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SUMMER TRAINING REPORT On SHARP Business Systems India Limited Promotion of their newly launched Professional LCDs Touch


Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of Post Graduate Diploma in Business Management (PGDBM)


Komal Shukla (2011-13) 17th Batch Roll. No.1471


I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who helped me in the successful completion of my Summer Internship at Sharp Business Systems India Limited. I am highly indebted and grateful to Mr. S. K. Sinha, CEO and MD, SBSIL to have provided me with the opportunity of working with this unique organization, which in turn, has been an opening platform in understanding the IT PERIPHERALS industry. I would like to thank Mr. Harinder Singh Soni, Regional Sales Manager, SBSIL Delhi to have been supportive and motivating during my internship with his Delhi Sales team. I would like to specially thank Mr. Achintya Tripathi, Marketing Manager, SBSIL Delhi for being a patient guide and an excellent mentor throughout my training with the Delhi team. His invaluable inputs, assistance and knowledge sharing helped me immensely during the course of my project in Delhi. I am also thankful to the employees of the Sharps department Ms. Priya Dwivedi, Ms. Saima Abbasi, and Ms. Rachna for being cooperative in providing any sales and distribution related information. Last but not least, I would like to extend my gratitude towards Ms. Moushami Panda, Mr. Kashif, Mr. Vikram Chaudhari, Mr. Ratandeep Chaudhari, Mr. Mazumdar, Mr. Bhaskar Bapat and everyone else at the HO who provided me with insightful knowledge about the numerous marketing activities and initiatives adopted by the company. Komal Shukla

Executive summary
This project concentrates on the marketing & sales strategy of Sharps professional LCD panels. Sharp produces premium quality high cost LCDs that are used for business purpose. So, the price is also relatively high. Our project started with doing competitors analysis in which we conduct a survey with multiple dealers of every company to get their minimum prices & compare with our prices to understand what is our position in the market & where should be our target market. After that I made list of target market where sales can be made. I made list of companies where strategic tie-ups are possible. I did lot of online research to find out right contact person. We used many information sites, business media networks to generate leads & categorized them according to the kind of integrated solutions we can provide with our LCDs. There are many kind of solution Sharp provides. The basic 3 are: Video Conferencing Solution, Security Surveillance Solution Digital signage application. Then I visited companies with questionnaire aimed to check awareness level & demand in the market. If there is any demand we offered them with proper solutions & quotations. It helped us into demand forecasting. We used SPSS to take a data driven approach, in order to find customer loyalty by doing dependency check using ANOVA analysis. We have also found what the most important issues in marketing of LCDs are by using factor analysis. It gave us clear indication which direction company should take to maximize sales in future.

Table Of Contents
Prefactory part

Certificate Acknowledgement Executive Summary

Company study Industry study .....4 Organization structure ....5 Financial profile of the company.....7 Product & services...10 Competitors ..13 Project Introduction ..14 Statement of problems...14 Objectives ..14 Research methodology .15 Questionnaire analysis result 16 Findings .25 Suggestion & conclusion...26

Limitations. ...27

References .28

Industry Study

There are an industry which name is IT PERIFERAL used in all the product & service which is include in it sector. In this project we talk about the sharps product which name is professional LCDs. Which comes under this industry? Meaning:IT peripherals are devices that support the core functions of a computer by assisting with the transfer of data. They also may perform additional supporting functions, such as external storage. The IT peripheral is also commonly known as input/output devices, or I/O devices, or auxiliary devices. Function:The main function of a IT peripheral is to provide data to the computer and pick up the processed data from it. While some devices perform a single function, such as a monitor does by providing data output, other devices are capable of handling multiple

functions. For example, an external hard drive provides both input and output for the computer in addition to storing data. History:The defining moment in the history of IT peripherals occurred at IBM in the 1980s, when Mark E. Dean and Dennis L. Moeller made architectural improvements that made it possible for users to connect computers to peripherals by simply plugging them in externally. The next big leap came in 1993 with MIT graduate Thomas H. Massie's haptic interface system, which allows a person to insert his fingers in a receptacle in a device and virtually feel the shape, texture and weight of objects on the computer screen.

