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organize all around your home

& Photos
e shelves
ina weekend
you con build forhome &shop
~ : : e ; ~ a s y & elegant bookcases
I:.. maximize your storoge space
._.. _---
ul <>f all the dift,-,,-n! types of projoxls
k",u,w in Woo:!, ..",h <In.',
II><' p.o." 1:1 y""rs, """"'''' thr most popula'
h.lwht..,n ...... and ,,,dv",,, And fo..
"'''-,,'''_ l1>oIso' P"'it<:t> aU,,,,,
you to l>Tj;dnize and di'f'lay. 1<>1 0/ .luff
wi.hou, "'king up m""h
In this you'll find "a'y-!<,-hllild
projects '0 fit in almost any room in roo'
From the el"*,,,t, Knock-<lown
Sheh'ing (al right) lOT your living room
h>. wall 01 Add-on Ih,'".".", (et",,,,) for
y'"'' family rmm. And tl><- "".11 Country
ClaAAic Bookc.... (pag<' 1\4) "'ould fit """
ft'dly in .. kilcht.n We've "'''''n includo.'<l a
rourk>0/ p"*,",,, I,,.. Y<"" ""'Por g.orag(',
Plu., wilh our delailto<l drawings and
..oop-u'Sr.,d lip' and ""MlqWS, yo,,, sue-
"''''' i. gu",.,..kl, s... WMI a", y"" ",,,it
ing for - ,,",'.II"! s",",--.;I buildi"l\
Techni ques
in Every Issue
www.W'KJd, ORDERONUNE www,ShopNole,.com
table of

n.pqoa_....., ......_
"""""d :l Db, Tho-':.",..,...
- "
_ ""' 'hy
...... q.M... __...
pnet'f...-d .lew... _ "'" 'O k por.
led P'qe<t b' "'" 110 _"........ '" ""two.
q... <k-and
] DRAWER SHELF .. . .. .. .. 18
""""1... elep1l 0<cenI )'OlJ .." buId " <I'O'l
....... le.oI>.no. Veil let rod . 'WI <J
n......./o< alll:tle 0_-' '110. &.1<:1.
___01___ ""boIh
ow cost lOP
"""",. _'""""P"'" __d'_
___ __'ID1UC
)O'CIU' --......... _ ... !hop If't-
TRADITIONAL SHElf . .. .. 32
..... _.,..,.e..c__-
""" ... __h ...................
__..fir ..... .-:een 'fOoI'_
MANTEL SHElf ...... . . ]8
we..-: <t<N<fO ""'**"C.-.I . ...... -.1
...... OtIh ..... ",.. ..... tun
STORAGE SYSTEM ..... .. . 44

_ ... ,__Ioro:.O-'
-............,-.00... _.1.2.3
b "
A ] IN-1 DESIGN 52
Tlfte _ ...... <TC -= 'Ibu <Ml
_ from _ 001<, or

SHELVING .... 68

SIorl_ d p/y'Mlod. idd ...... t ........
M'ld _1,...; "" '""'" """I'Nl.lool<rt P"OI"'1

P'O"""t_-..... _ ....
_._I0.,....,....r_..,... n_
......,Wood. mi' hSpr<i.I .<om


Her e are a few, simple projects
that add storage and style without
taking up any floor space.


This unique project combines an appealing
design with some challenging woodworking.
Best of all, it won't take long to build.

...... I firs. look at the
photo above,
Ih<>y """iOOt'<! "",of """orIt.,,,,
pu7.zb '1'"" knuw, the kind
when, y,... 1\.>,-,- .Il,tw.t di fl..',,"
shdp<'d p""'" Ih.Jt inrerkock
l<W' tht>r It> form a cub<>.
Building ,I- ,J,.,h... turned
ouj to be lot like ..,Iving a
puzzle as ....elL AU the riM'S a'"
diff,,,,,,,t,. and they l"ll'I.'d
I" fit ,..." dy "'l;dhef w!>enyou'...
finislw<110 form II>< "l" shape.
Allhough tho- d... iimple,
you'll find pk.-nly of d\oll""ilW in
ma king ,""'" .hel....... _ the",'.
t'IIO<lgh 10 kep tho> most "'peri
""""" woodwork.... in"'....ted.
Wall Display Ideas
0 ... '" Iho grNI ,"""""", '" _ ......
.......,. .. e..:- Iho
.l.. ,,"Inum '"11:1" un
-""d to Iho on, .
......., """"ftc... boo hun .............
'" """"'" ond i1.. le>lu, ...uig ....
__............ Iho rk*-" rWot
Iho _ to _. I,....
b<>o. '" .....h"lI: '''11:.,
riith' J'hot<'I n-., .... _ J""o"
.oto,hl;"" f"' .....1f romb,,,,,'''''''. )'<1
, .... .....rill funclioNl
.......l...ood.m;'li Spi. lo.rom


,. ""
Trim the Edging. With oil >iiqhtly '''i>ed
aux. fence 011 .\'WI" rwter table knee.
cut the fIWJ with NdJ shelf
FIuJh Jli'n Ne>t JoOU1Afl ....... iJ
flush trim bit and" router table to
bring the blank to firliI! size.
HowTo: Making the Blanks
LoImi""rion. Aft'" ,tilting pi/'!<.
ro finishedlize. joOU (dn glue OIl" 5E'(-
000 !iJyf'r that'> IJighfly o....r>iZf'd,


A Top S1de(l) , ... 1.5!4 25l?
B End Cap$(2l. , .,%8
C LongSide (l l . 1 , , %17
c Sl>ort Side(ll, .1. S% 10
E 8onom Sodenl . . .. 1. 5%-18\'1
F Edgir>g(2) . . . __ ... 4h l-6Q,!l!'
(l) -llo' '11- ' . 24' Aluminum Ar>gif'
m86. %Fh
Building the Blanks
If you look dt lh.. d,.wing ""
til<' pn",;ou, f"!1", you'll,..... Ilw
shel,... a", m.. f,om 'w....i,Aod
blanks tha, l'a'!' in lmg!h, '" be
""'" tha, you chock lh.. """"'''L
""-'fits. lh.'S<' \>Ianlc, an'!l>"fI mi-
",,,-d Iat", and a""""bkd lorm
the L""""p'od slwlf
IUllD TMI Ilun. Fo, bt'tl",
" ability. [buillllw shel""" In'm
plywood, But I h",nd lhata slwtf
mad" Irom - plywood k.okl.'d
a Iml< ' 00 ,b in. So, I d<'<id.'t! 10
Iami""", a pie' of pl>'Woo. ,.j
10lh.. Y plywmd i"""",... Ilw
Ibkl<ncs!; and 10mak< it look jlL"
nKb' ... you can s"" """'." in lhe
d,awing al H '.
To m"k< the blanks, )'OU can
..all by ruth",. """II pioo.'
plywoo.,.j to Ih, lini.h<.,j ,",'idth
I left Ilwm ""Ira-long ("bt,u' 11,
so I would haw plenty of
",,,,k h> cui the on
<md. I-\\Ib thi. finish<,j, I lami""l-
<d an ov,'"i,"'" piKe pl y'
woo.>d to ....m. On<-e the ha>
dri<oJ, you ,an lL"-' a fllL'ihtrim bt,
and yo", "'ut,,,. !dble 10trim lho.'
pi,'("(" '0 hoal y,,,, can find
this sh<","'o ;" !he 1>.. on lho.' bot-
!<>In of ..... ''I'p'''il" 1"'&'.
UOTHIIOGlfIG. Si"",' y,,,, ha Y<'
finished In... bl.nk>, go .hvad
and add th,' edging 10 ,'a<"h
bl.ok _ th .. will hdp to cow,
,n... ''''P'",'C! alon)l; the
I"m' . You ,"0 the ed)l;ing
by planios a pio.'C't-' 01 hardwood
10 thkk",,,,,, <"tilting i, io'o
wid" strips ".ing ,he ..,blo,' saw,
and !l>"fI gluing it inlO pi"",.
In ord,', 10 trim Ib, ,.,jging
flu.h wilh t><'lh .id... of <'a<h
slwlf, [again uS<'d my /Iusb ,rim
bit at the n",t tabk-,
HAMlin GIGOYII . At this p',int.
<helves can be mounl,oJ lu
'h< wall u,ing a I<ngth of '00"-
,hkk aluminum And, h"
dilh.' ",nt haoging options, .im_
ply <"tit a io Iht' back <'C!)\<-'
01 ....m p....... .lip ,I>< .""If on
lh.'fI cui a 'ab!:> .Iong the <'C!)\<-'
0 pock"! for ,he
fit flu.n;" d,,' b.-.rk (..". t"" 1>..;
bt' lowl. La"', on in lhe p,,>jt,
youll sc""" the wit in pi"""
.jt,' -J4' . ....

, ,
Hanger Pocket
cur ",. GfOO..... Add" ,.11 rip
to tile t able saw fa frim fhe wei
edgr! gfOOWfor tile hange,.
11;0"9'" R_t. Ch-a"9ing the krlCe
position .nd blade height a llo"" the<>t for",. """9'" to bI!cur,
.. A groove and ,.<>bet let the ""'-'II
lit ""'" a of aluminum
thaf'l, t_'-"'<I to IhII! wall.


...,. SECTMIfIt


"" ".",,.

Anembling the Sides
With ., 11 n,.. hl.>nb compl""-"t,
>'ou',, ",ady to cut til<- bt>vel. at
the end. 0/ t>dCh hlan k and th...,
,...,mble the pi<.'Ct'S,
WIlli. U's a 110<><1 ide. ttl
look at the drawinl\ abt,.." Mo'"
you cut tIM.- I."nds oj """tl blank.
especially as there are inside and
outside bo:,... I. DoubJe.chKkinK
,,,,,h pK>ceb<-fon> ""'kinKIht> cuts
will help k""P things straij\ht.
You'll """" to make sun: you're
..,t up to cuI wry """urale, 45"
bt'wl. If the bevels .",n', cui ae_
curatdy, tho.'fI .he come'" won',
lit liKhtly wg<'.ho," when you
,I.>" ",,,,,,,mblinK ,h....hel,-.... ,
I m a m . Af'er culling ,I>< ,'nd
bt-\.'cls. you'", ""dy to asst'm
bk' the miler join". I used my
plate joiner to add two tQ bis-
cui 's to """h a' shown in
In,. d.-wing ''''we. Tho? bi'ICuits
add st"'lIjI;Ih to tho> joint and
.1"" k""P it ah!tJWd durinl\ Iht.>
glu..-up of d'" shelf.
If r<'u don', ahady N ..e
plat< join,.,., you can u"" Ii>!
cutle, in your router table It>
make a gn''''-'''o """VI a han!-
boan! a. illu.lTaled on
lhe oppo.ilt' And, """"
lhe joinery is compll."led. you
can loll"" the parts tOKt>llwr.
G1UEIII'. Theshape of the sheh',,"
makt-s it difficult to glue and
clamp the board> "ithoul Of""'"
ing up the milt'r>. [1t>Und a way
anJ<lIld lhis.lInugh.
I u,,>d block> In Tal.., the wall
.helf up so that lhedampscould
be placed and below the
.helves. And then, I decided to
b",.k down the a...,mbly pro-
'>5 into Iwo ,taS'""
(By doing Ihi., it makes I.... pro-
'>5 "nd ""-'u.... that
joints will 1>0.' tighT)
The fi"l msish.'<! of the
thn pi"""" 0/ the k"'!\,,' of
t ""If, I pul logeth....- I"" pie<.
es on I"" sh"rtt" side during tho.'
nv,t .tage, This lhe final
M only a mall", of glu'
i"ll I......... two "halves" logelh....-,
addinK I
appUt>d the biscuit. and dry
a",,'mbled to chKk
for fit. Then I .p",ad
clamped the in pl.>ce and
..,1 On",
taken the clamp> off, you can
romplere the .....mbly.
"Ul; fil l 1"llI. Now, aU lhal'.
left i. 10 drill and counlvr>ink
holes in the lop 10 hold the hanK"r
in pl.>ce, a. you Can...., .Ilt,,,",, in
the drawing ahm..,. 'Then mounl
IIw aluminum hanger to
the wan. Finally, .lip tlw
into IIw.k" along the back of the
shelf and sm>W il d""",,,
il<Jo<oo<' & 50*1""
www. I'I_.mi,liS"",,;.lo.<om
timeless joinery
Mortise and tenon construction and a
few simple details make this the perfect
project for you to build in one weekend.
t' . alwaY" n;a, '0 lind a g"'.I looking
rroI''<1lh.ll can be hUl11 ,na wO'<"k<ond or
IWo. wh}' Ihi> If, If. w I)'
sI,aightforward tohuild, do n 'I n'lui n a
k>l of " 'I""",i,... hardwa"" ar<! alk>W. yo"
to "f'>nd """"- pn>ductive li m<' in !he shup,
Y",,'II t'f'O<l up w;lh hand..",,,, prnj<'<1 in
a .hort amounl (If lim<',
Ilo.-f"", sla rting. 1should ""nli,,,, s("'''' '
lhing aboul the ""c><>d, Thi iwtf is h"ill
wi,h qu.m'.... ""n oak (Ih<' !radi
Ii,,,,al 10, eTaltsman lumilu",).
Bu' juslaboulan>' "",nl c.n bt> ,,><'<1
AI"", Ihough you ""on'l
o 101 of boanJ. h'T Ih. eTallsm.n .iwlt,
be awa", lhal il rt'<juin.. Ihn... dith'rml
Ihid.n........ "' " ond I"). So if you
d,,,,'1 ha,' .>cct">S In. Ihid",,,,, pla",-r,
make '''''' you can gpl . tl lh"", Ihick
"""'.... bet"", you gel.'arWd, Also b<o/"",
you bo.-gin, <heck !h<'.><act dimensions in
II-..' plon,<10 a,'old mislakes,
thm d",n up lhe walls and "or -
1"l<"rS w;th a shollp mist-I.
11>< la.l thing kI do 10
.hle" shap<!he hlp end (detail
' j. I lap<'d the ,til...
with double-sid.... lap< SO both
curves could be laid oot, cut, and
'I.>Jl<;1ed srn<>:>lh all . 1on<'<'.
IIllI. the "ppr' ,a;1 and
low"," can be glU<'d up from
""lhick " o"k .nd cu, 10 f;n.1
m<,. AfM lhis is """,plm-''- you
"an cuI k'I>OnS ro hr the roorti><-s

o'_.... _'S

,'fI. NOn,
- -
-- ?...;.""




_.... ,.""'"
,........ 1\. -..

.= ,
But ...., ...,.,. thl' ....."". p""","
in lhe mo.>rti,.., ."",',
going 1<1 b<.> Cffi k'l'f'd on the .tiIt-s.
What)'<:lU wanl is t<., ,>ffst.t lht'fTl
"" you t'fld up with a 'io" sl-oulder
at tht front of the fra"", and .U
Ill<' stiles and r.i...... Au.<h aiill<'
back. But b<- sun' 10 I.l ke a look a t
Ill<' illu..tralion..abow.
Th......'. no on.. particular
m<'thud yoo ....,...;l to """t<> tt.......
morti""" I like '0 drill overlap-
pioil h<kl with .. ror.lno't biland
Making the Frame
The "foundation" of ,hi. wall
.....11 is. simplefr,__ A. you can
...... in ttl<> J rawitljl; .bo,-e, then.>
an' just. roup'" stile. """"'-'dt>d
with an uppt"Tand low"fTail, Yo u
may",",...TK>!io.-d Ill<' /r.m<'
""""I all Ill<' """,.. lhid"'..... The
stib are cut to .;7 from I --thick
.tock. while the uppt'. and k""....
raib ar only ...- thick.
'UllD IHI 11ml. n,.".. .... juS!
Iwo things 10 do 10the!ltil<'s. FiN
I ...,"'-'<1 working "" !:h<' """""....

f oa o f


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- ,OWf.

HowTo: Shape the Rails
Cutting _ r..........Use. ,tandardblade towt the renon. Ea<:h
fae" will tak" "''If!,al When you un cut m.. shoulrkl'f,
Ieit'lf! a step that will be dNnfId up aftf1, the profile< a,.. wt,
elll !he At th" band saw,
rough (lit _ tap'" on the top of
t;'" ,ail. ThMsand it smooth.
" @


" "


fi9 8"" ......



.. U",,, ,harp,I>i,.., to(lea" up Ihe ';'ould",. on the

, helfr. il , Takerhi" ,lice, for adea'" ,qjH'eedge.

that ""t'" cut 1 did ,hi,
.t the ,",,"" w;,h " 1':,,1..
bl,,,k Y"u'U up making"
fe....., If. p.""'" lor t>adI wn"n,
n... ,moo" [did thi> was because
tile should., <ul. "" the top 0/
the uPf"" rail . '" to" d,,<'P
wi th a dad" !>lode, F<.>t .ddih,,,,,,1
help, L,ke" 10<,. at the Ix" on the
p"-"';,,,,,, f"l'" lor det.>ih
With the tenon. n>ugtwd out,
the profil.. <an Ix> cut. Tht
Uppt'l rail has tapt'N; that m,-,,,I
, the """,,,.,., whilt' the Im.,.-, ."il
gds. CU' W' . I cu. the profil""
with" b.lnd SOw, ".ying to Ih,>
wa,lt' , ide "f the line _",d ,h,-n
.."ded the ...agt,> ,m" 'lh. Now,
ycu can go .h"ad and d",n up
,Iw"'1' and b"llom ,;ho uld,'l' of
th<. t."""" with a chi",-'I
Gl,UIU' . Bd",, bo,'l\in glu_
ing up the I,,,, lhinll
I,,, y"u to d" I, to CU' d wid,',
'hall"w lIro<>"c bdck
"j the upl",r rail usinll
dad" bl,,,te, you can s.,.,
shown in the middle drawlnll
din..,t1y abcwe. henlually, lhl,
lIn'''w will h"ld th,' moun'inll
<lips for wh.'n yo" lhe
shelf "n wall.
A' this p"inl, you can 1I1",' I""
trame h>j\cth<'T. and Ih"" dTill
tile munh'"unk shank hol,-", f(>r
when you la"'ra"""h thcshcl"....,
You should also L,ke a h >k a' II>c
h'P left drawlnl\ a",n'e addi-
1<"",,1 m""sun.'mt'l'll>,
R_ving "... Wa,"". To campl"t" 'h<> I"""n, ru,
along "... 5/toukkt; makingsore to sray to waste
'id<> of!hf! Ii"". Be ,ure not to cut too d""p,
Although ,he 'came i, ,im_
pie to build, the .he/v'" are
strong and ,turdy be,"u,,, of
'h<> morti,e and ,.."on joinery
, , \'>
- ..




..- - - -"

, .

ev rn

.... , -

SI>t_ 14'
l -
"'. thi<t

_ I' ""'Jc

'<If ""<>_
'0</'''' C1It
""Mid ..
Shelves, Uprights, & Brackets
No'" that Iht- is <'(""pM.." can cui them to length I " I....
..... ,",,'d r"-"'" 'n.odd is the ,ho.>ll Ih.>.n Ih;o width of the Ifdm<',
....""bly,.> .....'wo in d,.. draw- The .....,t "''1' in making tl",
ing above. The t"" On' .h.. .., i. '<> cut MId......
a",,,,,'dt'J each.'I'Id with 1>0.'0 tn.t .11"", ,n.,m to fit again"
uprights and tll,'n ,urr",t<.>d the frame wi th"u! .oy
h...k,w wilhacurv.. brackd. You can u,", '.hle""w with
SHIlVIl . the r.l ils. you'll a dado b1kle and a ta ll auxiliary
wanl up tr..-Iw""hd,',,,, mi"" ".ug'- fmc<' lOT support,
from 'lock. T1wn y"u as shown b.-low. R'>member, the
1'1,,,,1 .. to sure lh<re are no
gap' b.>lw""n s",,1f and
. ail, SO .""ak up on 11", si,.., 01
the n"Ie"'.. unlil t he ,""Iv.. lit
bo.-tw,"'" the stibin the fra",.,
To the s!wh'"" r co!
the m"Jti><>s h". the uprights and
a sk>ppN dado f". the b.acket.
U,.IGHII , Iwo
an' mnnec!,>d by four "'".thic k
HowTo: Add theShelves
C<tlting _lIordlfo<. To wI tile notc:1>e<,. me a t.1I auxil.'Y
miter gau9" len<e ar>da dadu blade"" _ Table saw,
sure the shelf fits SIlugly with no gaps,
f irting the renOll . u... the dado blade to cuT the fronT
shoullk' of the brackeT. The bracket should f i t flush wi th
the b.lck edge of the shelf
Fin.II}'. h"n!'; th,' .fit-If "'ing
mounting dip, ""th id,nti
..I in"'rloelinll halt.... Se,,''''
om' half into the ,t"J with the
"points" up, Then. "'".'" the
o1ht.-r h.,1f in the !:nK'"e,

-% .61',31
-% .71',31
-% .S36
A Stil'" (2)
B Upper Rail (1)
C I.<:twerRail(1)
D She"'" (2)
E Uprigh\S(4)
F Brackets (2)
(14) -'8 . 1 11" Fh SCrews
(2 pr.) Mounti.-.g Clips
(8) _6 . *. Fh WooOscrews
(S) _S 2" Fh WoodK'ews
MATIRIALS & SUPPLlI$ - - - - -
-.orr: "'" f" ""' ""'" ", .. cur '" w"'"'"
",-. s . ,."(110<> _'C/o. H 1<1, Fl-
r .rn' ...(1. 8<1,,)
"'" rn &a" (110<> _'C/o .l.S1<1, " f"h)
gl",'d and ""n" ...."'11o tt-", frame ,
& Since mo,t
Craf"man.,tyle pmjfft, ,n-re
originally f.irly d,,,l. I .ppli,'d
MiIPu",, ,.4'J ()Jk Ild , <lnd
.. rouple """" of ek,,, !''I''''''''
upright" ""tting th,>
upright, t" you can w"rk on
culling tho." ,,"""'-, 1<' fit tfit' mo<
Ii_in tho.> M.:I"",
IIUIU. N"w you ran
tl><> two hr.or k,1' that 'upp"'rt tl><>
bottom ""'U, .,,'cutto fin
i.-ho.'d ,0,<, from I"-thick 'k-.ok.
Bef",,' cutting the c"n',,, on
'h",,-, bracn>\<;, c""te tl><> l<'n""
,'" 1<,1" Afk-r rutling the
ran ""'.,k up "" lhe '!ioul-
d.. in fn"" unhl the br...k'" ht,
tfit- dado in tl><> both""
;fit-I/ and L' flu.>h at the back
UlUllLI At thi. p"'int. the
,hel,-..... upright ."d hr'''' ke''
can b<.> added to the -
w'''king on each part "''Pa'att'ly
Start by gluing tho.> two br.cn1'
lO tt-", bottom""'If,
add the ooll"m 'helf k'
,he fra""'. To "",ter the >helf ""
,he hoi,.. drill<'d in the
frame. you can damp a " mpt,..
cary. V widc d.... t flu.,h with the
top t'dge t>/ tl><> 10""" Wi,h
the deat and the n"teh.... In the
boU''''' >h<lt yo" Jon't ha"e to
worry abo"t po.ihoning. jU>!
gl", .,nd ><n"'- it in p!are
glu" the upright> in
plat.... and finally. tt-", I<>p 'helf i.
G,.. "",.."
C""h>ring rhe Shelf. To posifion the shelf. clamp a 'f.. -wide cleal flufh
wi fh !he top edge of rhe 10-' ,.il. Thi. w..y. you can glue .nd.crt'...
the ,Mlf inTO pI.ce without the worry of it moving.
CompIEotfng the Assembly; Theuprighu.nd
the top .heff c.n nowbe.>ddNJ. Glue . 00 the upri'Jht> bl-tween rhe
then ft"" rhe top shelf to rhe fr."""

The drawers on this wall shelf add some handy
storage space. And don't worry about the extra
weight - the unique hanging system can handle it.
, th many p"*",,,. about
him' rm bro._tung"" the fin_
ish, <uri<:<;ilJl gt'ts Ihebo1n<'< 01 ".,..
[ st.", wondt.";ng what the> pn:;.ct
would".., k,,,W bk if I'd buill it
- """'. diflm'nt W<I<>.:!
or miror doIsign
!l.lost tim",,_ my qU<'Slio"" go
""""-"",,,,'<I. But!hi:; projt'<l W<'l"ll
togriheT so quickly that I didn',
""'P with """ shelf. In fad.. llnlilt
thn,<, oIlhcse shelves.
F.wn though Ih""'.heh.....may
sound a bit I won',
h",'e any trouble finding. home
for..adl. Thefirst two I built with
<:h<'rry and can work as a pair or
as indi,-idu.ol .....1> lake. look
at the photos you ", t><-re, One
>hell has tl>..,., dr.we.... while
the ""rrower .....If has two.
The last shel/ is'd '0 md
up in the bathroom and has
m"re (If. "n.t.tic look, see the
bo>; on tho- page 23. II was buill
with pi ......nd 1"mugh..-d it up
bit with sandpaper to give it
oofl, ,",'om look. At thai point,
the whole thing was stained.
Then, at the end, just the case
and draw""" we", I"inlcd
R.>gard.... 01what wood "" fin.
ish youc:ho:xJoc, this<hclf is hravier
than rr.osl, of ifsdraWl""
5<> to hang it """"",Iy, I used a
pien> 01 aluminum angle I'd pur-
<ha."l'd at a Ioc.l hardwa", slon'
One side01the ""gil>is sen"""'" to
the wall, whiko the oth<>r side "'ips
int" a pock<."l built into the back
of the shell. All in all. ifs a simpII'
.......,l'iood.mi' pKi .I .<om
Wall Display ld..s

.. too --"nod"""lIw_
of IIw ohoti _ ,I ..Ith jIooI: "'""
dro-.-.n. Olhn _. _ dol....

