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20 Fantastic Full Screen Text Editor for Distraction Free Writing

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20 Fantastic Full Screen Text Editor for Distraction Free Writing

February 7, 2009 9:15 pm It is easy to get distracted when using a computer. There are internet browsers, instant messengers, music players, and beautiful things sitting on your desktop. If you are doing something important like finishing a blog post, these distractions can greatly decrease productivity. One easy way to get over this is to use a full screen text editor. A full screen text editor hides all the digital distractions from your view, leaving you with a minimalistic editing screen, a blinking cursor and maybe some simple editing tools. Therefore, you can churn out all the creative juices from your head to the screen, minus all the distractions.

Below are 20 fantastic full screen text editor if you are looking for a distraction free environment:

Windows Full Screen Text Editors

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20 Fantastic Full Screen Text Editor for Distraction Free Writing


1- DarkRoom

Dark Room is a clone of WriteRoom (another full screen editor for Mac OS X) for Windows. Simple and free for all. Praised by many.

2- JDarkRoom Another popular full screen editor with features such as auto-save backups, mouse wheel scrolling, character count and more. Can run on other platforms too.

3- Q10

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20 Fantastic Full Screen Text Editor for Distraction Free Writing


If you are looking for a full screen editor with advanced features, Q10 is a cool choice. Also available in portable mode so you can carry it in your thumb drive.

Online Full Screen Editors

4- DarkCopy Another clone of WriteRoom, only that it is web-based!

5- Writer Writer dubbed itself as the Internet typewriter. Go figure!

6- MyTextFile

Have a Google account? Login to MyTextFile, an ajax-powered online text editor for typing plain text files.

Mac Only
7- WriteRoom

Walk into WriteRoom, and watch your distractions fade away. The most popular full screen text editor among Mac users.

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20 Fantastic Full Screen Text Editor for Distraction Free Writing


8- Scriviner

Scriviner offers one of the most most beautiful distraction-free modes available.

9- CopyWrite Advances Mac text editor with project management capabilities.

Editors / Word Processors with Full Screen Modes

10- AbiWord

A popular open-source word processor that offers full screen view.

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20 Fantastic Full Screen Text Editor for Distraction Free Writing


11- Microsoft Word Surprised? Try viewing your documents in Normal view and go Full Screen.

12- Notepad SX

A better, feature-rich notepad clone that comes in full.

13- WordPress 2.5 Blogger rejoice! WordPress nowadays has a full screen mode (alt + shift + g).

14- Vi / Vim The king of Unix text editors. It is just you and your terminal.

15- FTE A full screen text editor specially designed for developers.

16- PyRoom PyRoom is a free editor that stays out your way and keeps other things out of your way, too.

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20 Fantastic Full Screen Text Editor for Distraction Free Writing


17- RubyRoom

Rubyroom is a full-screen text editor which gives you a complete workspace for your text, and nothing else.

18- WriteMonkey WriteMonkey is a zenware for creative, distraction-free writing. Small, stable, fast and features-laden.

19- WestEdit

A simple, old school text editor and typewriter. No fancy features.

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20 Fantastic Full Screen Text Editor for Distraction Free Writing


20- Jers Novel Writer A full screen text editor aimed for creative, large writing projects.

If you are ever in need of a distraction free writing, try one of the 20 full screen text editors above! One of them will definitely capture your heart! Enjoy! Tags: full screen text editor, text editor, full screen, writeroom, darkroom, jdarkroom Join testking 640-863 online training program to get free testking 642-825 tutorials and testking 70-647 live demos and learn the new IT skills using these free resources. Bookmark This Post

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21 Responses to 20 Fantastic Full Screen Text Editor for Distraction Free Writing
By Madhur on Feb 8, 2009

2. Nice list buddy. I prefer Dark room and Q10

3. Im a windows user and really enjoy using Writemonkey. It is (in my humble opinion) the best choice. It has some unique and very useful features and is slick and eye friendly. Must try if you are running win. Im using win7 ebta and it runs smoothly jack By jack on Feb 8, 2009 4. I really like Q10 especially the sound like a type machine. However, it does not work well with Typing Assistant. You can copy and paste text in Q10 while Typing Assistant is active. By Phaoloo on Feb 16, 2009 5. Personally I prefer the WestEdit editor. I love it!