Organization Structure
About company Sharp was founded in 1912 by Mr. Tokuji Hayakawa. Ever since, Sharps philosophy is to Make neverbefore-seen products and Make products that others want to imitate. Its mission as a manufacturer has been to develop products that never existed thereby contributing to culture and society. At Sharp, we are constantly exploring new frontiers of Technology, to evolve products that are "not just No. 1 but the only one" of its kind. Beginning with the invention of the Ever-Sharp Pencil, we have many of world firsts such as mass production of Televisions, Electronic Calculator, Superheated Water Oven, LCD TV etc. We continually strive to open up new fields, working always to fulfill our mission of serving society. Building on the foundation of our business creed, Sincerity and Creativity, we will pursue the infinite possibilities for development in electronics. By creating products

which bring a sense of satisfaction to people, we intend to meet and exceed your expectations. Driving cleaner and greener technologies is part of the social responsibility taken by Sharp. While LCDs, Sharps core technology , saves energy, Sharp is in active creation of clean energy through its Solar Business for which is the undisputed leader worldwide. Sharp in India Sharp considers India to be an extremely important market for its products. It is a measure of this strong belief in the Indian market , that it has three subsidiaries in India A. Sharp India Limited which set up operations in 1989 is engaged sales of LCD TVs , Home Appliances and other Consumer Durables B. Sharp Software Development India Pvt. Limited, established in 1999 engaged in developing software for Sharps Digital Multifunction Products C. Sharp Business Systems (India) Limited which commenced operations on May 1, 2000 is in the fields of Solar Photovoltaic Products & Systems & Office Automation products like Digital Multifunction Products, Facsimile Machines, Multi-media Projectors, LCD Displays, Scientific Calculators, Electronic Cash Registers etc. Sharp Business Systems (India) Limited Sharp Business Systems (India) Limited, within a short span of seven years in India, is already amongst the top brands for Digital Multifunction Products ( Network Printer/Copiers, fax, scanner, multimedia etc.) The company has a nation-wide sales & service network covering even the remotest locations of India . Business Philosophy "We do not seek merely to expand our business volume. Rather, we are dedicated to the use of our unique, innovative technology to contribute to the culture, benefits, and welfare of the people throughout the world. It is the intention of our corporation to grow hand-in-hand with our employees, encouraging and aiding them to reach their full potential, and improve their standard

of living. Our future prosperity is directly linked to the prosperity of our customers, dealers, and shareholders... indeed, the entire Sharp family." Business Creed Sharp is dedicated to two principal ideals "Sincerity and Creativity" By committing ourselves to these ideals, we can derive genuine satisfaction from our work, while making a meaningful contribution to society. Sincerity is a virtue fundamental to humanity... Always be sincere. Harmony brings strength... Trust each other and work together. Politeness is a merit... Always be courteous and respectful. Creativity promotes progress... Remain constantly aware of the need to innovate and improve. Courage is the basis of a rewarding life... Accept every challenge with a positive attitude


Financial Results for 3Q FY2011 (9months)

Net sales

FY2010 Apr.-Dec. 2,329.4

Apr.-Dec. 1,903.6

FY2011 Change -18.3%

Difference -425.7 8

Operating Income Net Income

66.5 2.9% 21.8 0.9%

9.1 0.5% -213.5 -11.2%

-86.3% _

-57.3 -235.3


Net sales were down by425.7 billion yen compared to the same period in the previous year, due to a worse-than-expected decline in LCD TV market in Japan, reduced sales of large size LCDs to outside customers, the decrease in sales of mobile phones in Japan, and sluggish sales of solar cells. By major product group, Audio-Visual and Communication Equipment, LCDs and Solar Cells experienced severe net declines in sales.


Decline in Net Sales: 425.7 billion yen (Main Factor by Product Group) Product Group Audio-Visual and Communication Equipment Amount (billions of yen) 290.2 Main Factors Rapid decline of LCD TV sales in Japan Sales decline of mobile phones in Japan

LCDs Solar Cells

199.4 44.0

Sales decline of LCD panels for TVs to outside customer Worsened market situation and price decline

External factors included in the above are:

Decline in market price: 304.3 billion yen Exchange rate fluctuation: 61.0 billion yen Impact from floods in Thailand: 14.8 billion yen

In terms of profit, operating income declined steeply (by 57.3 billion yen, down 86.3% compared to the same period last year) and a huge net loss (213.5 billion yen) was recorded.

By major product group, Audio-Visual and Communication Equipment, LCDs, and Solar Cells recorded large declines in profit, just the same as in sales.

