.e -lurry IU hll vcr aa
011 va'
':ttlet 0 - ct1"o trFY8Ua 7.' 2 1&1
46 077 5
?b,l'j 7.
,-" "

. "i' ;
..-4 '
\ \.
, "", ' .. (
.\ a ",' .J,
,,'t.o' __ ..

. .....""

lr .
... 8;,",,""_
n r8r or anee t'\1 dUties erta t eotlf'n.
e ua oontP.ctt Cha 1 10& 1
aha lain. of lewe eobelon8. tva chi.f\l In onnter
.noo. attended. In ed'in 0 to " , \r.1strattve
let or 8.Jtion reI ult r Or 1"11 n coorVlcee
or eraonnel,..r er.dG'JU-rter IJI.t1.1 II" 19n 9,-t ('Of
reel(' ftt c 181r";)! lr. hill,.
Oxnam, in Lover \,I.e. .... 1n t""rl1 1 loto. Durin rerlod
4 char- lat n' :. race1ve e, Jr191" 08' nli.. 1
our v 10U8.:o "'r.
&. lnu "':"8 1n Du k ,.1 ot-.ent
o wp,. ut
r1f 'j& b att r ..... _ ( 7
Oot It) 0 I-At.' - , t1, Gl 1944. t';.ua
r1n 1 cur tot 1 J ent tlC'n (\lJr J rs nd
rur C .... tI"'1n&. :' -!tile (',. _ JltJ. 11 allotted
our O'J \rO a.. c "'1,... nt1 r"'e 81
lotte" to n". tt"\ rt"Y\'''e eQ"J' tie c '''}-In
Or>Y r 'e ever 1/ ,). ....1 11,,..
O' p 1 1n le1
1 l(llne; rt""pfre'" t r ror raT ort!. n
o . olldF tcl'\ ...... &1 t 1n vi \.lle,.. e ..:0., , .v';
urn18.. l!td ne .,r:'l n roater: nr! II 'wL" t at r
lzed !--.r n" ty' e ""r lir 1,..r f'ntloo,ly -\o"nrt tc
..t cb.-1 In.. 41&0 r$!'rro' Bent to
lalnl ter tJl'Ju'"Jln tlon to 10111 r echelon.
r.t ro.... er a IU rested ... ,.."... 1.1n plnn" V-Ii:
Day tte orio" 1m orH tely su "HI8"tulnt tr.a tn. If
nform t10n .!:duc tlon. CnlJOeo
venorrl Order flo. .n('luncp,l t',e 1or ,t t,if" n of tr.e I or-I
atlon ant! "uo, t1cn eat! n, liQ.. t/"'1'(' w1 h l.t .:01. I.C.
VAns 10 atarge untll COl. '''''.' took over In ",-U. T la
otlvit.y u81y n under U.s ttu""" vleton "
orv1.ce F.:n'" "!oS t. eu se tirn 01 rv10e
etlen. fr.B I&-V: lSeotlcrt l3. !.J 18'" t e fellow!n function.
0'" re i"'r"nlt I11t18S:--- to n ul1y ... 1\(\ re"''' t to ti,e ,A)
J out!'11 nr 10 vlt 1n tho aod1n lJftner
00 nd ant! t e ero1aG str 1 au orvlEl.... 01 ,.11 nrlent -
Zl. y t.e eM <
_ -n 1 to1y .000 ,1r
f r
1.1 et'l a.n'" er,l1..ted
o 'I' .s. r 1a was 0 all 0 ro1 I r
oro lnltl tute 1n tlo-:e ef'lli terr
.a.tor. I arty-tva
.nlt In the air 0 ce g uri r un1
e oroanll.ed "'rerente1 0 ll""nAl O<"Jra
to oyer 10,000 uir
J' r1
&1\d >lorenoe or I
1.n the alt' orceu in or"',,:, t(' tr 1n '"'81"IOnn81 to oon4uot
0 . lJt;, e llV nal
r an' erJuc t10n gr
lret 01 t elr tIP" in tho The tor. ., 'teoh" vas
en 11 or ed for t"o oonnol in tte 1 'edt,te vl01nlt7
o 1 ta t e 10 .ny 'terse e the tsr. rao] g ot ner
",Iter vi ... t1n.. tt.O 1 ';6 unct1"na. re .hown in
t.e tete., ind an broadcAst crlDe the
d 1 tt .. 1. a v\ a.!J01 tl('\nl over 1\ '1 t 1 n'Wl tle ndc.u'!"'\.
a4. At t. 0ontrol. Lt. k>l. :iryoo 11ynl, luocoeded
1. rner ae het" 0 on 1 J Janul'ry. The ,eoti n
lostl tu ted .everal new regul r 9t"l'lrtl AI 011.... Co let.
llo..,;Quntlng; /'!nd oontro of all. nlrcr'lt 1n tte t ."tel' va'
o 0 n) 1e1"1." through rctlne:uentS' in tne eer\,.,l nu'nhc:r re
rtln or ft. 1 vel' t"1ror tt englnc!u. WI'8
th ue)- etGHollrdized rerorttn of all alror, tt
ot I q.
del, result1 ' 1n :or e!teutlv8
en 1n tho To
Direr t nte
nthly on lyole waB
red, raaklnr; ,t wn such aOlJ1"ents 1 oeUtU, I n.a.tu ,
'1eoort... .oftt 1
ylta 'II.! 8stabll.hed wl tt
t)rtl ttl de t r l1ue
o r .. 1t:, nd uletulne (II,
ell 1n te tlng An1 unneceo a
norts, an glve
r tlon to all t 1 0 otlnno 0 the det
oelng and tlonle lor u... Although
tl 8 tn cnsb t un1tl alva;1
n avaIl' le through
.taU c"ntrcl re erta. thl. " au entlld y t 0
oolleot1on ot all Mn-o er t1"n 1 1y1nl( h",.r
l t
Or""lO te at tlotloal

.. Vole X (VII and


! r
"... ...., ......
"" !> ..... J" /.
' .
, I'
, 1(''''''' f'
.. J " \ " I .. t
\,. "
i"\ '.I. Ii
.. \iiL:'_ ;;1W,aU
110 ta l"tlnS lilt lno holHtl.. II 1'8 aYall 1
tOI' n 0..l1n8 ropol't. at t' otnoe tlnn ot t"tlotlod
t 1 aotlvltlo' In t. 'TO. Tl:o Inlt1al u ot Ino.
1. ln -rob 1 41 th nan o
"',>11.1 no ""001' Unit. to 00 tor 127 11. In
Jul1 1 44 I' ohino tr n II ina rereonn.,l
o fl'n tho t t08 and 19n.- tn tho 12 and
11> I' oo.">"nl tl"n c rr 80 lng ... 101
tl. ted 1n lrcr 1 t. 0 I;)at orew, orer tl ns pnl\ ad l.tlonal
por.onn.l I' p"rtlng. tor h1ne .1n be n
t lob.<\ at tl e 2 I'd 112tll ;oreo) aM 28th (15th
I' nro.) .,V' " .1.11 I' va w' In on 1 o811ber
1 In tho 30th On th-t d't tho 30th
1 t. 1'I.Iootlon. to 00 8 an 0 erat1nl un1t, tonk nver
tUNot rvlolng of ro "I'to ro .11 A; unl t. not -lgn.d
to the l,,",th or 15th Air f"rce, To ."roC.SR the"s re"C'lrt.,
maohine perlon Gl and re rovld.1 for operation
undor tho Jur1adletlnn of the ;Om Ol.\oot', 21.t RU.
Th. th tel' .et-up for m,ohlno l1aleon ,10 I'.
In!lOO to alntaln eonhet wl t I ohlno Reoord. 'Jnl t and
vi the Theater \lJ He8' qUft,rter- work nut neo eAry
oadul'e. ?r .poolal t
"t. r - rerort! f'!rot1n os1 aoh _ n
ln tbe 30th C'J
In. 1 blne a their re
parat1nn. Plana we e under 1n to a one
un1t the
n I .ohlne Unlt t,ti.tl0
ntrol Inlt under a oeently 11. ed fol'
18 t! e" "rianll tlen In
Theater Or-er tl"n
vell a' In tho tat.e.
.....=... rv,-l ..o=.. Col. tretoh .U8
t".on te bel'
and &11

\ow_ ..
...u: J f'l !'\ I"l
"" , \'
Pi .-;
\ "
r. ,. 'J
""' .....
',net V- _ 1 nllln " 1'1\1. r; 1 e h,. dr Ite" a
001al Mlce 1"Ilan or 1" tt."n.l 0 ')0 rs at into
.rr.ot Ufon oeo atl"n h"8tlHtleo lr, -e. It
L. oonte 01 'ted tl-lt\t arvl,)e f"I. '('on."it!} v11
be inor.AI an.... au"'-lO'1ent" tn the. "tent ne
.saary ant1 th. \ tete ,cr 0 ... f"I er tlon "1) e
t ".t V- Day n 4
our ed Utln 1 u tr. Cor:
banda rO;!l tl 8 Unl tet'l t, tel 1n ""ttoe'!'lI)Or.
1 .4. Th... vere a. to rter.
A I' /1' ,ll te nth lr t(')rae, Twe tl' lr oroe,
d A C! ro.. re.,e..;t1vel.". ".r'jY afj 1. are In
oreB.1n t 8tr l
it. r1 C'r ra"ea nnlew8, ) ndl are
081ng ut1lizet1 r"r cnneert fr,r! "",n08 lUelc.....
tl a. , In 000 ro"nc. vi th '1"' A letter. bjeot
ar ttnn ot 8.n'l qui ..ant xo an
Ie vhd). nn Detlnl !\e-."nn81b111ty or ,11 a
and d ted cL tha
,11 nd 'quln ent oh,n 1. nnw vlth
alntenanoe anl1 1 r :lOti n loture roJector.
in thla tl'eater. to. l.u befin '0,"' nn the
ot tuB 0 16m.. vlt ,1n A .1 to """r
llih thi, c)',anR8-0V8Z'". TIll 1111 unit 1s further
ol,u.ed wIth re.ponllc1l1ty d18trt ,ttn (.. I.
fll an tte" y as.nd tl vy Qore 0; z.1ne under
dlreotl"n oreolo.1 'orvlo. 1<>ol1e ""Uon l"lotur.
u":..l tl re oro" ttl- entertainment to
lnlt& snts
aol11tle. thelr ovn. Tt Suoh lnlt "e
in oreratlnn A ;'1 rro. t"o vlt" the Twelfth
Alr ; nrCe and one wl th the' ltte.nth Force.
eat C :n;a. On tha 0911. ot t're'ont .tren tl, wit ln
the, ajrr 00"'" nl. 0 'liTO, n'w alloop,ttnn. Mve
Oeen ad n. e lind C/i.1"rl rl. t Ga ..... ,. lat
ent. t 131> 0 ,loer.' elliete to tl'e ,leot C; p.
nnSB, }I rance, nl1 40 enllltlt" len's o111ets to the
fleet' n'"',. t 108, fr'fno", hrtve a1 11 rly be"'n !Ado
on a eroent n381s. All Canne. ,nd N10e Reet
Ua1p allooatlrna ot l11at. ace
by thll 'eadqu8rter. A.n allooatlon 0 bll1 ta to
-f/ -0 or 1J en118ter1. en rn r no otllcer in or"
at the }.lex! nc'r1.a, yrt sst "I' ,tor sriI')" Ctt
nlne d .reve1 tl o'n II 11 r1y
to 1.0 CON sol
.a0111 tie. new t;rpe ot "801e1 arvloe
r dl0 11 ar.::-' 11'1 t:- 18 t' t"r 1.n tnorea. g
nU'lbr.r.. It La 0 etur o:"lnSltr"Uotlon nd in .:
etlll .... Dletrlblltl"n 18 ' 8 0 t!',e 61snal
rl0 r unon re n 0 and th U t,
rv1 e on the ;)&81& ('11 one r( 0 t'er 50 enll,ted
Ourln tr-e v ,nntha tre 1 eat
p rtlC"n 0 t 8e r; rUC"& j. ve gr I'll' tl? the Or und
oroell. It :I 11 cbru ry 1 "'!) to "r te, A / .le
hal reoeived I} tnt 1 or .!, such rt\ 11l"'. It 1.
oon;. lated tall per.onna1 withln A liTO
wl11 be sarvlced in the n ,r uture
Zb. L...,
Ie t!.1
bV 11 ole ted1 oJ t 10 e r.a 1.
.t rle_. It "at: ?I (' n 111cre 81 1t1.1 ul to tell
t.o 11' atory t'J.r utYl '" J t.o . -r..y 8U arle" r.! opel' tlrn&1
otlvltlec, 'Whloh WAro oell. over$). n..,e." oJ news
n nd 1 t1cn1 t'",o \J 011 c 1".. d a led to etorlea on ..&4Q tll"Ith air Ot: rA.t1ons. TheM
CF.U e a
reAt Ot nC8rh t:. nl"!lng en. 6.1, r t oroea
tl e torr ne n '\lr J. Cro8A WBI'C S oolfloUJ.y
c.: 8r oc1 _t.! 'Vte ra :> ns1:>111ty 01 lind!"' naw ..aye to
oapture t uol1o's ttBnt!."n. r ture
I ut10n l1r in C 1181& tent ."'I110y at r..nf1.1 f)6
drell y 1noo.. t lr 11 I.UO' bAtt" utell

r cone OOd& 1nst :-d ,Z' sever 1. utI. s, an tAr
fV'lutlu 18 or nu ,lOrod t
fl>rt( (Joe; (l) tt:o tr PU 1)1 t ... t 18 ( t
I'll Fir.rt trl e.,
or &n), (2) news llnd r .. .,In Cflrr arnr."ent8 in lC'l a (3)
rot er.t 'urellU 0
6. ter the e.:t ,1110. ent t tl f) r e,;"tur/oJ - ctlon
f.-t ire ll, 85 rl"Q1 rl1,r to !llr storle
sny 01 t .torl
rl ttcn D1 ttelr (\wn corroe ;'1 IIJn:'s, ut
f1ortl'"'h e r.ub.110 elf tlr:,.. rrtlo1e. In 'i.O a t 8 A I
.U' tu FIn livsrfre ('If tlfttwecn lye
and ten .. torl9S ar.,:i"le ,t8rl wefll:.1:r by nat10n
neve .. eno ,
cr r
net orAl. tor1es
,. re
&ttnt to r
IJn 10 tee
De .rt ant or
It:lce ,ont \/'''.en
(1 ) tl.ey were t1erl ..
uneuHIl 18

'Ug} &I tull len th
zlne .rtiolo8,
Z) tl ey .... "'81'1"1 ned or a tx'
e Air " 1n-C'. oorr

fit r\
" ,
.. "J
,-,u_ ...
-teonnlcal aagazlne ropreients by
oor:'"e IToO lent:
in ilo e. (3) they vere to be" ln tereat t eo
1"001 1zel1. pU,Dllcatlon even t 0 gh folre "'y 11'\ 1 by a oor
relf"')ondent tn I 18, nd ( ) when \r. If' oorrBSp'" 'did
n t e any UDO 0 tIle". :\11 storles tr' n. '1, tted to the
elt by 10 eu e
&8 Buit le arxots.
27. In .roh 134b a ayste " 1n r-tlon
vi tL the ".eto. etlon w1 eraby at e tura storle. Wl)uld
be gl"en lstrl:JUtl n to l8tovns 0 ,en lnvel ved aa vel1
to In Ar-rl1 another "'r nlitl'" 1:.&1
41 trlbutlon cutlet .... '1 e,,,"10y1108 the dlatrl
1)0, Uon chlnery 0 tho A
.to t 0 nt Inlng four -leI turottes" -- lour to 81 ht-line
ite . relyl rrlnolpnlly on hu mn lntore-t, auoh the
onl!t lOlt the twin gunnors in t.r.c It .8 nne "1 hOIl
vr, a hnrdlelJt r Inuatllohe Clr tJont 11c' t"lUrp088& -
waS 8tll1lt to edttot"s in t e '1tatos in th., Bp e envelope.
along w1 t'" Lf") ..,ctowo CO';'1. This medium e ahe ap, .ron a 11
?,O:x> United States p ductlon f1 ree r1
U dtown reI
JAnu roy u J4
Ee Jru y 61, ?02
aroh u'" , ? 54
....nril 66, G
_otal )4
la. l.iai on. "gi
" rom t'1e "It JC'lhn
t ranee en 22 Auguet aM i.
th 0 1 tor,6 tbc I1s1son a8otlon c",>nttnued
lte otivltlc.. chist 1 port no was as a
easl. ot erEonlll c'r.t",ot f(\r Ge._eral -,'ten he

-ee Vol
II ror narrAtive 01 his, ..

. '1 ,
/, " I
, oJ '
11 ",.
parted. Col. . h1tney al 0 J In \.b ''In t'.
atat! 1n The Ll" 60n 'setten thon tnto
o e Itence.

Th. ot n... 0 Lt. uel.
3. 0 ney' a
nit .... Po fll tollo II on tle r. t 1 'e
1 {) 2
<Jtober 1 4 t?
!nve"'o r
1 b '
:?ece" r 1
Jam,.,../ 1 3,.Ilo
1 :; 3
" ry
1. .... ull)
ril .......... 03?
tur1 toh1e -orio , the a ..... a '" went Il lB.r 0 ohanp.
The n,tv the' tar WBe it. 11 00 late ..
enos wae e otl!d
un<l tho e tiro en m.
e or tleoll at 1'""886 hal
n: 3Ot.>t '\1)'. :!O?ilth .n Utllity
,2nd A
01. J:ll."ons ry (Ayn). 106"th '111 t. ry 01 Ie. nd the
1713 18,"1 Un. w_ att.o!- for Mll. Tbll
unl t hnl1 a 1 r e turnf'vo nf mOil dur'lntt thea8 ll1C'-nth, Ill') t
ot the to the 1n nn try /l. Cln _ ." en.
30. t .!;arahc.l. The ot Beau rl ty troo....
"Met exlat "'-rll"r 1:: 1 o?'te"ber b le80, oute
I antr'J ....ogloent \1se tr J. A r I TO to tho. th
y nd 11 roe inln aeourl ty ""U"Fnn:, 1 w
u r.out tt: eO"- d.. l.n-ro71 tell 3600 Italian
n any
ln8t&no p.rto ,. '...."n 011 1'. rtloul r1J at ly
lnat 01.1 whe .. It 1"n oiv111"" .1lI loy. a were rellf'
.1 1. or loa. ot aun l1e eno ent. of
It lan gusr 6 m de 1t "".al la to. loy rl
ri ty personnel At lllOre 1
rta t In.tallatlnns.
suoh as bett r tenolng aD' U ervlalon ot laborl.8

. U 1:..-1 "-" tL'/ i
epaonnel, the FU4rd ont.
I1t ""'4'\ny lnet
laUon. and 8urp1"1 uut t l' lu1 tic
era a
c' n' qlJently, the nyl" all Decur1 tJ
lan'e h 8 e re lon
ft. 11 un!! ltLlrlng ... ('" 1
eo1al tlr..l. t try -erBonnpl" un1 ts
"11' Otl1 a to \ '/ 'l"'. 3y 23 , I'll it tad tr1ed
11) o".e
Air C"nrtfton. On 15 Jnn:J"r'! 1 \A')lonel Ot18
enlon, Jr., Sur... of"n 1n uoces 10n \.0 Col

l'racy. ...hortly ttere:\ftr-r supervlnory ,,1 0
t1 c oeASnd to no R funa of A r/"TO.
All fl -d tn A PI' TO vpr I' l1eved trom
sttt'chment lnll to the Mr1. Uo l e 000' cd undel'
the villon. letter, rter ,
Co SIl rrvle ('In nt the m61ll:rln cl"ntrol ron/! tl e
ria survey un! P. "n" e trr centro cnt vener",l di 8.
oontrol also to Ones scotlrns, in
til tl" Ai/otTO, f),ria VD c""'nr.rol [cttvl or 1.
S ot1100 :)OOs 0 . tnly 8\J eM !1f'n notruotlon
IOl>ruar,y 1946.
o "rj",ed ret'!uctton "r '1ttlarln anI"! ven ... 1 w not
VOl' 1 end
direct r, u) t 'f lntenslve 0'ntrr1
of T IU A" A Y 'lr oree!: r.n e I'Ir ')O'--8rt.,ent.
Intenalve or 11 ele on of tt cd va.
o rio on o('\ntlnoualy.
:'1;, lnv88tlgrtlon ot t"".e C 'IBe (It 1n anoua
0-.. val lnl 19 hy en)or,o) It vaB lecove d
that all oxygen used 1n contAlnad
re watar vapor t an by
oatlona. Thla wal thouLt,t to oe

tha caul. of
failurel at hi h Cones "antly. lt val"l otad
b 11 l,a ... uartarl tl,at dl 0 atl-lng 0.1gen 10 the
t t r e ...:1 Sf: i end t Itt all at Ing. Cl'Jt1 an
8 ulln the OXj en 8 ler. e oart purl llr
.a 01108, In the OOlJr8e 0 stud,., porsonnel " re nt
to 01" tr n ng 1n vater VQ "r analysta ot oX,,'I.,en. 5t t..
:5. A.a re I "lay nt &1iI8U ater 1 t
o aVldent that
dloa! r> b. I to .'" ant101pat8d.
Aoaor ngly, conferenoes were teld lana eat
to deter lno rereonn_l would oe and what reo
00 odatlonl onneerotng 11 Ite aarvloe paraonnel would
ln order.
Ileal th of #. / TO as a vhClle re alned gMd and

t >a trend of total d168&8e 8harnly 1n the flret
quarter of alllng roo 7CO 1000 rer annum In
8arly January to .1n >'laroh.
36 The luddan reaeo1glll1lent of the 'ln1 Plloto
re Unl t to :1'0 In M roh v 8 the ohlef ohllnge ln Mil' 'a
hotograrhlc ootlvltle8. The delloate tlk 0 ahlftlng
a nav labor tory atlltl Into roductlon vithout haltl'K
tiona waS 80 laved by the
tlv8tlon 0 a y
Photo La Saotlon of
rep. an'" 3:' ,en troll ove
head 1n" / 1'0. D: rl
oh and the lob dave opad
10,000 nagatlvea and rrlnted 13,000 0 rlnte nd
11,000 The l-2b o. era
by aootlon va. further and va. ado ted or
o ratlonal use by the XIX or the Alr oree
t tha Sectlon'a rroudeet wac aooo"lng the vorld
on the tirot ploturea 0 tbe executed 1118101101. The
Photo Seotlon'a aJnr E.
Racer.ley nd T/ t 81dney
flelda lev to or
s algnment, oo.ln a In
10turea t nex.t
tl... to su ply the rls1y M\1ng
papere ln the 1 telephoto.
37. Hl tory. The ohlet tlon a the 'IA lU.t
orlan a ter end of i>A 0\"(,,8 the 00 T"11ptlon ant!
wrltlng 0 thl. Hlstory. 31 11ar dutlo 00 tt
tor1.anl 0 e lowor oom:an1e, to for
ward a f'.. or dooument. to tta A a.hin ton.
tn pto bel' the MAl Historloal ot1"n. 1n oonJunotlbn
with tho Photo ootlon, lnst1 tutad. 'loro 11 Project
or tho pre........ tion 0 all A r- !J" hlotorloal
dooumonts ln thO I Ao sxol"lned ln 0 dl ootlve
11 ad y Qenftral on 11 eptemher:?

Thoe. And iles hAVO 8en
tor lnsd hovo v .,111 t.ll lnto
t 89 oategories:
D ta rel tinz ""loly to m tter.. The.8e
will 08 rorwarded to i.abington in
.,1 th A 34 10 and !lATtJ A ClrculRr No. 79 cr
11 June 1 4.
pot" rel tlng 801elY to Th.c. will

e tor'4arded to Ml JHstor\,oFll seot1on, A.fl'
I'al til, as sneclt led by 'tA' eo""1en" Routlne
Order No. 10 or 11 H oh 1944.
The prooedure ,entloned va te neoals y
eoau.e a the Jolnt >rltloh an" Arlo n nature or
",et at the to .. .,.ndo ln thls Thoator. In .any
oa'.S out nne let 0 b,.,el0 ox-lite at t .Ie
R.a"Quarter and lt vould ohvlnuely e a letaie
atto t to dlvlde themon a 50 .01. between the
two 11eo. It 1. bollevod th"t data ot the t
ntlooed ln para rarh '0' vl11 Oe obl.tly
levol material, glans, order. etc
neot.log tter than any other e the tre
1_ onl l rne v It of
all' rover whloh haa ohar otorllod n ratlnn. ln the
.0<11 torranoan T eator. Mloro-til Ing .un n"terlal
wl11 not only make lt elmultoneouoly aval1- 10 oath
In ','uhln too an' ln Lon on, nut wl11 atlll onablo
eadquarter vho, &1 de.lre to so to r<talo
thelr b s10 tnes tter tl."y "avo neon 10 -til

Two mloro 11m oameraa were 0 t ned 1 rom the
.ral ln aM 00::1 enoed work 1n 1I0ve",,, r'
'I the
en<1 0
rll odd reels (1400 ramo. on e"oh) had neen
00 leted 1n duplloate. c aa-lnde.ed and eent to ae ngton
and to
Ita r apectlvell.
38. Plana. In Uov8iDber. 1I11Sn A1r eollO: ore Pankhur.'
beO e Gener&l U bell' a
t1 ne 0 hf of r
Plane vent to Group -:."ta1.n 3. .nlp;ht.
bout e
t1 e, the vnotl n,. Air lanl II lao.ed, 11.n e
ap eared to De t B lP.Bt l"r o-so 8 a'lIr-h1 lou.
o '.rat1on which would be und rtaAen in the TO. The ten
enOl now VI" to rega"'d the re alnin Air Plan. aatinn
one Ianning seot1 n wlth uti al100 ted to
eaoh ot loer. The clne. 0 Intelilgenoe
and 0 JI
2 lade the upkeep or 00 orehen.lve rooo
af lntelllgeno8 Jaterlo.1 unrleoessary, &0 1n alr
oper tl nal planning was 01 All' I,
while the polltloBl An1 aBnectl, whloh we 0 R
""wlng fea ture 0 i R ,I; 0 and Clt. er (I er8tlf\ne, vore
etudled 'I M.r lana III.
vere aQved in t tho of n18 vhle of
Plan. to that of A.C. A. (e e) on the rOIJ01e that
>lned () er t1r oa and on tte MAo"
level va' unlikely to rccur. 'lgnal Plane were withdrawn
or tr,t! a
reJson. _1 to thu ole reO tor
OOCU", tl In
plannl If a lret known s& n" .. I ,
t. en a5
3. The poe ibll1t'l of a return to the Continent
under 1n tre hold on the ooeuple4
terrltor1e. vn& weakened bnd oeon under con.lderation ln
TO .lnoe. t. her thla 0 er Uon ..... ne ed " 11 ".
8. Per
'F G. O. #21. 3
cem,er 1 .4.
In e l'U..ry 1944,
lr oanef.
It. 0
ndltl nl A.f.'
'!S vlre
.... 0110".:
A'rI:" envier ed we enln 8 r

hold on tl c tlrrl torl.. 1J0h th t an
a .Ilult nn tl e . ... cflul" De
vtth 00 ea.e.
lUKI envls& ed An
All1e\ OOOUM ticn ot
GIl' n tIl' Horle
ln th 6cvent ,..r a
itr n 61.
c. HAJ' t ... .. envls e t G unc""n 1 tl 011I1 lurrender
01 er ltoY.
o. R I II If con ltl1"'r:1 "lire at fir t ,ons!'1ered
a .... C'flPlnlllty .)er" ,,".,", ratll"1n 0 t).,O 0
<\ thaI' by
alm 111'ylng the lanuln C' ' VIt. In ellect, the." 00
ditton. n vcr n an 11r wal
n'" t ....
""\gl t .,r vall tn SC)I1thern hr.<lo,;Q tte tlf:1e nt the
launob!ng 0 AI!VIL.
on thle '!"Io8otol11 t ftlArli' tloter foro ro"'ucetJ y I\lr and
on,l or"', 'It wr' na'vcr on"rl"lly dlstrlbutod.
It we., in the event D8p6rs by tr Plan
tor 4 fIL, al it btl!co"!'le wltb t..'"le l'f\f'81" t1"...e f')
t at 4Pf"'r, 1'3" oondlttr"lns n"to ("IOQur in the '!outh
..,t r noo botC"re
Y A IIL. I ,"c e "'iU 11y ele
tL t ,1' .-1" oondltt
ne n t 11f.ely roo 00 '...1r t
that t a \n Italy or t ..1 no.
lA"r.l . for '1
"';1 v cont nUfll8 tnr"'lu hout t'! erlot\ nnl1er
A," reo! tinn n
A... 0"" bll1tle ",.. 1n lay
1 44. on1
'f Outline 1r Plan v_a 1n
I te 1 )'-4.
41. At a ut thiB tl e, AutU.n 1 -14, .... er. n wit!
dr wal 1n the 1tlkryoe
ralul t or I.lan
t" 1\ t ,8 e
relOu"- w1 th the lot e
1n tn. 3 m It q C a sa 0
.1 111ty in the event "r Il Ger'Tl n Qncf'lnt11tlrnnl aurren r
11 ,a. to 1<' t ern Ito]! nd uatrb.
A. I ..
lart'nllill' 11 1. ts on " fir: ... ,')r. 9.
co e a e covert pection 1n cor-e1\. tlt"\f1 0 Goer 0011& e
sur 'en er, t e
' ..ulv
lent of
I 5-

"'he C' air fP. ect

lr-.... n.l ,111U88
in ..
, Ul'trla, 'It! le1


It he lnltl
U\, tioll -
rt, oec

r 1
ttt ter tre o-ole len ('l 1"'111"" Tte ct
wac 0101 ly ,,11 \8" to the rlann1r. ("1 tr 11104 Com 1891 na
",10' ",er t ke ('\v"3>r ':t ;'.fF;'1'E rea""n ttl I1t1.08 1n lIltrl.
Inttl 11y 0 f:':p '*88 to 11. rll"'O( nel )le Inr ..

e R"'In .1
oarr l1n nut C. tHsita in the ertofl ot .nit ry

'tlon. In
N(\ve At'
of. 101'
... , ntn' _taft
0 tt. Ir1 tl.h .... ::::. '1ue trll' fr('l!"1 1.on"'on
vlllflted to oo-ror"'l:",ate rlRClfl. ThlFJ vlelt WEiI tta
r cur -or to the a8tsolllh;r.ent 01 Ii s If11 santl"'n 01 t1)e
start. "1,l1nr1, t!'e p1 !L.1 I et"ff ot Alr
Plv1.10n of "J. -.
nt 1 ...nuncll lor lutrla.
eat 1tself lon El e 'lr 01 n
-n1 alOf8 ItalBnn -
varlnue pi-eats reti0 to
be t, en f"n the G-r no ul"'l"en.... sr. r C"n tl.e colI,,? t
or 'nleed re tstanae .. ,. >e n tre !:>Din task t 'ir ""anl
8 IPRt e rtf 1 ,- 8n<1 t 8 earl r "rt or 1 5.
in 1l'f'8CtS wh10h ave 0':''''0 discus
th wl thln
., . ""
n I'"
, co
" ,

. f
, Q!'\
\:.J w .. '-"

Colllpositlon. ad,lnlstratlon and orward old.
tho U. 5. and irltl8h ooeu1"',.t1.C'lnel "orcee. .....
b. In1 tlal oontaot, nt;! evaourtton ot
Al11ed r.o. 1m cnges cn .. n-held terrltory.
outllne plan or tre recove a1
tananoo, and tln81 rer'c.trl tl(\n (\ Allie";
1n Austria W 8 lsFued' on "-,r 2:t.rl'l 1 ....46.
o. Co ... tlon 1 ter s , tr..e
gener 1 lnetN Bnt And tt e all" ter s.
d. tr IDf')ve _ent o' ton.. t or this, teF 8 " roe
oarrleti out, iJY lr l-l n8, t>n a .>-17
And a 2', 'nil " In. '" 01 tlC'n lARue".
Tte A.-. OutUne Air ian or 'f
roh 19t1- 1- 11>.
... In tlon to woridng on the b._neat_ ot
r rian. stu led questions:
a. AC00MPLlS;'. whloh devU" ed lnto 3IH(}1 e
eetabUshm8>lt ot slr t roea ln the 1. PAil "

and lfhloh WAI put into "8 leet 1n 1l!4roh 1

Thl. va. larr: ly ,,18n,.sd bJ d
b. Lia.ison wit\. Rus",19nt;;; G , with .... d to
movement ot t:'Anavort alrJr rt In n1\ ('out ot
u8s1Dn-held terrlt ry.
o. RQ-deployment ('I A:.! 1n "'tap;e II; 1.e., 1n
the perlod .. t.WS"" the end (\1 and
Japanese wara.
46. Var10ua nt}.er task.s \Iura unl'\erto.ken RUO" 0 the
Que t\ Ci Q 1100dlnil the uo,er reac' ee ('l' the Po VAlley
aa a loa Iblo cf)unter-r"18aSlJre to an tlClIJt1.\ng near the
Po .stu rot.
40. Greue Control ']0., 18f\1f'lnJAugtrla, ""lr nlvleltln.
On 16 laroh 1 i!4/;
/ TO -1.(1. 26 ute 11.>.8d tr. ol1o"lnl
d,,1;1u or lrig. ola1l'h 9n vel!:
e. Ch1e a J." .t lana iT 8"
.s rl
nnlnll tor
u8trla 1. conoerned.
ell, U'l '"'Iek } orollt,
. J!trloDn Oocur tlon 1
;, oro".

o. v leI 01 lr
10n ot the Air n1v1l1on ot tbe 11.9.
11. Co
10n vaE Co
nder ln Ch1ef 1n
atriA wi t. a atron... oomretent U..... toroe Bt t
to adv1se ae.let him on all Air m tter. ln
.... 1 J !
" "'if
f.I r:
lnolud1ng and demool11zatl n
of all ertaan For08s v1 thin "uGtrla, nfJOtlSAary to f\l"Omote
e liber tlon ot ultr1a t , :;er",n do lnatton and to
eat Ulh a fre ,nd "Itrla.
47. USUJG/, ln ehort, ..aa t, e Hret step In 'I
tranal Ut>n
{ t 19ht1.. J,f'rce t('l an OOIJU.... t C'nal one
IUC', the story ot 1til work If'lre T'll'Oroarly
lon I ln
the pOlt-hht1l1tlea ol>a ters of 'A.r I I lltt>ry. ' e
lndic tion l\ It. pcUvl tl&$ t e lix .,eekl
t. eetlrn
otlv t1."'n AIld t. war's enc1 '"'-&y tM! eeen
in sel.otel1 qUt\tAtloHS ro ltl weAkly Journal:
,ndlng 18 IJ45
The alr Divlaion hae 10. to tal ot 19 0 r lcars and 20
snIlet. p>g 0
<!4;O 18 rch l'l 5.
o thls total
5 0 !l\.'ere and ne enlisted lire 1n
CUrrlouluCl nd r qulremeots for
011..r "ent
.,hool to be 1n elng ropared ln
ooordlnn tlon wlth other 01vlSI ns
ot tha
nll! ng 25 IAroh 1
General approved ilF r8Bborn II lr Ian wi th
the ol1o.,lnS &dJuat ents In the otren th of the OAl< I
The OAb to conslat 0 one "tng IJQ8. 8M one te
groun one S one
,.JQmbardt.en't tva "fro p Carr1.or !'..qUA rC'ne
and one light.
Plannlng tor dl. rroament achool oornnleted. 0. ....1
oulua prepared, allOCttl n hours nr the
au Jeots. eotod nnd loatru tor. aeleoUd. TantaU...
openlhg aet for 1& f'rll 1940. 0 01'1 .,111.--on or
12 days vi b 6 hour8 c lnetrlut1.on T"er
Plan tor alloo-Uon at r f oroa Held Teams to
the varloua alr dl.tr1ots vlt In a ne. Thil
plan correlatea tha Air oree fleld Taa1 wlth
1n tbe yarloY8 districts in order to e loy
the tell' a.
lnal dr 1t of, born e a 7 "Oa:r.ob11haUonf
D18b ndQent Plan or apnrovod with nor
<>orreotlons 1 rerresent,tlvee t all unit' eenoerned
t onn erenes wlth 3 Plana.
Dlv. Chlef f'0lnte nut to -enar al<ar thot
a e.,ltlc nl to to cOllr'rlee the 0 nust be nn natad
1n order t at Key pers nnel 1 ro. there or; l.l11zatll"'ne
may De tr ener 1 ker diacuoood thl0 roble
..lth General snd deolalnn that
a un!tl .. be noclnetad tro unite "t the 11t
48 800n a8 tr rept. va to
delete theoa unlto res the redeploy ent oot.adula.

' ,1

, L to! ".,
Dlvlelon .;hle exa 1, . ritl. lr
wl th Alr Co :lCldore aner. hle rl tUil <:"unte
r! t1st.. . r "lvlal"'n atlit
Ie n tn 1OV- t ..lo
or bout 1 lay
ncll I. 1 prll 1
.4.1r Division 8t" onnel ""\} n, .... 1 at we
.,lth f.-;' 80..:1 CG A .. j T ,Va:!
Confer n,Jo \t. 1 el 'if 1 1.:t
.;. t 'c' ent
Vaa rendere" l<"'r untts to fnrl 0.'.Z. Ll1t (.'11 unit.
selected 1s nr"':'tl Je nF C" r1\ -1 1/ T _"
after wLl\Jh o ')le 11!.)8 1 to e" to 'r 8f\r.rt'ltlnt
re... ue tlrl flelet.e" t rt" j\8 e.... lo:en ore 1
rll 1 J<lb
Gull" ent .ea n It III tr vi n.
lr Dlvl.1on to "lennA. ..l.tCJ cf'!lle lr--r 81 0 11oer8
ant1 3'" \I to r vei, r'lfl Y .111' t e ,). 1 nee on
X. 15 or as I.on IHter tl;'e (hteB 11ft
Com ,enI11np; C'ener;:l, lGth A} WP..8 >rlete'" Jy
'4.1*,1 01 Alr 11.vlsl('1n n I r1utlfJ8 itO'" re8C"" nsl, t' 1 tletl
o 1-- tlvls\':--n ICon" 1 ] '-r ftlrll on ,ls8rli8 lent net
01 t.8 S t-. 10 'u trla vlsu lzatl
y this roUT', wn ... n to hlu stilt! 1n ('lrder
th t the 1Zth 't -.a;; 1tt lind
tr 1n111 to roe t I IJ111t
.p t)-o lUotrl n
lr T. ell ,rrce.
Or tt :: ?s {t"r n18
'nat ont t !ol'owtflH nellt
t e
an1 1. t reI .. ted ottv1tie.
00,,,,,10 tod:
.'\lror' t

:0 tor rr. n6

' 1


.1 '

.. eotn eel u
, .
Toxlc 0 101
I t11v l'u 1
r r I' t 11 1 c

euen oh n .<
l!rl ant 1
t", t 1
" .
X. t flut"!'"l":!

r 1
ero til a11 Ti eater r 1"&onrl1 cr 'luallli.
t.ocr.n101aJlII !C\r t ,8 lr i or..:o e " "'18 haA '0 In.
75 0 10' re ... 111 ')e )I"(\'t t 10 or tre lr-
lIar ent 10.("0"1 V! 1.0 11 )p I"ltn 1n co
11 Snt. if' ': ao:.}),-l 18 tantl't\vflly B
t<>o tn
nr s:.> eon
r rnlS. 8
ent tl ..... t
o Het
4ner 1 >
or f'l""Vl.l.
J.t 18 now
to Go '1\
eeln 0 roln
-;t l\
/ r',
.n.,l P' 15 hrll 1
-ener 1 yfnnon fO rov'"" t' e IF-Mfr."ent
111: tinn ohol)l lrn m! 1 'Je(l t ct\.r',n"
f. 1 / TO to leC:lre the e tq tr A' /'IJT ,'" e j
tur;eJl lire to .J8 !'e" nn 13 "Tlrl1 Iii b.
.n" \.ng 2 :tlorl1 1
?al1f.... hlet. !tUone"" 1 lor Plsar 9 ent 0 A.
ult'tiJsnt and facilities" repartd an'" 8c;uad to a .ent . .t1l1nnts.
Dr t. 0 the "Jar .eotl n (s.,oUc". I.II III)
o tl:o Air '11v161t"n. nnbol"lk r.ave 'leBn 0<\"''''18t8d by
the 813ctlnn. Deect\ons ood are 'Jet
29 Anrll 1345
The Joint f1er.toolllt:tl n Cichool held
1n conJunatlC'1n wi to the 'Ull T;or;j '01 il,.val Divisions
1s 1" 1 t G oont"t weok. 'ruenty-soven students roM
tl".8 v rt""'UB ur Inroo or' nlz tiona in :ola tot.eatoI'
tl 8 attendl g e sohOC'l1 1n a 1 t1.on to anum Jer 0
the Ur Divis1 n "r''\eraon':'101.
'1,.na e nnw 1'0 rat::- tor tl,e 88QI""", 8chool
w 101. will "og10 A 1&, 1 41>. Tee 0l\rrlou1u," 1.
rev1. d to six instruction and
it 1e Ft ""reeent c"'I . te'....,l ted t. at 1t ,,111 'be an
ir .... Ol'",)& - J,;ot. It 1s Ian e1 th", t e foro
attenl nee of thl. sotn 1 lo>:tll :>e 'l("lU )18r1 1n tt..e
next Qnl.lrae.
P1vlaion8 -t ti.tl081 1 n co 1et01 but not
,,'et apr vcd.
1 lrst Dre1t, Al.r Div1sion F..!ndoook
in inal .tagtt.
ot tyn1ng.
,irot Dratt. (}/J, 'hk 'y
arn ent Seotion nut n t lot by A1r
i'lret _ tift of "'a"'l:,hlctl G' !.t\mlnllttr ticn end
"'tu Syste s, .lelog tYged.
,irot Dratt
o ra r (n C' rl ty Personnel ReQ.ul C'"
menta or (i
T_r ets in U- coupled .uatrll .>etng
'1 AlrW8;t8 Co .fste
!f1r U.I::'!,,- -0 led
'uetrl& beln 1n conJuctton ..1to ",' PJ an
nlng. IAt Signal_ A CS.
""..... '." ' . .I \
.... \
.- .
T -T.!ICll AI. .A.A.F.
1. 'llhen the .Al11es landed in :orth Africa in Novelllber
1942 they wera briefly but bitterly opposed b1 a tew down-
a t-tho-haol reJ:m8nts of tho ironcb Air "'rce. 1'Wo year.
later, wben tbe Allies landed in Soutbern nee, the nob
Air orce, flyi witb the aaQ8 Oallic tervor but equipped
now witb I:IOdsrn U.S. and Britisb planee and operating under
Allied oommand, provided soma of tbe inv.dors' most proti
cient .ir .upport. The rsbirtb of enob military aviation
tbus displayed wa. ons of ths bri&hte.t .000mplisbm4nts ot
Allied teamwork in the Mediterranean.
2. Origin.. Tbe rosusoitation, development and op
eration ot tbe . ench Air roroe DBoame en Allied Air oroe
responsibility during the Caaablanoa Conterenoe in January
1943. After the North African landing. auranoes had been
made to tbe
enoh that they would be rearmed to take tbeir
plaoe beeide tbe Americans and Briti.b in tbe reoonque.t
of noe. At Caaablanca President Roo.evolt pereonally re
aftirmed tbis oommitment to Oeneral Giraud and promised
early sbipllltlnt of botb ground and air equipmsnt witbin tbe
.vailable Allied resouroe
s. Their conversationa envisaged a force of eleven
divi.ion., .upported by 500 pursuit, 300 bomber and 200
transport a1rorart.
t it later beoame apparent that dua
Notea on History ot nob Air oroe Re.r"lII8nt Plan
by Col. ~ . T. Oardinar, 3 reb 1944.
Tbe total. appear in inolosures in a letter from .aJor
Oeneral Tbo.... Handy, Operations Division, War Depart
...nt, to General Eiaenhower in Februar,. 1943 (in SGS
tn., AFlIQ)

, .l.i ;, \*
t.",/ .. ,.,,\ ..
...... b.,
to tha aoute n.od, of tho Amerloan and
ltlah themaelvea,
plue ahlpplng dlffloultloo, fUlfl1lment of theae oommltm.nta
would b. d.....d aa far as all' Waa In January,
how.v.r, a b.glnning waa made by tho U.S. donatlon of a
aquadron of P-40s, and 10 roo tho Brltl8h oontrlbut.d a
.quadron of Spltflrea.
On the thlrte.nth of that month
flAP lnfo=.d the A.O.C. llA AF that porml8olon haa be.n
grant.d to C-ln-c All' ?Ore., Afrlca, to baeo the 1/25,
2/:13, and 2/11 ledl"", !llght Bombardment Groupa und.r the
COJlllllllnd of Col. FA!?, at Ne.... rkot.... It la d.Clnltaly
und.ratood by the C-1o-C, At, that the above groupa wUl
op.rat. on oxaotly the sam. baol, as HAAF groups. 1I18olo08
wl11 ba a.olgn.d to thom by the NATAF. noh ln
aommand ot ground forosa .. who request air lupport, may
glvo dlroct ordor. to thooo groups. Suoh requ.sts wl11 b.
r.f.rrod to tb. Bq NATAP.5
A wook later tho othor sldo of the ooln, aupply,
waa made by Lt. Gon.ral Carl Spal1tz, oOlllllllndlng IIAAF,
wbo lnformod tho Northwo.t Afrlcan All' S.rvloo Command that
the Lafayette Squadron, whloh had boon formed from tho P-40a,
.10 now attaoh.d to NAAF and lt 10 to bo ouppllod and
oqulppod ln tho aame manner 110 any U.S. unl t la oquipped....
It le oonflrmed thllt
ench All' unlts other than tbe Latay
.tte Squ.dron ar. to b. fUrnl,bod wltb ouppll.a peoullar
to tbo Air Corps by the NAASO 6