Building Th. Cas.
n,.. ....>lft.>gir<; dc.-" i 111 thn",
op.,nings_ 11>< kmg top and hot-
an" i<>ino'd l>}' ''''0 shor! <.'Ild>
;mil &>f<.>n' )I<.l\I begin.
then' an' a >upI<' things I won'
point out. Firn, Ihf' Ill' and di,'id
or,;..,.. t." ... than the h"ttum
;md orois_ lhiscn"t<". p.l ll oj the
h", Ihf' aluminum angle.
AI.", b"lore you" cul -
ting ,I><" wrtical f"rts !<' .i,e, you
,h"uld no'e Ih.,t the grain run>
up and down,.o the pit'"> can
HowTo: Case Joinery
<Ul "-' ......
..."._Iong .... -thi<. po_
"'F"nd and ronlr.,"! wi.h ..,
..."",1 in hum;,jiry_
CAll UWIIIII. I uS<'<! lOOgue
and 1I,,""'e joint 10 __mble
,..... c...., and tilt", by cul-
ling thoi- gmnw". Then, you ca"
,n<ak up On ,h" height "I t he
'ahbt>t that ,,,,.,,,. the '"ngu .
No't, cuI two dad"'" d,,,,..
Ihe '0P and bou""" to hold the
divid",. S",>. king up on the
.ile of the dad,,,,.. "'ill hdp the
divid.", to fit lightly_
Cu' r,,_
,._t ...._to<
.1,,,",,,,,,,, ..

_ /' NoR, ,,,, ..
-.., d"o<riQlo d _I
""."'" MOI_
unn, Nov.', yoo canbq1;in
cullinga wide'abbt.-t on the uPf'<"
f"'.... of the Iop_ Thisis sizedto hold
the aluminum angk>
In0I'I.k>r IOrnakthenll, use the
table .aw with a tall au,i!ta,y
fenco (bo, below), But, eht"Ck
the fit of the aluminum angle in
the ,abbet _ it should be flush
wilh (", .lightly hel".. ) the
shoulder "i tilt- rabbet.
Finally, glueup thee_, Be",,,"
the parts are tlu>hal the hoot.
Cuffing file Groo...., The ca,. is a""mbie<j wi fh a tongu<'
and groove joint. First cut the Then, roo should
snedk up on the >ize of the rabbet for a snug fit
ClIltlng fhe Rabb<>t. Attacha fall "'",e to the rip
fence to cut the wide rabbet. Mallewre the aluminum
angle fif:< f1lNl with the >haulder of tile rabbet.
a . S_ H ellO.. VIM

d ,


" .
0& .''''"'.


Adding the Shelf
While Ih<' on Ih<' c.... w
drying, lbeg.n working on Ih<'
sIwlf I"'n<>j tNI will b<>._1wd to
!he l<Jf' of the c...., as you can "'"
in the drawing at !he right.
The 'M1I . Iart> out a. a <
,I>ick glued-up p.nel ju,t li ke
tM Ca",. Then it's cu' to linal
,i" SO it will owmang tM front
and sid.. of 'I\e caS<' 11' . (My
t'ndeJ up 8'," , 41\1" ,l
.lYI( , Rathe' Ihan leave the
panel square, f
the look of the shelf wilh a fa'};e
bevel on the bollom .nd a
.mall ,hamle' on Ihe to p. The
boI-\-'e1 i. 1" wide and redL><n 'I\e
edge thid"""," to \1"(d, -t. il 'a'l.
I cut the wide be"el on the
table 'aW with .1>e1f st.nd
on the edge, He.... . a
tall auxilia',' fence COme. in
handy lor edra . uppo,l, To
,ut Ihe be,'el on t he end. of
' h,-,heILI n....ded lodo .ome
'hing different. The 1><>, !>v'low
,how. how f got the job done
After cutting t he bewl. a
rn. mlt-r is routed around the top
of !he shelf (<<'"'1't fur the
backl. Ihe .hell to
!he co",. I glued the two logether.
with the sheff /l ush with !he rock
and tho.-n cer" ,>n.'<l .ide-"....ide.

Shop T,p: To ma ke the bac k 01

the ..",mbly ,t.y flush, flip tl\e
,a", on its bac k wht-n glulng .md
damping tl\e sh.-l( in pL.>tt
AlUMI NUMIllGU. At thi, !",in"
I cut th<' 2",2" al"minum angle
to fit - not k>o tightly - ink>the
pocket in the bac k. I cut the angle
about ,horter than the op<>n
ing (37't,- k'ng), Then, for an
and ....ure lit, you can d ip Ihe
. ' 0
, -
obout ' 4 '
flim ""'''''''
to "'""
..,,., to i..
t'nd. of !he as yo" can ."e
in the drawing above
1"'-", drill .hank holo.... in ,ho.-
t<>p of U,,-, .h.-ll a"d , ho.- .Iumi
num a"g"'- To do 'hi" ""t 'h,-
angle intn th, poc ket, /lu.h
"'itl> lho.' bac k, n..'Il, drill 0 hole
through the .helf Into the angle,
but be ,ure you don't d rill .n lhe
way, I".tead, "_m"",, tl\e
nurn angle k' complete tho.- hok...,
a .
C_ r;"g the Bevel. To cut the wiN you con""' iJ ubk
saw. For the- end CU!l,. clamp a !Crap piKe of woodfhat will
rilk on the top of the rip fence.
Sh.."k . Drill .n.nk !>oJel; i n the top of the ,n.,1f,
and the aiuminum a1Kj/e, Fit the iJ1Kj1e in the pocket
dnd drill d hole through the melf to the d1Kjie,
fit inln a '/'d,,,p gro<'>'e Ihat
i, cui In each pi""", After Ihe
b."n,m was cut to ,ile, I glued
the d"wer It'l;ether,
'liSE '10..1. The "'-' Ihick f. l""
Iron",.", """'cut \0"till"-,,- ard k,.,.
than !he op<'ning. But, befo",
"",'wing the fak fn-<11S h, lht' fro'"
,-,I tht" draw""" Enl(lh:'<!. Ir dIa.....
f...- 0""-'00!he 1n"lOt fdtl1",-,I each.
Alwr applying. n'W coa'" of
an oil finish.. .dd .n.nhque br...
knot> 1<.' each dr.w,,, tn'llt. l"ht.1.
you'", ",.dy to hang the ,helf,
.. ..

. orro"

6'4 ,"1110)
Simple, Sturdy Drawers
Bel,,,,, mounhng!he >helf to !he
wall. J made th,' thn.., drawer>
lhat fit in Ihe c."" of"",ing.'. F.ach
;" simp'"1><", with t""!:",,
aoo join... n.."n a fal"" front
is .dd,'tl to <0\',,, tho< ,'I"ld grain
W...... building a draw'''' w'ith
tongl'O" .nd d.d" joint>, if. tho<
In",t .00 pit>l:'" th.It !he
t''''gut'S, This method will make
the draw"," strt>nger. Thi1.0
mNRS that both pi"",. an' cu'
""""'r lhan!he dr.'w.... "f""'ing
to .1Iowh,. Ihe side pi<o.=

To I cut lilt' In",', back,

.nd .id,', ,,, .i,e .0 ,h., the
draw,'r would fit ii, '>pt'ning
with a ""'. gAP '''' ea"h and
II. at ,he top. Tht-n.'o mal- lhe
toogue and dad" it,inl. then"s a
kerf cui on each .ide
pi,,,,, fi",l. Ne,t, a .implt' r.bbet
will form a \ir-thick tongue ''''
the end. of the fron' aoo back
pi"""" of ,he draw...., .
PITWOOO. Bd<>re you b,'gin
a....mbling 'h,' drawer. add a
' .-. plywood bOllom. Thi. will


,. nCTlON

1-t -l
- , .

too -40.-
I "

MAtERIALS. SUPPLIES & CUlliNG DIAGRAM (Three-DraWff5f>t>lf) --- --
A Case Top (1) 'to < iWo 38 e SheH (1) '1' .. 8\10 . 41\', (3) 'to -did Knobs
B C_Bottom(1) \10<7-38 F Drawer FrJ9k (6) \7.2l\o Ill\o (112' .2Afwr,numArxj<!37\Oloog
C Case Ends (2) 'to x 7 - 4 G Dr_r Sm16) \7 , 2l\o . 6'4 (3) *8 , 1\10' FhWo<><hc""",
o Ca>e D",;d<!rs (2) \10, iWo 3 H Drawer 81m, m \10 ply,' 6Y" Ill\o (6) *8, '1',' FhWoo<J<,cf<"M
llio K50."'Ch<y(l.JMFr) I \7>312\7
I II: 'II" 'I 'I i i' Wlllii:,liu:iillll;;JlliiilWi:: i:I"'P'"
lli' .4'96' Ch<y ................. 11 "". Ft. f""hI

c ( 0 0
w.. 96' Ch<y 10 Sq. Fr)
_ M -.. Thio loot fWl
it J""UY "."'".<1. you
can ..... on dw pne.e..
e.kft you m.A1oo'
....., _,..,..

youll n<ftI """ too.ocnorecy_
Firs', you can ...... Jo.vfi 10
pooition l1le <OngI< on 1M ..aU
and find !he 0IUd k"'alion. n..n
",., d... screws'" .,t.l<h d... angle
into wall .lUd.. Al rhi> point, yo...
can slip the shell (th. .
poc-kPt) ""..... the ""1':100 .ond tIwn
.......... if to ItIr tluuuitl> tlw
"'*"you drillfd ....rn..,
Two-Drawer Option
n... !WO-dr_ cpIion .......
juot _ ..,.;Jy. if _-. Ihr
oripvII_ThioI'fOII'd Moo
hIppoonolO w... '-_ . ..t.odI.
"'y lrrontr p.rt. "-bUy."
,..,.. """"' 10 do lO ....... tlw .......
......-er "'"" it 10 ftd__ irw 01
In <Odd,...", 10 out
dr....... )">U'I ...,........:1 .........
d,,-ide<. You can find ItIr Of"!""ihc
dng>:o .... 1Iwom.oJlotr o.'\'f'Oion01
th<o Mo.-I/ in tlw drow("ll .t><....,.
- .. ...,.,.,;11>
... the v..If OW( IN
."d ""n K'...... lod ,,,.
""'If in pl.u. fA po<hl is ill
r".. bit<:k of the >h<rlf.J

... To IwnlI l1le JJw.ff. K,.,..

,,,.. anq'e infO_"'fI.ods ,..,tll
1" K",,"- "',. INt r"..
Mlgifo i< _,.

... ItfrH1UtfWlg' l1le <I>t _dr ......" .,:JPIya.,.,., of

milk or>Jy to l1le c_ and the dr..-... TI>ootl.
wnd the wood to CfNr.. i0oi<.
... arw.. II'>r -,,_monof Itw
p.JiItf _yo J1lM. )'011 Cln MppIy. fpw roootl of
fitW, for Mi<iJ protwtio<>.
......,....ood.mi'hSpt<i.' .(om

low-cost shop
This simple shelf is great for
your workshop, garage. or any
place you want to keep things
close by - yet out of the way.
f!''f IMrtK","'r1y Jay. fo.",' "',wb I
,h-hl.,J hi....", rd,,,fllo\ in
my .h"p. WI>.'Il1 1<' my ",o,ili'fll-h, ....<'f,
I disw,'n>J Ih.,t it Wd' lilk,,-,,] with and
'''prl;'" - n.,.,,""I.', ,,j my ""I
1'''. ''1- s.,;,w"oo,i \.,', 1IV< [ "f"-'t11 lh n.",
h"", i"'-.l cl<"'rin)\.,1'1 my bo,.....h.
A, I wa, deani"" up, I "'.1;,,-.1 th.1I whal
I wa,. pl.... t<> put thing' I' m
wo,king <>n a St,m,' pia,... wh,'n- it'll
all lx "ut ,,( 11>, way' - "u' ,ti ll ,,"'ithtn ""y
",."Ii. Th.,l", wli,'", Iii" ilk, 1m ,hi, utilily
wall ,11<'11 In-m,
It', J,'S,;:rn.J 1<' ",,1.1 ""'>r} y'"'' ,,"'n,
Uut it', i"'! th<o fight , 1,,'." "-"'I' .111.... tw l,
and 1>.....lw.,,' ilt-m, y'"'' ,,'a<1i fur "',"" "ft.:n
"n ynur I>o.',,.-h ond m,' "f ttl<' "'dy. And .i",-.-
i' <.m 1>0.' m""nh'<.l "n ,h. "'dll ow, d ",o,k-
I>o.,,,,,h. i> "ill do." ." hond, In fo<l,
,I,, ''1''''' d'''''gn "'oll,." it ","'y 'n
",""., y"" "'h..,"'..... y"" it
ItG DtFIII IN(I. Whof, ",.,lIy ni<" .,1>0.,,,, thi.
"h<'if i> ,"',. it d,.",,"., n, """,h """, ",.
riol ] ,,, huild. it mo n" 0 hig diff,'n'TlC<' in !he
"I'P" .1I.,,,,. md nf your ""'-'P' Ik,t
.' ,h.'P i",'"h,: ,....Iy pl."", i, ,an 1>0.' u",>oJ.
Ai"... I huil, ,hi, "hdf. ,,, 'hinling ,holt i,
"""kl 1>0.. h.>n<ly in t!'.: ,,,. "'"tid')' ,mm
Any pl.l<,' ....I><n: Y<'" ",,>oJ ",odd " ,.,.......,,-a...'
'''''''1\<'. bI" dun', ...n' '" "f":'l<l ., ",I><>k' "f
on,, ,,, .........-y. fu...., ,,"'n' my hi);l;''''' ...."'tnS,

N ......"'"
and til. tl""" ,1i"lns. TIi"
dim"".;"n, Me .h"wn in Ih"
drawing .1><,,,,,,
Shop Note; 6:a"-,,, lhe ohel"".
a", fairly yo" mighl wan'
In ronsid a aux-
iliary h.'II< to your miM gaul\<'
1<> hdp s"Ppo" lhe .hdves
you-'" trimminKlh<"" to ""'Klh.
. 000.IIfO COINI'\, the fnol l
oomM'S nf "am side a ", " lUJl<k>d
off. as in oiL"";l 'a' above, Yn" can
cu' away the w",,!<' will> a sabf<,
""W or bond ..w. Th.'t\ 110 aho.-ad
and jlJ>l ...nd til<> ,'<Ill'''' S/1'IOO\h
by hand or with a di:J< or !l...i,
.."der. After .. simply
I "....l h12 pi"'" b",,,,1> lor my
shelf, (1h<-;t. a,,' n'onJ'l'O.>nlj' avail -
ablt' at ""...1hom" '111<.= )
If yo" go this ro"n-. m.,k" !lUre
to "'I,'Cl J:>o,ords that . n all tho
"'rtl<.lhi<kncso.. ,... cl..... tho,.",
to""' ..m<' oilA'_ TN.. way all the
d.><k,,-'> th.>l will j<'inthe pi.. .".."
be rut idt-nlicaUy.
A,..>the, . Ilt-rnati,,, is to build
II>< .hdl oul 0/ plywood. B.>llic
birch plyw<>OO would be a good
d...,,,,,, si"'" it'. >t.lbk- and do"""'"
h.l"" manyvoids in tho> ('<ill""
To build ' h,"
""' If, .lolt by culling the main
piff'" to si"" - Ih" two sid""
--- -
Building the Cas.
This ,to' d!'l" .hdf i.> wally mad;,
up "f Iii"", ,he!>'.. sandwiched
bo,"w""", tW{'I .id",. The b"lIo",
shoAf i.,divide<l into four """"at"
...>mp;lrtmffilSwhil., the ",kldk'
"""If i. split two main ...",.
h,,,,, with. sf"'<"" in bo,' !W, -m fo.
.AIl.IU. A "'oTd abo", d'"
malt";"ls ,,-,,-'<1 to build !his shelf.
HowTo: Cutting Rabbets and Dadoes
Clltting f/>e lIJd. TI>e fi"t ,tep;s to WI a r"bbf,t On
back of each <ide to hold the back. em. an a"i/iliary
nf! rcser fhe Sile of !he rabbet
PoJitiorl f/>e 0-.. First ,ize f/>e dado blade to matdl
f/>e of the >heIf and"'" f/>e rip knee to posi-
tion the (lit Then ClIftin'J the liadoes.

'fOil", 1\11 K'W

_.,, """-
"" _ III of

b<'l(in tho,' .....11 ",ith

..nm, Alkr d,.> pi,,-,>. ,,, cuI
k' >lZ." Y<>" can ",1 ,I><, ,hek,,,
11><...",,;till a hn'" wor" h'
d" on ,ho,- ";do.", Fi"". a rabbti i.
cut 1r..- w.:k "f 'a<h
,;d<' t" b.><: k ,hot', . dd.x1
10k". T" d" ,hi ,imply bury a
dad" \>Iod. in an ou,iJio'Y ft>no.'('
th,Il"' 0"",' 1>0.'<1 hI your rip """,,",
a> in .1,'.'

O , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
"" OW'Wr.
o.IOOIS. Becau.., t he d.d" .... in
Ihi> p",j,,<:, an' the ..,m, .i ,c,
H mok,", "n,,. to cu ' , h" m all
.t th.: ""m." tim". ",,'n ' h""l\h
you haven"' mad,- In., .l ivid,-"
r. TIU'Tl, y"u ""Iy h."c to "'l
up your d,d" blad" on"limc ,
Sin< tht' d.d,.,. art> h,,- ahjo;Jl-
""-"", lh<}" dun'l ha,'. It' 1>.. d,..'P'
But you'll wanl I" pay cI,...,
. ",,,,ti,,,, It, the width - it ,h""ld
ma'rh tlk> thick""-", "f the slt " k.
!(IIWHOllS. Normally. r d,i ll
tho,- pilot h"I.... and add "''''w.
.h,-, .,,,'mbly. BUI .., lhe
i,".' , i", sf"<'" 01 ""m!"rI_
m.,n" ... """'" ...' 1\<1 a dnll
i",o, I d''<id,od ,,, pnodnll all tht
'"'n... h"k.,; on ,h<.
dn!l pn.., loef"n' __""""blinll Iht-
.kll Cd" ...i"lI 'a'),
n... ho.>lp pit'<l'>
durinll ,",wwS
lIiw stn-nl\'h.

(ulting file To wI rt... add an long aUKiliary

fa your mih'r g;.uge. This will help fo ,upport u,., workpiec".
andPf"YMI INrouf on f!le bk lM! 01 filt' l/lelf
.. .. ...Wood,mi'hSpe<i.I,,<om
Ju.f by u,ing .. pair of guide fence
rou c.." ro<J' perlecT eveT)' ,i,,_
'lIe time j'Qu CuI ($Ilown on fH!le JI),
IUambling the SheM:s. Apply /he gl..e in the dIoe> of the middle
and ,-,ppet shelve-s for the la,g<' then glOR and Krew
togethe, (Ii"e, add small and lowe' shelf)
-'-- - '
""If. This . l> p,,"'ido/s a mo.......
for hanging il on the ...... u. J "...,.je
tilt' uppt" and I"w<,< , ail. (i,,;t,
n..." ar<' i,,-,t two ,..,m,",,' .trip'
of wood th.ll ha"" a cut
on ,,,,,10 end to fit in lIl<' r._
in ..... end pieco's. lho.", rut a rat>-
b ak>nl! """ edge 01 Ndl rauto
allow !hem to fit 0' m" '""*'....
Finally, tilt' rail glu,-d and
scn'Wed in
IAU. To the b.>ck of U....
. 1Io'1f, simply m"""'" tIM.- """".
log bo,'!wc'om the rail. a nd lilt.-
sido.'" .nd cut a pie<'e of \:0- hard-
boo.rd 10 fil. This rock is simply
Making the Dividers & Back
y,,,,',,,, fine-he<! dri lhn,.; dl1'" ...-.nbly bl1W<. the two
fi"k", y"u m<>ve on 10 sid.,>, u.'""II Ilh..... "nd s< "",,-
tl'<' .livid,-r;. Th,-I'<'. '" UltS. At this point, thc ohdf l<
two,i'A"' ''-di"Kk.". On ll\o.>.h.-ll. A a1m<>;t ""ph",,", All tNt """"ins
f"'ir of 1,'1':'- clivi"""" ... the i. for you k' .Jd l>.ock and a
k>p m>m !h.. midoJh';h;'h' ,'S, whik' coup)" "f fail, to ,In'ngtlwn I...
lhrt't' ,,,,,,II .livid,.... "'I"".'" "".
middJo .r.l boltom shdv.,..
Tht> """U di,-i<l<m< ,<In 1' ... OJ' k>
.".." bu' lilt' la'lW d "-id,.,.., ron-
"'," a ...nes "j -wid.. d.l,k"",
'h.ll will h"ld a ft.w h.lnll::..,,,,d
""'Iv"," (lho.'}' ..........1,..1 alh'O' lho,-
.....It 0; "'''''fTlbk.J).
Am.ll' . Wh.." ,h.. divid-
..... a",' fi"i.h.'d. y"u'", , ...dy
'0 b..g'" ."..mbly, In '>HI ..r
f,,, you I.' g,".'.11 th. >er<'w
h"I... ,.,Hy, if. imr",tanl that
y"u wo, k i" a c..,tai" ",d.., ..
y"u'"" a,,,,mbin!: th...hI>lf,
h",'. _'rply 'h" glu.. i" lh,'
dad".., ,>I lilt' urf"-'1' ,md miJdl..
....,1"". and """,Iwid\ ,hi> la'l\"
divid..,.., in ....... Af!<.,. ",,,"",,,
ill); ,h.,,,,, pio.'--e "'l\'wr, th<..., y""
c." add I.... ,,,,,,11 d,v"I,-", and
k",-,.,. .h<'If, FinaUy....ndwid> th<'

- I
- -



' 0'1,
, ,

a . 'ND V" W
(j) -r-
bh''''' '0 the ""'If ""..nt
1"1\ >tTl'W'-- >t' it' , olJtltxl .Ik, lilt
.h,Af l, I <ho.,. 411",
k,wpnl/il, n\1t'n"""",t Ii""n',
Tht-n, ju,t wi", and ..rt'W the
li,tun' h, t"" b"llurn ,1/ the ""'II
dad,,,,, in 1hI.- .id... uj the largt'
di,-id""" (I didn' , glU<' the sandpa--
pt'l' shelve. the .1.,1<. .. iu'l in
cas<' I wank'<l k' t,k tI>.'m ,..t.j
1t "1, 'nr e compartm,'nts
hetw,,,,,, tilt' .nd luw,'1'
.hdws an' 10 huld pla.tic
.k"ag<' bins, ... , ohnwn in th" btl'
bdow.Or. rna'" draw"",
for tilt' romrartrntnt>. .., you can
"'" .hown on ,I><> nt"I'<'g.
lIGIIT. At la.t <an add lhe
light fixto.... , light fixt"n'
... ikd in p........ with ,,>ow ""'aU
frnish Mils. Shop Not'" I drill,,,,
.....11 pilot hob in tl... h.nib"anl
to the ...iling: "",ie<.
MOUfIllllG. wiping on a
..'W COol!> of an oillinl<h (llL"''<l
&nm,J ArmRSI)
mount til<- "",If to thl.- wall with
>Crt'W' Ihrough the up!"" and
lowrr (h<> 'Ul<' the >erew
nchor "",ul<'ly 10 wall ,Iud.).
Thl ..,Iid connection gi,.... tlk>
ohdf ""Ira " ....ngth. Shop Not.:
You h.v. t" ..... tlk>
""""" !><'t",,,,,,, tl... ><rt'W. to ,0it
tl><> spacing of you, wall ,Iud.
Hilt'" STOll". Th..... '. "",,
""..... thing tu add to m., "",II, To
=at. fl.t <ompartments
for sandra!"" or p"ojo.'d pl.n.,
add .mall .....Iv.... l>etw""" the
two largr di,-iden;.
Th"", <;<Impa,tm,... t.....mind
rn,' of mail.,;orting bin, that
used to bo: in hotd lobN..... Only
th. ,Iuts art' ho,i1-<1o'a"
nl>! wrtical And in.'t,'ad of lr,
t.IS, thoey hold sandp.!"".
n...... sandra!"" ,lk>lv,," a'"
nolhint\ rn,>n' than piec<"S of '1.-
h.nlb<>onl that...., <:ut fil in the
"""', Art"'"
.ghr", .tt.,
"""9'''9 _
Thl"St' co",i,..... nt pull-<'ul bin. a", a
g.....ll wa>' 10 nail., >crt'W" '" any othe,
of ha,dw.", you may ha," around
your shop, And, I>"u,", Ilk> pi,.... "" l>e small.
tilt> ",tra Iillh'inl! I;,t"n' i. a handy w.y to ",ak
sun' y""'", gr.bblng tlk> ,ighl n.., add i_
titmal abow the bin> (an Ill> u",'lJ ill. v.ri-
ely of w.>"" wht1he, il bt> ""ndpa!",' '" glu .
www.\\... ...b m;lhSpe<i. lo.<om
Optional Draw.,.
Bin!; aft' ... ""rinll!wdw..., r,d
<>lh<-r ....... rot...., Ih.'i'"''J'.... 1hI'Yan
roII<cta 1oI00d_ IhPbinoWlIh
The d,.WO!t" ronotnI<ti<>n .......aiK!U.
fofward. The d_... 10 fltlhP",,M_.
Solid.. \" i; .. .....J ... IhP "'''''-
bad, a1d rJ-'>.m-..
The..-do 01 ttr d..- tr..... a1d t.:t.
_,"-.JlOtdd ttr_ldrtoiIa....
S""....,.--lhPb...Ill -'>r"-'-
a \f-thidhaRh_ bl dr\aiI
",' The dra.wn __."ibIo<l W1lh JIJ-
a1d ...... MnoIy. ,.,.. an aJof a _.od
\10"10'" """rJ-,><bwc<.

