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Basic Mechanism for Auto-Urine Therapy:

Information in the urine and its control / action mechanism By Yoshitane Ueda ( In order to treat abnormal metabolism, it is essential to restore the abnormal state of metabolites to a constant (normal) state. There are several metabolites within the urine that reflect the condition of the body. Treatment of abnormal metabolism will be possible if the information on abnormal metabolites in the urine can be carried back to stimulate negative feedback control via the hypothalamic region in the brain. Jan. 12, 2004 First Publication Jan.20, 2006 Fifth Revision Introduction Auto-urine therapy is also known as urine therapy or health management with urine and is a simple therapy of merely drinking ones own urine. Urine has a wide range of benefits certainly for clinical conditions such as infectious diseases, but also for chronic illnesses, visceral diseases, cancers, skin diseases, and toothaches. It is also effective for health maintenance, beauty, and dieting. Bearing a 5000-year history with records and backed by an accumulation of human experiences, it is known to be a safe, traditional therapy. However, the therapeutic mechanism remains to be a mystery. The purpose of this paper is to scientifically clarify the mystery. The practice of drinking urine requires courage to overcome ones own disgust and prejudice. My hope is that the scientific clarification of urine therapy will help one make a rational decision towards practicing this therapy. 1. Urine is the Final Substance of Information from the Body Urine production takes place in the kidney but prior to that it is blood, and even prior to that it is a metabolite produced by various organs in the body. If a metabolite can be called informational substance, urine is the storehouse of final informational substances. A wide variety of metabolites such as biochemical substances, antibodies, hormones, enzymes, and proteins exist as informational substances in urine. The daily fluctuation of urine composition is significant, where the concentration change is most considerable. The analytical values can progressively degenerate and modify by the minute because of factors such as contamination due to sampling, oxygen, heat, or light. It is also easily influenced my medication. If there are medicinal substance s in the urine, they may change other substances as well. The timing of the fluctuation of urine composition and the manifestation of abnormal metabolism is not always the same. The data is often poorly reproducible and the boundary between normal and abnormal is unclear. Furthermore, even a general urine composition can be influenced by diet and environment and vary between ethnicities. 1


Urine is Absorbed in the Body through Skin / Membrane

Metabolites contained in daily urine are often of infinitesimal quantity as micro, nano, or pico levels. In addition, since the daily urine consumption is 100 cc to 200 cc, all the more. In addition to the small quantity of this in urine, metabolites are affected by oxygen, light, and heat, and furthermore once they enter the stomach most of them are degenerated and modified by stomach acids. By the time urine metabolites reach the small intestine for absorption, there is a definite reduction in the remaining metabolites that have not been degenerated or modified. Any pharmacological effect cannot be expected from such trace quantity. Yet, those that practice urine therapy claim that there still are benefits. In fact, there are therapeutic effects reported with even less urine. Such examples are: A person survived being adrift at sea for a long period, by licking his urine (Other sailors had perished). By gargling with urine, one achieved the same benefits as drinking urine. This perhaps is the greatest mystery of urine therapy. If these reports are taken as facts, the only common site involved in drinking urine, licking urine and gargling with urine is the oral cavity. Following logic, Information obtained from the urine composition is already absorbed in the body through cells / membrane of the oral cavity. This is corroborated by the fact that the osmotic pressure of urine is twice as high compared with other bodily fluids. Drinking urine is an expression that depicts an illusion of urine being absorbed in the stomach / small intestine much like internal medicine. At the same time, the general term urine can be interpreted as not only ones own urine but also the drinking of other peoples urine, or animal urine (biological information of others). In order to avoid any unnecessary confusion, we would like to give it a more specific name: Auto-urine therapy (Health management with auto-urine). Treatment Through The Hypothalamic Region 1. Feedback Control In discussing the role of urine as a collection of information, the idea of information and control / adjustment or the concept of Cybernetics, as they say in the automatic control theory in engineering, must be mentioned. In cybernetics, the action mechanism consists of a Feedback Control System. Generally in feedback control, part of the output is sent back to the input of the system and becomes part of the signal, thus controlling the output of the system as feedback. The following block diagram describes this model.