Slgnal 19-6517, 4 Auguat 1943
from Spaat. to !Ar.hall and
Arnold signod El.anbowor sala: onob are mo.t .nthul1
aatle about atopa taken to oqulp ground army. On
the othor hand thoy are muoh dlaappo1ot.d a t tho naw air
program whloh doforo aoslgnmont of addltlonal plane. untl1
the next cal.ndar year. 1I0ral. of tho . onob All' .oroa
1a low.
Col. Oardner's Notos.
Lotter slgn.d Col. J. Brogan, Aot. A. O.
Lottor dated 20 brcb 1943, oopy ln filas of AA c/lfl'o.
5. ar y Daye. Tn 88 two orders, togctnsr ...1th the
aooeptanoe by XII Air loroe Traini & Roplaoem.nt Command
of tho reaponaibil1ty for tra1ning renoh oomba t ere.....
aetabliehad tha baaie polieiea ...hieh governed and P
relationshipa thenoeforth. The implementation of th..e
polioiaa waa. however. extram81y haphazard and painfully
alow for mBnT contho. "The ware given 9a P-3ge
(enousb to form 3 5quadrone). A-35s (or ina11y to form dive
bomber aquadrona but lator diverted for tra1ol.n,;; and uae 10
police and aaourUy aQ.uadrona). 60 C-7Ba for trll10i and
oollllllWl1cationa. A-Us for training. a aQ.uadron of 20a. and
mora Spitfirea."B In April liaioon for auppl and aervioe
rOQ.uirmanto got off to a alow atart witb the oaot&nment of
two junlor offloera to XII A
aa n Teahnloal Detaoh
""'nt. And ill y Oenaral endlgal. of th
Afrlca. sant a memorandum to Cenaral Spaata aUlll2l&r1aing PA
plana and organbation and asld'll for tha "balp 'Of tba Allied
aervle..". It w.. indoread back by "'ajar Canenl Delmer
Dunton. CommandIng. N SC. as "entirely in .oope.
snd on 26 Ooneral likewi.e expreaeed genoral ap
Sae of XII Training on in tha
AAP Arohives in Waabington. for dotall. of it. re
aponaibilltiee for tbe Erenoh. Cenerally .poaking.
nob unit. undergoir. trainlng wer under tbo ad
mini.trative oontrol of tho . enoh oommander but
XII Trag. Co furnlehed teehnioal advieo and muob
of tbe inatruotion. 'oat enob pilots and many
navlgatora and other airoro......mbora reoeived baaio
training in tha U.S. A S 001 from AOlf R to A Q on
28 I'ebrual'}' 104.3 eor.rnented: "It 18 under.tood tnat
reQ.uired briof transition train1 of?ren Q.uallfied
pilot. for :tgbter llnd light bombarcl.mont unite can
boat bo oonduoted in tho tboator. Traini of atudent
are.... for attrition replacements ebou bo eonduotad
in tue U.S. In mid-19, after IilAAF had largeq
ovaouatad ;orth Africa and XII T COIDl1. 'If" being
di.banded, the were notified tlwt they would
have to undertake their own traln They then e.
tabliahed two .ohool one for figbter training at
elen.. and one tor bomhardalent at Dei"" 1
Col. Gardiner' a Notu. I II. .... \ I

\>' V: t..J,;.f ,oj ..
_2 -
6. Tho raot
tho n
woro at the end of the queue for Ailled
tlon. exist1
arran ementa tor help1 them
lacked proper ooordinatlon trom the top. Thle ts Indloated
In a IllOrandWII from A-4, 'lAASC to A-4 NAAP on 26 Juno 1963
which remarked: nAt a recent dlaou8s1on with Genoral Penoe
'as at the MOtter of supplyl
'ronoh All' oros
equadran. opera tl wlth the P w.. brought up. The!
haa apparently not raoslvod any Instructlons to honor roqul
alt10ns for auppllea and equlpment to bs lssued to the
enoh , Requeat tbst thls mattsr bs clarlflod." 0
weoke later, on 7 July, Col. Arthur Thomas, Chlof of Statt,
RAASC, wrote to llA OUSA as tollows,
"I. It 13 requosted that a policy bs esta1;i iahed
covor1 issue of Gommon items to un1ts or the
noh All' rce aselgnod to I and now belng
sorvlced by &hls Command.
2. or your Informatlon, the followlng squadrana
are aaelgned to IlAAP and are bol supplied wlth
Air Corps supplies 1n the lame manner as Amerioan
.. 1/32 20 lIolmea
P-:l1I Barono
30 P-311 knee
" 1/4
30 Rabat
" lis
" 1/:1
16 Splta ""'eur &1 Aln

70-70 Kourlbga
36 P-40 Sldl Ahmsnd
24 Splte Sldl Ahmond
4 LIlJhtnlnlJs 1o0n Blanche
Q sa1gnmont or theso squadrons wal roque.ted
In lotter to ,1AAJo, 5 JUly, 194:1 by COIIIIIlIInd
Goneral, :ranoh Air !broe.
3. At proeent, eo Sectlone have rooslvod
ordors to honor roquleltlona eubm1ttod by abeve
unlto. It ls requestod that noceasary in.truc
tions be iasu d to clarify thls mattor."
7. .hie apparently bors fruit . for on 22 July a41
torranaan Air COl!lll:8nd slgnallod N' ASO .. fcllowal

Ill!-. I
'i. , ....-. '" ,
. ..;\.
"1. 11o.,i polioy "re,a, noll
aquadrolUl la to be put int treat tOI! -
lJrithh aouroe. All frene CfUIl4rono: '
BritIah droraft will conform to it1eh' ...,
tabl1shlll8nt of 16 U.E. On no aooount is O.E:'
inoreased. Latest status report show 2/7 Squadrons
hold 23 O.E. AlD8rioan Souroe. All noh squadrons
rearming with Ameriosn aIroraft will conform to
Amerioan T.O. of 25 airoraft per squadron for fighter.
end 16 for A-35s. Oensral uscat verbally a sed.
2. Suppl1ee to ranah squadrons other than air
oraft and apeoial Air oreo equipoent era inoluded in
total of 25.000 tons allooated per oonvoy ex U.S.A.
To meot all reqUirements. Naval, or Air
,oroe. Therefore all auoh eqUipment issued by SC
to the from USAAP or F 10001 resouroes is to
be replaoed from future ahlpmBnta for ?ranch.. Pre.ent
position to be rogularlzed by tho rench Air oro.
plaoing a oOlllprehenoive demand throu h the a....m.nt
COlDlD1ttee for ell aquipm6nt reoelved by them ov.r and
above direot allooations m U.S.A. or U.K.
3. enoh Air unIts whioh oro not equipped with
Britioh or American airoraft are not authorised Briti.h
or U' .A; .upplles unle.e specifio.lly ordered by this
ThIe "a. abeilinning toward eyste tization insofar .e .upply
was oonoerned, but not until Septsmber wIth the fOl'lll&tlon
tho Joint Air Cornmiuion .. to oonsider and oubmit rooornmenda
tiona to the Air C-in on all mattera pertaIning to the
rencb Air . reGs" was a 1'8811y Bound prooedure Inltlatod.
8. Eoaded suoeeosivoly by brigadior Oenoral
GOrdon P. Saville. isadler Ooneral Patrick Timberlake.
Colonel T. OardIner and Colonel R.O. 'rvin. the JoInt Air
COlDlD1asion supervlsed "tho implementation of the ,oarmament
Program upkesp or ,reneh AIr baoes. repaIr depots.
training .ohools. meteorologIcal stations and simIlar in
stallations " It occupied "a position With reop ot to
the enoh Ail' . rce eimIler to tho JoInt sarmalDOnt COIIIIIl1t
toe With re.peot to the 8rench around
reos ..... , rOlpoa.l
bility for oversea
the admInistrative preparation of
ench Air ,oroa air and service unite for oombat. and making
sure that the,. are adequately troined sn"- equipped b fore
bei turned over to the editerranean Alliod Air -oroea to
9. Par
C Oeneral Order II of e Sept.mber

"'" ...,.,
-29.5 -I, I,
. .""
rJ ........... ... ..,..l'U
take part 1n operatlone."lO
9. SlmultBneoualy th formatlon
Co=15elon ft
coordinated plan for the raarlll1",,,,,t ot tho
?ranoh Air torca was prepared, tak1n- 1nto What had
already boon ordered and dolivored to tho ?renell. It was
d.algned to produoe a amnII. well-balanood and i ependent
nuclooulJ, aro\md whlch a01Jl1 subs0'luentlr be b'1l11t a reno
vated. -renoh Air orca.flll nea.listically, th1r; rormal i'lan
..... as 11m1tod to 0. foroe Within tho caPAbilities of actual and
potont1al personnol. by Generals Eisenhower
and . paat% a:ld by Air Tedder, it WAS rorwa ed to
Combined Chief. of Staft on 29 September 1943 and waa
by them tour monthe latar. on 29 Janua
P rearlDllment oont1nued 1n the theater,.
and oporatlonlowly gre
10. Though the
onoh aotu.lly began oombat tlylng
during tho Toolaian Campalgn. no detal1ed of thair
partloipatIon In NAAF were kept untl1 Ootober. At that tlme
a total of 12 rAP equadron. were operatIonal -- 1 2G,
P-39, 4 Splt. 1 Klttyhawk. 1 Hurrloane, 1 tateooere and
1 . alrua, all but one (lIAPillf) bein asaigned to Coaatal Air
oroe. This order ot battle remalned .tatl0 until April of
1944, thoUCh orow and a1roroft etroOllth roee alowly from 109
10. Col. Gardlner'e Hotee.
11. Ibid. It ehould bo notod 1 oonnection with both tha
:rornt Air Oonmi ..lon and the fir.t Raarmement Plan that
:"T8nch naval Aviation was not included. A .situation
on fl10 for 7 Fob. 1944 .howed 3 operatlonal and
2 non-oporatlonol ronob Aero-"'l'avale st".ore-based unit.
with a total of 72 airoraft ranglng from Wolll tone to
Dewoltine 520a. Commented Col. Gardlner'e .eooo4 weaklJ
narrat1ve report to on 11 Harch. "Prenoh Naval
Avlatlon hao Ion boen a problem and tM "'ronoh hava
naver eubmltted a detin1te plan.... The ttar 1a al
ready under diaouaalon between u.s. and F:ranch Admirala.
The 0.5. proposeo to glve from ite own atooka or
expeotanciea over perlod of tlme 15 pays and 36 A-B.a.
These would be uaad on the Morooan ea nUer and the
purpoae ot dolIvori - tho equipment ie to re11eve O.S
val units."
12. Per AGftAR Signal 830, Ret. 330.
"'" ." \),'
29 , \ 11 '" ""

. ,
, 1 '_
orewe and 64 plan.. operatiolllll in N
111 planee in Mareh 1944.
trom 1.870 in Ootober to 2.278 in Deoember. then t'ell ot't' to
1.U6 in reb.
11. lIhile Waiting t'or the C cis to approve tho Rearm
ament Plan. the Joint Air Commission tried to brlng eome
order out at the oontinui
ehaos at'
F supply. On 2 ove..
bar General saville wrote to Ooneral Loomie. Chairman ot' the
Joint Rearmamoot,Committoe. as follow,,
"1. Ae a reeult at' a praetieally inter=illllble
aerlee ot' eont'erenoea wIth almost everyone In the
lIedUerranean Air Command. XII Air ree Serviee COIll
mend. Allled Foroe Headquartera. NATOUSA. S.o.s tbe
Joint Rearma..ent Committee and the Joint Alr Commia
elon. the t'ollow genoral polley and proeedure haa
been eatabllahed wlth reapeet to noh Air Foroe
a. Although tho enob Alr Faroe Rearmament
Plana t'ollowed by soma month. the prepara
tion at' the enoh Ground 'oroe Rearmament
Plan it haa been univereally reed that the
priority nt' di.tributlon of .uppliea and
equipment eommon to Air and Ground in the
hande at' any eomponent at' ths
ebould be as follow.,
i')'enoh Foroes
(1) rst priority.
(a) Ona Preneb Corp. at'. orpa Head
quarters and four divis1ons.
(b) Freneh Air ree Unita .lready ao
tivated and formed.
(e) Air ree Unita aotivated and formed
in aeeordanoe with tha program al
ready approved.
(2) Seoond Priority,
(a) The re... inder ot' eneb Ground rees
in an internal priorlty as deterMined
by the Joint Rearma...nt Colll101ttee in
eonJunotion with noh Authoritiee
and G-3 at' A Q.
b. Initial ehortagea in enoh Air ree Unite
and 30 daye auppliea t'or tboae unita ao to
be requisitioned by the' eneh Air oree frail
the ,en Ground roea. the latter to t'111
theae requiaitiona aa a matter or hiiber
priority than providi equipment and aup
plie. tor any eneh Ground . ree otber than
the Corpa at t'our Divieiona in rat
SilDultaneouoly e 0 A r oro'! l.a_to
t' . .
, ,
!l d' (3 \;.j :.:"
" ,,'nQ'1
"":", kl'1'"'\ ""' .. r
\"; .' .,t f ,..,
l \.; . _ .... , '-, . 1
, (. ,,": '
requ101t1on on the Untted Stat.. for It
cal Inltial ahortagea and 30 daya auppliea
to repay tha Fronch Ground Forooa for the
materiel advanoed for filling requiaition of
the noh All' oroe.

Tbo encb Air Foroe Is to submit to the
United statea et once requeeta tor 30 plua
45 daya suppliea oOllllllOn to All' and Ground
to be deUveret!. to the <rencb Air . roe upon
arrival In ordor to oetablieh regular tbeatar'
levels of supply.
2. After almoot untold labor on tile part of an
enormoua number of poopIe theae requioitiono hava all
been prepared. The have been reviowed by the Ameri
oan aupply speoialiata in the units and In the XII All'
oree Servloe Command. They have been roviewed by the
Joint Air Commiosion. Thoy ore approved.
There aro forwarded herewith tour copies oh
of the followi ooto of requiaitions,
a. Initial Liot of Shortagao for noh.
b. Thirty-dal Lovol of Itama to Raimbur18
the enob Army.
o. Thirty-dal Lavel for the ollow-up Depot
Stook Maintenanoe for' noh Air roe
Ubi ta.
d. Forty-five Day Lovel of Itema to be put
In Theater Stook tor Pronoh Air 'oroe
It i_ roquest_d that theoe requioitions be approved by
tbo Joint Raarmament Committeo and forwardod to tho
United Statoa for filling. It i" further roque_tod
that thi_ aotion be expoditod in ordor that this aup
ply oyotom may otart working"
12. Whan General Loami" "ubmittod the"e Inltial re
quieltlone to NATOUSA, G neral Eisenhower faIt obllged to
query tbe liar Departmont as to polioy "on auto... t1o aupply

of Items oOllllllOn to ground and air foroea (apare parta, major
Itema, major aosemblioo, oxpendable and ropalr auppliea) for
oquipmon t shlppad to rearm onoh .All' ;oro... 401lA re
pllad flva dayo later that.
"(1) All major items are eupplied on baala of
inltial iaaue plus 30 days malntenanoe; (2) Spare
parta are provlded on baois of 6 months level of aupply
only wltb initial lasue of major Items with exoeption
of Ordnanoe Equiplll8nt, for whloh equlp11l8nt and addi
tional 6 months supply of spore parte 11 ahlpped auto
,. ....... !""
" . "':
Sl al ".5686, 20
,,' ,
matloally approximately 3 montha after initlal llwuo,
(3) Ho expendable suppllal provldod automatioally
ot or than ol1e and eaul 111ted in Ordnanoe SN13
al part ot lpars parta 1St or organlzat1onal squlplllOnt
aooelaori.l, (4) No repalr luppllel llsued auto tlo
ally other than that lnoluded ln 6 mnthl spara psrtl.aU
1.3. Whl1e a"ait thls statement I AT UlIA aaked AOWAII
tor "olarlflcation ot status of suppllee lilted ln enob
Air -oree Rearmament Pro am.... This ma tar1al ur entl,.
needed."l& AGWAR ropliod that "no sctlon to bo taken untl1
C C/S oompletea atudy."16 When Genoral Ellanbower relln
quiahed co=and 0 r II 'IOUSA a t the year I e ond, tak1n<; eneral
Spaatz with hlm, his adjutant au rlzed the sltuatlon al
toll",,", 17
"1. 'fhe followlag ,'Nnoh ir. oroe projeota have
been approvod by the Commander-ln hlet, Allied .oroel.
a. enCJh Air ?orca Rearmam at Plan. Involvll\i
taotical unit. (bOth oombflt aiii eervice) AI
let forth in secret letter thle headquarter.
to oes datad 9 September 1943 and lnoloeuree
Intenance of Air rorco Sabools 1n
north At'r1oa, to I;.no extent n00ea.ary to
train pereonoel requlred for implementation
of l!. above.
o. UBintenance of enoh Air roo Depots in
lorth Atrioa, to the extent neoeaaery to
ropair ana maintain airoraft aeli ed to the
Frenoh, and to maintain faoilitiel for ueo
of the Allied Air "<>roea.
Maintenanoe of .'renoh Air. oroe Ileteorologioal
System in North AfrIca, to eho extent noce.
eary for inclueion ae part of "oathar aervioe
for combined purpoeee of Allled Air reel.
lntenanoe of .ronoh Alr ,oroe dl0 Aldl
to Movi6!tion In north AfrIca, to the extent
DeCesaary for inolusion .a pert of .lrw&1'_
eerviGe for combined purpolea of Allild Air
Slf"al 3378, 25 ov. 19'3.
.6024. 24 1943.
" 3778, 30 Kov. 194
Letter AO 400/299 C/S-O of 31 oember to J! '
'1ATOUSA and to Jolnt fleal"lUmon ,.

\ ...

'L".. ..
r F.ffll'
JII .1 ,I \,
& W
r. nlntonanoG or. nch lr .nd
ln North Afrloa, to tho ext.nt
nuce,sar/ for contInued opsratlon ot frenoh
All' .obools a. requlr.d ln 1 b abovo,
and for actual tactlcal operatlons of Ailled
All' cos.
2. qulaltlon. or supplle. and ne-
Oaa to lmplorwnt tb. fore gal approved proJ.ct
.. 111 be submitt.d by tb. I onob All' .. roo to t a Jolnt
Air Commiaelon ter raviaw, revision and approval. Re
qUlsltion. approv d by tho Jolnt Air .,ill
be fo"ward d:
&. Q XIl Air Servioe COmre8nd 1n the
oa.e of auppli and equipmsnt p.oullar to
tb. Army All' foro
b. To tha Jolnt Roarmament Committ.. ln t oa
of .upplie. and equlpClent co=o to Air and
Ground Forcos.
Th. XII All' S.rvlce Command .nd tho
Joint n.armam.nt Committe. wl1i forward ttspprovsd
roqui.itlon. through r psctiv. lend-l chan to ag.noi.a in the unit.d state. for .ppropri.t.
1.. Simult.neous wltb thi. recapitulation by tb. d.
Thaator Commander, 0 directive by XII
26 Deoomb.r and offectivo of 1 January 1944 ohang.d th.
D.taohmont of T.chnIoal Liei.on (;r.nob) that bald bo.n aa
aiGned to IlAASC .inoe Aprll into 'enoh S.ction" IIAASO and
oh.rg.d it .. ith (a) oup.rvla!on of ell .upply .nd ocb.lon
repair for Fr.ncb rear.ed and oporationel unit., (b) i u.
of ardor. !, .upply; (0) COr:lllBnd and inspeetion of all
S.rvl0. Unlta.
15. Thua, al.n Oonoral Eakor reported to the M.dlt.r
ranaan in mid-January a. tho !lll" Air O-in-O and bagan the
reorganization of I'AAP and!AC into !.lAAr, the d"ok. had
cleared for aot1on Insofar aa Frenoh Air lorae W41 con
oarn.d, but y ry little had actually he.n done toward build
ing it up into aD aff.otivo fighting outfit. All that waa
na.d.d wa. C cis approval of the ov.rall Planl when it ar
rived a woak atter General .... akor, work. JJ an 1n aarooat.
for period of
Jan-Juno lQt.,
Seo History of AAOSC/vrO
/Pto ...... ':"i
on fll. in AA l' Archlv.a,
,,' .

'j' ."'\ \
16. Plan.
1 January 1944 tho A? would contain a total of 15 operation
al aquadrona, to riee to 17 in April and 24 bl July. deoause
of t he four-month 1
1. C/s approval. however, 12
.ere operational 1n January, one of being eq ipped from
enoh resouroos .1th Latecoors and hence not in
cluded i the roarms. ent schedule. April there w re 14
o,erational aquadrons, in July 16 and in last
that of the A fUnotioned a. part of
Combat Itre"8th reaohed a psak of 350 crews and 11 aircraft
June. All this growth OQr.l9 from Am!lrloan .:nrco!l, the
on17 3r1tish contributiona bei
the same four 8lJ.uadrona ot
Spits, one at \7alrusoa and one of :Iurrio ..les. or 'i 111' eup
plied in lQ43. Save tor the Burrioanu, which waro oonverted
to P-47s in May, the RAP regularly supplied repIac mente to
keep theee up to .trength. They also supplied a
varioty ot trainers, 9to.
By and largo, howevor, tho re
armament of the FA? in tho waa an
a ceompl1ehlll!l nt , whUe the llritish under tool, a eimUar parent
a6e for fA f uni te beaed in '" land.
17. The stated obJective of tho Plan was "to eatablilh
and n:aintaln a sr.:a11 but er:eotive .ronoh Air orco capable
of operating within the of the Allied Air orce.
and oapable as a &.all tactical
air force with .-
oh Arrrt;J and ::avy force Priority of
buUd-up tor be operational a.d service u it. was
l1ehed on the oaoe level ao fo" .1'0 firot fqur rone Arrrr:J
divloio:,., a
the pla oleo st. ted that a 1 . ronch Air
rorCG tao tical unlt3, at nd sorvlo8. forz$d and
P-401 traos to rred in mid-1944 froCl t he --A, to I Aj>
were a U.S. contribution -- bJ a ookk.ep - trana
action authorized by thc il!unltio c ssi&=nt
(;ARX-82450 of 16 AUO 1944) they werc switchod rom the
U.S.-- ritlsh Lend-Leasa aocount to the
("! n 11'\ '-. - ......
>j" /. \ '.,
, . i, . ( :'
\ , I .,'" r .. ;. ,
v .:..t. iI LP.L ...:.. _. .....;,.,

equipped i-n
orth Arri"", 1/111
- ,
be employed ae elemente or tho Allied Air paoloI'
taot1oa units." As this procedure worked out, hen a unit
booUle ready for operations, Goneral 3OuaQat. SUOC6a&Or to
eond a lotter to
Ai' announcing
the ract. UAAF would then publis a Gonoral Ordor assigning
the unit to Lh. appropriate COIlll:llnd.. Thls proou..... not
alway. so woll orderod and after tho reorganization or P
in Januarr lQU it prov..d nece..ery to trac.. the a ..ignment
or F operational units rar lIok and mako thelll a matt.. r ot
lB. &Control. Onco a igood. tha French ""1'0
under Allied co
nd tbr all oparation but, by tha terma
of tho c cis ..graellUlnt ot 12 lIarch 1944 on gon ral omplo11DSnt
roos, thoy .. oro "oxolu.ively under the authority
of the. noh Commander 1n all mattoraportainin& to disoi
pline. tho of troope and of various .ervioe
tho aea1gnmant of porsonnol and auppl1ea. unifol'Ui8, postal
oenaorahlp, eto., w1thin tho trameYlork': ot rmlicy laid.-
do..n by tho Alliod Commandor-in-Chisf."21 Thie gave the
ozaotly tho eamo status in tho Allied organizat10n
.. the itish and Americans -- unity ot oommand over all,
but separate administration by oaoh nationality.
19. In reply to the C cis asroemont Oenoral Wilson.
S C06aaor to Oenoral wlosnhower as SACKED, com=onted in
partl- "Tho " onoh up to nOlI havo not insieted upon any
control in regard to roar:n.. d
enoh .\ir unit "22 So long
a. tho 1'1.1' I' mainod part of
F. short shrift "as givan to
any auch "ins1at.. noe". . or ..xamplo. on 2 JUly Oonerel
'01' e,..,.plo, in 0.0. 16. of 1 pril 1944. IlAAF reoorded
and oonfir....d tho aee1t;nment of FAP uni t ...hich had
beon aervin;; ua1er !lAAF ainoo ),lay 194:3.
PAN :l411.
U08llaga l'tIllCT 1'-46812 of 17 lIarch.
... ""II
Bethouart, Chiaf of Statf for
Proviaional wrote Cenoral a 10 " letter
l<r ina increased air support of the !"ronot ,orcea of tha
Interior and fomally roqueating the UI. for thlo work ot
oertain PAP aquadrons then ned to IIATA? Oeneral Eaker
oommented al foilowl to aeneral ilson,
"If I read thJ..a propoeal aright, the noh pro
pose 0 separato ..oree. In other words. they
propose an operational taoU..l air foroe to sv.pport
their own and our 11tt to tbe qUis. I am l<n81tsrably
opposed to any suoh aoheme.... -rhe F'rench Taotical
air units "ers equipped from Alliad resources with the
dist1not understanding that when re-equipped and
trained they operate with out Tactieal Air roel
under our Taotioal Air Commander. I oannot proVide any
taotioal air foroo effort in oonneotion With the air
lupply-dropplng to the quis exospt tUrou h normal
Coemand ohannal"
The Frenoh proposal was therefore refused and the prinoiple
of unity of oommand maintained. "n 18 Septombar in a Il\Ossaga
to Air lIintstry Air llarshal Sleasor, Deputy Air C-in-o, again
emphasized thet "no encb air command hoa oxisted 80 far."aa
It noe, of oourse, olwoys sooApted by both AAF and nAP oom
mandors that when the AP bsd been built up to euffioient
size and had eained eufficient operational sBvoir faire it
would be given a measurs of tactical co Thi. ataga was
reaohed 1n the }all of 1944, after the FAl' had left A? It
was tben fonned into a Tactioal A1r Command undsr the U.S.
Firat Tactioal Air
roe (Prov.) and poBitioned alongside the
aimilarly maturing enob AI"Irr'/.
20. In employi the ,oncb squadrons. "/lAo '. prooo
dure wal to break them in gradually w1th relAtivaly ealY
patrol and convoy dutie. under Coastal Air 'Orce an thin
to transfer them to :-aotloal A1roroe whan their flying pro
fioiency was euch that they could profitably undertake ot
feneive operAtione. .1rot unit to accomplish this transition
23. JCll 673.

waa 1/22 Squadron, the first to got -26s. It joined TAP
in April and Qeneral Bouscat aocomlJOnl.ed its first miasion.
Thereafter there WllS an Inoroaeing turnover until, in Sep
tOJ:lber, of the total o! 19 squadrone oporational, 13 were aa.
signed to MATAF'. All Were operated along All? or F lin..,
flying the sa",e formo.tione, following Alliad R/T prooeduro,
eta. The aystem worked exceedingly well and the ench
aquadrone dovetailed into YATAF to everyons's .atl.raotion.
On 21 March the Air C-in wrote General Ar ld as foll"".:
"I. Last weolc I ths ?renoh 1.-25 Group
in sardinia, while there visiting our 42nd Wing. They
had juot gottsn their flrst 26s and they were doing
an exosllent job ot flying them. Oeneral Webater, the
42nd Wing COllllllBnder, who bae tb10 enoh roup undor
him, tells me thet he thinlee it is going to bs an ex
cellent organlzation and he expects to hove it 1n co....
hat very soon. The ench pilote average JIIllre flying
time and are oldor and more experteneed than our pilots
in the 42nd Wing. They are most enthusiastic about the
2. Our experience w1th the ?rench pilots has an.
exaot oounterpart wlth tho land forcee. Clarlc hae told
me that his enc Divisions ore absolutely tope. I
believe, there foro , that it ia absolutely easontial
that we tully livn up to our agre.monts tor the reorua
lIIllnt ot tho ench units, air and ground. I think thb
p"ollrlUll should be plos.ed to tho l1m1t. Theeo enoh
have an a/liple thirst to get at the O.rman. and .... ought
to give them tho equipment oinco they havo su a fine
oftenaive spirit. One ot the fine f.aturea about ths
noh is their willingnssa to subordinat.. Thoy fit
right into our organlzationa willingl,. and ch.ertull,.
and there 18 nevor any about who 18 in oommand.
All they want is an airplane and a bomb and they ... ill
worlc in completo loys Ity to anybody who w111 turniah
tham this."
21. BUild-Up. Cn. or eneral Eaker's firet stepa upon
his arrival in the adit.rranean had bn tho oentrali.ation
of air service responsibility for all of AAF'a Amerioan oom
ponents In the newl,.-creat.d AA C/ o. It was alao oharg.d
with auperv1aion or the 'rOnoh and on 11 bruary 1944 the
Servioe Commander, Oeneral Bertron, iesu.d a dirootlve,2D on
24. 11/5 Squadron (Lafayotto) also joined 'ATA? in April.
26. 'eJ:lOrandum 165-5 Subjeot: Supply of P unita
attaohed to !!All
--: 01
., '. '"
----lj"'1 .,
" , ."1 .
." ..... ;<
/'i fi)r r "'" 1:!"'6 rr
" fI" 1\ .-',
.;., ,) " t, I', -,
."',," ',
........ .:':' r
... '-'.. ... .a;,'
ardara from Oonaral Eak.r, that all PAP r.queats for suppl .a
.ould be aubmltted to'AA They ware requlrad to be
ror lIlllIedlato consumptlon and not to Include rllLlona. ada
would be the T/EA for an equlvalent G unlt. AA"SC/'I'O
'UouJ.d thon Includo tho total In a monthly Lam-Leu. report
to 50S, ATO'SA.26
22. Tllth1n AA C/1'TO tho unlt that ooor,Unated IAF
mttors .aa tho
ench Seotion, which was taken over bodily
1'rom HAASC upon It. do-aotlvatlon. Colonel aradez, .ho headad
the "ranoh S.ctlon, aummnrlzod Its act vltlas n. follo In
July 1944
"Th. D.tachment of Tochnlcnl Lialeon, a l ed to
IlAASC b.oame, on tho lilt or January, the rench S.e
tlon or Sorvlce Command by ordor of C.O. onah Alr
Foro.s, O.norol usoat. Thl. Dstaohr.lent, the orlgl
nal element or tho Servtee COJll'Tl8.nd of thu f"rench Air
Corpe In courea of' rearmom.nt, .as ttm. "f'tlolally
oonflrmod In tha !'unotlon and tuk 1t ball oomplstod
at tho end of 19431 to supply wlthln th.. Servioa Com
mand, Amerlcan matorlal to tho rearmod unlt. of tho
uch AC and ClQlnta1n them.... The Frenoh Seotion
IIllllntolned at tho same t1mo an Intoralll"d lidson of
oommand and 11alson b.t".en taotlOQl and aorvl0. unlta-
a dit cult taak to adnpt amoothly those unlt. to
Amerlcan matboda, 00 Id.rlng both t 0 11lldlvldual
abillty and oompetanoe and tho but: .ffll,lonoy of tho
unlts .1thln tho Anrloan organization, Ii dlftloult
task 01.0 to shape and Qctlvate new sorvioe unit. With
orth Afrloan (Alllad 50rvloaa aa .ell aa
unlte already aoUvatad had abeorbod moe't of tho epe
olallats In A .rla)
A typloal caso le that of a aarvloa Squadron
oreatad In Dooamb.r In Corsloa fore any sor
vioe Squadron equipment had been reoeived from Amsrloa._
U.l old oh mat.rlal, .ome 5rltleh equlpment,
Itallan and Oennan matarlal selz.d 1n Oorslca and a
f.w Amerlcan vehiol , thl. unit with he It it. no1':Jllll
strength In personnal, ""nag.d to rapa 1r In 6 month.
(Zrd aohalon) ona hundrad Spitflraa and to salvas.
parts enought to repalr 12 more plan
On Juno 30th the Seotlon .as rvlo1og
3 f1 hter quadran. of 5pltrtr.a
3 ."
3" n ft P-47
6 Bombor 5-26
1 Photo Rooonnalaaanoa.
'OlllO #65-5 wa s ro.clnd.d on :5 June by AAF/ '0 IlIO 66-2
In oompllanoo with IlATOUSA letter A04OO/466 D-O of 28 liar.
D.apite .11ght oha ea, hover, baaio poll01ae of
FA F aupply r.'"Inod the .1lJIllI.
Report aubmitted to AAPSC/UTO H1.torlan.
': ;1 t"J 5 -. "! ... "5r3 "'1;""
, . ,
It " d under its control I' "
'"" l> -
. J
1 Sel'vice 'roup
Servioe Squadrons
2 Ordnance Co.
3 Truok Co.
1 <: Co.
1 Signal Co.
2 edical Plat.
7 Seotion aleo G complete 2nd Ser
viae Oroup (w1th all ite units) to be ready
on Augus t 15th and laid the founds tiona a' 0 rsnch
APOD. The ch A1r Force to be served (inaluding
trelnil16 planes and pm"as boicg assembled) formed a
total or 628 airplanes.... W1thout tboo Servics Com
nd tte -reborn :"ronch Air orce could not have ro
sumed 1ts orioue trad1t10ns nor played its part with
the Allied Air power in the conqusst of Air sup mlcy."
23. The Resrmament PIon collsd for 0 total of 37
t:'reneh Service Units (truck companl.e 8, 81na1"
eng1noor, I.P., otc.) to be .ctivated J ly first. r.1th
the oxoopt1on of cortain itoms, such a8 truckB, all wore to
be equ1pped by the .5. but manned by the Puo in
part to tho dcl070d C C/5 "P' I'ovol 0: the Plsn, 1.Jut chiefly
to dlff1ault1es inheront 1n tho :re:loh posHion, tho service
and mil lntenllnoe nrrancol!lsnt.o laggod ser10usly and produced
conetant h.odaohes for the Alli.d command. On 8 July, for
example, referrinG to post-war Prench Oaner.l
Eaker nformod Oon rol Arnold of "consid.rsbls difficulty
here 1n keepin' tho rronch in 11ne with th.1r o ,reed program
70ey ore alr ady behind 1n servico units for the pr.eent pro
gr.m.... Their present units are doln; excollent .orvlc8 but
they ara 11v1n; on 0 shoestr1ng. 7hsre io lack of odequate
ground reaourool and aalntonancB un1ta.
Two daYB later
A?'s C-in-C to nenoral Arnold: "We are now oupply
ing ClOre than 450 .....,r1can ma1ntenanoe personnel in ordor to
keep the rrenoh units We s all not look with fovor
28. 11-2:1957.

,.... ... -r'" .."..
r, , 'J
... \.:.,.. .... - -
here on lncreae11l1! tectlcal units untl1 the Ft'enoh ""n show
Ue they have the npower tor adequate .ervioe unlts."29
But the IllOst oomprehena1ve analysis ot the ee.'vloe aituatlon
waa oontained ln Oeneral Eaker'a 81 nal to Geosral Arnold on
21 July. quoted below in fUll:
"We have tound dittioulty ln adeque,tely ..intaln
ing enoh Air rce. attached to thls headquarters
for operatlona under regularly established prooedures.
We underatand that except tor airplens and aaintenanoe
parts, Frenoh are $1ppoeed to requle1tlon all other
air oorpa equipDlllnt through Lend-Leue ehannel.. There
are two obj etiona to thi. procedure from our point ot
view. rat, requ1altiona through L o ~ L o a a e ehannela
take eaveral IIIOntho hef'ore they are tl1led. Seoond,
the noeneh have no adoqua te supply system and it .ould
he 1llIpractlcal to eatabl1ah one. . nch Air .oroea.
wilen aaaigned to thle Headquartera for operations, are
attached to our various winga and operationally are
handled oXAotly ae AClOri""n Unite. r example, there
are :s squadrona in Sardinia operating with the .2<1 Wing.
There are 2 aqUlldron.a in Coralea operati,ng aa part of
our Coaatal and ?1ghter command. There ie a Reeon
naiaeanoe Squadron attaohed to Tactieal Air Command.
There 18 a Frenoh equadron attaohed to the 90th Photo
Reoonna1esanoe Ifilll!. All of' the ee squadrons are
separated geographioally end do not .art'ant the eotab
llshmant of Frenoh Depot. to take oare CIt their nead
Aocordingly. to solve tho problem ha,ve direoted our
S.rvice Co....nd to aupply all items peculiar to the Air
roes to tho noh Squadron. in eXAotly the .ame IIIIIn
ner ae they are boilll! eupplied to AlllOrillan Squadrons.
All iaau.s to the French Air Porce are t,hen reoorded
under regular Land-Leaee procedure. It i. auggeated
that in the fUture no requiait10ns be aCleepted eithor
through the Joint Rearlllllment COllll1iasion or the Joint
Air Collll1188ion for enoh Air Force unUe arter they
are attached to thie Headquarters f'or operation., and
that all requie1tion. tor the French Al" Force. then
bo placed by our Servlce COllllllllnd. the ,""terlel beilll!
oharged to the enoh under Lend-Lease upon ieau
Thi. propoaal haaveral advantage the moet important
ot whioh would for a poollng ot equlplllllnt and
..intenanoe part. in our servioe OOJllll8n1l so that the
equiplllllnt could be used to the be.t sdvantage. Onder
present method, ...intenanoe parts f'or . _oh Air I rOe
are llhipped to this Theater addre..ed to the enoh.
When parts ara required by equadrona under our opera
tional oontrol they arc not available a.. neh supp17
lnatallatlona are all located in North Afrioa and
Squadrons are eoattared throughout tha aater.":SO
24. The lIIOot aoute aupply "roblsm .... of oourse,
availabllity of airplan.. theme lves.
Though ample atooks
211. 11-24150.
:SO. 25502.
/\ ...... :'.,}f- ..
(;.\ '\', ;::l
'f'i'" I,) , . I
of obsolete airorart, such as p-., i/o 1tJi1ll."
10 the lIediterranean, the "rench understandably refused to
aooept them exoept for training purposes, insisting that,
sines they were being inte ated operationally with Allied
unita, they ahould have equivalent flyi oquiplD8nt.:n
Throughout the Spring, therefors, the Joint Air Commisaion32
grappled oonstantly wi th tbs ehortage of P-47e,
254. etc.
The 5-26 shortage, the most important of all, typified the
problem, and the lD8tliod of its aolution typified the oatoh
aa-catoh-oan lldroitnaas of llAAP' e pollcy. On 7 y Col. rvin,
Chai ....n of the J .A.O., pointad out to tho Air C-in that
the final three
26 Squadrons 1lIOuld complote their training
by Juno first, J ly firet and Auguat first respeotively but
GOuld not be equipped with their planes until September,
Ootober and November firat raapeotively under the existing
allooations. Only 46 B-26s were needad at onoe to maka up
the defioienoy and Col. Ervin suggested that they be loaned
from Theater stooks and the Thester be reimbursed whon the
ench allooation arrived. Passed alan.; to General Arnold,
this propoaal .aa approved on 2 June provided no inoreasa
in total 26 ia contemplated by Franoh
This aet a
preoedent for deal1ng with similar interim shortagaa of other
types of aircraft.
25. Operations. Aftar tho Rearmament Plan bogan to
pl1lllp new equipment to the FAP ita fighting valua rew swiftly.
inning in April whon their first offensive operation. under
IIJSAF saw them drop 201 tona of bombs, the French effcrt ex
pan4ed rapidly until August whon they flew 5,207 sortiea and
dropped 1,325 tons of bombs, chie ny in oonneotion with the
southern invasion of their ho:aelend. Then, a. airt1elda were
51. See WARX-388911 of 20 y and Eaker'. reply, 1-18015,
of 22 May.
liB. Continued in etreot by IlAAP 0.0. #4 of 27 roh.
33. 'IlARX-43276.
oooupled In Frano. Iteelf and the PAl' squadrons pa_.ed
dually Into the hand_ of OBSTAI' for operatlonal oontrol,
tho1r ofrendve enort under !fAA? d1m1nlahed, ralll to
1,01& eortl._ and 76& tons In Septenbor and almost zoro In
26. FAP operatlons under
l' ell three broad
1) routlne ooastel petrol undor WACAP, ebout
whloh Uttlo needs he 881d; 2) operatlons "ST NGLS" and
"DIAD under IIATA? In Aprll, lIay, June and July durlng
..blob about IlO% of the noh bombs tonal were 41
reoted at 11ne. of ootl:lunloation In Italy; and noally,
3) the tovaeion of the Riviera in August duriQ6 which the
Frendh split their bomb tonnage about (472 tons) on
onem;r troop concentrations and GO:' (808 tons) on 11nae of
cotl/11unl0a tiona.
27,' Tho invasion was. of oourse, tho culminating
trIumph of resrmament ror the Prench. J1A units whIch
operated under II11TAl1' In the Southem ::)'anoe campaign ware
88 fOllowa,
Fighter 339 Wing (SpIts)
4 Group (P-47a)
Tac/R 1 ight of 2/33 Sq. (Spite)
lIedlum mbera 31 Group ( 26)
34 Group ( 26)

They were tactically employed In exaotly the aame faehlon
ae U.S. and Brltleh units, wIth one eignlflcant exceptIon -
the1r rela tion to the I-rench roe. of tho Interior. Until
the _preparatory phase of the tovaelon the AP had playsd no
rt at all In ths long-eetsblished arrangement. for .erlal
aId to the '.qul0. Th1a work, ohiefly .upplr-dropplng, had
b.en handled br AAP and RAI' unita baaed both In U.K. and In
Afrlca under the headl
of SpacIal Opera tiona. Naturally
enough, the
noh In North AfrIca wore oonetantly itatlng
for an In t eao oparatlons and AIr arebal leeaor,
".'J .."
'. ::...... !
who waa habitually in A
bra in
tha first e1x montha of
1944, tended to eapouae
the1r causs. In many meseagea 1n
June he urged General Eaker var10uely to uae
fteenth Air
'oroa hsaviea and
ench med1uma for ald to tho ,". Ths
ia.ue oulminatad in General aethouart'e letter to General
Wilson on iii July, whloh, aa diaoua.e,d above, Caneral Eaker
viewed aa a grali tor operational control and rejected 1n the terma,
going on to 8&y "I w111 never agree to the
dstaohment of Frenoh taotloal units to work und.r Speolal
Operations." A few days latar, however, Oanarel Wl1eon
s propo.ed direotlve to tbe Air O-in-O for oom

...nt. It b.gan "I regard the sustenanoe and 1ntona1t1oation
of the redstanoe movement ln Southern Franoe ae a most im
portant factor in the preparation pha.o.... Politioal and
paychological oonsldarationa require thst the fullest poa
dbls use be made of Franoh Air units." Aooordingly, on 14
July, Goneral Eaker had a d1reotivs iasued to MATAF on "Air
Support to ?ranch Rsaistanoe Oroupa" which formally aoknow
ledged the French desirea but firmly kept control in
Allled handa. Exoerpta.
Upon reoeipt of requests from the Frenoh Resiat
ancs Groups, you will oonslder them from ths stand.
point of their praoticability aa air operation. and
their relatlon to ANVIL, and will employ tho foroea
available to you to aooompliah lllOa t a traotivaly your
aasigned tasks. For this purposa, it is considered
that baoauaa of botn poll tical and psychologloal
ooneidarationa, tha fulleat polble usa ahould be
made of tha ench Air rce unl ta under your OOm
mand, although no separate force for the direct
of Roll1atanoa Groups w{ll be fo=;(1." {nd. aaaed
2B. Tranat'er from MAAF. ln Southern franos
.aa sO rapld that by mid-september tha t11!lO had oome to turn
over operational oontrol of both land and air foroe. from
lITO to the ETO. On the thirteenth General Devera, lofrO
Theater COJlllllandar, aaked AGWAR for authority to transfar the
Jolnt Rearmalll8nt OOllllllittee and Jolnt Air COllD1aalon, as "ell

" .
iIjIll' .; . \
as ths
noh rear
t pl"Osram. to
Ba"", day
Oenoral aker signalled Oeneral Spaata at USSTAF,
"Oenoral flOUsoat, Chief of I enoh Aviation, haa
already movad into S EF'a area. Wa are etill op
arating iraneh unita and our Air Service Co nd ia
at preaant logiatioally aupporting ench unite. ia great nead to havo a l'Oturn visit from
General Ulcat in order toole.r up th,a. tinal
The ench Oonaral journelod to Caa rta 0 21 Septembar and

tha minutaa of hia meating with Air rabal Sles80r and other
F repreaantativea record that
It ... explained to Oeneral Bouacat that it ia
tha intention to withdraw the Twelfth Air orce, in
oluding Britiah aquadrona at preaent attaohed to tha
XIIth TAC, from nea, and to move them back into
Italy. XIIth 'lAC, together with one Amorioan
Oroup and a TAC/R aquadron, will tranafer to the
operatioool oontrol ot the l:tnth Air oroe. Opera
tional oontrol baa already been aea ed by the Ninth
Air oe, and 1t ia expeotad that the withdrawal ot
Twelrtb Air roo unite and of R.A.F. winga will be
be oompleted by approx1n;atell lOth Ootober. The
ench aquadrons now in !'ranGe and thoae duo to go
to noe tbr tacticsl operationa will co under the
oontrol of the U.8. Kinth Air <oroe."
The major agreement a then reaohed were eu_riaed ae tollowa
in a ai
1 to Ganerala Spaatz and Eakar in noe two daya
"1. 0 enob. Servloo Group. no" enroute from
Atrioa to Soutb anoa are mora than auffioient to
aervioa the 1:5 Amarioan equipped aquadrons. Tho1'0fore
ench will naed no ..rvioe unite from AAF/Itl'O.
2. ench to requia1ti0'lall required American
equillllent at onoo, through AAF/llrO inoluding equipment
for <rench TAO oOlllllllnd. (Thia to aave time).
3. Air Depot Oroup now at tareoillea to remain
thereat until replaoed by 1l1nth Air Force. or }U1til we
reoeive authority to or aalae ?renoh Air Depet Group
aa raqueated or War Department on 14 Sept_bar. Bouaotlt
baa the peraonnel for thia group.
4. It was emphasized to acat that he at
bave 000....1'1 equipmDot for hia TAC Command.
' I M'
u' &".; r' ! &-iJ1
v 6u"." \ ,lit'
\..., .. ..: t1 C.
It was agreed that" ncb Englneor atta110n
ellou1d tak.. ov.. r lntananc.. or airfields In South
ano... All our Amodcan ..ng1noar. w1ll bo aok hor..
b7 10 Octob.. r as w..11 as our S.. rv1c .. Groups."S6
29. .ext dal, 24 S.. ptember, tbe Froncb Seotlon cf XII
TAO and the
nch f1ghter .quadrons Operat1ng under it w..r ..
turned ov.. r to tb.. control
of The two m..d1um bomb
group. and rooat or the s .. rvic.. unit. followed tour dals 1at.. r.
That dal alao Ge""ra1 ker wrote at l .. ngth to llSIlTAF38 "to
.... t forth th.. SUPP11 and "",int.. nane.. procedur.. of tbB ..nch
Air oro.. , .. nd to acquaint lOur .. rs with th.. various
d..vlatlons that hav.. bo..n ... do frolll standard Land-Le.... pro
coGure.... Tho followiag noh Air oroe unite are noW in
or enroute to ' anoez
3rd 19hter Group (P-S9) arr1ved 21 Sept., baseG
at 10n.
S/S/ Squadron
SI.6 Squadron
1/0 SquaOron
4th Bhter Group (P-47) at mbrleu, 40 11m ;R
of Lyons, .100e 7/9
2/3 SquaOron
a/5 Squadron
1/4 Squadron
Slat rob Group (8-26) Ex Sardinia approxirrate1y
1/22 Squadron
1/19 Squadron
2/20 Squadron
34th o}llb Group ( 26) Ex Sard1nla artor 1 octo-'r
2{S2 Squadron
2/6S Squadron
1/S2 Squadron
1st Group ( pit) At Bron
-11eh Nomonc1ature ncb llomanc1ature
S2 SquaGron 2/7 Squadron
S27 Squadron
1/7 Squadron
320 s"uaOron
l/S Squadron
1 Tac/R SquaOron
(now Spit eventually
to bo P-51)
IIMF' a 0.0.119, whioh formalized the tran.tar wa. not
publlahed, however, unt1l 1 novembor.
Letter AG 400.318, 28 Sapt., SUbjectl "Suppl, &
IIalntonanc.. or enab A1r Forc....
<m" ' " 4'.' ? 1
. ""

, ,"'.
. I
,.... , .