FACTORS OF DECLINE IN OPERATING INCOME (9months): Decline in Operating Income: 57.3 billion yen (Main Factors by Product Group)


Product Group

Amount (billions of yen) Audio-Visual and Communication 25.4 Equipment LCDs 19.4

Main Factors Decline in profit for LCD TVs in Japan Loss on operation at Kameyama Plant no. 2 Inventory write-down of largesize LCDs Worsened market situation/price decline Inventory write-down

Solar Cells


After giving careful consideration to these circumstances and to the cumulative ninemonth results and progress, Sharp has revised its previously announced fiscal 2011 forecast as below: Forecast for net sales from 2,800.0 billion yen to 2,550.0 billion yen, operating income from 85.0 billion yen to 0 yen, and net income from 6.0 billion yen to a loss of 290.0 billion yen. In order to improve the upcoming fiscal year 2012 performance, Sharp is aiming for efforts in the following four areas: Improvement in financial Strength Restructuring audio-visual business and domestic sales organization Restructuring solar cell business Steady implementation of restructuring LCD business

Through these efforts, Sharp will steadily advance reform in its LCD business and aim to expand business and improve profits for the coming fiscal year.

Products of sharp

Professional panel About Sharp Information Display The screen of an LCD Product is made up of tiny dots known as 'pixels'. The more pixels, the more detail. The entry level HD READY format has a resolution of 1366 x 768, giving a total of 3.15 million pixels. The most advanced HD standard today is called FULL HD 1080p. In addition to the benefits of the older "HD READY" specification, these models are also able to display Blurry output at its native output of 24 frames per second, creating the best cinematic experience for your home. Sharp is the worldwide leader in LCD Technology and the Sharp Professional LCD Display are available for Landscape as well as Portrait placements. The Sharp LCD Information Display Panels come in varied sizes from 32' till the World's largest 108". An LCD Information Displays Product now finds its applications in High end Video Conferencing, Flight Information Display, Security Monitoring, Video Wall, Reception Areas, Board Rooms/ Meeting Rooms, Showrooms and Mall Display's, Control Rooms, Museums or virtually anywhere with stunning features like Full HD, 24x7 capability and many more. Sharp LCD Information Display combined with Video Conferencing allows Multinationals and corporate to connect to people instantly at dozens of locations in Real Time thus presenting a time and cost saving alternative to travel. The LCD Information Display Device plays the key role in the Video Conference setup as more than 60% of communications that happen are nonverbal and Sharp Full HD LCD Information Display's are able to deliver exact and accurate body language, facial expressions leading to a greater connection and understanding. Sharp is here to redefine lifestyle with the World's largest 108" LCD Display. Experience the unique amalgamation of stunning looks with breathtaking picture clarity. Now change the way you see things forever.


Sharp began research on solar cells in 1959, almost exactly 48 years ago. Research on solar cells was low profile and unspectacular compared to the development of home appliances that dominated the market at that time. Sharp researchers, however, diligently pursued this clean energy conversion technology. They were convinced that utilizing the inexhaustible and cheap energy of the sun to create electricity-with no toxic substances or CO2 and without causing noise or vibration-would enable society to continue living in peace and abundance well into the future. After four years of trial and error, Sharp established the technology to mass produce solar cells in 1963. But costs were still high at that time, and the main use for solar cells was as a source of power in areas without access to electricity, such as remote lighthouses. Sharp photovoltaic power systems, which have been installed on lighthouses in 1,810 locations as of April 2006, are custom-designed using the data gathered by those technicians to match local circumstances. These past 48 years have also seen many difficult times, including business recessions. But Sharp kept faith in the potential of solar power for the future. The company quietly and unpretentiously persevered in keeping the business alive and developing the technology.

Other products Sharp's has wide range of Products including Mono/Multi Crystalline Module, Thin Film Module & Building Integrated Photovoltaic Modules (BIPV). Sharp has the capability to provide complete solutions across all sectors including Small PV Lighting Systems for Rural Application , Solar Power Pack for Railway & Telecom Application, Large Capacity Standalone/ Hybrid /Grid Connect Power Plant

for Corporate, PSUs & Utilities. Sharp has recently announced a new PROFESSIONAL LCDs.

Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) Televisions

Technology Overview & Description Liquid Crystal Display or LCD TVs use a florescent backlight (see LED Backlight Technologies for an update) to send light through its liquid crystal molecules and a Polarizing substrate. LCD TVs work passively, with red, green and blue pixels. By Applying voltage to the pixels using a matrix of wires, the pixels can be darkened to Prevent the backlight from showing through. Many LCD displays double as computer displays by allowing standard analogue VGA input, a great option if you need your displays to pull double duty as a PC monitor to save money and space. Nearly all LCD TVs offer flexible mounting options including walls or under cabinets. LCD Display Advantages: Good color reproduction and improving contrast (high contrast tied to peak brightness capability however) Very thin, getting thinner (thank Hitachi and Sharp) Relatively lightweight with flexible mounting options Perfect sharpness at native resolution Excellent longevity Among the brightest direct view displays No practical screen burn-in effect Silent with no moving parts or fans LCD Display Disadvantages Notorious "screen door" effect on smaller mobile displays Very difficult to produce deep blacks (LED backlighting improving this)


Competitors analysis
We have given the list of prices for different sizes of LCDs in the given table. I have collected this primary data by visiting different dealers. For every brand we have visited multiple dealers & we have quoted the minimum possible prices for every size.

Size/Brand 32 37 40 42 50 52 60 65 70

LG. 32000 55000 58990

samsung 35000

sony 370000 579000 97900


hitachi 30900

sharp 60000


toshiba 36900


47900 53900 100000



75000 130990 285000 215000 99900 90000 70000

72990 99900

35000 700000 2400000


From this research, we can draw different conclusions. LG, Hitachi is in the low price category. Samsung & Panasonic is in the medium price category. Sony & Sharp is in the high price category. Video Conferencing Solution:In video conferencing industry there is huge requirement of professional LCD panels. With the largest market share of 43.5% remained the top performer in the Indian AVC segment. The company saw most of its business coming from oil and gas sector. Tandberg followed Polycot with a market share of 15.2%. Cisco with 10.5% market share was the third leading performer in this segment. Cisco's revenue came from the telepresence business, where it was the top performer. High definition video

equipment rather than the standard ones have gained momentum in the list of AVC technologies. Life-size launched a high definition audio video conferencing solution, and within three years its business has gained momentum in India. It claims to have
registered 100% year-on-year growth.

This report has been written within the framework of Dr. Gaur Hari Singhania Institute of Management & Research summer internship programmed for PGDM students .The research has been conducted for the new product category of professional LCDs launched by sharp business systems India ltd. in the Indian market. As a part of project extensive field surveys were conducted in the Indian market. As a part of the two month Project extensive field survey was conducted in the national capital region of Delhi. A total of about 30 hotels and 50 professional institutes were visited out of which 20 hotels are participated in the survey. The goal of this report is to describe and analyze the environment for marketing for professional LCDs in the national capital region of Delhi. And also designing few market strategies so that we are able to promote our product and position it correctly in the market.

Statement of problem Sharp launched there new product professional LCDs so for to create market we pitch our product to the consumers mind. As a premium product and to create awareness among them . Objective of the project The main objective of this project is to awareness of the product and how to improve our sales of the product and how to satisfy the consumers.


It is well known fact that the most important step in marketing research process is to define the problem. Choose for investigation because a problem well defined is half solved. That was the reason that at most care was taken while defining various parameters of the problem. After giving through brain storming session, objectives were selected and the set on the base of these objectives. A questionnaire was designed major emphasis of which was gathering new ideas or insight so as to determine and bind out solution to the problems. DataSource Research included gathering both Primary and Secondary data. Primary data Is the first hand data, which are selected a fresh and thus happen to be original in character. Primary Data was crucial to know various customers and past consumer views about Professional LCDs and to calculate the market share of this brand in regards to other brands. Secondary data Secondary data is the data which has been collected by someone else and which already have been passed through statistical process. Secondary data has been taken from internet, newspaper, magazines and companies web sites. RESEARCH APPROACH The research approach was used survey method which is a widely used methodfor data collection and best suited for descriptive type of researc h survey includes research instrument like questionnaire which can be structured and unstructured. Target population is well identified and various methods like personal interviews and telephone interviews are employed. SAMPLING UNIT It gives the target population that will be sampled. This research was carried in south delhi and in Noida, These were 20 respondents.

DATA COMPLETION AND ANALYSIS After the data has been collected, it was tabulated and findings of the project were presented followed by analysis and interpretation to reach certain conclusions. SCOPE My project is based on the professional LCDs panel. Which launched by the Sharp Business Systems India Ltd.



Among these which display tool in your conference hall? Professional LCDs Projectors


Analysis:- In this pie chart, there are 20 respondents which are using the professional LCDs and projectors and there are only 6 respondents using professional LCDs and 14 respondents are using projectors.


Which brand of professional LCDs in your Hotel? Sharp Samsung Panasonic Sony Some other brand


Analysis:- In this chart there different brands of professional LCDs and among of these brands only 1 respondent is using professional LCDs of sharp, 2 respondents are using Panasonic, and 3 respondents are using sony brand.


For what purpose professional LCDs are using in your conference halls? Only for presentations Only for video conferencing For current updates & entertainment All the above


Analysis:- This chart is showing that for what purpose professional LCDs are using in the conference halls of hotels, there are 4 respondents are using only for presentation only 1 respondent is using for video conferencing and 2 respondents are using for all the above( it means for all kind of work).


What you using or prefer to use in your conference hall for video conferencing? Projectors LCDs Something else


Analysis:- This chart is showing that there are 6 respondent prefer to use projectors for video conferencing,4 respondents are prefer to use LCDs and 2 respondents are using something else.


What extra features you expect with your product brand? Touch screen Connectivity with scanner 22

Connectivity with printer Video conferencing Wireless connectivity at the time of presentation All of these

Analysis:- In this chart there are all the 20 respondents are expect all of these extra features in our product.



How large screen requirement you have in your conference hall? 50" to 60" 60" to 70" 70" to 80" 80" to above

S creenrequirem ent

50 inch to 60 inch 60 inch to 70 inch 70 inch to 80 inch 80 inch and above

Analysis:- In this chart there are 17 respondents are those which have requirement of 50-60 inches screen in their conference hall, only 2 respondents are those which have requirement of 60-70 inches screen and only 1 have requirement of a 80 inches and above screen size in their conference hall.



Did you use before any Sharps product? Yes No

Analysis:-In this chart we can see that only 4 respondents had are pre user of sharps product out of 20 respondents and 16 respondents are not pre user of sharps product.



How was the experience with Sharps product? Good Average Bad

Analysis :- Actually there only 4 respondent which are using sharp product among of these 2 respondents are having good experience, 1 is avg. and 1 is bad .



Do you aware of new product Professional LCD interactive touch panel? Yes No

Analysis:- Among the 20 respondents there are only 3 respondents are know about the new product of sharp professional LCDs and 17 respondents are not know about this.


During our summer training we had learnt a lot about the company from the point of view of its existing customers and prospective customers whom we had visited. 1. Our existing customers are fully satisfied with the quality of our products. They trust us and are loyal in their buying behavior. 2. The customers those have not used our products still are aware about our product and its high quality 3. Still many companies trust using plasma technology and also many companys still are satisfied using other LCD panels and they are neither aware about the professional panels and neither they want to shift their preferences because of cost considerations. 4. Our research also helped us to know that sharp is mainly focusing on the philosophy that if the product has good quality, then it will generate good sales and profits even if we spend less on the promotion expenses. 5. There is still a huge segment where sharp can target and focus i.e. media companies and the companies which provide security surveillance. 6. The price of our product is high as compared to professional panels produced by other competitors like Samsung. 7. Indian consumer is very much conscious about the price and in such a competitive scenario its a difficult task for a company to capture more market share as compared to competitors even though the quality is very high


Suggestions and conclusions

1. The company should focus on spending more money on promotion. More broachers and pamphlets and even advertisements on business 2. Magazines, business news channels etc should be there . 3. The company should focus on giving better after sales services like few of the companies wanted replacement schemes like media companies like live media are consistent buyers of LCDs and they need to replace LCDs after 6-7 year so they want more attractive offers. 4. The company should establish a stronger distribution network because many of their prospective customers want quick supply in various parts of India. 5. The company should target media companies and companies providing security surveillance solutions.


The time and economic factor was not sufficient. Complete and appropriate knowledge cannot be obtained from primary as well as secondary sources. The appropriate material or information about the related study is not available. Lack of complete data.

Respondents are not taking the questionnaire seriously.

Sample size is not appropriate to cover whole population.

Restrictions placed by governments to maintain the secrecy of the process



1. Corporate Information:

2. Product Information: Company Catalogues and Brochures

3. Industry Overview: A report on "Consumer Durables Industry in India" by the CCI (Corporate Catalyst India)

4. Competitive Brand Analysis:



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