The signal from the controller is sent to the controlled system but the output of the system gets restricted due to external disturbance that puts things off balance and causes interference. This output is detected by the signal converter, and the system output is converted to a feedback signal, which is then sent to a error detector. At this point, the initial first control signal and feedback signal are compared and are sent to the controller as error signals. The error is fixed at the controller and input to the controlled system is controlled. In other words, the Feedback signal value (Uxf) is compared with the desired value of the control signal (Uxd ) and the error value (Uxe) is detected as: Uxe = Uxf Uxd . If Uxd > Uxf, then an error signal is expressed as Uxe < 0. And if Uxt < Uxf, then it is expressed as Uxe > 0. In other words, the error signal is opposite in direction to the feedback signal. When one refers to feedback, it is generally considered negative feedback. The characteristic of this type of environmental control is that the original cause cannot be controlled in advance based on a predicted outcome. Moreover, a time delay is inevitably generated between the original cause and the next operation load. Consequently a deviance can be generated between the control load and next operation load. At times, this deviation can connect to excessive control and convert to positive feedback. This idea is the basis of physiology and also an important conceptual foundation for the action mechanism of the bodys homeostasis.


Function of the Hypothalamus / Homeostasis of the Body

From the perspective of the entire brain, the hypothalamus, along with the brain stem, is the pillar of the brain and is located in its central part. The function of the hypothalamus is humoral control of the endocrine apparatus to the splanchnic organs/muscles through the pituitary gland using peptide hormones. In this way, the pituitary gland governs the entire body. The hypothalamus and brain stems regulate the splanchnic organs/muscles through the autonomic nervous system (sympathetic/parasympathetic nerves). The hypothalamus, mediated by the spleen, regulates the activity of the immune system. The hypothalamus connects with the brain cortex and limbic cortex to adjust the emotional function in the psychological and sensory areas. The hypothalamus is projected onto the brain stems, which is associated with appetite and awareness. For instance, brain stems, mediated by the basal ganglion and the motor area, adjust motor activity by connecting to the cerebellum. As shown above, various control functions related to life maintenance is concentrated in the hypothalamus and this conducts comprehensive information processing (maintaining homeostasis).

Life is maintained at a dynamic constant state by the bodys internal environment. The cells that constitute the body are all involved in maintaining this homeostasis. This is true even at the individual cell level. What supports this is the bodys feedback system. The fact that the bodys internal environment is at a constant state means that if there is over activity in an organs function, it will be suppressed and if there is a lack, it will be stimulated. This kind of automated regulation mechanism (negative feedback) exists throughout the body. In a healthy person, a small disturbance in value will fall within a permissible range and can be self-repaired by the automated regulation system. 3. Basic Action Mechanism of the Feedback System and the Auto-Urine Therapy When food is taken in through the mouth, humoral regulation feedback in the oral cavity begins and from there on, this system is repeated many times in each organ. In the last stage, part of the original urine produced by the glomerulus of the kidney is absorbed in the path leading to the bladder by the renal tubules. This is the final feedback stage that takes place in the body. The concentrated original urine is excreted from the body as urine and normally leaves the feedback system. 5

Homeostasis, as long as one is healthy, is fully maintained by this feedback system in the body alone. However, whenever there is an abnormality in the body or a pathological condition, this information is disseminated in the urine as a metabolite. Metabolites in the urine carry abnormal values (abnormal metabolites). These pathological conditions are also known as an abnormal ____ metabolite disorder by bearing the name of the metabolite or an abnormal ____ metabolite syndrome referring to a group of pathological conditions. Abnormality in the urine metabolites is detected in the oral cavity. If this can be communicated as a signal/information to the hypothalamus via the thalamus, a regulation command to fix the abnormal metabolism can be induced by the hypothalamus upon comprehensive read justment. This is the basic action mechanism of auto-urine therapy. The urine (output) taken in orally is in fact the internal bodys final information being reabsorbed (input) by cells in the oral cavity after once being external information. In other words, it provides for the bodys feedback network. The limitations of the benefits of auto-urine therapy is the same as the limitations of the functions of the bodys feedback system which centers on the hypothalamus. Feedback of Informational Substances (Metabolites) in the Urine It is actually difficult to understand from the outside how information is processed in the hypothalamus and hard to interpret in terms of clear values. Instead, using the numerical information of the urine substances (metabolites) as indicators at the clinical level (monitoring), is easier. Since here, we are discussing the maintenance of homeostasis, we will refer to these indicators as homeovalues. Furthermore, we will refer to the values that indicate pathological conditions / abnormal metabolism as abnormal values. Abnormal values will have high values and low values with the homeovalues in between. From that standpoint, in auto-urine therapy, the goal of regulating the system, restore the abnormal value of the metabolite to homeovalue (treatment),* is achieved though the provision of urine (information of metabolites).
*Urine analysis is used for the determination of pathological conditions based on abnormal values of the metabolites (diagnosis). The goal of auto-urine therapy is just the opposite of this. Terms used in urine analysis are different, where homeovalue is referred to as a normal or standard value while in feedback control theory, it is called a desired value.