Tbbov. unit. have as units t. (2)
Servio. roups or-anlzed In ordan
wl AAP RO:ulation 65-1 In ddition to on. (1)
Inr ttal10n (Am)."
.nch Air -orco. In tho nold .nl t>tor.roM b.
801f- Inta1nins fro the .upply Gnd ma1nt.,wnc. polnt
of '.11 , up to and includln; 3rd Echelon ... intonane.
and supply. At tb. pre.ont time are no roneb
Alr -are. All' Depot Group unite in bolng. or th.
tll1lll bul '3, lr Depot Group 80rvices Iluob be rondsr.d
by 81ther tho "10th, Twelfth or 3TAP Alr O.pot Oroup
oI'(;llnuatIona that =y b. In lb. a1'0a in ,..hio h the
re cb All' oro. is operat1!'l6. Thl. Readqu8rt.ra haa
r.queat.d authorlty fro" tbe unit10 8 ss1cnmonta
8I'd in .a 1 -ton to activa to a ench Air Depot
Gr p in thD tarsoi11os a1'<la llllCl8dlatoly. I' thia
authorlty la granted It 13 our lntontlon to, IneoCar
as pO.81blo# 0 -lp au.oo a Depot Jroup fret). Thoatar
atooka, thlquipment to b. replaoed equlpment
.hlpped f rom the nited State.. n this is don.,
the "renoh AIr Foro ehould be 1C
.uatal Ing the .upply end malnt.n.neo poInt oC
The Splt roup 1. supportad by 1AP .orvic unita
ond .111 be malntai d for tho time b81n- by ".AAt> ( p).
!n operating in this Thoater, the Frenoh Air roe,
in80Car as Its un1t ero attaobed to this eadquart.ra
Cor o.,eratlon., "a8 suppUe d in all r ..poots oxootly
in the lame manner aa AmOr1oan units.
Under authority oC WAI1X 66188 dated 25 Au;>u.t
1944 , thia H.adquarters has bson Cr to de11v.r
to thl noh All' ore.s all equiplllOnt and suppU
poculiar to tho 11'. ro.a, .1th tbe exoeptlon of
alroraCt and link trainers, aecomplllhlng Land-Loas.
papal's looolly at the tiQO transC.r 1. Mada.
Initial equlpment i. normally isaua1 through
r<lCUlar Lend-Leu. otlll ""als.
tIona for tho raplaeomant of luoh 0 'lulpmont
end forecaated ra alramenta for onch Air orca need.
bavo bean plaoad on tho nltad stat.s by th. Ar=y All'
orOG Sorviae Co 00, :"'l'0, 1n exactly tho lame nnnor
as for Amerioan requlsitlon plaead through
Trenob chann.l. diract1y to tba Statal 11
bonored aCt.r a unit a undar tho operatlonal control
of the Army All' -orco.. us oontrol of all ,'reneh
Air COrpl supply for operational units 10 nstsd in
AAFSO/ and .111 pa to
SUPI'LIES 00 01' TO All' A "HOUlID
Undor authorlt, of NA. UgA l.ttor, AO 400/466 0,
datad 21 Maroh 1944, aubJaot: "Supply and alntananea
oC r.neh Air oroe., .qulp:nent and supplle. eOllll:lOn
to all' and _ und va been luuad to tho 'renoh 11'
reo, in exactly the aamB mBnner as for
unita.... ncb All' ,oro. unita lbould """d.r monthly
j ,'--
';' - .... r.
, I
t:tc\ '"'" ... .
.. u \ ff!' . '-..
, -,
ateriel :1tati.l 1 porta to no or oJ 6)l):':.
d.pen 1ng upon" ioh _heator will b. tha aUIOO of '
supply in ord r thllt adoqUllte provision or thoir
noada y bo ..da.
Initial oqulp.:nsnt is normally ls.'J.l )!'ou_h
regular Lend-Loase channell.
It 18 rGoo=od.d that at t.he tim or the
Nioth Air Torce tako. over the suppl] 100tallatio a
in tba ad1terranean porta in rance, they
aa.ums the responsibility of tho Irsnc
Air orco.
Any neoossary dos1red into IJuah .'od1ter
ronean ports will be bld on tho behalf or or
tho Ninth Air are. IJ thla !!ead uarter.. It is r .00....
DOndod tbst the requl.itione to fill thooe tonnagee be
pleced roct b] USSTA? upon the United State. and not
throuGh th1. _oaclq rters.
At the tim. the I. ran. fer of thio re;,ponaibllit,.
takos plea., t.he rench Air ore. must bo adviaed a.
to ths organizlltion with Which 11. must place all
roquialtiolUl. Until such tlme as tho trllno or tllkea
plaoe, tho ,ronoh Air ,oroe will oontinuo to plaos
ita rOQ.uioitions with AA;'SC/ no :.hroUtih t.he Air Depot
Group 1n ' rsel11us."
30. With m1nor resarvBtlone iJS5';'A. oonourred. naming
tho Ninth AIr ,oroo 00 roeponsi bla In its Indc".emont on 14
October. Tho bulk of tlle 1\ too. from liMP. Left
in th woro certain cooetal and traininG U11lte
and a handfitl of clonn-up dota11a -- euoh a. the avaoua tlon
of .S. train!. unit 1.111 a ..ietio tho
olloh at .'alma.
and DJodoide, ""ovement of AI' personnol fro.. Atr1ca to
'000, and tho 0:rian1satio 01 tho , oncb Alr D.pot 1roup
to take t e p co in the A? of tho XII SC Depot.. Rot
rch 194:; wit. te.a turnover of on a 710rt. Africa
untll 1
from 0 to tl18 .liddle ':a.teI'o Th.ater could 'M!' ent1rely
drop tho '1'8'0011 Air oroo from its sativa filelS.
Poot- r. A. tho AAY or nlsation wlth tb. long-
oat and lIIOat connaotion with tbe
en Air roe.
IoIAAP wa" naturally boet fitto to draw tha lessooe and ks
reao_udotioos t'cr tho rut e whon the rench oubmitted an
elaborate acboma for poa t-ltar l'6a1'1llll nt of the A. (Plao
f.""l rt \' -, '.
',' 1" . ,
. U ' _ ..
J'" \

, I'

VIII) in Jaly 1944.. It.... pI'<J8 ntc,]
Arnold in ',6 at onoe asked tor e. oral e.liiker's
Air C-in-C, 8 ter aheokice with lnor.l
sent tho initial reactions quoted prov oualy (pera
23) and thon a compr.hensive study frQm both the AF
and "AF polnt 0 view. 'thie esulteu on 14 AU"Tust 1n a joint
co ont hoy tl:n ,un by "1 "ars'lal "1(HJ301' "hio" t 0
1 t rdQched b) the rltlah and
4merlcan in consultation with the rench
as to he t;en reI a1. or tho pltlr.,"
numbor of operational ,-nits, by tJPos" ere to be
Cormed, t.. e ;0 oral oxtont and natura of thfl 3iJp;xlrt
Dnd .ncl11ery or:o.nuQt1on.. and tho divi8ion of ro
aponalbl11ty as bol.wo9n AtlOrlca,' .;.rltaln and )"0.:::100
r.8pe.tlvely for Ite
b. ;11'.01\ this haD baen d ro thtl dutn11ell rQqulra
r.mnte Tn motorial ant1 uM8r tho .-,lan sht>uld
bo n8ae8DG(\..
o. All e ent1o.1 el ",cnt of tl>l plMn ,'ddcn ,,111
havs t.o lJo ass 89 d at an oar17 atla e 18 the training
requ1!ements. It i. und8retoo<l that the enoh dellre
ia that all l'ro-OTU fly1n.3 tra ln1ce lhould ba under
takan on the '\merlcall model and with AmJrloan 8ClUlp
Illllnt, and that operationAl tra1ninq be organized under
ritlsh or auoploeo on a .t\lnotlonol basia.
dependlna upon whether the organizatlon and equipment
conoornod 1n on a or modol. The
tor taohnical train1 of ground poreonnel
wl11 a180 noed to b. oruanized at an early.t c.
d. t shaul bc ""ao>".d with Ul!l r.nch
that t c formation o' eervicc a"d other supporting
WlltS .hould be phaeed dth' t s romation op.ra
tlonal unit
e. In ordar that the plan when a road of
feotively b8 Impleruented and adjusted a8 noce.aary to
conform to ahan..:;l c rcumntancea, it would 380m to be
adv1sabl. tho t the ranch shaul') establish s .01al
wlthin tha Air ;lnl8try to undertake
thie task. and th t it hould have attached to It
mar lean end rit1q', ex rte who would he ve the dual
role of the -roneh on all aspeoto of the de
velopmont of th9 ..,.onc'l AIr orce and rcpr I 'I'1t1ng
thelr r.speotlve ovornmento In rebard to co Itmonta
oocoptod the 1 ttor. 7hoy would alao be In a poal
tlon to dotsrmino "hat an AmDrlcan apeclallat
peraounel ahould be attached to the French Air oree

r '=i .-- ...
"' ,

- ", ""
.' .
". .
dU1'ing ita dovOlolllD"nt per .u'
al loon al poI.ibll, it. firot talk bei I to produco
the plan in detail a rtsr the prlnolples or onoh air
rearmament havo b6en 8 reed."
In a dlt1cn to thll jolnt .tatem.nt both
'akor a0<1 .1.11" rlbal Slooeor bdiviclual co nta
On oertain peata or particular intereat to t. air reapeotlvo
tiooa. Air Irahll romarkod,.O
It appear. to ) to ba a tLer 0' conaidorablo
importanoe thAt the or-anls8tlon of the ranoh A1r
.orCG 8 oul ue sound and hOITi03snfSOu.s. lhGther they
adopt tbe lu:J.rican modal or tho riti.h n>Jdcl, or
8n organlantlon, estao118hrnsnts, eta. of their
o 'n i. not or _jor importance. :>ut it 1e important
that .. e bodc or an1eation of their Air Porco ahould
be .ound it it is to be .n oI'flc1ent instrument. 1
do not t.bink tho ranch proposal to torm aome unit. on
tbe Briti.h model .ith sup orting and
anoillary unita, and 80me on the Acerican modol with
Amerioan-etyl. eup rting and ancl11ary unita 11 aoUDd.
Admittedly, it 10 ese18r tor tho ;rench to a 10... their
traini and equipment requlremant. by leating that
they .ant oomplete unit. witb III eupportin, .orvice.
and equipment a. ln tho Britl.h or Amori<lan Air ercn.
A 1 am quit. prepared to believa that the propo.ed
orgaDi.ation i. t.heir best way ot ettln:: some .ort of
an Air orce quiokly. but wo disoo.ered out that
with the beet wl11 in tho .orld it wa. n"t posalblo
to lntegrate rally too f<ritbh and Amerl"an maintenanoe
organllatlon. and ey.tem of administratl(lD, and in
IiI.A.A.r. they are oo-ordl00 tl!td but not I11te3rated.
Tbe source of the lreratt E:rltaln or
Am.rlca) with Whloh an" partioular unit la .qu1pped
.hould not havo .my pomanent bearinu on th 1llIlnner in
whioh that unit ia or.;.. nlaed. The real 1I.'Oquirement la
that tilo equadron should be on eftioiant unit in a
balanoed and hOll1O,;en<lou. foree. I think there tore the
onoh .bouldb .tronul advi.ed to adopt the develop
nt their ir oroe as soon 83 to one
un1i'orm tyPS or or<;ani tion-01ther ,Jrit1ah or rican
or one o tl ir a.l, a oross betweon the tWo lr neces
sary. In ptlrt10ular I em sura t"":r will b asl<1ng tor
trouble 1.t the lr 8Upport1ne and nmlntona 00 or 1
tion i. a piobala a air, h.lf Sriti.h and holt American.
The retent10n by tho "ranoh of the scst .".ho
the lond-b....a Air oros. for tho proteotion of oonvOJ
rout.a, ant1-ahippin' antl-.ubmar1ne ot .it1e.,
ova Ilea reconn laaanoD, etc., are t)ontrolled by the
Waval A1r Ann, tb.e plannln-; of polie , e OOlD
lDunic6tione, .tc. being \Indsr.takon entirely ..pareralI
trom tho planninJ7 for the r"onoh Air oree, 1. a vita
.ealm..... It tne renoh porslet in t 10 policy, 1t
.ill ak. 11. almo.t lmpo.sible for en etr. tive oOlllllOn
.a. JOS lOgS ot 1. Aupuet.
p: .,!',
I :r \, .', :'
rlthb .ronob air-oaa do onslv. ayat;;;6 .'
Uabad, whl wl11 bo o88snt1al not only 1 1101:10- ..... -.J
ataro but 1n the Westorn 'ed1turranean olbere.
['ut of oour.. tnl Coootal .0IlImIUld 18 not tho onl)'
part of the ronch ir orce whiob r.:I.US t e co-ordinated
almoat to th polnt 0" bt$:r.t1orl .. ltb tho 0181 Air
oro If"e to operate toe.tter .s Allloa in aQ7
futuro "ar. IncldentAlly thia opp11oa alao to tho
191an, Dutch, Norwoglan, otc. Alr orcoa, and tho
raet ls that, wlth tho spe.d, ran-. and atrlkl powar
of modern alroroft (and atl11 ocr. 0 o:roraft In
anothar 20 )'eara t 1"", "hich wa should b. conald8r1ng
as well 0 B the f:..l.tuJ"8), tho air "oreo. of an
a111an08 must bo on a .
aols. It 1s only nooa.oar; to r.ooll thA uttorl)'
chaotic condItion, tor i staDce, of air derence
s}'stom In anoo In 1939/40 to roal1% that tho aya_
to::l:l of oper tional control, COrnr!1unlc t1on.. wami
oto. of.n 111onoo 1n . t.rn u.t bo
of warkin: aD a unit, 1n tuo F. _. mu.t tn
ovltably' tak tho load."
:3 3. t""enaral ... aker I S separate cOUl.'1ll!nl." panned par.onall,.
to Arnold, UQ3 SDro dctachod:
"Air ' rohal Sle8::.or has polnt.ed O' that in the
u ltlsh view tho J. J.';meh lr should be
modolod "ft.r tho to avold "hot hoppenod 1n
1940 wr.en the l.,.rltlsh Air orca and ,F'ronoh Air 1'oroe
tr1 d to .molga"",to to res1at tho Invader. 11o.
asked particularly reater
day hls vlaw on ttlla subj.ot. n. ralt vary atrongly
tha t the typo of .qulp..ant ohould detar..l"" tho or anl
zatlon. A.. equlp... t 10 uood squadrona
omploylng It should to formod on tho U.S. modal. Ho
felt It oould b. work.d out so that thoro would
be no confusion as n Nsult a! this ra tioo. Uy ex
par1e both in nJ And loads to bolleve
nAt it la not dlfflonlt to ar.>aIgamote unlte ,Uffor
ontl}' organlzed. Wo had no d1f:iculty 1n U.K. workl
1n 010.0 oonnootlon w1th unlta nor have wo had
eny dlffloulty hore.
I oan aoo tin t tho ..rit ah llre 11 ,017 to" ant to
xorolod a otron: OOQeure 0: :onlrol nct lntluonce
upon tl.. . oneb Air 01'00 as 1C to build up.
I suppo.o wo must bo sympathotl0 with this vla" When
wa rOIl11zo ho I OlOM t.lls :n_11sh a 'ranoh are looatod
goographloally and hOI> n... r tha tlrltl.h elmo to loslag
their sh1rt tryln- to '.,. Ip tho ."renelo savo today 10
1040. '7 v low 18 that tile follo.m.: po1nts ahould
'bo cons lr1Qrad:
a. It 11111 b. holpful, it appeal's to CD, to bava
a .t :ronch 11'. oree, wall orgenia and
e ulppuu \1hdr. Wt' tu.rn our baoks on th Buro
poan 81 t10n and h!l ad for thtJ ar '.at.
b. ronell unit. Whlch MV' work. w1th us In thla
th atar h va dons an out stand a can
.atoly rely on It that tho fran A1r oros
offle r. a.'l.l authorit1e. wl11 ksop thair agree
OlOnts and carry out tho lr program and bulld up
vR7 I ."",1".
7- - :. \\, .. J' Ir

. _. ,," . illi, .
1o.loi:I_ ... 'W<WI"

' '
, ,
an able 01r roe if we can k ep the r rsnoh .
po11t1cal eticky f1 .ra from Intor:er1na.
o. Ths, rench appoar to 11ka our or a hatlon ard
thoy ara partioularly happy w1th our standard
quipmont, _-175
a'1d I 78.
':ousoat to "'" hlrnsolf that it was hts vte"
that tho r. ch obtoin the "rtttsh
n ht bombors and nt:ht f tore. and that all
othor ty be from tho .r1
oane. tf pos.ibl>. I fo,l thet thts te pretty
sound Hno 0 t" ;te;narca tto,", 1"O.ponstbtl1ty
botwGen Oreat .... r1taln and au l"Salvea 1n th1s

d. The crttical thtng is to hllv. s ttled at the
h=.;hast certa1;1 principles .hloh aN to
be rollo"tld. ;h:3Io ry,cludo:
(1) An that A1l7 :natorlal
tho anch A ore. to r J'11li tar
will Le u90d exclusivoly for auoh
posos. (If this be not. tra aporta
tton hterl ts for orGantzational equ1pment
snj air "orce squadrons wull show up
in t 10 handa or pcll t1c1nno on the /Jtroeta
nor S \
(2 ) 11"01"8... t. r;lvon und.:Jr thio rro::.ram tor the
l'rencl: All" 'orce must ot. be used for
clvtl purposos. this be not elono.
trAnsport aIrcraft 1:1 th! . onoh reanra
mont program are l1koly to 1)0 usod bY'
oivtl atrltno. oompet1t1vo wlth our own
and 0
(3 ) It must b ;reed that a Orttieb-Amertoan
mission or sroup tactical and teohnioal
adv1aers ba restdent with the ''renoh Air
"'oreo du r1l\- tho pJrtodo build-up to ..ka
oartatn t:lll t tho veocont 10 and to
aeu1at tho rronoh 1n technioal IIIltters.
(7ht. 10 oboolutoly o enttal alnoe the
.ncn have ",1os.,d tho opportunity s. and
tho' ritt.!". t.tlVO had to oparat1onal
n1. toohn1cal 8xporl:mco 1n th a war.
1'hoy hov littlo or no cour..and or starr
person."131 who have rJ4d tlfT1J o7.perlenoo in
tha ai.' n1za tioal' admi:ll3 ',rllt1on and opera
tion 0" a alr"oroe such a. that
1n Plan VIII).
H ::root bo a.::r .d tl' t n1 lane- an;! ite
o eq.11l ..:lnt ",111 not bJ t'lOn!!'" over unt1l
tllJ have be m for:.a6d. (It
e :roiJ to "nls h 30 :tlD.Ily a1rora in
ealonda ' sa1 so. ny month,
thoro is roat 11kol1hoo;! tho equipment
would arrlvlJ and datal'lornt bl,oauao there
was no porsoruol to take care or 1t. When
tho r JI1 eh produoe a h avy tJOOlba nt
squac1ron Wh lcll 10 .utt.bly trnine and
ort:anlzed, we &cre8 1..0 lve thlJa tho air
plan.s rathor than to dol vor eo "'7
-17. por ,"onth),"
Chspter 'IY
1. at..a'n 8 ovem>er 1 <2, ..ben the 1110. lnv"
rloa. and 8 18.1 1114&, .. en t1r;htln 1n t
ed! terr"ne Theater
1101dly ter In t .. d, 2 17
Am..r10 n
men vere _11n" In- ctlr.n. Alar e
known tQ have in the 10el
o t1 elr rlanee.
t tor a year and there vas
littl.. that til.. alr 0'1'088 ." 'lOut tte '---a.l ..
rad ra.. lndlv1du
carn. th.. ''''11.. ot tlo l1l1.dng
en ....
oorralle 1n 010881y- -uar<ied prlson 0
1n .. nav territory. At 10 r the alr tor lI ..t Hat.d
the 1Y.I 1n It y ent1 oegan oU\JentratH,l IItt,: oka nn tbtl
elk na, th1s 81tuatlon n to lth the I
o th .rartll(i1nl In Nor Bt'n It 11 and Ju 'oelpv1a. 1\
81-. ,le nUMbel' 01 ml lol( flyeN t'rlokled b ok to a....
ram e tomb. threu neo alMr 19"3. tha 1ft."nth A1
101'u8 p o8eeod 100 ovaAere and &80 pet". In Janu 1
on11 one ,1 teRnth yer re turned; in I 0 ruary
1;h8 "are 11. ln 'Rroh 33. 1n rrll 86 and ln 1711
. n it wna oloRr exlatlng r080ue
w re on 19 Ju e Cener 1 T.lnlng lent a
um to ener er roco Bnding area 1 n of
unl't to re oove r 80 "r)er
ro,. 7t.e cedur that
aul toll 1'0" thle su uti"n
ve" oe (;ne 0
at eataoul r .. oh.1avft enta.
2. Un tll 10 .8n
loue of 11r on e ,n
he:ndle4 thl'Ou h loare and . &al0n
8eollons or --2.
... 10 at 1; a tvelt th
r foroe and. tcr novell r 1

.. l"Wt

\ ,J
1. Plue 3,8ll3 killed and 4,
, I , 1
oJ :.... OW..,ft I
::\ ... _.J'
at \ha '1 taenth voll. In
ri. ',. tJe
L _ .
t r. rlly e
n en'T-lgence, . __ ...iiI
1.e110 Qr VI, etc., l.l
"I< 1.rt
to It. V r otJ ' olatlr\e tt a
t ..8 ene .J ]In F. ftc c le
uch hu!'t.-"'ue'

orCJe '111 t ".. n i ,..
r1 tl t trof"!"'1 .l rc r L V'l" 't - .. t ..
flO t
1<1 1& t cr eT
c: n !lDf'e
lind 1 ltl olotl.e. or-e r tlr n
I!') ,. , 011
a" ..
em:1.clllli CO" -, r tlrl{
1." rl
t (': rOil)

.11' "ns


( "eol.l reI' if' n8 edit rr n nl,
",70',) t.
( r-v)
11 t., .. rlnAn
1r . oree.
In June 1 .,..... MA l- oroe h d
01J 1';0 . t "1 wt n onl1

4 111 re tuner1U&Jl. 01 I Q t talA ':I-!d leen to h Ill.
7 ,(j:) l11e' p/w at lar'o 1'. IO'ly 1 fol
10w1 it
3. In a to rnnll1 on 3 ""s""to lftr ' neral
A Ir sum tW<'l 0 ttel'te 0 P 0110."
)1<& fJlUl it .d'Sll 1(6 t. - Tr.le le Jln Oil!
lUll whl..Ch "wpa Inr-erly kn"'"n B reo!"l 'lkt'n erV'loo
it lJae C"l1'11oere station!'!" wi tt. elfJ'tienta ("::t' t!" e ""1 to
and 1 in iu ny
er 0 e tho runct!one lnr on)
rin t 8' nlro they CAn evacuated
and intorm1.lI, A.l: tniIJt air- en l"O 10 c6rt in le
oalities Blid IiPY )8 eV"Clt te'" 0)'" cert.,,1u IJ nl. "be
com al11 le "nrtel1tlre11 unit. It alnt&lna
11 eon rlen
Hy tor .8 \. .lURl"tlll vi a
.1 ee a .lgnal center wLlch vlre
le telo ont with 1 ,er .1 the
'11 te nth lr ,oroe t t 1.(. It t-., er (\r At
... ea1al du.t1ea" in irer!)... ri.
o e rf" - oroe 3" 18 tl",e 1 ret , eolal un t
'ar n In ugo.lovlr. It 1_ an ent1rely rltl.h
unit It lot. VOl' 010lel1 Itlti t a 1.11' or e. It
a. ed t it Ll&18nn erlon'el 1 OIS
..0 "ny ,l76' gt ( rov) ",,<\ tl,e '1 te nth 1'1 oroa.
It. unotion tc.e t\J'ool"lull C'I.l eu..... 11. p to trlen "1
roae n t...& OJ. ot dr .,...01 1 "Ii 1 np. J
"roe el",n oUlt1". v 1M 1ntliln a Ie 1nite
Itl I"". _ an
a .1 .n.l ......108
" th itl eraC"n til nlts1". XUP'O 1 vi... Ie ",r"rcG ha.
n otl YO In 4. lltin the 'IV onatinn ('It air ero
.,.. j\,
Th group
oltl0 1;( Cor I'll oui,
rio.n Ul.r to
, eaolu.ion of everlthi
elle. The al oS >oree
.. v tnlk ter-l tnr;( In
Ju 11 .i. or u ht
e atter I
t 'i edl te o'uee ot enernl 'a lett rot 19
Ju.:.e. 10, on 1 July. after
a' eroole It t1 d1
el n tn t e .variAl i
Jur.i110tlon 0' toa v loul
or llatl n. 1nvolved, r ro us ted n
e re lied (.;0 .. n"'or, ed1 to raneM tor t' e
ollo"lng lan:
.. u'" a unit ('% ttl t 'ant; 0 .1 'ere
and Ilen, to lnclu a r 11. I t ur;-eon r.n"
eraonnel, to eared1 te t'-s & e .v11 n l'ap,.a ttl "
the alkan'. prln01pal1y ... 01 tro" 10
A1r ,oroa orew. n ,,1n alkan territory. It le
aoti t'd t t at lealt 1.100 0 w en of tte Strate 10
Alr have .r. huh t dla.'leo1 a\ror t
and re no., ln the Ilk. n n,e re.t Jorl ty
o the.. n a -& l811evet1 to ". in Ju 011 via. i
poN. indlooto that 'loy" tte ere In ne d 0 .di
oal ....l.tan e. 1.0 o"nvlno d It "ill atl;Y teoil
1 tate tre earlier atu of t ;.ae or'"",en It eo,
lolly eeleoto" A 1a loan unl t 1. glven tl'o r .. on.l 111t;y
ot colleotlng theaa Indlvidual e. glvlog tha.. medloal
attenti n. end F t eir a e bl;y and return.
It 1. olearly un"er to d t'et the aotlvltle. 0
thl. merl0 n unlt 111 ne and no
IIItar. It .,111 oe devot.d entlrely to rescue
,",Ul'l' .eo; it. ootlvUlee "ill be uo dlr ted _lOh
tho J lkan lr nNe. I hpve 'IFO'\I d the ."bJaot
vi th tto j lxan lr rce. lJorr "an" r, 1th nene 1
Ter, an1 r. "'ur,hy all 01 WOI" a with. t t
tJle Jeat 1a fe.a1 J10 lUi" neOShr-'."
1180n ear.vled ron In - rlnol la.... on tte
r 1 C'.
hi 0 1 Jull_i the 0110'"
""'l')vl 10:
1 rra '" ent luoid."t to ti" o"ar tlnne of thlo
unit 11 be oloeel, ooordlnted "ltL I lkon r
oro., 3peo1 edlterranean The tar 0
Op.raUo" ,or 0 11. and 'r! dler .aol an (hea4
of rltlab. qU.lon ..lth Tito. nowavall b1t II tal.
In p. tlcul r, the vo entll r e., - MIre ot 1.
unlt u.t oe 00 u,loated tt ugh. lkan 'ir oree,
oroa 3 rl llIllar aollan to rl tl oh.u i ..luna
1n t10a Held .,1 t In t' ear. ott' ra tlr no
T he (I u tho
u 1t 0 '0 to ..e u
otoololuer na ad -:01. &orj e er. Thls Jll oalrv-oorn
1let ln the 'er'll1 J.r ,ONe ln
r 1. 'I tor the
var 6 .6 n o. leI 111" t 1 nr
I It ,rnvnl vl1 ., e te rn 1"'1 vlo1C\n.
ben nrlf1
1'1 to 81 oul1
Pan rlaanis Alr11ne t' e
r c rltlnent. hen
o e Lntn J81n& 0 or e V n known f r
8 e yellr., !"O Jo1. "r er to eorv
11al80n 1 t
r!l' Al 1to
e fie"" lJ& terfl.
rolglor w' t
1 'e mt in b"' .. e ... en t.e
T LA ,
ut l"r:e ,t a

(1111'1, 1 '44. e.r.onally 110t! f; ,- "'5p nr 4?a on 46
16 1 8. c1NH ed SUt"' 10 Ii r r '''e 1 r.d lnvp nn 1M t'C'U1
eeorot strine
(\e. '['l l,H('
one '"
t rrl tory

Czeo ("I tnva 1

. 1..0
! thla work "'11:'" .10"8 fter
;. 1.1
1II 1./"1 1')8 1nr.
.fltrolls .... snt n \"r-{'1
t .0 . 1ttft nth

oJy enltrr 1 ftr on JA. J'lly
'""rClOU""1 'f
", .

0 t
1 to t' on
t .. 0'1'
L 1&11 I! 111.11 ert on
, '.
1 J 1)'. exo I' tl
The. 1tt. nth lr l;'t h a e fl Ur') to
u n1.t a nuoleu8 f)f "ors n,81 n'" e 'J1 ant r"r
oflllqJ. rt re to >8 10:;' te' , n "I, 0 r,v n10nt
to Ie rUt "IIU 1r foroe. tt-",
01'.on1181 l4tlri f'! II are t J .. r'lrn18 elt .lr
the 8 0 /";nl1 t r . roe (II 'el'loiretll.

..111 oc' 81.t of oall
mor- \'1
1.. u n t ro rt "'1.r;J1' t

t " GOtn

at rindl 1 tnl ,- .t tr' I'
U 011 vla
a1.r ()
n 1"?1 va .,." 0 8 d bllt ",,(I ere
'" "'0 r
t tn 0 oJu
,Uno 1t 11

tor t 11 t. -t
, .
:r\: 1:' ,.
and othn n rmo.l un"t " ".
oarrlar unit. It vl11 be the tunotlon 0 heR
lneu that ""ropor ftoertlon rAnge ant. sro
at rlndlal aOO QOodate. lnterrogate dla .a
o Ar.. lvlng.8vpd9r'J and e on ere.
With a v1,e" to 1" relt. 1 1. tLe .onl nd rtlolen01
ot the e o!'oratlons. 1t 11 envlla;;e'l that r"r n,.al,
equlJ;:!Uent ant! "v"il 018 t<"'l "C,
11 Oft tlown to ,,; rtie n llelrl air 'trl;"1 vt':e
root or 1ntU at 00 uni .... tl:)n v1t:,
quarters 1n will Je
418pa'tohe int" tUf\Osl"vla, wi 1 )0 Tt 1m,. C ,
flell artlas and thelr prl- ry tunotl n ,,111 oe
tIl. operation 01 Ill". etr _,... to lJ,olutle al' .. lonal
otlvltl al5 ersonnel ion" 8.... ulnnt o--n ." til de
M& lo11ova:
a. ,lyln" Control
b. 19n111 IlOlIllnloatlon to R't>roprlate II "
o. u terlng and ""'leI tog r Yacue
d. ..lrat 1tl or lnJur d avacuaep..
It 1e conte leted t',., aucl h1d. rtle. "111
ne8dal1 1n the n nr uture: ene lor C'lf'ler tl,..n l.n
11 to lleld terri tory, an' the otller ln are S oontrolled
01 lhal1ovltol. ,. ter tte e t n ...,p..rt1es t.&V8 been
8sts:'>11.hsd, ttell" orce 1s tc '..)0 aUK .nted y
dot 0 onto equl,,-ed to trav.l fro' 1"
1 to \1': e _e air cr....' hs.v.e been repflrted
to I lit tl.elr m"'v8t:lent to 1r atrh':'I. The so
det1'oh... --euts mt\y "lE.o os to eata'Jllsh new air
strip. from which eVt<cuat1r-n osn bo pert"orl'8tl _."
5. wek etter tl.e ubl1o,Urn ot thle d1 sotlve
A ) 1 vas .otlv.ted
and a few daye lt lta
6. It. or waS nl
If dqul'rterA
, r ..
One Co . ,PI1,Ung Of .10',r ':6t'Oo '1lote
OM OtUo r Thr"e
t.:rew Jet.
One lIer eant
,Uo nnera
o unl t 1.1" nl
"PO . lour Oreratnr.
o e
edl0,1 .10.1'
ted I 10 ""or tor
dl0 Uatod en
t e -hovo rereon.o1.
furn1ahed by Headquartere
"01" n.el) by Co. 1, 2766
1 lfte nth All' rce.
the Co:ll"""o11ng
AU. 1.1 tea
t ( rov). 0
110 r val
and the re
turnisr. d two .11'01"& an4 0 5
a Unlt " I
0l"att. It vso
authorlzed to I' quest Of a!o n f
I' oroe and "let 1. lerr lng a,a
t a lttaenth
a v01u e ot alr tra rll 40.4\10 'd. _.. ".
ne.4 01" a 1
-"""" -

- . '-
- ..
- - .. - 1.:1
ettle 1n a way whloh leo
General :':/l er to 0 1.'\'!,;oi;ilr
You will rooall that lIt-.en y'"'u war'" he e ! had
plan for or6F lz1n a epee'al lr Aeioue
Unit Thi. unit has nnw 1 or
one week. Xe terday 70 Qrev len w e
tro 1hallovt tob terr1 tor,. th..e nun<trod 're
own have been looated an" w111 be brought
ou t Ihn rtll .... "
6. 7he anne .. 1n whloh th10 1r.' hlg r oue by
1 v oarried cut wa6 Jugal via t t. t tt 8
WaS .pitt into t\o'O <-nlltle 1 rC'lIl'" --the and the
Cl:letnlks---r.ostl1e to 8BCh other )t.1t coo' er;tlv. 1n so t J"
sucooring .&.llled flyers Wtl! ocncerned. i te -nth ..
partlo1prtlng 1n the
o rI ully on the "IslAnds 0 res
I the two groupl. In 80 e 0 theae /6181an 8" there were
i!.ood landing strips, 1n others nor.e. Cnns8Q.uently it v
a ton neoes8fry or the I- "r Chetnlka to "'l()ve parties
Of A" ;:-erson 81 1 I'O;>I. one IlNs to another throu ft no'''Y 11nee.
tnan nne I\rmy eros 0 tlcer or men" .s lIed in moveB. tn several 0 see 1 mUng strip. located ne!ir
tho Ger'llAlla war" operation.l one nleht. yet the tollowing
n1 t. with the ..ty 0 orew it lng in the bill.
ne r the laId reAdY to be loeded, tte n8 had to
be called 01 -leo u ot the o.otu.... t the neld yO....,,""
oroes. In cany o.sea this ty'e, the rr1ved
over tne ield and h d to oe .way. At leoot
one operat1on waP on w1tl under d1reot
ene y tire.
7. Late in July with AC U
I. creation,
re th n 100 tI. Sirorew Ius ,'mdry
881an, it nnob.
and ..ltloh tugitive. ha1 ted at lirovoae. in
tnik t ....rltory. where
lie agent had a r oet
27601. 10 ugu.t

t ,1 ,I \<
,,1 th wbJ.oh 1t ".. pou1bl.. to 00 nlo- ..
1tho ,
".d Ian. on." th.
., I'


oreatad a ood" whloh oc.uld b. und.. at ,1 t. n ...
quart.r. I'. ud tamlltar nl Jr-n....... oerlal num'18r tor
1'd1ntnd oth"r.l 1181' re a noaa ItrD,," only to
hi 1 and m. bel'S ot hi. squadron to tell Feadquarter.
v} erl! e party vaa 10c t and hrv .any men 1'8 on t..an4.
s reoelv.d by a ba .1e Irlt18h rodl or.rator. Lt. C11Y.r'.
lngenlou. .e. g. ot 2& July
"TO: CO. >PO 521
150 Yank. are ln ugo. eo"e .10k ato t us vork 001'....
uk .lr1tleh ut J b. I' a t1rBt l.tter b1
Jo 1b rdiar n e.kb of (lann Hoea C.nlg 0 t.) 1 ul'
v.rl 10ntlon 1a.t letter ot Chlet g's na 00101' ot
1.t on olub vall. et ret... to ark ua"ron b
Oroup to.. eoo<11 g (T /) 0 1.lgn). 025 as nat te
,lve Lug Order."
Ileood.. t1111 8nt,
*10:- ..
"'Til Com an11lg OC",loer

150 rioan. ere 1n eo e .1ok, shant u'
47 a.k Jrltl.h a ut Job. ur ohallenge lett.r
1. G' and ooln.. 1. vhlte. Your veri 10atlon letter
1. "N', your oolor 18 Wlt.ita ton. ter to' u n.
omb Orou or "eoodlng. (TIO C lalgn. retara
to Lt. T. It. 011vor. "11nt ot . " Cat' lane).
All 'lva vho live in y tent" If. "
e. B7 tha ACRU oould pet .et. the part1 had lIt
u to 221:> A arloan.. On 11 August t 'ey "ere .uooe..tull1
y 478, e.oorted YUte.oth All'
0 ."
12 1
k' oroe 19hte..

to 01'1
..lth our .tolk
at ..
"61. vh
vere tl.1 coll rod).
9. Thle t t.ha pattarn tor ture

Aa Gen.r Jr.r It. to
IntoI' t.lon pao. tro
wlt.hln the to lalkan ,nd It 1
tablleh onto 0 088 Co. I. Z766 Regt (?rovl.
Th1e compeny ln oree t.h. All' Crow .'CU. Unit and
t. ltt.entb All' Foroe that airmen have heen tound
and may he ro.oued. The ltteenth .. '01'0. and
the I' Crov Re8cue Unl t davie. a ean. ot proY1d.1n
the requlred tranaport"tlon anl\ arrange rouflh the
contaoU ot to h"ve all' ore... Oar d or I\l\tI
..... bl.d or re.aue at an. "r18te 100,,111;181 1n
t Balk photogre"hl0 and II unll. .u...., or
a"a. " orted tor" araUng ro.ou. air-
el' t. 1rtorud 1 r1tte nth All' 'crca BUd 08
unlt... The operat.l n ot .ou. airel' tt 1s lanned.
b1 1tt.ent.h 1'; "1''''' an. t. I' 1'0" cu. Unit.

r En
n eeta 11ehe
via h/' J I'n
0 erat n 1
reo tin",
tatee or
Wh.n the plan haa
Bon .el 1n "!ugoal
1 J. acted under tL
'.11' foroe. 'I'h.
to the United
...) or. 'J Ht
ot er 0

" t\Y1tl88 V
e lta ln .111 .n ,e Autlvlt\88 tn n .1' tins
.. .25
aupr lee to eva ar$ to
1 "a Ibl ? 1'11larly, 1t neu e oull1e to
et 111. e. dero 0 .vl tzer.M tt I'
t e c tern ranee, A
dee ato .d 'ORa 2

8d 1

At. 8sn1.('\
uol' peol&l I\C l' Uti! t. ueu 11 UN\.Ute
o a enlnr ot!1 ar, r d10 r rt
a 1. e ulp ent. an an OS (\ ,loer. vere ululi117
Clovn to the dl ed ar.... The eo l.t no_, ot 1 1118d
enol... 1n the aree v re fl rBt e"U.t8a 'J tt.enl"l' 'r
o 110.1' ln an 10rt to In08C. the tUi!1t1vo"ol.
ot Buoh "runn1tRtl no were 1torranean
e ulvallnt 0 c.(. t. fa 1n Lr'lllfl"On Itn,l ,1. co. 1n ''fIa. ton),
1oro. 133, 134. and , an" :_u ber 1 teoonolllQ,

and lntell1 .no n -enolo.....per till 1n
'1alk..n.). t. ".1 1'..
all 08 . a.ontaot. and f\t, er'lll. "lon OC'ot ot had bel'n Q ,.
11 .d vl th the orall bera .. nil when th.y could"" GC
1.11. all' 11tt v uld >8 rs u t.d 1
t 0 1'0 ar All'
11. ACRlJ oUY1 tia. 1n the ''I' 1'8GO e4.. .aIt ln
1'.....1 t ot a Gel' n dle1ntesr
tlOIl 1n ere alkane Iond 1n lr.... oa.
en It re
o yere t
JUIDa1ayla. Au. nia.
'I a.r1 , t: ltzer nt!, an1.., r ca,
and ay 11/4 t ,. Tvelrth Ie
n ... ou t ;\Ii al
en troll ...orat 1 ndln otrl
am It&l,.
I. t.aOUl t1 "by A
;" 1-1 and 1"we th ('"r'e 11 e t aft ..... v1n
rea vered, J u_ f'fly frn
'1 nth. the f nd
.arloue ot; .ar
1y t'"'ell, 'A

" .
1 r o1y nne--- rrt
rn It'ly
er'l v1 ll1l sotl
te" 2 400 'n
1n 8 oh. tn. entlre d1 ter.l'All8 The, tar 1 '>ern cle nl4
u.p. nly 1n 'U8trla, 'I) :ary 'Pr M. ve ft t ere 1.
lied rr'8oner"', nud o rly 1n
ns1 !)111 ty fer 1'1 n 1n le-.e31a
r' ac.v r/ etfnrta in
h('l' ion .red t e loIa---o .... ocl.lill 1n e tA-'"
II c. IU" . II 1n which n('l Ie 8 th.1.l1 ,H5.a -rlacrors
IOl,led J. m 1:q nt in rle roll tv ... _-- r.c\
F" "
8kVl1y on ita 1n
of l}er any" el1grt. LlberBto," erie' r,. 1n fro
every lreot\clI and ro )lerl. :fro .Iu oint of' 'viey f.
neon. le8f on., ('I Mr Crew eoovory C\ ,8 &trl,tlon.
or' ex,. "-r.tle, H,t 1)0 20 a c. find, r;r-rl1 C'lur st,tT-lo da
p . 'oonr.l ! Ort8'la .... & se""'luy,. the dlta
ranean. CIt t e lcaoe l.nvolve", 8... vora l"('l
- t..'. air torc8S--- the:; },. t"'\ Kt 'in va: 1 cou tan'" ..... 1"('\0.88 84
Intolll"'.nce anr' -1, AI /'

12. t thtl0.Ul nch t.. >'ft'"'' del1ver ,oe we...
a ell. on the reoord wl t. tte care uHf ell.

.eo vol
C/I::'! r text .


