Abstrak Parasetamol

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Paracetamol in Drug Preparations by HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography) method Assay *Chaerani Azizah Chemistry Education, Islamic

State University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta


Paracetamol is an analgesic and antipyretic drug. It is so popular and used to relieve headaches, out of breath, mild pain, and fever. Analgesics are drugs that can reduce or eliminate pain and eventually will give comfort to the suffer people. Antipyretic is a drug that degrades a fever (high body temperature). In most cases (about 90%) have the effect of antipyretic analgesics. The purpose of this study is that to determine concentrations of paracetamol in drug preparation. Assay tests were Paracetamol (Acetaminophen) by HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography) method using a reagent methanol: water (3:1) as mobile phase and using column Bond pack C-18 10 m 3.9x300 mm as stationary phase in a sample of drug preparations. Assay of Paracetamol (Acetaminophen) in the drug preparations was calculated based on peak height Paracetamol (Acetaminophen) on the high standard peak area Paracetamol (Acetaminophen). In this study, Acetaminophen concentration of analysis results obtained in drug preparations, have specifications Acetaminophen assay (95% -105%) and compatible with Pharmacopoeia Indonesia (FI) IV Edition 1995, the tablet/caplet contains paracetamol (C8H9NO2) is not less than 90.0% and not more than 110.0%. In the conclusion of this research; Acetaminophen assay of 102.33%.

Key words: acetaminophen, paracetamol, analgesics, HPLC

( aq kurang ngerti yg km maksud mau ke arah mana yg aq tebelin tulisannya )

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb. terimakasih untuk bapak Munas yang telah memberikan kesempatan kepada saya untuk berdiri menyampaikan sedikit informasi yang insyaAllah bermanfaat^^ Thank you for Mr. Munas giving me opportunity to stand up here telling useful information

Haii semua temanku. apa kabar kalian semua? *baik (ceritanya anak2 kelas pada jawab niiiss :) Hi, my friends How are you all?

Ada yang sakit hari ini? *tidak adaaaaa . Is there anybody sick today? *Nobody

(*melihatkan gambar nis ceritanya, gambar anak sakit) Apa yang terjadi pada anak kecil ini?? *Sakit (Show off the picture; sick child) What happen to this child? *sick

Oke, kalo kalian sakit, apa yang akan kalian minum? *obat Yaa benar sekali If you are sick, what will you drink? *Medicine Yes, exactly

Misalnya sakit kepala. Obat yang mengandung zat apa yang akan kalian minum? Ada yang tau? *Parasetamol Iya tepat sekali, obat yang diminum adalah obat yang mengandung parasetamol For example, headache What substance of drug will you drink? Anybody knows? *Parasetamol Yes, you are totally right. Drug will be drunk is that drug contains paracetamol

Benar sekali, karena parasetamol itu sendiri adalah obat yang bersifat antipiretik dan analgesik. Analgesik adalah obat yang dapat mengurangi atau menghilangkan rasa nyeri dan akhirnya akan memberikan rasa nyaman pada orang yang menderita. Sedangkan antipiretik adalah obat yang dapat menurunkan demam (suhu tubuh yang tinggi).
Absolutely, paracetamol is the drug that is antipyretic and analgesic. Analgesics are drugs that can reduce or eliminate pain and eventually will give comfort to the suffer people. While antipyretic is a drug that can degrade a fever (high body temperature).

Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang saya lakukan ketika praktek kerja lapangan di PT Medifarma Laboratories Cimanggis-Depok. Dalam sedian sampel obat yang dianalisis, didapatkan data bahwa kadar parasetamol sebesar 102.33% parasetamol. Kadar parasetamol tersebut sudah memenuhi syarat dan sesuai dengan spesifikasi Farmakope Indonesia (FI) Edisi IV Tahun 1995, dalam tiap tablet/kaplet Parasetamol mengandung parasetamol (C8H9NO2) tidak kurang dari 90,0% dan tidak lebih dari 110,0%.
Based on the results of research I did in working experience in Medifarma Laboratories, PT Cimanggis-Depok, in the Inventory drug samples analyzed, the data obtained that the levels of 102.33% paracetamol is that paracetamol. Paracetamol levels are already eligible and in accordance with Pharmacopoeia specifications Indonesia (FI) IV Edition 1995, in each tablet / caplet of paracetamol contains Paracetamol (C8H9NO2) is not less than 90.0% and not more than 110.0%.

Selain itu, Parasetamol mempunyai efek samping yang paling ringan dan aman untuk anakanak. Untuk anak-anak dibawah umur dua tahun sebaiknya digunakan Parasetamol, kecuali ada pertimbangan khusus lainnya dari dokter. In addition, paracetamol has the most mild side effects and safe for children. For children below two years old, paracetamol should be used, unless there are other special considerations from doctor.

Oleh sebab itu, Parasetamol adalah obat analgesik dan antipiretik yang populer dan digunakan untuk melegakan sakit kepala, sengal-sengal dan sakit ringan, dan demam. Therefore, Paracetamol is an analgesic and antipyretic drug that is popular and is used to relieve headaches, out of breath, mild pain, and fever.

Sakit kepala?? Minum Parasetamol^^ Headache?? Paracetamol the best solution!!

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