"'l ..- -Ze- _

Qno.' .--
''''.-01C '''''_..--...
- (11) ' S . 1" Fh W""""',f'W1
'(lS) 'S.
- (S9) 3d Fimh
' (4 ) K"CJb)'
()ploonal pam fOf bu'ldi"ll Or"""""
'" Sdos (1} %'. 11
C %r.l0%r-l0y'>
D %r.l0%,4*
E %r.l*Sl'4
f Ilt. (1) '4 t.:Ild . Sl'4
G '4t.:1ld 9'lro.l0'lro
H Df......, FftIIlt<AKk,' (Sl %,.4\\0.12'-
I Df......,'>oclP<'(S) %,.4\\0.101(,
J Df......, 801""""(41 '4t.:1ld 9'lro.l1'-
A ...... .and dodo l;olodo;- ..
........... m\' fi ctoooc.> ..'htfI It
10 kinf; <Lad<__ Bu.
---- ..... "",
Of! 10 handIt "'"
Ihotoblr In IhM
'"doBop11 "'.brn:;h_ ItUIIhr
hond.fttld ""*""

n... _ .. 10 """ J'I" nI

amar." cuI>. And. sp<Ia"r bkd.
........... cu.l<>m-fit" j<>inI.
""011 LKh guide ",,,,"i,11> ,,'
tw" p"m:. hanlb<.",j t>"". ,holt
...-1,.,. """'''11 plaU"n" and a
,,,.><1 fo>nn> to gukle tho.' "",,,....
""''I' N,..., If you rLonon u""l1
, gu;.w,. lor "'...... rn>i<'<1>'.
IN tho"" k..-g '0 """
__Ihr width oj full """"
01 (-IS" kroK)- A II'.
bor'OI ", >to" .,,11> <On .....IF ....
t-({o .......
An.. [\:1""'8 "'" It-.. foontt Ilw
_, *".. '" trimIhr bIooc- '"
final _"'- Tho idooo ....... IS ""
_ Ihr ........ ""*"" hi roo pW>
to.- whm euttJng Ihr d.&......
(I ....,.j - >tra,g!lt bit,) This
erN two ..1EE<'ke edll"" th.o
.....-.. Ihr sid<s 01 Ihr d.d"
IW .w 'M' ,he toil .....
tor On Ihr J",.-

..... Ihr """In bit '" rut tho- lull
derth ollhr d.>do in onr
To definr """ _ 01 Ihr dAdo
t in drawU'l& briowl,
....m rho rou.... and """ "
a!mglhr ........ dlhr
&_IO_Ihr 1hr
_I>.- _ord Ilwfoontt
Af\1i!1' """tins .11 , .... war
..,...!'OUt wod.piono.Ium)'OUt
""'..... 50 Ihr ....'k .. _
_<Old Ihr fma ... ""'-.-l
KU"'" on:! then "-'PN' Ihr ftWlr
1"""""'6"""" '!No will
d""" 'igl".fin,njl; doklo ",in.
<'Wry oingIoe li.....

SHELF You can bui ld this shelf
to whatever length you
need and easily have it
hanging on your wall by
the end of the weekend.
t..., yougel righl down 10 ..
.....If "'lui"", only .. ",,-,pI< of.
br...kcts """,we'" into wall studs
and .. bo.lIUd to "I"" th<m. But, if
w","" you want you, b,,,,,k,>ts 10
1>0.', 00 Y'''' ;..... Ii"" with the sh<'If
bcing not quire ",1>0,-.., you had
plaruwd lO pl.oct' it orWnaUy?
With this project. I found
way around tNt rh1dk.m....t
The brad,.,!> a"",'1 sen:wod 10
the wanat aiLI""",ad Ih<"',,, fas-
t...-...J 10. long wall plal<'_ n...>n
you """"tion tile w.ll piait'
whe", you need it and it in'" the stud..
fl<.>l il you h>k.t the
main pOOl"abrn'e. you may ""I-
i: y"" ,jun'! .,:" OUly ".;n,w,.
Thor. l>oo<...... 'hrr'f\' dn'-""
""". p'."r in Ihr ....0 pl.\l<-
n..n. .......... t.... """'f ... rut in
p'....... aloo If.Ihr Nd rdlll"
.,j!tor oMI. in """"',)
n-'........ oholIow iV' ...
"''P of t....
.. l<> Idd pWro.lIJ'f'IVoIlor d....
M I'" P"lI" .-iIr hokb
...,- ulhrf ,_.....
....... l<> put OIl on.:-
_I If> l<> cu..tum-
"'" ..... f""IIKl by <hongtng ils
IIrn#h "'" dtpd> of ""' __
An.:! lor >l ,lItt......... from "'"
.....,...,., .n.-n"""r,
p,un...J Colo....1 .-r"ion i.
.ho....n.ll ngtu.nJ on poll\" 37.
hint" Colonial Sh.lf
For Mdhn k J-*droloniol.....,.odd>;o toll.,j ..,. -..1 a:>lJr.., r<"J' " ....... n...-.hrII
i> .w.eo.."", ... "h r--rnodot P""-' ",,'r mold .and
poUR!_ MOOI of llwI:hn"fUl'" _ !he tout
turn III p.w'37IU_how if,don>.
NOrE: AP p;"., ,,-
''''"' l<" thi,t ,roc.
...., SECTlOfl VIEw
,. .



f b __

NOn: 1'Wt""" 0' m<NJntmg """" In
9'OOW _.,-,gon """ 10<._

The Mounting SY51em
Ilo.i\"" y"'" >l.lrt btl;Iding!he,J-o,lf,
y"" ...,,'01 k' d.,i<.l,' ht", ;""
... it It> 1><-, (Min,: ,.,.,.
".ll n.oll . Sh<""n in th< dr"",-
ing at>"w, II>< " f" und" h" n" "I
fro.- pn';"'ct i, tho.' "",II 1'1"j,". /III
Ill<' "tilt", pit"'''' 'n' ",,,,,,,,,,,,'<1 1<>
it. "" I rut thi>pit"" h' sil<" fiN,
n,., w,,11 1'1>1., M." \4-.,j,... 'P
);". ... 't' down il> l<."'glh k> aro.'pl
'h,'II, n,., b..,: k ...Jgt ,,( th<
,!><>If i' lrapp<'<i in th<gn""'" "',
Ih<.> <hdf can'l nip "I" 11><- """",!
way to cut the g".,,-t> is with a
d.,J" 1>1.><1,- in !ho.' Mble ,","',
L",,-r, s"rl''''l< .nd
brack.,.. will b.' ",,,,,..,'<1 ... tl,.,
"",11 ria",. s." I drili<'d ",un",.,
,unk""-'Ilk1'><,1,,,, for ,t.....,
,I>",,'n in dd.ils ". ' and 'b'
"t."y N,>tc: My b,,,,k,'" w,'''''
p<"';h,,,,<'d 24" "" ""Ut',.
' UCUTI , N""" if. un to tho.'
pit'a'> thot h"ld the .ho.>11 up -
th<' Ii,.......'!> 000 .hdf .uP!"m..
I ,tortt'd on th<' bT...k"'" by glu-
up bl"nle, ft,;'m pi.",...
uf \" "" d e as you mn '"-'" b"'""".
Sino.'" i,', h' th<' ,'d!\'..
p",I,,,Uy, u'"-' ow"i7t,
a . END

G. .. 2 \;

Mabng fM Parum. A poslerboardpiOttern will J"'<J lay

our bracket:. Cut art fOI eKhblank withatJilfl(j.lil\\(
In order to smooth our rhe Clirs, tJ$f' a drum sand<>,
m. 5upporU. AngJ<o the 15' rip the
Wppom Wwidth. Ttw'{)i!1binding and kickbdr.k, thr
bliKk should tilf from rip

, .

4 ' "

To amoor Ih@
sh@II, til<> b.Kk
f!dfJ" i, Irapped
'" a groove '"
Ih@wdllpla te,
dnd Ih@npinnf!d
in pla<@wilha
pl.'h', firs!, lho.' ",,It ;" (\I' h' ,i,,,
r-.;,,l. I .....'nhod I" (ul a g",,-"','
d"wn it> I,-nglh f", lh,' pl.Ut
g,n'",', bullhi, ",,,,,Id h.1"," Ht
lh,' pl)'w,,,,J "'I"""d,
s.." my ..,I"li"n w., I" in..>rt"
,did wmd pi"'" g'H'\'I' inkly,.s
y"" (an "". in dd"il. "a' a,,,1 10'
.Ix".,, If you e1"".... ,h.. '>plion,
)"" (an '"" hnw iI" d"",.' ,t.,
L'''I, ..,.... "n 'ho.' ""Xl p.>1\",
I&G' NG. Tho, no,,, thing '0 d""
n",kt """,,xIWng '0 w"'1' thn"
'KI,,, "f lh, ,,,,It, ." ,hnwn in
d,'L,il 'a', I ,...1 ,h"n th<'
""-'1/ '" I "",Id 1'1.\1'" it flu,"" .f,,,
glUing i' in pl."""
HANGI NG. F'''','ning Ih,' ,hi'll
I" Ih, ..... 11 is 1''''11)'
StMl b)' linding ,h, st"d, in
lh,' wall wh,,, y"" W<lnt ,h"
_hdf 10 h''''1\' Ihd' I,,,,a
li"n in ,h," gm,"'" .tld u,ill
_hdnk h"I,,.H Ih,,, I,"',\li"n,.
, ,h"wn in lh,I><" '1Ih,ld'
[,in.,II\'. "ft.., ,h, .....,11 plat,
is ",,,'w,,1 ,,, Ilk' .....,1 1. ,h,k lh,
,,,,It in'" ,Ilt' 1\"""", Th,"", you
can screw II ttl me brJ<kt'ts, as
""00'" INlAY

WAU j ,
Making the Sh.lf
All th.l!'s It'll fu, }'U" 1<' .I" i. '<>
Ind.,'11>0- ""-If, So i t ",,,uld l>t. less
Iikd)' h' ""up, I 'I h"mply-
....",,1 .nd hid th.' "'1""&'\1 "Ig'"
"'il h h.,,,lw,,,>d . Bul lx-l",, in!;Llll-
ing lho. ,oJgin;:, .dd.n "l"i,,,,,,1
II""''''' lh, bMk "d1\" I"
pl.ll'" "p';1\hl h" di,pl.'y.l>
","'wn in lho.' d','''''i''1\ .Ix,..,,
IHlLI . C""._lru,1;,'" ,-I d", ,hdl
_I,Hh "ff likt lhal "f lh" "'all
PlMing tile With lhe biI(k
edge of the Ihelf In rre grooVl'.
Krewit to N<:h br ket,
Attachthe Shelf
Drilling ..n. Hoi" . Find
ilnd milr. the studS in the
Will, Then. dri ll shin. hok5.
... .... -
- ..

When the i. Joy. "-',
Ilk' thn" b",,,k> '0 fin..1 Wt'.
,\ 'l"kk way to 10" oul tt... arc
"."",h blUlk LS to rn.,ko; a I"",k.,--
l>o,,,,,j 1'-'"'''''''''' ""-",n in tlkt>.",
,,., 34. M".. lh.,. .ne LS Llidout.
'''''W> <'til th,- ,;1,.'1'" "n tho.-
",,,",'.11><,,,. I dnJm ",ndt-r
to",n.1 up 1I",li",.,.
\MIU r-,;,xt. ,"U' th,-
"'1'1",,1> f""" V'lhkk ..:k_ In
tho. k,w", un 1'<'1:"
:14. "''''' ""1,- ,"'" ,,<1;:.' i, 1><-\-,-k'<.l
Arth'< I",;nt !(I,...and ",,,,,,. ,""
1>,.....1<..'" 'u or.., ",.11 1'",1<-, Tupo.'-
h, .. d:m lIu'" ",ith U", [
"",,j """'1' .., 'w,_'d
.he ,h0.'11 '''PI''"ts Cdn
t>.> <"tit '" Ii. b."""'''' the h,,,,,.<'Is
1"'[,>11" ",:,,'>'0'111/\ ,I><-m in 1""""-
loy.'''' """,', bt T" k,'
h>l. ", ,c.. bt" hel,,", ,,, a
It, <lI ,111 lh, in""l ...",
PlTWOOO lAlllS Y'>u ,c.n
b)' cutti"K a wid,' gn,,,,e in II...
r')'"'''"j ,hdl, Thi'
K",,'-e c.,ld, U"'M"h"n! ink'IV
",iI" -Th<. "" ,' I" ,,, cui an
int.)' >lOll' ,,, fillhe K"""', I 1t.1t
11... ",iI'" Iitt l, tnm
,,,xl ",,,,1 11 fiu,J, with U... ,c.1f
I cut K"""" on
tb<' inkly ,trip. a,"""om b.>k,w,
IUDI"G AIte' "''''dmK th.,
g"""", fi"i'" 11,' ,hell by ottoch-

The groo in the shelf alloW< you fa

",'ely <tore plate, up'ight fo' display_
Adding a Plate Groove
Allc.>ugh )"'" mok pl"in.
fi,,' ,c.It. p'" mOl' ""mt t" C,>n
,i<l,, "riM,' g",,,,,,,'
11>1, d<1.11 "Ii"""" ."u 1<'
u><' Ilk' ,c.,,,, ,,1/ d.'<:'''','-
li.... rL'1<,,>. f",,,,,,j pho.,t"",<nt'",'n
,n ,,1i"g bt,", u 'Yt",",
n... r",N,'m i, lholt cu'hng
g"""" in 0 r'v",,," ,c.1t "-".....
,hI' .,P",....] II"'"
n.'"" i, it ,,,,,;- wurl,
""p' !<' m",,' ,he g""""
bl"n<! riKh' in ,,-j,h the >I>.lf, 1""
,,-"'n't j, u, gl"'-' ,,,,,,1,,'"'' ;nloy
,'rir In tlk' ,c.lf, Tho.", wlk", ,Ik'
1""'" K"""";' cut. tlk' 1'1\""",1

-I< pi). , SO
-\>.!lr SO
-1< .'.(,, -]0
A Wall Pla,e (11
B Bracket'OJ
C Sheff (2)
o (1)
E PMe Groove Inlay (II
f Edg,ng
(3)'S, 1 fh Wood\.crews
(10)'S, fhWoodKre'M
(4).S. 2v.- Fh Woodl<:re'M
""'" Pam rr...,..,. I", (,"", "'"
HowTo: Plate Groove Inlay
,- -
.NO y,.w
r"" .. '" ..

Cuffing a Groo..... TIl<' first nep i' fO

(ut a 'I,,-<kep groo.... in the 'helf.
Then cut iJ pll!(e of hilrrJwrxxJ to fit
the groo.... and glue it in piace,
Complete the Chdnge- to a -11. -
INide i t ...... abo....
thf! tdble. Theilpmi tiorJ rile rip fen<e
to a>ntf>r the g' oo.... on inl<>y




... . - ...,'p ..... --




lND ActION Vll.


a .
Palnled Colonial Shelf
L, lu. the' Craftoman _If. tlx-
dnI,;n of thL' CoIonLol ,,,.,;"""
.......... __v""""""""'" It ...
oham. ...........
...,lhonl) a ""'" d,"",u.,...
1Ulf1"'l1 t:hio otodf .. ...
_ >: 10 boo pM*d. 1 .-d p0p-
lar _ a .-lv......dr p-.r eu>y
moIdJ"fl found a' """" hcmr

P'""'"'y.-;l 10k punt .......
IlAU I'l.In In lht rip;ht rt->.
v'.... .... __ tballht w..u
,lIghtlv tNn ' he'
Cra'''''''''' ' ........"" Tho- low....
ohuw, h<nv ",.add Iht

lht ...>ur>J<Wft .. <umplrt<-. l"'"
CM1 lht W' ''''''.
IllCllTI & _, The protilr
rot In -n\>1"""",'1 ". onooiified
''1\'" It Y' ....n nkn"ll how to
J" thL' .-' It "", """"1'-'" OIl
the <- r.,t", ,,,,,,, bT",,"''I
tho:n' 'n' iu.t two hr k
.... (", t ,,,,",, ,,,,,tl. Y'" ,.U ,'<1
, ty , ""'11 ""1'1'<"" .." main
Jr '''ll.t nKh' Alit.. this piea'
.. <1Jt 't> 'T.. roundo\w to
makh lht 1"""'"0/ the .... u plait'
L' muO<d."" do.'!.liI 'a'_ the
.Nnk _ pil<Jt ...... .,.. drillrd
ldo.ot.til1>1. """ and sup-
po.-.n ..... t... ",.......,.J In J'Ia<"<'-
lIOI I A d<w It>ol<. <01 dtt.aiI
.' ""_ IN, lht pnotar 01"""
'" <In .........
10<. by !hi' on tIw
MwlI "-'PJ'<"l and two 0/
"".... M_It Thn' madot
0/ poono 0/ n "' .....
.... ltoinfilMoUlp
lht tt1l oInp II C\Il 10.' __
gluod 10lht ...alI pUao-IdtUiI.,
n-cut lht I aM' molodlnf; to
iii bot'!' .... " lht borld>..... gluor
1ft undr< lht.twll ""I-'P"'1
The olwlt, plow gn..
onLov ...... tdgt"fl .... all idml:i.
cal 1ft _ ". lht olwll
(f'l'i""""" I"'l\"l lht Imgth of
lht oJwIf ...,1k lht should
m<I,.h tt.... ...."'IJ.'t,....t>uultkr
"","",,, ' 01 the ....U

Elegant, pre-made crown
moldingand a simple design
are just two of the features
that make this project a
graceful home addition.
... ......wl .. 11...
r....-Iod p'- ......
iIv -...,.. _- ... "'__.
_ ho>.... ....."
..... "'" con', ........ 1NflWl AB,l
Ihr <'-"'< \ool. ........,. It ... l*nd
_"""con put it ........
.. !hot if......- II<> tu&d. ,it
'-'on. II-.
igIlt but """"ll """tI ""'"'
""', otmpIt' too. k..... T"tr_
form " ...... "f'"o'l. I
-.t".............."....n ....>Id,"lI'"
Ihr t"."und .....1>. Y'''Han lind"
in .11TK'Sl ho.1mt' (l"fll.... ll' hrlr
,.... ronslructi<", .impl<-
A Front (I) no
I SdPs(1)
( 8onom ( I I
O ClNts Ql lllo-Z......
f lop (1) 7 101lo
f Ed9" '--'9{Il
.>6<>_ 5'" .... '" JW
m 1\(" Fh WoocIKfIooM
12l '8 . 21'.!" fll Woodw;........

(S) W -dia -1IIu9'
hinling Ih. Shelf
n... ....,. 10 ""Y PM"tin job to
PftlI*..... oOcb_
lOa_ _" ourfaao. liang
.olI t1wnoiil .... willi puny_ n-
oond t1w....,.".n.Il'_>.:>lh.
.....11 So&nd"'ll;: alorw isn"
..-...u#l Su, youll ...... ..-:I1O
apply a COlli 01 primn" {l .-.:I a
_ ....."'d ohrIIa<pr;n-_1
n.. pnnwr """" ....._ a dual
PUrr-- FIN. il _b lht wood
www.W<><>d.milhSp<'<i.l ",rom
I<> up from --in;-
ItInJuWIlht J'"l'" iI
you'''' buiIdtfo lht ohrIl ""I 01
ponrt And it aIIowolht paint I<>
iorm a .....-u"" - film" on lht
of lht wn<d
_ , W..... 1appbod tIw r-t-
I .-.:I1wu COIl" of a
...... Thiopamt pound-
td a toug, linioh made lht
doan--up a wholr Iol .......
..- ..... - 1li-
FI, __
'- - - ..

- .
Building the Frame
TIl<' f,am,'w", k "I !he mantd
,helf i. ",ally a bux that han;:.'
on the wall . Bu! in,t"ad ,,/ I,,,,,
ski,... a !<>p. and b"Unm, !hl, 1><",
....., !hM' sid,.". In 1"1.... .., "f a b.><k.
tho..,..'u b<'\'<>k'd d,'at thdt is ",...'d
tn h.tnK lht "",n!io. on !he wall .
I cut tho.' fn",t .md .id<" fn""
" ".!hick "'.: Ie d,.,wing , 1>.""'.
(5h"p ...': I u...>d p<>pla' fo' lhl'
pn'l"'hi",.., il lakes p"in! ""IL
!he b<", c., p"g" 39,) I npp"d lht",,
pi<'<'e; tt, fini..J>o:d wid'h 0 "'1 bu'
101ft l!'o-"" alill" kl<lg. I...""., ih<y'U
bl' mi....''d ",.--1
n., """ ''''I' is f,,, you ", cu'
an ....-<1,..1' gn,,'w 'l<lth.:,'
f....e "I tho..,., !h" " pi''">' in ,>{(I...-
h' ho.,M . ..--thid b<">lt"m. n-
Kn.","" cut on tho.' lable SolW
u,,;ng a dad<, blade.
M,,,, "f 'ho.' InXl' and ,id,." "f
t....: .ho.' ll will \>0.. """.." it'd by tho.'
c",wn molding, B"t, the I"w.,-,
',,]g" of ''''''''' will ,li ll be
,';" ible "" ,'n ,f,,, tho.' is
in p T" "" tt..", ,he!;,' ""1""",,]
ed!:, I SImply ",,, !,'d a 1\.
chamh" .,I''''g the ""kide bot
t,,,,, ''dgo.' of the 1"""'....
Si"", 'h" be,w""" th<'
Inm' and , id.' pi....... will abo
he "i'i\>le. I w."It'd to "'K'NI
th,' jui'w'Y a; much a. I f'O",i'
bly"mld So I u".,,;l mi,,, ",i""
In ",,,, ...'mbk 11... pit""". I like to
slarl by mi""i"g ,1>0.0 fn",t pi"'''
It>lin.ll Ii",..
Only",,,, <",d"I each >ide
is miltnod. 8"' '';!'lC<'!he ""'""'''''
I,,, t.... b<,U<lm an' aln>ady cut in
tho."... pit'rei. mak '"n> youmiter
tl>o.o ,,""'-"'I end "" you h.twa left
and right sid.? T1>o.>n tho. .id"" can
he trimm",j to final length by
"luaring up ,1>0.0 back ends.
tonOlil With
I df)' -fillt'd !he F''''''''' to
meun> fi".. b"ttom, This
is Cllt h' fit \>0."".",,,, !he 11"""'"" in
!he In",t and side p""""
HowTo: Making the EdgeMolding