01 67. en Cll. 1n" roll1....
n 11 ,ob. (a 0 ',," 150.
81 ned n 6 e ,ent r " ding
porlOnne1 coverlng -an,
"".ne tr A ) I a <1
or Alliad
01 nd, eta. 01 T, on

e eastorn ta 1nu." eric 'lluttl ..ber "48
u_ed .1 colleot1n _olnt ""/I 4e... al ?<'!1Ii. ria_
of tha 1r t .hi ,ant. 11 os teund in Vol. X 'vU
... . '<} j )1'- f" "-,

.J. 'P' /1
B "(.
and It b.caw. lmpolb1e bfter ct O.r 13'.1 to
how nl and filerl wor. Ikv.d by tho qul.t
W<> of the varlous .C.I unlt.. In t!'e ae; regate. ho""""r.
thelr ohlov.... nt was unquel tloOllb1y grellt. n1\ in evolv
aedura A.r made a ,_nulna 0 ntr1 tion
n t 0111 to the hn.' 10es ot nU8a.oda 0 hu na out to the
technlq'Je nf alr w

13. nl .11
etween ugu.t 1. IJ43, tho date t
the lr t A rloan DO or ent 0 -looatl. nd guat
194". when ,>,au.anl" oapltulatad. &,tI, roxb toll 2.500
erioan 6.0" ...r1 tlsh a1 fin vere re"!""ort." mi in 1n &ot1. n
over nla. The gra. t Jorltl 0 theu '1On, 2.2>l? 0
tae , were lost urin t!'8 1 tet:nt ... Air oroe'e great
o tenl1ve agalnst Pl eati durl"ll ttl erlod ot A rll (;
to 1111 It i!J). 1 9"4.
U. .31 23
guet, when mnle gave u BB? men had
da their bnok to Italy. It known. however, that
uplinrd ot 1.500 others ramalnet1 tn neJay territory. elther
ln or ln prlson o. e. the
cent arrivals
w.s Lt. Col. Jame. Gunn. com ander or the 464th
Itt nopr T'loefltl on "ulglst 17th, he Wo. o&T'tured at
onos and t en to a sohool-house in dowhtown
uaed al 8 rrl,on lOr Al11ed 0 .1ndlng hl".el1'
the 0 110er pr .ent, Col. unn oommand.
15. When Nu nla a Ie.. lel1 lat.r Col.
Qunn a the AUmanl.n authorltlel
r per1lJ.881on
to 11 t Italy tor help In .v cuating the rl80nerl.
At r belnS reterred to the llr Mlnllter an4 tra Secret
o 0 lsn :fla\re. e wa per ltta,' to ttl out on the
oh ot thl fol10..1n
11 tnsen ver tl f
II lRarort
on Operatlon J:I1N
01 the Hl.
rlan, Bq._
at the tl a and
nov n 11e In the A

lI01'l'lln or
26th 1n an pnt1 ue tel' halt
n hour It h d to return ..lth engl... All. r"nn then
eno untered a cert 1n C taln hn 0 ere1 to tlj
out in the radio co ,fort ant r.l an ie-10 The 11'

on th .1de_ .nd Col. nn Ie we into t1"'o us.lAre, tok
o 1 at 1720 27 u_t.
ptaln Y&' hnn1an , -hln foung
'Who 01a1 ed 64 Ylott\r18p by the 'b.l' n, r1nc .yat
(one or e. en-tne 1n deltrr"ye" ens '1 "11an88). I ,e
ltl0 11 ... down U _. an<1 17&
HaJ1 ln he tew d&1. ltor Rumenl'n c.nltulatlon
when tle ornana lay unlo t elr re aln1nR 100.1
QO b stooke on Thull in the Lour "3.,8 t>etve n
23 nnd d7 he had ull clrolo .hn' tlng
down Allied :>0 oora to do troyln
orman. Tbl. t ubled
hl not a whlt. Be w.... he ...14 lan!Uy. a who
ought vh' av'r he wal told to llg.t.
17. "At 1 20 hnur. "n tho 27th tho to"or t
lovenni, J.taly.. t,;ol. Gunn'lI hq 8 tlelll, Will nll"ly naton
1.hea to leo an Mo-10) ln to 10n4. It tQxled uc and
.a, at ono. Iurroundod by
curlnua t'rong. Ca.ntaouz.lno,
Obvloully InJoyln bl o.lf. otond ln tee
nounoed that he had a or tnem 0 tor &
aore The rl te 1n 11a.lap-e "8.1 tl en 0 ened
and the C.O. ot tbe A54t nroun b f rtb oarore hl.
o 1'1 gen.
lB. Gunn le" at onoe to Jar1 !Jld lat down .1th
reotor ot Ooeratlon. at
..lsadl.r eneral Ch 1'110 \elm.
e to evolve a reooue lan. Operation nn
val 1 d au t on the 28th and lIN
, ",t'

an aouzlno, tlylng &0 AID at to
Bure it a Itlll s e :""r t. vllcuetl n. ""antaouzlno
".. 1 01'\ t} ,ore nd 61 nf 1 bis t ,.., on ... n1('1nl by V.rey
ph 1.
They had aJoret ord.r. to aho t h1 do,m 1 ta
oehaYa'" us"lcl on tte waf In, '11 vent ",.11, hewa".r.
\., tamulllO and rt'" tly ,hnt "It t'. Ie yellow
.t r h_oh aant that the tleld vaa atl11 ln h de.
, .
o r & nlni! P-OIB ..t on e 01
a 81 nsl to a ve ther ne haIr-way ver
Ju 0'11 vi. It t',e ..... e:"ln to '3 .. rl -nt! .e ae nd
Lase Qt 11 began.
111. Thla oonalated of 2 17a wlth an aaoort n 32
-ola. Thay carrie'" Col. fralgter. who va. ln .har-e 0
n .0n.laUn of e doctor end (19' an with tvo r ..
let.. They l,ndod t 1630 .. nd ...... et by IUca C.or eaou.
ecrat.. ry 0 St to Alld lnioter 0 N.. tlon..l ".oonomy. Tha
alrrlanel t ok ofl nt nnce ,od the narty pmce.d.d to
uo' ran wre it ontalnad f . raad<\u.. rtar .. hn".a belong1ng
to onl 1r. Idlru .t 5 Ala a odrogan. Tte 09 party
t ('Ince eet up the1r I"f.tUeHit out not get tt ugh to
t 1715 ('In the tl..e etl"r., C,.ntF\ w asaln to Italy to notlf.. tte lftepnth I.1r ,nrol t
Itt e".r,
t ,111 It... rsolly n.B 1st. ,u"lvad ln Italy
w1 th'-'ut trr'U .1e and
It ell lito tt-re. f1eotlf\ns, ;1"J
t nn :n8 ,Ion
tt. l.t 'oT'te bar and III on th
20. In
oh...... t col. ar orcan1zed
t.8 tl" nlnC'rt CIt the ""r11o r"
orBett. ne tound. ut
BOO 1n a 0&
in the v ere -ved attar
oln th cnl \1 the very };ervl lOllbartl.8 t tn tl .
oent rot. oity. Anot.r 100 e
1n it,..,. 1 tu and
, .
0 era ver,
at 1 . u -Ol' t
t v1ng
een let fll"olit 00 :. let ly t> e J3rd.
Tr .e.,
rt w
a r ble
Jut tt. Iu nl ne rov1l1.e<\ ;'7
rrtvcr, "t t' e . / 0' at 1y 0600 1
BOO he'" be n oarrled the li 11ee to 0 atl, r 1
a truc.x Otl 1n "8aroh <.' .:>
It,' an'" 0.0 .e and l1ned
t.e n up &inn the -erl eter n! tIe ln b to ee ot
20 at lnterval., e'oh vltr t.
'rl't118, w.en t ,8 17. began to rr\ve rn '0 at
1 ,t e1 oculd tAxl up e.1de l!U\(:' 'r""u
01 en anet 8t
o r && ln wlth a ot deley.
21. For Ot' r t10n .CU. I" 56 178 0 the ;'nd and
G un. were out I1ted efeol r a r I"\r 0 rrylrlg erao
oel 1n the lr b<' bays. Two were l1"l ed or 11 ttor oaee
ley tlew 1n vavea of 12 t lntorvsl on the
31at, hOlvl1, lonrted all tt.e >.RY. A.lde tm e w lob
l"n!\ r t tire, e",oh w ve 8!f1l"t .17,ln' n flttn n 11n1,ltea
w1 th 20 eVl\'0'-1S0 "" r Rhl. In the !1rilt 'Wf.lve II Ie two etootOrl,
went t f'lnce to t"e dt"'CreceCUl h.':Ispttal w""ere
patients were h' 8t11y troeted "nd ) n'lgt,t to t!.e field in
tl .. l"r 2 11 t tor-- bearlng B-17. t 142u.
Th t " nt 73) /' were evaau.tM, lila 10
litter ...
;'9 81 ttl,11' r tlent
22. ilf.'J::i H II on C:e- t .,Oe1" r:Jt l"Inlt.tel1 "1 "ne
f 19 t" 16
7.. Or.a Jtler d e rnlret w\ng on
t 1 tl pltto" )( 8 t"'xen 1 the Ahl'''t hlo.h h" a
fl t tire on t"'e ""\reoedlnp- """1. -Y ousted that Wit
393 lno udlng ho -It
nt. snd 12 walklng
23. Durlng 2nd, wl11e 1. Kral WaR
/"In .Ior 880"...1, rl.,,,,

'f A:1t (;-"
I:JJI J'il" {o' "
;. !'))6'- :''flJ
n. netoen Amorloana va... atlll ln thllr rtIlO..!,fIJ
prllon vhon tho 1noo Ing aslana began to till lt wlth
oa tUl'Od erlll&J1a. Other Amerloana, lu""rloul1y aoco date'd
01 v 10ua rloh
anlana who aoJ' ntly oe11eved that an
Amerloan ln the houle would oe a valua le toll a a1nlt
Illan J'OQU111tlon, had vlrtually to be nrdered to Po eatl
tor the tinal 11ft. III on 3
.':0 ta.ber oonallted
ot :5 171 d a 47. the lattar rlnglng a ra all' orew
and a wing panel (atrapred underneath tha tUlelAgl> tor
the 17 wlth the I lodld tank. lth tho ln 211 p/v'.
and 1. l(ra1ghar aboar t'"ey took at at 15 tor Hal)'.
Le t hind was t one to I' Peter 'l'elm01
---to 111 to be moved. Tva dootor. Itayad wlth hlm and
tl,e OBB party remained at e Hq.
24. 1 told, 1n Operatlona ooN.1 and I E:UlIIOIl 59 17.
9i1 38. 281 1'-51 and 1
47 aortlea wero tlovn. Ona
1'-38 was 10lt and 2 Ju--,,2' a .,ore olaic,ed deatro1ed IlOd
an 'e-109 damaged. Evaouated a total at 1.162 mon.
at whloh 1.127 woro 31 rltllh. 2 Dutoh naval
otJ.loera. 1 a ranoh ,.ergeant &nO 1 a f\llftlanlan atowltvllY.
In ad itlon to thla blg haul. 1132 .... n waro evaouated ln
the next IW .,eekl. maklng a total at 1.303 takan out at
ite ""'un try. 1I01t a theoe had oought aafety away tro.
the prilon oamplj
Z5. Thl lecnnd auooeaaful 1 ge aoale
",vacuatlon ot A
It reaoued 312
en tro:s 1
arl --303 at tbo.
M plua
3 Yugosl"va
ly1ng ..lth 376 Jo bel' U ot tho
All' oree.
Jetveen Nove ber 1.
1943 d at
3,), 1 the 15th
r , orca had loat 1 and 12
l.,htora oVlr
where the rlnolral ta
et VA_

la Yard. In the
American rav membera were missing Ln
an un1etoriJ,lned nuober who vera crcad down 1n 1a 1n
atta "t. to rea
'l'ur"oy a ter ti.elr planae h d oeon 4a 'od
over Plooetl.
...or n to & J. 1 teen' i\lr ,orao intellla:enoe
eltl te,
tot our-mer a1.s.. 1116 over 19arla vas o1o.e
to b"o.12
215. On the evenln c e teaoer 7, tee Sofia r '10
Jrnad04&t an announcnment oy tt.e ..;801not
lzi .e reI c rcpatrl t10n 0 111.8d rlaonera.
T....18 h d :Jeon antlcip -toe. nnd t\1r ";rev MCf)Vory o!.i.lcera
o the 11 teer.tb were a.t ELnd j,urkey .a1 ting tl,e M.
rr 1'lt-..8 ec.ts w e quicklY' 'lb. c to move tbs r180ller out
th UbI.. Ist.GJ1oul anti Alel"o oy train, thenve to "::a.lro by
A.T.\J. aJlt1. 1nally to .:.i;-:,,1 oyl1ttc nth, A1rlorce ,,-,2tls

Wld 17.. The move va COl!! leted on ';epte ,bar 17 - 10

/laye tar the .. Uovernlnent hll.d author1zed thoir
<!-7. At..' personnel h d boon t atcd harshly ln lulg"l'la.
Jcr twlter A. mlth, Jr. vn nd beoten with rifle
'lUtts by
ed on parachuting ln tho oplJe
area on 23 June 1 4. The andant at ou .en prison
told _ 8 it was his intent1cn to e as mleoraJle
aa o. lblo while ln the camp end to ureak thelr
Cn the CoIn..'Ilandanta tor eXII: "Ie, t. Orona val
b aten 'y guard. w en he "tte ,tad to dlscus. hi.
on tho work roster. The -dJutant at ul rlan lea quarter.
h..d 0 leer aUar sevore1J ;;eaten with l'U"l>8r hoae.
A .er" tat ..111t
ry Garr1son order.ed t.e w,11
.onoer&t'h on
,!Xl by 11 te.nt r
Joree l1:atorl0
_.c etlan, on
tll in At} Archlve
p1118 ot Bgt.
the flatter va.
A. !laur1n and !lgt. L.
&& ravate the reeult 0 the "edlolU attentlon
given Val orude, and au erl val oarrled out vi thout
aneetheela. In II8neral aooolllOdatlons VB prl Hlve, lI1th
no bade provlded and not anough straw laokl to go around.
At leut 20 n had no lanketl and lavaral had to Ila
on the flo"r. vera lntaetad vI th val' In.
oamp authorlUae rovldad no olothlng. Until OJ It ln
tha maln oamp at ou en. eaoh man val allowed ore qu t
o va"r per day tor all pu a08. tion. o"nsllted ot
ona loat ot Dl'Bad end two 0 lOUD day 1
d1vldual. No Red ro" parcall vel'e reoelv.d.
28. Shortll be ore the rala..e ot thl rl10ners,
vheo lt oparent thet 1gerla would be knoOked out
o the v , there vaa a notioeable et10rt to oon
ditlonl. Tha wetel' I"tlon vee looraeled, a trult vandor
val pa 1tted to co"e Into the oamp. the quall tl ot e
10Up notloeably, end tha soap 11'us vas b ught
up to d te.
tor the.e ohangel wsra oede, the Oamp
Com andent askld Major Solth. the eenlol' 0 110er,
tor a letter t tltl10
at thl 1'110nlrl had be.n well
lth retused. IOltaad hi reported the' 19arian
al-traatment u n hlS arrlval at
tha 0 10erl and
n troiD IU 1 b d arrlved at thl1
sa fleld. ThaI had caen Junllant, there
val 11 lng and ohe rln
8 en who 0 olt tro.
arla valked trom the a1 lanai quletll vltbout
ent ul1aa. or 41lo1al. Thel wel'B tlre. and veak and IU
due A welk later l1ensl'al .akar 41reoted 11'1 adlar
Oeneral H 1 to lead a ..1801on to Sotia to 1nv8ltlgate

the ilul arian atroal tln and to
(See next abapterl.
2 zeo oslovakla. le
arrlvlng at aarl, Col.
a1gher. v h.d not
elr rescue, val makln hie deorelt ACRU m1lelon.
lu lnd it ln hl. ueuel laconlc vay'
-1. On 14 Se te ber a r v s rcoelve1 the
Czeah 11 vak 11&1son mis.lno ln London Itat1ng t
tvelve allled r en vere a ne r Trl Duby
rUeJlI 1n 5lovalln (4a<' 41'30"1, 190 11'40" El.
Th. radio &190 gave recognitlon 11gnals or a dq
11ght or nlght reecue
2. A dayllght evaouatlon vao ended by I
Czeche and operation by two 17s wlth 19hter
escort Val planned for 16 ptember whioh, bow8yer.
wal n t attecpted in consequenco 01 1no18 ent weather.
The operat10n vae then set tor 17 d two
17e took a I ro. the jarl ort.t 0 2B. t1
and landed vlthout lnoldent at Trl y Alrport at
.1000 hours; took at agaln trna Trl uby t 1030 houri
. and landed at 'ri at 1340 hours. The too 17.
bad an esoort a forty-one r-Ble. A party 0 e1x
U.S. of,loere and enlleted n 0 the 53. under
oommnnO 0 Lleutonant, Grade, U.S. Nsv
serve. Holt Oreen. and one rltleh vere 1
11 tr ted onn anr roxl"ataly 0000 pounds of Oil 0
oons1sting ot two raOl0 station.
nnd suppl1ss ..ere dellvered.
Twelve U.S. alrmen, thr 0 Den ot the 1rltleh
armed toraes and one Czech slovak wore evacuated.
4. Tr1 tJuby 1. n eaae time a1rpart. 1400 X 800 IIStere,
wlth good ftrm eol1. no runvay.. It bas tvo or three
hangara. A large area around Trt by 11 Urtllly hald
by Oz"oho-.lovak tt.E/l toraee. I met slx !\lu1
o [loers who are there to malnteln 1181.on v1t the
Rues1ah A y. I vae told the usslnn &1rplanu rive
at Tr1 Duby praot1a 11 every and nlght brlng1ng
au l1e."
n 7 Ootober "CM despatohed ano er 6 1-17. vl th 1'-51
tghter oover to Sl vult< ln deyl1g t. Th1s ti,.,e <"UUD
"rlaan .uppl1el wers taken to the C1. end 28
u.. r n vere auccesstully evaouated. along wtth
.sw Zee.landere. 5 ranoh pew. and 3 Slovaks. All 'l:old
4 AI' of 10ers and en vere evaeu ted trolll"valtla b1
The er11s" au all le.lons

e eo
ate of the 09'3 party "1
1'1, 2t_ J 9!.r.-:
(/I !' t ',l 15
tha,y were oaught and exeouted oy the aZ18. $lJ .. ;, .;.
;l(). Jugoslavla. due to the lrrepre. 101e
aeta;,lllahed aletance orlJea, re 111ed the ch1e avenue
o cane or
l1el\ 1]er8. The:e thod. they used
alre.dy oe n lddl0.ted ln the ew anecdote. quoted e 11er.
rand total 0 .a.350 A c v n e hack. 1'"0 Jugoslav1a,
01 wll1ch .a.OOO v re ro.. 'lartlean ter:-l tory and 3i>O
31. It ly. elora the lnvaalon 0 tu.l) lIllIly hu
dreds 0 Aliled .1rmen hed been to era.
on the Ita11an d. Some w&re to Ge &n1i
gOUlG Wbre plaoed 1n I tallan pr18cm 0& (" there .ad .y..
",ture .nd wero h dllll' 1n the hl11a. Tha 'twelfth l' torce
E & Seotlon deacrlbed vbat han ned ft l' 9 10rno .a
0110..0 ln 8 memnrandum dated 30 June reoo endlng
expanclon 01 vAil oro,:-
Tllo perlod fro.. 10 Septe, r to 1 December 1943.
followlng upon tho canl tulotlon of one ot
oonlul*41n. Thousand.. 0 61r Lnd "round oroe '"Ier
.onnel who had been c ptured vere 11berated
or Guocoeded 1n ro rison 1n
aouthern Italy. The mount.lne ln the areas of
tul on , Chletl, and und the Gran a'.o were
orowded w1th prlaoner. of val' who were taced
with reoapture or atarv tion. bor S8ver weeks
the men wandered ln the hl11e. u'u 111 ln tho
areas aurl'Ound1ng their or or -priaon CIl..'("\8, walt
lng or the e eoted arrlval 0 the 11e.. U
ortun tely. atl. re.letan.e h ted the exnooted
adv8nce 880a era ound themselves ati.
'l'houeend. were reoaptured and many were k1110d
roa 1 De oe."or 1913 to the end 0 arob 1') the
atatl0 11ne lOado lt nraotloally 1 Ie tor 0
oaplng pereonnel to ""aeh f.lUed torrl tory. !eeeuae
of ttl. 11.1ted number ot I AI f oroe v.a
unable to l!Ulde 1 ge numbere ot men through tha
11ne. or to evaouate the.. b1 boat. To allevlate tha
eltuat1on. IAI iores a By.tam ot .huttl
runa 0 47. whloh food d olothlng ln are..
known to oontain esoapare. hltanttal luooe va.
attalned by Foroe ln thle 0 eratlon. In
ware hastl1y eat bllehad headed b llh

and rloan guldee ""rUn;; ,e
1,1 /1'1
direoted aa any ",en ae poul le el;;
rendezvous tor esoape by vater or ,';lj.' "ll/lttl
.lght allo" them to pas' th ugh the Ger'lM "lib' : U(", ,
eQu1rT'lln tl1er:I wi th mar!' an 00 ...... al! es Gn", V;18 t!r
pel0le. a lde. The e rot-Unee eoe"le
"eU utll Uehed to WI)' 11en eeoarere. 0 vet'.
when winter .et in tr&vel in certain bee
raotloally le, and e oa-.era v'" roo
bo e to home. drlven by bu l' oold and laok a .' '.t all t1 the '8n ere hunted )' the 0 recAPture. 'AI 1: oroe oontlnu." 't() " 004.
t t ... e ulvlll na, IV,,\V st ... rvin, t.l'.ezselve, ore
oompetln "lth the eeoa ere and ln ny lneta ee
aohed t e ood p oketo 11' t, true deprlvlng e
Oarer. cot vh"t ar.'IOuntet\ to the\.r 801. W'lIJroe
y anuory 1 -44. ln the cree. alone; tbe drlatlo
0088t a 8U flatent or radio had been
to a.llow the Inau :urat on of a ayets
whereby ror t whloh "ere l't dovn vere re orted to
I AI t.orce y the headGua1"'te a oonoe el\. The 100"
tlon was pin-pointed - ad t"e 1n or at1!1n orwsrdea
a8 rap1dl a8 poo. l>le to tin 'AI .. C"'ro (per tor vho
eeta 11ehed oontaot wlth tbe or orew lnvolvad
nd urnlened and clcthlnc. tble develo
nt the reglon rom the QOuntalne to tbe drlatl0
ooast beca,Je a J)ra\,;tlcal:J Sa e haven or all 080 er.
and evaders.
On tbe nst ooast oondl tione ""re ob 1IlOr& /I1r
llcuH. eepeclll11y ter t e An_l0 ""Bohhe .<1 w.e
88t..bUebad. eoause of the stll reslstanoo, mall1
00..1:) t pOl' onnol wore s' C'tt nort of tho linen,
too olose to tbe ere.. do ''''ClO to t
remaln ln bJ.dlng. ad "eather and laok or
concrete 1I1reotlons elso u, ntl:'i 1'1,e
'llsde 1t 1 0861 ble to bTl over tlie oun t-.ln area
to the e st OOR t. Not one man hot down hind
the 'n.lo Jono} w'Cs nule to return to hls '>ae.
uI.tl1 tl.e end of r11. or t\l1. rod ",tol)' ?O ehot
down in that area, 44 08, e ter the tieD
by the 1 th 1','1. h"vlng eve.'ed all. ture.
AU told. by the w 1" 8
no 241 flrteenth Alr Tcrod men
and 495 Twel th
r ;oroe were
QOvered. I te.l)' w the
onB a ea vhere Twelfth
r foroe eval1era eutnuraoere the
1 teent
ro oe. Ib nl '. .:.'==
rkey. In Janufrl 1
the Iltrategl0
r oroe lost several hecvy bo \')!IJre: on &
ealon to the lreaus, the art or Athens. At
intervall 0 or or.we 5U .ered Ul8 I. e ate. Pnrtleane,
peaeante and Allled 5oeolal
ratl("\I.S reraonnel '1.
to hlde.nany _ thue alr;::en fro lo Get' !I!>' 11 tol

76 Af. otiloera and en we"" . b.''l.,......_
... , I ...' ,
Italy y boat or dr. llxteen and ,en "'..:tyr" ,"
1snla. They pa 1!I d a ..:1"08. the JOrAer into
f "
Yu el Via ln
'0 e
oa808, whlle ole 8 VGre 0 u&;ht ut
at. ro,
neu trill
0" Tu
o . s 113 Af n.
i :r:-rnc". IXtrl the .1rst 0 ral UYel1
felf iM &1 I"!1tJO ..e lost ern l' .Doe noweyer,
ra'tlona vere atep.... u 1n "'re"" ration or ..8

1nvAslon, any oreys w re oreed to oal1 ClU t or cr lan

Lon' celo D Y alrer t e .eklng
ena light at nl t ro tre to .oerat
3tr ps 1n the aoutb of . r -nae to 8U.... ::'y the F I.
In J ly nd early 8uveral A I oll1oers and ,JOn who
had ound ehelter wlth t e ".re evaouated to Africa
or Itdy uy thls , thad. i'.oet into.... Un.. operatlon ot
thls typs Wae e('",\uoted the nlKLt" lO/llll !",gust. Tnnt
47 I wb.1.oh
oeo fully trled to I> ,t lnt0 the all' fro" tt.e 8 ell, ugh
1 l.llr
round held by the liQu1G in' Ge an-oo}u led
ut18rn ir noe. In, rrler. to Il-tten the Ie e1. t of
tt..e 81'10 l pir .$11 oheFl".4ully Ju uri u t ann mel ted In'to
tl.O d'r to 110 lnt" hid'''11 [ n1n; the
aln. Ju t
eu('u -r r. Ol,outum to stag er lnto the air 8 ely return
to 1 te 'iI.B8 1n Italy", .111(1 r.ext n1 t the .a I) alror t
in to r"noe.
it onulrl n t lor air
atr11 had '" n onptu.... d 1>y the Fun. In all. 60 011' n of
1fte Cit anil 15
" tL. T 01 tIl '11' t oroe
3. ,w11iZnrl nd. with noutrality ito IIOct 1 !portaht
.) ,.
, .
aaet, waa naturrlly va
ohary the in 0
r. Under
the 001 a)'\oe ! C1er.....n
eat "r IUlle authnr1 ty c
, ..l.oner of
r tre t 1e vee The -art}", n'.l ;}f)rl'" 6"', WaF Sit bl.t\
1n erne, an va"'" r e.4 over the ('In to ,..r 12
v . 'ull's J 2 receIved tr-e "0" t('c tl.1 in
tN . 8 'noecy enee t .cy la-. "'fI' nt' .... n to '-1. 1n
t ..... oate C'C St. I\nd t i "erEnnn 1, n &'1'1
1n t.l\e OaS8 rl tt.e r-n " t.!".. 15t'h.
vh rreed down outr1
e who teo
nlually hed ')cen 1n ene:11 1 r11"'8 bf"t... e rOfluhlny, n8ut.ral
tarf'! tory) there rn t'"f'lr lJ lrrf6 ,. uT'-the tntem.ea.
re uge 1n6lflt
.. vls nautrn11ty, lognl':.t "t", nct wt'U"O trere ore
1ntornel1. ""hey hI"', 1n 088"9, f'lnW'n )n(lly 0 lOlled
a1 lan,J II nor08 the llw18 t nt1er 't Dubsn 0

n ar lur1oh.
t tho t1.. f tre ..;r1U .11on to nneoy
ere internees tn Sw t' r on\, Ke t at three
0& -ps coverte1 ro ho tels in the m IJntJJlne. Though rly
811 0
for. .oy wore 00-01 an1 ... tIes. ,1th the
0"'.n1n 0 the
r10r fin e 0 the',
!uolnj( to ACO t the
aot t,
o the eaca.pft. II ran away 1 EUl et.ort to resch franoe.
U to 'ctober 167 h.1 pde it.
01 -11-r nu bel' had
bean oaught by the ent to Jell 3i-daJ 1to
A '. AC
unl t turned t' 18 '"I 01. over to
1;). >oe

GOvery 0 1r Pereonnel
troll the llvloo
Jorder, .. on F



e :xU''(ler o,:,8ned 6J\d,
the All' Force on 5 Octo.or
Jurledlctlon nvor plY ra overT.
M. etweon 2 Au It Ifte n t
5 Z70 'J
y per onna1
) ""1'8
r .. roll wi tzarla 1. ; J lao h ,ned 7.\
8nd Ilo1era Ln wltzerl an " i low the tft:J...
In art i.t1.o 27J '''.01 1 6r unt:! er on.. al J. t.:le jrlttah
a .'1
and Ill 1... The
I' tl
I' had 5.000 tors ln vlaorhnd - en who hlld
_0 ",;1(\ had e as.... d t r t llllll
rlaona tC' t..18 ...,le .)Q er. :\11 n t .. ,eae soon leI t
wit: r1&n) .. ('1 ' ... (tr ti ...,,.t. The th "'.'.0.
1'1 Usa "r. 108' ) Jbo lB.<\e tile ra.nge onto. in
Lo.i.}on, N pIes
r e or this 1 movo .ont worked
01(\8e1.1 vi t
A I <U persoHnel, Rlll tl c j as lned
37. ;. carl tulfltlon. Otat1st1c Jl ...1,.13,4 poraonnel ul1 '" or. using t c'tt"lrs.
<'1'" examrle, i"t'J tR. lilted
11 at '1 caso unOer tJ..l.O natl"6 01 tlo.e oounl..riP.l8 'W ere they
were to ve eOAl6 ("own. u t .5,.J1Y, m ny evaders
nd 080a'Oe& tr
ru' tevernl oountries' tore
f1nally eontact wlth sn
ln Jugoelavla. Italy.
r noe or elsewt.ere. 'rhs 10110w1(1" rcoflp1tu&at1on .. wJ 10h
haa en 00 1ied trom & dozen 18
be d a ta lEtlon as t.i ere 18 on a.1r crew reoo.81'1
11atcd aco-rd1nb tC' the 02untrles w eng. t. BY W l"e "sousG.
,1gu e or Twelfth
r 1-0raa
Ye bel' 1942 - Aorll 1145 lno1u.lve. and t(or tne ,ltteenth
1" VI vel' 1343 - 1,45 lnelu.lve.

't' ....,.t'1
luth Air F'Orce 12th Air

T.ottl ,;'. :1J1
1309 o
1309 'I, ttl
;lOS o
332 14 346
2350 12
16 o 16
60 15 75
C"aehoolovakia 64 o 64
lIor the rn Italy 241 495 736
76 o 76
Turkey 50 10 60
;'\ 21
Rus.iAn-occupied Poland e15 o 215
n " 25 o 25
" n Austria G o 6
" " nungary
G51. o 661
TOTAL 5,718 549
549 flyers returnod to tho Twelfth repre.ented of ita
total IA (5,425), while tho 5,718 Air men
woro 25% of its total liLA (22,753). All told, thereforo,
throughout tho Mediterranoan air campaicns 22:' of mieoing AAI'
nien were reooverod before the conclus1on of the war on a t,'!'ay

"ter XVI
AT. ,:T ! IV' TI T1 IN
1. '" uoln Un I'd "laOall cu t revth ot .
o .ratlcne In the all t 1 4 vaG
e t 1 11C\n to
dU arta to lnvtlg.te at nt ot an
o war.
re v tlr.t ohanoe the U. had h.d to
Inv tl .t. on the Th.t alone 8 v.
t e n h1 0 1."ortanoe.
t .any other
al.o onntrlout.d to &kIng 1t partlou1 r1y 111n1t1 t
t t 0 or one
Inl. "otl 0 It.1 and 0 y 1
olty ot au1g.rla. had b-en dt11berate1y oubJeoted to "t.rror"
ablng raId. by the A111e.; zuoh 0 It h d be.n r ed: In
oonquanoe a oertain special bittern. 1 the po ulaoe
tovard AllIed t1yerl val understand. le. aeoondly. the
"ar w etl11 rag1ns end It vas Imner.tlve thnt the In
vo.t18.tlon In Bu1g8rla avn1d glvlng tho Gero.n.
any pretaxt tor ag.lnet AMerloane Itl11 In t .1r
han4e. And. t1ns11y. ,ulgcrl .. been oooupled by the
eelan who ol.arly rpgarded It ot ootlon.
Row th.y behRve tnvar a group whn.e baele U o.e
va' to rt the 1nex()ra l1e autb('l rl ty 0 the U.IJ,
z. AI Boon IlII the ale, subdued rloene re .oo.d
In <mer tion i R. 00 (ee. 1a t oha ter) hed told olr
10. nt mllery 1n 3ulsarlan JaIl the vhe.l.
ot Ju.tl0. bean to turn. Two d ya
ter theIr arr1v
at I 1. tho W.r Dop.rt ot c& led
nerc..l Deane, heAd
o tt.e U "lUtr.ry 1..11'1' 1n oaoow u to11o... :
" .aohln War De artmeot port. Indio te th.t
ls.rlan1' ent1y 008 Itted nu .roul atrooltlos
and w or1 ... agalnst A.1I.rlf-.

ePe \

- r'
, ::II
.. J
. i I
1. 1/ 3.'0 1. 111 !lent...ber.
, ,.
. , I .
ln thelr oustodY. lnoludl!lg vil tul...
den1 Of nooded dl0 and Aer
al tiel. 'tlar part lent 1. oat deal uS to NlIttP.
lf po.alble. for 1m edlat. and tc.o ugh
and the 0 rly ap rehen.lon tbe Indlvlduall vbo
Ordered. 0<' noeled, lrnonngly o11o"ed. r 00 '1 ttad
owever. the foll winK blle 1& ore entad:
0 leCa 0 Ita 1 pollol
under which WAr orl;\nall vl be tried before
t110 oorutlon of hOIUUtl.. wlth or ny.lUld
rrlaonera o.r In knd rltlah cue dy 11 not
be tllrr:ed ovpr to n1 ot.her \11180 hefore thl<t tl...
lor !t.e rurpoo. 12 glvlng tne C. S
a rete t r r8.rl&a18 alnat rrle ner.
in their anQ6 oroe. are 1n 00
trol In ' 19nrla. It would e I' that ald d
11 be requlred 10 order to ao, .. llah
"hat la I8t out ln the firlt tr .",h of th18
lage. If .. t 11 the v1et authorl Ue
ak recl roo,lly for e on thelr
and pnaF1bly or tM dell v"ry to t! e a r
prisoner. t:Jr Y 1n ur oust dJ' vtt"'''1 the :;ovlet
auth"rlt181 Ih to try. Th19 would cr .te a ,,,,"t
d1 Hoult "robla".
Your SI to 0 Bible o"urae ot attnn
are deelr d ur'ent. In thls oonnftotlon, euggt pou
glve oon.ldar tlon to follc"lng polble faotors.
lb.le t authorl Uee 'lght be w1111'l11 to "p"rehend
lu.paotad 1ndlvlduale IUld hol tJ-o, or our dl.posal.
In the alternatlve, thay e\get 0 wl111ng or ml t
rofer to turn luoh lndivlduals over to UI 1m edlat ly.
n your 0 lnlon. what 1. thera that 1.
althor of the ..hove eventa.the I.1ovlat authorltl..
would ex eat of Ge,., n to them by
USA' Also 1 t would be helpful 1f you. would glve ue
an t1nn 0 whether suo 1ellv,,,, ls 11kaly to
followed by trial. on In that event.
1t would felhle 14" thl. to
attenpt to 8eoure a prior nt the to trlLl of any ouch
untl1 arter the oessatlon of h
.tll1tl.e with rmanJ.'
3. next day, after with h ..ador
"ne replied .,1 tb t"eae reoom eod tlon._
'1. rhLt m ndlng ocral of JAr u9 or 113 'I
should be dlraoted to eand n l1cers at onoo to
.lg.rl. to Inveltlgets ant f rur 1'1. oars
and obtain suoh ae II v 11able. Thl.
el1fluld be done 'letere the ar tat10e ter I are 81 ned
end be are we offlo1Ally 1"0 gnl.a the d AI
ntrolllng Igarl. n behe f of the lle as
CAy be done In the 1.tl00 T.r s. We bell...
that tha looal r<lvlet Mor w111 be 000 arat1
'I r
. \" .
n040. 20
pta bel'.
but It nnt we oan ,roll 1n
1, ued in t J8
2. e "'0011 end that t! e Unl t. t tea In.1at t at
OClU (" actlon dealrl!lS 1: re.Lo laoe tl') tn so
nllble or .1etrest t rlanner r% r,
1no1 6e 1n t . , 8tlQP> e .1, 0,. 1n an un Ibll eilt
001. or we ght 0 ar 0 tho rian. wIt
1 0111 ln evorl w&1 <>ur tnv.atig .lon of th
tt.r wtth tea .- rehen.irn and .1ivory r eo
involved to t e ..ontrol ''It ority .l.n It 1
t U'!"I. "n t 1. ".y the tNr en 11 ace" on the
.,;ull r11.111 r tler tt_an on tte ovlet ut ,crltlea
1. t 11 tt,en devol.. 1I""Ion the "nUl 't'1 0 ander,
v' .t, er he .J8 'Viet olJ.loer rr iIl' t ,tire 1.
trl1"\art1. te .111 t.l!lry cnntrol I 1.& nC"w bel,: au
y tt,e rt tl1 u e1 Vdr t. e d 'l"8rao
to the onnt 1 nf the r.r oIly in aQ nr noo wit
t..... rLl1stlca "er e. 11 you Jntluur 1n tl.ll ocur
n otlnn, I"'lur "'n tl':e urt""el'..n ,,
Yl.ory CO'" 1 IOlon 8 -ul" :>0 trJor .... t. onue. 1.
rtt ereneR to tr e s 1e aunatlt'1nl c,. e in
vlf'1ua P flr,,"h, 1 r"OCle onf1." tl n 88 to t roo
sible cour.. Aotion'l_ ten ve. lel1ev.
if we .Ik the oviet utr. ... rl tie.. to "ellver ti <"I.
reeponB1. !)le or -slatreat ,ant rr nr18ol.ern C 'Ii'r
1.nto our Olllt""dy, tr.0l would Pont reol r .... o 1 p.otlon
1 it I'\evttln "d t -.)()vlel. "'rlsouftr 01 tuN b
00 11l.1r.e<1 f'r 1.n n
war 08 mi. It Wft ;'el1.ver ermnn rle llerl 0
ar eo
wl th 1 l.rq t1.:l.eut "II' ovlet r110flera v r the
>ov1et. I 110 t"ey bo VAn 'n 1" t.
"nd r tr or.u ry tri"l. Hnrlly. 1 not beH...
t at It If"ul<\ he t ....l"la t. n' 'lt te. tll
atte ... t t.o t.ry to a on it ent, 11'01'\ thO.
to ..,('lstJ:)one the tr1,.l.,. ru h tn"lv1"ua18,
&8 I n,.-.t ,811e'/6 t t tt-o aviate W' nl,1 I't! e
.uoh &. C('f': it.lent. The ao:werl to t"s'o qu
re y \ re l('1n8, b 0" e 1 de" n,..t think
1 t 18 wlle t.o .'f'Ir'\ t.8 (lvlet ('Itn tee lunJeot
until we 1'0 ye in ur (Hin mlrJd tha aolu
tion w toh we wish to .1.01 I"lw."
'nelllfIJ lug. t1t" fl .....ere y t ,0

.t n1 on J en to ber tl. tter
.ner 1
t oh"'ice .1

at r tlo en I Yol'lel1 v re rn t lr rl"lroes. OAt
C V_II in
"'1_ .ad lurt" er:-

rent no till tl ne lrd1c to
,,111 re lui r
vern ent to Iv. lta
r, z-urG
<1 \n- 'vl'1ual..
t! 0

d r w r orl OF. r
e- rt .nt
10 t t
,a ,
t .. l.
0, ver trool tle r Buti In
d-1.Od e 1.0
2 .Inte 'Jar.
te !>er.

7, c
I I '"
It furtber ap eara that entor ,i' ..,gol} , "'tt'Oll
a wtll' b 11 be trlp rtlill ; '.'
(USA. Ul vlet) oporatlng undor ne .
'lon 0 111gb Co and. It would. ther to,/l, r
ap"eAr that 1t the vantea neracna arc poured 01
UIIA t> uarh the 000 eratl"n ot tho lulg_rlen
thorttloo. even though It 10 done wlth the oonoont
ot the flovlet Htgh Co and. 110 u.. reolp
01t1 wlll rlae ouoh as 15 env1a&i\e 3 21
ynu prooeed aOvordln 1y.
S. To beatt tho party "hl would b 01110 the In.aotl
Geoora1 ker ohose 3r1 adler General I.
Fall. who bad ooly Just 10 Italy to )eoome ut7
antter Of the tlttaonth Air tor S To Ii lat him
ner F.aker Ie ot lcera--
Col. 'hObert G. torey, ot the t Iotol1188008
Alotlon at M and a proa1nent lAwyer 1n oivilian 11 .,
,let ot 5t ; .:io1. Ceo tralg er, ot o

la1drlge. ot to

the 'J> Llataon eetl"n, ae otacer. laJor
hll1'1l V. l.older and Cherlea 1\. P nen, apoolallata
ln eOOape and p/w lnteillgence matt reo up the balenoe
o tho Hall oo.. 'v"n.ble to thon ae n..lotanto
on oall aa nood mlght arloo waro oloven ot merloan
tlyera t A
Igarln. lneludlnr the
ot.loer( aJnr Waltor

tho Jr,) and lve enUated n
Gonor lIall's dlreotlve In pert:
TL. vill prooeeO 1 ad! tely. 01
Itlnua meana vAllaole. to 0 1& such
lMeea 1n dulgorl necer1 to l1ah the 011oVlng:
Ii. In a letter to Gener ' 'rnold on 26 opte ber (Vol.
XJtXVI), Generc.l " e lalnel1:- wl11 be
au rleod p t have ut 111 H 1 on
10 t I toel very atrong11 tbot 10 should be
by a Gener.,), 0 I1eer. 311l... h d eoaroely
got hl0 eet undor the deek nd Qeat oasl11
be epared. J teel oa veIl tht tt v1ll ex.ollont
tor hl Mnd th,t hle 1no aDd
atatt exporlenoa wl1l In.ure tne abla orto oe
ot tha took. It vlll aloo glve hlm eooreration
a orlannc with tto ,luas1an. wbloh IlBY otand hlm
and our Air joroa. In ood stelld in the tutu .'
t;, ,
ry '.\
r1 , oom=ltt.d aga
war or othe

? ,1!:
Inveetlg ticn, in oooper tlt"n wit ,
Bu lan p nt.
ot. orualty to. or
Amerloan perlonnel
wl ) while ln the ou.tod, 0 tho Julg lan
vernuent. The loope 0 you Inveatlg tlnn
wl11 lnclude 1. 11 ltod ldent lo.tion
o .recn. wt.o (1) co," ,1 tted .uoh act.; (11)
wlo r ltted. or (111) who ouch aot.
tn oe l.t atj8nt and wlll be
tak.n to mean the .nl 0 dloal att.ntlon.
Ihalter, op and 00 nrts, ae well
a. ot any klnd. lnoludl
&01 0 neva er
8n08 treatment CJt r180;.era f'
In to ld.ntl 10 tl n or .r on. kQOwn
t hAve dire Id the
0('1'1. 1 10n 0 woh Ict" lour lnv.ltl atlon will
0 h v ng 80
acted. ThiS lnoludul 8 high. at and Inveat
ll1terl. olvll r 0 11tlo l.vol.. Ob.r 1
po.albl. to '0 ldentl y 'Uch erlon. by name,
your lnve.t16 tlnn will lnolu.. 1 oraon.
who at any t\ '. had J rloRn p.roonn.l ln oha
or au.tod)' tar on t>Jre.
4here 01 101e, "boto yl11 o tl'lken ot all
per.on. tlnally lnoluded ln the .ter you will
1n any OI,88s'Yhero, in the 0 l.n1f'n 0 the 00
m1tten, reaaon6 1_ of 11t 1.
you wl1l rrang. wlth th.' 19 rlen .nd/or Hulan
eu tho rl Heft tor the arrsot and d.tentlnn ot auoh
per.on tor Al.po.ltlcn y Alll.d authorltl
In 0..... wh.r. 1_ not rea.ona 11
rot "I,.r....en the 19ht.ot evldenoe of Il;Ullt
or compllcltl .>d.te. IOU w11l wl the
.,lgarlen tor oon_tent survelllano.
of .uoh ""er8ons
In at .otlng ,our .ntrl lnto 19arla lU wlll
.nl the lled llt ry l lon. uelng the
taol11tl.' t the .n r foro.. It 1. eapha.l a
that you a part ot the IIIled 111t.ry .elon.
U on completlon ot lour lon. you wl11 arr.nBl th
Uan j.1r tor tranaport tinn .olt to thl.
6. fhl. dl oLl ... "e. 1u.a on 26 t.mber. Thre.
dal. later tb. tlnal pr.ll lnerl arr.. nge.ont a to
ha'" been 00 let.a wh.n
ner 1
an. oebletl tro.. ".oow
ton 27. tem er the' .. et
ne 1 5t tIl. ued 1
61....... rI roe 1 le al
Oen.r 1 H.ll t. Uf\. .
-2ll711, 211
7. Poor veather delated H
Ootober. v an tha 11gbt to 0 la va.
tb 1,}..47'. ot the
un l\J.r croe .80 by tour Cl'.
01 tl.a lfU.ntb. Thre9 0 tl,e rep.. trh to'" .an
tu ad
e itta ",bio, o.lso teo' a t' .1 12,000
'u. 11e6 a Haavy l&k va. a
ute <\ at Vela. vhlcb <I"",a>od t.a dr.r t t oauead n
oas alti... 1120 tl.. 11 tot 1 at '1r-.' <'Ie na 11 rt
ln 0 la n vae ant vela tl0 lly re te
and 11 lan 0 .loera ana
ner-l" 1 v
or-rtad lrat t .e Lt. n. 'lltolaev. ian
der at tIle ...e, 1 to u ter! 0 the I Ill.
ru in the 0 1.8 area wht,re e was lnfor-,ed that th
f..o. out k]. vera aOlent t>ut 43 soted b ok the next day.
The latter returnad, however, th t DE 0 evening and at onae
asked to 86ft her 1 Hall. 1ut the lute reterEI hlld bef n

d1.tUSI <1, so , a tar an axohan -. nt onurteal."t the or!R&l
,Jl.HJlnela \11 8 p""str,ouod until the n.:tt mo nin;, t. October.
6&1lwhllo, on
In.truotilnna. a r n ".Intil
:J tme V"r ''I1n18tr to :)111. t
e 1I1110n tn
111a slnbsnot. an1 Vl11
rlnov, 80 n l1te-n minute.
drivB 1'0 do"ntl')wn "011e. 7'ne81 ql vo" e..,tnentl1
a t18 sotOI""/.
8. :ext IIlOrnl
Gensral H I a. "laln01 tl," <1al1on
1n at I to Lt.
n. 10'0 utaAY r 0 o
aoti n oall1
or 111l:.alUata ap.rebenelon a Urot Ult
o SUlpa t., 1 r undinl 0 pi ato. Ao deeorl ed
1n General' )'1 Flrlt Interl
7. ener.l Hall luorltte" tve lnt r\ arortc and a lnal
. eport on 17 ) 1945, eoa 4oou... ntl on t
diary. a complete l1a 0' tbe 0 8e. lnyalt
rr otter
4ata bave Doen bound ettar ln too 1'1 I t
bo,n of ph"top''' "t.. n4 tlVI un1ar t!:.e .tiU.
'tile Hall Ml ..10n to ul 1a' 'nd t r 8. . 1:n
A f ohl.... .Ia h1nit n. . . . 1 .
aii.. 'b dJ - - ". L
.- - VI.,


Oenor 1 [0 0 Uhlt:(:! "/w, ;'y . 'er:n;" 'f' tboUo
to tba genaral -u oee" ,t
tl'1. 1 n ub ttte'" waf. lounl't, "'l -t .... tut ... ce
tba ..lan UthorBl.. ln 111\ rea war" .1 -ly
1rootln 1.1d and alnca r l' Ion had
olltlve J)f'>lltloal rVlt1.c t1nn. it 'nult1 neoe
to ot 1n uthorlt1 t .. the .'U.l881an n Co an or.
rlhal 01 10, e hen. ed
how oh c1elay 0"'>u14.>e nt1ol. t9, ensl'" oloo\Jtlky
.tat.d that the aateat ean ox 00 unlo.. Uon av&11
a 1. Vf)uld De UI.:-d 1l11" tt t I v,,:uld iJndouotedl1 have
a roply ln 1 or two. 01.101..1 au.lne 0
U. .etlng t"'.n !leln nclu... d, y lnt ..., .... t.r ond
I wer. invlte into '-he next 1'0"'. to &. kUlt.
vhlch le aid-day eea to the onnau tlon q'.1antl tie. ot lne, Oller, ht"rl
1no1u..,.ln .1oAn'" '!l. .
1. -rio on t'11ng t ttte I ian author!. tie.
durin the a terno("\n 0 Oot er or mtn 0
8 Ootober. I again old at the Rua 1 n h tara
at noon nn the 6th n w. 1n or led no wor4 had

bellln Ira rahsl Tolbukh.1n, t tho t neral

Ur lOY va. expeoted to return urin the day
<, l1. to lee me at 0 '011')0& th t eventn
..... tlng wlth t;enoral Jlryutf'v a t .lnal -11k. t'n.; ho th t he tull)'
!l1)' .1..10n, lUt tb' t ha mult hoy.
authority mOl hl h.r to 01'-rov. ul1)'
1 lan 0 aotl n. He 1ntnr me, however, that
we oould bogln c on ;, 11 t t.d 10810 anll.
would rrnoe.d along 11ne. gr"d uron betwn u. untl1
hl"har Autb"rlty ettt,.r olred tt. tull o.,.r tlon
or Itop"'ed \. t. tter CJono1derQulft di8oulll'l1on. an
" . ee ',ent W8.8 "
Th. Igre '.nt doolt 0 l.tly with a -roben.lon of