Negative feedback More specifically, if an abnormal value of a specific urinary metabolite was: (1) High (excessive), homeovalue can be restored by promoting metabolism or suppressing production. (2) Low (lacking), homeovalue can be restored by suppressing metabolism or stimulating production. This process constitutes an indicator for a treatment process based on a 6

specific negative feedback control by



When one continues with auto-urine therapy, there are times during the adjustment process when a low abnormal value trying to return to a homeovalue, surpasses the homeovalue range instead of reaching and remaining there, and goes to a higher value. This is a temporary phenomenon that always occurs in the treatment process due to over-regulation caused by a time lag in the bodys information system. This biological phenomenon that is seen as a result of overregulation is also called favorable reaction in Oriental medicine. When a favorable reaction occurs, one reportedly experiences feelings of exacerbation, fatigue, discomfort, exhaustion, depression, irritability, nausea, and diarrhea. Normally a reversal occurs and homeovalue is eventually achieved (Positive feedback). 4. Sensor System (1) Sensor Function There are two functions that can be thought to detect information signals: a) Biosensor In general, a sensor that is used to detect chemical substances is called a chemical sensor. These chemical sensors comprise two sites: one that recognizes the chemical substances and another that converts changes generated from the first site to electrical signals. Urinary metabolites are also absorbed by coming in contact with cells and are converted to electrical signals, which are then communicated to the hypothalamus via the central nervous system and thalamus.

b) Sensor cells The other route involves communication via humoral substances where cells act as sensors similar to urinary hormones. These cells are called sensor cells and information is transmitted to them which are then communicated to the hypothalamus via the thalamus. (2) Recognition by the Sensor System and its Sites The homeovalue of the osmotic pressure of urine is 500 800 mosm/kg H2 0. In contrast, the osmotic pressure of much of the bodily fluids is 275 295 mosm/kg H2 0. Since the osmotic pressure of urine is approximately twice that of other bodily fluids, urine has characteristics that are easily absorbed by cells in the body.* Since the merits of the sensor system primarily involve the merits of the recognition site, any site that obstructs absorption must be avoided. Absorption by healthy skin and epidermis is especially bad as well as slow. The partition coefficient of the epidermis lipid/water is large and non-dissociative. This is because the epidermis functions as a lipid barrier. However, because of structural characteristics of the stratified epithelium, the absorption takes a long time unlike a simple lipid barrier. In contrast, most chemical substances easily pass through the mucous membrane and dermis with a fast absorption rate. There are three absorption modes: a) Transmucosal Absorption This is an administration method using absorption via the mucous membrane, a site from which highly precise regulatory results can be expected. It is more accurate, with a fast absorption rate, and contributes to the bodys overall regulation. 8

