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Amity Global Business School

Guidelines for BBA Summer Internship Program What is an Internship

It is an opportunity for you to put the theoretical knowledge into practical situation by working in an organization for 2 months. Summer Internship is about gaining practical experience by being associated with a company in a specific industry. So, the output is largely based on primary sources of data.

The relevant topic is generally given by the industry and it is as per the job profile of the candidate. Keep in mind that topic should be: Related to one or more subjects or areas of study within the core program. Clearly focused so as to facilitate an in-depth approach for finding the solution. Subject to availability of relevant information and to you knowledge. Relevant to the current business scenario. It is of interest to you and will lead to your all round development. Student should convert the industrial project into a valid academic report

Report Format
The format of the report should comprise of the following components:
1. Title/Cover Page It should detail the project title, students name, course, year, guide name, date of submission

2. Acknowledgements Acknowledgement to any advisory / financial assistance received while working on the project may be given. The writer recognizes his indebtedness for guidance and assistance of the advisor/guide. Courtesy demands that he also recognize specific contributions by

the other persons and institutions like libraries. Acknowledgements should be expressed very simply. 3. Abstract An abstract is a brief or condensed statement by the writer, or the essential ideas of the writers work. It should be straight to the point, not too descriptive but highly informative. It is a statement of the problem, a summary of the scope, methods and procedures, findings and results of the project. 4. Table of Contents This gives page references for each chapter and section. Titles and subtitles are to correspond exactly with those in the report. 5. Introduction This brief documentation provides with the following facts about the project _ The background of the project, _ The objectives of the project _ The rationale for the project _ The limitations of the project should also be listed. 6. Materials and Methods This section should aim at the methodology, research design, sampling and fieldwork (if any) Research methodology should be explained including modifications if any Reflect the reliability and validity of the methods Analysis and interpretation is to be shown. 7. Result and Discussions In this section emphasis should be laid down on _ What is performed and achieved in the project rather that the available literature in the context of the project. _ Discussion on your results with reference to the literature review. _ Matching your own results against what was established in the literature review. From this you should draw conclusion and make comments. _ Add value to the results with your own comments _ Highlight and provide analysis of any new themes that have emerged from your own research. 8. Conclusions and Recommendations In this section the outcome of the work is mentioned briefly. This should be a conclusion to the whole project. Check that your work answers the following questions: _ Did the research project meet its aims (check back to introduction for stated aims)? _ What are the main findings of the research? _ Are there any recommendations? _ Do you have any conclusion on the research process itself? 9. Future Prospects

This section must give clear picture of where should further research be focused and for what other projects this project could be taken as input? 10. Appendices It contains the material which is of interest to the reader but not an integral part of the project and statements of pros and cons that may be useful to document for future reference. 11. References In this section you should give a list of all the references you have used. This should be cross referenced with you text. This includes papers and books referred to the body of the report. Examination Scheme: Continuous Evaluation by faculty guide Continuous evaluation by CRC Feedback from industry guide Report, Presentation & Viva Voce TOTAL

15% 15% 35% 35% 100%

Important Dates
Duration of Project: Submission of synopsis on or before Submission of Reports 1st Weekly report 2nd weekly report 3rd weekly report 4th Weekly report 5th Weekly report 6th Weekly report 7th Weekly report 8th Weekly report Rough Draft Final Submission Viva & Presentation 9th Jun-1st Aug 11th Jun 13th Jun 20th Jun 27th Jun 4rd Jul 11th Jul 18th Jul 25th Jul 1st Aug 8th Aug 15th Aug 22nd - 27th Aug

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