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20 Fantastic Full Screen Text Editor for Distraction Free Writing


You can download it from here: By Peter D on Apr 3, 2009 6. Just wondering: Why did you put WriteMonkey in your Other category, rather than with the other Windows full-screen editors? WM is just as good as Q10 and the others; some people may even say its better. Cheers, ander By ander on Aug 18, 2009 7. Good summary, thanks! You can add Nisus Writer to the list of Mac full-featured text editors that offer fullscreen writing/editing. Both version offer this, Nisus Writer Pro ($79, and Nisus Writer Express ($45, Also, a journalling and blogging app, MacJournal ($39.95, /sitepage.php?page=85), includes fullscreen writing/editing. By nosleepingdogs on Oct 11, 2009 8. Excellent list! I just stumbled across it on google searching for full screen text editor mac. Ive tried all the Mac options outlined here and I have to say that one that you may have missed is MyTexts by MOApps Its a lot like WriteRoom, but prettier and auto-saves your documents inside the app. Great support from the developer too. By Daniel on Oct 26, 2009 9. Try CreaWriter at A full screen text editor with ambient sound. By Pepe Sanchis on Dec 22, 2009 10. I tried all the Windows Versions save yourself some evaluation headaches WriteMonkey is the best, with NotepadSX coming in a distant second, and all the rest being no-rans. WriteMonkey has lots of preferences you can tweak to turn off a lot of annoying garbage you dont want (on screen text area markers, stupid popup dialogs, etc) and change things to be the way you do want (like to use the full screen area). NotepadSXs biggest failing is it displays a glaring distracting white vertical scroll bar in full screen mode and there is no way to get rid of it, and a donation later and comments to his website, the developer author is decidedly out to lunch. For editing computer code, I recommend EditPlus ( ) , which though it does not have a fullscreen mode, is feature packed and awesome for editing html, computer code, or any other computer related tecnical config file. By CHOPPERGIRL on Jan 4, 2010 11. I am currently using Focused (
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20 Fantastic Full Screen Text Editor for Distraction Free Writing


Just a tip: it is best when used with 24-size font. By Erik on Jan 19, 2010 12. Online alternative: Dark Editor By rollobix on Jun 11, 2010 13. I wonder why NONE of the windows editors have the feature of keeping the editing line right in the middle of the screen. It is a priceless feature and all mac editors have it. I wonder if for some reason it is very hard to implement under windows? By nonhocapito on Jun 21, 2010 14. I really needed RTF support, so I decided to make a distraction free editor of my own: Maybe you can find it useful By Joakim on Aug 9, 2010 15. Q10 is probably my favorite. WriteMonkey comes close but being a .NET app makes it my second choice. Chicago 8 has the cleanest and easiest interface but does not allow changing fonts or line width otherwise it might be my first choice. By Chad Lee on Oct 4, 2010 16. The most simple (and useful) online text editor: *ttp:// To put it in full-screen, just use your browser short-cut: F11 Please, check it out. By Rodrigo de Toledo on Jun 13, 2011 17. Vim ( - spell check - thesaurus - wordwrap - customizable - best writing tool for Win, nix* (OS X, Linux, BSD) and almost every other platform (like Amiga) Wordgrinder ( - very easy to use console software By Mellow Dee on Aug 16, 2011 18. This list isnt complete without *ttp:// Mac, iPad and iPhone (soon) By @macsorcist on Mar 1, 2012 1.

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20 Fantastic Full Screen Text Editor for Distraction Free Writing


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Apr 4, 2009: Filters for Distraction-free Writing | FilterJoe Jan 10, 2010: Distraction Free Writing Oojah!Tech Jul 6, 2010: [Editors-ep2] geek 4 us Jun 15, 2011: Strungsfreies Schreiben | Noch

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