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Culture Questions Q2, p.

3 - May 2010: Distinguish between the characteristics of KCCs culture when it was first set up and the culture the company is likely to have now. Q3, p.3 Mar 2011: A) Describe the key characteristics of a role culture, explaining why this type of culture is no longer appropriate for S Company. B) Recommend, with reasons, the type of culture to which S Company now needs to change. Treasury & Finance Function related questions Q7, p.7 May 2010: Explain the benefits and drawbacks associated with T4Ms proposal to outsource some of the work currently undertaken in the Finance Department. Communication & Negotiation related questions Q7, p.7 May 2010: Discuss how F, the Finance Director, should approach negotiations so that they are effective if the outsourcing strategy goes ahead. Q7, p.x Sep 2011: Discuss what the Finance Director should do to ensure that future meetings are effective in achieving satisfactory outcomes for all members Q7, p.6 May 2011: Discuss what should be covered in the series of training sessions to help members of staff in the Finance Department improve their communication skills. Q6b, p.6 Mar 2011: Explain the different stages of negotiation that should take place to ensure the negotiation process between senior management and the trade unions representatives is effective

Managers & Subordinates related questions Q1, p.2 Nov 2010: With reference to theory, discuss the recommendations TS Consultants could make to help improve performance and staff morale in the Finance Department of YR Hospital. Q1, p.2 Nov 2010: Explain the points that LC should make concerning the process and the benefits of the mentoring for new members of staff. Q3, p.3 Mar 2012: Explain the benefits of delegation from the point of view of YT, the Finance Manager, and also the team. Q1, p, - Sep 2011: Compare and contrast Js current style of management with the one it is suggested she should adopt. Support your answer with reference to relevant management/leadership theories. Q1, p.2 Nov 2011: Describe the different sources of power KK possesses and which would help her to manage the changes in the Finance Department. Q3, p.3 May 2011: Explain to TR, with reference to theory, the different management/leadership styles he could adopt to help him become more effective in his role. Q7b, p.6 May 2011: Explain how implementing FPC Companys staff appraisal system in the Finance Department could help improve the performance of staff.

Conflict Questions Q5, P4 Nov 2010: Compare and contrast the different types of and sources of conflict in LS Company Q4, P.3 Mar 2012: A) Describe the types of hazards that might be found in Zs department B) Illustrate the benefits to a company from having a robust health and safety procedure Q7, p.9 Sep 2011: A) Explain the sources of conflict between the different groups involved in the new product development process Q6a, p.6 Mar 2011: Discuss the different conflict handling strategies that could be used in managing the conflict in ZEZ Company Disciplinary, Procedure and their Operation related questions Q5, p.4 Nov 2011: Explain to P what is involved in the process of taking disciplinary action.

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