1 arlanl. 00 7 , Genarol "811 oub ltt.. /1
a partial alt to the "'lMB"an rOQuOFt.d hal
)' luob
au . 1 ttOd to tte ..1 and Ig.rl..n .uth"rlt1. d.uring
the n xt 011 week_ en
.rlts quot.tlf'n a ... olltl
the dlfxloultlea f Ind.ntlfylng aOd oatohlng tb. 110 anta,
It 1
0l.t Lt. Galulto t - "alto ngll.h, olal ad h...
att.ndod ParT.. rd. tall.. ct, thlok-l.naell. gla. a .. ,
ull blaok ..ultaot. a"rlnltlad wi gr.y. On duty
Jun. 1 4.
1ntlrro "Ung C.-t 0 nt lobuli. (fIu ..a) atl a
known al a taln Vllkle or 11ltbout 45 - 50 yoar.
o ge. 1 n grey h"lr, vb. '''040 1n an od .shl n
fro the ornar" hla uth. Ill. n 11a val ofOr
and he vould It a' h. a"olt.. had on. or ro
brl bt .1lvor or 01
to ho' ao' oono.otlon wl
knovl. of noha a r tee.
1 II , '
I\J" 1a'
hl i!''ll ire ;1
-: 'V/J . ..t 40 ,,;, _ ..
II" If
,q t!" >'
arrant Ot 10er. nlokna:lled or " \: ail
U osn j8 re dily ldantl led by
trudlng loar aD tha DaoJ< a hla neok. he-vI.,
11t ...n wl th a ull ace. t\jloll 11,," and a broken
noss. Conltantly wore a .word wh10h drat; e2 on the
lund. oarrlad a Luger Pletol and a la e riding
o p. On duty June 1
A lat t. on duty Jun.'l h. 11.
22 - 24 yaarl nld, laolt hall', olean-Iheven, wora
a ad lng ,.n on h nd. {err vain. vory dap'er.
A aeennd ar ent C !loer. 1 like 'UI 011nl In
taolal oh.raoterhUo. and In aotlr n.. van oltu a
reea bl nces at "8 <>11nl. 35 - 40 yaara
ot ,a. ahnrt 1'10 - 180 lb., olea' yen.
aol1dly 11t. On uty June 1 4
A oolonal, II Jan Ing 01.1 er 0 the ,ld Idle..a'
llo : be leg edt ItM, 00 rear. at
or old grey hal ... about (ir<tquently
hla n daughter to 08. wit h1.)
dUty Juna
10. nar B1I: 10V ap e....d reoa tlva wh.n thla tl1'a'
11at WIlS handed to bll1. 0 rarln an orllc.r to ..11' In
tranalaUbn and vol.. to aell. all reoordl relating
18 lana 1n oharge ot .rloan P/'<II. aut du..lng the
ne1t raw daYI. whl1e the waa .attlng u an ottloe,
vlaltlng the 0 er p/w oa"Pa, eto" a rlea t Innocent
aeemlng delaye on tha part or the e.lan. apparent.
au'pl010n be an to grow In Oener Rall' lnd th.t they
were da11ber teU It 11ng. Hil l ... t report on 1:5 October
re ..kldl
aated oalla ' aen Jl1J to tbe llu.a1an
b d the anlver to my qu rie. oont1nue
to be th t no word haa been reoelved tro. llar.hal
Tolbul<hln. but that aoUnn 1. lng tolt.n a. &reld
u on between nlral 31 UIOY and the arloan 11lalon.
To dati, thlre 1. no tanglbll evidenci t
tble Itate ent: ho ver, I hava no realOn to ""u t
1t at I' than the alay In r otual apn.aranoa fit tile
..lre4 Igarl orl'1llnall V\4 doou"",nh. ThI.
delar uld very likely a pOI' aotly no one .a
obaervatlnna t date 1n4108tl th t th....
la little hi I aed aotlon ln the Ylet haadquArtera."
11. On 12 Oatober, by 1'''''10,
Cener !lall lug-eated
t Genaral
er au Deana t a ly re.
.u.. a 17.

on the that 51r .ov' a
(lbt hllYa bean bUo .d on to tha re"l1n. General t .r
did .0, and on 20 Ootober .ane re 110.,10 that
Rarrl n had vrlttan Vylhlnlkl at once but had
atUI r.oelv 4 no reply. nt or aMt ar .1gtt daYI vaa
pondaro Ruilian re&ucracy ught bUllne.. In
aoov. Mean..-h11e, ner 1 ha4 '4eolded to toro.
n.ral 'lr,u&ov'l hand and ..ln ono...n tor tUI
fir or not I onuld any .111ltanca
rl tlol. ,II
It an hap .na t at on. ot thl
h..4 tta 11110n In an att. t to g.t trROlnor
aUon to tha U on 1 Oatobar. Hall aoka4 a
to ..rralt Char tl. Wh.n tha1 rarl1ad th t thay Itll1
lao .d out orbaUon t,.".. TolbUkhln. lIaU ollll.d on 1 to\'
on 20 Ootob.r.
I 4. It plaln at 1 nrt dal., Rny loni.r
an4 atatad that, aa I had prevloully propol.d. I
dlalrad honootorth to oparate tbrough ulgorlan
abannall al 1 bell.vad nev So la Va
nxioul to thosa 3ulgarlana who had Indloat.d
nro-taaollt t.ndanoles by JD1.treat nt ot Amerioan
ulatorl. To tMo, Genlral lryu..,v raadll1 od
and. to .urprll., atatad at hI had Juot
authority to ....''It to 1>roceod along any 11nn
da.l d by Ha addad at he .ould turnlah
atarial whloh hla ,,anti had devnop.d ..nd would
advlla ullorl8O milltar1 authorltl.a to 00 .r t "
12. On the ace or
1t, 31r ......OT' e atat."ant t at he
had "Juat' reoalnd
rlty vae olear 8v1d8n ot ubI
tall< on tha part ot the lana. ner !laana h bean
a v that lnatractionl were nt
to Tolb',khln
0027 t b r.
Thla waa aonti
d on 27 Oatob.r "".n
a and II plaa. tor aotlon tlnall1 rooalv.d
41 14 Ootob.r

10. U446.
11.. laoond lnt.ria R
cattor up
atter oc4Wlih\j:/hr!
tontion. That mgbt.
o rnlng tbo 19nrlan
un llor took tho
an1ater olotov. r.ext
mlng Jonnan reoelvod notl 10
tl n t .. VyohlnoU that' .0 SoYlet Co "and In ti. ba
rooolvod Inltruotlono wl regar to nor Roll'o ollon
In 0 l.ttor part ot and tbat tho.o Inltruotiono
bad be n reoont1r d In the d'1o of 00 ber.
VY6hl nlkl'.
nt nu d at all had 0 Y kod f r oUlo ."10t
&Doe twloo and oa ti 0 1t h be _n gran ted. lIhon thh
ent w paolod on to Hall, he reg10torod a Tooltoraul
buttal. 111t1ng t e roqueata or
.1 Iltanoo and I.ylng ;r naTO no knowlodge at any ot
t 0 rlquoltl haa an 0 mpl18 vi'. However, the
er .. "rIo further lnltruotl.,ne n80d e .cow
ao t. are glv1ng aDdatanoo noode<l.13 '!'he
oontretoCPo ,,1th tho "'oelana aocordingly endod w1 thout
It oyer booom1ng olO1lr whether the dl 10ulti'l vore duo
to dollberate obstruot1on10.,. t taulty ""v1et otatt work
or olm 11 t ovor-oontral1zed oont 1 under "hloh under
11"30 dovn tho 11no to d to tako aotlon wlthout I 001tl0
l' val
tnor ""rkingo ot tho
mlnd, troll t 0 1noldent on there vaa
no aotu eviden08 of
ulan Intorforenoo w1 th Gener
1. long o. thoy were nrt aotively oallod on tor
help. thoy ap"oarod contont t lot tho 118\on and tho
coed wlth 00. leto troodo
19arlan authorlt101
13. '!'he 19orian
vorn nt t1rot entored the pio
tu.... on iU 00
bor, when General Hall, hav1na boan

b1 1 UIOV. 0 110d on Goner
an elahev. Igarlan
olage center Rof. 13002. 30 Oot

y .nri would 0
ot liar. Into eli ot the
.ald h. wa. ln oom"l.ta .ymnn
poulblt to
""ly. -He further expl&tne1 at he val
a ou. t r v. to the Unlte Stat natlon whioh had
"1 frl.ndeo!. *,18.1'1a. th.. t blo oountry
dply r grott.d t 0 lavle rote co- ltted y a tev ot
hll untr;r n
14. Thereatter ...enU "",v.d r ldly. On 2<! Ootober
lr.t list of auepeetl au tted to Velohev and
two daye 1 ter the
aua .ct,
n Yord n Va'll t b,ri been arre't,d ln
do r. th.t ulg"r1o.n az.nts h d Ion, to UMn snd
husae to a rl"ehend other suspecta in th..... e area. and
t at order. bra oeon 1,ou.d tor the roturn 0 90tla ot
'u"oot Lt. Col. Phll1p Phl11po wao lng a
u1. arlan b.ttallon ln '1ugnolavla.
Intor g:nt1on 0
t.. lr't took pleoe at the ulgarlan War n
letry on 20 Oot ber Bnd v e oonduoted e, the Ml"lon
de9lr.d wlthnut lnterf.rence ot nny t.lnd. al
thOUgh a legal re reaentaUvo. on. 'aJor toyan Stoyanott.
val allowed to attend it anti lub!ulI\luent hearing!!.
10 o.r 35 ca,e' had bOen lnveetlsat.d. ot whlch 16
ln eontlne .nt. 16 ln rolea., and two ln oul01d.
(th. tvo bad b.on kl11ed. on, ln eotlnn. the
oth.r l1Doh.'d. betore Ju,Uc. o,u ht u wUh the l,
v.l h ln uet.d that the 3ulgarlan gov.rn ent va, qult
to punl.h the 11ty
en at once, t Hall .tn
on ,.r81
lnetru Unn, 'th.t e
IS lan, no t to try or punlan 'Ut!T'eot8
t to bold
oond Int,rl
16. Tb1
2. 26 Ootob,r.
0" 1
or .dl. 5Ulon
1'1->11n..l to be a htloe
enerel vas a so
for 3
linS to
",.St er the J.:.all i'51.en A'1r"U'" &000"0 to r1. til r0'l.I ta
to exr.nd ltl to at
r1tlah rlaanora an1 "het"'.r a ahoul- to r1tt.h
&nd ""..1 pre81ura to.. 'le tb ttt'lnRl re8n n.1
b1l1 ty at rep aentln tl:e J. -. on IJontrol
Co h.lon. General -uSX' ssld 'n to .soh ot tt e -u
!he pol loy If olear
nere.l I 811
01'1 'In
dlreot1vo t t t'le '" lla.lon a.ould ,vold
o running down :era c ertcan nnel only.
Ith or centralization, tbe
took :108
t1cn early 111 hnvo'''o r to the 6over.... l .ep etc
U. _e #!llc te-ne tten in 'lgarla (l}ellt108 tl".e tall '1'-1"n,
t .alto w ....
arty, a g ve-lhV. tig t' ng
ment fr-o''t tl18 1'-1 teentl. All' Force, and the fmcr1cl\n
.1l1t.. ry '180100 by ,rlg, c.en. >, Xoenl l.
t:.e srI'Lv 1
to ... t the A. M the 'llhd Cant 1 la.lon,
TJrrblo:<l at another 'took 1ts ,,1,.08. it
f'Orted enerlll
1 on 20 'ecs Q r:_
It 11 Intereltlnrj: to nClte th t e1noe t'"e es
ta llah nt of the 'l11ed e<>ntrol Co 18l1on. oe
taln rather aevere re trlotlona on tIe va ant ot
rican aDd 3rlt\sh personnel hsve bo'n ln
e e t y the 'lu1.1a> ""tJ orl tlu. :10 d blook.
have be n eat.bllehed on all the &1
leadlng fro oUa sn RJ.e91l1ll .entr\ a Ire 1
.trUotad to the ra aage of erloan or
ltleb .111t ry par.onnel wIt ut a areola
wr1tten pa or un e ROJa by
or loer. Thl., I belleve, le geature on
the 0 t at Colonel Generel lryuzoy to wake It
plaln to ell cencerned that the a'l a 'have
lande" and -tl:e al t".. tlon .el ln hand'. '.y
perlon relations vltL the a' beCore;
1 tr1.ndly on tbe aurtaoe no lnterterence

w1 my r .......
'8.!." on 26 J,7 Ooto r.
1ft Interl iteport.
18. 01 , .n 6
oues hlld be n
eto th... tollov.d 81 llar
....ral l'OqUll'Od Ip.olal handl1n. ) or e> thore
a. an all. ed
ot an Amerloan firer Lt. Q,arl.1

1 a guo 1gerlan ealantl ln the vle
ln1t1 0 vbloh t the tl I v,," ln ilulg rl
territory. the arm18tl08
o oClurae reverte" to Yu 011--.., ()(')nt 1. The "'all 1lon
.tte tAd without auoonel to traok t It .. 0 1 nal.
0111\ through aJor 'I'Jubo IUkloh. IIlra"..l 'I'ito'. l>\alson
o .leer in 1A. Two other unulual aea werlt au 11II1r
lc8d th III 1n R.ll'l titth Interim eMort:
Iou v111 note that '''''''ng tMII conflned by 81
8,10n 1_ the ro er ln18ter ot Lieutenant
Gen.ral Reul Chrl.t v RaUl .V. At the qU8et
ot authorltl , hle aprearanoe on 1
n.o._ber Oft or. the mmlttee ooourred Inthe offDe of
the ..'ablto cutor. are prooeelUng 111'1 t the
heering. I lnqulred al to the realon tor the requelt
to hold tne hring 1n tnls unulual locat1on and
vee in th.t ttl Stete ( ulgerla) val eag.r
to u1id .. o..e agalnet all lmport"nt meloberl ot
the 0 81" government. inoluding the tormer
loter 0 Itr. I 1nlormed the r'ubll0 Proldoutor that
the Unl StateI ",,"ld not larAte .ny
information dovilopid by my Mlellon in any trial
lnd by the ligarlan government.
t,pologl were 01 tll'ed by tHe? ou;or who __
lured me thAt my atatement w would
oomplied vl tho
other lnter.ltlng lnvletlg tlon wal that nt
nerei Ilte"han 'JoyadJlev who 11 nnw e Chlet
......rte &ter (""....te Iter ""nerll). AI a reluit
ot the beprlng, I I oonvlocad thAt II the 1
dlvldu&l or the teot that rloan
Prleonere War were nryt roper rat1on.
1n the Gen nventton; however.
b. 1a "romlnent otl101R1 ot tbe new govlrn..nt
and [ now plan n t to requaat hl. 0 n lno..ent until
I need no further ar
let8nce troll the 1 IU-ian
War \nll'tI'''.''
17. 'I'lle uaual proo.dure 0 the hall Kl8810n oan belt
be 1 dl0 t.d 01 10110vlng tn ugh a typloal --
. 4t1 "I. .... "pl - obo Valko
nev, a-ocud 0 eating
",.1. ..0.
Lt. horaoe A. 'alAer. On.a -e te her Lt.
and" lppl
. ' .. ",,' '1
"'0 ,
. -j " \ ,
,I . , "
V.lloo ' I( I
- -J_ C
h d teet1 led ln l rl tnat on 24 Jun.,
to ani er oertaln qu.etlon. whll. 1 rlloned 6t
18.a, 8 vernl 8Ul &rlan .oldlers tled ln a
lneerted a stlok tt the baok ot
It. ee I,d t1. 1n1d. r\! "1 el ,,,,a 8roun1 the eUolt
.r.d tted _1 bt.nti to.,.::et er in IJ'(lot 01 1'1 re teat
O"J:Jld nct ova 101li t! e .quat -'1)8\ t!.on..
..n th'T
oeat ,8 -itt & r belt, "hin, s ru
.stt.c .......

1 t alker r6tJrned to l.l\VI\!'"1"" with the all
lnv(")lved, eover"l ..,. ro ap ret..ande.. Ole or t"e, w Op1.
v who W 8 hAled belore tre \n
ot "tr " Udlr.r In -", le on 27 hnvEt r.
18. A 100 t a
30 Jeers 1n an he in
and then Beate1 A inn 1. a1drl e nd
Ca taln Darnell. Otnere rangel1 tl1e inoluded

an interpreter. a tne lIt, rlan
10881 e-.rnaent",tlve, Lt. . aJor ".,1th. 1.
,nev vas tOl'!l1nlll 8) _{\lsed of -cruel t-n
1nl"ll ,"n t ntment
in violation f' the
C\t the Oenevll
'ternlng the tr. "tment of l' .C'oera rot '-for, t whlah the
19arlpn ha9 IUbeorl erl- h. wlah.a
to. tS a etBte""ent. Lt. r-lkillH" l"('l ntel1 nut to fn
t. testl ls4:
The or loer 1n f'lue tloh VP-' bro
lg\.ot tf'1 ,.
y "
o rt In s nnd I belt eve he

be n qu tlO.8d. I kn?v
t en ,pla.ol b'lore. ou t this Ir.f'n 0 e
and ordered UI t eF t u" tnl,. ('It1 sr.
c erted to tie hi_ tanda 18 8. I val
b1 "80.18 wen w, t u
I n' ti0 4 that 1;1". o,uicer "er8:'U. and I tu ned
to tbe _an .bo had 0 the aid
IS sensa 1n th18 reraon, t'Nt t'
aid to .n" oerr)" ou t '1 .,
11ev. It "'.1 In with J oket hl.
whloh h. retua.d t" hpnd oyftr tn e 111 rry
'lIoloy... tlad hl", u!' &/1 1-.
rle" out the
ordera and be" .. this ot. .. ,; .' ':"""' '"1: ,'" ., I
I .J
UI" '" Lt.
I i
" I wal tak.n to a oIII d y h.n I tl.d
...ry tlghtly. I wae ught wn on Cl knee. 11k.
thl. (aalumlng a equattlng wlth the
wn ov.r the neu) anc\. a '01. va. l' ".d t .... n
lQ1 .1bowl .nd kn.ea. holdlng '" In t I IUlon.
Thl. h. val ve Inltru Int In ev.ry ng.
In tylng ce u end In the vhl' 1 tlrst I
v IUnd." trom the two ent beda. by the
!Xll.. let.r M ro the two boUOIi be
ok nd ....vl
a .trap t ".1 . a .'u
tl .1. Th.n thl1 gu
In abou t the Ihe ot a oo1;-rul.. Th.n
I'd beat .. wlth a atr8 M.I> t oJj.
flF'b<1IrUln.", SJIIice:"<l i lI'e. I
oon8010 an.... '-ben I cam.e J
l, Wd __ e
h.n 10.t
dver 1;
utu and to a lece ott a 1 .t "nd .tuok lt
ln 1 u anc\. t en tled u. JUlt as tore.
and .n began to Mck 1>e Illn and h1t II. und
the he"d. H. beat vlth a strap ag n 1 th.n
hlt over the head."
A .v re qu tlons tollowed concernin the oth.r tl
clpant8. Flnally Gen.rll f1all d1 ot.d .. t" be

1aoed in oont1 eeent.
19. '.atingl Nob aB that "d"1nl&t.re4 bl Opl. n.v
were the moat fr.quent orlMs ruM.down by nell M1Ielon.
t th; 1'8 othlr klnds ot
tl'Oatment-- levlng
(Ca e 12.
nny QI.rnott). orderlng dUngl and wlth
hol ng acl.equatanltat'j' nd houllng tao1l1tl.1 (C.... la.
Lt. Ivan tephanov Vl.dlkan). tal11ng t tranllllt 111t
t ;WI to the
1&1 L.gatl n to lunor Vii. pI oon
41tlon. (Cal. '90. Geor levhlilrov). to
render adequate modl
tte"tlon ( '2. verr"nt
1 told ca8e. re
o 11 .1'.
Inveatll.. ted. wlth "a folloWI.
Cent1Md 2& un er au 19
or Miaaing 11
l ....ed 41
4 oft th
a. 110 ..a. 00 ,leU" on J.nuary
t'.e aU l ..lon' a work as vel'; Lett unaooo

only of the etru
and 13
""" ./ ,1;.- .
1 rlan alia eot. v 0 could ot tou .
neral 111111' 1n
18 ort:

It 18 douotful at any of theoe vl.11 ever
due w the aot tnat -reat nu :>8r8 0 &%1 ay
1zers vere evacuated to Oer a oontrolled
kl1l.d ollovlng e revolutlnn early ln 6e teaber.
ld44. However, the ar nleter hal adVi d e
t .earoh vl11 be .hould a
.10n suocea.tul. he alleged orl.1nals wl11 be
de a"al1aole tn vhate"er e noy 18 oh v1th
t oonduct 0 tfar Trial
20. Ju.t who lIould conduct ... trl 1& ot t> .. contlnad
en turnad out to .. qult.. an 1.,ue --- one" 10h had .tl11
not .n ttl.. 4 when thl. oarr tlv.. " vrltt.n ln &y.
Th. 1
.t 4."..10 .4 vaa ln no .en... th.. r.ult of
or of n.ral Hall. tor tha que.tlon of trlal .....
ponel IHy va' taken tro. thelr y IT -IlSA. .t 1t
reRUned to de t y tl18 whole valua 0 th..
11 1..10n'.
work. and there ore WArrant a t118C'UI.\on here.
21. On 4 "ova ber th.. War /Jepart nt oa 1.. 4 'Tall A
that Genaral ;akar'. Pros reonrt ot th.. lall
lndlo&te that 11; 1. neo "ry fnr thl. Govarnmant to
det.r In.. t an aarly date what lt pro oe to 40 wlth
tbo.. 1 arlan. aha ad wl atrooltl
Tne me.eage
vent on to a.k the The.ter'. vlew. oono.. rnlng the tent.-
Un Dclu.lon reaohad bet.. nn the .r artment 804
,e 8tate Depart ent that th.. Ig lanhould he rought
to Italy and trl..4 by ml1lt.ry tpl n In the
eee,e .tated tbet the Ju
voo ta Gener ln Was 1
n ",..lred to have General tlall'. reoort b ught to
lI&ahll\liwn by tha Theatre Ju a Advooate or the PU ..
of 41loulng the 8y1denoe and tor the tri.l
1'he The.tre JAG. rlgad1ar
nerd iU,oh...,nd th.... ore

, J . J;,
tJf!j' ,t" wont .t ono 1. nnd spont t! ..... o dRY
01 eCk1ng over th cases and p a Ie
t l' norel Fall to een'" t :1nllter 0 II l' Velch.v.':''O
'I'hle l.tter. dateil ? Nove 'Del' ....... tte 3ulgarlan vle"e
on tryln the ."ep.cta bell U. -.111tary ':'1'1 n
out.ide the oountry or letcre iJ' 19 rl ..n 111 t ry TrlOO
nal oae r 08 urc wfJuld be au!)Ject t v.. I"I"OYtl.
ext day o.neral Velohev 1'0 lie ulgarla 8C no
the rlght c the U. to 110y oou ee
but that tte lOa n"- would be lllCre 8l!ree.ole to l:le and
I u1d very gr t.ru1 lt lt wo.. aCce to'" by your
.... tbo1'1 Uoe. 0 n.ral 11 11 eoorte1 th.t thll letter haA
en dollvo"d to hlm tter a very urgont ploa on tho
art ') tho nlltor ot orolgn All lre to r the
ul rlan ovorn nt alone end Una8?18ted to roceod with
th.e l", ... dlot. trlol and runlohment 0 tho eo 19arlana
1Ih.o had b.on 0 n lnod by lIy .11881011. Naturally thl0 queat
"nl donled.
22. 11 on "his return to C.!t,serta General
nabl.d W ahlngton counter propoa"l tbet
retain 0 dy or trlel oetoro
au Jeat to 11. revl.w oa2 The War 1lepart..ent
a11etl to the re Bone tor this flUg eat1nn.
and GeneI'
10hoond there are llete,,- o
n. tollo .:- "
Interl ilerort.
1, Ibl<i.

9 NOYOlllbor.
2", eoo e -61118. 11
2 F-li16"a.
'1. Tha a
to "arrant
2. It oontina nt only 16 1 . o.. 00 110 Uona
wl11 arloo ... to "lace ot ntlno"ont .. on thl.
1heatar 010...,
3. Continomant un1ar U5 Jurl dlotion would be tar
to -rleonere 00 118 ent under
Ig lan Jurlsdictlon:
4. naral Hall 110n oe11evee ou1garlane volld
1'00&. MOro levere punish ent than
Justl lable to an Amerloan Trlounal:
5. l. lan ot War. Vel et, haa
all a.ll1a atatanoa t Genaral lall
aalon and haa glvan wrltten aa rance ot hla 81
aero roadln8a5 or c cplete tlon d ot hi.
loyalty to he obl1gutlonl arlaln tha rom. One
obJactlon may Oa that p cOdure w uld torm a orao
dant. Thle WAS a nlldered but ""ly "tiler cocntry
to "'hilllh plan o1ght axtendad 18 Run;lary ..nd a
yat n" oaae. hava eon reported D thara. Ad
quato &?pe,r to exl.t to lt2 ado
tlon ln Igarla and adequate ra.lons th ethnolo
lc&! and polltlcal apr, to axtlt to deny It. a
tentlon to ungary tn tba 'vant tha quoatlon ahould
arlae. Loavlng on or r. at 16 Rovember le Theater
Judge dv oat II
IOnth l.ter. Oil 10 Deoember. tar la thy dl10uaelon with
General ohlllOnd. the War Oapartment 1t1 or"ad OUllA that
a !'ol1oy would be to turn tha ",an 'oval' to tho Isarlana
tor trlal betora a dulgarlan Trlbun

or the purp ae
ot exaralalng oontlnulng ooral lu.alon. saleotad araonnal
m lour Theater will attend but n t artlo1nate
23. On l' 17 Janu y. with tha Inveatlgrtlon
o e Dattar nearly andad, venera! Ea-'er vleHed <> la
to 00 11 ent the 1'1ll1
salon or 1ta aohleve ent and t
the 11 1
cillol. or thelr hel. Whan h.
lett t1 on
e 17th oeneral II 1 I,va hi a moran'iua
l1atln tha taw mattars aUll to be olaanad u and 00
25. 11-75164.
If,... ,"
I '" n
.. !Ill",

I "'OO"-and ry Itl'Ongly that. Cor i!ei ,1,
ot te. 1 a11 v. ln mlndl nt -bigarlM 8 tl-f't.
ltl.e th t 'w.' ... not the eatu trl.
o 19arl n .1' Crl lnal. begln ae lO"n e. poe<l leo
I 11 that. onca glvon tha the
wl11 begln tl. trl 1. 1 edl;
ar. I Ihall be ln e nneltl"n ta re ort lnlt.1y
whan tha trl.1. a n h'gln vh.n I re urn to It y.
Co10nol bart lC avnl1 la. ohruld be
the 0 oarvar to ... turn to 'ulg rla cor the
trl a he has an extena1ve le2Al okg und, 1.
00 ,nleta17 tuUlal' with tl.e l'Oe.dur. br
thl. and 1. r.raonal17 wlth
OJ ot 1 ,rlan C lel ., 11 actlv,
1n 0 tta Ul't. It. 10 allo yora If
knnwn hera b7 tha 0,1 n whlah ct
1. not to e dl.eountad. 0
Gto 7 vao ln tho U. but O.nar
'kar t nnee .1gn 1.d
tor hi....tum. uto lng the tI
Depel't .nt h. haa
be.n da.lgn t.d a. our repl'e,.nt tlv. <t the tl'l
.t nOl'al 10. mond va. Int.nt " ('n p r.aM11y .Ctaati
t onto tor tl'l In dulgal'la nd h II 00 Into d
war V.pal't... nt t.n day. b.Cor
In the .v.nt. the
two l.w tn tog.thel'. wlth ohmond, Q8 the lenlrr. In
o ar a, Storty Qa h1. They rlved ln
on January.28
24. loIlt.t happ.ned 1. blat ..rl1ed In Col.
Stor'r'. ro <'I't 0 12 a ruary to tlan.r
26. 18 J nuar7.
27. .- B J y.
a nal' 1 all bad 1I1.g1vln.... loout Gen.1' 1 Rlah1ll(lnll'.
a rrylng an the lan's work. bavlng notoll that
he va' vl.w.1I vlth Ill! tV"" ln RuB.l,n alrele. 1ft
tla. On 26 Janu y. v,1'. _rna'. c .... ld.ftt'.
P.r.oft .....nt tlv. ln JUlgarla. radla'd Oa.erta
( e..... to 0 l1e) tho t It 1. lIO.t 1 partant
that Genal' 1 lob nd should. not laav. Italy... UnUl
n.r Hall hee h.d e.n 01' ortuni t)' to. ran hi.
oontld.nt1al vl.v Hall 1. due to at
a.ert. to I'row. 0 Aotuallr. H.ll v t d..l,ell an4
41 t .ah ,.erta untll att.r ah nd had lett.
Hall th.n axor.... bl. vorl to Gen.r -ek.r
or 11y

tely 0 Ie
ted ea
, n-1 .. n t . t 'rI"
1. edl
Crane. .In
.. 1s.1nn, n
ste rtGent.
tl') ... n..-e 1 Cl r 3u 1 t U\V tho 8
!Ulf' rlsna r .; 1n cf'\nri" .. Ol"1t u'" r"on r" 10n
or ti"s I 11 ill., rl t'l f'le it e'" t".. tit
" rur t1,e6're t Ft ne ,..,tl tl.... n" .-tit!: t""s i1Jlt' rlana
aM .u. lana .>II t, ,t '>CIt ". e , ani tel,
o t. 0 t.-e.! .. !'"ult1 rlt"t t8.y.e rl'''' rt tLe 1n
b OfiUt:P lll' r:cti"'n "_,, 1;'""e' t'\ .., 1 t an 1111efl
1ontrol wls"'lon 1:0'1 nly t;1 r to I'
e""t l.utrr d. (lentle 'on ('I th"u ht it 0
S' lory to..; uron tt.e rlus 1.t nF tt ey ne ('IIJr
u ae 1.e e.
i!. A. "'t)1.nt ant " r-r Ilk With .nor 1 Vclohev.' 01 , lOt" lie.,) r" t elevo!l olaIno.
tt tl'".at tl e 8 lett,. WP..'::' ..... rQ pnt:etl 1 "utll
1ng our ltOVer eOli
'!'\ 1es1re. t t
--ttt.po, 'ener 1 elotev 'f. V'lst gr,.tetul tor tl"e
eol'l(\fI to rer 1 t ulif" ria to.. tr,i t\-,fj .,rl )\.11
P'lnl'\ 1I"'l! t1ve. ,",e sp1" 1,e 't""U ld lnatrul)'t
the JUdge Advooate, ti-eneral L1L ny, to r- 0 ... 11 at
onoe to 1'rl'" tte trl1
oontl!l anne w helll w'-t. rsner-l 1.11kov,
.Al1v()oate, At tIre. O'OlOCK .... O 1 un" Is
t.,olul11rw the tY""e ... 1' trlbunel, whether
tn8 he r\llp;, 'W--uld oe f"\rlv' tB, anrt allo"8tltl th t
ttl! reoor"8 of tile. \..88\.nn I)'" 1" be used .a
1n l1eu 0 . rlngl .t! lIf1 tn"sS8a 1'1'0:"" the
tate. to t tlfy. (tenerrl tll1<ov "1<lrl that
the only h1 'Wfl w.,.thor 8U tolent
plJnlernent o.... ulrf be 1,'Tl"IQsed unf'1ltr )oJulg riftn t\e,
out 11 not, c. deore auoh n ien&ea w8r-tl,e
crlmes woul" enl'ble any at"! 'l'Ot'rle.tft "'enl\l t 1 to 1:>8
thul 1 ll"'080rJ aod tn&.t Bl.lOh iearB8 l)("luld bo l' 8184
in t"'('l I'.PJ8. He 01 tftl1 PB It" e e. "\.1\111 r Ile
wnloh vOurt 1
8'ttT'"81De .... enflllttep t",r v10l tlrn nt tntem.'\tlt'll'Bl Law.
( bile 't.hlit ann erallc vai ill n ...:re8, tt.e r cIJlo
wan I"\U 11011 ennounolnt:t f1e ref s nt tt,e e.of'lle

Qt,urt aasl!8Pln de th "'en t ft. r.g,. nit 100 iC' r
ft, entl, JliIolnet Mintsters nrl r,tt-r '.overnl"t8nt
o1.101a.l t.rener,l. 'HiSey, 1C'r..,er r
tt':e '&'o",lJoe" 1n .n. &4, Wf\6 ne f th Re
sentono'!d 06 ej(.floltttl('-ll & .. te.)
,. 10er-:-t r tnls letter &:! 1 0] "sn. Uoh ;('In(l:
1 otwlt. ftt,mt11ng tt f'I Vf!t"'/ p.rl Uti nAtura C' t e
a1"lenee. the lJO -,'lll"l,. ntt-rj t toa
Ir Y Coree, terrt\n ::rn ':"rel'tttr t') .. n.,
11 "1111ny. to ,fir. it t e ul r1",n l1ltllt"l
to nrl le- t 1.en-erp v
er8 trt- 1& Ire e, 1 un! ti
,ants Ol"l -er lur t8 41 tt. t a r"'vl t'/ 0: t e ,..t18ne
are 1 He Gervse t.e r\.r t tf" r'Jvf"'ke tt:La
..,er-"1 .-1on t '1ny t! ,0 rA tn nV{"lte t e" 01 'I"
ot f'l none."

other on 8 n
ot at llO:l hours
pro.ent Oener- Vol
lIOn ;
19 ia; (;Olonel
Storey; "n Lt.
lault1 a c . ayl un1ah ont we e
ho"ever. (l.t:neral iUOM(\nlj "e 1t DIe r t.- at ..0
dee,.ed "nl" one 0 .s to Juett y e de th n t.v,
being whoa. crlmtn neslect 0 used
the delith 0 one 0 C'ur &1 en, ;. t. II t. Qen
or Volohev r 11ed .at he Celt oertain
unlehDent be 1 nsad, t lealt p. levere aI
nltod 'tate. authoritles be as.d to .ake
auo oa 1 Ie. i'e .8.14 he woulr! l11U8 neo II 1
o ors to the JUd,O te to oerry euoh mAtters
1nto at ona. urt er that t.
tr1als v ul" 1n on 7 t' eoru rr I\nd of"naluded
..ery ly.
The next '!JW \aYI we C'" naumed in revlewlnc
1 oae e and r tho lor trlal. 1' ... nt1
th e re rd. were dell vered t t'le Julgarlan
Ju e dvooste Osner 1 nr trlal. They ve tr n
1 ted In Julr.pr1an 1n the1r entl t1.
Oener H.1ohoond , ro .uelt fro:!
'orelgn . telnhov er 0 oontoronce at 1200
hourI on 5 ,eON ry. - r. "J nos anll Generel rane
vere advteed sndr. Jsrnoe deslgn.ted ht. a. 1 tent,
r. yr11 ..illlQ to Attend. resent wore \1'. Stein ('I",
lonel ,c.rkov, r. laok, ner61 H.lohnK'lnf2,
IItore1, Lt. (I"oe _. The "Irll.tor ."ld t1.o
JUdge Advocate, enora] L11kov, hhd dvload m nt
the sltuatlon, that the 1 vernrnent wae
very gr toful tor tne 01 trying the.o 04sea
and th.t the orl Inals should l>O tor ta)
o ons. 8&01net hu lty, ( ) viol tl"ne ot lnts
natlrn.i Le. end (0) vl01nt!nrlQ 0 the
law. satd the oople' s oould tr1 tl.e.. d
had Jurisdiotlon to try vl01ntlons of Intcrnntlonel
Lav. He a.ked Generel R1 mond or ble rre eronco;
Gener 1 Uoh nd 1d tbay eould a tried be ore a
millter1 tribu .,1 oauae such e trlbun would
try the.. under "ur I 1 the rill ted St"tes 4
Jurlsl11otlon. 'te1nh"Y 881d It would be done
end th t ey vnuld tried t re a ..li1tery
7. At 1600 hour 6 y." enca veb hel
vith neral LUtov or a In 1 cheok c 0&08& tore
trlela .tarted .e tollowlng d.y. L1lke.
expl Ined ha h-11 elB .lned reoor a In le coee. nnd
found he 0" Id not 00 Alnd e..tutaotory tills
1n .t Ollse .,. au so -0 11 11tat10ne In tha -.lgar1an
'111t r1 Coele. tor dlaOU"lon. it
wee sUiieeteel we annsult the Inl_tar 0 where
uraD, a ter a telenhone 0 11, al re
v 1n a satIng f't tbo 1I.n1eters an1 unuld s 0
us u tl1 .leven o'olook tbe n day. e advts d
blM thl. would be too let4 e. tne lret trl va
to st rt at 0 0 hour. tie next dAY. ,lnal11
00 erenoe val arrlln at 1 t-,our8 at the 11
o In1 tor.. pro.ent vere tIe Inl.ter 0 r 0 lR'1
- 61
la1rs, 'r. .ater'" pr, General
Velohev; 'loner 1 Lllk v, '/1.' ' flvoc te; .ner 1
} C ond; oel &. kov, ,'" l' tq CI; "ne! It.
110811. 1 ehcnolld,.. thff I
18 0 11 it Hon '" puniat,' ert ily"
ou. 0 tn" r" decre euch ".
t;u eat. d 1 tbe Ju.e loe .>8 fte et).
.inl t fa at 1d that le to .11 Atlte tr e1r T" v1"'ua
:.1s.a in v.ord yet t
,., "culd nrt 0' pin.t
tho u"ge '(fVOCIl t8' B orlnl'" nf\ r-ny r.3 Jue t tor a
acro. 'U t come tl ro- u:..t t. e\ ...entrel 1
81011; Gls:o t t Lny n c:.'r. tr'JCtlNl r ""len
ahoulrl 08 lui tlate tl.r Ut'h t,," 111et'! :;nnt 1
/1 plon. v ry n- 0 n (> t t \. tine' all
n ., rent. C" eve..-, t".e .,.. + to . 1. tJ:
eng( ',e ent I eo" 1. tIt e e te :.or 0' :'n
hnura tl.e n'lot rn1lF. If
Uc nd Color-al ..,. orey ",ant over e o} r tLe 0
w1t.. ener 1 Ll1kt"lv, .... , ror n t!...e uni,et.'!:.eut reoo1'!1 nll.d
1y tt.e U. ",1 tt the 1lBXl.....J"'1 "'unto :::tent t"".. t Lilt-cov. (\
n eve

t ore ItO tUI

noe. 7(1,n"1 8:-
t.o. run10h ,ant
fltOO ":lend.
by U. ,
Cr. De ttl 3 yr 5000
lOVf\ 1.n......e
l' noion t m
prr otlue.
b Lt. tv n 'V1 dtk Jrti. f> yr
li1 C 1. noLa '{slllo 20 yr', 3 yr
1,,) enny rnot, yre. l rs

or'lev hlli "V 1 yr. 1 yr.
enar 1 Lllknv 8sid 'it to hi. ann.cleno. tor
,.atttr ,..- unlel nt n 1. to 00 1 r Idd II e ..""eolal11 1 tl":e
oaa. of, '>nnJ1av, tio .mnd end
urt or lost oticnp.
28. The two '.er10,..,n oC"n8ulte'- "t onol \tit... eoer
an. nCt r. 61 rosS.
1 Ul1r d t t t 8 fnn\a..ent
to J A reoo "'andllly. 1thdrawbl or t,l,o 0 RI3' on" u
qu..nt .... 11. t tI t tf.8 SU8oect.
.. to U

81 en.. a1 tl.oh
aut' o.,ity.
'."t day

-229;58, 8 .. bl'\l rY'_362_
notitied the -lu1lutrn
io. ru 1'1 t t u tlce
11 rhn. "" th
itt. ugh
te nl to
, t 1
au t' ort tiel.
n '-<11. tor-_.1 ro ur Or)
to ...

t 8 l"tt r
1& rBl"'rt tn ,Cl' 1
r I'n 12 ..
oonolu61 na:
-1. The 19r,rlana, 1n y 0 1 1nt1' v'!r until tle
evenl:lg t) G ie" "r.,l8oJ!.ly s11 ... ere t or
ugJ-ll 000' 'I' ttve In entire .. tte. n. vit ut
80'" into vonlny 'nfluen e, tt"'! rt r,lru1 NlRults
h ve "btSl.\L8d.
Tr e lntorvonllt 'n111lenoe was r"lo .>11 the
1"1 n& or tt'e 1lied ';"ntrol Com 1& _lon.
Ap rently the '::OOl S l"ln 1 . tad. . a
11 v rlf lud y a etatS"'Jent I"l t;'ener 1 CrAne to tho
,treot t r. 'Han nd r. "loto, r1
tho t tre oVl,to woulll e'8rol., 00 lete ""nt""l
.ere untH tne enr1 01 t. e ...,,1' "'1 tt. r"IlJ\Y n<1 that
ln Aatual practloe tre :avlete eat lor the MUed
ntrol Gorn 11&1I"\n.
3. ThlG a.eerlenoe the n_olty tor an
over-all ,",0110. Delng 11 eU.. t .ly tabU_he,! or
the trlal 0 w r orl"lnal. ,,,II to f\e lnl te !'ro
odure for the trl"'lc; ooing r-ror'lulfrtlted.:4
27. Whon tl1e 7 ; e ruary slgnnl t'o" V'JOO" 1 !lluh nd
lnc:1i1oA t1t1.g the oollttpftO O.L t e tr1al r'r I WAS
vn to 1&11 he at onoe 0 attentlon to
ral I lohmond
insistenoe t 8 tJ'lalR .Joe
on 1
a.sea If ,I' it .
o a 111trry trl as
I wI'uld 11k. to roi tout t -t I 1\ ern.t:Jlt
on ay durtnF. my tpy 1n ,al Aria to
preve t onth. tte oraign .Hn1ster and the ''';ar
lnleto.' fro .. t klng l' te aotl"n to I unloh
_ ..rely I ... '" r were ounei by
to be gullt, l' ln /!Ihtreat .ent
of constant epg8
nea. to tn.k.e rettnn to te rIA ln t 0
eyee ot the Llnl t tee ln''I1 ,t tr ",e the y
8mb r 01 the new JlOVArn. nt ")8 11') 0 than
wllll to ln luane n w le{l1Bl tlOll W lol. ,""uld
per ny Juet oenten06.
41ttlOUltloo whleh Ooner 1
the ,QJ 1.d IlontroJ eo, 1881"0' S oouunt
to op 01 also 1. 0
n n
'lind. o' ell knov t, at the n .0Uon"
the co 1". ate to y t t.nt A'", vil:
uoly to br1nr: .1'. ".10 to Juotlcoi
1 tool oon 1 ,ant fro", 'lon. .1 t'" the Gbl" of
the eotlon thpt ve y ex eat lupnnrt
tb t I'..oglo. ';hpt 18 Vt'l' the .... IIt over ul
.eot1cn. the IAlan, 88 tre only 101e 10
o 00 rle, their reaotion .... a it-1m un r-edltJta 1.,
)lit I U811sve t It t thAt n., lntnrt nee was
ot.. Ii to II'J IOto'lon "nd tte f at tr at the 'luoa1en
gover ent ln otroer 100nlltla. h a lnrJ.l0 t d. lta
o11oy to .1nUto.... eavare unlah ant to 1'1
1"-10 lndl0 t60 a ot n "00 1 111ty 0 no 1,.te
eC" noe t th t IF: __ tl"n nt t.},., '.
rlr,r to d1 0 ver 0 tt e (,1 1 \oulttee .nttone4
in neral 110hmonrJ. e a )le, ltd been '1
Unt.ted 1t te. aut}. ritle. t! Kt the" t "'raotloa 1
. nl1. dirll.;)le lIethr'ld l.r:r rial. JUlg;:srlan r
Cr1.Jlnala ".. t
roue:t. the ed1,'" of the lltl .rian
urt.otlon n! w).l.m ..."ula .0 u 'Jact to Un'terJ.
tateo .... 1..... Tre. Poor1e. Oourt. are
nov in 81)8 1C'n .. oil "'rlor t :) (ten rture rom ot1a,
I vas tn or ''I the lorelgn Hnleter th t toe
aourta ...ere to JO de.ign t.if U oourtofo.. tho trl
o ar CriMinal,;. inae. all',. OrturtA hr:ve Just re
oently sentenced twenty-five ..luIS' rlan at te
at J 101a1l to rJ.8 tl.,
It, there f\re p& rt'l to Tie t. our nr1g1nal
d..sire t,O' 1 e.V\J tlle 'uJ.grrlfin oourte trl the oaeea
1n uestlon Fin actls.f'retClry sentenoe.
10 oael Ie and. (Jert ln1y .uot more oraotloall10 and
afi 1010nt t Rn orln . n t ,10 1 0 1'11'C'UP ou of
3ulg&rla tor trial ls1or8 a Un1 tod tt'lbund.
rt 10 c! y t ,tot a attor be
In s. and elise lye a
polble rJ.uo to aot tl.ot 1t 15 nur vlrgln
er 0 ttl' taot our alr"9n vho fall In.n ,'/
<:<I. Ther. tt.e r enrJ.." a tar Ma AI va. c
oernod. In when the war Aner Uohl'lOnd voe
eUll negot1atlnll .. itll ul... rla ooncernln fln
dls , .1
e 0011 real
rJ.l vlr1onr1 the J.


. atter w an ill ttt. 101.
('ne. "1 w t 1

00 et,t"
Cener ell'
, ill 1 .... ()rt,
,otl the
rONl n nl te

Po: t .."
taJnoV", t' e I' lnllt r,

I II.!"
\.. ' 1
. "1 ' \
, ,
an ~ ' 6 1 t Lev. t ~ t tf.6 I
t e InvoBttg' t1a 'hr..,e s n c"nt1.u ... tl)A rpte
1 lon on t?18 Jul rls.n -Overn ant. '
" .,,.
, >.
I .

Chapter XVII
1. A week attor th war In Europe ended, Germany's
great f1nanolsr, Dr. Hjalmar Sohacllt, w.. brought to Caprl
wlth a group at other 'very Important enemy" tor Intorroga
tlon. Asked when li1tler reoolfl ued that Cennan deteat .80
Inevltable, Dr. Sobaoht repl10d that he thought Uttler nover
admltted tina1 defeat but olung to tho last to the bellef
that g land end AIIl8rloa would have a fall1ng out .tth Rusda
whlcb would aave tbe relllIUlnta at Oermany.l It Httlor could
ve eat In on the oonstant negotlatlons between 'AAP and the
USSR durlng the last .1x months of tho .ar, the chonoes are
that be would have been encouraged In Ills hope. for
IIMP'e relatlons wlth Ruada trom Soptembsr on lIIovad rrom one
tru.tratton to .:nothor wlth monotonous and Infurlatlng regu
lArl ty. Tile .... soage. to and trom Oonoral Deano throbbsd wlth
suppre...d Indlgnatlon at the "lntolerable' Hunlan attltudss
and It w.. a' trlU1Zlpb. of Amerloan taot and restraint that an
open break never occurred.
2. KAAF'a relatlons wlth ths Russlans In thls perlod
were chletly oonoerned wlth four b18 toploa -- 1) contlnuanos
ot the shuttle-bomblng (FRAl;rIC); 2) 11alson with the advano
Ing Red armlea (bomb-11n... , oloss support, eto.); 3) evalua
tlon by Allled experta of enemy Installatlons In sslan
occuplsd tsrrltory; and 4) rspatrlatlon of dlstrssasd alr
cre.a tro..
ssla and Ruaslan-ocoupled tsrrltory. In many
Instanoe., .uch as the uul rlan atroolty Inve.t atlons sum
marlsad In the la.t chapter, MAAF was the flrst Aillsd oommand
1. statement IIIIde to the l' Illator1&n, Caprl, 13 '
'haU \
::_ I \ 1:1.........; ...
-366 h'" ......

to faoo theee epeoifio problems of
the develop"",nt of eaoh has" significanoe
and above the particular looal oiroumstano
3. l'lTIC and ... FllA!ITIC. Between 2 June, "h.n the
first arrived in Poltava, and 19 S.ptember, when tho la.t de
parted, the U.S. Strategio Air ,oro. in
ropa ex. outed
seven abuttl. mis.ion. to and from .st.rn Commnnd be. in
the Ulcraine. Thr of tho.o by the itt.enth Air oro.,
ba.ed in Italy, and tour by the Eighth, baled in Ensland.
om the very b.ginning their value from a operational
point of vi.w wali bt b.oauoe the b provid.d b7 the
RU.llans were so far behind the Ru ian
ant. However, it
weI believed that political considerations (prelttg. in tha
e el of the world, lmprees1ng and .ducating the
.Iians re
strategic bombing, d.monstrating to C.rlllllny the unity between
Ruoala and her allieo) IIlOr. than jUltitied the "huttle effort.
But ae the armi lIIOv.d into the Balkarut in Augult
1944, the oporational utility of the d1etant ballO. in Poltava
approacb.d th.,vani.hing point and It b.oame evident th.t n.w
llaoeo clour to th front would bav. to be obta:ln.d if the
P R A 1 ~ I C Projeot were to prrve any .emblano. of t.otioal
value. Early in Auguat, accordingly. General Dean. head ot
the U. S. Military Ki.sion In Ko.cow, and C.neral W.lsh, bead
of Bastorn COJlEand, a.k.d the ftuians for airdrom in the
Vinnltsa area. It at ODOe beoam. apPSl,'ent that the Ru..iana
were not interested.
S.e "Th. Hi. tory 0 f ;,1lAl'l'l' IC, 26 Oc tob.r 1943-15 Jun. 19U"
by tbe Hlstorian, IIq. IiAA , and "Operation J' l'UC III '"
NTIC IV" by the Bl.torian, fte.nth Air oro., for
operatiorual d.taile of the .huttl orig1.natlng in TO.
s .. abo Bighth Air rce and USqTAP report. on TIC
II, V. VI and VII, and "History of .tern Co nd" by
itl Histori.n. Th.s. documonts sro all on fil. in the
UF Archives, aabtngton.