Routing !he Molding. In order to nHlke!he edge molding,
,taFt with a wide bl.Jnk, Then go ahead and root iI bullno,e
on each edg<: with a 'oondove, bif.
Ripping the Edge MoJding. After routing !he profile, rip
the molding to final width. A P<JSh block /lelps you push
the narrowpiKe clN' of the bI.Jde,
B.-f"", gluing all four pi,,,,,-'"
togNher, a d".t to fit "t
Ih,' bae" of tlw ""tw,,,,n
Ih<- th'o sid..., '"'" dr.wing .,,,0.1
0.1""11 ' a' at>tw" . Th" d,-at is a
""m'h' pi,,,.., ,>/ 'It"'" with.
t>t"'cl ripp,,d ak"'g nn,' ,'til"'.
:-;ow you'", n'",I}' tn .o.",,rnbk'
I"" fra""'. l'iN you ean gil.... up
the ,ido... and I""'t, tfapping 'h<'
and ckal in t>t1h""n. To
,"-,Id I"" clto.>t in pl.>c.'. I d"w, a
sen"" ""'" sid, in'o tlw
enJ, of the clNt.
101'. 'Tho.' iast s"-p tn
'he frame is '0 add. tnp. [cut
,h, top [.rg" "",,>ugh so thai it
owrhanp the fram,- by 2\)" at
th,' Iront and ,m ,h" sid,... a,
,h"",n in the dr.,,"'ing on "PP'>-
page, This will
p,odd,- a nke plac" f,,, attach-
ing 'he cn,wn molding la'''' "n,
The 1t'P is sen",..ed d"wn It, "'"
sid... and fn",t (>f the f,a,"", But
I>,,,au",, 1d,dn't want the sen'w-
ro.'ads'nI>,> vi.'ibl<>, Icount,'Ibt'nod
'''''ocn'w.and piul\Ked the hok...
Making the Molding
Wi,h the frame c"",pit',,,,
W(>I'k"h", 'Iw"",Iding, The :J>t11
US<'S two kind, "f m"Ming - tlw
stnn'-ho."'ght crown molding and
,;h{>p-made ,'<IKe molding.
IIlGI In ,,,,1,,, to rna'"
tTo.' ,,,1!1'-' m"ldlnj;, n",t a hull-",,,",
p,of'k- "n ""I!>",1",,>,,la wide, l,".
!hkk"Lmle (Sl>.'P ...; Ifs""h'!' It'
wnr>. wil!> a widd,l.nle)
Tht"ll using d pu,h "I,,,," for
",f'1;-, I rirl"'d th, ,'elging nff
t>t1h ,,0.1... ,>/ ,h<. bla"I<,.Ioo.'" at ,he
''Ppo,,'" f"1'" I"t nil"" d,-tail.
AI this It' Iwlp h"" the
ai;,.;au and """It> a lip all
.,n>UndIht>sII<>II, I "",i<'d. >haOo" ..
""1<)\" "" tho Wck vf the <,<Wng.
Idrawing book,w). Af,,-, mi">ring
!ht...-.d> ,'IftTo.' "">k!lng It) lml>..l
glued it h' tht>,od",,,or tTo.' h'P
(IOWMIlOI,IHOG. I ""od "" nff!ht-
:J>t.jf m""" "">W<ng fn"" m;-' ",,'.1
I-oum" "-'tlIl'!', TlIl' romrl;c-.",l 1"'>-
file (,f this ",,>Wing is difficult'" trv
It>duplica'" in the ""'P,
The'" an' rnany ,""",,'n
slv]"". bull'.Y ,ro.. nll...t
tt< size - minc ",'" 3l>" ,,"'ill,,
fm, oG IH! MOI.0I0G. lI<o<au", tr..,
mnlding i, ;t<u <an cu'
the .'I'ld"'t a compot,,,,1 mitt'r.
The "a,""t way i. with a ,.m-
pi<> .".cr.... tn!h<- mite'
Ko'u!1'-' . This .,.db the
ing. holding it a' tl>,> Sol""- .nl\k-
<>t ,,"'hkh i' ,,"'ill t>t- moun'.'d.
01"'<' 'I.... pi,.",.. an' mi't'n'el.
.."""h them to the >1><11, ..". box
t>t,I,,,,, The edge c",a""
.. "lip" 10' ,I\., top of the
m,wn mnkling to "",I .Ko'in,1. To
,.:u", ,he molding, you n "-,,-
"n,h l\1"" <11'\0.1 b,ads.
I HI I HHI. Nnw, h' tI",
.r..11 ,)\'<'1'. ",,,,,,,0.1 b."....I..>dgo.'d
c!t., ,1\." i., ocn-w,'d '0 t..., wall.
Then. add. hp to ,r.., "'all ck'at.
<IS:J>t""n in cit"ail 'd' .""'t'
RO<Iting. Groove. Route. shallow groo'" on the b.lck of
tt>e edg'''9. Thi< <""res a lip on the ,h<-If.nd helps kN'p th<-
edging .iigned, Then miter tt>e molding fa fit tt>e st>elf
Arthing the Molding. gluelind brilds tosecure
th<- molding In pliKe, For se, rum the sh<-If upside
down - it <!>ould "..t agn the edrJ<' molding.
simple, versatile
Living room, kid's room, shop - you
can organize any room of the house
with these easy-to-build projects.


Here's a set of shelves that can be customized
and expanded to suit your needs. When you
need more space, just add on another section.
h<",,'wr I h<",-l!le \\l>nls '",'0'-
I t..,.j h. 'hi"".>1
tl>:"., ""...,1 .c..jw. lh.1I ""II
"'Kdh.". U's ju," dhunch. "U'
my !I"'''''' " tha' Ih<- ""'n,, th<-
shel..." "n' '"-, ["'PuL,, L. " mpl}'
","d""-' ,1>.';- ,-an 1>0,' . _ml>l,,,j
and ''p""d,.,j ,n
ju>, "0-,..,, .my ,t,,,..;:<' "",1
Y,1 ,00Im,-""w, nw,,,1 ,1w1'-;,,;;
".,'m, m,w .'pp,,,prid!c insi,],-
,,( ....a"h"",,,' rath", l!Mn in
my' ""od"-,,,.i,,;; ,h"p. And.
l'w alw"l" It'll U",t U,,''''' """,1<1
he ."me II''') 'n gel the mnn-
ni"",... o( ",,1,,1 "h<'ln", with.><Jt
h.,-jn;; 1<' >ilcrific,- II", "'." m
h,L"",1 hj oj n",,1 ",.",,1
(OH\TIU( II0N The ,h,h-ing
units ,..,,, ".,. h"n- J" just ,hal.
r" 1>'"1;;" ,,-ith, the,'",e bui ll
wilh rd.1ljvdy i",'p,",i...,
lumlx" .'1 i..' l .,Ix",1
.'''y h"m. """"., '" lumlx'"
,'.,.11. And Ix... Iht'" i,n'l
'''v wmpiic",'<! j"i,wry
'impl,' ,,,m,> ""':W'.
"J , ,,,,,-, . .1,,,,,,,
,",'" ,h".. ld ,,'> .. h' " .. ild
lI",m in. I"w d.w,.
BlOt th,' m",1
,",ih"l\ f.-.lun '''''UI th,".
,h.-l"In)\ urn!> i, H... f.1d Ih.,
Ihn'", "">Jul.,, TIll' un;l' .'"
,.,ilh "'>o,,,... "oil>
,,, who'll Ilt't'd m",,- 'F"'--"
......,\\',,,,.hm" hS p""'1., .<om
}'''u haw I" J" i, b.,lt "n
.' I1<" h. ., ""..-li,>o," 11", "''''"'''',,
I>.,its .,1", all,",,' y"" '" ''Plimi'"
hy 11-..- inJi",d",,1
,h.-II',,, up '" d"wn ,,, m.....h ttw
hei"" I"f tho- ii,,,,,,, )"",'..-
B"I y"u ,.n "'U,I"mi,, lhe
')" l,'m I>y m.,kinl\
u"i" h.:illh"." >f'wn
in lht-pht ,to b.I" w,
SIII"GI" lhinll th.t',
"Iw'y" a with .lIl}' l.,fl
,h,-I\'in)\ li k,- thi, "n,- i,
,t.bility. I., k..n "art' "I
iu,- in a ,""up]'- "f way'
First. lh.- ,id.-, "f ,'."h uni l ",,-
lx'lIl't",n a wupt..
"f cap> I" <""lit' an
Thi, , liff"n, th,- .nd
p",,,,.,,t> I,,,m It.- ,inl\.
the ,h"h',,, drt b"n.'<!
'il\idl)' t" t" ,upport
wh"l.. ,t,uclure. In fact,
tho, m",,- ,h.-l",,, y"u US<-. Ih.-
,t,onll'" lhe ,tructUI'<'
. ,.,U U OCl, Whil<'l"","" ,,-,tn>01l
.md ,impk- I" build, I think ,ht-
b.",,-fj, "flh,,,,- ,ht,I,-,,, Ii,,,
in !h.-ir.Pf''''.''''', 'Tht'},.,.. ""'"
dy' '" Us<- in., ,h,'P. \'11
atl,,,,,; ,,, ''''''-' ''lIh In, a t'ulldry
,'" ,"" .....
.. 8y rying the
height of lhe
,ide f, ame .
yO" ,an build a
,he/.i"'} unit '0
Wi! pvrJIOle,
now x u y,o " 7l %"H
---- =",,-


CIMft ..........."
......... -
- ~

To add on another
section. build an
extra ,et of
but with only one
addit ional ,ide.
Short Shelving
" ,h"rn" I,"i,,,, " I
,h,> shl'l,in,.; uni, i,
a ",atl,, "I d,,<,,,,,i,,,.; ,h,'
k"'l':'h ,If !h<' ,iii,." .nd , ' nd
<" 1'" ,h,' d'...,"I': ., ,....
, il';hl. (Ju,' ma k" "m' tp
maintain ,h,' ",ml' ,p.<;n!':
I,,, thl' "",,,,,,,,,',,r ""It,." ""
,hi' tull-..i,,, , ...hi"lI uni,,)
In .ddih."" ,hi' =t", ,,'il
,an bo.> I'limin.".J 1m "."h
, ide. Ot""r ,hall this, "II pi
,.... """ ,>I' ,hi' f"r1, "",I ,Ii<'
"""'rue'''''' .". ,.... ",rtW a,
",;,h ,.... lull."i,. lmi,.





'.8 ...., _ ......

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A Stiles (4) '1'< , 3110 77\2 ..
8 Rail,(61 ,% , SY, . 15 I
C Er>dCaps(4)
o Sh(olf Slats 121) 'I'< , 4'4 30
E SheliCIeat<(1 41
8races (7) ,% ,2\2 14
G 8raelsts (1) ,% , W, 14'/1
Also.....,." -.......toIv t811. oj
-\'.0' _.00U!ld m()Iojong
146) ea 1W fh
184) t S. 2'1'- Fh Woods.cre<v$
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128) 110-20 Cap Nul>
141 ',."-20 Leg (1 V,' dia.)
14) '''"20 Tnu,,"
www.Wood,mithSpi .I>,<um


SlOE v,.w

- , ,
Building the Sides


are two basic ,ompo_
IlL"'!> k, the, shel"in,; unit ..

pair of s id,-. and lht

th<lt sp.on 1>o.1w",-0 .h,'m. M,,,,

of ,h.: """,glh ,,{ ,t",


unil com,'. from the fact ,h.,

th.- ,hd..., .. '" ...."'.'d to 'he

,", ,m,
"w,,,", en,.hng .. rigid "''''''',,'''
, But ....,.. ino.!i'id....lly. boIh \ho.'

shel"", and tl>< >idl'S .... built to

" ..isl ,""kin,;. and ","'i.,ting_
,IIM(00I1111KT1O/I. Each sid. is
made up oj .. tall- Ildrn>w lr.""
,,;.<'" It
""", '\:0' , "mdwichedbrlw."n.. J'dir ,,( orod

_ 1,,,,<1
' '' I'".as .1K,wn in the drawinl\ at

l<"f. _lht' fwnc L. ",ined with half
lap' and fils into .. ;;'00'-. cut
al"ng I.... """," ,)/ "",h cap_ lht>
V .
"'Suit is "n "[ bo" m" ,hdt', rigid
and "",i,,," ''''",'ling much bo1h'l
1M" the ftam,- ak_would.
Each framt> is made up 01
ti,-,' pi,><:e. - .. pair of shle.
and Ih"", Tail. I .lar'..d by cut-
ting all th<> .til,', and ,.il. to
.i7<' to, each ta king Col ...


to g"t all th... matching pi""....
to th" ."m"l"ngth and width.
HAlf lUi, l'I,th the tr"mt' pk't'CS
cut h'.u-", >'ou can ,tart ""'kin;;


the halt lap ,>in;'; thdt hold '-""cry_
, thing hW'thcr, H"U 1"f'S ....,d
h"nI to ""'ko'_ But it y,..""" ""'.".
HowTo: Building the Sides
Removing Ihe W...te. To cut tM should of ed,/> h.1f I.p, po,i'ian
rrw rip fenc.e.s a stop for rrw r.ill. Then .fter making !he fir>r
remo.... tM .... t of trw w.ste in .......r.1 pa.....,
'i"t ....
C,...,. ting th.. Cn> lap . mdrk th... 'houl -
d...r lo'.tion of the ( ro" I.p' on the stile._
Then, remov<' tM wa,te befWt't>n trw marks,
.l To ""p spHd __
bIy. SC1ft05! toP UI#d
in of cI. mpl
gluing up rll

do..... _, mi@:I'II w... k>
toka ....... Ilw b<"a t.-bo.
'(,"" .,... ...., a Ial* ...... .-.d
...... b&ador k> mak Ihr NIt ..
!Iul k> ......,;,J ""'irlS 10 Itw
wtup> on .aw. In <U""'fl
..a ltv _ "'p" in Ihr ,.... IinL
Thorn .f.... fioruoh<d w>lh
Iho._. , 10 Ihr >tdo..
f<>r lhr , the rip """"'
.......'Pk> the ....
"i -to t<.>If lap. '"' >WT1 in Ihr
d,w"'l\ "" ,.... ' 'PP'''' '!<> I"K",
N<_, n"",n'" the ,,'.,.11.> ....
the .,- . rId tho.. ......, , ....
....'"'I'i<w with addili<ntl 1"-"
(An k'I1a.- ._'<1 .
m'..... lId"ll'" ,.-ill hrIp I" pn '
mr-VJl durWlg Iht>h..u.h <uL1
To cu, ,ht .... If ,,,, , ....
...,.t..... , long ' iiI<-
lOW ,ht '''T>. R<-p<.i",'"
..... , rip '"""" by ",,,,,,nit il
..... "om "'" bladr ... ,....
haU laps in I.... ",In 00,11
....!do """ width 04 ,......,b
v.non oN.... """ c..- Lopo
WI Ihr lI'Iiddlr <Jllhr!lbk [ did
dlllftft>lh.', Ile<-._<Jl Ihr
.I.........., --. ..... """"" Lop
..... the ftid <Jlthe ..ciIr, IIwd ...'
......l the h,Mi<... <Jlthe>huu1dt-ro
,>i Ihr m_ Lop> di n"cdr ,... Ihr
__ ,.,....,. I I .........-..J
............... 1><1-00 0-"''''''-II
-u, ..... --.....t d,..."'"
on Ihr ''Pf'' t will g ....
YOU ..,... dri.o,l.
""IISSIutl On.-.r.u ....
NIt Lop< _ roo c.on
M ublt the"-- II to""
f"ri'" l'I,x d <Jl damr'o ....
""" t.a4.. IIw 1>...
I>rk_ 10 f,
...' 1>.' cLtmf"-"l .ocn_ ,I> k"'!l'h,
11'1 WId ' h.nd ,'" ", ,,,
md.... . u n' "'" p""' " "',,' I"'>P-
.... If r'''' .l",,', ho... ' ho" n,.",y
d., ml"'. )'<lu C.' A " ",' .... 1,"'1\
.......... i"""><l... ....'m.'ri!(hl
NllIl!OUl . This is. g'"", Ii",,'
'" drill'h. h<>It.. in 'h. ,""..
k" the d -dt_ ... In
,__Itw -.".,. '" 1>.' ...
dI.oi .....Ur, if . imp<wt.onI ,
thr <Jl """'"" .........
Irnl. 10 rnoJ..o Ihq;o _. dnU
thr ---d:i.L ....... on. d.. P"'"
_ Irrcr I<> """'r thr ........
......... ;00 ohtJwn b<oIoo.
I. UI'S V.,lh thr &....... do .
.... mbIo thr I-b<iitm _ tor
..... ftid n..".. orN
c.p> .'" ";mplv ......... 1>.>Ud
wi th. .. cut"""" Ihr ......
..... '0.>c<:ommod.", ,.... f, ,
,.... d ...."nll on ' ho-
"f'PO"'" P"lI" "'.II iVo...
"'" m........'
.... ling ,.... oN c.p'
"no.- <ultin thr poooc...
.. <u' 1>._ r"''''''
!W>-' P"lI"". f<>r. 1\'. ... ht
Mw__ ..... ...
Ir , "" wvll k. <'0'11'''' .ht
"n 1.... , ,.,.,.,
c.lp_ I -""<Irk up ,ot , wkl1h
"f ,t... ,h">uKh m"l lI pl.
p.,,,,,.,. - flippin..: U", ,..,,,.plt.....
,...., in li<""n.....
fItof"... ..,Min..: II c"f" ,,, ,Ik'
1..",..., , .n..,p,'tiKi"
"",10. mu'." .nd , ..." "",rid
toi' S,." "'i'h ,he end.
and , , ,ht k"'ll <-..Ill"""
fl llv. III 'ht _ c"'l" It>
..... .. "'""" .....
up" "i'Jo""I' ........ fr_ "'hi!r
cWr>pir<t; thftlt, up Tn pr'<'>'ft1I
..... <iilIJ" tn.... --.. .. '" out..
<ul r.- 'J'iilI<"'" t>k",k. ... f"
..... <iilIJ"- Thorn r>-'" c.on
damp thI'm Iu ...... "I .....
I,.""" ,,hi "f'OC"" to""'...
'''Pro'' ur- . '
,,, 'ho' h._. c..."<1 -I

Assembly and Drill ing

....-Ifw"-Clon\lIIfwIidt.' l obIy_
lht /fngtt\ >W1lt!, andon lht ()n <t'J
""" GIll fMlM ItW!! pn3...1t1 ........ to _
""rE.- AJl_
_ <>1. _
.... _-
...... _....
= ",.. -
Drilling tIwHoIn. DriIIItW!! """" "'fa _ fr.n-. .....king ...... to
kHjl HdllpJKf com.<StMt foIlht fO
Clamp. fMa to I!W!! drill prt'U fa lHP rM _ llr.oight
OM "
, .
. . ,
.... aE..r
OlI .'W'h
l<j' ow""''''''''''

C!) <,


I '

_. ,

Ifovt 110' ,
_r>do_ ,I.\-
0/1 ""P 1


_of""" ..
- .-
Simple. Strong Sh.lves
"",I>Tl' "I ,hi, , '"r.;;t' unil
,.,r, ,, . u".l J'Urp<_. fu'ir "",in
Iu,.",h"n is h,,1d ilt'm" bul lh.oy
l", "'1 .., >l.Ibi1;"t"" .nd p",,;u,'
It' lht' ' '''It''-, unil,
l""'lt >heli i> ",.de up ,>( 'h""
,!d,s," in ,h,' ri);h';. A
d,-o' i, "''''WN ,,, '-Kh ,..,d "f
l!>t ""If. "".tinH' ,'n"'); ri);h'
.nl\l,'.nd p"'''idin);. "f
f""':!ling ,I>.. ,J"I",,, I" ,he ,iu....
r,,,, <.n "",,,,., "'on;- .. y<>u
lih ' fur ,,,,,h unil. I "",d,' >t.,.,..,
I,,, l.lll unil. In ony lhe
"hd"", a>n'''' of iu>t i<",' p"r1s'
tI>t' f'lrt> I up" 'h>p
bk.: . "n "';- "''','I' );'''');''
H ill HOLES. With oil 'Il<
cuI I" si7<', y"u drill 1-.,1,.,.
in ,!>t. h" lho.' k",,,,k-d,,wn
'.''''no."" )"" m,'k". ,,,'" l!>t", Me
p,";li"n,-d - Ih,')'
sh""ld Ii", "p " 'ilh II>.. nul." in
lho. f,.""", lJ,.. ,It>p h!<><' k, thi,
li",,' d.mpinl\ il h' I "" Ima' t>n
lho. dtill p"...., 'd> ,I>t,wn in
b<" un lho. '>pp",il,' p");d,
A\ \ IMIl1. n.., <;l,'l>
wr nnJ""j on ,'''' h'f' ,'<I);,,,, "nd
"nds, d,,,.,. 'ho.' I"""" in'i,k
of c.,h 01,',,,, os in d,,.il,
'0' .md " n'l . n.,." .,,,-ml>ft.
HowTo: Build the Sides Icon6nued!
'<OTl: Flip <."
Thkk ....'

M;Jking EndCitps. Atte, rutting ttK> pif!a!s 10liN!, but with

it shallow groove in lhtocen,.., S"....k up on me width of lhe
groove by I"kin<} multiple P'I"e, witll I"*' dildo biMJe.
Roonding !he RemoVf! lIJiJrp edges witharouter
"00,, FOundover bJ't before "dding the <"ps 10 the
""me<. St"rt with end$, "n<! !hen the Ion<} edt]e<.
Ib.... ..., dt'l.lil '." , n....
><n"W Ihr I>r<><,,",," ", ...dl iroiid<
/..., 01 ......,. oidoo. AlIt.. "'"
io dry. then 0 Wx .... c"" br
h 1n.J __T.-.
-.lot 1I'l1i11 n-.. of Ihr .....
Ihro(i;< .
mod AnJe.h_., dt..-,
""'.. "'bo-ltIr_....... ior'5.
lhr.... 'f*"inIl io lhr_
For add,l......f ""'to. build
otwhw.ond 0 Mdt b-"
-.-..... n. w.,- oddd """
"".... nt;hIlo _ J....
II'pIooc.-Ihr _ kJi_
>rilh ..............
.. dofto.- =. uobbno.
_ I would ""M""I ..
oil finIoh O......l GtwrrII f ..
. ........ c "
II" rnarid up "'- <-t;o<ts. bul
111.. m"" m,noo ..,.0_
tIw >h<-h by lIluu'lt.on<! """-'W-
inll tIw 10 tIw cl<.ol>.
'- "l-'" --.NCb ""'I.
" Ml To ...ff<n Ihr _ .......
-.I pn"_ Ih<m from
odd 0 brolC'lr 10 Ihr ai
-nohrIf Thio brolC'lr io 0 nontJW
ai W\nj ..... """'ried ...
h>Ih "-m.. 1htboaoIn
rWwb. Ih IhotI 10 Iht
\luaa ai ltIr o&Ia
-.nfl_ID odd
........... Irngtho
of - U_'5 '"
Ihr ....... -"""" ai .-il otdl
n. ..doOII ond Ihr ....
1<........ ""'*'
I\'lwo> IIw qu.o""".
......,.j -.ldinR. ..... 10 gIw it
'" I. Iht doOII -.I Ihr ........
(001001(101 10m Afuot gluing"
t'<'" Ihr ........... 10 Ihr oid... ...;!h
Ci'nn.cto. U.lnK on Allen
...,,""' h. Ih..-..! , bolt in'o 0
nut Ih....., .n id "c.1
fl." 1Y.od. A. Ihr nul . n:l ....
thry pull
I . ...
on ,"" make
il ,,It' ' . St."t I",,,, t.... bott"",
.00 wo."up. Sli d,' . .... 11
tI,,,,, n In"" the '''p .n:l 110.",'
w,!h """"","".. t'<i '"
' 1'I1l11S l drodtd '" ..&:I leg
.......wn '"c""p" _ It..............
Build theShelves
.... '''' ......
o .
b. 0
. ....cnr
" ..Il) " ...

M_ , ,



, ,


Drillifl'} rM 1IoIP,. VIII' up rile In 1M

frOfMS by cMmPng 0 JIOp bIo<:k fa rM
on rMdtiII P'"S- TIloM. drill rMh%!1.
AppIy"'fI1MMoldIng. ToproOO rMkmg.
moId",g fa NCh imi<kc<>merof wrej'OlI.ppfy
giuf> fa both rM (INrandtMsJat fa Mlp k""'f) pmrigid.
lfl -- -..;;;;::;1iiii i


basic bookcase
bi"",;" lk,kt Ilk' c."",
.nd1"'-' f""" f,.m,,,,., "..,11. And
in ca",' it"> b<"m a whil,' ,ince
yo,,'w had l'our ,,,,I of
lhe ca,,', d,m'l wo.ry. All )",u
n,,,,,1 ,,, ",membe. is I" h ...p
y"ur line of ",'f,",,,,,,,
,,\',,,,, ",ilh 'lk' llyoul Ii",
If you <.1<",', '\WIl" p\,l....
<1<",', li!<t l'''' "",j
..-..J buy ,>no,' i.... I." Ihl, pn:oj"l
n.... I>..,k<:""." Cdn "t..., ,....ily 1>.'
built ""nK m"",' ""adill"n.l"
N,,,,,. i", j"'1 .' """ of
whi<'h "',k ....f b<.,k<: '
you w.n,
' ho.' "nly diff""",w "'os dw Iyp<'
of wmd lh.u w"-, "",-.J.
CITAlll. n... n,,' ""I' ".., to
.>dd tho.' "knll"* IMl I\dw ""ch
b""k<".,,' it> uniqU<'
first, ,'<><h un" a sliJo:hUy d il-
it' f,u- fram,' - dnd "'." d
lop P<'nd .md ">me add;I""",1
In lho. ,."..1, 1 ""'., ,,'<1
Ih",' ..
'" >-imply 1-' ,lk- "" .. ><I
.md d fe", ... d"L,ik
11\(Utl JOINflY. Th,"'" bo"k
ea,..,; 1,')\<'llk" fairly 'luiekly
"".I e<"i ly. 0.,.. """'" 1.\1 Ih" i,
,h.lI ' lk' y w.'<I pl.,, Th<.
Begin with one master plan and end with
three designs. Country. Contemporary,
or Traditi onal - you choose.
' as I ,j'''''.kd 10 build a
lxdue."',l ",,,-, U"",kJ with
i<i..... an Ix)"k".,,
with l..dilk..... 1d,'\<,ils ,,"kl 1>.'
11<'1 tho."Ill'w ai" ,,, li ked
lht h,k "fa","try pin A
<..,.. bui lt fr"", "",po, wiln d"an
"",I,,,,I"""'Y lin<., ",,,uld fit in
jus! .,bnul a",'WIk'n',
WdL in'h'.d of
1 d."id,>d to bUIld all 1ft""" I
could ,,,sil.- d<> this 1>."."", It>.;.'
.U start out th< "'Ilk' wa . f.><h
l>o.k,o'ca,,' lx'll'''' with" !>.lSic
"c."," m.lJ,. upof ,;ido.... ,hd.."",
and ,h,m" I>.>co.. Al , hal I", ;n.
r, ;>difiorn>l oak C"",nlty Co"fempo,aty
IkEUding the Bookcase
Und"""'ath the f<le<' fra""'" and
,,j I""'" b",nkea,... i,
jusl " ca",,; ""lid
'id,'" "''''''''Clod with fi"" sr..h",
and a bad" as,huwn in the dr"w-
al><>v.,. Bt'St "f ,,11, the
are pn>lly much the ""me fur ,,11
, ",.

/ '
thn" nj the honkea..... nn ""'lttvr
which ynu'", buildin!\-
GlUE U' 'ANElI. lh.' f'r<;! ....k for
you to t.><kl.> is up tho> solid
pant'ls, n.." tw" ";d<",. and
fi", shoi,''''' are up lit""
plant'd 0..1, lheycan bt.-CUIIo>ize.
Acrurocy is impn rtant hen'. If the
1'o'""ls an",'l e<>r1.,i,tt'llt, the CdS<'
wo,,'t ,,,,d up "l"""'- Sn to help
a .
Siz< ,_,


- .
, I



I @

. etoac

-',, " ....._1(>

with 1ht'Se Innll panels. I u...oJ a
<ulti nll iiI\. which
k11T1(' cu' t.... lotg<vr pit'CeS.
Tht' 'idt'S wider than the
sr..I\'t'S. ".-..... the sid..
is /"r bark.. '" r cui a rabbel
alonll lhe hack "f each side
I" hold .." d' 1ail 'a' ab""e
Nnt<, With the "" k and maple
cases, I used plyw"<><J fm
bao;-k (>Iillhtly Wld." In . Bul f"r
I.... pine h<.,kca ,." I purcha.sed a
HowTo: Case Construction
""'. ,...
BM;k to BoUk. With 1/1(0 two sides clamped Nek
to-bad" lay 001 the bottom edge of ea<h shelf at
<<'flter!i"". for the biscuit <un.
Cutting rtlfo Slots. Wif/) a e/<Jmpt!don
the layo"t line, "'" the 00... of the plate joiner as a
reference for the rh"'" cuts in each

, With the l ace ft ame a ttache-d,
'!!ach bootcase is giv'!!n a
dj,tinctive look by di ffer
ent molding,
'1..2'1, 55%
%>3 - 31

'110. 2'1, - 55'110
% <3 31
"' x 4'h - ll
%x I4 - 4O

% , 4 - 12'" ",.4\;" >,. _0.' r>.'5 1d.Ft-J
, Afr"r til" basic "cas,, " is
built a lac'!! fran>e is add?d
lot Sfr'!!ngUl. US'!! bis<:ui!> to
join the parts.
D f,ller Blocks 12) v. - 4
(461' 16.WWi"' S'adl
CUI .An.liLS (con 10.u 1000"')
.... Sides m 1.. 11'';'55% ",. d . 11 r__fdle J/l<1. Ft
B Shelves (5) %" 11 34'1, A
c IlackW
f Top Raii (1)
G Bonom !lad(l)
H Top (1)
I From Ap,on (I)
I 'ijde Apron<; m
PINE 100lUS!
( S,i1es (2)
F Top Rail ( 1)
G llonom Rail (I)
H Top (1)
(61.8, 1... Rh 5m'w;
(6) 18 flat Washers
(1) 2" Cove Molding (6ft)
(16) 3d f ,n" h Natls
( Stiles(2)
F TopRail(l)
G BonomR.OI(1)
H Top(l) %>1338
(6).8 . 1... Rh WO(lljS(rt"W';
(6)'8 Fidt Washers
I:'<,.,kd 1",,",' pio.w thd,
w"" . 1"""" Ill' thick,
IWI 101 I' ! IWII! Al ,hi;
point, the ,lot> I,,, tht- bi><ui"
can be cut. W"h the ,;de panel>,
tI... "''Y " thdt tht' 'W"i"l\
,",>I> S<' the ";"'1'"I's willI:'<'
k", el wht'fl the C""" i> "",",'mbhi.
ro<>ehi<-\" thL" I damped "'" two
...""'S and tht'l1
out the 1:'<>If<>m edK'- ,>I """ >hell
I"""",,, InIx" "" ''PP''';h' pa!;,,),
A ",aighh'<:l;;<' d. mpo.'<:I ,m ,ht'
1a"oulli"e 1:'<"(,,,,<", ,n.- "",,,,,,,'T"
thai tn., pl.... but" .".'i'''',
., ,til""" in the ",-"on,l ri"h,
d"'",in,,. I <ul ,h,w ,I,>!> in .,...h
,id.,o the ",ould be pk'l1ly
,t'''''g It" tho.' ""-1...,,"
Aft." th., ,10" ,m- cu' in
sid,,,,, matchi ng , I"t, c.n ",. cu,
in th., .-nd, 01 ,h,' , hel,..." )""
l ike th,' ,id,'" yo,,'lI "". the
b",., (n,,' tht- 01 th<- pl.",
'0 "-f,'",,,, the cu".
l UlliNG lHI II U Once ' ho.- bl>'
....i' .... " a", ",mpk'h'<:l. th.'I1 yo..
,an dry . , ,,.,,,bk tho.' ca,,'. n-....,
tht> back can be '0 fil bel",,,,",,
tht' .. Au'" with the topan.!
both>m ,ho.-I""" ("',- tho.-
,m tho.' l.King ...-).
With b" d, c.., '0 ,iL." it',
,im., '0 Imd ,ome<"',' 10 h<'ip
yo" g." th,' ca,,- a",-mbl ,' d
- it's a big iob, and yo..
'0 w<>rk quic kly In ord." '0
my,dl a litt le ,-,"a I u,,>d
a ,low gl"e. A"d I ,im-
ply"" ,he back in to hold
M h-' 'he gl ue d,i"". you c""
""i1 ,ho.' b,'<' k in pla<... ,. It', awk
,,'ant h' .pply fini,h ' 0 tht> bac k
.fl,, i", in".,I"'d, "-> I wo"ld
'''m'''' d'""g , his b...lo,,' "" iling
tht' b.>< k in pi.....,.
t ,he !>.Kk j, in pklCC. till in
'ho.- lx'I."" the pl}'w.,'"
"'TkI. Tn do thi" I , imply cu'
1\0.'0",..,11 hlk'r l>fnrKs tosi>" and
'ho.'I1 th.'rn in pla<,-'. a, }'OU
ca" ",-,,' in d''''il '1>' on ",gc 54.

You can find ..U of ,he
>i<ms in ,I>e d,awing ..
T,adi'io"aUy. the Iwo .til", and
two ,a,l.of a f""" f,ame would be
.....'<! wilh morti",' and ",,,,m.
(which y"u can u,., if you dem',
h"wa plaW Bul
you build , ho,' f'am" wilh m",..
lis<' .nJ I.",,,,, '" d<'Cid.. '" U,o,'
.. r hi , oak

js Mdressed
",pM wi f h
( 0"" mold-
ing and a
'0 /,,_

_-JoUil 'O'
Traditional Oak Bookcase
With ,h" bk cas<' buill. if.
tim,' add ,ho;- 'ha'gi'-"
each il> pa"kul.,
"h><lk ," Th" '0 .'art i.
with 'he
fAU fUIIlI, R''ll,udk.,.. of which
..yk' booke.... you ch""".,. ,I><
ca... ",ws. f""" . hff",
it .nd p,..wnt il fmm ",,- king_
a .

. orm...

<- ....",....
80rrO... AAn
(4\', .111
biscuits, you' ", going '0
,I>e same You h.",,, to
buil d a f,ame lhal ro,-t'fS
'ho.' t"dg'" of ,tw ca.., t'Mctly, And
if ,ho, ' c...., is a link' ou' ,>/
<q\l<l"'. ,lit' f,..nw w",,', l>e If",,,,
if W. ,lit' rom",
To ""1\,,, thc_ pn-.l>k'm. llik<' to
build ,ho.' fae<> bit wid,,,,
HowTo: Buildingthe Oak Bookcase
Buildingffle Framf!, First size rile frame a bit wider rhan
tile case. TIle,lot< for tht> biscuit< are fllen wI. Once the
fra""';s pur fOgE'tht>r. glw if to tht> front of tht> ( ase,
Routing aStopped Cove. Oncethe face frame is glued In
piMe. use a hand-heldrouter to <uf a 'to ,lopped<0Vf' on
the ,files. The <0.... should.fOp flush with rails,
than i!;cdlkoJ for, fo, u......
c.""', I ripp<oJ t"" ,tik pi""...,. .
hai, lal><>u, lin .s in do.'!.>il
'b' on oPf"",ilt f"#" Then d{t,'r
,h, f= fr.",, i. Slu,.,j to
...,.'. ,rim u.., "'-:I,,,, 01 ,.... f,.,m,
Au,,", wi,h ,.... ".....
ITltU& Tol>uild Ira"....
I .L" >d b,' cutting t.... "ilt-> 10
kongth ' the Itl' d,a,,;ng on
'W ' f'W'. Th", I rirf'toJ them
s1igh'ly wid<', Tb; ttl' , , ....t
It"" ,.iL sIlt""n on ,.... ''PF''"ilt'
f"#'. can bt' cul tt, IinN-oo.J '""".
N,,,",' }" >U Cdn '>u' a....t cuI
sl... for the b,<;cuils, (0, )'OU can
rut th<' n.."""".md len<>n joints.)
MI,'\' the Ira"... is gJ...,.;I I''I\'....'\',
gJU<' it tt, ,h<> In." 01 the c",'\ (b<"
..... bo","" d th<' pn,..'",,", I"'il"l-
,ho' ,h,' bottom ,ail
""'ouldnl Au,,", wilh ,lit> b<".
10m ""'If ' d,'Wil ... . on ,il<
f"il'" If. I,'P
up .. . k",'t"l tMn the .il<11 tt, Cll.L
.lit'. ,;mpk' "",-",I<it "
Now. o{ ,h< f.ce
f,.."", c.mbt' 'rimn....d flush. Thi.
is .. ti",, It' &,'1' y'>u' block
pl.>",' 00' and m.,k" """dngs, ..s
in the "'''' ,X\ 1',&,. 56
\'{"hthe I.",," fra",,' trtm"".J, th<'
lasl thing tt, ,It, is """ a .tt'PP'.J
V. " awe alo,'Kthe ""t,,;id<> " """"'.
.nlWn in S<'Ctru d,.." injI; ,.,
th<. """,..i',f"jl;lt. This ;" ,""y tt,
do wi,h 0 h.>1ldhdd ""',,.. - the
n..ts ,,,ooy on th<. I,..,,,,, To
end til< ""..... flush with the ,.,il,.
I l,an'{,'IT(oJ I....i, in,itl, .'<1;:."
.-moo; the ,Iik" with d "JUd"'.
111M & V,l th I....' I..." I,..n....
rornploct.., it's tim,' '0 ddd , .
d!'Mil. 1il.'1 mok< Ihis
di.linct. !'iN. I mod,' "'i,/<'
1t'P and dn_oJ il up wilh a"'"
mt>ldi"l;, Th",. I add,oJ ..n ,'m"'
a,,>und the 1><>Il<"" of th<. <_',
I'" Ill"-",' )'''' Cdn odd the
"w!' ",,>khn!;. th<. V-Ihick f"""
10, "'P ",1. tt, 1>.' gllk.1 up
.md rul to ,i;oA> You Cdn ,,-h', tt,
tho,. dr" wings bd""", 1<, "II."" fo,
"". "j """,.n...,,1. I drilbl ,"',,,"'"
"h,mk Ix.", arod ,....>d n>undlx'd
" "n'WS " rod w"4><",, lt' .'!dCh th<'
tt'P. en., "'P l< <l'flM'.J .. """ Au;h ",oth th<' t.>o,'k.j
(\IYI wm, ,h, 'op
in pi......, you can ",..It """k
on in"wlling lilt> moldinj;
und,,,,,,,,,h the Itl', shuwn in th<
brlow. (I lound ,h< 2"-
'">d,' "",Idi ng at d lx'Ill<' a'fllt,,)
Cm',> ",,-.ldi"l\ """,,," k.",,,,,/.
.lI ",lti,,&- it ""lUi"'" mrnF">und
01; 1,",. Thi. typica iiy m,'an.
ornWinJI "'" mi""- pUI\" ,,, ,,j
""'""w bl.ldt, Ru' y'>u ".... rna...'
the """I' m",,'h ,W>i<.,., by k.."'i01j.(
IIx "'lu,',,' tt' u... tabk
,Ix a'W mt,ld;"!\- 1"". a
,impk. cradle. lin ,ho.. mi"'" g.>ul\'
tt> Ix>kf tho,. "",. ""oldinjl;.
The ",tt.., I,ick III CUlling tt,..
milt'T'> ,,!OCt_fully. i. It' puI y'>u'
1"1'" m,.,u,,' "w"y, In"'dd. cui
II,.. 1"",1 ",m." ,,{ ""., sid,, ,md
lho'fl ""Id ;t up ,,, the ca",.nd
mMk Ih, h.'fk Aft,, it's
(u. tt, "'I"'dl Ihi"
.I" .... Itt. ,id,' pi...... of
moltfirlj; ..nd d.,mp sid,,>in
pi...", T!Kn. """k " p un lite fi",,1
of t.... I,onl pHo"!' u",il il
fi" b<otw...., ,.... "'Ies, A. y'''' can
.... brI,,,,,. just "" il ,....' "",Idlng '<
""ik.J '0 til< tt'!' .rod tho" c.',,'
1IlIIHOII No",'. IIx' k"'l pi""",
'0 .,dd ..n' .h,, fronl .",d , id,'
"p""'".,,,,,,,,,1 lbr' b.>,.\ ..,' righ'
""1,,,,,, Thl's<> 1'"''''''' .m'
wi,h s;mpl, mil,'",. I!u'
",ofo'" ""'tinj; l!>e milt,.,.. "",Ian
''1:'" p",lil,' lho' "'P
,," )'''' ("n ..... in d,10il 'a:
AI"'ch "p",n pi,.,."" '0,ho..
ca<;< Ih,' ..m,' way a. ' op.
Bu'.lIow fo, m'l\','m!'n'
by d<illing """";'-!, (",-did.)
sh"nk hoi". In Ih" Cd,., .id,,>
.",d u<;ng ,"undh.."d sen'Ws
wi.h w.",h'r<..l< i" d"'dil -.:
Th,n. I" ""'p Ih, mi"'''' lij;hl.
..pplv glu,' 1<' ,' ....h In"'l "'m,,.
NO<.- -.,.....-.<I to <0..
- m,.." only
<OrO ,"' t/'i<' ru t. "lOng!
SfCTIOfI 41;

' 0
- ,.
(3''''" long)
.""'. U CTIOfI V' EW
08.' 1<0"
o .
NOn :
on <"'" -'''1
<U, ,,."'""g
Fitting the CDVI' Molding. F!f5t miter t/lf! fronr eras of me
M<> side piece<at>dwt to Then. mill'/' thro front
pje to frf snugly bE' tINo'l'I'l them.
Adding thl' Apronl. fiM four sn agee profile on the
top edges. Use rour>dhud Kit'''''' through
o"""ize holes 10 Ihe mirert'd piKe"
www.Wood.mi.hSpt.Ci.l .. rom
tht- bo:>tlom ,.,il in PklC(- (witht",t
\<, lilt '"lua,,-,
n...... tht> bo:>tt'>rTl 'ail c.n to.. gIOJt'd
flu>h with "'" top of tl><- bo:""""
sho.IL II! .... ,,,Itl al", .lilln with
tt.. ""1<.< on tt.. Sfi""'.....""n in
d,,,.iI 'a' obt"-e_)
COVI MOlDI.G. Mit" you
trim ' ho.' f..... I,am,' nu,h with
the "nd 11", coW pn,fil,- i.
"'''1'..... On Ih" o'l!,iM edg,,,,.
.11 Ih.l's 1.-1, i. It' add It.. '''p
and "''''',. tt.. moldi"g.., in lilt>
. I><"'e, AWOin. It' rut tI>e
"'''''I''",nd mite" k" the moltl-
ing. 1u,....... a a.dle jig,
11.11" . To tht- pine a warm,
!\oldt... It"",. 1fi"" applit'<l a w".1
condilion,-, (h> "",,uc.- blotch-
ing) arod tht... "'.i"'..... ..... ""."'.
00n0.'Y maple ",k", n..... J .... dt-d
d fL'w uldb vi a wif'MJIT fini>h.
(I h.d pa;n""" tilt> he....,""
btlort> ."""hing it It' the .."'_1
--Foo' l><'9in>
or bonom
'blP> ond to(>

"" wo """'''$.
<ut ... ", u""'"J"J.
-- I

W JTOM ......
A ....h bonom

<JIuod to "',.
NO"" AJI 1>'0'
""-""'" ..",
Country Pin. Bookcos.
In additi,,,, \<' It.. ,"' k ht.>1".",", h.'w 'imp'" .... juSfnwnls to tt..
I al,o w,mt",1 to huild . I," l ht' iklinll P" ""'"
1",m.1L "count, y n"ion. "".. Th,' 'i.... ,>I lho. f."" f,a"", i,
"htwe. ... w"" lho. '*"-'i- tt.... ",me ." Iht ""k ht",kc.",'
,,,,,,,hui<>. k" tho.' w,--.:1. Oul t"',.. - eXH'rt f,,, tho. holt"m ,ail, I
""''n' a I,,,,, dd",I, I loKI in ,t.m,1 by ruthnl\ th, ,iii,,,, top
mind a, ......11 .(I,-d1<, !\".,' II.., 'ail. and I><,IIom ' ail 1<,,;'-.., N,l!t,'
.'ht.......'d kltlk. " I had lW,,,J,!h.,,,,,1 n.... bollom ,,, il i, only I,," wide,
w.'y' in mind. bllt I d<'Cidt,1 \<' u",' whid> i, h' """,,w \<' ",... hi..
pi", plywood, which wa, much ruils, So;', 1jU'1",...,1 tho.' bi,...... il> lO
,"'"''''loin,l.,II .) cn.. \<" U-..h" pt'd _"",hly ""t
IUt>lD un FiNt of an, 1 wanhi 01 tt.. stilt...rod top "'ii,
lho. ,,, lowe a b<-.....-d back 8ul bt1o", !\I"inl\ t"""' Ihn,'
this would b,. ind; .... \<'l\dht... I shapt'ti lhe k,"
"id".1 ,..,lid wno.>d ht'''d', but I on tht I>.,"om, irNdt of tht>
k",nd ., hl\ ,ho."'1 ,>/ bt..dt'd pi", "ilt><. I dry .,...'ITIblt..... "lIlhe 'ail>
plyw '" that w., mud> ,..",,,, \<' and ,mlt.,.,.u-.d dn"" tht f', n.'moul
iru;L,II. (1l'>t> pi)",""'" w'" .I><'ul "n""'" stilt'. "" in d<..., il 'a' . bo: .....
V lhicl<.,.., tl>< ..l'bt1 in lho. \>.><:k n....... you can ru' tht> m>lile "ith
"I 'ho.' ca.. ' id,,, i., ",1 b.u,d '"w .nd ..nd il ,,,,,.>tIt
IACI I UMI. n.... olho., di l
lelt'!'K't' )'''it'li rouce i> lilt- The bcnom
m,fi" on tilt' bt>ttom "I tilt- I....... tht> U"""-'I"'d .1.""-'ITIbl}' """ hot...
f,,,,,,,', Thi, ,>1'11,' "'luin'd I\lued 10 lhe I did d"mp
, A Pdinted

add' a
to<Kh to th;,

_'J-- _____
J 8
. - .


and lOp ...
,",t< .,.
W rhi<.

10. ..CTlON VIW
NOn, ...,"""'" p,," ,.
"""'" ,"'"' ba<" loe..


The (iKe frame
....... lIM:> thkk-
I. IN.,,. I
Classic Maple BookcalCt
01 ,h" .h,,,, bookeaso.'S_ lhi. b
the ,imp....., to ""'ild. Thl'!\", "'-'
'n il'101i al .he ur
l>->ltnm - jU.l a f...., !>' ,1m<' lWi,h
a ru";N k'f' ,ailland a !\lut'<l -up
pancl on k'f' l_ph<>tt, al rW>').
ca.", is -.nbW. can l>q;in
w,,,king on 1"" fa.... a.
<hnwn in abo,"e,
"",,-,1". abuu"hi. fram"
is .hal ,he "ihand I'aib are di'-
kn'l11'hic..........., ] rut tI", .hk..
In"" ".--,hick s',xl<. lou' tI",
,ail and l>->lt(>rT\ ,ail ".,.-,hick.
10' U II . ('lr.ct> ,he >Iii,.. and
rail,; haw"''''' rul to si7". ru' tht'
<un.., un the ,ail. lhen' an- a
roupl<' way. ", lay "u' the rurw,
y,,,, C;lI'l t'itht.,. d,ow a half pat"..",
and Ir..... i, <mo the "''''4'"''''' or
putamurk' lliliL<m tho> backlaa>
nl 11'0.' ,ail blank. bend a
bctw,,,,,, lhem. ond
"...., al<",1'; ,hi, e.JK<'. A
>trip "I' Ij," h,udho"n:1 wutl>< lb
ible,'"ou<V> f",. a curve this larw>.
When the rurw is I"id '''',. rut
il wi.h a band ""'w 0' a jig ""'w,
Slay .o ,he wa,t<' ,.;,].- of thollin<'
and >and i. with a drum
>ande, in the drill pn",.
N""t mula If "",nd<n',.,. on aU
the f...., fr"".. pioln.... fl,.,...,...j "",r
both In",. e.J1';<'S ol' thoI ;lik.... bt"
jusl on the h",.,. ,,11';<" lthe
'-'<:Igo ,>I the "'f' ,."il and tht upp''''
<'<II'" ,>I the b<,",,,,, rail).
Now, """'fl1bl.' I..... f fram,'
wilh ,h" biui" _ ,h diU",..
..... ,hick"""""" milk" you work
-b"<kwa,,,I<." InSh'ad nl ,..ork-
ing olt Ill(' Imnl faces, layout and
,he pl.t..' joi""" ,'" ,ho..
ba<L I"U'S 01 lho..... pit"",", l1l<'fl
.....' ,1'0.' 1aCt' f,am<' "'I';."ht-, ,,,
,1'0.' Col"' . Thl uppe' "I ,h..
both'm ,ail i.n'l flush wi.h ,.....
"'P 0/ 1"" I"""" ;hdf. (Ok. ,ail
><'1> bd"w ,..... "'f' 'uri....,.)
IO!' All," ,..... f. C<' I",m"
is trimm,,j Aush wilh 11'0.- ",dt",
glu,' up ,..... ""lid W'K"; f"""] fm
tht' "'P' &"alL,<, tht'n/s no mold
un"'-'I'I'l<,,'h the "'p, it', , im
pi}" mad,- ", "wrhang .1'0.- fnm'
and .id", by ] -, "'-'<' d"'.,il '.:
l1l<'fl '''' il> 1n",1 .md <'<11';<'"
n,u' a"'" n>und",,.,., ju,' like tht-
""'-.. "n , f,"me.
Fi""ny, "''''''' ,he "'P 'n ,h,-
<a,., ,,-'i"l\ ,w.....i,, >ha"k
holes '""lIow tho.- f'uk'i """'pand
and cnnlTart with humidity.
T" the b<.'ke_, I wipt'<l
on thn,<, "",,, 01. """ in" finish,
Sure. it looks great. But that's only part
of the story. This project is also versatile,
easy-to-build, and solid as a rock.
'onl}' L,k,,,,,,,.. yuiek ""'k at tilt- phot" "I
th.-I,," t<> "'" lhal this c1.",ic-lwking h.x,k
c.... is. ...t ""Y' torr,,,,,I,,rm "'>n><' unu"od
"""II spa<'<' 3",1 tum it ink' ,'('""hl..
Altho,,!'. iI', unlil you ,n,,,.n "I tho,'
mn,true!i"" d"I.lH, th." y,....". l('1u"II" "bk'
to d,'w tho.' wht,I,
ONf IHUl. Tho.' llip k>ll... 10"*""'3,,1 '..,ill",'
wry' qukk aro "1>V un th<' ",.11..1, ()no.,
ply,,.x..t will 1I-o.,,,,,",'.md.1I
tI'l" shel",,>, And, by thn""in.-; in " ft..... b"'rd
1>.1 "I h.Jntw""d '"mM.nd. pit"" "I ".
pl,.... t )''''''''311 >t't to );0.
IH/ .-IICS Once p""", back at tho.- shop,
thirw; willj;() iust as ....y. Thi, bc.,kca,<' "
buIll to ,1.100 lip It, iu-'l "bou' any hld. .md
it It" to ac<t,mpli,h th" Os
"""'-' h.:1.;k .......
fu' is buHt ..... ith 'fuMy, but <'a,v-lo-
CUI, k"'/;"" and d.d., So yo,,'ll how
!hi> f'''1 ," lht' k'l;<'II><.,. in "', tin....t
.11, Tho.- f""" 1,.",,- is .,Iong ,I-..' '"'''''-' Ii",,,.
Oi"",il rn.du.'S thr qUick and ,....y
wi'ho"t s.><Tif"inll .ny """',,:U>. Tho.'I>,. <"""
you .>Jd ",m.,. >h<>p-rn.>d<' ,rim. lht- lx,,""_
...... on a whol< "'_w h,'"
Out, lx'h,'"" it '" "ot. tho-",', 0"'- """'-' f,,,
tu", thot mak<. Ihi' p,,>jo.'<l ,,'"'-'" ",--tk-" And.
tho,r, how it is k' .-spand !h<- "'-"l...,,,,
tn fill .n ""h,,' ",.If 'f''''-,'' you ,an
'I>o.'..... n in the right. AU ynu ho,.. do
is build mul'ipk ,."". 11,..n yo... ,im
ply m,><;lily th\' trim. bit, .,>J (."t,n tr..m
k,!:,th," This .11,."". m,','n;,'nt t<,
plde.. b...o"'rt, .."II,,,,.,,, 0' .my otlk>,
i""''' y"" miw>l hd,', "'.tt,,,,,j .",,,,.1 tlk'
I><,u",. s.." Ill'"'''' "0" might iust '"'v th,\!
this pn'>j<'<l is "or'" htSdIl, "
......,\'<ood'mi thSf'<'Ci.I.>m
-' If you like file ioo o of tlli,
project. it to ,O'er
dn enr"e """ii. 5ep<t'dte boll
togefiler unif> mdke it ....W
/110ft' ..... _ _
BOW .. u y,"O .. 7] %"H
- ~
00<1"'" u..
... _-
"""rr' r.... _
., '-"'1/ _ ""