i) Administration of the urine by absorption via the oral mucous membrane. Take in a mouthful of urine and keep it in the oral cavity for about 30 sec. to 1 min. to maintain ample contact with the mucous cells. During this time, rinse and gargle well. Then, spit the urine out. Wait for the absorption of the remaining urine in the oral mucous to complete without rinsing. Since urinary@ metabolites are easily affected by the external environment, it is important to promptly drink the urine collected in a cup without leaving it out for a time, to achieve accurate information. Furthermore, the cup used must be the type that is stable with acid/alkali such as glass, ceramic, and paper. Do not use metal cups. As the name indicates, most people who practice urine therapy drink urine. It is believed that drinking a lot of urine and maintaining ample contact in the oral mucous membrane is basically equal in effectiveness. However, it is essential to watch the pH of the urine in this case. There is no problem if the urine is on the alkaline side, as the neutralizing effect by the stomach acid (Information destroying effect) will take affect; but if the urine is on the acidic side, an excessive burden will be put on the stomach. ii) Absorption by injecting urine in the nasal mucous membrane. This is applicable for people who are unconscious or people with sinus infection. In addition, it is also applicable at other mucous membrane sites such as the eyes, ears, rectum and alveus. b) Transdermal absorption In the case of skin disorders such as inflammation of the face or hair root, topical application, bathing, or wet compression with urine can be used to promote absorption. The absorption takes awhile, (generally about 10 min.). It is applicable for beautifying effects and treating localized disorders. c) Subcutaneous absorption i) Urinary absorption from damaged epidermal sites such as bruises or burns is fast. Topical application, bathing, or wet compression with urine can be used to promote absorption. ii) Urine is absorbed by subcutaneous injection. This allows for absorption of urine directly from the dermis or even beyond that. The urine absorption rate is faster than that of the mucous membrane.
*Each component that exists in urine was produced after going through the kidneys filter selectively. It can therefore easily pass through the mucous membrane again. Even though specific microbes may be found in urine as in urinary tract infection (Mycobacterium, N. gonorrhoeae, Salmonella, Leptospira, Mycoplasma, Ureaplasma, Chlamydia, T. vaginalis), they multiply within the urinary tract outside of the kidney and therefore do not enter the oral mucous membrane. Blood (eg. menstrual blood) and protein that are mixed into the urine from the outside are not absorbed by the mucous membrane.





(1) There are some homeovalues themselves in the table above thatfluctuate daily. Clinical conditions appear and abnormal values are seen, but depending on the time period, the numerical value of the homeovalue itself at the same time moves closer to the abnormal value. Consequently the difference between the homeovalue and the abnormal value is not recognized as significant and the feedback control is not induced. In this case, the time period can be moved so that the urine can clearly recognize the difference from that of the homeovalue. (2) The fluctuation period of abnormal urinary metabolites and the manifestation period of abnormal metabolism may not always match. In auto-urine therapy, the treatment effect of a clinical condition is seen only after abnormal values appear in metabolites.* (3) We expect more new urinary metabolites to be discovered in the future. In addition, among those known abnormal urinary metabolites, correlation to other clinical conditions may be found. As the correlation between abnormal urinary metabolites and clinical conditions continues to be investigated, that on its own may become the evidence that will broaden the range of benefits of auto-urine therapy. (4) Treatment by auto-urine therapy cannot be dispensed just because the pathological conditions and abnormal metabolites that define the condition are not understood. Since primitive times, abnormal metabolites responded to many unknown pathological conditions and have been recognized immediately by the hypothalamus, upon which information was automatically processed and regulated.
*Auto-urine therapy is a so-called follow-up treatment method meaning that it is not applicable for prevention prior to the manifestation of clinical symptoms. For instance, unlike immunization with vaccine, it is not used to build immunity in a healthy person before he is infected by an infectious disease. This is because there are no abnormal metabolites (antibodies) in a healthy persons urine. In auto-urine therapy, the body tries to maintain its homeovalue and it can be said that this action constitutes the resistance/prevention against pathological conditions. However, needless to say for disease prevention, it is more important to prevent external disturbance rather than depend wholly on auto-urine therapy--that is, protecting and maintaining a good hygienic environment, such as a healthy mind, a good diet, water, air, exercising, and sleeping.

An injured animal instinctively licked its own urine that collected in a small hole. Since primitive times, man put his own urine in a container and drank it. Even today, a baby in the womb drinks his/her own urine from the amniotic fluid and waits for the day of his/her birth. Since primitive times as well as in modern times, the origin of medicine for life began by administering ones own urine into ones own mouth. Auto-urine therapy, which was thought to be even primitive, is in fact an informational treatment method in which the function of the hypothalamus inside the brain is controlled. It automatically responds to unknown pathological conditions and can even be a safe and advanced remedy for the next generation.



"Information processing that brain and nervous system do and the model" Brain and Computer 5. Gen Matsumoto Noriyuki Ohtsu edited. Issued Baifukan(Japan) Only basic textbook type information was extracted in this paper and new theories have not been included. Therefore, I have taken the liberty of omitting all reference.



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