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Name: Abdul Basith Date: 09.06.

2011 Personal Statement Motorsports Engineering From a very young age I have been obsessed with speed and design. I have always loved structure and have been trying to fathom how car parts fit together to pro duce road raging speed and majestic designs. I discovered that the solution to q uench my thirst for speed and knowledge was to pursue a career in the motor spor t industry. I know that opting for such an education will facilitate a doorway t o my dreams. I have always wondered whether my passion for motor sport was emoti onal or rational, being a Sri Lankan and discovering your program-finding possib ility of an internationally recognized career made me realize that it can be rat ional. This subject specifically draws my attention because it does not only require th eory or a basis of firm education but also encourages interests and determinatio n to workout things practically too, which I naturally possess and certain indol ent members of education lack. Moreover I feel at ease in understanding the basi c principles and theories related to engineering and also my research for ration al conclusion provides me with defined analysis of the subject that I study. I h ave loved physics and math since I was young. As a child mathematics has always fascinated me yet at that time I was never able to grasp the complexities of it. I grew older I found the subject quite understandable and an efficient tool for what I wanted to do. I see 75% of my future dependent on my passion and I m determined to take on any obs tacles to achieve my aspiration. In addition to determination I have the require d academic achievements and an above average level of problem solving abilities, which my school recognized by appointing me as the school house captain, vice-c aptain of the school cricket team, and the secretary of the school English liter ary association. These offices have not only broadened my horizon and enhanced m y analytical skills, but have also provided me with a firm ground to elicit lead ership qualities and to trust my own decisions. Although my previous A/L studies were related to the management and commerce sec tor, I believe that it has instilled in me specific skills that my career relate d subjects might lack. It has broadened my thinking perspective and largely magn ified my scrutinizing powers. I was restricted the inalienable right to decide m y own future plans and was forced to study commerce for my A/L. I gradually lost interest and fell off school and had to follow the induction course my dad prov ided and all in all has molded me with successful results. Working along with my dad in the importing and exporting sector of spices has been very challenging a nd interesting. I believe that success of becoming an engineer in the contempor ary globe requires technical competence, fusion of managerial skills and a power ful and effective communicative and business talent. Working in the business sec tor has been instrumental in providing me with profound insights of the legally binding protocols of management and leadership skills demanded today. Apart from my academic and managerial achievements, I take part in diversified c o-curricular activities. I watch car races that happen annually in Nuwereliya ra ce course and even research the cars that race. I personally believe that sports play an integral role in molding one s character. I never miss watching Discovery T urbo and have ideas of designing new cars that could grip the road more firmly a nd drive even faster. Note that I worked out reversing the aerodynamic theory wi th some help. And I am highly interested in bringing a new idea to lower the pre ssure under a car and put the ground effect to its maximum use to achieve high c ornering speed with the down force provided. My ultimate goal is to gain 1st hand experience, I want to make a revolutionary and indelible mark in the automobile industry and then hopefully one day join th e Ferrari F1- Racing team and meet my role model Michael Schumacher. Researching what you have to offer, co-curricular schemes, facilities, international presti ge, job placements and assistance from ex-graduates- I decided to apply without further ado.

It is my se for a tform to ght rule

hope that a degree from your university will provide me with a solid ba brilliant career in engineering, paving the pathway and providing a pla reach greater heights and be a part of the fastest technologies that mi the driveways.

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