_ -(,'l{1.
4. .ruat wh7 the
Sov1st H1gh COllllland turn"d against tJL
continuanoe or 1'IIAllT1C
ls stl11 not known. Thoir poaition
-y have eta....d rrom thslr chagrln and "10.. of r.o." over
the dhaotar st on 21 Jun. when Pu..isn uef nasa r.iled
utter17 to proteot tho!l th All' .01'00 wlng
well-exeoutod .ttaok by Lho Luftwaffo.
Or the uaalan oold
shoulder may have bean turned boc.uo. of h. -hoa ed .ppraisal
or the tactlcal v.lue or the al:1Ut tle raida .lrsady .neuted.
Stlll .nothar posalble 0 lan.tlon 1. the f.ml1i.r Puaal.n
reluetanoe to l,ot otbe,ra in the oredit for ths Soviet
advanosa. Amb....dor Harriman and Oener.l .lab inclined to
a mixture or all tbooae IIIOtives,
-We Soviet rerunl to So along with our
Winter program w.. because they did not a.,a the v.lue
to justlf)' tho allocatlon of Sovlet labor and trtnil
portation to put 1t into otreot. They faIt they oould
not give adequate proteotion if we moved ,rorward .nd
for reaaons of pride .. oro unwilllng to aUlnit that we
had to do the job 'oursalvea. Tho needod ""panslon of
pononnol w not understood omol1(\ tho poUtioal group
and the7 "ere auspiolous or our mothos . that ..a woro
attemptlng to .odgo In
Whatovor tho roooone, the Sovlet dooloion 'las f.Lrm. On 26
Auguat Goneral Doane signalled that "the Amboaalldor has rft

ceived an in1'ol'llllll .dvanoe indicatlon from Itololtov that .n
expansion of PllAliT1C .ill not bpproved .t thla tima.
Molotov .tated that ehuttlo oper.tione ln the .Lntsr montho
.111 be impractioable and s ested that the balea returned
tor sl1an "5
rat consequenoe of the sai.n declalon ...
the oanoollstion of "Kl10n 16" - the cods name for the
nlght-fiBhtor unit (427 11ght righter Sq_ plus I)C1) ha.ti17
together Drter 21 June to proteot
etorn nd
$. FiftT 17ore de.tr07ed in tho attaok, and
.elan fighter. Dod anti-airoraft failed to .hoot down
an7 Of tho Oorman. at all.
4. Not.. of talk, lio.cOW, 20 August. I!\. ,.,r
5. .20701. l. ., .; \; . .'1\".'.
'i .. lr'" ... \;,

.. /if .".: ...
ide:; l.'-
Th. air .oh.lon of 12 P-61& operated by W /I. .
and 76
.nliat.d IIllln was already .nroute from Casablanca to
Ca1J'O and tbe ground .chelon of 22 officers, :5:50 .nliat.d
_n and 745 dead weight tons of equipment was sohedul.d to
..11 trom Oran. With O.neral Arnold's approval, mov.
ment was oancell.d on 26 Auguat and til.. 427th Sq. reaae1gn.d
to tbe Twalfth Air rc
6. N.xt qu.ation .as til.. diaposition ot Poltava and
til.. oth.r two baa.. in the Ukrain.. Ambasaador HarriDan ad
vooat.d ..intain1ng Poltava during the winter and l.tting til..
oth.r two rev.rt to the Ruasiana. Thia aolution was adoptad
on 'Z7 Auguat in a cont.reno. in Cas.rta bstwe.n O.n.rals
Spaata, Eak.r, Knerr and Walah, who .xplain.d attitude
to Oen.ral Arnold aa fo11owa.
W. would ua. aa purpoa. this baae to care for
.quipment, to oontinue PRO operations, and for .n;r
sp.oi.l .m.rgeno;y op.rations that might b. r.quired.
Would ask to a tation in Iluaa1a about 200 p.rsom.l.
Thl. polio;y would .void anT int.rpr.tation termina
tion our aotiviti.a aa an inoid.nt
Th. sam".8. r.oollllll.nd.d out Eastern COlllllllnd aup
pli, unJ.e.s it was oonaider.d wiae to hold th.m in reserv.
tor poasibl. ua. in th. Far East. Oen.ral Arnold repli.d on
:50 August that the propoaal to rstain on. w.a,
aubj.ot to Ruaai.n agrmant, and that .11 .uppliea ( r.dio .quipment requir.d by the Sovi.t. und.r l.nd
1 ) .hould be r.vid in beforo di.poa.d ot
a moat pr.otioal,O Th. bre.k-up of Command
, th.refor. put in hand .t onc., being d.lay.d only by the
.xeoution of FRANTIC VI and VII on til.. 11-1:5th .nd 1 19th
ot S.ptcb.r.
Per WARX-06716. Arnold to Spaatz.
R.d Lin. TSR Log No. A/194.
Both .x.out.d by tho ignth to drop auppli.a to th.
Pol.a in War.... O.n. Spaata direot.d "no break-up ot
Eaat ccwI' untl1 their oompl.tion (UX-67641).
1\ (" .,. ., "'" " n
'\ 0" .0 olll ,0.
I Jua.....

Oeneral Baker broached the dea1rabllity of a now ."i:A!ITIC
project -- "to ask tho
eians at an oar17 date for airdromes
for the .1.fteanth Air "'Oroe in tho followi areas in order
of prioritY. Vienna, Budapeot. tlunich."lO lie and Oeneral
Spaatz discuased thia idea with Ambaeeador in a confer
enoe in London on 23 september. Tho next day in a Joint mea
aage to Gel10ral Arnold they o"!'lained their reesoning'
"Viewing poasibility Cermany is oble to hold out
throU8h this .inter, d1scussions alOOn;; ourselves here
on the subject indioate taotiool end stratogio de
oirability our moVing lfteonth Air -oroo to Vionna
area soon as ground is taken and rrade compara.tively
seoure. Our talka ettended by IJr. Winant who felt
suoh a 1l\OVO would fit into our plans tor po_t \':ar oc
oupation negotiationa ooncerning tho Vienna area.
reooJ:ll:lOnd that you approaoh the Joint fs of Staff
on thie matter and feel out their reaotion. Alpa-and
g narally bad woather conditions eUmina to onO and
Po Valleys as seneible forward JIlOve. Lao'( or airdromes
in !"ranco and many other objeotions to looating "l.f
teenth oleewhsro in ance. Vienna poaeibility in
volvee Use of Trieste and adjacent ports, Trieste
Vi,nma railroad up to estiMllted 6500 tone por lIlOnth.
Oneo Italy is oleared out, most all of tho supply
troops no\'l locatod there could bc 'Mde available to
support Tri ate-Vienna area. 'stablished ai rome a
sufficient numbers which photo oover reveals to
have ooncreta runways already exist on the Hungarian
Plain. Eaker'e starr is currently workine out a
logiatio plan whioh will be forwardad as soon al pos
sible. Doolittle, Anderson and Knerr a ree Vienna zono
our best relooation area from standpoint weather.
strategic advantage, range to targots enVisaged and
logietio capabilities. Anticipate Hueeian oonourrenoe
will take oonsiderable time to obtain and thorefore we
would Uke to have your reaction and tha t of tbo Joint
Chio to of Starr in order to get som.thillG started aa
a60n aa poseible and ahoot for beginning operations
out of Vienna aroa early noxt Spring. 'ooeibility muot
also be oonsidered that British may control Trielte
area at that ti.... Vlhsroaa or1(;inally waa at
the hub of our aouth-eastern target aroa, Oha ed oon
ditiona n"" ""'kG the range fro", rog.gia area to oon
centrated German targets now oonsiatently at our maximum
op<>ratiq; radius and involvoa o1'Oasin{; the habitual bad
w atblr over the Alpa. Such e long haul invQlves large
opportunity for route weathsr to interrere."ll
10. Personal Rodl1ne !lo. 6 (CS 163IE) to Spoatz, 17 veptember.
n. U-68502. Threo clay. later, aftor returning to Caserta,
General ker notad an error In tho statement of 10
gistio rsquirementa and signalled Donerel SpaRtz (OS
223 IE, 27 sept.) thot thoy shouId heve road 3,125 tons
par day ins toad of 6.500 par month.
.. '
..J _ ,," \_, :J ... ... '_
8. At that time i' that dapast would tall
in a few days and Vienna befol{. @ '( >J'A"W y;, aly tha
iII,J fJ
Ground ;'orCCG war. planai an Ootober
tpe conqueet of Italy. It' erefore appeared logical to make
.plans tor bases in the Hungarian Plain ..bicb would b. supplied
Trieste. A details d pla... on this basia was pr.parsd
by the A-4 Section of Hq. AAP/UTO and submitted on 10 October.
Brieny, it concluded that tba -Uteenth coull! b. movad to the
V18nns area, with one .1nG oporatlonal 1n month, t ee In
three monthe and tho belance within four, but that 100,000 tons
of steel plank would ba needed tor 23 airfialds, and 1,200
milas of pipelina to aupply aso11na. Sinca this plan never
went into etreot, no purpose 121 served by a more:
summary of ita out linea.
9. When the Italian offensiva stallod, but Budapest
finally relt, omphasis shifted again to purely shuttle besos
in the Budapest area. Garly in llovolllber Donoral Arnold sig
nalled Oenerlll Spaatz that "Daane sugfluts deoision be made
now or 88 soon &8 pOBslulo 8S to which Russian basGs will be
destred 1n early Spring" 12 An oparationa 1 planning stUdy
was at onoe prepared by USSTA}', wbioh oonsidered five posaible
solutions. 'ho oonclusion reached was reportod to
Arnold on 15 -- that ne otiations fOr bases in ths
budapest area be 1n1t1atsd il!J1l8diately for shuttle operations
1n the Spring and that the u. s. parsonnol at Poltava be with
drawn and held for mov"",ent to Ludapeet. It was further reoom
mended that tha Rus.ians be 1nformed that the IDOvem<mt of the
fteenth A1r "oroe
ht baco desirable later. Thara
upon Danaral Deana commentedl
12. 9 ovembor.
13. SP 154 I/orly La Roi.
I '"" .'
.\ ....... -'
n .. tho political pMlitJ liI I do not be
liove it 16 ae important that we
the fiu...iana at this tine as it waa " year
b.causa the politioal advanta ea inold.nt to antl0
have alroady been attained, and we are alao now 001
labortlting wi th tha Soviet. in othar venturea. 1I0w
ever there are lmplications conoerning our
operating in the !kans that I am not qualified to
cOlDlllSnt on. I bad the impresaion tba t the Presidsnt
bad strong views on our participstion in ths Bslkan
area, and I would suggest that we be .erteln that he
ooncurs in the idea belore we presont it to tho Soviets.
Sinoe parmi ..ion to operate in the :Judapest area will
take a deolaion from Stalin, lt will be neceaaary for
Ambassador Harriman to present the o&se. I am cortaln
that r. l!arri... n will not do ao unIe88 he knowa that
it has rull Presidential approval.
"Rosardles8 of agreements made, thor, wIll bo un
doubtedly many reatriction. plaoed on our operationa
from bases in an are. oontrollod by the Russiane. These
reatriotions, which should be oonsidered when making a
decision, includes limits on the number of personnol.
limits on number or bases, control of lInes or communi
oations neaded for aupply, establishmsnt of corridor.
when paaaing ovar Sovist linoa. eto. I think we ahould
reoognize the diffioultiee but not let t am deter ua
from attempti to obtain baaes in tho LUdapest area,
if that sraa offers strategic and Taotioal advantagea
not Bval1allle in arooa under our own oontrol."14
loxt day,- on 19 November. Genaral Amold ruled that "negotia
tions with tho Sovieta should nat be initiatad at thia
time "16
10. Ths followino week Ambaesador Harriman paased
through the ETO and all the top air oommanders in both the
ETO and the NTO conf.rrad in Cannea. Upshot wae an urgent
plea from General Spaatz to General Arnold to reoona1dsr his
d".1sion: _16
"We concluded that if we ara to realize tho bene
rite of oo_encins opera tiona in tho iJudapest area aa
weather improve a in and/or the 11nos or 'om
munioation are opened, that negotiationa muet be started
at en eerly date. It is anticipated that oparationa
oan oommeooe. baaed on our exper1enco last year. 3 to 4
months after Rusaian. approve the project. To thia
must be added whatevsr time the Ruaeians take to approve
tho project. We oonsider that ehuttle bases and the
mov. of th 15th Air roroa are separate projects, how
ever, one ot the ot .eleoting the tiudapeat
14. KX-21747, 18 Nov.
15. WARX 65539, to Dean
16. SP 160, 27 Sovemb r.
',' , ,} I
ttl u. ,..
area is that the existenae af ehuttle baees thers wauld
facilitate a major mova into tlw area if it beaame de
sirable at a later date. In negotiatinb with tha
Russians it is believad desirable to indicate that "e
have such Isrger Meas in mind. If we de not, it might
have appearance to the Rusa1ans of expanding the pro
jeot and beoome eauae for friction. I agree that it ia
entirely too early to eonaider eeriously tho move of
the 15th Air Foree Into the Vienna area - Budapeet srea.
Both for the conduot of the strategic offensive and to
further the period of conception of the occupation air
forae, wo should start planning for a foothold in the
Vienna-nudapest area. Such shuttle bo,ses aN in this
iastance believed to be of groater value for fighter
operations than for bomber.. The responsibility for
logistic eupport of these baaea will be that of the
Mediterranoan 7hsator. As the Oarman Air increases,
the 15th will be more and more handicapped in deep pene
tratione unleas the effectiveness of their eecort
fightera can be increased by advanced bases. It is be
lieved that except for targets requssted by the Ruaaiane
that our desp bomber targeta can be adequately covered
by 200 to 300 bomber ahuttle sorties per month"
12. General Arnold yielded to this view and directed
that datailed logistic dota be prepared for General Deane to
present to tho Russians.1
Planning bogan at once and ran
into an immediate snag regarding personnel were eati
mated as needed to man the Budapest basea and Oeneral aker
flatly as.erted they could not be supplied from the MTO.
other problems that oropped up ooncerned havens for crippled
Fifteanth Air Foroe bombe1'8,18 anti-aircraft defenasa for the
shuttle bases, an alternative proposal to move the Fifteenth
to anos, and interim development of an advanced fighter
field for the Fifteenth a t Ancona. By mid-January, however,
all the difficulties of planning had been eolved and the de
tailod figurss were forwarded to Oeneral Deane olon with an
offer by General Eaker "to Oome myself or send anyone you
think neoessary with adllitional details...." 19 General Deane
replied that it might be better to present the revised FRANTIO
plan at the forthooming AIUONAUT aante renee a t Yalta and on 17
WARX-69665, 29 November.
On 3 December General Twining reque.ted that Russianl be in
for....d of likelihood that damaged U.S. bomber I might land
in the twow area. Dean. aonourred. An emergency field
Wal alao put in at ZSra on the Jugoelav coaet.
M-43610, 15 January.
January General Arnold dirooted that it
say1ng that qen.ral would dlsous. the matter t" way
through ths 'sditsrrao
on,20 w d
.... ... B as one i Pr!)slc.ant
Roosevolt personallj took the matter up w1th StalIn; on
12 bruary, Ylh11s rsturoin;:: throur)1 (1oosrta, ::t'tor
snoral Doano:_
"Ac;roement has b Jon roaohod 0 t"r) }.i,:h st level
tor two air baSQd in araa to be m& e
tlvallnble for Air :'orco:3. Hequ68t you nrra'1.! ,0
details wi th &S 9:)on as n
lll. It lo1[>ht ha vs bosn ouppoDed tho t, since the hlghsst
authority in Rus.i. had bJvsn his personal approval, 011 would
be clear sa111ng I'rol. then on. Not at all. Thors began a
seriea of bland Sovi.t stalls their hab1tusl of _a
stultify1ng 00'" th1ne thsy d1d not 11ka but d1d not .. ioh to
retuss flatly. Eight days aftor OsrAral Kuter" rad10 on
ths 12th, 'ajor Gensral C, H. 11111, Air officer on Jeneral
DOAne's staff, ole;nalled '}-enorQl Arnold that be had been un
able to roach Red Air rorco officiola,_22
"Upon my return from Crimea request was rnade for
oonferanco with Oenoral N1kltin, Assistant COI'!L.":1Ilndor,
Red Ar.,., A1r ioroo.i'wc daya latar they Informed me
that ho wao out of to"" and would bo baok 20 lebruary.
On 16 Fobruary 0 request W88 mada for ap"ointJ:lent with
;ara al of Aviation ::;,A. Khud;rakov. As no definite ans
war waa roceived a letter wau Bent to Khudyakov
00' 17 roquost1ng a mesti On 19 in
wa. that Marehal IDludyakov would meet
oa on 20 brunry. Am at pra.ent information
from him regarding time of tho appoIntment.
Will inform you of tho resulte of the confsrenca,
at which I will to secure from him a designation
of available alrdromos and erranse for reconnai.sance
by a repre.entativo of ! flf or 15th Air Forcs to be
dignated by Ganeral Eaker, the base oommander to be
who will be designated by General akor, pos.ibly
General Eaker himeolf, nnd me. Also to be d1scud
will be the 10Cistical aspects of the projoot.
"The failure ')t the Soviete to arrange a mset1ng
1ndicate. to me slmply that warc not prepared to
disou.s tho sUbjeot until stud1ed by their ataft.
14. As epproved at Yalta, the ravised ,'MAllTIC Plan oallsd
tor Ru.01an permi10n to u.e, man and oporate two airdroma.
20 February.
'1 n S't r ('''J' , ;n ft
) .1 ,1 ',.. ' , .' Ie
I \ \ 'r':\ '" Ill'
-37 ;oJ ; ,.... I ";,,' )
I:...:.r l.- ... ,-' ......,

iJIrb;i :
in tha BUI1aput area from whioh

. llv".., i"
.rat1oll8 and 8 bomber ope ratione per month would be
A total of 2,000 U.S. personnel wore envisagod ae neoos.ary
tor permanent occupation, plus combat crews during oporatlona.
Supplie. were to be brought in via Ruian-controlled faoili
ttu through the Blaok Sea. The Soviets were aleo to provide
point to point cownunlcatione facilitis., enGineering and
oonstruotion raonnel plua materiel for construoting the air
dromea, and all types o.r base defonse. Operations were te be
conduoted at w111, without specl.flc clearance from Woaoo., and
would consist of "ncar oontinuous staging of ono ovor-strength
fighter group of 90 aircra.ft" and" staging of three group. of
heavy bombers at normal strength of 28 aircraft". SOQe opera
tions would etage in Budapo.t on the way out, other. on the
way home. Explainod the plaOl
"Of illllll8diate and pr1lm importance 18 to! neoeaaity
of the denaity of our fighter escort on deep
penetrattona eo 88 to counter the resurgenoe of the Ger
man Fighter Foro.. Since the fighter. ataying oapaoity
is baaed on the distance back to base froQ the point
.hers it is neoea.ary to jettieon external tank., the
poasesalon of bases approximately 300 mile. nearer the
Target will be ot tremendous advanta8e. There are
many poasibilltiee tor coordinatsd fighter ope ratione
betwoen the Strategic Air Forcss if base. in the Buda
pest area are availsble to provide the necossary flexi
11 In addition, thsra- 19 a need to oonduct about two
bombing operation. a month into 'ortheast Germany to hit
certain priority target. which are generally i08coe.eible
from our present basse.
"Shuttle operations of too type and eoope listed
below uaing two bau. in the J:ludapeat area will be ne
ce ary to rasolve the necss.ities outlined.
a operation. should oommence in April 1945, and from
praviou. expsrience it is known that about four montha
will elapee between the t1ma permission i oursd to
uae the ba.a. and the beginning ot opsrations."
15. lllOde.t and rea.onsbla requ t. to the
...r1oan oo_nders. But When Generala Deane and Rill f1ll8l1y
IIl&I18ged to corner I!arahal Khudyakov on 26 February, "KhudyakoY
that Soviet. ara not sympathetic to the projeot a.
""_ r' . !'II"
. ... l'"
-37 A : \ ,.,:.-, .' ,'-,
., .; _, c - '"'" '-'

.-.uA'i.t'Jii" ... 't'
.ubmitted. n23
Gen.ral Deane rurther reported: tl
it ba. been tore.d on the mil1tary by Stal1n ae a re.ult of a
direot appe.l from the Preeldent." Oonoral thon recom
mend.d reducing project to immedlato fight or opor.tion. from
exi.ttng field.. Gonoral S.ker Inoi.ted on .ticklng to the
Plan a ubmittod, explaining to Genoral Spaatz:_
"Th. original purpooo of the revl.ed Frantic it
..e... to "., ",ust bo borne in mind and thet 10.
(1) To .timulato oooporation with the
looking to tho ruture, .nd convince the", cf the
officieney and powerrul errect of our Air rca
method. of op.ratlon and prine iples ot emploYJllOnt.
(2) . To extand the range and orrecUvene.. cf tho
15th Air ree. It we go now to .ome new ba
a. tor oxampla OM f 19hter f101d to be operat.d
on a ohoe otring, we will aooomplioh nelth.r
nIt appe.r. to me that wheroa. Stalin told tho
Pre.ident we oould have tbe ba..., tho Ruaaiana are now
bu.ily engag.d reverting tc their old t.ctic. by .aying
that it i., In point of faot, not fea.iblo logi.ticall,.
and not oafe operatiooalll for us to move into tho
hcu.e or the area with tho",. Deano'. m....g. 10 v.ry and soom. to mako it clear that the Ru..lana
do not In fact want to cooporate in thi. projeot. I
think if we now chang. our ba.i. from What we .aid in
Docember wa. our minimum requiremcnte to eomothing 01
e will moroly oonvinco the Ruian. that we do net .know
our own mind. or that wo woro lavi.h in our original
logistic e.tlmatsa "
16. Ooneral Deane therofore porsilted'in the or1ginal
application and arranged with Khudyakov for a rooonnaio.aooo
ot the propo.ed new b.... to bo by Oonoral Eakor and
General Hall, whom the
ftoenth had dosignated a. commander
ot tho now
ANTIC area. Ao usual, the Ru.o1aoa woro dilatory
about providing cloaranoe tor tne party. 00 tho 6th General
Hll1 reported.
"Have had no reply to Amboador'. requo.t for
authority tor you and your party to ont.r Soviet
controlled torritory nor to my requo.t to Rod General
Staff for olearano. of your plane. It i. entlroly po.
.ible that an.wor may not be reoeived for .overal dayn25
11-22989, 1
n.dlina CS
696 IE,
6 Maroh.
, '1 "'. .
11 IU 1., h, '4r!f
Next day. however. Oeneral Hill eignalled tha tl(O
.xp.otationa. authority craohed through at 023OCtoday
Apt. Air C-1n-O aocordingly took otf on 10 !!larch. stopped
over with IIar.hal Tite tor. day in Bolgrade .nd then ..ent on.
to DobreclUl.
17. Upon hi. return on H llarch. Oener.l E.ker r.port.d
tho outeo... of the trip 10 hio mid-lI.reh round-Up to Gen.ral
"On tho 13th of March, I Illllt Hlll and the d.n
Oeneral Rowlev .t Debreoen and ..e drove to the th....
ba 10 que.tion. It i. intereeting to not. that tho
ba... ".r. not .uit.ble tor landing. It
would have ba.n impo.o1bl howev.r. to tly on that
data In any oue .ino. the ..eather ".0 cero cero with
v.ry low ioing level.
"II. found that one or the ba..., ORADEA. would b.
very ..taf.otory ..-rely b7 u81ng .teel planking for the .nd hard otandings. There 18 excellent .000_
IIlOdatlon b.1t two k110lllllter....ay for troop houal"!!. The
other two neldo .re moraly paoture.. You oan ba.t
v1auali.. what the country and the flelde wore 11ke by
re..-mberlng 1lb. t the IIl1ddle w..t would look 11ke at
th1a ..aeon or ye.r. w bout 6 lnohe. of
anow, elush and mud and the ground froaen belo.. that.
It 1& a thick gumbo 1llW1, such 1111001&, Indlana or
Ohl0 ..ould .fford .t thls seon.
"After looking .t the t1elds .nd talklng to lIill
and KOvalev, Bill Hall and I worked out a revised
?!lANTIC program. I prent.d it to 1I0N.rney. who oon
ourrsdnd laet S.turday pre.entad it to Oeneral
Spaa tao ..ho .lao oonourred. and a.. now aw.iting olear
.no. from Uo.oow to go there and help Deannd Hill
sell it to the Hulana. Hall 10111 aocompany DO.
"Th. prinoipal parts of tho r.vised plan
are ' followol
(A) Th. ORADEA field would hou t ..o (2' long
rang. flghter groupe l the other two (2) n.ld.
would be us.d 10 dry w.ath.r a. d1&perl field
(B) OUr plan ot op.ration would be to us. th for tho operations of two (2) fighter
refuge for airoraft .nd to
d he.vy bombor. for copplng off for tho p.r
ticularly long l:I1a81on or an overnight .top
for bomb.r. wh10h oaught out b7 darkne.. or
foro.d to land there on aocount of .... ther'ln the
Ita11.n. b.....
(0) 1I0Nerney. .nd I visua11s. that the
d1&1'1 and oorreapondenoe, Vol.lIltXV & XXXVI.
S Air 0-10-0 '.
S.. al.o Me ag. F-46017. 19 llarch. 1I0Nerney __ 1

A" " ' \. ,
h",. - ,I
.. " ..
.', \. q \
. .
\ I " . , ....

orlglnal ooncept ror FRANTIC stl11
1. that we w111 b.n.rtt by havtDa larg. untted 4,
St.te. Alr roe. work lnslde Ruesla and have
larg. nUlllber. ot Alr rce per.onnel work 10 clon
a ociatlon aDd cooperatlon wlth the 1an people
and Ru..lan Alr ' rce personnel. The operatlonal
neoe.alty tor NTIC ba.e. ln connectlon wlth the
pro.eoutton ot the t1nal etag.. at the war 1. not
a. prc1ng now s:l.nce w. have mov.d our long-range
t1gll.t.r. north to the Anoona area aDd can. wlth
th.... rcaoh aD7 at our targ.ts. On the other hand.
otl11 can &.t b.tter uso out at .oms at our
fighter. by havlng th.m ln the peat
area slnce w. can uee th tostrar. the &a.tern
ant Oer..n alrdro everal at Whlch are tat
wlth alrcratt. It al.o puts these tlgll.t.r. 10
another ....thcr Th.r. have b.en ti......hen
we could g.t long-range otf but could not.
due to weath.r. g.t tighters ott to accompany thea.
m our Hungar1an baaes w. could. under th..e con
ditlone. support h.av;y bomb.r operatlon
(D) The tonnage requlrements arc 20.000 tone 101
tl.11y and 5.000 tons monthly. The personnel C08l
pl.m.nt 1. 1,650. allot whlch would b. fUrnl.h.d
trcm our own r.sources wUh the exc.ptlon at the
200 p.opl. in Poltava. the most at wh14h ..ould pro
bably be moved down to the Hungsri.n ba.... W.
would load the 20.000 ton. abo.rd ehlp and dellver
them to the Black S.a port tho RU lana named.
'l'hey would unload lt and tran.port the .uppli.. to
the ba.... 'rhe Russians would COllllllAnd the ba....
Th1l ls at their luslstonce and a polnt on wb.1oh
thoy are not .xpect.d to glve In. It wl11 be r. that th.y commanded the ba at Poltava.
'II howev.r. would COlll!ll&nd all our own per.onnel
and all operlltlona at our own Alr Force unlte.
'Thl. 1. a p010t on whlch w. must .tand flrm. It 1.
obv14u, that we cannot coordlnate fightar rende.vou.
wl th launch.d t1'O" Italy ov.r dhtant tar
geta unl we hllv. o0tlPlet. control.
(E) Att.r oont.rence wlth Rl11 and Kevalav. It ap
pear. that thD tlJD1l ach.dul. would run oomotb.1ng
like t We can load the boat and have lt arrlve
at the Blaok Sea port approximately three waek.
atter tlla Rues1ans glve tlnal approval. It w111
take approx15tely two weo1<s to unload the boat
and dsUver the supplies to the baae.. The tl-elda
can b. read:!" twenty (20) days atter the steel plank
arrlves at ths basea. In vlew ot thls t1Jle schedule
..e are to tell the Russtans that. unle.. ap
proval ls given by Aprl1 lat. it w111 soarcely be
worthWhl1o to proceed wlth the proj.ot.
(F) Kollam.y. Spaatz and I te.l that there 18 an
1JIIportant requirement tor the.e Hungarian ba...
Whlch 11 not connect.d with pro.ecutlon at the war.
It ls very 1JIIportant that we ha ve these ba... for
mov1ng .x-pr1aoners or war and di.placed per.ona
out at Oerlll8IlY. Austria. Cuohoalovak1a and Hungary
and lt 18 aleo important to have the.. n.lda ln
connectlon wlth the 1IlOY8Ill.nt of oocupational torc.s
lnto Au.tria. Another gra. t advantage Whlch' we
gain which i. connected with operation. 1s t
w. will be permitted to repair a large number of
heavy bombers. When I wss at Oebre.en there were
s.venteen (17) heavy bombers in that area whioh
oould be repa1red. It 10 interesti to note that
I saw one 8-17 apparsntly in good condition, on
the f1eld at Oebreoen with German mark1ngs. he
Germane had abandoned it and lett in suoh a hurry
they could not destroy 1t. They had no gasoline
w1th wh10h to fly it away apparently. We feel it
10 vary 1r.lportant to us to Get back and repair a
largo nuober of thee. cripplee because of the known
ahortage of l7s and 8-24a for the anticipated
.all-out operationa this aummer.
(0) Uill thougut it would help to get the prograa
presented to the Russians quicker if Hall and I came
there since W8 would be prepared to answer anT
questions the il'.1S.iana might raise. lmr.Jed1ateIT
upon ray return, I praaanted the idea to General
lloNarne;r and General Spaatz, who conourred, We
have the program oomplete in every detail, there
tore, and are roady to 0 to Moaoow as aoon
Deane tella us olearance ia ready. ne aek.d the
Ruian. for cl.arance for u. on the 16th. I w111
lot you know how wo cane out as soon 48 I return."
18. Oeapite the urgenoy of the echeme, no olearance for
Oeneral Raker's had been received from the Sovi.t. by
22 March and Oeneral Eaker commented to Oeneral Oeanel "I
imagine the prot1'llcted delay mean. too t our friends hope to
kill the projeot by delay.,28 Four dAye later General D.ane
aolenowlodGed that .uoh was tho cas.: no reply hae been
receivod to our urgent requ.ats for authorization for your
visit to Uo.cow, a.aumption i. made that Soviet. fa1lure to
authorise oonstitut.s a "29 A. if this were not
rude .nougu, the Russian Hi&h Co""""nd eaW fit to adm1n1eter
an even mora pointed .nub to Ganeral Hall. Arter cen.rel
Eakor'. suddon rea as1gtL"" nt to ....shington on 2G Maroh it waa
deoided that Ooneral IIall would go to Ruesia lnatoad. He lett
on 29 . roh, planning to meet General KOval.v in Poltava to
ooordinate Ea.tern CODllMnd'. move to Oradoa. lIe arrived at
28. -49284, 22 Uarch.
119. 26 March

Teheran on the 30th and Gooled
.walting Ruoo1.n p.nulo.10n to Grose th.:"!-/!...
on 3 Apr11...ord
tbllt )"Our v101t to Polt.v. 10 pre... tur
that they wl11 not approve your "30
19. D;{ than U. S. ;>acione. bad run out aDd the April
f1rat ddlin. had be..n r.ached. On Cllo 30th ot roh O..noral
Spaat. r.Gomm.. nd.d abandonlng .. Att.. r
Gonaid.rabl. c.ble discussion. everybody ccncurr.d end cn 19
Aprl1 ..ord ".e received that the Joint Chi.t. of Staff approv..d
Intorming th.. Sovi.. to "that becau of tho advanc.d .tag. ot
the Europe.n ".r we GOnslder it inadvi.ablo tc t.k. advant.g.
ot thalr .gre.m.nt to provid.. U. S. Air E in tho BUdap.. st
Are"3i PRANTIC ..a. flnish.d. it. cod.. name eming .s .pt
.t the .nd as it had at tho b.ginning.
20. Liaiaon and 30mb-lines. Though the PRAIlTIC. n.go
ti.tions the large.t .inale i.sue b.. t ....n MAAP and the
USSR, a mor.. vital matt .. r wa. tho ..hol. qu.sticn of 11.100n
b.. t .....n the air forG.s and th.. fiUs.lan .rmi.s. . NTIC ....
only a prdject, but tho need fcr linl.on was day-to-dny
oper.tional re.lity involving thousand. of liv.s .nd .UocUng
the ..hole etrat.gic bombing ;>rogr.m. Prior to the f.ll of
Rum&n1. th.. t..o th... t.r. -- Ruoaian snd M..diterrane.n -- IUid
been tar snough .part .0 that thsr. w.r.. fe.. confllct. in
jurlodlGtion .nd th. us. of Alli..d heavy bomber. to aoelot
th.. Ru.a1en could be handl..d, though not
e.0117. through Gen.ral Deane in Moscow. This had b.en the
pro.edure durlng the FRANTIO operation. of June. July and
Auguot. With muGh baoklng .nd filling. the Rus.lan Rlgn Ca.
80. Kla816, 3 April.
'"'<1"0 J:t\
31. UAX-88696, Spaetz
an ... '
.' '
Soviets Jnade
_nd lfOuld indiCIate what targets
to hit on the ...y to .nd from Poltava.
gratitu4. for the reaulta,
reg.rded auoh bomb.rdment aa unimportant and, aa reviewed
abo"., they no bone. about Qallins off the PIlAlPrIC ahut
tle. ent irely.
21. When Rumania, Bulgarie .m tbe rest of tha
oollapeed, howevar, the queetion of Uaiaon beoame .oute be
CIa"'a the Allied Air Foroes ware in a poeit ion to b inora..
ingly helpfUl to the Ruasians, whother the latter kne.. it or
not, and also baoause of the danger of on forw.rd unit. by inadequately informed Allied air form. tiona
oparati in theirvioinity. Late in September, while in
.peotill6 .nd Plo..t1, Apt e Direotor' of Opel'. tiona,
Brig.dier Oeneral C. P. Cabell disou..ed the proble.. wlln
Oeneral Vorobiev, who .uggeated IMAP liaison detaohmllnt to
ooordinate IIMP'a .ttaoka with the Ru.aian grotlnd errort
Oaneral Saker sent his Chief ot St.ff,
.lor O"neral O. C.
Chaunoey, to Buohareat e.rly ln Ootober to out the de At that ti..e Oensral Vorob1ev "..hile aliill favorable
to the idaa, that he lIIU8t put it to r.hI,l Tolbuhkin,
nollllll8lld1ng the Senond Ukraini.n Army to the north. After.
lapee of aeveral day., reply oame beok from ll.rabal Tolbuhkin
uyins th.t he bad put it to 1I0soow."33 At the saDl<l t1Jlle
.1milar di.ou..ion. wore GoinG on. in tlUJ.g,a.ria ,11th the olan thare, Genaral iryuaov, who waa equally cordial but
.:uo equally ina18tent on obtaining .uthority .oow.
SUch .uthorlty from 1I0aoow never to s1that Bulgari. or
In the lattar ea, howaver, KAAP bad not w.itad -
II lIoJllOr.ndua datod 1:5 Ootobor, Oonor.l k.r to SAClIED.
5 1Ig.. 58612, 14 Ootober, SACKED to ACe, Bu arla,
and ACC (b) 18, 16 Ootober. tho lattor. "lbile
Oen.r.l Blryuaov agr.od to anor any ap.olfl0 inqulrle
bout d.finit. bod:>l116 t.rseta, it s 011'
!lOt int.nd .mbark on .ny form joint -plann. . It
18 unlikely that Oanaral ,,111 tlEI...a Ji
new apealal 11alaon unit .. '\ .. -. .::J ....:.,.,:".. \t


"h.n Gen....l Ohaunoq ".nt to Buohal'O.t h. took. U.18on
unit he.d.d b)' Col. John 1".
tjar with him .nd Vorobiev .1
lowed it to ...... in.
1111. Such a 118180n w, 01' oour , tha
atanllard. ".ll-tried ... thod ot air-ground teamwork in both
tlla IlTO .Dd lITO and Col. tj.r'. unit .... dp.toh.d in good
f.ith "ith no ida. that the Sovi.t...ould prove oppod to it.
Sino. it .... a f.U .0co..pU. the fha.ian...d. no to
dialodaa it. but it .a never .llow.d to go forw.rd ..Uh the
Soviat .rci...dvanoing on Budape.t., th18 firat .nd
only fiald li.i.on d.tachment rro.. kAAF to the toroa.
soon .... virtually to perto it. main funotion
Th.a....r. doribed by O.n.ral E.k.r in .......g. to O.n.r.l
Spa.t.. on 5 Novemb.r, before IlAAP hed b.oome disillusion-d
.bout the ..hola aUbj.ot 01' Ruaaian Li.iaon
'Ooordination with th. Ruaal8n. i. obt.ined through
lIAAF L1aiaon d.t.ohment t.bU.hed in Buohe....t in
Ootober. Tha of thla U.iaon det.ohunt pre
.antl)' oonai .. t. of one o o ~ n d i n g offio.r. .n aiat.nt
n Int.llig.nca o1'fioer. int.rpret.r medioal ottlo.r
nd oommunio.tlona det.ohment oompoa.d of on. offic.r
.nd iI.v.n .nliat.d ...n. a wth.r men .nd .n .irplana
..Ghanic. Th. primary dutind r ponaiblliti.a .r
... 1'0110.... (.) To ex.heoge air aupport int01'lllRtionl
(bl To tumlah brl.ting mat.rl.1 on ...quaat.d,
(0 0 obtaln photo ...oonna18aanc. wh.r. pr.oticabl. on
targ.ta photora not .vailabl.l (d) To p... on
...qua.ta tor .ttaoka to IlAAP who will mak11 dlo18lona
on mi.aione to be ex.out.d, (.) Maint.ln aituation map
ot torward tri.ndly .le...nta and a.nd the dail)' aitUR
tion map to thi. headquart.ra by .ir oouri.r, (1') To
obtain and 1'orw.rd .11 poa81bl. io1'ormation oono.rning
anell\J di.po81tional (e) To tabUIb a ....n.. tor the .,.
ohang. of "eather in1'oroation. .b. UI1Ion
ooo1'ina. it.elt .triotly to matt.rl or orfloi.l ~ n g + o
Amerio.n Air ro 118180n and in no wa)' h.. r.latione
ln oivil or poUtioal .tt.ira b.twn .ny govarDJll8nt.
or .s.nola.. Th. Ru..l.n .nd ROWlllUll.n O.n.ral Statt.
h.... be.n inforlll8d that .na... rlng thdr requt "ill b.
antiral)' .t our lil.oratlon ln .ooordanc...ith our operat
lng oonvenieno.. .
"Th. lIMP U.iaon d.t.ohmsnt .... !urni.hed 1n .0
cordano. "lth raqut by the Commanding O.n.r.l S.cond

IJIU'anl.n ArrA"1 In Roumanla _" I'oro" .
ROllJlllnl.. Th. dot.chlllent "
op.rat1ng und.r an .grm.nt w t l\fl!lf'l'.l
Two Ukr.n1.n pendIng lIo.oow'. approv.l of our
On 7 Nov.mbar. t'110 d.yft.r th1e .WIIIIl.r"f of tho
.1tuatlon w wrltt.n came an event which bl.w the 11d off the
whole qutlon -- Pittnth All' roe Group (th. B2nd)
inadvert.ntly .traf.d a col= of Ru..iana in Yugo.lavla. kIll
ing Li..ut.nant O.n..r.l Katov and ...veral oth.r Ru.dan.. Y.k
t: ht.r. int.rpo."d, .hooting down two P-3S., but lodD& three
th...... lve.. Throe day. after thie tragic m1.h.p, Which w..
..ntirely due to n.vlgational .. rror, G.. ner.l Antooov, D.put"1
Chl.. f of St.ft: of th.. Red Army alneral St.rf c.ll..d a.n.r.l to hls offic. In Mosccw to recolv... formal r of
"Thi. unw.rrant.d inotanco or an attsck by
plan.. on column of troop. and tho group of R.d Arrq
plan.s p.rplex.. s U8, lince the w GO behind the frent 1100, b.t".on thl towns of
Nil .nd Al..klinao. On thl and 16th or Ootob.r In
formatloD w giv.n In the Sovlot oommunlqu. that ths
two townl h.d bn c.ptur.d by the nod Army. Th. cl..rl"1
vls1b18 mark1ngs on tho Sov1et planeI allo romov.s tbs
po".lbillty that thor. might h.vs bn miltsko. 1n ds
t.rm1nlng to whom these plane. bolongod. Thero 10 .1.0
no Ju.tlficat10n for th.s. op.rationl at Amer1can Air
Oil not having boon coordins tod "lth tho G.nor.l st.ff
ot tho Rod Army. Pl..... inform the Combinod Chi.fs ot
Starr of tho altogether d.plorabl. tactt.t.d sbov. snd
.Ik th... to o.rry out an 1mm.di.t. inv.ltlgation or thil
lnc Id.nt and to punish those ruponslbl. for
thia unexplalnabl. attaok OD Sovl.t unlt.. A.k th... al
10 that t "1 not allow fllht. of Alll.d
.viation into the 1008 of actlvlty of the Sovl.t troops
without pr.l1lll1nary agreo ent with the Oon.ral St.rr of
tho Red Al'm"1'"
G.n..... l Doan. .. xpr....d regr.t and
Iur.d Antonev that full inv.ltigltion would be ...d
"At thl ...... time I call.d to hil .ttentlon that we
have conai.t.ntl"1 tskon initiativ. in attompting to
.r.... ng. for ooordil1ll tion b.twn our air roroes snd the
Sovi.t ground and eir fore... I outlin.d to hi.. th..
t.pI that w.. h.d .lre.dy tak.n in thil oonn.otlon snd
S 1Ilt-21G60, 10, ov.:nbor, Dean. to skor and AOWAR

u f rI
proposed that ..e settle, st onoe. on a .... llilllu
ordina tlon that ..auld m1n1mtae tho ehanoe of such
lnoldents as thIs happenIng In the tuture. H. a.k.d
what I proposed. and I .tated that I thouollt that
11alaon bet.ean tha headquartera eoneern.d in tho flald
would be the moa t errootlve ..othod. I propoaad that
eltbar the AIr oroas bave lIaIson offloara
with the SovIet beadquartera In the I1ald. Qr that tbe
Red Army aaslgn 11alaon offloers to the headquartera of
the lledlterranean Allied AIr Foroe. and that In elther
.oaae an adequate syatem of radio oommunioatlona be ea
" ntonov lnoleted that It "ao not neoesaary to
havo 11alaon offloers as.lgned to h.adquart rs In tha
fIeld, but tbAt 11alaon abo Id be etfeoted ..lth tha
Oeneral Statt In aosoo.. lils reason tor tbls ..s that
all operatIons of the SovIet Strategl0 AIr Foroes are
direoted by the ed Army General st.ff from Mosoow. I
pointod out that, In my opInion, tbts "aa not the bast
method beoause of the dlfftoulty of oommunioatlona ba
t ..een our headquart.r. tn Italy and Moaoow and would
rosult tn delays whloh would rlously tnt.rfere wtth
op.ratlons. I suga.sted that, If they tn.tat.d on the
Italson be effeot.d In 110.00'0, th.y oat. Itsh s boundar,
lIne bet.... n tho operatlona of our atr toro.s and theIr
Ground and aIr fore.s b.yond wblob our avIatIon would
not operate and that th.y ohange this boundary as fre
quently a. thoy thought noooooary. Antonov astd h. was
In favor of thto suggo.tton. but could not ro. to tt
untIl he had proo.nted It to the SovIet Htgh Conmand.
"Antonev otated that WhOll our ground foro.a oama
oloser togother, ho thoU(!ht it would be tlmll for us to
eatablt.h a method of lIaIson betwoon hoadquartors tn
the t1eld.
"At the presont tIme. tho oyotom for ltdson that
has been approved both by tho Untted statos Chleto of
Staft and tho sovtet Oo",ral Staft 10 that ooordtnatton
wIll be oftooted In Uosoow with re ard to 2rantl0 opera
tions and any othor opera ttono In whtch tho ao tion of
our aIr toroe. 1. apt to confllot wIth sovtot ground or
aIr operlltions. In addItion to thto. l' F nOW bae two
lIaIson ottloer. the headquarters of the seoond
front for tho purpose of atfeoting Itataon be
tween our air toroes and tha Sovlot ground toroee.
Ooneral Antonov atated be knew nothtng of the Itai
aon being oftaotad at the Saoond UkraInian front, altbo
I had 1nfonned him apeolflcally of the tact In a latter
datad 24 Ootober. whan aaklng that tb 11alaon group
be oxpo ded. upon requeat of Gan.ral Gakar."37
25. ohlmed in With repltea aft r that and an
exhau.ttvo 1nveatl&Btlon bean at onc. as a of Wbloh
S.e WARX-60674 trom Marshall, WARX-60626 !rom Arnold,
MX-366QS trom Eakar, M-36863 S CUED.
-384 .,
... i)J'tiJ"'; ..
cj \
protuss apologies wore .gain to the Russl.ns .nd the ..
C.O. of the B2nd Oroup w.s rellev.d.
Th. b.hav.d
oorr.ctly throughout and no p.rman.nt injury w don. to
triendly relations with th.m. There w.r. perwan.nt reperou.
.ion., how.v.r, in.otar ae Allied air operation. oon
r.t of the.e w a directive is.u.d to the Strategio
Air rOe on 12 Nov.mber whioh .tat.d,
H.avy bomb.r. will not bomb obj.otiv.. whioh .r.
1... than torty 1II11e. dl8tant from Sovl8t forw.rd .1.
...nte indio.ted through MAli!' lial80n det.ohment,
unl... .peoitio.lly r.queeted by the Soviet .nd po.i identlfi.d in ch c.... A t.ty lin. will b
p.oifi.d by you on the Sovi.t .id. of whloh
will not operate .gainat ground obj.ctiv... Thi,.ty
Une will not be leu than eighty 11111.. from the known
sov1&t for rd clemente and will be d.llneated by prolll1
nant land mark.. In exceptional eirc\1lllltanoea CO, AI'
18 .uthorhad to d.part rrom thl8 polloy .ft.r o.refUl
w.ighing of .11 f.ctor. in th. partioular
26. Simult.n.ously, Gen.ral E.k.r .xpred hi. di.
ti.r.otion with .uoh .rbitrary in
long to Gon.ral. reh.l.nd Dn
l Exoerpt,
"In the f.oe of the .ubjeot inoid.nt and two day.
lator the Sovi.t. r.quted through our est.bli.h.d
.k.l.ton 11.l8on th.t we att.ok the ..118 ro.d bri.r.d
upon 7 Novemb.r a. it 1. or vit.l .nd oontinuing import
.no..... a.ld. fram this inoid.nt how.v.r it
i. that w. oontinu. our effort. to e.tabli.h
olor .nd ..,re oompl.t. lla18on. Obviously G.n.ral
Antonov in Mo.cow do not und.r.t.nd that our t.otloal
roro w.ll trat.gio op.r.ting in a t.ctioal role
are making oonsl8t.nt material contribution. to th. de
.truotion of thn.107 in the Balkan and Hungarian .r
Timely, aoourat., field li.i.on i ntlal tor their
"Point out that thirty v.n bombing or .tra.fring
lII1..ion. have been rlown by ttnth Air roe betwn
18 Auguat aod 11 novemb.r ncar Sovi.t lin.. in JU80al.via
.nd Hung.ry. The,. have re.ulted in d.struo tion or 621
.MIlIY airoratt and " ....g. to a. wall dtruotion
at gre.t number. or railw.y roillng .took .nd v.hiola
nd G.rmans. Thi. Is fir.t unfortunate ooca.ion in .11
that ettort.
A rull r.port of tho invtlg.tion was .ubmltt.d by Oan.
Mo rn.,. to O.n. Dn. on 25 Nov. ulty navig.tion .nd
.n toni.hing .imilarity or t.rraln f turt the
.oan. of the 1noid.nt to tho.e .t the bri.rad t.rg.t 40
..11w.,. the ohi.f oausea.
h ....g. lI-a1l9015, )!AAP to \/ASAF. S alae XVAl'E-a412 of 14
loy, to tJ.r. T.n dara lat.r thi. polloy wa. 8 ...od.d
to that all .xo.ptions to the 40-80.111
would b. clr.d with IIAA!' ( ,<.; \1"
. 1Ilt-37011. ! i\ I, : \ \iI .. "\.".
-S85- ya-
" .
"Thla Lh. All'
pUota lnvolvod .re dnc.rol,. dlot...a..d at
tunato locld.nt an do not blaae tho n.d fightara for
flghUng to protect thalr ohargo. " re datemlnad to
1 no atone unturned to prevent auch aocldanta but do
0010 lntend to .llow haurda to raduction
of p... uuro upoo tho enolllY."
27. Th ao vlowa wore tranamittod to tho Sovlota.
whilo tho Comblnad Chlofa of start dlrootod tho U.S nd 1'1
t1&h miadona ln 1I0acow to arrango for tho l"""odl8to oat.bl1ah
mant of tomporary bomb 1.100. pondlng the ostabl1ahment of or
tectlvo 11al.on t affootlvo 11aloon novar waa oatab
l1ahod ln the cf the adalllllnt nuao1an lno1otonG' that !!!.
11.laon bo through tho High Command ln 1I0aGow. All oonvoraatldna
on 11.laon dotorloratod lnto convoraatlono on bomb-llnoa. U.g
g11ng contlnu.d throughout the wlntor and oprlng right up to
tha war's ond w1tOOut aatloraGtory agreomont boing reaohad.
Th. rOlult waa a progresslve l1mltatlon on IIAAP's all' opo... tlona.
p.rtlGularly. IIASA!"s, whlGh frayod everyons'o tompor. but almo.t
lnv.rl8bl,. reaultad ln Engl.nd .nd Am.rlGS glvlng ....,. to the
Ru8.1an poliGY. Evon though MAAP'o orroctlvona.a might ba re
dUG.d, nothl Gould be allo.ed to spIlt the Alll.s.
2S. Th. orlglnal 40-S0 10110 11noon .as obaol.te.
On l'lonlllbel' G.nsral Ileane had another long oonr.rence ... lth
Gano...l Sla.ln of tho nua.l.n G.n.ral Staff. who lnsl.ted on
tampor.ry 11nlong the 11n. Stetlln. Gorllts.
sarajo.o, Prsll1p .nd thanc. south...t to the .outh.rn border
of YUgoslavl8... Thb ..s.t onoe put lnto .rroct by F
rrc. sar.javo eouth
but strongly protootod by tho SAC D,
Who told tho Comblned Chlofs of Staff,_4G
"TO .110. thb bolllbllne to stand for tho Strategl.
roaa would sonoual,. roduo. tha tot.l .11' orrort to
be brought to be... on tho ret....t1ng snelll1. If an,. sug
gasUon .a..a made and rollowad that such s bo.bUna .ara
1IX-6llS4I1, 19 IIo.amber. AO AB to De.ns.