Expanding Bookcase
Or", of th., ni,',,,! f""lun'S n/
thi, ""x'''',,,,, is Ih.,1 yo" can
""rnbin" d. ",clions
,lS n,X'<"""y 'n fit your wall
sr,""'. And, all it tak,><; "" .l
ft", minnr dt",i!';1l
fu id", ;.' IMt ,,....h
is buill ." " n'mpk"', ,",'p.>'
,It, unit 11><... tho. ",-,,-1Kn, ''''-'
",-, ,>dt' by sid,' and b,I<",.J
',"' ...11.... wi.h ,"...u\<'<.h" b;,]l>..
", yn" can " "" in <it"",il 'a',
11",,, dr<' '''' eh.,,,I';'" to
how yo" hllild lh,' b.lSi<' ply_
w,,,,,j ,."'..... Si"'... tho.' _""1i,,ns
!>.,,"t" h' bull lillhtly "'I\<'Ih.-,.
tl... tu p ,,,,d l><,no", trim an'
fit h,!\dht' ,1 Iiul,' diff"n-nlly_
F,,, ,m "nd ""'li",,, mil,",
lho. trim at tho. o"hoid,', but lit
it flush wilh lht c",,' sid. <>n
,h., ;n.,id." as ,;h<>wn in ddail.
'b' ,md c.' Tn m" k., " n'nt,',
"""li,,n, fillh<' In,,,! tTim f1",h
10l>o'ih ,id,." of U"" c.1....'.
..,. rnm
o 4"'_""


"'" i Y.. 72' c....'" IJ,) 8<1, Ft./
A C"",S"""W "",r,,,,( 1 .,8<I.Fl)
B C"", TO\lI801torn (2) ply. '1 29 f
( C"'" Back(l) 110 ply 29.> . 67110
o F.oce fr."", Slil", (2) x 2 73
f F.oce f,."", Top Rail (1) x 21', 26
G She4fP.r>els(4) .j>pIy9.... x 28 '4
H Shelf Edgl"9 (B) .J!.o. , 28'4
I Top Fr."", FrOn1 (1) .J!.o .3.>33
I Top frame Side>; (2) 110 3v". 13v"
K TopC"""front(1) .J!.o x .J!.o 31V"
L TopC"""S"",,(1)
M B.aseboard Front (l) 110 x 41', . 311'1
o Ba'" Bead front (1) 1' .. .... . 31 '4
P BaSE' BeadS""" (2) 1', ",. 12
(4) L........... Blocks
(IB)'B xl FI>
(12) .8 1'4' fll Woodsc,ew;
(16) '4 'Spoon-Style Shelf Pm,
(4 f'l'< Add,nonal SKtion) 1!ii' Connl!dOlllolts
(4 F'eI Additional section) Ciljl
......."" ><HI ",, i IllS"", idl"-<om
, Th. hardboard boJ,. of the
guide i$ trimme<1 SO !he router
rut fall' right along it>
A Simple Guido. Lineup tile twoUE'<ide<
drJdiJrnp !hem l/lOp-
_ guido !O rout tile dadoes.
Uyout To """'''' the <aU' i<flv<h arro"
rile top, 1M a scrap of plywood to Idy
out the dadoes in tile !ides.

w __
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l .


-- ,



on;> ",,_
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65 fotdot. '


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T;;:, ""_

,... po'"
HowTo: Routing Dadoes
Sqw", ,.",,,Ii,,.
"""" co... _
IK)rf: ......"'''' f"""
the bollo" of co...
,ho ,,,,,,,10,,.

It's di""ppointing ..... h"" yuu ,et
a ""If in pi"", unl)' to find thilt
)'OU didn't d rill ttit' hult,. 1m
,upp'>rt pins "cc; A sht-lf
that n",ks from co",,-' to """"'" or
t!o<sn't >it k-v..1wasn't in th<- pla.n.
S<> wh,... bUildIng 'ht> bookea""
I didn't l<-aw thi' 't> CMrKt', The
jig m.d,- my job
The hoi", a", in grouF" of fi"c
on Z' " .'nt,,,.,. 50 to sF"'" tl>< I><>1t".>cru- in th<- sidL'" for lh< b.Kk p"n..-l. And with
r.tdy and kt...'I' them in a straight Ii"", I a ..-I.... , 00 ci!ht-, skit>, th<- jig can simply
by "", king a drilling tL'rnpl....., as be flipped ()\'"," to drill ,he hob '''' the
shown in lh< It"".., drawinjo; bo..k"". opptit" <'dl\". By using the "'''''' "-'m-
At thi, point, you oeed a ..... ay to spa' hoi" tt, drill lh<frunt.OO b.>ck,
the hob from the /ront <"dgt' and t"', you'Il .....,u'" t.... hoi"" will Ii"" up.
rabbt'lt'tl back L'tlgt' ,>f the ca", >idt"" To Finally, yoo oeed a w.y to "",-,,atd,'
d<, this job, I a't.l<ht'd thin hilcdlx>acd the jig on lh< caS<' sid,,,, Todo this,
to "'t"'" ,kI,- ,>I lht t,,,,,pl."" The I fio;! "'luart'Cl a f"-"'Cil Ii"" thn>UlI:h th<-
two thill ..-I",,,, will fit ()\',", ,he plate h"l.. out to and a"""".
of t,'mpl.'..
IFig 2). This ,..ft'"""" Ii""
c.n be m.tch,'tl up ..... ith
your l.yout lin... "" the
c.., sid..., as ,n FiK' 1.
On", y"ur Ia,'""t is hni-
ish,'tl, h'k at ttit'
Idt drawing, Butt tho.
guid,' up t" thc <'dKc
<>I the sidc.OO alil':" it
"'ith your I.yo"t Iinc,
FiN, clamp it in
drill your hoI,,, and
t:hm nip tht> jig ,"'.... to
Shelf-Pin Hole
fIDn, Ih,db<:."d fIl"'
.,.. "u>/t "i'" _.""

Building th. CaM
\1,- firs! gOdl ",M to put
k,!;,tht".., ,.,lidly built plywwd
c" ,." II,,,u j",t tal>" h,' at tl><
drawinK at h> I"h, y,,,,'11 hiI"""
id,,, ,>f in\'oJ",'d.
tIlOUT.> I Mid boef",,", the
t'wk_, i. ".";;:ned ,., tht main
col,., part' an,t can all
b<- rut In"" '>n<' of \ " ply-
"n>d. So, bcl'>n> I ,tart<"d ,'ulting,
I laid nu' p.,." on my ply.
",..:land madt '''n>
h"l>< I wan','d it k'
THEltDEI. Th" maim pd't "I,h,-
w",k on ,hc ca", will in""h'c
mdking tw" plyw""d
,id," So on"" I wmpld"d th,'
IdyO"t. I th,'n c"t-
ling th,' two cd'" sid"" t"
:-';"w yo" can "t.,1 making the
Col"'''' "n the In d,-tail 'a'
on pagc, thc c",.,
"id,,,, ."... to th,> top .md
bt1t,'ffi with" kmg",> and
Thi, giw. y'''' gl"ing
,,,rf,,,,, and ",a..inll:" n",i",.mc...
Cutting tho. in the k",g
ca,.,,,id,.. '''' tht tabl<""'w w"uld
be "wkw,ud, So, I """,,,
hand-ho.-Id r""',-r and a ,impl,-
a. ""'->wn in tho.- bt"
"n !ht> opp".it,> P"g<-,
With thi" ta,k compl," ,-, tht-
"',,' ,,''? is to cu' a rabbo.1 a.m/\
the back, .id,-.
Thl>ho.'hi> !ht. c.- b.",k
And work on th<>
"i<.J''', y,,,,'11 ""''d to drill """"
"""If pin ho.>lt",. Tn do this quic kly
a,,,, ,,",-,rdldy. u"'". "mpl,' ply'
W<o>d drilling jig (Il"" at righ'/.
TO!' AHD 10110 . Thdt'S it Ii" ,ht'
,id,,,,. r-",t up .'n' tl><- i,i,'ntiCdl
c.,.. tt'!' .nd I>o"ttom, Fir>t. ,inet,
tht' b.>ck pa",'1 ,imply 1.oF" 'M"'
tht' ,''!' and h'y',., si",j
It ",,,n)w," thiln tht' skl,'S. And
tht... a dado bl.d,' Oil th,','
""w ....'ill .. kt' ca,,' ,>I rutting tht'
t''''gu,.. on th" ,,,,,b "f the top
and botT,,,,,, .' in ,1.1->il
At this pomt, J u",'tl glu., and
clamp, to ,,,,,,,,
One,' lh< damp> an: "ff, ,'ut ttl"
b.Kk p"",,1 .md gl"'>it in
Simple face Frame
fact fra me d,,.,. mo.,,,' 'hd"
ju,' hid., lh,- plywood .-J g...
H p,mid,.., "'''' m"", ,",'.Y '0
,'n-ugh", ,1'0;.,....,Tn malo,.., Un>
U,," f..... fro",,' I ",tded ,,'., up tt>
,.... !.l'k. I did .. k'W thing"
fi,," fo' .,t dt'<l ,trt' nglh, I
"",d,' lh<- pout. ".I u.... fd(l" fra..",
m"", Ihdn s"""L,nti.>1 _ 2" wido.
,til.., ,, 2"""-,,,;.1,' l<>p 'ail, "nd ..
O"""-wid., t..,tt..m, And "",.
.><>d, o. y"" con ...... in '.:
I g<>1 !>uj my hi",,,;, j"ilWr to
handI.> all If>< join,>1)'. II """os
the "'<Yrl. II" 'lukkly and the f......
fr" m,- Pl.'1l'Y rigid.
You'll haw.>"'>ugh "'"m 1<\1"
two '10 bi""ui" b<.l\W," 'he
bc"j"rn 'a n and the ,tilt", 8utllO
be "it, a,,' a bo.111... fit '" the tup
rail yuu can _ in d,t"il 'a:
One<- tI,,> bis.:uit sit>!> a", rut. the
fi><': fram, can b<> a""'mblt><l aM
1:1u<><l in plao.' un the "..-.
IQUI 1 had t",,, "".>ls
in mind ",h,>n ma kin" the ply"
""'-'Iv,,". I ",ant"" them ttl
I,x,k p"... ty shout and ti' b<' ""I:
p"'''/." I acmmpli'h,'<I t hi' by
"'inf",,-in,, b"th tl'" front .,nd
b.>ck "f th<' ,hdf rands "'ilh a
sturdy. l """'i<lv pi....., of ,oJ"in!\-
as ""'-",'n ind,....i ] b:



, FAC"A"'"E


e ' >lEU
@J .-

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'Acr "",ME

@ ,


oorn''lKtI ",""
"" . tlwd ,to<'

HowTo: StrongandAccurate Biscuit

NOTf , It ,.n
". ,.",...
" A n,ong 'ram<' is quick and
also ea'r to build when you're a plate joiner
The l .. your. A line <quared
acroj} the stile. and rail< mark,
the cente" of the cun.
110 ' i uit<. I u.ed iayouT
line. 10 <ul a <lot for a . ' 0 bI,-
<uit in rhe <liies and railends.
WI .i ffl
... " ....

' ",






=.08 a :
- JI O) _ ... _
.......... ".'" tNt "'" bt,....._ ...'"
k....l.nJ upright. I fiN i",l.Ilk...t
k...,..... in ...... Ct'rnt-r
y"u n ..... in ,1d.1I1 1>: 11>o.n.
.fl."I"" b",k.,.. i. ''''pl,".1
.1Id m"....t in.. ' p""", .m"'"" iI
..' ' '''' w.1I (d'1.,il '.' .,1>.,,...). Th..
will .nv w''"Y ,,j lho,'
1:><".........., "pping.

JfO...,.' ...........


I ...o.-I....d on
II><- 'I:-
bo;-.>d ""rk... il
ooll" ,,j lho,- ""...+. ,,1. Tho:n lho,'
c"mrk'tt,J I,im i. mll,...-d
."",,>tt lho,' ......... Hni,h ",wh
ing lho,' Irim '" Ih. ,.. ... "'ilh
....... ..,,,.....,, "-' in ,1,1.,1 'b .
Uyn. Wi,h ,ho,. ba...
.t.t.-d, tho.- l>t" k,."" i. ""..Iy
>mrk'tt, Yo,.r 1i",,1 ,k i.
..---......:::: ....
_..... - :--
_ eL.- ____



AHI.. tit. Tri.

\\-,Ib Iht c_ """'*"",l"'" c...
.c.n'''In... Ihrtrill'llhat
d...-.. up !tor k'J' ond t>.......... If
....... t>oJil.h"ll ...ngk-.....-tim.
find,,,......'lIung y"" "'-"I'd to

><'<1k""'. "'... 11 no....,j ." do. thinp
.. li"k' oJ ,1h.'f\'I1' Iy. ""t.<.:k out Iht
'''' I'd!\'. 1>.'
IME 10f II I. Th,> dr.winl\'
'''''WI' ""',..... h<\W '<> fini'" oul tho.'
"'I' ,>I t... c. .... H",1. I '''''''mhhl
.. th"... .,j m"",,,<1 f m" h'
e" ...' " .. wi,le <,v,'1'II.ln;; (d,-,.il
"b'), 1I,",u," wIll ho'lp "h tho.'
__ .nd k..." , mil<-f>;
lij\hI 'cl. 1\1 "oblinl:
Ih<' fr_, lIwn 1-.l1ht..uK>'>
will> .. 'A.- .."""" .
(lnc., ..... If i> l.b/Irrwd lo
t.... c_. oJ,J tho- ""'rio" CU"C
lNt 61> it- Tho
_ ..ant...JnoOdo. .. ""","....wr ill
Ihr .._ UIl*.-l1hon "'*""<I
61. I ..... """".
'" Ihtc_ ond fr_ w,'" gh.w
ond .. ... bor.od> IdrWI 1>1.
.... "" lUI , up """'""
Ihr widr two- tnm -nin Iht
rW>i d r.WW'Ip. 11', mod<- up OIl
..." "'P"''''' --
"'_ ......... roo W m Iht
- _ lhol
"c.apo" Iht n " -.,,j <'dlll"' _
T" ....... _ _ . , 1I_
k. "f"<"'d .. 1;,,\0- to_ ., n .....
...1>It . 0..... ,1 '.' .t",0:11. """"...
Iht ,,,,,I >t'l'- Att... <ul\ln;; Iht
N ...t><...'d hb nb h' .uu;;h
""'KIn. thom 1 n >ut...l ,n. w e
......,1'i.>o<I.." i I r-i.I...,,,,,,

quick knock-down
Use hassle-free joinery and a few
surprising woodworking tech-
niques to create a classic look.
..... "'.. - ""'phr..... -.....
d<-.. ..,
mind ' y,... POOU"''''''''''
...... __.. ...
&ok> IwolI .. h<_ "'"' . .-.J
eM> ...old "" ,........
\,..1" Ihr <hftTv knock-<i<-"
t>,_>l....htIf., "'" pho'" d.h-
..... d,....., ', III INI mold. I.....,
t... n conslruct>on. but
IN!'. ,,....... w
y,....tAn tho- I"''l''d wlln tv.'" ..
idlv !>u,1I Ir.",," d...d 'Plndk> ",d...
1>, ... ull in pl "f
""" I,.. ",,<1 !,' n" " on 110,-
.til,...,n,1 ,.,i l, "mphfi,..
II><- ,,,I<,,, ..... ,'h ' on,-
" .....K'h. And ,ork.....,-,"lt
""'''''oqur .11.__ r<'" 10 "'" con-
>opind.... It, tho- sod..---.n-
-., 01 "'''' ....... lO m _ boo
_ "'k-d<-.. -
lhr v " >h<ould to.- - lhb P"""'"
hM _ ......... .. "'.......
48"W x 14"D " 63 Y:. "H
_I<.,..., oro

_ .-oJ"....,
with .""".-</0....

Cop "II! ''''' ""'-
., !<on. ,,;,1>
toi>l<'l<> ' ..........
NO'f ' """"'"
ond '''''
... '''''''

""'" """"
NOW 5><J< " *,
< WI "om
,. _M'" """,
114'''''. W-
_ . ,1<><'
f iller Strip Blink. To mike comi lfent filler
starT by culling norehe. into" wid..
blank. tl>t>n rip each str,p to fiMI width.
HowTo: FillerStrips,==;
NOn , s,.,.,
0<1 ..,,.
... jo.'<><d

.... "'-
NOn, In....

,.;,h 0;0
Starting the Sides
11k' '''''' ldo."'ll<dl ,1.1,> d_'mbli<"
rn",ld,> n... mdin ,lnJ<lun' dnd
,upp"n for ...... 50., .hl,
b a plac-., 1<"1anb"Hding
' HI '''0 S'OIl I u,..,J bi"'''il'
." join .he ,hi", ",><I r..ib ,of II",
,i<!,,,. Th<' I"'lhick ,hff's.nd v-
.hick, .n, Au'" ..k"'K
tho.> i,,,ide f"r d h!lhl ,h"II-I<>->i.1,'
NOn: fi ....s >I>.",n in d,1"il '..:
0} _ Sm"lI h",or,-, '''' .he 'rindl", Ii.
l;" "Iu'''' n"",'i"" In 'he r"H . Bu h'k ".
d,,.,i] 'b' bd,,,,"' ,h"w. ,h., 'hi,
i.'n', ynur ,,",,,,,)'.1")' "",m... "nd
""''''' n..., mnrh,... bo...,;in
.1S wn!<>n'<l !In''''... <u' Into H..
r"i1" Wrum y"u fl h,> !In""""
",,i.h ""ICru.'<l fill." "'ips. yo>u
.....d up wilh ..... mo>l1i,..",
1l'(1 0 I ,'an,d
building ,he sid... tmm .h., in.,i,J,
"", - with .h<' ,aib.t>J 'Pit>Jb.
Th, ",.,.on is ,impk. I d''''id,'<l
th gl"inglht 'Pi"dk.. inl<) ......
morti_ in lht ,.,ib ""'a,.>". "'-'C"
",,-,'v. .h, spind],,> and
,.il, .n pult,s! t'-'!\t'lher.
!lluin;;'h,> ,.il" th,' ,hie.. will
"''''p .h<m In pLlCt,
GllXI V11 Ao O nuns. All",- ru'-
tin;; tho.' ,.ib'" <Ut', the fif'>! .1<'1'
in lht.' join.,'Yi, tn ,,,,1 lht.' 1o,-..i<' 'P
,""'I<"1'.'<l WI"n',,> 'n tht.' rail' lh>.
.n t.... >t.lrl ,of the "">rti;o,,, Tht....
y'lU ca" mal< ..,><I "dd .....' filk'r
'lrips 1<' 1h<, (bo.", !><klWl.
NOn' lpi <>d'"
'" ..'k
". .... t
""""., "'
M/rI' ""'" , ...... mort;""
,,,,,,,,,,,p ..
NOn,110"_ fiJ""
,trip> gIuod
"'''' gfOO "' ,..k

a .
, s


ROik _

l o rr"",
u .
.., ''''''''
tltt' ml ,. n.. bi""'t joi'''''Y 'hat
1 ""oJ m.,u., thi,. q"",k 0'
y'''' can ...", in tho. h<" tN.I,M, Bt"
th<.'''' Ot,'. kw'hing< y,,,,'U ",-.oJ
to "'''-"I' in mind.
n", fi"'t thing I did aft'" c"t
ling the I--thlck stiw. w..s
t" drill ,I>.- 11<,1... k>-,
tho.' Conn,,,,t,,, bolts. U',
fnr }'ou to do thi, ""w th"n "Itt"
a,,,,,,,,bling tht- 'id.....
And '0 a tight fit
'.if" 'impf)' d"mp th<.-m
", on m..' l:><-nch I:><,of<"" laying nut
tI", biscuit a' in lhe .1,,, w
Ing at f,>ft, (y"" sh:oufdnnti' \
tI", fa'" is p<lSiti._sJ I","","
up "n tho.' I><.....,h.) "Th.'f\, ""'" 'ho.'
pi.",", a", ahgno.,>d.nd c"'mped
>impfy ""',ka<rosI; .he sliks.nd
the ,,,if, fo' .he biscuit cuts.
Fin"lIy, In ",.1," 'n
flu,h t""", you will ......nt
to "'y ,"" ond cu, ..11 the biscuit
fn,m ,hiid<-. A
tip is .0 ",.... "''''''' h"rdb""n.l
spa"'''' h' ,.i", th, 'ails flu.h
.... ith 'ho.' lhi<k<". stil,'S, as you <an
"''' in ddai] ab<we.
AII IMItT AI"" you ""t down
,he hi>euil ,h<. glutup ll'''''
pn'tty """dhly. All you ",-.oJ h'
do i. p"II,h,' >rindl... ond .. il.
tight wi'h .. d and .1It", g1""
,he "if,.. to 'he ,ail., Thi. will
hold ""''rything t''I:''lh<,.
>1 'Pindk.., And klT01;<,,><1 ,oil -it,.
,.,if fi'. ,t" impor",,,t 'hat the two
1<1>g'h-' "". ,""",is',,,,,- So. who.'n f
",I .11<' 'PiM.... to Io.",g'h,. 1 .......sJ
,It'f' bkd <l.Imp<oJ '" the milt"
It' "",k, 'his ,..,i," .
n_ Tho.' will "'...oJ
""l""'" It'non on 'M .hat
i., ,i",j 10 fit th<.' m"rti.... in the
,,, i"- Th,' d'awing on the l<'it
gi,'." you" g,.><1 id<-" ,>I how It'
.]" 'hi<. fho""" both of th<.' 'pin-
,11,.,. .Hld ,he h""ln' art "l"a,,',
you mn ,impfy n>!.lh' 'h<' 'pindk'
'0 "" ",eh t....." ,>I th<.' """",.
IDD'MG IHI tIlm. Onee 'h,'
,pindl,.,. ,Hl' fit It' lho.' ,,,if,. y""
can "n .dding \h<' ",if,.,. It,

,.,1,.. .. ",,'"
__ f_
o .
Sqw'" T'-""OttS. Ufe a dado blade
b<J'iM in "n .. ..ry fpr><:e 10
cuI lenofll "",curarely,
(ompl.'. ,h. Sid.s
N"... th.'l th,' gn"'''"'' and
fill"r ,t'ip, an' ,mpl," ..
tilt"" ,.,,, ju,t a k It'I' to
.1" bo.-!,..... you ,"nglut "p tilt ,id,'
a",,>rnhli.'>- n.. fiNi, t""",I-<'a,\(1
fi' ,ho.' 'pindl,... y"u 'h"uld ""It
!h.,t ..... n an' two.1 iftt,,,,,,t k,.".;lhs
""rr:, "'"......bIo
,Ii"" ,.it>. _
"" - "" .y",,'
HowTo: Strong and Accurate Biscuit Joinery
, Biocujtjoinery il a qujck and
t'd1Y .lltM'lal;ve 10 rtadiljONI
mort;'e "nd tenon jojnery
"'" La)'Oltt, AHgn ondCMmp the
W!e3.lnd (.lib, Then, mark .lr;rw;
both for the bi'cuit cut<.
Ahgn lriu"
Cui Slots. /lien I u<e<i the Myout
to wt wt frx 120 bil-
(Ilit in the stiles "nd ,..iI>,

