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Consider the following Entities and Relationships Employee (empno, empname, salary,commission,designation) Department (deptno, deptname,location) Relationship between Employee and Department is many-to-one. Constraints: Primary Key, Salary should be > 0. Create a RDB in 3NF & write queries in Oracle 8i for following. Display all details of employees who are working at Pune location Display department name wise list of Employees Count the number of employees who are working in Computer department Display maximum salary for every department.


SQL>create table department(deptno number(5) primary key,deptname varchar2(15),location varchar2(10)); Table created. SQL>create table employee(empno number(5) primary key,empname varchar2(20),salary number(10),commission number(2),designation varchar2(10),deptno number(5) references department(deptno)); Table created.

SQL>Insert into department values(1,production,pune); 1 row created. SQL>Insert into department values(2,finance,mumbai); 1 row created.

SQL>Insert into department values(3,sales,mumbai); 1 row created. SQL>Insert into department values(4,accounts,mumbai); 1 row created. SQL>Insert into department values(5,manufacturing,mumbai); 1 row created. SQL>Insert into employee values(101,ashish,50000,50,manager); 1 row created. SQL>Insert into employee values(102,vivek,20000,20,accountant); 1 row created. SQL>Insert into employee values(103,ajit,10000,10,salesman); 1 row created. SQL>Insert into employee values(104,rohan,5000,5,clerk); 1 row created. SQL>Insert into employee values(105,nikhil,15000,15,peon); 1 row created. SQL>Select * from department; DEPTNO -------1 2 3 DEPTNAME -------production finance sales LOCATION -------pune mumbai mumbai

4 5



manufacturing Mumbai

SQL>Select * from employee; EMPNO ------101 EMPNAME ---------- -ashish SALARY -------50000 COMMISSION ---------------50 DESIGNATION ---------------manager

SQL> select * from employee, department where location='pune' and employee.deptno=department.deptno;

EMPNO ----101

EMPNAME ---------ashish

SALARY -----50000

COMMISSION ---------50

DESIGNATION ------------manager

DEPTNO -------1

DEPTNAME -------production

LOCATION -------pune

SQL> select deptname,empname from employee,departmentwhere employee.deptno=department.deptno group by deptname,empname;




sales finance accounts production manufacturing

ajit nikhil vivek ashish rohan

SQL> select count(empno) from employee, department where employee.deptno = department.deptno and deptname=computer; COUNT(EMPNO) ------------0 SQL> select max(salary) from employee, department where employee.deptno = department.deptno group by deptname, empname; MAX(SALARY) ----------10000 25000 20000 5000 15000


Consider the following Entities and Relationships Employee (empno, empname, salary,commission,designation) Department (deptno, deptname,location) Relationship between Employee and Department is many-to-one. Constraints: Primary Key, Salary should be > 0. Create a RDB in 3NF & write queries in Oracle 8i for following. Count all the movie names released in the year 2000. Display all actor details of movie Dhoom Display all actorwise movie names Display all movies of Abhishek


SQL> create table actor(actno number(5) primary key,actname varchar2(20)); Table created. SQL> create table movie(mvno number(5) primary key,actno number(5) references actor(actno),mvname varchar2(20),releaseyear number check(releaseyear>0)); Table created. SQL> insert into actor values(1,'Abhishek'); 1 row created. SQL> insert into actor values(2,'Hrithik'); 1 row created. SQL> insert into actor values(3,'Amitabh'); 1 row created. SQL> insert into actor values(4,'Dharmendra'); 1 row created.

SQL> insert into actor values(5,'Abhishek'); 1 row created. SQL> insert into movie values(01,1,'Dhoom',2005); 1 row created. SQL> insert into movie values(02,2,'Krish',2008); 1 row created. SQL> insert into movie values(03,3,'Aagnipath',2000); 1 row created. SQL> insert into movie values(04,4,'Sholay',2000); 1 row created. SQL> insert into movie values(05,5,'Bluffmaster',2001); 1 row created. SQL> insert into movie values(06,2,'Dhoom',2005); 1 row created.

SQL> select * from movie; MVNO ACTNO MVNAME ------1 2 3 4 5 6 ------1 2 3 4 5 2 ----------------Dhoom Krish Aagnipath Sholay Bluffmaster Dhoom RELEASEYEAR ----------------2005 2008 2000 2000 2001 2005

SQL> select * from actor; ACTNO ACTNAME ---------1 2 3 4 5 -------------------Abhishek Hrithik Amitabh Dharmendra Abhishek

SQL> select count(mvname) from movie,actor where actor.actno=movie.actno and releaseyear=2000; COUNT(MVNAME) ------------2

SQL> select actname from actor,movie where actor.actno=movie.actno and mvname='Dhoom'; ACTNAME -------------------Abhishek Hrithik

SQL> select actname,mvname from actor,movie where actor.actno=movie.actno group by actname,mvname;

ACTNAME -------------------Amitabh

MVNAME -------------------Aagnipath

Hrithik Hrithik Abhishek Abhishek Dharmendra

Dhoom Krish Dhoom Bluffmaster Sholay

SQL> select mvname,actname from actor,movie where actor.actno=movie.actno and actname='Abhishek'; MVNAME -------------------Dhoom Bluffmaster ACTNAME -------------------Abhishek Abhishek

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