CL Battle of The Forms

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BATTLE OF THE FORMS COMMON LAW - Mirror Image Rule/Last Shot Rule: acceptance cannot deviate in any way

from offer.
Offer: manifestation of willingness to enter into bargain so made as to justify the offeree in believing that his assent is invited and will conclude the bargain. Acceptance: Offerees manifestation of assent to the terms of the offer, made in a manner invited or required by the offer.

UCC 2-207 applies when

there are 2 forms, or oral K with confirmatory memo

(1) Is there a K?
- determine the offeror and the offeree. - acceptance with additional terms: a writing operates as an acceptance even if it states additional/different terms unless acceptance is expressly made conditional on assent to different terms. - Counter-offer: when there is express notice that offeree is not willing to proceed unless the terms are agreed to

Yes: acceptance with additional terms

No counter offer (2) Are they both merchants?

-2-204 defines merchants as: - specialized knowledge of goods OR - knowledge of business practices

Do the parties conduct themselves as if there is a K? (3) Yes



NO go home! -

Auto-inclusion, UNLESS: Autoexclusion

(a) offer expressly limits acceptance of add. terms (b) material alteration working surprise or hardship (like disclaimer of warranty; courts split on arbitration clauses) (c) objection previously given, or given within reasonable time after terms received.

terms agreed on REMAIN contradicting terms Knocked Out Gap fillers used to replace contradicting terms

Treatment of DIFFERENT terms: (2)

doesnt deal with different terms, can either treat the same as additional terms, or Knock out and use gap fillers.

UCC Gap fillers: -implied warranties; reasonable price; -reasonable notice of termination; -

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