11.1, "".,
.. A <003"",
t1>rNd"...... _

i<JNIlot _ m

NOn,f,._ 'ton,

_O)'-doly .... do'." ','



Make the Base &Tap

A"hi> po.>i"', ,ho.' hard,,>,! ""1ch
"f Ih<> pn>j<>.:t i> 'w."., N"w, it's ju,', "I comwch,,1': 'he 'w"
...1<", wilh a couple "I
fra "" .,dd,nl':. !<'P k>U,,-'
c . ,md fin.llly tho.. """k.,...
IWO fl UlI. Firs' in lin" ,,..'
,ho.' uppo." .nd I<\W, " .......>.:ti"l':
I,........ n.,,;.. f,......,. "'ill 1><' f" ..
M','<i hgh tly II' ,ho.' 'id,,, 1<."",.1<'
ril':id fr..."'...""k 'ha' will "..isl
,,,,,king, A, y"" c." .,,'.1 HI, 'he
r,hick I..m, ......b.nd 'ho.' v-
!h ick fra""" ,idt.. ,m a' 'ho.'
",,,,.,,,. ",ith a 1<....1':"" ,md d.d".
Bu' """h I,.m" M<. ""upl<' "f
",...., d, ",,"'h "'>lIng.
Uffi. f U 1l1 Wh. .... y"u .dd tho..
1<'1'. y"u'll ....,j. ",ay
h,.tL><h i, Ih." .1""'" i' h. ,,,1"',....1
and """""" . lhe b.",k ,.,il of the
f,....., ha' d"Vly rc>un!<"-bo.,,,.1
, "'*" h' "'*1 tho.' h'l' hl':hll)"
with W<xo.b<......." A' tho.. 1n....1, tho..
I<>p i......W"h-;y' l>}"
1""1<""",, 'M' fi l in lho.'
In"" ,.d,n... fi ndl & is.
cu' int" ..... In"" .....
ul'l'"fr,."",-"" ...."'.... in & 'd'.
lOWII I U IlI. A ,.11 1>o.,,,k..,h<11
",..'<i, ,,, , it 1,'i,ly I,"d. S" I
i",talhl",t 1,""I,rs un lho.
I"".... fr.,rk' ,h., can ".,ily b.'
",I ju",-,I by lihinl': lho. "'ffil",,bl.
!x>ll"m shell 'c'), And lip
,...."',,1 til' , 1. 11., In....' " il uj
t1". kWH" fr will ""Ye '0 k,d
'ho.' I>o.,n"m shelf in pl.... ",he"
it's ",id,,j l,!<" OIl.
0"1 U l i. One,- 'ho.' up!",.nd
I"",., f,.,m,, a", ""mpl" "'d,
y'>u e.n put 'ho.'m lu "",,-1. ron-
"'<.:'inl': ,h. 'w" ,id.'S, U,,' th"
h<'k'S 'h",ul':h Ih<' ,'ik'S ,,, I<",a'"
Ih" p",iti"" ul Ihe h"I", for
Ih<' h.,dw.,, Ih.' "'ill "","'-",
'ho."", I u",j cap nut> in 'ho.' Ii>p
fr,'""", buI In ,he bu'I"'" fr..... I
insl.lik,j 'h" , ki.,,j i""'",,'
11I1 101' . N," " I ",..." , 1my" ",....
Ii"" h. m.,ki,,!\ ,h<, I<'p. /Is yo"
e.n " ,n 'h<' d,.wi"l\ .b.,w, it's
,;mply a p.>n..t 1'1ut,j "p fn"" I"
wilh. ...I'UI un
,he und,,,,,,,I,,, Y,,,, can "' .' h"w I
dKt Ihi".... lhe .....Xl p.>ge
:, hI
, .
Iii Ii'
r-<IT- '\ .....
; i t-
, .
1 . Illi

4 r
4 . t"':"
' I!
, r .ii
L -,
-s- ,
1' 1
I l!l

!=! WHi hl:tl

3 fd Q. p
. "0' ., f .
;;oii'i lI ..

. .. 'F' flf
r '!. il!Jj ... .. l

. c I

"ll,! 'I
l loP'",, ..
.. l ... >

H,' .lld>f

. . u-
- . 11
'II '
III !lnnl

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... . iii! '
1 r ;" . I
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!. tJ ' " . I ,
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PI! c=: I I I
i <H
. H
! .U
t -
MATnlALS & SUPPLIIS ---------------
(2\)) 10'20. rCDfV"lDf ""'"
(16) ""20 t:o-orr.. ThrNdfd
(4) W>lt\op f ....l...-..r$
(4) C.aboneI
(4) '8 . 1'1.1" Rh WoodscI?NS
,.. !Iollom R.lIk (2)
lop IWoI5 (2)
C I,Iod* IWoI5 (61
D '>trop!; (16)
H IJppf< f' F'cnl(1)
IJppf< fr IlK'. (1)
J IJppf< fr So::IPs (2)
K FronI(1)
M lowE< f ' so.. (2)
\1 61'1" 6-b
* .)6%0

!O . 4-b.
"". _4] 'I.!

Pol lop (l)
Q from IWoI5 (]l
" btomSI'-.Il (I)
S Ionom SI'-.Illlact IWot (I)

* .IIItU!O
" .slO' ' r c
' ....7r
(H.... "

a.. .. ft.J

U J"'-fU


, ,.". 17 Olorrp (JwG _ . U IiII I't- _

"" 'or N ' (Mrrp f7\oo -.... H " ft._I



....... Wood'mithSr-i.I .rom
elegant, low-cost
Start with a basic box made from a single
sheet of plywood, then add a few frames
to get a great-looking bookcase.
h.,n yu" think "I' a plywood ,Il'l<' fiN thing
that ",,,ally ",'mo." tn mmd i, ,,,mdhmK y"" hnnK
h.,m., in a <a,db<",rd t><,x and ,1.1' in. "'''1''''
"111<",,,, _ ch,",'ply buile n,,' wry ,(",dy. and b.>n.'ty
lunch"""I . \lid!. this <1''''1\'' <11..",/;,.. all th.ol. IIy ",ing
p,uv"n ttdmiqu,'S, "n,.' ,h,,,,t "j \"
and .,mt' ,n..rry facing.. if, ,,;mp'" t<> huiki ltw k,w
ch<'ny yu" '''' in Ih<- phot<>at HI. n...
"""r> th<o '-'1"""." d,,,,m and ,1 cr..rT)' I.e... ftdlr.. gj,.,.,.
th<- bo.x,k_' an ck""mt aoo cl.,..ic h>\;.
l.l'OUI . A, I N.I;",. you can build 11'1;,
ca,,' ""t ,of ,,,.... of plyw,..>d. Out. in "rd,vr \<' Iimil
y<>un,t'!1 h' only "no,' ,h,,-t, you'lI ",.mt I" _p'",J "",,,.
bm<' oul "f lbt' plyw<n:ll'"t, bt>fon' you ,I"rt
j,l'l' tl>< d,awinl\ ,'" ,I,., nt' xl 1"#')' 11 aL", "",b
bt,,110 layout l'"",,, pil'l" a bill,'ll'"' 'homi'calhl I,,. and
lbt", cullbt'll1 tiMI ,i", ... , nt,'>il'>i
59"W x 14'/4'0 x n JI/H
P'<'(.. ...
<W '" ,;,
- ,-
.-;'" r.....""
Jo Ail""" Med for is """"ofplywood. By
PiJy;t>g al1>l;on durlt>g Ia)oout """ wi" """" ;omJ-
r.lIy>izt f!>e pieo. II will "4' lO """"'lOin 'Fain "'""''''.......
>idIt """"Is
an onijn.>'Y

.. . '10''''
- ,




N . , .... .. ...
-- HION...cnoH




' Il' .......

-- .-

,,,, "'"







HowTo: Cut Dadoes &Ra bbets
.ki", .... Case
n.1>0,,-.-.. ""y .. buo.
poo'I<'Io. 1lwn. ftanw. to-.
"'P. -.d bKk _.oddod I<> d.....
uplho "f'P"'''MI<I: 01 tt... e:-
.. _ U l!o'gIn by <U!tInS ,...,
tht plrw<"wJ /,.". IIw ...p.
"'''''..... ,.;,j".,..,ond di'-klo....
On., of tho.' "ru'l"" .'1""'''
dl>.,U' Ihi, b<., i. ,h<' , ,
,hdt U", wr!icdl divid. n
_._ftf _
f<x .. ""'9 fi t 0In' ......
lJMIoblM ro molCh ...... lhOci -
"..." of ...... piy..ootI.
INIdr up 01 two \own
And;l you to ..
d<- I"...... you'D __......
WJdIh of tho I. ..
........ 1<> ....1dL TIm y. too.>U
..d<o....oly ""1,>1 thor e_
l" ....1.(. th<> '..,.,....1 d,vdo."", 1
"",flood by up tw<, >l,ghUy
"" """,,,od pi"""" " I plyw,.od
(m.:., tho,. Ill"" dn..., y"" "on trim
...:h ,livid,>, ,,, findl 'Ii,,,
You Utl cur """ ,.o-
,,",0 _rh _ dMk> blMk.
<J$in9 xilWy
, _ l,. _ l,. & .....m n...
_ lD_iitolo ".."...
dod.-... ........-..,. llt.>I
M"O\' you NI M\)I d IIw
l""''' "'ani II>1>0- ...... k,dlori, .....
Ihic""'- 01 yuut p/yw<. -.l,
In rn",t ,,,"'-.. ply ".>d i
""0.1,,. \" thi<k hKh
maL<", fith,,!\ t.... hlli<"It,
So" I ",..oJ I ... m.t"'''!. .h"..." i"
Iii<' bo,,, at th<' 1,11 Ii' """f>' Ihal
I ... ""Id /;<1 a hi
To cr..ah tl><' t,,"It"... un , ....
e",b.>4 t...........1..... ,,0.1 "pprr
di,idon.l cui r.obt>; hulh
rnd. of....-ll p Idrt.oil "bl.
With a dado bladr _;on -
lI"ry tip lma, Y<'" can k
..s-" "" Ihr finollU<'
Ust !Usa-. At _ .1'0
"11"'><1" dry _"obIot Ihr
c_, Thi> Y<'" dwock

"""'"' Once- r'''' "'"'
rI-d. fo, IIY
>ClYW it V,,,, .Joo.,I .....""
h.o,-..... bIJth.r ....... clomps.
e o
f'_,,;/0< mote....
. ....


Frame MoJdjng. After cutti ng

be...." on the of" bI" nk,
rjp the moldjng to lize,
mite' t ho. pi,,,,,," tn Irngth and
glu,' tll<'m M"und til<' in.,ide nl
tho. side I,."", r.ils and sh",,",
" Ul l SIll' 8"f"", m"vinjo; on
1\> the L>...., I add,oJ a liller ,trip
to the ca", l>.Ick, Tn fit a">lInd the
Cd,., ,id,,,>, the "nds 01 the lill"r
a,,' ""tchett, as sho.,,,,n i" ddoil
'd' "1><,,,,", n.., ",>lcll<,,> 0'" cut to
/it 1><'I'l\',"'" the CiL,", ,;<It..
frod sril", Firsr, r"bln; r rh e
of" TIlen np
fhe ,tile< ro wideh.
SholUiP: (orner Face &

!t,,.. '" <i<h f,."" !t''''
.....".,,, 1o "" ",...,
odd ,.,.....r>irtg f,Of'" p"'..
IUlIIll()lDIl.r; . Tn gi"e til< sid,,,,
nl tho. the oj fr."",
.nd p.",,1 I,'<l
"",'ding 1\> tti, insid, <'<Ig'" nf
,...mfe,'me, as ilillslTat<...t in d,""il
'c' al><",e. In til<' "'CI>n<! d,.",ing
tItI"",. y"" can ..". h"", I llsed
,he 'able So'''' t" CII' the "",kl -
ing In"" an ''''t'TSin' ",,,rkpiece,
On,,,-' til<' molding is compk1e,
Adding the Frames
Til "J""" up" fr.. plyw",xt 1
aodd,'<! I..." IrA""""" t!I<' fnM't,".,j
,id,.., If yo" kd , "I tht
1","11 II"..... I did til;'"
001"111. In.,t<-ad uf th<'
fTa""" "'-'P-'ral<'i y and tryingtt, fit
tnt...., h>gdht'r, II<>Und it N'H.", t<>
,t>rt by buildin;; the "'Tnt',.." ,>I
tho-Irames. Tht'n yo" can add tho.'
"",t ,>I lilt r"", by wu,kin;;
oul from of U... COInt''';.
F.ach ,wn"r mad,> up o( a
l"In' ,,,,d ,tik' tholl" r.'l>b....>d t<l
a=pt a .ide ITam., ,Ii"" a. in
d,'!.,;! 'a' .,1><1\','_ Tu make th<. rat>-
bo>\t'<l slI1<'S, I st.>rt.,j with an ",',....
,"",<! ...o,kpin."" (nll!>l 1>,,).
0 .., yuu\-c cut tho:> 1-" f'lrts
"I th<' "''''''T, you Cdn 111"" tt",m
1''I;,1h,-,. And Ihen tn ,'ast' til,'
. harp <dK", I rtlut.'<l a .mall
rn"mk" (..... Sh.1p TIp). Fi""lIy I
;;lu,'<I th<- "''''''., ,n plln'.
T''''''''pl'1'' t,.... n."t "I II,, 1...,-
fram,>, ,,11 yuu h.we In dn i. ,'tit
lhe "-",,a,nmK eait. and stil,,,> ,,>
fit ar.l glue th>'tJl tn the CiL,""



I .



!ht. COnk'''. I,,,,'e your ""'" bk,d.,
lil h'd 1<> the ,>,.el ..,m,' ""1I1.'-
n",n, yo" can m"k" .",,,b,,
p.>"s,.s shown in .1><' fiN <1 .. ",-.
ing in Iheb,,, I>.'k,w.
I slarl,'<l mbling
the "pm"', I ,ut tl b.l , <"",Is
to si,,, f,om Y" . thic. h."dw,,,,,j
,k.:'. !t', imp"'l.ln"o n'mo.-mb."
k' >l""'ll'hm the ,' pn",-, dUring
a""""biy, '0 I SCI'\-WOO ,h" fn""
d ,-a' to the I,on' ap,on. Aft,-,
you'". fini,h,>d the a",,-'mbly
you eM,.><Id th<- 'wo ,kl,' d,-,,'"
" II MOIOUIG. 50""" you'w no,w
fini,hed the lM,,-, ),,,,,,,an ''''" ""

"" ,!<>c.
th<o molding. n..., molding
bast' is jus' " pi""" of h.>,dw,,,,,j
"'ith a wid, ....",,] eut!", """ f"""
M'"..... n in lhe"'" bt'l".....). And,
"''''au,,- thi, m,>lding is ido-n'i,'al
k> the mnlding u-<.<'d at the top of
!he boo" kc.,,', I mad, ''!'l<'ugh fu,
"'>lh of lho. a"",mbl;"...
IISI 'SSIMltT T" "Ilach the ba..-
to tho. ca,,', you can ,I"rt hv glu-
ing and ""n>wing Ih,' f>o.",,'led
mol,l,ng '0 lho.' "'I' ,,j lho.' ap'''''
at>d d,"la'''s.''''bly, n...", you cau
""n_w 'ho.- ""mpk-!,>d t>.t"" ", the
"',uom 01 tho> "a"',a, you'll find
","""'n in d"l.\il 'b'.

WI from
v _"",,>

,""'. """'P'


" .

@ ' 6
,. ,.
, ,


., 0

,@ L__
... 'I> ..
Building the Bas.
N<\W lh.>, yo" ","w!he f",v ...
y<>u can turn yuur
.,tt,,,,h,,,, "",king <I b.,.. for it.
IltI ...Sf As ","-",." in the d" ....-
in;; ab",.." the b.l",,' "",-,i,,,, of a
, imp*, <lp"m capp<'<J ",ilh "'>In<'
molding. You'll lind just
a d,'." ht'lp hold
thing 'ullt'lher.OO al""
a """ns for attaching the 00"<' 1<'
Ihe uf th<' ,a>e,
I ,I.lrlt'tl by "",kinll the .p"'''''.
A. ;"u can ....' ab<,w, the Inm!
.,><1 "P,ons dre joined with
;"ints, 5<,_ "net'
y",,'w finished mil"ri ng .11 of
HowTo: Miter and Spline&Bevel Molding
Apron Splj"",. After mjtering the <or
nen. leave your saw bl adl" tilted to
45"and<!lt akerloJiong !he facl",
B<nreI Molding. With blddf" riltf"d to a 1ZO
angle. set thf" ff"n<1" Iof" from thf" bIildf"and
cur rtwbf"vel for the molding,
, A hardb<nrd ,pljne
Wt'ngtherll the milt'r
j oint in the apron
www.W.-l,mithSp<'Cial .<om
Be.:au' onl)' Ihe Imnt and
.'fl<l, of thi, !"'nt'l will be an.'.
"nod b)' ,Ilt' mill",od I
....Id,,,] a ",,,n'w ,trip of h,mj -
w,.><1 "'-'ging the back I'd!\,'
oj Iht !",n,,,1. Tht'/1 I cuI II><' 'op
1'"",'1 final .i",.
mill'''''' lop ''''ging tn t1w tor
pa",'1 ,",'illi. ,,"'g..... and g,,"'.....
n'. Cul .g"""',. "" tho.' insi,i. of
the ,odging pi",...." and " m.,"tling
.k>ng the hunl "nd ,><I,,,
,,f the f"",'1 {b<,. b<'k,w,
!II'OOW li Nt . I ,,'.nhod I"
d,,,,..h,,,' .had,,,,, Ii", .,\\,,,'"
tho.' '''p panel. To do Ihi,. I cu,
" ,m.1I <abb<1 ol,,,,g top.
i,,-,id., I'd!\" of ,hi' fmnl"nd
''''ging pit'Ct">. a. "ho:'wn in llIe
Ihird drawing b<-k"", OOCI' this i,
d,>nt', Iht 'u 1t'/1l1lh
a,><I II I", i, ", ,he "'I' panel,
ASlI IlILT. Bd,,,,, a'laching 'he
"'I' h' ,....'c...... )"",'11
,he b<n"'...t m,Ming and a "f"<'
the 'lip 1'<'''''1. Tht-n J'<'" <an
",",,'" ,ho.. "'I' ," ,he C_.
IAU. Alii"''''' 11"1, I" m,'.,- is
o h.><' k. for ,....' grain ,n
run I mad., ,h<. h.><' k in
twll pk'Ct'>, Ju.1 cul llIe h.><k pan-
1'1, .nd tho.'/1 >en..... ", "tt...n,

os . ,,..
SIDl s,cno.. v'Ew
"" 1> ...
""' "'''''Ell
<.!; OfOtDlNli

Completing the BookeoM

' Nl 'O'. Now, .11'....1" 1..11 L, ,h., f"nel .m.1 ,he .., is lhe b<",'I""
lop, II', .1>., m.d. up of ,",v m"lding th"t vou m.d.
.",,1 p.... Tht' main 01 ("ho:,...-n in lhe '.'
lhe top i, a 1'1.."..".><1 f"",-j ..... ilh r" lhe I .ta.rt<od by
,odging on ,lin... ,id,.,. ' Ull ing a '01' panel '0 n'ugh
Sandwich,'d l>cll' ..,..m th, "'I' ,i", Inm, V .h,'rry ply.......><I .

OS . ,,..







"'" Shadow line. Make a shallow

p;o the top of the pk<e, A
rip bi"de wii! cut it f1d1 bottom,

Cut the T<>ngu", set ,"" 'ip "'nee to

rootell tIlt:-lMgtll of I"" tOngut'. Ma. e
a 1"'''- flip tht> nexk ovt'r, and ",,,,

HowTo: Groove,
Cent.... th.. G""'...., Soot )'Our "'rn:"so
tllf> bI4de (uU10 tllf>
1"'''- tfJ<on flip t"" SlOe. and'epe<>t.
A Ca", TopI8ol1om (2)
8 Ca", S,de<; (2)
C Ca", Cenl ... DiVIder> (2)
D Ca", Upper Oovl<!er>(41
E Case f!or,zonlal DiVIders (2)
F Case frontFi ller (')
G Face F'ame End (2)
Il Face Frame Upper SliI", (3)
I frame LO'W<'r Stile (I)
J Frame Ra lls (3)
K S"", F,ame Front Shies (2)
L S"", F,ame Bac' St,les 121
M S"", F,ame Rails (4)
N Sidef'ameMolding(l)
o case 8ack Filler (I)
% ply. _11!(, . n'/j
% ply. _ 11 '/j . 25%
%ply.. l1lh 'l%

"" .\(,52Y,

.\(, . 1.1. 10
%.1!(, - 13
%.I!(, -52Y,


.\(, .\(,54
P El<IseFront"'Pron( 1)
Q Base Side Apro<>s (2)
R Base Front Cleat (I)
5 Base Side Cleal, (2)
T 8eveled Mc>dlng (2)
U Top Panej m
V Top Panej Back Edglng(')
W Top FronlEdglng(l)
K Top Si<!e Edg'''9 (21
Y Top Back Spacer (I)
Z Back Panels (2)
(4) Level", Bloo:ks
(76) '8. 1'4 Fh
(I 1) ' 8 2 Fh Woodscrew
(3<) '6 .\(, Fh Wooclscrew
"" .458'1,>

"" .11',57
"",11', -11""
"" ply.. 53%
;.0 ,.\(, 53;.0
"", 3%59

'4 ply. 27 26'1.
CUnlNG DIAGRAM ----- - - - -
""'- !I<l" eM< (4.UIId. ft)

__ v 0

'SlId. F,
{>1' 8d. Fr_1 w, ,w-,,- (

, ,

Build this frame and panel bookcase with two drawers
- in just two days. Sound impossible?We'U show you
the secrets to simple. solid construction.

proj<.><1 ,h.>, can t>c

buill quickly i. NSy
But it oft...... ",.,'inA out a Iol
of b" details.. And (cor woOO",:ork-
t''', it', the"" detail. that ",ak a
pnljo.'Cl inten...ting tt> build.
Dotails d"n'! otway. to
j,., difficult. And the bt>.odfronl
i. a great example or
,tiL.. For the two ,mall
.... joi",'<l wi th .imple
locking<>ts. .11 the bead
profi.... . .... m;.l\,J with. singl,>
bit on the n>ul<'r t.>blot. AI.." tho"
frame and p.".,1 0.""1"",11,,,, of
the >idt'S i too_
Anothe< b"nefit (" build-
ing ,h. book, .., i. iI. size
_ ii's not \'ery big. [ w.nt<'ti
,h,' ,as<' \(> ,mall "fool-
print" so it "-",,k! fil in ius. about
"nv nook an>uod th<' hou.... a,
you can ..'" in ,he 1w(> pholo.
This y<lu "''''''I b<
"'''''Iling "'ilh a
And sina' lhe sht'lw; and lop a'"
plywood, ."",-, any
f"' ""b lo glue up.
You'll b< lo ,he
bookca.., in just a couple of da;...,
but the tond n'Sult will h >k likp il
look Iols of ti m< .nd hard work.
.... Nef!dp><lTartorag<>
TI>i< ca... ot>Iy
ta'''' up two
fNr and will look
great jn .ny room.
""'<jon _.
"'....., "'"

Building frame
andpant>l ..""",blip> usingnub tenon
andgroovr: joinfj ;, 'a<I;md strong,

"'ON' .......
IQ<."'!I ,..-..

TapilfldFTMrIe. The lJelededgingon

tt... lop piJnel con>als Me plyY.ood
a nd the joint with the fm',,;,.

jod>J with
,M> "non>
' Ttl. ,helv,,' a!low
plentyofO{>/Kt' for tall
Ix>oh or om", item<
yw'd lik" t<"hoWO;',.V..... .,
"'S '/l"H x H "W x 13"0

t.... bott om o f , ..... , h it.. (.1",.,1

'a'), lht-n, ilL'" ro' ,.... plyw,_>d
p.onels '" ...... At !hi> point. tn.
w.. If...- can KJ....d up.
_, IIOln ....rt
illSon IIr ..-.I oIlhr .-r. I k>ol
<_ 011 w.. _ d<t.o,h. nw
fiN "" In drill ...... in Ihr oidc'
tr_ .n.... to. , hr .."......
ohrIf _ W'ilI addrd ioafI'.
...ton & .""11 nw ...1In
dr'Ioih. In _ on _Iht """"_
and r._ ,.... . ........ 10
1._llYcaw. Tht bo:oo briow
""""'" h<>o< I<> do !No with
d.>du t>LooJ.. on Ito. tM>lr ......,
Finally. cut tho- di,id.-ro .nd
c. "., bad lu ..,,, .nd ._mblot
the c......, Y,,,,"11 w.nt k' 1ll.....r>J
"",I the t<> bUlb th., ""'"
.,d....nd ,f-o, Ji,-i,I,,.


