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Table of Content
Authorization5 Acknowledgement6 Executive summary...7 List of illustrations9 1. Introduction...10 1.1 Scope of the project.10 1.2 Objective of the project...11 1.3 Scope of the study11 1.4 Limitations12 1.5 Data collecting methods12 2. Economy Analysis.12 2.1 Change in the outlook. 14 2.2 Recent growth trends14 2.3 India Economy: Effects of the US Financial Crisis in India.15 2.4 Indian economy: Latest Figures17 3. Industry Analysis18 3.1 Future of Indian Financial market.19 3.2 Opportunites ahead20 4. Company analysis20 4.1 Evolution of the company..21 4.2 Organizational Stucture.22 4.2.1. Board of directors22 4.3 Financial performance23 4.3.1 Financial Statement..24 4.4 Business Overview.24 5. Details of the project.26 5.1 Work done till date.26 5.1.1 Tata motors Finance ...26

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5.1.2 Mphasis27 5.1.3 Other retail clients27 5.2 About the product28 5.2.1 Facilities with the product29 5.2.2 Benefits of the product.30 5.3 Methods of data collection.31 5.4 Methodology31 6. Analysis of data collected.32 6.1 Gender distribution among respondents.32 6.2 Income distribution among respondents.33 6.3 Saving distribution among respondents..34 6.4 Do you Invest35 6.5 Preference for the various instruments36 6.6 Awareness about edelweiss..37 7. Findings of the data collected38 8. Conclusion..38 9. Recommendation39 10. Attachments..41 11. References43

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I, PARVEEN KAUR BHANGU,2011-13 a student of Management in RIMT, hereby declare that the project entitled client profiling and customer relationship management is the record of original work done by me and the matters enclosed has not been submitted for any other degree or diploma in University

DATE: _______________

Parveen kaur bhangu

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I would like to record my sincere gratitude to Edelweiss Capital Ltd., chandigarh for giving me a wonderful opportunity to do a project on Client Profiling and Client Relationship Management for Summer Internship Program. A major research project like is never the work of anyone alone. The contributions of many people in their different ways have made this possible. We would like to extend our appreciation for the support of those who have contributed to the successful completion of the project. We thanks our almighty for the wisdom and preservance that he has been bestowed upon us during this research project and indeed, throughout our life. I would like to express my gratitude to those who are concerned with the processing of this project. I am thankful to my Company Guide Mr.GAURAV KOCHHAR (Branch Manager), & Mr. RUPESH (Relationship Manager) for their valuable guidance in this project for Summer Internship Program. I also express my sincere gratitude to my faculty guide Prof. VIVEK KOCHHAR(Faculty RIMT, GOBINDGARH) for guiding me all throughout the one and half months of my summer internship. I also thank the other staff members of Edelweiss Capital Ltd. - CHANDIGARH who helped me whenever I needed guidance and help during my Summer internship program.

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Executive Summary
The title of my project is Client Profiling and Client Relationship Management. It involves implementing tools and techniques of client profiling and client relationship management for generating revenue for the company. Project includes identifying the customer, gathering information about the customer and finally providing him/her with a product or service which is need driven and promoting a client-oriented product/service providing
successful client support, handling client complaints, building a long term relationship. The project reveals the importance of client profiling and client relationship management for generating revenues for the organization. I am profiling the employees of Mphasis (BPO Company) for Edelweiss Securities Ltd. As per my schedule for the purpose of profiling the clients I have used the primary sources of data which has been planned by the use of questionnaires. Employees were asked to fill up the questionnaire to facilitate client profiling.

Education Sector Client- CIIT, RKDF, RIT, Star Academy (College) I focus on Student & business men as well as employee. My client is almost student. