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Crea%ng user experiences

X|Op%mo UI/UX Design Web Por;olio

Web Applica+ons & Websites

Account Management tool Productivity improvement for Sales team

Primary Users: Sales team Manage customer account information, strategy, planning, reports, dashboard for executive view User concerns / our observations: Poor usage by sales team; not user-friendly Unstructured information and navigation flow Tasks flows too complex; too many clicks Lack of clarity in visual data and screen layouts

Account Management tool - Before

Homepage not well structured; does not give useful informa+on upfront Naviga+on not intui+ve to user Improper u+liza+on of screen real estate

Account Management tool - Before

Mul+ple pop-up windows annoying to users! 4-screen length scroll on homepage important informa+on out of view of user Input forms not user- friendly

Account Management tool What we did & how

Interac+on with business users User interviews and ques+onnaires Informa+on Architecture & screen ows Wire frames for visual interpreta+on of the interac+on model. Visual Design & HTML prototype tested by users Itera+ve prototyping process Prototype as baseline for development

Account Management tool AHer Experience

Dashboard view on homepage user gets a summary of informa+on, ac+ve tasks Well-dened and clearly visible main naviga+on Structured informa+on Well-designed interac+on elements

Account Management tool - Benets

Users get a simulated application to work with and test Information architecture and task flows can be refined at an early stage save costs for fixing later Happy sales team! (User acceptance is high) End result is a well structured, truly usable tool

Corporate Website

Promote corporate new branding

Client: Indias leading name in tyre manufacturer in India and has a good presence in international market Primary Users: Buyers, Youths, Media, Investors, Career Seekers Expectation From new website Objectives Reinforce the new brand personality along with the existing contemporary image Go beyond tyres Create a platform for enabling exports Engage with visitors - Dynamic, fresh and thought provoking content, Interactive tools, Enable network of like minded people Generate high user traffic to the website

Corporate Website - What We Did

Extend the brand elements in the digital space to design and build Ceat online Mee+ngs with Stakeholders, including contextual enquiry with end users Wire frame design / Informa+on Architecture development User interface design & prototype crea+on Usability & Accessibility Tes+ng Iden+fy right content management system and integrate that with downstream systems. Exploit Web 2.0 features to oer new ways of crea+ng, publishing, and delivering informa+on Integrate Blogs, real simple syndica+on (RSS), and social networking, UGC

Corporate Website - Screens

Theme: Personality Based Product Classica+on Explorer Long Drive Adventure Fast & Furious Classy Sophis+cated Aspiring Young Kids

Technology Service portal

Redened the user experience of a technology vendor portal Business Problem Complex user experience for portal administrators & front end surfers Challenge Frequent content maintenance & upda+ons was troublesome Unstructured informa+on & classica+on of data Unintui+ve visual design & overall user experience

Technology Service portal -Before

Technology Service portal What We Did

Wireframe designs

s%ng ty te abili Us

AHer Screens

Dealer Management Portal

Reduced Average Calls Received by Manufacturer Call Center from 10 Calls Per Day to 3 Calls
Business Problem To build a communica+on channel between manufacturer & dealers to address Informa+onal, Transac+onal & Collabora+ve needs Challenge Interface with exis+ng mul+ple internal systems like SAP CRM, SAP BI, SAP MDM, SAP ECC, IBM Expeditor, Mail Server, Websites, Middleware, SMS Gateway and Legacy Systems Capturing dealer expecta+ons from the system & ensuring user adop+on post launch Ensuring that non tech audiences can access the system & adopt it easily

Dealer Management Portal- Solu%on

Solu%on Fields trips with dealers to understand their requirements & expecta+ons from the portal
Contextual methods aided UX team of end user concerns & expecta+ons
Task ow analysis

Contextual Inquiry / User research

Created user driven task ows & naviga+onal aids

Informa+on Clustering and categoriza+on based on User studies

Wireframe Design

Interac+on Design

Iden+fy & integrate an appropriate CMS plaform Brand experience building by adhering to the current corporate brand guidelines User tes+ng helped to drive enhancements based on actual user feedback

Visual design Branding

Html mockups


Usability Tes+ng

Dealer Management Portal Final UI

Benets Simplied User Experience The portal is more dynamic & secure Dealers can now easily track the communica+on happened with manufacturer on day today basis Reduced the average calls received to Manufacturer from dealers from 10 to 3 per day | March 2010 | Zensar Technologies 2010

Others Samples - Websites

Intranet for Financial Services

Classied Portal

Retail Portal

Corporate Website

Insurance Portal

Others Samples Web-based Applica+on Designs

Insurance Applica%on Dashboard

Asset Management Applica%on

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Crea%ng user experiences


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