Diving Into Philippians - Week 7

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Diving into Philippians- Week 7 Philippians 2:19-30 Example of Timothy and Epaphroditus

{{Im so excited that you are here! Please join us- even if youve missed the first few weeks. You will need a Bible, a journal and pen, and a heart to know Gods Word. I recommend first carefully reading through all of Philippians at least once, noting important background information- as this will aid tremendously in your study. And then- dive right in! }}

Did you know that we are at the half-way mark!!! ??? I pray that God has been stretching you and teaching you and blessing you as youve committed to studying His Word. This week is going to be a bit of a catch- up week. {I know I need weeks like these worked in, and Im assuming you do as well- with traveling or holidays or sick kids or desiring to stay longer in a passage!} Were still going to look at this weeks passage but in a much less in depth way. This should give us a little breathing room and allow for us to soak in all that weve learned so far before heading into the second half of Philippians! {If you dont need extra breathing room feel free to do the *EXTRA* study ideas listed.}

Day 1 Lets Review!

Pray God, Thank You for Your Word and for all You are teaching me. Read or listen to Philippians 1-2. (No mentally planning next years vacation! Do your best to focus as you are reading/listening.) Take out your journal/Bible notes and quickly review all youve learned the previous six weeks. o What stands out to you? o Are there any underlining themes that God has brought to your attention? Review all the Bible memory verses from previous weeks by reading each verse. *EXTRA* If you would like, you can also choose a verse(s) from Philippians 2:19-30 to memorize.

Day 2 Philippians 2:19-30

Pray Lord, open my heart to Your precious Words as I read them today. Focus and carefully read Philippians 2:19-30 at least once. Pause to answer these questions o In this passage, there are two main people that Paul talks about- what are their names? o What is Pauls intent on writing about these two men? o Does Paul speak positively/negatively about them? When youre finished, in your journal (or in the margins of your Bible) jot down any questions you have as well as quick observations from todays study. Say each memory verse out loud preferably to someone else (try to do it without looking). *EXTRA* Try to find the original definition to words by looking up any unknown words in a dictionary as well as by looking up any words you would like in a Greek lexicon and/or concordance.
Diving into Philippians - OurFamilyForHisGlory.blogspot.com

Day 3 Timothy

Diving into Philippians- Week 7

Philippians 2:19-30 Example of Timothy and Epaphroditus

Pray God, Thank-You for Your Word. Please guide me as I study Your Word today. Carefully read Philippians 2:19-24. o What do you learn about Timothy? (If youd like- write it down.) Read in Acts 16 where Paul first came into contact with Timothy. Can you find any other times when Paul comes in contact with Timothy and/or talks to or about him? (Hint use a concordance in the back of your Bible, or type Timothy into the search box at an online site such as BibleStudyTools.com. Another hint Timothy is quite popular with Paul think of any books that may be named after Timothy but dont stop there, theres more!) What did you find out? (Again, write it down if you would like.) Can you remember the songs/games to your Bible memory verse(s)? Sing or play them now. *EXTRA* Read some or all of the passages you found to or about Timothy.

Day 4 Epaphroditus
Pray God, thank You for this time to study Your Word. Speak truth to my heart. Carefully read Philippians 2:25-30. o What did you learn about Epaphroditus? (Write it down if youd like.) Find any other mentions of Epaphroditus in the Bible. (Hint hes not as popular, so you may need to use the search box at BibleStudyTools.com I only found his name one other time.) o What else did you find out about Epaphroditus? Choose one or more memory verses that need a little work and write them in a prominent place. Say (or sing) the verse(s) as you write (and again every time you see them today) see how much you can remember without looking.

Day 5 Application
Pray God, Thank You for teaching me and pouring out Your truth! Help me to apply what I am learning from Your Word in my life. Listen to Philippians chapter 2- you can find {free} options at BibleSudyTools.com, BibleGateway.com, and FaithComesByHearing.com - or, have someone read it to you. Ponder these questions o What truths have you recognized? o How does this apply to your life? Pray that God would make you an example that others should emulate. Share what you are learning as well as your Bible memory verse(s) with someone else. (Id love to hear your thoughts at OurFamilyForHisGlory.com.) *EXTRA* Consult a good commentary (BibleStudyTools.com and BlueLetterBible.org have some good options) to confirm what you have learned. *EXTRA* Write out Philippians 2:19-30 in your own words.

Read all of Philippians. Write out Philippians 2:19-30 in your journal. Work on any study you did not get to throughout the week or any *EXTRA* study. Join us at Our Family for His Glory with your family, as we dive into Philippians during Philippians Family {Bible} Time!!
Diving into Philippians - OurFamilyForHisGlory.blogspot.com

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