11f 464 SO
Xl-alSa6, No.aabe.. , De.ns to AOWA8
Xl-37948, IIon.ber &1' to BAP, 11& AF, !IATAF. CAF

lUI' 817, Bel' 'X-1I7190, 2. Novomber Il

i';!t .., roo' 1\ .:1
..If '.-J/':"\" .f:
" " , . .
10I '1>(
_ea__ '. \.l\:--'"-" -
..1 ..
- Yf/YfIA
- ..."" /J"~ b,""
- .) ~ >\ Ifl"'lih
!J to be applied 8S well to the !;alkan Alr .orce nCd, itne,.
Taotioal Air roa lt would mun the virtual oe..atio
of all nglo-United Statu air effort a in.t the re':- -, ,.
treating and M.or nized Oermana until they are almo.t
out of the trap Ae air action must'bo applied
whara th.ra are targeta, any .y.tam of m.rely drawing
a atraight 11ne on e map aDd noring the e n e ~ .
crltioal point. i. unsati.faotory. Aa pilota must u.a
via""l refarenoe. on the ground in ldentl1'yins their
areaa, bomblinaa muat ba olearly traoeabla on the ground
and follow major landmarks
"I believe tbat wo ahould be flrm in our oonviotlon
that the only aoceptable aolutlon to thi. problem 18 the
eatabllahment of adequate air 11aieon partle. with eaoh
eaian l'1eld A ~ and I .0 raco....nd
"Wlth re.pect to the propo.ed bombllne for Strategl0
roe. north of Sarajevo, that obviouoly would be on
tlroly unacceptable. It would have to be referred to
Cenoral Spaatz and Air Mlnietry in any 0.... :ttle propoead
line ..ould eliminate ~ ~ e Blechammer Synthetlc Oil planta,
tho aix all reflnorieo of Vienna and el.gbteen other of
our first prlorlty .trato call obJeotivoe. It would
elimlnate tho rail facllitlea at Vlanna, L16nlts and
reslau areaa and a vaat number at other obJactlvaa In
our aaoond priority aystem. It would oonfine the aotivl
ti.. ot the 15th Air oroe only to tha t area wb10h 18
moat frequently blookad by woather inoident to the neo..
.1ty of crolng the Alp.. The relaxation of the pre.
sure at thi. t1me in tha r.str1oted araa would reault ln
a near oollapae of the Strat.gio Air Foroe program aDd
the gaining by the German of a rooplte 1n the da.truotion
of hi. oil faoilities."
29. TheCC/S at once aoknowladged the validity at thi.
lina of reuoning. Concurr1ng ln the flu. alan demond. trom
SaraJavo aouth, they rafu.ed the proposed line to tho north,
taIling Oeneral Deane that !t "would result in Eastern Oermany
being comparatively froa trom air attaok." and reitsrating the
naad tor tiald 11&18on detaohment
But the ... tter woe too
urgent to _it for liai.on, n'en if the
.elans agreed to it.
On 27 lIoY mbar the SACMED again .ignalled tho C cis ._48
"Gareane are 0.oap1ng tram Jugo.lavia and it i. vl
tal to ua and to tho lluas1al14 thllt the, be attaoked....
r exempla, there haa bean muoh llIOv8llent the la.t
ta.. daye on the main eacape route Novipar-PrlJepolJa
Viaagrad. Al.o during thl. tlmo 6 major conoentrations
n-671100, and
11 458,
Ai> 820, Hef FX-S9100.
ot parked vehicles wera revealed by reaotl. be-,
tw.en RogaUca and !lovip.u... Theea conaant..aMaQ, Hi'
wara reported to b. t'rom 3 to B odlee 1n urra"
at..ict .ppl1caticn at tho temporal'] bombl1no now laid
down, these lucrative targets would be denied the .aight
ot.our .ir ettort. Sarajavo area ie known to be ot
increasing import.nco to tho Cannan in his concantration
at troop. and auppl1e., yot with the current bombl1ne
that area would be froa tro"," AIUad air attack."
CoM1'al Wllson want on to rocolllJllend thllt if VAAl" muet auhm1t
to bombl1ne it should tollow r.cogniz.ble terrain te.turea
.nd be changad dally as the SOViet tront advanced. He s
go.ted sp.cltlc .uch lin to etart With.
30. Thle was the comprom1.e that was rina11y oettlod
upon. Coneral Doane subm1tted the idea to the Sovieta
thay "took negat1ve view" but ngreed to study it.'11 Sillllll
taneouely, the 0 ols a in atl'O"Gly aasertad the need tor
11abon p.rti.. but endorsed the a",ended bombl1ne pro te",.50
Two daya later, on 30 novelllber, General IIcNarnay told Doane
that MAAl'" wculd adopt the rocc"""cnded bcmbUna on 3 Decembo..
whother the !lUISian. had agreed or not. "The fleeting
tunity .nd urgent nece.sity tor attacking the ha.vy Corman
ooncontratlons in tho area beton ycur agreed bo",blino and
our p..oposed bombl1ne makso this aatlon ..ndato..y .... 51
a.n....l concurred, axplaining typic.l inatance or the
circumstancas under which his otart op roted,- 52
"We teel that ths .bove action is justitiad boc.u
on ovomber 28 wa preoantod a roqueet tor .pprov.l ot tho
a"",nded bombl1na to "he ned Army Cener.l statt. . rths..
on November 211 we requa.ted meeting with the Deputy
Ohiet of St.ff to the queotion ot coordination
of operoUona in tho IJalk.ns, and tc p1'saent
whiah had boon roaeived fro", the 1t1ah .nd A1Mrioan
Ohi.r. of st.ff. Today, Navember 30, we roque. ted In
formation.s to w. en a ",eeUng mi[;ht be held w1th tho
Deputy Ohlef ot Stat! and we .lao sant tho Deputy Ohi.f
1IX-218S6, 26 llovelllb.r
. N .eo, Rer. WX-61l566, 28 Novomber, Excorpt: "It io ovi
4.nt thot the aomplotely to undorotand
the purpoa. of bombl1no, wblah 11 not to divlde .n
..... 1nto Tho.t.ra of Opor.t1ans, but ta .nabl.
l.nd operationa to ba supported by .11' roro.a wlthout
r1.k of damage to frlandly troop" \
Ill. F-eOUa. II of\ I'll ,. "!" t,
1IX-2181l1, SO Novembor. en , ", ' '. " .
' , .,
J I ' ....
- f'f
of :ltaff, Oenoral Antonov, the
foll'J . 671)
and for the amendment ot tho present bomb11no PnVli 1 OJ
writlng. To none of th '0 approaohoo hovo we hod .
Qny rllponae."
The C cis llkewloe agroed to.thls firm otand, dlreotlna F
to go ahaad wlth It.
A7' directive went out at once,
calUng for" Intenotve eftort" but "extr.... caron In the
a..nded. araa and ord.rIng Balkan Alr
rce to act ao coordl
noting agoncy for all auch attacka and all auboequent bolllb11ne
changas in th. SArajevo eouth area.
The Rueelana nev.r dld
formally agree to thi. action, but, ao appeared to be thoir
wont wban faced with a accompll, they taoltly acoopted
tha arra emant by requestin<; ...11 changes when Oeneralo
Deane or Hill notified them of the day-to-day ehltts ot tbo
Une as opoolt1od by BAF.56 Only very raroly -- 00"", halt
do..n timeo at .IOSt -- dld the salan higb Co...nd doign to
requoot Allied oupport. rot ol..r out requeot oame on
21 December, tor on "lncrea.a In activity" at certaln YUgoolav
road Junctlona.
53. PAll dOl, Ret. 'IIARX-7115d, 2 December.
54. MX-3BBOO, 2 December.
$5. See M-220S0 of 15 Decembor tor an example ot thl0.
56. s.... 1-22100, lUll to Eaker. MAAF at once made lavloh et
tort. to comply. Theoe woro redoubled wbon tbe next
day Oonoral Arnold .1enalled (WARX-BOSS6) that Stalln
had indlcated to Harrl_n would b. woll tor the
Allled alr torce. to bomb tho Narlbor-Gra&-Llnt& ral1
road. On 29 Decembor l!.UP Intormod General Deane ,
"Slnce reca1pt ot your signal tollowing attacke have
bean made in areao sull&ested by you. attacks on
Ora. mrohalling yard. Seventy-tour 240 droppIng one
hundrad tono. Post rald recos show. extana
iva to yard and rol1103 stock. One bundred
twenty-two B-17s three hundred twslve tona Llna
..In marohalling .... rd. Slxto n -24. dropped thIrty
six tons ck mar0b811ing yard, botb by PP methoda.
Sixty-tlvo 24s dropped 160 tons rlbor marohal11ng
yard. Poot rald recce shows yard heavIly hit. lIuob
rolling otock and track damage. Twenty-nine P-510
etrafed Vlenna-Llnz rail lin.. destroyl o1x loCOIlO
tlves and damaglng ten locomotIves, twenty-two rsil
csro snd two radl0 towers. Rockot proJectileo au
tigbtsrs blt petrol dump at LJublJlsna and Marauders
hlt approaches to road bridge at Zidanl lllOSt northw..t
of Zsgrsb. All attaaka oarrlsd out bet..en twenty
tifth and '.enty-01gbtb December."

. ')".tJ
! ' . '.,. .' ... -
-", - . -' , .J __ .J
\',I .,; ... .1 ... ,
. .

..... h ,.
..."", q,. .
'J .
" " , 'I
31. Thus tho problom Was rosolvod in.otar a.
""t , ......
ettort in tront of tho
ssians was oonoerned. Efforts 000
tinuod to be mode t r 11ai.on with tho Ru ian a io. in the
alkana, but without suocess.
ean1lh11e .. pt! effort was
guIded by what Intormation 01. Dot jar was able to supply trom
Sueharest and by oth.r .ourooa in Yugoalavia. A
rtIat d al ot dacage waa dono to tho one"'1, but tar r.>oro could
hava heon aohievod wIth propor liai.on Thl. appartlnt
17 waa reallzed by tha
soian com..... ndor. in tho field. Jl:arly
in Deoember Air ommodore lIurray of ths Allied ontrol Com
mla.ion In BUlgar1n roportod, oonoorn
a conversation on
11abon wlth onoral 3il'JU'ov: "At thts juncturo he odd
""'111n{;ly that If only it woro pos8iblo "0 could nehtovo IlIOra
toaether hero on tho apot thon by havlng to raror to, and he
pointed abovo h18 head
Mora important than taotloal operatlona in tha
Balkan., howover, waa tho Allled atrategla bomblng and atrat
ing offenalva deep inta Auatrle and G.,,,,ooy. Biakerlng on a
bombline for tho .tratogic effort contlnuod tmtil Maroh and
th.n wa. Duly aottlod with an unaatlafaotory aompromiaa. When
the C cis rojootod tho orl,lnal Sovlot for a rlg1d'
line from Stottin to zaerob, General Ooano managod to eornor
General Slavin agaln. Tho Amorlaan wantod to cot down to ea.o.
on field 11obon, but Slavin 'waa apparontly not authorizod to
d1aaua. tho queatlon of air 11al.on offloor "58 'a eountorod
with a proposal .for e.tabllshment of anothor 11no oOCB1lhat mora
detal10d and Inoluding all tho polnta In tho bombl1oo reoOIl1
_oded by tho C cis. The Brlttah Chlo!'a of Staff and enoral
Speata both wont on record at onoo agalnot thl. IdOl! too. Said
tha former. 'We oonalder It undealrablo that .a .hould undor-
A. 151
<0 Deoember, ACC Ilulgarla .. . ,. n
MX-219;:,ri. 3 Deoomber. _ I-i i l U t \ , .....)
\ ,,.,\;\
fl ..
tak. to oond4.1' tl'&tagloal b.-l>l1n. It-! ' be
..4. 011' to .11 oono m.d that tbe lOla 0 I "// t
ll.hlng What 1.,known .1 bomblln. 1 t.otlol1 one; "09
P.ndlng d.01l10n, USSTAF .nd RAP Bomber 00_00 ud thelr
41.or.tlon In .tt.ok1ca .trat.gl0 t.rg.t. In the dl8put.d
.raa. G.n.r.l Spa.t. e"pl.lnlld thl8 lnterl.. prooedure to
O.neral Arnold on 20 Daoembal'l_60
"Probl.....101,. oonoern. operatlon. ot 15th A1l'
1'0 8th All' Foro. hal "17 t.w prlorlt7 t.rg.t
t ot ProllOled bolllbl1oe. It 18 pr.otioe ot !",
wh.n .ttaoklng beyond .trateglo llnl. to Ilgnal .UGh
1otentlon to JIAA l' 11.11On detaohment ln obara.t whiob
pa lnto.-tlon to Ruedana. In re l'4a taotlcal
bolllblln., MAAP .nnouno It. 11ne to Rue.l.n. through
Dean. and 8111 ln Uo.oow. Tble e;yets ee very .0
oept.ble to t lut .nnounc nt Rulllen
.uthorltlenawere4 wlth luggtlon that lt b. 00"04
olor to thelr tront 11.... Wlth reterlnoe to 8th All'
0 lr neelt7 .nd opportunlt7 .rl.e to .tt.ok ra
alnlng t.w prlorlt;y t.rg.te eut ot .trategl0 boablln.,
it wl11 b. our pollo,. to notity through
.nd Bl11. E"pralllon ot lntentlon .. ould lndl0.te g.n
.ral .ra. or op.r.tlon, not lpaoltl0 t.rget., .nd pro
babl. date _or oper.tlon. 1I11110n ..ould th.n b. oarrlld
out. An;y .71tem whereb;y Rue.lln .pprovll or .nd
tllght plan w neo....ry ln 0 ot ntlo mi.
.10nl, ..ould prove cumber.o.. .nd would not be
.bl.. Suob. &;y.t... oould po.olbl;y don,. UI bt oppor
tunlty to taka ot op.r.tional altuatlon .nd
....thior condltlono. A. you und.rat.nd, .ny .tr.toglo
boJllbl1ot.bll.h.d on 1I0100w-Whington lovel ..ould
be too rigld. It 1. oonvlotlon,.nd kor oonour.,
that bt .yat ould be bo..blln. o.t by tleld 00...
mend.r. and oo unlo.t.d b;y 11.110n det.ohmento. You
ego 005(1')498, R.t. 719;, 8 Deoe.ber. It .rgued
"Th.....hould b. no qutlon ot dollnting ro.p.otlve
.on.. ot reoponalbl11ty tor the .lIIj)lo,....nt ot Strategl
cal A1l' ,'01'0.0 I1noe our plano de...nd 8yote_tio .nd
."pe41tloul;Uotion or vlt.l eneC\1 objeotl.....ltb
10 o.leoted t.rget the _,. b.
located. The ..,., however, ju.tltlably requ.ot
that o.rtaln t.rg.te .. lthln thelr .trategl0.1 .pb.ra
.hould be .or.onad tro.. att.ok it' dlltruotlon would,. .tteot thelr plana. The dr.wing ot .n .rbl
tl'&ry llnll to d.tlna the operatlonal ...... ot Allled
Stratagl..l A1r Foro doll ROT tberefor1'11., and w.
cannot .llow our otratlgl0 boJllblng to be pre.ludl0e4 by
the ot rrd_ to .tt.ok .n;y vltal targ.t outolda
the t.otl0.1 boabl1na."
eo. SP le8 1'1. 1e Rol

. /' ...,
U (,,1 '\. v I ,
..y b" lntor.ahd to' know that $lJlOlJI... ..J ., fAll
b.oomlag l!lUoh more Uboral and oo-operativo.
atano. wa. theIr propoaal to move t.otloal lIne 010.0
to front linoa. Al.o or.w. of 15th AII' oroo plokod
up by arooorded exoollent traatment. Crow.
ar. tak.n long dl.tanoe. by motor, put aboard Ruaslan
alrplanea and promptly dellver.d to F dataohment In
BuohaN It."
33. 110sotlatlona for l18100n dragg.d on and on until
tho Alll.d Ml.alon In Mo.cow f1nell,. loat patlano. In .arl,.
January, a nalliag all oono.rnedt-51
"Tha fla t r.rusal of tho Sov1ota to autborlao alI'
11al.on wIth fleld armiea, .nd tholr
upon coordination of all bomb line agr....ent. between
it1.h and A.... r1oan Milliona, !IlOSCOll and Rod Genaral
Staff, followed b7 thair intolorablo elay. in anaw.ring
Important oommunications on thi. aubj.ct, and fail
ur. to arraag. cont.reneoft.r ursono," of e1 tuation i.
brought forcibly to their att.ntlon, oonflrma our f l
ing that wo .hould no 10Dgar to .ff.ot ooordlna
tlon wIth tho Sovl.ta on bomb Uno ohangoa. but that tba
prooedure should bo .... r.l,. for:
(A) llAAF to desiGnato tho bomb U"" it dlre. and
choo.a .ppropr18t<l targot. on the .alan aida
thereof wh.n considared dealrable to do .0.
(B) NotIfy us of your d.ol.lon. 48 hour. in .d
vanoo of .nticipated tll1l8 of doparturo of tho .
alon. whon poaaible, and in all 0 at l ot 2'
hour. in advanoo thoreof.
(C) We wIll not11'" Rod aonoral staff of your
(D) '0 wIll notIfy you Without dola,. of .ny r.
aotlon raooivod trom Red Goneral Staff."
3'. Ibt tha C cis wora unwilUng to ba that abrupt.
Aftar d.Uberatlng a w.ok they ropUod on 16 January that it
wa. an aoooptod operational prlnoiplo that any army flold
oO-.ld.r should d.algnate hls own bomblin. and that "tho
C 0/5 thorefore rooogn1ao the Soviot rIght to .atabU.h bomb
11Ma to proteot thoir own foroea in tho lkana and in torn
Europe."52 But. the..,88 oontinued, tll10 "aa aubj.ot to
RIa.lan agre."",nt to .atabUm l18iaon partioa In tlla fiold
\0. Shou they atl11 roruae,
81. 9 January.
118. '77, Ret. WARX-21167.
uld be be lnformed that they v
MoanWhllo, flnishedthe 0 Cis,
mnke changes ln tho 90uth 01 tho latitude of Vienna
a the OG, fJa"TAF and DOAS, All' 11nlStry, to make chen II
north 0 it. both informing l-loocow at once. 63
35. No rceotion at all oSllle rom the rllis9ians until the
Xalta Conferenoe early in february. ,.. brand new oonoe t then
ap eared on the soene. a oompromioe that vas tinally
and which oontinued in etfeot until the var'e ond. Ite salient
feature ..... a 'Um1ted zone' between the SoViet arMos and the
o oratlonal areas of the Allied all' foroes. In tb1e zone no
AlUo air attaoks would be made wi thou t advanoe olearanoe by
the s ano. The zone idea originated in a oonference at
falt betveen Marohal of the ,Wail' Charles Portal. lnrshal
o the d 1J.r Foroe KbudYMOV. Gensral Kuter. General Andol'
son and Gensral Oabell. They agreed on a 11mi ted ZOllO 0 air
operations betveen tho. saian tront and a Une atett1n-BerU.....
Ruhland-Dresden-Une of the Elbe River to Brno-Vienn.... liaribo...
Zagreb. The Military Misslons in Moeoo" were to be notlfled
24 houre ln advance of any attack in this limited zone and the
attack would be carrled out it no Rueel",n protest "ero re
Thie arrangement vae no 800ner made than cancelle

apparently because the 881an High Command did not approve. 65

But tho idea had taken root and procedure tended in that 41
rltot1on until 1t vao tinally acoepted formally on ? March.
36. rirot step in th10 evolution VAl taken by USZTAi'.
as outlined by Gerieral Spaatz on 1
ebruary:- 66
Thlo schome vas tiret b aohed a .onth betore. e General
Arnold' 0 ot 11 llocember and paatz'. UI<)I.&191!O
ot 29 December.
ARGONAUT 43 wae cancelled next day.
UA.-64401. Stlc eloo U"",,54027 or 10 FebruarT.
. . . (Upg ..
/. .
.... , C (;'l.
"Intention. to attack targct. looatod flJ
ClUes 01' Ruad.n tront 11neo are I'orwerdod to
tary 1oI1oeion in Itoecow :l4 hours in .dvanoe Ot" 0 at1"'"
ti.e ov.r target, .nd whenover intentione .1'0 oanoolled
an additional eignal ie forwarded to L!oeoow. Ll..t. of
high priority t.rget within 100 mila. of tho Rue.i.n
tront lin h.v. bo n I'orw.rd.d to Wescow for pre.enta
tion to the .d.n. and to da te no obje ction. to the
.ttack cf target has b.en received. The lot ravi
.ion to this liat ie ourrently in prep. ration. In .ddi
tion thi. li.t ba. been by a li.t of traQa
portation targeta provided by IlAAP. The progr... 01' the
Ru.eian ground forae 18 baing I'ollo.ed intently with the
objeaUve of auspending any t.rget to whiob- they .pproaah
dangelOuely 010... Pol1t.. haa been suspended.
"Pathfinder attacka 01' V..41terranean bad .1rcrart
1n the .rea or line 100 .,n.. fro., known front
line po.itiona and north of line through Vienna
have been restricted .e tollow 1 - No primary t.rget.
will be .ttacksd under P.thfinder condition. exoept oil.
2 - Uo target will be .ttaoked a. seoondary or la.t rs
sort tarGets under Pathrinder oondition.. 3 - T.rgete
in the vlcinity or Vienna may ba bombed without restrio
Pathl'1nder attaoke by the 8th AI' .gainat target
..ithin 100 miles of known 1\u08i8O front lin have be.n
restricted. As folIo , 1 - Target eleoted for pri
..ry attaok under P.thfinder oondition. "'ill be l1mit.d
to synthetio oil, Berlin and Leipl1g unle oleared by
USSTAI'. No t.reot will be .ttaoked eoondary under
Pathfinder conditione in this are. except llerl1n and
37. An oDClple of how th18 prooeduN worked prov1d8l1
on 21 Fobruary ..hen IlAAP oabled General that rooonnaia
unoe had revealed aoveral concontrations of annored voh191..
ln the Bratlelava .rea, cloeo to the Ruasian line. in Hung.ry,
.nd tha t the FU'teenth Air rce ..... prepared to a them
"il' the Ru.elana dosire or il' they havo no objection."a7 The
Red General Starf .t onoe "indioated their de.ire that you
.ttaok.... On e.oh day ..han .,ieeions .g.inst the target
ra eorubbed or not planned, Soviots roque.t lntormation to
that ol'fect .s thoy may doelre to oporate in .amo .rea."aB
Anoth.r eJ.anal from Doane three la tel' sho..ed in detail
how oumber.ome this liai.on-at-tha-top ..... _69
1I-aa8611, sa February.
l1-8li910. llil bruary.

. .
(Jf, . . ;
""Ii "liD
"Tho Mo.cow to radio teletypo circuit M:
availaole to U.S. authorities only on even hour. G.Y.T.
oViets have use of oircuit during odd hours C.M.T. On
odd numbered daya of month, .ame circuit i. closed for
maintenanco bot"asn 0700Z and 0900Z. Thus on oertain
days circuit is out from 0700Z to 10OOZ. It i. expeotad
that oompletion of a<1ditions.l cirouit. will correct this
oondition in approx 1 J:IOnth.,
"Above de8cribed condition h8S osused msasase. to
arrive hers two hour. and 50 minute. aftar filing.
"Although I have as yet reoeivod no oomplaint from
the Rod Army General Staff regarding tilllll thsy are 1'0
oeiving information, it i. nevetholo knowo that the
Soviet., intend to restrict or oancol their a.rial opera
tiona in the BratislavB .rea at times the 15th Air FOrco
i. operating in thst area.
"After the reoeipt of your mouage by me, 'a lotter
must be "ritten and delivered to the Soviet General
Staff, tranelated by thorn, information contained therein
digeeted and decision mode, and messages aent to appro
priato Soviet COr:llllandors at ths front bsrore thsir air
foroel oan alerted for operotionl. Under Soviet
prooodure, this prooo i. tims conauming. It i. thsrs
fore felt that the late receipt of final mes.ages hore
caUie a loeo to the Soviete of opportunity to u.s
their air toroe on exieting terget. in their front dur
ing a large part of the operational day. It i. feel
ing that it would be desirable to set a deadline at
0600Z or earlier, if poasible, for transmiaaion of your
deoiaion ae to "hether or not a plan involving the
Bratislava area w111 be execut.d (nsgative information
requeated). hould devslopmenta after that time neoea
aitate sorubbing of e Bratialava area attaok previouely
oet up, it oannot be helped. If dsoieion weI'S given
that no attaok in that area ware to be made that day,
there woul<.l be dst'initely no change and the Soviets would
be tree to operate.
"It 1e reali.ed that thie might result in a lost
opportunity by ths 15th Air force to attack targets io
the subJeot area on deye of questionable weotber, but
thi. is felt preferable to denyins the Sovieta opportuni
ty to use their air foroe against targets in their imme
dtate front. It is slso felt that minimum operational
time would be denied them in the svsnt of a
tions breakdown if you told me time (within wbioh attacka
in that aroa would invarisbly be mado no that Sovists
oould detinitely count on nll time not within that
bracket for freedom of aotion by their nil' foros in tlwt
38. Oreaky thoUjJQ the moahanlem wne, at last ao,,", mea
sure of stfeotive ooopsration had at lesst boen sttainsd. On
the 28th, Oeneral Slavin proposed to tormalise it with an
agr....ant virtually !dental with the original llllta proposal.
70. lI-alle48.
(len.raI Sp"atz and G.noral Arnold quickly concurrod, but
Ceneral akor point.d out that tho .ift nth might not .lway.
be obI. to moet the 24-hour limit.
A faw more day. pd
in discussion before General Spaatz General Deane psrmio
.ion to .ign the agreecent after firat pointing out to the
Rua.ian. that the 2'-hour limit was op.rationally unr.aliatio."7B
And ao, on 7
roh, the .S. and British l'ilitary lliaaiona fo,.,.,.
ally agreed Tlith tho Red Air i'oroa that:
"It is a oed botwaen the Sov1at, Eritiah, and U.S.
Air Staffe that Itleh and American Air shell
not normally oarry out an operation .. lthln the zona
epecified below without prlor notifloation to the Sovlot
Oenaral Staff through the Brltlsh and or U.S.
in lIo..oow. In tlv> ovant that the Gr1tial. and U.3. lr
.orce.. wl.h to boub a tar60t In.ldo tho zona of 11l:11ta
tio , t 07 ,,111 elvo th ovlot Oenoral st.ff a mini""""
of 24 hour. notloo and will not oarry out oper.tionl to
whloh the Soviet Cenoral staff obJoot. In tho ablenoe
of .ny oommonte tho Soviet C.neral Staff, the
ritl.h and U.S. Air orce.. wl11 be frea to o.rry out
the oper.tion propoaad.
"The inltial zono abell be that botwo.n tho Sovlet
front line a ......1(1 tho lino Pos.valk, frontzlau, Angarmunde,
lJ.rlin, fluhland. Dr.eden. lino of Elba Rlver to Pardubioe,
rno, Vienna, V.ribar, zagreb. Th. lin. outh of zagreb
romains in Acoordanco With aflroement preViously 000
eluded. Points on 11>e lino of dotlaroatlon bltuen the
11mited and unl1mltod zona. are oonsld.r.a to b. In the
unllmlted zone and oonaequently to sttaok without
prlor notlfioation to tho Sovl.ts. attaeking
targeta on 01' near tn. boundary betwean tho unl1m1ted and
tho 11mlted zone wl11 on occaalon paaa tho 11m1ted
Under auoh the Soviet a wl11 be
notlfied as 10 bafore the attack a. is oparationally
"The Soviot Ceneral Staff will notify tha Br1tiah
and U.S. oslona in :'OSC01l at leaat 4G hours prior to
tha affaotlv. data of propoaad ehango. 1n zone 11m1ta
tloOll In ord.r that nocosoer" co-ordination cay be
off.oted wlth the brltiah and U.S. Alr Staffa.
"Th1a aero.. nt booo 0 affootlve at 0900Z loth
reb 1114 and re.,.lna in offeot until canosUed by ona
or moro of tho parties ooncerned."
UAX-65031. 20 bruaryj WARX-15553, 1 roh, -'7495, 1 II...
Aakad on , March (W-23021) to giva that muoh notice of the
route, tllM and altitude of fta nth Air Force fo'.-tlona
that might croaa tho SovIet lin a on tha way to a targ.t,
Canaral Eaker repliedI "We could glva you acourate opera
tional detailo ouch aa altltude, fl1llht path and ao forth
24 houra in advanoe If you could t.ll ua what th oloud
level and wind direotiona and velooiU88 will be 24 houra
in advance." (11-.7820, 5 llarob).
The honeymoon lastod a
a requaat from IIarahal lIhudyakov on lIarah 12th that he "ould
like daily attaake ln S..lnemunde "boaause ot a large aonaen
trat10n or C1eI'lllan shlpplng" and" ln the south he ..ould 11k. to
hava IlAAF make daily attaaka on aommunlaatlone, lupply dumpe
and troop ooncentratlona ln the area or Varaadln, Saombathely,
Weiner neuetadt, Vleone, Brat1alava and Gyor."73 Two .eeke
latar, .han the Rueelane nearad Vlenna, relatlone etl11 eeemed
reaeopabl,. stable. The,. told Genoral Deane the,. had no obJaa
tlon to Allled attaake oontlnuing on Vlenna "but elnae thelr
rightere ..111 be operatlna in the Vlenna erea they deelre that
nothlng eaet or eoutheaet or the trarrio aenter be
In the eame ... eeage General Deane euggeeted that "In v1a. of
reaant unfortunato lna1dont .1tb Ruealen a1raratt 1n the north,
lt would not be a m1.take to awltah targete to 004 farther
rrom the Ruealan tront.
' Unhappily, th1e I'8aommendat10n ....
not rollo.ed' and on 2 Aprl1 a number or Firteenth A1r forae
P-51...ere JUIIlped by Ru.aian flghtara near Bratlelava.
m1nor damase waa done to the alreratt, but the dellaato equlll
brlU11l ao pain1'\llly aahleved .. lth the Ru..1an High COllllllllnd 'as
ruptured, apparently beyond repalr.
40. In a 10 - ana17s11 or tbe aventa leadlng up to the
inoldent C1eneral Deana pointed out tbat the enaounter had 00
ourrad ealt or the 11m1ted zone boundary. "Sinoe the Sovlet.
ware not notified of proposed attaake or n1ght. eaet or the
11lll1ted lone boundary I aonolude that thia ... a vlolation of
our agreement .1th tha Rueaians." General Deane oontinued
73. 12 IIarah, Deane to Spaata and Eaker.
7.. 30 Jlaroh, Daana to Cannon.
7&. Sea 1IX-50.58, April, Cannon to Daana

. I 1 ' ".: .,', p.
.. "i <,.<',1,1"
J. "!J .. ' "


...,J..... '-.;.nu. ... oJ. ... ...2.

"Relations with the Soviets were, eV"n prior to
this inoident, strained to tho point that all Unitad
Statee aircratt in Soviet and Soviet oontrolled terri
tory had been grounded and negotiationa wlth them on
eny lubjeot were practically 1mpossible. I teel very
etrongly that our attempts to aasist the ned Arrq by
operating clole to their front 11ne. witbout being
invi tsd by thom to do 10 wll1 lsad to still turtber
ditticultiea and increaoed strain on relatlonship. I
reoommend that (1) we adhere atrlotly to tbe limited
&one egreement tor both Strategio and Taotioal Air
o"J (2) wa retrain trom tactioal eupport ot Ruedan
ground tore.. unleee speoifioally reque st..d by the
Ruaeiane to furnlab that aupport; and (3) that the
importanoe or etrate 10 target. in the H.dted aone be
evaluated vary oaretl111y, giving dua welgllt to tba
posaibla tao tor ot damage to the Ruasian-Amsriean re
lationahip whiob would reault trom enoountera likely
to ooour in attaoke within the llmited &one.-
41. on Washington oame i_elUate conourrsnoe b,
aen.rale rshall and Arnold, w 0 diraoted ths U.S.A.A.? to
act aocordlngly.77 UsanWbile, however, Oensral Deane reOOm
mended going still turther in tho direotion ot caution.
-We havs had 2 olash.. betwosn our a:lr toro.. and
Soviet ground and air foroes and a third !luoh inoidsnt
whicb occurrad on rch 22 was rapcrtsd b:r O.nsral
Twining today. 'rtunately no damaga waa done in
clashee reported by Oeneral 'hinlng. It:La my firm
oonvlotion tbat thue In.ldsnh do not ha'.e the import
anoe in the eyea ot the Sovista that they would lead ua
to belleve. They are, howaver, oontrihut:lng taotora to
a atrainad situation and represent an ale,nent in the
overall altuation wbere we muat our tault.
At the preeent atage of the war in Europe I believa that
wa oould remove the possib1lity of reourr"no.. ot auoh
inoident. at very little ooat to the war .. ttort. In
oonne.tion witb atrategio bombing, I reoo"...nd tbat wa
have a limited 80ne of sufficlent depth in tront ot the
Sovlet lines ao that olaahea wlth the Sovieta will be
avolded. thor, that we only onter the limited 80ne
tor the moat urgent reasons and always wlth ths ..xilDUlJl
advance notioe to tho Russians. I bolieve tho min1Mwa
depth ot the 11m1ted sone should be 50 milea and prs
terable 75.
"With re ard to taotical air support ot Soviet
troops, our ettorta in this respeot have never baen
1IX-236g5, 6 April, Deans to Csnnon and Arnold. Tha
etrained relations he as already exiating
were due to ssveral unoonnected inoidents, the 'moat
important being tho attempt ct an pl10t ot
the 40lat Bomb Op. who had toroe-landed near lIaraaw
to smuggle out a Pols he mot there.
WARX-64245, e April.
'-; ;
appreciated. On the contrary, they have been re.ented.
The attitude they take toward the claahes that have
occurred is evidsnce of their rsoentment. ! believe
we should aloo confine our tactical eir mie.icne to
targets .eot of the limited zcne and cnly perform tac
tical mieeions in support of Soviet troops upon their
12. no one oQled to arGuo an] lonzer. 'l'he Combined
Offenai ve had boon won and tho end or the War \'0.9 only
four waeko aWB7 and clearly in prospect. And sOlon 19 April,
in thfl same n:essago thot siin1fied thc end of the
Joint Chiefe of Staff dirocted that tho Allied air force.
f1 nbataln trot!l tactical air oporo.t1ons of Soviet ground forcee
except upon epecific rcqucst fro," the Soviet author1tiea."79
Evaluation, Clearances, etc. ThOUgh los. important
than the problems of Joint op.roticns with the Russians, the
matter ot Allied personnel into Russia and fuss ian
occupied territory for evaluation, intelligsnee and diplomatio
duties provod to be .lmoet as big. hsadachc for It
followed almost exactly the pattern ae the other negotia
tions -- altsrnate agreement and squabble, maddening delay.
and fUlal complote frastration. And, also like tho other n060
tiaUon., it eame to tho fore whan nUlll/lnieto capitulation led
off the collap.e at tho luna.
44. On August 26 tho Combined Chiefs of Staff cebled
tho Mo.cow Missions that it was essential that the Ruasiana
should forootall destruotion by the Germans of important tar
get., etc. in Russian-occupied territory. A list of
wa. ofter.d aa well e. reoiprocal treatment for Soviet in
ve.tigator. in British and Aln<lr1oan-oacupled orman,.. lIo reply
wa. rea.ived tram the Ru.sians until 2 November, when r.olotov,
in ".ponae to a frat:>. Anthony Eden, agreed on neoo..a1'1
78. 1IX-:l361l1l, 6 April.
'19. WX-701tO, 19 April.
'.' ...
'7" ,I ,.
, :.<, .... (1 ,
preventlon ot

MAAF had not
walt.d on turtle-slow maneuvrea
gatlng Alr's sooompllsbment ln Rumanla, partlcularly Plo.etl.
45. As a by-produot of Operatlon RZVNION, the resoue ot
1,100 Amerloana trom Bucharest on September flrst and thlrd
whlch was d.tailed ln Chapter XV, OSS and MAA F
offlcors arrlved ln Buoherest bofore the Russlan Army and auo
oeedad ln grabblng ths oomplete recorde of all the Ploeatl
Bavlng tbua gott.n a toot ln tb. door, MAAF
puahad lta advantage to tho hilt, tormally requestlng appronl
on 2 Soptemb.r for tb. ovaluatlon t.ams whiob, ln otfeot, bad
already arrlv.d.
And, aa wa. ao ott.n tho caeo whan pr.
aented wlth a falt aooompll, tho Rua.lan. aoqule.ood on 14
A really oomploto ovaluatlon of the mo.t lmport
ant .trat.gl0 targ.t ln Europ. -- Ploostl -- re.ult.d and waa
of trsmendous value ln the furth.r prol8outlon of the ollJllP.llgn
agalnst 011. Non.thel.s., from th.n untl1 the .nd of the war
the Rulana pr.v.nted any fUrthor on-th.-spot .valuatlon ot
major Alll.d targ.ts ln t.rrltory und.r Sovlet oontrol.
46. MAAF'e evaluatlon of wa. handl.d Jolntly
by the AAF/trrO Evaluatlon Board, tho tteonth Alr Foroe and
thoreafter, on 3 November, Seoretary of Ylar
5 M...age 314, 12 January 1945, AI/SSO to APRQ for re
oapltulatlon of tho.o n.gotlatlon
Seo Report, datod 1 Ootobor, by Captain A. Salant, VolxxxvnI
Urged G.n. Eak.r (111-29986)1 "It 1. b.llov.d very lmportant
that thl. authorlzatlon be obtaln.d lf polble before
the .vld.noe has b.en permenently lost through the
up and r.pair Heeults obtaln.d ln the Plotl 011
fl.ld. by alr attaok, ae det.rmln.d by the Ev.luatlon
Board, wl11 undoubtedly largely vern our teohniqua of
.trateglG bombardment
Th. AAF Evaluation Board/WTO, h.aded by Major G.neral John
C. curry, wa. attaoh.d to Rq. AAF/loITO ln June por WI> Let
tar A0334j0B-S-AFREQ of 23 August 1944 whloh reeolnd.da
previoua l.tter dated Jun. 9. n.ll.r from attaohment,
erfeotive 22 February 1945, was reoord.d by AAF/wrO AO
lettsr 320.3, 19 April.

