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Leadership & Vision _ Action Plans ( including revisions) _ Budget _ Monthly Finances _ Parent Engagement Plan _ Description of school

teams _ School Leadership Team _ Staff Responsibilities Chart _ Meeting organization _ Vicepresident observations/ meetings _ Website Operations (General) _ Bell schedule _ Master Schedule _ School Policies & Procedures (subsequent revisions) _ Student Discipline Policy & Process _ Website current _ Calendar of School Events _ Money procedures & accounting _ School leadership Team Meeting agendas/ minutes _ School safety plan & Evacuation plan _ Safety drill record _ Technology inventory _ Facilities plan _ Staff time records _ Student records Instructional Program Organization _ Technolgy Use Plan _ Special Education _ Instructional Teams _ Departmental Teams _ Advisory Curriculum _ Academic supports _ Afterschool Program Staffing & Human Resource _ Staff Handbook _ Teacher Interview Process _ Interview Questions _ Job descriptions _ Staff recruitment plan _ Accurate staff roster

_ NCLB Compliance/Parent notification Professional Development _ PD Calendar/Topics _ PD Agendas _ PD minutes _ PD Presentations & handouts Data _ Alliance Dashboard _ CDE API _ CDE AYP Instruction (General) _ School Team organization & descriptions _ Meeting agendas/minutes from staff team meetings _ staff career development _ staff deliverables/ products from staff _ Teacher Portfolios _ Instructional Team Meetings & Agndas, minutes Instructional Supervision _ TCRP Observation Schedule _ Informal observation protocols and evidence _ Informal observation forms _ Formal observation protocols and evidence _ Formal observation forms _ Teacher Professional development plans _ Conference summaries with teachers regarding instruction _ Teacher MidYear Evaluations _ Teacher Final Evaluations _ Teacher communications (emails) _ Teacher communications with parents _ Teachers use of website LAUSD _ Oversight Debrief most current _ Special education DVR _ Charter Division Special Ed Checklist Special Education _ IEP Progress and meeting notes _ Parent communication _ Evidence of compliance items MCD

Principal Communications _ Principal Memos & Communications to staff _ Principal Newsletters _ Recognition /Commendations of staff leaders _ Conference summaries from meetings Parents/Student Communication & Engagement _ Parent Communications plan/process _ Parent Engagement Plan _ Parent engagement data current _ Calendar of Pqrent events _ School Newsletters _ Parent Academy Academy agendas minutes _ Parent Advisory Council agendas minutes _ principal presentations/handouts _ Parent/Student handbook _ Recruitment plan _ Application process _ Wait list _ Lottery _ School Discipline Policies & Procedures _ Discipline Plan & Referrals _ Conference summaries from meeting with parents/students

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