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Origin of Filipino

Dr.H.Otley Beyer, A famous American anthropologist. According to him, waves of people came to Philippines from Asian Peninsula, led by the Negritos,Indonesians and Malays. F.Lacanda Jocano, a Filipino anthropologist, also gave his own theory. According to him, the Philippines was once connected to the greater part of Southeast Asia..

Origin of Filipino theories

The Land Plate Sunda Volcanic the Continental Drift theory... or Philippines was once a part of Eurasia Plate that time we are still connected with China by the Land Bridges, as time pass by and earthquake and sea level rises these Land Bridges was sunken by the sea. As you can see in the map Batanes group of island looks like connected to Taiwan this where part of Land Bridges before. Earthquakes and plate tectonic form our land masses, the reason why we got a 7,000+ islands is we are located in the Pacific Ring of Fire which is for thousands of years we always experienced a number of strong and moderate earthquake that causes some undersea landslide and separating land masses. Same also with the case of Japan, Indonesia, Northern Mariana Islands and Aleutian Island in Alaska. Another short answer is just read the your bible on how God created the world. or There are kinds of theories: * Scientific * Biblical * Mythical... Bridges Tectonics Shelf theory Theory, theory, theory, &

Indigenous Ethnic groups

Due to its position as point of crossing and center of transport from their beginnings, the people and the culture of Panama reflect their international origins. The people and their culture have roots everywhere in the world, resulting in a tolerance atmosphere in which people get along with others well. Its population is a crucible of races that includes a 62% of half-caste, 14% of African, 10% of Spaniards, 5% mulattos and 5% Indians. The Jewish, Chinese, Arab and Hindustani communities play an important

role in the commercial sector. The 7 indigenous ethnic groups who live in Panama are scattered by all the territory, in regions very located. The Ember live in the borders of the Chagres river, and the Wounaan inhabits the area of Darien, the impenetrable jungle that separates Panama of Colombia. In spite of the distance, both ethnic groups share customs and clothes, taparrabos or " paruma " for them, and colorists skirts and naked torso for them, in addition to bracelets and necklaces of silver currencies. However, their languages are totally different.T The Kunas are probably the indigenous group that more jealously it has maintained his culture, and live in the archipelago of San Blas. The women show to the mourning taking a red and yellow handkerchief in the head, and a longitudinal black line crosses their noses; the red is extracted of a called fruit jagua. Their dances are danced to the compass of flutes of bamboo and maracas done of pumpkins and seeds. The Ngbe-Bugle are the majority ethnic group in Panama and inhabits the provinces of Veraguas, Bocas del Toro and Chiriqu. Usually they work in the coffee plantations, sugar bowls and bananeras, since these provinces concentrate most of the agricultural production of the country. Their conditions of life are quite bad, and live such in large cabins within coffee plantations, that there are been crossing. They make " the very " colorists Chcaras, purses, and "chaquiras", geometric necklaces polychromes facts with obtained accounts of shells and bones. The Teribe (Nazo) live near the borders of the river of the same name, are excellent constructors of canoes, hammocks, drums, and wood statures, and their dances very are varied, like gallote, and the dance of the tiger (there are no tigers here, but it sees that they know them). The Bokot lives in Bocas del Toro and their dyed vegetal fiber hats are very famous. Finally, the Bri-bri live in the border with Costa Rica, in the Yorkin river. Their customs are similar to those of the Bokot.

Non-Indigenous groups
Hispanic See also: Filipinos of Spanish descent and Mexican settlement in the Philippines Filipinos of Hispanic ancestry form a minority in the Philippine population. Their official population is unknown. Most of these are descendants of the Spanish settlers who settled in the islands during the Spanish colonial period. Most were of either pure Spanish ancestry or Amerindian-Spanish ancestry (The term 'Mestizo' originated in Latin America). The first groups of Hispanics sailed in 1565 with Miguel Lpez de Legazpi from New Spain, in what is now Jalisco state, Mexico to conquer the Philippine islands. Chinese Main article: Chinese Filipino Filipinos of Chinese ancestry form a minority in the Philippine population.Most migrations of Chinese to the Philippines started even before the Spanish colonial period, when foreign trade with other countries were opened to the Philippines.The ethnically Chinese Filipinos comprise 1.3% (1.1 million) of the population.

American Main article: Filipinos of American descentFilipinos of American ancestry form a minority in the Philippine population. Some of these multiracial individuals are descended from Americans who settled in the Philippines during the United States colonial period, and others from tourists who have settled in the Philippines in the contemporary period. As of 2011, the U.S, State Department estimated that there are an estimated four million Americans of Philippine ancestry in the United States, and more than 300,000 American citizens in the Philippines. Arab Main article: Filipinos of Arab descentArabs form a minority in the Philippine population. Their official population is unknown.

Main article: Filipinos of Indian descent Indians form a minority in the Philippine population and have been in the Philippines since precolonial times. They have contributed to the unique cultural blend in the Philippines. One source estimated the size of the Indian community in the Philippines in 2008 at 150,000 persons. Most Indians in the Philippines belong to either Sindhi people or Punjabi people ethnic groups, and are largely businessmen and traders. A smaller population of Indians belonging to the Marathi ethnic group form part of the clergy of Roman Catholic dioceses in the country. Japanese Main article: Filipinos of Japanese descent People of Japanese descent form a minority in the Philippine population. However, some estimates put the number of Japanese residing in the Philippines at around 120,000 when including Filipinos of Japanese descent. Japanese people have been settling in the Philippines for centuries, therefore there has been much cultural and genetic blending.The Ryukyu Kingdom (Okinawa, etc...) also had heavy trade and mixing in the Philippines, particularly in Northern Luzon. Jewish
Main article: Jews in the Philippines Jews form a minority in the Philippine population. Their official population is unknown.

Main article: Koreans in the Philippines As of 2007, approximately 72,000 Koreans are living in the Philippines. Most of them are transient students and expatriates. Most are tourists or students studying in the Philippines.

Other ethnic groups and/or nationalities include various European ethnicities, Brazilian, Canadian, Australian, New Zealander, Indonesian, Malaysian, Thai, Vietnamese, and other ethnic groups from other countries.

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