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AP STAT 2011-2012 SUMMER READING Welcome to AP STAT You are about to begin a journey into the world of Statistics

where the number is just the beginning of the story. Yes, we will use formulas to calculate values and the math will not be complicated like Calculus/Algebra III. But it is the interpretation of the number and the logic you develop along the way that will make you a successful Stat student. In this way, Stat is more like an English course. However, much of your writing will not be of the expository type. It will be technical writing. The first semester of the course is based on exploratory data analysis. This will be things you are familiar with: mean, median, much more that you are not familiar with.. We will look at surveys, experiments, and observational studies. You will learn how to conduct simulations. The second semester will include probability, the normal, binomial and geometric distributions, and lastly, the inferential analysis of data. This is where we will be conducting our own surveys and analyzing the results. Sowelcome aboard. And now, its time to get started!! Your first assignment is to read the book listed below over the summer. Oh, no!! A math book!!! You must be kidding!! How boring!!! I assume I have hit most of your reactions ( the printable ones anyway). I assure you this will not be what you are expecting. I want you to start thinking about statistics and how often we see and hear numbers quoted everyday in the newspapers, in magazines, on the TV and radio and yeseven on the internet. Where do they get these statistics? Too often we are of the mentality, If they quote a numberit must be true!! Hopefully, this course will start you thinking ..critically, logically and statistically about these numbers!!! Required for the course: TI 84 Plus ( if you have a TI89I will exchange/loan the 84 so dont go buy another. However, it you dont have either you will need buy the TI84 Plus $5 activity fee in cash ( will collect first week) A working e-mail address that you check often You can always reach me via e-mail if you have any questions. See you in August/September Mrs. Snyder dsnyder@ SEE BACK PAGE FOR SUMMER ASSIGNMENT

SUMMER READING: 100 Points.due Wednesday, August 31, 2011 BOOK: Joel Best Damned Lies and Statistics

1. Complete the attached questions. ( 40 Pts) Answer in complete sentences. Not bullet points You may type answers or write legibly in ink. If I cant read lose the points. Keep answers short , concise and clear. ( 2 3 sentences . Penalty if longer) Due not copy answers verbatim from the text.this is a thing called plagiarismeven for this type of assignment. You are AP paraphrase !! Your answers should be unique to you..not like a classmates. (0 for assignment if it does.) 2. Write a short paper ( 60 points ) Name: 1 inch from top on right hand side. Single space underneath, put Period# Skip two linesbegin paper. Margins 1 inch of left and right 2 page max typed, double spaced font Times New Roman 12 Introductory paragraph should state your overall opinion of the book. This is NOT to be a summary!!! Discuss three topics from the book that you found unique or interesting. Be sure to include an example for each topic .Add your thoughts and reflections on each and why it interested you or caught your attention. Each topic should be a separate paragraph. The final paragraph is about the 3 mindsets Best mentions in the text. Which one are you and why? Has reading this book changed your mind set? If so, what are you now??? Note: this is not to be included as one of the 3 topics you picked out from above. 3. I have contacted Barnes & Nobles in Exton about getting books, or you can try the internet for cheaper prices. Alsoif you know someone who took the course check to see if they still have a copy of the book.

AP Statistics Damned Lies and Statistics Reading Questions (pg. 1-40)

Name: ________________________

1. What does author Joel Best say is the worst social statistic ever and why?

2. Why do statistics have a bad reputation?

3. Describe the origins of the word statistics.

4. What sorts of people or groups make use of statistics and why do they use statistics?

5. What three questions should be asked whenever you encounter a new statistic?

6. What is the very first way a statistic is created? Why is it that these statistics become treated like fact so quickly?

7. How does the dark figure play a role in defending guessed statistics

AP Statistics

Damned Lies and Statistics Reading Questions (pg. 41-85)

1. In addition to guessing, what are the three other sources of bad statistics?

2. Give an example of a false negative and a false positive.

3. Give an example from the text how wording bias can create different responses to a similar question.

4. What are two problems with sampling that lead to bad statistics?

AP Statistics

Damned Lies and Statistics Reading Questions (pg. 86-128)

1. Explain how bad statistics can become worse through mutation.

2. Why do advocates use deliberate manipulation of statistical information?

3. Why is comparison of numbers important when reporting statistics?

4. What two important changes reduced the dark figure when it came to child abuse?

5. What are the drawbacks to adopting broad definitions of some crimes when it comes to reporting statistics about certain crimes?

AP Statistics

Damned Lies and Statistics Reading Questions (pg. 128-171)

1. Give two reasons why Statistics thrive and survive.

2. What is meant by Stat Wars? You may cite a specific example if needed.

3. Considering the Million Man March on Washington in 1995, comment on the method used by each group to calculate the crowd. Who do you think had the better method ?

4. Why are certain groups of people undercounted when it comes to the census every 10 years?

5. What are some of the political consequences of adjusting the census?

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