Valedictory Speech

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Valedictory Speech

To the honourable GUEST SPEAKER, Mrs. Aida Orosa Austria. To the Education Program Supervisor 1 in Mathematics, Mr. Romeo B. Fule. To the woman who serves as the key player of reforms in the Dep. Ed. San Pablo City, Mrs. Criselda Moresca, our District Supervisor. To the dedicated steward of Ambray Elementary School, Mrs. Doris B. Ortega, our Principal. To the chairman of Brgy. II B, Mr. Leonardo Villanueva. To my hardworking teachers. To our beloved parents who make each and every journey of our lives meaningful, to my fellow graduates, to our guests, friends, ladies and gentlemen, Good Morning! My dear classmates, today is the culmination of our journey as we take another successful flight of ours. Another trip has ended for us to reap the fruits of our diligence and labor with the unconditional support of the significant people around us. Indeed, this momentous event is a reflection of a journey that came from a small but significant dream that we created. A dream that was realized from the time our parents sent and introduce us to the world of learning and definitely it was a dream that serves as our weapon to combat ignorance and made us grown-ups to face the realities of life. I can still remember the difficulties I took on when I first entered the portals of our Dear Alma Mater. When I first came to this school, I was sceptical. I felt that I have been pulled out of my comfort zone and pushed into a completely new environment, with new rules, new teachers and new peers. I realized right away that things would be different and should try to adapt to this new surroundings. Ive experienced a lot of things while I stayed in Ambray. I competed in different contest in which I learned that in every battle you must be humble. If you win, keep your feet on the ground and if you lose, accept it without a heavy heart.

Ive also ran for President in Pupil Government. I did not just won as President but I won friends who helped me in different ways. And if there are parties like Christmas Party and Valentines Party, everyone is happy not just because of the gifts received but because of the time they spent with their crush on that occasion.

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