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INTRODUCTION ABOUT METROLOGY AND MEASUREMENTS 2 Marks: 1. What is measurement? Give its type. 2. Mention the two important requirements of measurements. 3. Define primary sensing elements. 4. What are the categories of S.I units? 5. Define the term standard. 6. Define precision and accuracy. 7. Define systematic error. 8. What are the sources of errors? 9. Define the term repeatability. 10. Define the term calibration.

16 Marks: 1. Discuss briefly about the method of measurements, with examples. (16) 2. Give the structure of generalized measuring system. Explain any four types with neat sketch. (16) 3. Discuss briefly about the fundamental and derived units. (16) 4. Write short notes on: (i) International standard. (ii) Fundamental units. (iii) Secondary measurements. (iv) Working standard. (4x4) 5. List various types of measuring instruments and explain each one of them. (16) 6. Distinguish between accuracy and precision with example. (16) 7. Describe the different types of errors in measurement and their causes. (16) 8. Differentiate between systematic error and random error. (16) 9. Define briefly about interchangeability and its types. 10. Write short notes on: (i) Instrumental error (ii) Environmental error (iii) Calibration (iv) Full interchangeability. (4x4)

LINEAR AND ANGULAR MEASUREMENTS 2 Marks: 1. Define metrology. 2. List the various linear measurements. What are the various types of linear measuring instruments used in metrology? 3. Define backlash in micrometer. 4. Define cumulative error and total error. 5. What are the slip gauge accessories? 6. Write down the applications of limit gauges. 7. What are the advantages of electrical and electronic comparator? 8. What are the sources of errors in sine bars? 9. Write down the applications of bevel protractor. 10. What is the constructional difference between an autocollimator and an angle dekkor? 16 Marks: 1. How vernier height gauge is specified? Discuss briefly the constructional requirements of different parts of a vernier height gauge? (16) 2. Discuss briefly about the dial type and reed type of mechanical comparator with a neat sketch. (16) 3. (i) Discuss briefly about the mechanism of dial type mechanical comparator with a neat sketch. (10) (ii) Discuss briefly about the applications of the solex air gauge. (6) 4. With the neat sketch explain the construction and working principle of solex air gauge. (16) 5. Discuss briefly about the limit gauges and explain with a neat sketch of any four types. (16) 6. Discuss briefly with the neat sketch of Sine bar and explain its type. (16) 7. Discuss briefly with the neat sketch of optical bevel protractor. 8. Explain with the help of neat sketches, the principle and construction of an Angle dekkor. (16) 9. Explain with the help of neat sketches, the principle and construction of an autocollimator. (16) 10. Write short notes on : (i) Limitations of sine bars (ii) Applications of bevel protractor. (iii) Angle gauges (iv) Rollers (4x4)

SCREW THREAD AND GEAR FORM MEASUREMENTS 2 Marks: 1. Define the effective diameter of thread. 2. Give the names of the various methods of measuring the minor diameter. 3. What are the types of pitch errors found in screws? 4. What is the effect of flank angle error? 5. What are the applications of toolmaker's microscope? 6. Name the types of gears. 7. Define addendum and dedendum. 8. Define module. 9. Name the gear errors. 10. What are the types of profile checking method? 16 Marks: 1. Discuss briefly the about errors in threads with neat sketch. (16) 2. Describe the following methods of measuring the major diameter with a neat sketch. (i)Ordinary micrometer, (ii) Bench micrometer. (8+8) 3. Draw and explain the measurement of effective diameter of a screw thread using two wires. (16) 4. Explain the following with neat sketch. (i) Tool makers microscope. (ii) Floating carriage micrometer. (8+8) 5. Discuss briefly about the gear terminology with a neat sketch. (16) 6. Explain the following with neat sketch. (i) Pitch measurement. (ii) Profile checking method. (8+8) 7. Explain the principle of measuring gear tooth thickness by gear tooth vernier caliper and derive the mathematical formula. (16) 8. Describe briefly the following methods of tooth thickness measurement, (i) Base tangent method. (ii) Constant chord method. (8+8)

LASER METROLOGY AND CMM 2 Marks: 1. Why laser is preferred in engineering metrology. 2. Define wavelength. 3. What is Interferometer? 4. Give the different types of interferometer. 5. Name the common source of light used for interferometer. 6. Define CMM. 7. Mention the types of CMM. 8. Define position accuracy. 9. Give the advantages of CMM. 10. Mention the applications of CMM. 16 Marks: 1. 2. 3. 4. Discuss briefly about the Laser telemetric system with a neat sketch. (16) Discuss briefly about the AC laser interferometer with a neat sketch. (16) Discuss briefly about the Dual frequency laser interferometer with a neat sketch. (16) Explain the following with neat sketch. (i) Michelson interferometer. (ii) Applications of laser interferometer. (8+8) Discuss briefly about the Co-ordinate measuring machine with a neat sketch. (16) State the advantages, disadvantages and possible sources of errors in CMM. (16) Discuss briefly about the Computer controlled CMM and features of CMM softwares. (16) Write short notes on: (i) Computer based inspection (ii) Computer aided inspection using robots. (8+8)

5. 6. 7. 8.

POWER, FLOW AND TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENTS 2 Marks: 1. Define force. 2. Give the list of the devices used to measure the force. 3. Define the working of load cells. 4. Name the instrument used for measurement of torque. 5. Give the basic principle of mechanical torsion meter. 6. Classify the types of strain gauges. 7. Mention the types of dynamometer. 8. Mention the advantages and disadvantages of orifice meter. 9. Define thermocouple. 10. What are the different types of bi- metallic sensors? 16 Marks: 1. Discuss briefly about the measurement of Force by direct method. (16) 2. Discuss briefly about the measurement of Force by indirect method. (16) 3. Discuss briefly about the Torque measurements using torsion bars and proney brake. (16) 4. Discuss briefly about the torque measurements using strain gauge. (16) 5. Discuss briefly about the power measurements using D.C dynamometer and hydraulic dynamometer. (16) 6. Discuss briefly about the flow measurements using orifice meter and venturimeter. (16) 7. Discuss briefly about the temperature measurements using bimetallic strip and pressure thermometer. (16) 8. Discuss briefly about the temperature measurement using thermocouple. (16)

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