.''4 -

/lIOn.. ,.",..,

-.. _-

.. ,
, .

1M>IUl> ImOn .and ltf\.... " join-

....... , ....11 find Ihrd'......-_in
d.-1.,1 'b: n... K'o."-...... >V<'d
ii' ....>ld 1'''''''' ,'II
" K ia NMUl . M.,. <"'''inK ,.....
I m.d,- A I,'W plu)\. "''''
10\1".,1 ,h"m ;n'" Ih, .,1

l lo ,..,J

... '-




luUcli.g the Case

too_*,,_ can to.-.
P"'l''<t.Nt .-..t """'*
, ........... mo ""
'1M I _tdl1t'd wIth II><
.... _'fTlbb.. Id'dwinK .,bo,,,').
Wh,,,, .11 If-", .tilt".oo ,.il. h.".,
cu ' to ",e. ",.., <An -.t.u'! on
-- s

HowTo: Case Joinery

"_o.don To If 1M.
Ih.It "",/dloos lh.icb..u of 1Mplywood. nwrip
1M:lUn"S tI.. Ijrw lIP f1vlh .
tt.tlMf m. IJr tM m. d.w
Wlth.".u>tiliMy rip to
MtJ !lN1 hold rtw fU'WI.
Whi'" th<' gill<- w.o, dry-
injo;, I cut t"" "",If I"
fil in the Cd"'. (I aU""",.; .. 11.-
lI"P on eh "';1\"', '" you Cd" .....
ill",>!,,,,,,,] 1>'.)
II.DlD IloGllIG. TlR' ",-"<I sl"p i.
tI' hid.' tho- plyw<.>d ,'<Ill"''''' the
di'-id,'''' ,md ,hdL !.1y edging
W." ('lit I" wld,'<md wilh - bo.>.d
pnlfih ,,,,,hod <In Ih<-ir d'
yo" ".on ,,";n ',"_
With tho,"."' ......<nbk>!ht
hackun. yu,,'n.> "'"g<>ing tI,I>.'.l>Ir
tI, dlmp II>.' ,,jg;ng fro", In"" t>.'
h.>ck. Su. I dKln't "".,do",!'" at aU.
I"-,t,,,d, I ,imply l.lpt'<l the
in f'I.>c<', ,u,,'lIlt' k'f'
.>d!' w,\.' n"", wilh the .
t" pt' with it> "riblx'<l"
"" w,,,.k
flOIIllAtl , U{J SIIfIl "lt . Tht-",
a,,' iu" two mu,,' pi.""" tu add
k' tho.' ca". _ b<"h althe t,'I', n",
1>." heluw ,huw the d.>lail" Fir.;!,
add a h.>ck ,htt........ It'.rut lu fit
h!V>t b<-!....,.... the ,id.", and tho....
k> tho.' h.>ck p.>nrl
N"w, k' rompl.\>. tl'o> fnmt of
tilt> ca"" y"u c.n add a t,'I' rail,
which is cut I" fit tho.-
.id.", of the ca"" H.,,," the .......d
"' ,imply n",lt.'d ,mly un the bol-
t"m ,'<II\<' of th<o ,.il.
n"m, to .ttach thi, ,.i1 to tilt>
c,,,', tr..n' .n' "'-.,j,,,,? ,.bt>t't, will ",,,.,; to he cut on tilt>
Inml "I tho,. ,ail . But you'll
'0 ,,,,,ak up on width of
,ho.......abbo.'tS "" tho.' ..aillils h!V>1
"'""',,,., the lac<' ,hles

' '''' VIEW
ilJ1" ADJ,
Ito- 'HE"

Ir..,><, pi."", " to rout a ' ....,ji.,
"''ad .k",,, .',Kh (M.I>.,...n
in '.' .b"...,) . Whrn "I"ing
Ir.., ,tik.,.tu the c.,.., you'll "',m,
k' "" ca",ful ., tr..",,', '''0 k'l' r"1
un th., c.".' (thi, will lx, "ht.'<I
la"") and Ir.., .'<Ig.,. of th., c,''''
can S", ju,1 "",k'"n'
lhe .";g<'> "f tr.., ,lil." and
lhe c...,id." a", nus/1 wr..... y,,,,
glu., tr..m in plat.."


,,,,,.og"" ",,,,,,,,,,
w, '" ""'9nt. SMII
? '
Completing the Case
With th, .li\'id,'''', sid,- Ir.m,'S,
..nd b"ck .,,,,,m\>I.'d. y"" can
btWn OIl,ho. fron' "I II....
bu,.k".."", Tht' f"m' or lh., mso.'
,imply "<ll.,i," "I .. p"ir "I ,til.."
dnd .. ",I ". lodging hlr ho,h l!k'
""Ii "rod th< ,l;vido.,,_
fA(1 tnus, I """old Ii", sUlI-
#,,1 culling ,lil<", f,,.. tho. In.".)/
II... All y"" til d" for
Adding the Fronf Ra;/, After cutlll'S' fronr ,.,11<;> 1M9t/>,
rout a bNd "" the Then up on the widrh
of the rabbet< soIt fit< right.
GItI,ngfile B.KJ; 5fjffffief. The nextl tep " to add the tmk
,fifkr,e. and the fronr rail to thec"'" IidE-< andMck pa,-,.,Is.
J1M> <Ii"""", is ,imply cut to fit and gluwin place.
HowTo: FinishtheCase
' , O....@

"I 4
,.il ,'" kI '"

StD< SECTtON .'EW K ,m,."
1<0' ....",


1" ...r:


("' , ,""1<)"'"1

l OP lht'
It' tho.' In"'t "nd ,i<1,'S "I th" 11'1'
1'. ""1 is id,'n'ical ,,, tho.' <1i" id,,
''d;:ing. Th,"' ... \;"' lhick pi"""
'''' I" wid,' wilh" Ix",t
,,,,,...'<1 ,"In ,'dl\'-'S'
Ag.'in. sla" wilh , ho.. In"'I pit""
"'ho.-n miMinl\ tho! And
... ho. if, lim., It' gl"" this t"dl\ing
in 1" y.,,-, CM Ust' damp',

08. ' \'>"





' @ !>
., .



SI". ..C1t....
9__ '"


10" ""c'
OIJ" \'>"fh
Ne't twu ,,'1> ,of ,..,,, ,,t...,,,,,, .
""'''''' "an 1>0.' dlilkd in 11><"..
pi<'n>o, "-_ .t><,wn in <1,1.,,1, 'd' and
'b: 0 .", "" l b f", allaching the
fram" I" tit, cO,,, and tit"
,," "'ill Ix> u"-'<l I" atl",h tlk' t"f'
p.>nd k' llko I.. L,t.'T un,
IILl1. , Aftt'T tht' Ir.l"'"
I" tht-""', I lillt-d the ''f'''fling ,"
the h.>ck 01 tht-Ir"",,' ",ith" hiln.l
Ir"",,' hlk'T. ' >h._n in tho.
d'.lwinll . b<",.'.oo c.'
lOP PANU. Now y"" can
"'''''king un the lOp I"'nd .>1 I....
,.S<'. b...k"" ;h,w. ,,h.t'>
The In",t "nd , ill... "I
a I"'nd . n' """ppt'<l
with t,im.
u",'Tl.p' lht' I,,, ....., .01" ",'<I i' .,
It""t the f'",d
At t.... b.Kk. 1;:1",'<1 on" \;"_
thkk tMm pi,,,,,. Thi,
pi"'" is gl"''<1 tu tho.' 'up ho.'f,,,,,
cutling it tu fi",,'
Making the Top
1l<>J<"" yo" can bLoWn work on the
drawt'<>. a tup It, boo-.>dd.od It,
<U"pk>tt lto.>c.>.'o<. 1heCA.'" It,!,,,,"
.>ctwlly b.''",;. Firsl.Iho,,,',
fr."", lhal rnnsan>Und Ihdnpof
!ho.c,-'. n..", y<..,'U abo<>dd. ply-
h'P will> bo,.>J..,j
l OP II U I In th"
yu... can ".... fram,
which eOI"l.,i," "f mik'wd
P"-'C<'" h .1"", I'"wid.., an ""y'
way t".tt.><h the plyW'Kld It'f'.
1hefmntand t.."fmn" >ido."",n'
rut m"" "--llUck .ltd. lhe fn"'l
com"" n' mi""'-'<I so Iho,,,,, won' ,
"",my <'f"d grain ",""",,'ing, W,th.
U-shapo'd ..."""bll' Ii ,,- lhis, I
>1.>.......1 with the /n.,l pit>.:>.>, Miter
b.,tlt WId ,,,,,. king up un the
"'''gllt untill"" ... align> w;lh
Iho, ..a",",,,,,,,,,,, Tht" u" ....msid<.
p;........ ",ib..,- the frun! end ar<! him
the Nt;.,...nd 10 It-nKlh ., if, Au"'"
with the back"I the cabi_,

_ 1'1> r
Addthe Top
51'" SEm.... VIEW
08 _' \'>"'"
Sizingthe Panel. me-t."plywood pdntl5/lou1dbe tile
..."'" s;ze as the ouuide 1i"d'}"'S of the fr.""" Yo<J <an
..... how the top edge'l the

'" EDGIN<;
.0<1 ''''"
", m.o"'h
fr/9irrg the TopPanel. 000" the flip panel iscut to size and
sc."'wed in pI"'e" J'O<' c.n.dd the edging. Simplymiter jt to
fit and gl"" il on one piKe .t """'.
a .
'W Hh
,. ."" eTION VIEW
101' ...._1
, ,



I,--{ ' '5,'
,,,,,.,-.g -
}i ..,
,.bbo' ""nt """"II
1_or><! bo,' /O"'}
...,1> ""'9....od <Moo
t,,, tho.- Iront
,,,,nt'" (...". te.., .,bo.,w
.,no.! ,1<''''11 '.'J, Ik",, ""
t1,.. In.,t 1';"": "h;b" ink,,, d.ld"
"n tho, ,,,1,-, (Th<. ",,'k"m..." .u...
wnn,,,,t,d with .l 1<"')\"'-and
.1".1", ," ,."" will find "".wn in
.1,1,'iI '1>' ,m.",,'.)Ilo.", 011 .111. " I,,,,k
i"l\ ,.hI:>M ean t>t. ("u' '''' lht' Llbk'
",,,. in i""" ftw ' I<'P', ,lS y,,,,'11
find JII",tr.I<'d in II><' btl> bo.'klW.
DUWII II(ll1TI. S""" th,' f",nt
o"",-Iap' n", ,id"., it n,,'d, ttl
be .-ut I",m thie..... ,",d, So the
d,aw," I"",ts ,ut v ,hick. whi'"
11K' ,id,,,, and ba.-k.s aT<' .mly "'-
,hick. I si,,'d tIK' .1,...""., pie<-<->;
..' th"y'd In i" lh,' c.",' ''P'"''
i"I\' ",i,h \;.- l\<'P' "" ,he ,id....
a"d bou"m. (Iho.' lI"P al tht'
""tt,"" will "., ",,..." od b)' """"
nyl,,,, I\lid,' 1,'1'" ,IK' d,a"""" will
rid, 0".) N'll\' ,ha, in Iho;' I""" tIK'
d,aw,''''.'''''1 N<."k .. I",m ,....
,-.ll\inj; on ,ro., di'id,"",., y""
can "'.' in ddail 'a: At ,h<' b...k ,>f
tIK' .-a,.,. I"" .1 ,a""", MOp ,'g" ins'
tIK' ba.-k 1"""'1, ., in dda;1 '1>'
WI>t'l1 ;,;cu'man tr...
y"" can t'U' tht' lI"'"'''' lilT
tht' plyw<''<! btlll<>rrts, Thm tht'
d",,,,,,,,,.-a,, be j\lUt'd hW'lht-'T.
DUwl1 GUIOI! . In ",der fo,
,h,. .1,.",,'''' tn "1"'" and ek....
smon'hly. you still ",.od '01 ...dd
tWtl it,'m, tt> ,h,' ea",. FiN. '0
. "'P ,h,' d,aw,'''' 0l"'n;nl\ ."d
",,,i"j; .tTaij;hl, I add"d hard-
",ood d",w,', j;uid,.". Tht."., fil
in"d,' th, ca",' .,,,d aT<' cut .0
tIK"\I ,Lmd ',," pn""l ,,j tht' f,K<'
NOn ,
"'" 9dP ""
Simple Drawers
/Illhi< I"'int ttk' ,,,,... i,,:,m'pM,,',
'" In .1<>" build Jr..-
!"." WI",n,-,'", I
"".1 dra""-,,, in
,',hort a",o"n' "I tim." I u,....
HowTo: Lockingl-" Ra"" bb""' ets "---- _
F<>T the <l m'w ,,, '''' lh" booo>lu:a....
I"...'oJ ":king ,.'*"1 join, a t lho,'
front And,.11 it ,,-ally
t. k,,,, In ,lOt the rabbt>t>,;' Ihn,..
quick ,.,i ups "" tablt- ..,"',
Thelust "'1' i.t",rut a ,.-
fro,," (Idl d,awmj;). TtY.. impo'"
ta,,'thing is the d,,!,th , 0( the
_ i, sIK>tdd match tht thick_
of the .idt-s,
N<"l, b,,'Ytr..' bI.-.d<- in ...,
",."il;,'Y ft""", tht' fn>nl pi<=
F;nally, ...
dad" on
d,. "'t>T . id<-.o
it fi" ""''f l ro.
.101 on tIK' ,."ds 01 ,ht' fLu, Trim it al0''I; tht' i",id<- ed,.;<' t""j;lJt' (right),

In a locking

E"D V'fW
...D"'EW ' '''' '''EW




a tOflgue in
the end Df

, 'he drawer
frwIt tiDinfo

d<tdo in the

,ti.... h"... dd"il 'a' "t k'it). Wh<",
y"u'", ' UTe tl1<' d,,,wers will
''P'''' and ck",' with"ut hindi,,!;.
,imply tho.,.., h> the
;",id,' 0' th<' c.',,'
Tho.. i!t"" !ho,t "'ally h.'If'"
!h<d"' ""h>r'I'"...a!t "
WI'<. (ThO; will at,,) Iif!
!h<- dr.,w"., """ling til<> .. *'1' .'t
!h<' t>"!I<>m.) Y'><l can simply 1'00'
til<> tap" on tl1<' d,a"",,, di"ider>
"""t It>!h<' gukk'>.
Now IhAi tho.' draw""
a,,' y"u c.,n add addi
Ii"nal "',,,><1 and apply a
Iini.h tt> th< ,"'!in' I .><Iu
itlly mi".J up my own ,';JI""...J
,t.,in. (1ni, indud,.J a quart 01
bo.,;k.J Iin,,'t'd oil"" w<'ll a, IUl-oe
"lam>;!', ,,;1. an' a"a;Jabk' in
art supply s!tln's.) Tho.'fl for t....
finishing t,,,,,,h. lappl".J "'\', al
""''' ,>I a wiJ"Lon finish.
.. A wMm-colorM
'Min Mid "'''''M!
c""to of wiM-MI
fiMh givern., com-
pkfffi book....., it
MAIIRIALS & SUPPLIES ---------- - - - - - - - - - -
A front St,1es III
B SMk Stile< (1)
C Side RaHS 161
D Lower p"r>ets (1)
E Uppet P"r>ets (1)
F Dwr. OlV1ders (3)
G Sack P"r>eI (1)
H Face Stdes ill
I Adl Shelf (1)
J Edging (41
K S.d Stiffener (1)
L f'onlRad(l)
M f ,ame fronl (1)
... F'ame Side 11)
o F'ame Fdle< 11)
'1'.0 x
'I'.od 47
'4ply. sV" x 13'/1
'4ply. SVlX 24
-'4ptv 11 , 10 '1'.0
I'll' - 21 v". 41'4
'I'.oxl -41

'l'.o.lV,-1 2v"
P TopPitnel(l) -'4pIY"12<23
o TopTnm(l) V.. -!>23
R FrontEdg'ng(l) V"t24
S Side Edging (2) V. ' 1 13
T Ow,F'ontsI2) -!>.6!io17f!,
U Ow, S'des(4l 11
V Ow,Sack,(2)
W OW, Stm,. (2) 1'11'.' 101'" 17*
X Ow.. Gu'des (4) -'4, 1"'" 11
14) 1\(( Wood Kr>ob, wlS<fP'M
14) Spoon-Style Supporn
(7) ea 1'4" fli Wa<>dscrt'WS
(7) ea <11'1" Fh Wood.e,ews
(1) Nylon Ghde Titpej4 FM)
(52) 18Gae>ge ....tls (W long)

- ~
simple children's
This tip-proof rack is a great addition to any
room. And the sturdy, solid-wood construc-
tion means it won't take long to build.
IYt ""' this a bo.,,>1<,..-k
h rn,kl al<" tho- otw+......
"l'Ir. _p>ed 10 hold ch.l
d,ft" -.And. _ booLo
romt .. a .. c4 ....... ,....
It... .ad,,1t boob - M<'<'J" ......
..,.,... .......... IhIn 10 sund up
__ and l.oII 00''''
Hoily So" _ .tw!,'"
IN. till e.-uds tho- I>.ocl. TNo
.... .. fho. .nrI, cudw" Ifw
bo.,,>b bOlt" "'....... .-:l
..... arwd .. a ....w., thto
t>o. ...... w;lhtond up l>t11>.>r.
01 n,.."",. all ,.... cltil,'.......
1><",1.<..,.... ,..,'" h"ld
m,,,,' !h.m ju,t t><",Ic" Thm ' . ".
.llw"," 1<,),' _ k>l> " I h",. So , tho.
......., .... ho"' bo!ftl ft, b<-
od,...w.k-. can bP b lWd In
hold boob .". Ioid fLo! ft.
..... ......n-!yon
Tho<'"'- dr..,;n ole tI..- oIwlf
...iII """"' IIw
'" romt - chi1-
d.... quirIt __ n..h
why I lik Ifw ,.,...... ir. bo.>Ito
.oIIo......t.>bIoo and d....... n... d;d
",<,<>d ;. , ........
..... to.-hind tlw """'I\th , ,j , ""
./'wh.... which ...........,'lUick.ond
..... It> ..,.,..".,,!>W. And. I <J",",
.....'\1 h' worry ..1>0. ..... tho."
Iirri n,o; ow, bo."'d""" tilt ..
11>1'<""',,1 fr",,' " "",,," t
.. T1w ..r>gl. m"k.. it
N 'Y to star" )'0'" fa_ire
possessio,," , )'O<i don' ha ....
to worry abou, fhing. falling off,
... 5'W" .. __u_ . n ........ l
.... 5'W" .. _ ....... ll _ . J 7IoI .. ..,

%0"1(, .47
%0 >2 47
%0. 2 81',
I(,Ill'I' 1V, .131',
"ply 1V, .24
%olll'l' 11 . 10%0
IIoIll'l' 211', .41110
%0 _247
.. Foonl S!IIes W
I k k SlIie>(2)
C Sode RaoIs (61
D u- p..-....s (2)
E UWt< p..-....s (2)
f Dwr Cloroden (31
G fl\;. Panel (1)
H f;oce SlIie> (2)
... . S\l". .. _ _ lJ-, ... O'U

.... ..... "..--
_. ,-_F'd









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- ....
( In<<- , ""
<irilW, "'''' c.on lhr <Un.....
,., Ito. """"'" oMin lhr b"" to.k_-,
St.oI1.1 Ito. tw..I .....'
lhr"' __,,11hP Lo ",llirwo.
..-..i ,.. tt.. dril

- ..

. --
" .." ..,'l It", "d... v"u'li . dd
L,hr.,,, Lw tho.'Il1 ,.., tho.- "",-
,i,I,- 1,,,,- "I ,..,,'Ii " .I,> (d<'l" i l
'.'J. Tho.' " ,..,! ... "Ih,,""
tho, ,.j,df'''rp<of1l, Tho.". ...
.Ii . 1>0.,.... an' .",Iy V .1"'1'
.nd .". Loid <>ul and drilled
"" tl>. ,n ;Jr foO<'<' ..1 the f'<\I'It"l
(<Jr in!t _ "'.....111"
hut ' .11<_- It..- ..t-d>.... k' tilt.
.,... U drill, hoI..t thl" In""
and two "' <01 the t-:k. n..
"'win lw:k .. "'- kJw<.o<
Ihon Ihr In" ho..
Making the Sides
I ho.'l'''' buihl,"K tho' by
KI' ''''I\ up two ,n" 'N " "j p.m,.'!,
I,,,. u..""-k.., ,.b.,n', (I"".,1 y.
thirk ""'1' 1<'.) n..'n, ",rod rho.-
nJ fiN.!
- """""11 tt..m,..Ira k'"'ll Hn.
llTOVT (UI'tt! n.., ",." ' 1\'1';"
k. w,' "..Itt... cu".... "n tt.....oJ.-,
y, eM> do Ihi> T'ij;hl , II><-
.... ' alo'mpl.a ,
N lU IlOl11 At !hi> I',,;nl .''''
(an dnU a couple _ of ........
n..&.... ..,,01_ k... -..,-
"'l\ Ihr _ --.._

",,",, 1fCI,. _
JWO". _ .... _
Rooting tht Proffle. lbing' ",f/cHlefd router, you . re
....,... MJIe to rout t1II: 0011_ profi", Use, ',," fOUnd.
0....' bit ...r to take -<IMp cut.
SMId.stnoo!tL tilt, oIvm
...rId on rM d,iII pr-HJ
to sand tM CllTW' ,
.......... -
Sh.lping I1lIt Cl.lf tht
rotW< .... NndWO\\ It.>y-
'ng.oboul 'I" from line-s.

QO; j UC")
I -

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3? ij
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;: Hi'
:U ro.
t f

=il e
,..- ...

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,a' :f .....

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00, h ... 'ho.' bo. ,,' n....,lt" u"""".....

tk... "...- k to, .....t> pit, .., fl,,, ..r>d
.. ""'pk' ""'" ,>/ wi,.._"n
fini,k, Tho..", ,ho.. r.ock.oo
1'1"8 iht'.en "'""K ,,,n-
pi<- "'-'fIIk ""'Ill" tpt."', b.I".....
11<1111 H....Uy, Y'''' r'n
..... ,ho' """'I,.,. ,n pl.oc>' on ......
"'1'1"'""" h ... tho- """I.,,", to "It
.nd bot dU'AbIr. 1 "" nl the
In"'t >hr-If ....1'1"- 10., .....,
Ib.... botl._l, Thr ...pport> """
..... """ """",If: ......
.ongI\' oI-to_

!<, ."1' tho' ""'I","> 1m", ,Iid-

"II tho' '''1'1'''''', I eI'l. "",1
k,.... '" tho.' 1.>0.'.
Tho.-n. I n,," ,,>! . bull"'.... "n!ht
In"', "il:>' ,,1<....... ""'If, do.-il 'r.'
WLI U<lS Tho- ..n-
""'ng'hrnnJ w,,1> .. b.>ck. T"
.,.....1> ,ho' 1>.0< cu'. \"-d.."
g'''''''' r...... t 1>0."""" 01
.-h'-kp .d')._....
Wu"'ll: "'" J"rh. nlU' 001...._
.'" ..... k'f'nJ,;r0l ..... '-k.
,_ Wnk tho' con>tructJon
o.-..npWtr-. " lUcon.ppIy ..... fin.

Adding Adjustable Shelve.

All ,I>.r, Idt ,,, <0"'1"'1. II....
bo.,krMk is ,,, ",.,k... tho.'
,,,lju,t,,hk' ,h,;l"",. EMh .....11 i,
nn""",,,'>! I""" t...." p"", Th'
.....If.oo Nck tho
..I,'"" !r"",
W LWI T" ""'I<..' the >1..-1,..,.."..."
by glu"'l\ <If' Ihn..,. VtN.. J"n
.-l> .00 np .-..:h """ ... Ii...,..,,'>!
.... kith. T".u.- n""" to......... L
.n.pnl .n.-ll >uf'P'_. ('ilt tho'
.twI\"" "'- """""'" !hAn ..... . ,.....
"'II: ,..- ................ "'" con ,..., on
..... .J<ot..oif ' ....-'
... .......
, -

HowTo: Adjustable Shelves

AddinsI N ToMJdthe m-tf<lPPOI'lIM>d ...r the
in p/. ThM .tt.Kh rt>. fron! of the to wpportI wi rh K'""'-
, To If'f rn. p/ugJ .......
of 1iC1.op _ ...... -dNp doodo.

looking inside
TwoOlU.wn ..
Co.. .....C.
--- ...
.... and"""" and
-- -,.,.,. ,"Od \4>

s,... u CHILDREN'S B OOK.....CK. .-
"""" thiI_lk. .. <J "'" Of .........,..,tuid. &..0
"""",,..,,,,..., . _""'- n., Q.r...:I""" moI<e> .
_".., _ .. -.'" koId """"" Or....,.1
100 ..... ..". ..
, VUUT'L. A <; C; U <T s"n...".,..
n-_........ "' '" '<lII<Od. '""
(b,\1"1"-'1! '1'''''
>t<-"", .... "'Poe" 6

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