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Disediakan oleh:Cik.Nirmaladevi Subramaniam

First and foremost, I would like to thank the Senior Assistant (1) Pn.Pongkothai for giving me the opportunity to carry out this Action Plan. I would also like to thank all the English Language teachers who have contributed a lot of ideas towards this project. Finally, I would also like to thank all the teachers and pupils, especially the pupils of Year 6 Ramakrishnar, who have given their time and cooperation in order to make this project a success.






The usage of verbs-to-be is and are are not given emphasis during teaching and learning activity. I feel by giving a clear explanation on its usage in sentence and sentence drills through substitution tables together with extensive written exercises, pupils will be able to construct sentences meaningfully. FIELD OF FOCUS In an initial survey conducted through a simple written exercise, it is very obvious that the pupils were not aware that the verb-to-be in a sentence must agree with its subject in number. This aspect is rather new to the pupils and quite complex and difficult to understand its usage. Therefore we have decided that the action research is focused on this grammatical item.

The objectives of this action research are: To enhance the usage of verbs-to-be is and are in Year 6 Ramakrishnar.

To instill a positive attitude towards the

learning of English.

To make the learning of grammar fun and enjoyable

Year 6 Ramakrishnar

1. Grammar aspect should be given emphasis during English lessons 2. Expand the pupils opportunity to express their ideas in English

Type of research: The type of research which will be carried out is experimental. It will be done through of pre-test and observation. Place of research: The place where the research will be done in classroom of 6 Ramakrishnar. Research subject: The subjects are 31 pupils who are weak in verbs-to-be is and are from 6 Ramakrishnar. Scope of survey: The scope of study is chosen mainly to enhance the understanding and usage of verbs-to-be is and are among pupils.


a.) Pupils were given a worksheet containing twenty questions on fill in the blanks with `is and are. b.) Teacher explained briefly on how to do the exercise. c.) Pupils were given twenty minutes on complete the exercise. The worksheets were collected and marked. Teacher pointed out common errors pertaining to the usage of is and are. The aim of this Pre-Test was to identify the pupils proficiency in verbs to-be.

OBSERVATIONS a.) Based on observation carried out, the following were noted: a) Some pupils have the habit of copying their friends work. b) There were very shy to converse English because they were afraid of being laughed at by their friends. c) They need to be reminded to do their corrections.

ANALYSIS OF PRE-TEST From the analysis of errors based on the fill in the blanks exercise. It was obvious that the pupils were not aware that the verbs to-be in a sentence must agree with its subject in number and person. ANALYSIS OF OBSERVATION The attitude of pupils towards their studies show lack of enthusiasm. Most of them do not finish their homework. They usually do it at the last minute by copying their friends work the following morning. The pupils also found it difficult to understand the instructions in English. So, is has to be translated into Tamil language to make things easier for them.


The following is a simple plan: Subject Year Time Objectives : : : : English Language Year 6 Ramakrishnar 60 minutes By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :1. Recognize the verb to-be is and are. 2. Fill in the blanks with is or are correctly. 3. Proof read their own work and carry out peer correction effectively. Audio Visual Aids : Mahjong paper, riddle cards, worksheets.

Set Induction : Teacher asks three pupils to come forward to read the riddle on their respective cards. Step 1 Step 2 Teacher distributes Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 : : : : Teacher instructs pupils to fill in the blanks by using is or are in each sentence. Pupils do the exercise on their worksheet. Pupils proof read their work and carry out peer correction. A random, teacher asks each pair of pupils to read their answers aloud. : : Teacher revises with pupils is and are

Step 7 Closure Charades e. g.

: :

Pupils paste the worksheet in their exercise book.

The teacher is teaching . He is watering the plants. They are singing. The boys are playing football. They are flying kites.

A pupil would be able to use the verbs to-be is and are correctly if the teacher explains clearly its usage in a sentence (if possible with illustrations or real objects showing singular or plural as the saying goes, seeing is believing, the teacher gives lots of drills (through substitution tables) and lots of written exercise on a regular basis as the saying goes, practice makes perfect,. These activities will enhance their memory. But the key to improving proficiency in English is the efficient teaching of grammar right from the start that is from Year 1 itself.


All English Language teachers should emphasize more on levels. o Conduct the 10 minutes Introductory Reading




o Session during the teaching and learning process in the class. Revise the syllabus where more emphasis will be given on grammar.

Pupils are able to use verbs to-be is and are correctly in their speech and written work. They have shown a renewed interest in learning grammar. They also enjoyed learning verb to-be through charades and games. Learning English through fun definitely helped them learn better and remember longer. The pupils also did their whiletest satisfactory (refer to Appendix 4a/4b). Most of them scored well in their post-test (refer to Appendix 5). Nevertheless, constant revision on grammar from time to time is a must especially for pupils studying in an urban area schools.

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