St1meon appolnted Mr. Franklln

q..r a ' ',II'W,J ..
overall U. S. Stratesio Bombing
Survey oalled for by Prel
dential direotive. The problema of sendi
evaluation teama
into Russian-held territory thorefore beoame primarily thl
ooncern of the USSBS. But continued to have a deep inter
eet in the catter and .ae continuously involved in the negotia
tions. For several months thele turned on the delirability of
10nding leveral teams to t1apoat.
P made elahorate "lana
oarly in Ootoher for Col. Kraigher to take an ACRU to the
Xu Brian oapital as eOon II it fell to lU)ue all UP P;WI
thlrl and tor a lublequlnt tell3 to evaluate the many llAAP tar
gets in the Budapelt area. Clearanoe wal requeoted tor the
latter party on 4 Nov8lllher.
Simultanoously Col. tjer in
ohar8lt wal pleading with Goneral Vorohiev tberl for permls.
oion to mavo hie liaieon unit to tho Budapelt area.
Wo havo
already sOln how oompletoly the Soviete etale-matod that aug
eeation. Thoy eoon ehowed theJ!llelv81 equally uninterested in
othor VAAF unit. viliting Budape.t. Three monthe later. on
24 January. no olearanee haVing yet beon reoeived for either
the evaluation team or the ACRU. Ooneral Eaker relorted to tho
expedient ot Ittachine Col. KrBlgher to tho Amerioan 11litary
Killion to nungary headed by Oeneral Kay.B7 t Key h1meelf
did not glt ollaranoe to go to Hungary until bruary. and then
it WRe to Dehreoln. not dapest. On the lBth of FObruary
Glneral J(oy finally flow there. Kreigher ...ith hill.
(7. It ...ould he tedious to reeapitulate all the mel
sages to and fro Ibout Budapelt.
Sufnoe to lay that by
Per M-36176, Eaker to Deane.
S.e DC107. tjer to Eaker. 4 November.
PX-llOll50. MoNarnlY to Deane. requeeted olearanoe for
J(raigher on thie baoi
Among theml Deane to Eaker. 9 Novemberl Air
50 Xission to eAAF, lB Nov; K-21BOO. Deane to Eaker.
Novi K-2209S. Deane to Eaker, 20 Deo; a eomment
waa Dean.'. gue.. In 11-21BOO tha t Ruaa1ans fear that th"1
w111 haVI a hsavy fight to oapture Budapest and thly feel
that w. shall olaim that we reduoed it to shambles whioh
enabled them to walk In."
Mw I
23 l"1Ibruary When aoneral Spaatz asked 1ffO
getting a USSBS toam into in aooordanoe with agree nt
reaohed at Yalta,aQ both lAAl' and General Dean. tlere abotJ; roady
to give up the et
le. On the 25th the 1& tter disp&ssionately
up tho situation.
"Reo ntly I hove reoeived a treat number of requute
tor United Statee epeoialiete 0 to the nulsian tront
tor a var1ot7 of roasons. ife have a Hst of over 1100 in
tell enoe targete suo. as sxperimental litll, radiI'
taotories, ate. that tho iti.h and our psoplo tlish to
vilit. There are a considerabls number of plaosl that tha
D'W.ier ilomb Evaluation Group desire. to visit. W. Ira
endeavour1ng to lond prisonor of r oontaot officer. to
var10us oentors 1n Poland. There 1s a request for a
geodetio lurvey team to operate with Soviet front linl
units. We have a roquest to o.tablish micro-ll .tation
ea.t of !lorlin. There has been a request that Amelt oan
and photo raphors vieit oitios and
write storio.. Ths O.S.S. wants to have teams in Hungary
and Poland. In noarly all oaoeo thes. request. have bean
lubmitted to tho Soviet General Staff. Eaoh proJeot and
eaoh toaa plaoes an 8dm1.'"11stl'8.tiVtt burden on Dovlet com
bat unita and it is diffioult for me not to Iympathise
with thoir resietanoe.
"Certain of thos' pro.joote, S"OI1 a. the Mioro-I!
Itationa, are operationally importlnt Ind Ihould be
pUlhe" vigorouely. Our prisoners of VIaI' should be oon
taoted and repatriated ae aoon as posaible. Howevor, I
beliovo that intelH1\enoe teams of all typos, including
bomb evaluation teama, should be oarefUllya.raened .. to
noceuity and kept tc a bareat minimum. In aMiticn,
thora is a duplioation ot requests made by tho Britiah
ond our.elveal 1'01' oxample, tie each have requeate being
coneidered by tho Soviets to havo teams visit Bleohhammer.
"I lug<;ost that tba Combined Chiefs of Starf direot
Aroher and me to prope.. to tha nus.ian. that we b.
authoriaed to establiah 2 or II intelligenoe oenters in
Western Poland or Eastern Germany, with poaaibly one in
tha dapeat araa, to oovar all types of intelligenoel
fUrther that the.. conteI" be made up or roupa of mini
mum eize, but inoluding all tl'p8s of inte lisance experta.
Each conteI' 1Iould then be roquired to cover an ar R and
will be permitted by the Ruesians to prooeed in Imaller
teems to looations of intorest whonever auch visits did
not interfere with Red Army operations.
"I have no assuranoo that tho Sovieta would be re
oeptiva to this idea. Rowover, I think that after all
the requssts they are now reoeiving, the Sovieta reel
that they are "be nibbled to death by 0 duck." I all
afraid that we are strengtheni '" 0 Une" cOl:lI'lex on the
part or the Ruasians that is alroady pretty woll estab
a9. Uo4-84729.
90. 1!X-1l201X>.
Muoh dlsousslon folloVisd botweon USSTAP, fAAP, 48.
USSBS, etc. as to tha ccmposition of the contralization thus
proposed and, early in Col. Ames of USSBS headod for
Ru"sia VIl th fUli details. Like Oenoral Hall a few days later,
he eot no fartbor than 'Jehersn. Desplte. strong massags to
Osnsral Deano from General tho would not
coopel'ate and Col. Ames :rottu'ned to the STO. iThen Goneral
Ce.nnon then again raised tho question of a blAAP "'leld Intslli
genoe for Ludapeat, Oeneral Deane replied on 6 April,
"It ie felt that due to etrained Soviet relations, no ueeful
purpose would bc served by submi93ion of the p ojeot at the
present time."92 nally, on 19 April, in tho same disgruntled
meuage,03 that eignalized the end of and of taotical
air support of the nussianB, the J cis dirscted:
"That we abandon all efforts to introdues United
state. psrsonnel into the USSR or USSR-Oontrolledterri
tory on matters to the United States in
the proeeoution of the preeent war. and that all projeots
involving ArnsricQn _lesions to Russia be oleared by an
agenoy of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Exeeption to the
for-eoine will b_ made for suob projsots as the laval
Survsy Party for the Gdynia aree., and the United State"
mbing Survey Teamo."
49. Repatriation. Still anoth.r major matter supposedly
aottlsd at the Yalta conferenoo was the hnndlinc of Allied
Uberated trolu the flede. Like BO' many other arrangslllents with
the Soviets, tho procedure we.e firet established with a simple
80UI'.ding agreeroent, whioh thon broke 110wn aadly.
60. Concluded on 11 robruary, the agreement'came be
WARX-54ll7, 17 Verch. Excerpt, "strategic US Combing SurYOY
waa formed as a result of a direotive from the Preaident
to tho Saeretary of War. Oeneral agreament to entry of
teams on this Burvay to IlbjBctivea captured by the . al1ana
waa aereed betw.en :tarahsl Stalin 'snd President Rooaevelt
at Yalta. 110wiTh3 the goneral of the
lev.l, detailad roquirement. weI'. pre.entel1 to of
Aviation Kbul1yakov at Yalta rurther detaila to ba arranged
on the AlllSrloa" .ide by D'OUe:l' and Hq. USSTAF and at
)loacow by you and 111."
, .,
'_ , _1 " \lIII
't' ".
!I \ .. '" ytD
... .Jll0Ii . \.0\. <'
known ARGONAtrr 150 bec.usa or the "", nUlllber or the
oable reportlng 1t. Mo.t of the peraonnel lnvolvad were, of
oourae, the ground fore.a, but there wero conalderable
.1rm.n too. It w.a .greed that

"All Sovlet cltlzens liberated by the force. operat

ing under U.S. Co....nd and all U.S ubjeote liber.tad
by the foro08 operatlng under Sov1et COlllllland wUl, with
out delay .tter thelr liberation, be eeparated en811l1
Prl.on.r. ot War .nd wl11 be maint.ined aep.rately tro.
tnelll ln oamp. or polnt. or concentratlon, until they
have been handed over to the Soviet or U.S. authorlt1
ch ot the contracting parties ehall be at Uberty to
uae ln wlth the other party .uch of lts own
means ot traneport .a may bo .v.llable
61. It w on the atrength ot thie laet aentenee that
P became particularly involved, for lt sesJll8d exped1tl_
.nd a ndble to all to use .1rplanu in 0&808 to ra

oov.r Allied P/We. All but the Russi.ns, that is. At tir.t
it .ppeared that there would be no trouble either in aending
airplane. or AIUed "p/W cont.ct" part108 intO place. 11ke
Poland to expedite the reoovery prooeaa. On:l roh General reportedl
"At meeting with Soviet Repatriation Committee this
.rternoon I fta inforllled that there .re now 1,200 Ameri
oan Prlaoners of War ln Ode.....nd 1.600 under Rusd.n
oontrol. I e.timate that thla Ugure will be expanded
to perhaps eomewhere between 2,000 .nd 3,000 by the ti...
all pr1aonerre rounded up. lIy reports from Od....
are th.t oonditions there are extremely eati.r.otory.
"The evaouation to Ode.aa from point. ot or
liberation hae been pretty rugged on the 1ndividuals.
They broke up into .mall group. and 11ved on the oountry
untU tinally oolleoted by the Rusalana .t haatily or
aaniasd colleotion pointa, and thence av.cuated by rail .
to Ode..a. Soviets hava now agreed to .llow Aalrloan
oont.ct tealllll to be t 4 cr 6 pcinta ot conoentration in
Poland. The 88 points .re to be designated Konday, .nd I
will get tile cont.ct teams there as aoon .a pouible.
eanahile. I .1lI tryl to get tc Pol.nd mr.elf for l.t
band infOl'llllltion of the eituation. They .grud that
iNppUe. can be nown into the Soviet conoentration
points .nd the .iok evaouated by air to Polt.v
Acon the plane the Sovieta now whioh .re the
.....e we have been atriv tor,.re put into efteot I
think that tho .ituation will ole.r up .nd that our ex
Prieoner. of W.r will have the beat tre.tment po.aible
under the oondition.. Sovieta .ttribute thair trouble.
thua t.r to "growing paine" of a new org.nlution. A
matter ot tect. they have done .n almo.t mlraouloua Job
in getting .11 th..e prl.oners thelr present fro'
to Od.... in such hort time.' ,
W '
a '" ... ,,.
52. Upon mO:lSA reque. t, lIAAPat on08 arrllll
10 to thia reoovery sork. In Uoaoow, moan_nile,'
Oeneral Hill oonaidored that tho polioy on alr evaouation had
bean settled on 26 February. He signallad
P, who dUly pa88ed
tha me.aage ala to Col.
tJer in ouoharast
"At a muting yost rda;y with r.hal of Aviation
Ehudyakov, matter of salvage of airoraft waa diaouaeed.
Khudyakov.reoommend d, and I a eed. that .alvage of
airoraft and evaouation of orow. north of Carpa thia"a
ahould be handled by ESCO aod south tharsof under
direotion or J.liadon at or Debreoen.
"Sinoo thla haa been normal prooedure aa far a. ESCQII
io oonoerned. I forward information only in oonfirmation
ot exiating praotioa. Ho alao authorisod ua to return
repairod foroed landed aircraft vla uohareat, whloh
oedure wl11 bo tollowod io tuturo."90
53. Eut aomething went amise. On 23 Karoh Oeneral Hill
ai lIed trom Moaoow:
"For your information. but without raoo_endation
tor aotion on your part. .inoe avery ertort ia baing made
to oolve the problam hare. I am turniahing below data on
the laok of ooop ration by tha Sovieta in oonneotion with.
and. in faot, thoir interfer.noo with. tha evaouation Of
foroe landed airoraft and orewe:
" 24 No. 428618 was foroe landed at Mieleo, Poland.
on 26th Deo '44. When our repair oraws vi.ited tho .ite
for thB purpo.e or .rrocting neooeaary minor rapair. to
make airplane tlyablo, they found it had boen ohopped up
in emaIl pieoos ami that 2 of the enginos had been haulal
away by the Soviete. Strong proteat waa made over thi.
inoident. and 'arshal !lhudyakov intormed 1118 that he had
inatruotione to plaoe uards on all foroe landed airoraf\
to preolude the poa.ib lity of a reourrenoo. In apite ot
thia, information haa juat boen rooeivod that B-17 No.
448130, whioh landed at Rogosno airtiald, Poland, on 3rd
Feb waa aimilarly daatroyad by the Sovletal. and that 8-17
No. 207200, whioh landed noar Jaroinon, Po and, on 3rd
Feb was atripped ot all parts. In the latter oa08 the
local Soviet aut oritie. reporte to our repre.ontative.
that the parta were being uaad in E.-25. I have
again made etrong proteat to Karahal Xhudyokov and a.ked
for a thorougb inveatigation.
"8-17 No. 446508, piloted by Lt. King, landad south
eaat of on 3rd .eb vithout inoident in order to
repair 011 oooler. Airplalle was repaired on 4th b and
on next day waa instruoted to tollow a nuaaian C-47
to Lida for purpose of retuelling w1th 100 ootane ga.o
line. C-47, however, prooeeded to SZ70zusn instead ot
Lida. 'I'ho ..ian aenoral at Ssyozuan told them that th",
ga. UX-2293g. It wae forwarded to
lIi '.
could get 100 ootane -asoline th reo 5 Co orete roller.
ware movad by the Ru.aians in front of the propallors to
prevant take-ott. on 19th Feb King was oleared but
flight waa canoelled at the last minute. On 26th b
a removed by tho cr to ena le them to taka
ott, but tisld Wae olosed on aocount of tog, and ss18ns
movsd the <'01 rs book and dug ditohes behind the plane.
Russians reported bad weather eaoh day, but weather i.
known to have hoen flyable. On 12th roh tho ...18n
bomber group at Szycsu&n was moved to tide and It was
required to fly his' -17 On 18th 'srch K1na "AI
oleared tor K1ev. Upon arrival at ev weather looked
good and King proceeded on to i'oltua. This inoidsnt
has likewise bsen broUGht to arshal Khudyakov's atten
tion and invsstis-tion requested.
"There have been numerous instanoes in Whioh airoraft
have been down for oonsiderable periods at time before
information roaohed either me or ;>ton at Poltava in
opite of :arshal Khudyakov'e oontinued ..suranoe that I
would bo notitied promptly by Russian authoritiss in Mos
cow of each forQe-landed U.S.
"I have instructod Hampton'at oltava to send a
guard to eaoh downed airoraft as aoon as information is
reooived thereon pending the arrival at ropair crows.
Ooneral Eakar eent 15 additional meohanios ysstsrday
via Toheran to Poltava, whioh will epoed the repair work,
and Oeneral Spaats has bean aaked to turnish additional
mechanios. Reports trom Russians indbate that there are
now 39 airplanes down bohind Russian linee, tho majority
of whioh oro believed to bo ropairable, and it is be
lieved thare are more wbloh hava not baen reported.
"It is impooeible for anyone who hi.. not boen on duty
at this Misoion to oonooive of the blooks whioh tho s
siane Oan build in the path of oonotructivo projocts,
whioh are, in facti of diroot help to their war errort as
well os the oversl war effort, but oonstant effort is
being to seoure Rus.ian co-operation on all pro
54. om thsn on things wont trom bed to woraa. The

Soviets oaught the above-mentioned Lt. !tins to ""'uggll
a Pole out of Ylarlall by givinc him tho name ot Jack SIIlith snd
pesslns him off aa a orSll member. That really upheavsd matters.
Clearance ot planee in and out of Ruseian-held territory was
In ottect stoppsd completely for Icveral weeks and only res,...d
under fantastically rigid controls. And w,ile this orisis ..s
at a peak cams another incident, in Bucharest.
55. On:5 April as forco-landed UP men arrived in the
RwBanlan capital by train snroute to Odsssa.
They man
, -
tJ... JJ J
,. . r' ft

telephone the MAA? Lial.on et.ohmcnt,
train deapite the ordera of the Rusa1an offioar ln oharGa,
planning to fly tham to Italy ln aooordano. wlth 'arahal lQlud
yakov's agre.ment wlth Oeneral Rl11. ilut the local Ruaalana
apparently had ","v.r haard of thb oompaot, for on 4 April
Gan.ral Susa1kov, ohie of tho Sovlet mil1tary r.prea.ntatlon,
aummon.d O.n.ral .enlor Amerlcan repr.a.ntatlve, and
"Exprd surprl that ortlc.r. und.r my oommand
would b. to com. to tho ral1road atatlon and
'spirlt' GO m.n away, stat.d that h. baa no au
thority to chance ord.ra issu.d ln name of 0 mand of
3rd Ukrainlan 0 t, has flatly refuaod my r that
he oall 0800" tor clarlflcation in this r.sard, and
.tated that as far 8S ho 1. ooncerned, thOle men mUlt
continue on to Od.a.a for sea departlng
Buohareat 1900 hour. B thl. dat"W7
56. AF at ono. G.neral to obtaln
olar1tioatlon from tho Ruaaian High COllllllllnd.
flut time ....
inautficient. Same day -- 5 April -- Col. aetjar' a1gnalled
from tha t 60 of tho' as flyers had gone on to Od...a
over 'our stroll{; prot t" and that "Oeneral Sohul'ler refus.d
to turn ov.r 2S a. phyo1oa11y unfit for furth.r t,rav.1,."99
On tha o1xth Gen.ral Hl11 wrote l'Jirshal Khudyakov' asklng "that
h. dlss.minate the t.xt or our oral agrmant to p.rtln.nt
Ru.a1an official" Hl11 furth.r ooar.:.nt.d to Os,neral Cannonl
"I n.v.rthela rs.l that tho caa. ln qu.st10n ia
11Io1'. a v1tiation of my agra.ment wl th lQludl'akov than 1t
ls a result or look of propsr d1sl.m1natlon of lnforma
tlon th.r.on. At tbe preeont tl.tJe there are 163 a1rorew
mon at Poltkva wbos. evaouatlon 1 havs bn unable to
err.ot. Alao, slno. tho flylng ban went lnto. rfaot, no
addltlonal toro. landed orew have arriv.d at Poltava.
I th.r. tor. oonolud. that tho Russians han adopt.d a
polioy ot sbipp 'suoh lndlviduals to by train
for .ea .vaouatlon to Italy wlthout .xt.nding tho oour of lnforming us of aotlon or tho r.asona
th.rafor." 00
57.' thar light waa thrown on tho situation lour da1a
latsr whsn a.naral Sohu11.r racslnd tho lollowin<; not. from
97. K-6S0,' Aprll, SohU11or to MTOUSA.
9S. K-50688, Cannon to, 5 April.
99, tJar to Cannon, 5 Aprl1. .
100. 6 April. 5 aloo 7 April.

'Jt.) ....
r. .",
i ,
General Vinogradov, Chief of Staff, AC ,t..\ \.
... "" "" -. .,
nIn one of our converso. t ions, and in a eLlO i..
addrea.ed to me, you reterrod to aome agre ment .up
po.edly roached betwaen !larshal Jihudakov and 'In ral
Hill in the que.tion of the evacuation of the American
flyers from bucharest to uari, Upon Avia
tion 'arahal Rhudyakov replied that 0 aareement in thi.
queetio had been concluded, Apparently tho infgrmation
received by you doea :rn agree with tho fact.,"l 1
Slmultaneoualy, Gonoral Sueaikov 0 red that tl, 20 ho.pital
iced MP man and 24 a it1onol flyerD who arrlved on 8 April
bo prepar
for hi""", t to ODea by noon 11 April,102 Deane
then uld he he " ropraa ntat10 to tonov" but raco 4
mended that "no atopa be taka against Den a1 Gusalkov's
ordara to bold any air cr whose movo cnt waul not ad
ver.ely atfect their fU&ure health,"103 And eo onc more the
United State. bowD to the asiana -- all but 5 ot the dia
puted lyera went on to Odoesa on tho llth,l04
58. t tbia point t.l'.'OLSA and!JAA threw up hands,
On 12 April tho Cormor r forred tho whole problem
to &he War Department, Plrat it liated what the had
done to liberat d uaeiana:
"Upon receipt of AROONAUT 150, this t eater made an
all out e fort to implement the Torma a. lndi
a. A eeparate .tag1ng oamp .... immediately ea&ab
li.hed ln ,,1J: t;h Army area 1n lorenae; and a
baee oamp in 'ri. Only minimum admlnl.trative per
eonnel and no arda ..era providod at eaoh 1nstalla
tion. 'l:he ueo1ana woro porm1tted and en"ouraged
to .et up t o1r own oa"'p
b. Sovl ta of all aato&orlea taken, aftor .crooning,
are taken to tho 'lorenoe OUlp, are refUrb1ehed, and
are furnished "lothing, PX auppl1ea and alllOnlt1e. on
the allJ:1e e"ale Q8 for L'S par.onnel. After :n1nilltUll
in U-715, 10 Aprl1, Schuyler to UTOUSA.
-704, 9 Aprl1, S"huyler to WTOU A.
-23791, 10 prl1.
K-718, 11 Aprl1, Schuyler to MTOUSA, 0 weeka later,
however, 1n the "a.e of a .1:n1lar group of .u P ...n 1n
poor conditlon who reported to Oeneral e1 in H-
the unpredictable Sovieta grant d perQ1.a10n for them
to be evacuated to Ital t! D
Apr11, 1 to J.lo.larney) 1-' ' " : ", I

1'.ln\1_1\ , '
tl \I 'f;J1 \ ..:}:;. l.i.'

procesaio,;. th y arc ........JS
qUickly ... pOBsible to ..
o. With oampB BBtabliahed and rnachinBry for ha
ing aet Up. the Soviet Military Mi.sion wa. oon
tacted and rBpre.entativee werB takBn to inspect
both campa. ;hey "Bro highly plea.ed. and Btated
the trBatment Siv n wa. "too good". if anything.OlOS
TOUSA went on to detail the difficulties of Getting U.S. pBr
aonn.l out of Soviet tsrritory. remarking "Evaouation from
Od.... continuo8, over 2,600 AonerloBna bav1
deborkod to
dat.. Howev.r. a ahlpmant of B84 Americana arriving on
2 April repo,-ted boing h.ld at Odeasa.... virtual POW,. umor
Sovi.t ArlllOd Guard ponding embarkation." i1nally, in what
Jll1ght well be terltl8d an epiloGue. not juot on repatriation. but
on all l4edlterran an relatione wHit the Ruedans. 111'005 oon
"Thia hoadquartsre doaa not undsratand the inter
protation ot th Yalta a eomont by tho Soviet Govornment above, and desired inatructiona from the
D.part....nt on the policy to be follo.....d pending olarifi
oation ot the Soviet intentions."
:;\l. Th. 'Iar D.partment repl,. oam. fiv. day. later in
that aame aweeping J ols eesage whioh .nd.d the negoti.tiona
for PAA TIC, taotioal air support and introduction of U. S.
per.onnel into the USSR,
"That we r.queat tha Sovi.t Authoritiee to
atranded a1rcratt and evaouate theM and our
air orawe to a oentral point in the na ana where they
will be turned ovor to ue for onshipment to Italy; and
that i thi. ia a read, wo inform the Soviot Authoritio.
that we NO onger require th air ba.e at POLTAVA
and, at the alllllD tlma, expreaa our gratitude for the
Itoapitslity the,. have .xtend.d to U8 in oonnection with
the "AlITIC a...n106
60. But when the war endod, the Soviet. still re s.d
"return of forced-down airm.n from lkana through
105. Lett.r AG A-Q. SUbj.ot: R.qut for Clarifica
tion ot Sovi.t Int.ntions of the Yalta A raem.nt.
106. WX-701tO, 19 April.
107. F'X-70300, cH.rney to AGWAR, 4 lay.
Chapter XVIII
. ,
'IiV Ii
1. The laet great Ilat no for Italy began, on the ground,
on 9 Aprll 1945. A. usual, however, tho editerranean Allied
Air rou had bun oOlMitted long bsforo. om IIAAF'e point
of vlew day was 22 June 1944, when UATAP .a. instruoted to
edvanee Its l10e of interdiction of Oerman communications to
the Po.l Thereafter the Taotlcal Air Foroe, helped on "''V
occaolon. by Streteglc, bent its efforte to otrangling Oerman
eupply 11ne. in on ever-developlng continuatlon of the prooe
durea evolvod before :asolno fell in y.
2. On 12 LL'lRY MAJOR" Inltlated full
aoale Interdlctlon 010 the 11ne of tho Po -- In four dayo
18 of the 19 bridges acrcse the Po Rlver from Placensa to the
sao were out or blocked, 12 be10g destroyed totally or havlng
gapo of over 500 fest In length. The invasion of .outhern
Franoe then Interfered wlth proseeutlon of the Italian Oam
paign, depleting Field lIarehal Alexander'o armiee and General
Cannon'e taotloal alr forcee and enabllng Keeselring'o beaten
dlvialone to regroup, oatoh thelr breath and dig in along tho
Plaa-R1adnl Line. Arter the 1ovadon of ance had been ao
oompllabad, a renewed Allled offenalve 10 Italy'in Ootober
penetratad the IIIOS t formida ble German d ofenee 11ne and. orunched
to wl thln a dosen mileo of Bologna and tho flat ,plaino of ths
Po Valley. But thore it petered out 1oto a otalo-lll4te remi
nlooont of th_ prevlous wlnter at Cae81no. And, as before
par amendment to MAAF Operatlons Inetruotion o. 8.
Sa_ p. 200, "U1atory of IIAAii"


Casslno, .hl1s the mlred and eXhauet ground foroes
alo.l,. bunt up atrength, UI' wae 0 t ov.e@ flY. . "'.., from
Ootobor through 'roh throttl1ne the
and prevsntlng a oorresponding bul1d-up In German muscle.
3. Th full ato of the Intordlotlon oampalgn In Nor
thern Ital,. ls more proporl,. told In the hletorles of the
Twelfth and rlttesnth All' 01'088.
SU1'tic. to sa,. h re tbat
fro:n 20 Jul,. to 20 November tha Po brldgoe '01'0 kept cut
of the tim h11e tho attack spresd raduall,. to athol' rail
and road ... ova r tho wob Po Val loy and Northorn Ita ly.
In November oonoontrated on t 0 bronner Pa bo an
.1th Oporatlon III 'GO'. Desplt tho peculiar d1tf1cultles ot
tho sltuatlon -- notorlous .oather, hlgh mountalns, elaborate
&moke screens, terrlflc flak -. the Branner route .e, out
01' the tlmo bet.een November and Aprl1.
Mean.hl1e, con,tant
ly oomplelllOntlng TAI"s cutting of supply artorle, 'aa Stra
teglo's might,. oampalgn agaln.t tho llre-blood of the ensmJ
.ar maohlne -- fuel. The rosult .aell etated In tha 0-2
estlmato of the sltuatlon on 3 Aprll. week bofore the ground
attaok .as launohed
"DespIte the almoot cataotrophlc sequonoe of events
on GermaDJ's westorn ,ront, thero hss boen 11ttle ap
parent raperaus.lon on tho onomy'o poll07 and IntentIon.
In It.l,.. lie oho conl1derablo norvousno IS as to Al
lIed intentIons but Is obvloualy dotorm1ned to melt any
offensIve operatlons In hl. pres nt posltlona. Thl. has
Indeod beoome almost tho only posslbla course open to
the ensmy. Condemned no. ss a result of ble vIrtual
1aolat1on frOlll tho Relch to rotaln a largs foroo In
Ital,. and to oocupy lD,rgo areas of ItaUan terrItory,
and una le to carry out s goseral voluntary
to a more eoonomlcal 11ne ml11tarlly In vl0' of dlmi
nlshl el resouroes .hlcb must be for the
more vltal delllllnd Of a raersuard actl0 to the Po, the
eseJll1 can hardl,. do bot tel' than a.alt attack .here he
stands. He Is In .ell prepared and heavl1,. defended
a. Ses elso IIATA? Reports on" LLORY lIAJO'l", "BI 0", etc.
3. T1wre .ere outs In the Une on 149 out or the 181 da,.. be
tween 1 November end 1 lay. Seo Intelllgeno.'e
'IIeekl,. "statue of Intordlatlon" Reporte, Vol. XXXvm
AFlIQ Comblned weakl,. Intelllgenae S\1llllllllry 1/ " ... \" :\

po.iti.ons bllclNd by a sorios 0 h lin... Ilia
formations are bstter found 1 " 8 al than
any other. in the Osman army " elf ,AV
rt.lca of piecemaal encircloment a, f i)'jl 1,11.rtU.p-17Cf-
tion 1f forced into :nobile battle sout d!' -t!:tb" po,bJi
hi. best ehane of av01ding thio is to .tay
t nd .hare he now stand3.
4. Only a month bo fora it had sce"",d that a tinal
Alli.d attack would b u=oc...ary. for tho Oor:nan a ....i.s in
Italy had begun surr.ndor n.gotiations wlth AillQ.
t. in
JlI1d-I.Iaroh. whon Il:.u.lrins _s orderad ta too crlJ::lbl1ng Wt
ern ant and roplaoed in Italy by Gen ral Von V1.t 'hoff.
the ne(;otiationa dragg d. rho Alliod Conmand then doc1<l0d to
lau"OO "Operation ORAPBSIl<7r", the "15 Anrq Group spn of
fensiv. d.signed to dtroy the on8my foraes 1n Northarn lta
ly."& The.. totalled 25 sub-.trength but so..onod O.rman
dlvlslons plus 6 unrollablo Itallan divisions. Oerman
and 1 Itallan dlvlslons in tho 11ne, wlth 3 O.rman dlvi
810na ln l .....diato roSQrve lIOuth of the Po.
ol.d "'arshal
Al xander,' who had suoceodod Goneral Wilson as SllOfJED on 12
Doool::ber 1944, outlin.d his lntontlons ln a slg"",l to tho
Drltleh Chlofs of Staff on 22 rch,_6
"Tlma ls approachlng whsn weakonlng wlthdrawal
of OSl'lllllna on Ita11an front will offsr favorable oppor
tunlty for O8W all-out offonalvo.... Plan provldu pro
lim1nary op.rationa on Eaa t and Woa t flanla. first, th.n
on D-day Elabth Al'iII7 attacks north of lligh"ay 9 towards
Argenta and Budrio, thenco rrara. in attack by
I) Anrq to follow 8 Art:rj' by , days or more (Leponding on
81tuation. l'1rth Arrrry elther take Bologna or by-p..s
to sst thonee to l;ortho..t and l;orth tow81'<la Po and

6. AFt. intontiona woro xp... sasd on 2 Aprl1
Operatlons Instruction'12. Excerpt:
"Tho Ceditorranoan Ailled Tactlcal Alr 'orce will
oontinue ite ase1gned rolo in Italy. The tempo of
.dit.rranean Alll.d Tactlcal Alr Foreo's uttaeka .ill
be increaa.d to tho pitoh to pave the .ay for
tb. advanoe of tho Al11.d troop. into tho Po Vallay and
6. A Q aBI-1l89.5C6/6. 25
6. l'X-48001
heyona. Tho dotailod ocploymont or the Air rooco. a.
eot forth io 'editcrraneao Allied Tactical Air roe
Oporation In.truotion ,umher 17 dated 30 rch
and amondmont. thercto, .uhjoct i.
approved. Thia Feadquartcr. \7i "'l!lI 'od',i' di!'t"EII
by CO TAl' of any change. in 0 '101' 011 'R.;' f
"Certain targets In tho path ot the oft.nsivo ro
quire tlla omploym.nt of tho Strata ic Air roroe. The
Oonoral, Kedlterranoan Allied Taotioal Alr
Yoroo will nominata tho tor ate to b attaoked by the
Strategio Alr Poroe. To insuro oomplote ooordination
at e tfort end tho 1= .tnclen.y- at tho toroo. di
reot 1181eon between the Keditorranoan Allled Tactioal
Air 'oraB and the 'editerraneo.o All ad fjtr4ta 1c Air
oroe 1. authorlsed and enjoined.
"To preolude any cbance or Injury to our advanoing
troops the attaok or tho 01000 pport tar ota no t.d
by Iledi terranoan Allied Tac tical Air tor the
odlterranean Allied Strnt.gl0 Alr will require
the uttlOa t oare and tloeeae In planning and exeoutlon.
All signal aide, por.oo.'>ol, anj equipment neceseary to
furnish route marldnge to t bomber toro.. and to poal
tivoly detlna t"" target area w111 be asse",bled snd
operating. Cre..a wl11 bo thoroughly brie ted and tur
nlshed all snd aid. to n.ure no unfore.een
Inoident oan ooour to mar tho perfeotlon at the attaok.
Llaleon, as authorlzed by CO IAIITA., wlth the ground
foroee and vleual reconnaianoe of the target area. by
key crow member. "ill he employed as a ""ane to uer&n
tao t"" .. tety of the Allled ground taro.. and tho auo
eoss or tho m18s1on.
"Every experienoe gained throushout t"" battlee of
AtrioA and Italy, overy aid plaoed at your di.posal to
.""I<e your ottacke rooro etfaotiv., all the powor of a
'..ell-balanoed and ooordinsted alr-ground taa", ..ill be
employod to hove this all-out attaok a aiost the onomy
in Itely be one of annihilatlon and deatructlon
from which ho can never rocovor.
e. s briof Wll8 virtlJlllly tho only Influonoe
exarted on tho bottle by P.q.
Ar. Thorea or . TA. as 10
oharge, ..ith jolninc in AS oelled tor 'PIon
.WOWSl:tR". Tho two air forces together Iltustered a co:abat
atrength of against thia m1 ty array the datunot
Lllttwafte had availabla In Italy perhapa 130 plane.. a
only roal oppoaltion, In short, wa. tbo ronoontreted f re of
Almost 1,000 leas than MAAF 11atod on 1 September boforo
un!ta trans ferrad to 'tlSSTAF in nee. On 1 September
had 1',631 planoa, of .bloh ..ere aasi ned to
taotical unit.. B 1 April tho t ..o bad drop
to 12,.82 and .,393. See Vol. XXXVII tor tull ." ........
, ' .. ",i
... .. , .

y- 'll'o ..
: '" 'lo'. '
-413 :.1 ",t '", '
1,:500 heavy and 2,200 l1Ght flak gun. "fI,cqv.ntle.. amall
7. WOWS:R", whioh wl1l not ba diacusaed at le
this narrative sinon it was a ' TAP} not a AP, plan, oalled
for "e",ploym;Jnt of l:ll1ll1mum nir oUort in ooordination with the
15th Art:J:y vroup. 7.0 of t.he air forco' s standard miaalona in
suoh a eltuation had already bnon acccmpl1shed -- elimination
of the Luftwaffe "as so nearly complote that only a fow dapa
at airdromss north of th Po wore ne dod after the battls .aa
Jolned, and isolation of too battlorlald had boon a faot ainoa
AJOR. 7his interdiction had to be 1 to Inad, but
the l:l81n we1 ht of Allled air was left fl'aa for 10..
support of tha Allied armles. Strate3ic l:l8da tho most spGo
taoulnr aontribution in this regard, tho Whols hsavy bomber
strength bOine ussd to carpet-bomb the anomy llnos on the 9th
and lOth. On the firot day 025 hoavies dropped 1,092 tons of
fra8J1'lntntlon bombs from 19/23,000 feot on 21 alm
Text doy 84B dropped 1,792 I!IOro ton. in 04'111sr Cnshion.
O. ruol'! had boon learnsd by the 'ifte nth 81noo it mado
tb r lrot t'uJ>bl1na exporlr.u>nt 'Ott 1 thl. klnd at oloso eupport
bo.bordment at Caooino a year boCoro. Than It hod takon 300
hen", bO.r,bora most of tlw morrllng to drop 700 tons, only
of w iab fell in tho targst area, wh11e somo ",lassd by as muoh
aa ten mllos and othor. C.ll be Ind the Aliled llnes, killing
Allied troops. This ho.over} on two days rurml. over
BOO heavies dropped ovor 1, 0 tons hi an ho r and a half.
oouraey wa s eups rb, an est 1m IIp:' at tho bOlllbs fa Ulng in
t t And th> r6sult--t 'mpaot .1 the') l_na
arge arooo. _.
wae very groat, os prIson rs to.tifled by the dozsn.
s.a 'AF lI'eeklJ: Intelligonee Sun:nary .10. 120, ,
(Vol. lCL.VIIll tor sample c=ont

dospito oxtrems preoautions,9 on t

dropped ito on Allie positione,
k111 n'G";' 40 P
ooldiors of tho EiChth and emphssisiog agBin ono of
" ,
General,Eaksr'o oomaento aftor Oa.sino -- that heav1 bombsr.
are "not doa1gned for cloao support work."
9. An airborn. landing tho Oerman 11na. (Opera
tion ARLSDON) had part of the or inal plan, and gliders,
paratroops.. otae .. were all mrshalled to oxecute it on the
12th. t bad w.ather oaua.d its postponement a da1 and bJ
th. 14th the battle was going so woll that it _s no long.r
n.o....r, at all. ira the the offensive had surpass.d
ov.n th. mo.t optimisti" hopes. FollOWing the "arpet-bombing
and artiller, preparation in the aftornoon of the 9th the
Eighth atta"k.d aoross the Ssnio River 1n for".. rat
report. "0 lODt.d, "Ths enell1}' appears to heve bn over
whelmed by the weight or the attaok."lO 111 two night of the
12tb tbe Eightb had tak.n lS,ooO pr18oll8ro and I. O.I'IIlIIn with
drawal had b.gun. On the !<lth tho afth Army IPut in its at.
taok soutbwsst of Bologna. And on the 15th tb,s Plftsenth All'
roo oxortsd tb. groatest .Uort in ita histo,l'1, dlopat"hing
1,235 heaVJ bombers .nd dropping 2,:sl32 tons of bomba, or
wIll"h 1,1l77 im'll8d1atsl, in front of rtb forward
troop.. I' there was no stopping the advanos. I'
tb. next five d.,S the Alli.d fist smashed through tbe
AIIlong tbsml a) Soleot.d formation leaders flsw ovor the
target ar.a prior to 11 b) tb formations flew to
the I.P. ov.r the Adriatio, opening thelr bomb dooro
over the water 00 molfunetionino oould do no hal'lll;
0) rod and wbits allOke marksra at tb I.P., whiob wu
on tho ooaot line for ea01 identification; d) uore.
osnt ponola and smoke at threo points on axia or approaoh
betwoon tho I.P. and a point noar tho front 1100; .)
loW SDOk. and panels along tho Sonia Rivor line oppooit.
thl> targets to form a r.noe 11"" Indi"a ting the front I
f) Alll.d flak hur.ta at 15,000 f .t to ..rk tho bOlllb
..f.ty 110
0-2 Dall1 R.port .0. 884.
broken Gel'rl1an line unt11 on
fiat unclonohed and an'lorod
flat Po Valley. Comoented the 0-2 Report for the 20th:
situation on the Ita11an front has altered
complehly 1n the past 24 hour..... The "hole battle
has now become fluid snd 1e no doubt th.t the
epeed of the Allied advanoe West of Bologna has 0001
pletely upset tho enemy'e oaloulation. and it remains
to bo .een ho" much ot 10 and 14 Ar=iee he can .uooeed
1n eoross tho Po It
10. 1I0w at laet caDle the .full truits ot l4ALLORY MAJOR.
Juet the interdiction of the Po bridgos had prevented tho
Germans being adequately supplied. no. 1t prevonted thoir
esoapo. After tho ourroaior. Maj or Gono ral B. 11. Chidl
who had .ucc.... d.. d Goneral C.nnon ao oommsnder of the T.olfth
Air aoked General ot Armored .orces Von Songor. com
mander ot the 14th Corps. 14th A=y: "What .bout tho bOll1bing
of the Po oros.1ngsY" Von Songer replied:
"That 1s .hat finishod WI. We could ba ve wi thdr.wn
suooee.fUly With normal re.r gu.rd .otion dpite th.
he.vy pressure but due to tho daetruction of tho terri..
and river arossing. wo lo.t all our oquipll1ont. lIorth of
the river lie were no longer an Army."Il
11. As aoon a. the enemy had boon fluahed out onto the
roads 1n contused retroat, F'll attention from intor
diction of aupply 11m.s to shooting up overything that movad
on the high"ay.. The t1c;hter-bolllber. and stl'afers had IIl8r
valoua hunting. In tho first weak of the battle. from 9
throuah 15 Aprll. they claimed only 261 lilT deotroyed .nd 197
d.maged. In the aecond weok. claims roee to 1.060 MIT de
stroyed .nd 684 damagad. And in the third weak. 23-211 April.
thay b.ggsd no lea. than 2.905 '/tIT destroyed and 2.520 damaged.
Exoapt tor vioious flak and small-arms firo. which took a v.. ry
h..avy toll. the Germnns hslploas to rosist. Thoir dis
integration was switt. divisions and corpa surrendered
n. S..e Vol. XXXVIII fot' full text.
137,000 and on 2 lfay O.neral Von ViotindiiD.A
Ho too
final Oennan dofeat. Said ho,
en mae. Dy the end of
remaining foroea unconditionally.
1". ohare in tho
"'l'ho ceaseless usa of fightor-bombers 8uoceedod
in paraly.in8 all day-tilll8 movement and trough thia
alone the tactical became of seoond
ary importance
"Th.y hindored practioally all os.entlal movemont
at the focal points. Even tho radIo and telsphone
oommunications were delayed threefold. Local reserv ,
whloh .hould have boen moved by day, often arrlv.d with
groat d.lay at the ordered poaltion. Even the tanka
could move only at ht bocauae of the employm.nt of
"From tho 9th to tho 20th of AprIl waa th perIod
of tho mo.t effeotive employment of tho AllIed lr
"foroe. In ths attaok on Son10 fortifications tho num
ber of casualties wa. lnoreased by tho dropping of
numerous small-callb.r fragmentation bomb.. speolally
tho Ngion of F.rrara and Lak. Comaochio tho rUllt
anoe of tho troops was greatly. reduced and oommunica
t10ns and oommand. wera disruptod .a novor before.
Through the destruotlon of almost all orosaings of the
numeroua canale trans-shlpmont wall DIldo much more
diffioult and we had to loave muoh heavy .quipment be
hind. Tho smashing of 011 oOllll1unloatlons oonneetions
was especlolly dl.astrous. Thereafter tho order. fall.d
to 001llO through at all or fall.d to OOllllt through at tho
rlght tlmo. In any caoe, tho oomcand was not ablo to
keep It.elf informed of the oltuatlon on tho front, .0
that ltD own deoisions and commands camo, tor tho most
part, too late.... Tue orossings of the feno and the
Po were declslvely lnfluenced by tho employment of the
Allled Alr Foroaa. The ....ashlng of almoot all ferries
and brldgoa an ordered rotreat aoroas the Po no
longer posaible. The troops e....sed at tho croasing
poInts and often had to sw1m to the other bank without
haavy .oapona"12
12. Appropriately, beth IlATAF and AF establlshed new
reoords in tho grand finals of the long Itallan Cempalgn. The
fteenth's attack on 15 April wae not only the mightiest ef
fort in it. history but also ito mo.t ffiolent -- of the
1,235 h.avi.. d1apatohed tbet day only two returned early.13
12. See Vol. XXXVIII for full text.
13. Oen. Spaatz sent thla oOllllT.Ondatlon to Cen. ining.
"The outotend record of the 15th Air orce ls the
nbr of beavy boJli>er. and fighters dl.patohed from
those asol cd on 15 April 1945 miealon ls un .aed
In the annals of US Air I'oroe aotivity
And the 11,178 sortie. 1'10..n by Tactic'll bet....." 16-22 Aprll
mod. that week tho bieeeet of it. career.
II April, wl.on tho 'round a Hack be an, and 2
coame e fect vo,
of Whioh 46,104 wore effoctive. Ooloh tonnage came to 41,0113,
Victoria. in the air to 24 and loe.oo to 292, all or them from
flal<. Tactical accounted for 30,728 of tlYl total .ortie. and
17,310 tons of bombs. or total erfort, tho
contributed 17,21g sorties and tons. flew
111,873 .ortioe and dropped 24,503 ton.. or SAP'e total, the
ft nth oontributed 14,266 sorties and 17,376 tona. Tao
tiCal had by for the greater -- 211, of whlch 176 ..era
fighters. most of thom shot during low-l.vol attacks on
tho r.traa ting C.. rman oolU!ll!le.
t thouga theee figures indicate
F'. activity
during tho f1nal battle, 0 core acourato 8ssure or 'AAP'a
oontribution to tho Gorman dofeat is provided by tb. statie
tio. of air erfort after 22 June, wben intordiotion in the
Po Valloy formally boean. tween 2S June 1944 and 2 May
1946 MAAF davoted 326,261 eorties and 233,090 tone of bombs
to tbs Italian campaign. Co.t:- 2,489 aircrart. And when
tbo figure. are incorporatad in the Brand totals or Allied
Air effort in tho U.ditsrranean, the r ult ia nomical.
Betwean 8 Novemb.r 1942. when tho invasion or !Iorth Africa
began, and 2 'ay 1946, NAAF and its prsdeoessor organiZlltiona
deapatchod 1,170,243 aorti , dropped 674,196 tona of bomb.,
loot 9,347 plan.s and shot down 8,721
14. Am.rican unita account.d for tbo larga.t .hare
or tbio thaat.r total, aa tbs followiUB tabulation kea

'AA? dispatch.d 60,601

ALLI;:;n All
'roRl' IN J.umnER. ti2A' T'Y.A'jI II ()
- I !',.,..,

Loassa in Air
U A.F.14
10,618 155 600
430.681 217,156 2,667
XV A. P.
309.278 3,403
:!I, 946
AIR EFHlR1' 700.615
537,052 6,225
R.A. F.
?A. P.
TOTAL 1.178,243 674,195
9.347 8,721
Well over No
of thi. tremendous output waa achieved after
IlAAF ca"", into b.iDij.
Botween it. activation on 10 December
1943 and 2 1945 ' AF dispatched 733,870/ aircraft and
dropped 560,405 ton. of bombe.
15. llo accurato tabulation VIa. kept of {;.roWld olaima
in the ear'ly dllyO in the oditorranoan. in ",ontbs
after 1 January 1944, thoy roached the fabuloua
totala of whicb about two-thirda "er. by Tnlftb:
Locos RR Cara Ale on Cround
De.troyed 24.278 :3,395 12,359 4,88e
Damaged 21,994 4,484 36.304
An equivalent ready ""'aaure of tb. atrategi. bombing accom
pli.bment can not be totalized until study of German recorda
reveala how many tone of oil, bow mony planes, etc., failed
to be produoed or uaed. But tbe erton expended by the 1'1f
"toenth Air Foroe on atratogic bombing waa about two-thirde of
ito entire bomb tonnage -- 205,071 tone out of a
nd total
of 309,278 dropped betweon 1 Novamber 1943. date of the
El..onU ot tho Jlinth arrived in thO Mid
1942 and later Join.d vUh tho 1n
o.... r 'runt.ia. eto betore "
at the end of September 19415. {ojlir,. to 81 110....
tlo. 2,685 aorti , dropn.d 2,154 o.t 17
aircraft and 01ailll84 37. ." J

-Iftoonth'a activation. and 2 ay
9 lora tegic total
by oateGor:r:
If0 ':'arget
fiR targets Italy
:.. Yugo) .775
on no tInerie.
011 SLores ,
Airaratt faatorios

Other industrial
AID . Llc

16, One final set of statistia. holps to indicato
dgnif1oanoe in rela tion Lo air effort olsowhe "0. A oomparhon
of Amerioan aIr units in tho editerranean with all US UP
unita overaeas for the period poarl
rho" to 31 :arch
1945 aha.. that AAF/IITO...i th only 20% of the total airoraft.
flew of the total sort i88 and dropped 31:( of tbe total
bomba. In short. MF!IiITO waa far ahead of tho paak ... 8n ef
feotivo figbting forae. Ono reuan ahowod in t;he poroentasa
of airoraft oporational. ror tlls l1S AAP OVerellQl as a wbole
tbo figure "88 81%. for AAP/l!TO 64%.15
17. And 00 at last the battles ended. l(xoapt olaan
up and redeployment. KAAF's work .aa dons. On 2 y. arter
tho aurrender. tt.. Air C-In-C issuod an Order ()f the Day to
all ranks of IlAAF,
"Air rabal arrod and I offor our heartieat
oongratulations on the part you have played in bring
ing about the unoonditlonal eurrender of the enolll1.
Tbi. triumphant conolueion to many year. of oouragoous
rigbting and supreme devotIon to duty ive. you ono and
all Just cauao for pride and aatisraotlon. Subh COII
plat. viotory has only baen _de possibl" by dauntloaa
snthuaia.o and by our .llied unity ot purposa. FJmsm
bar with doop gratituda those Who have glvon thoir
lIv,s in service to our cau.e. ror the tasks that
,till lIs ahoad of ua keep alive that Iplrit that hal
brought us all In co=radesbip to Lhs Victory in wbleh
.0 are proudly reJoiolng at this mo....nt."

see KAAP Monthly StathUcal SUJIIlllllry #18. April 11145.
for fUrtber detail' or this tabulation
.... .... I\,(
,., ".' \
. ...,.,' ."...
'\ '."


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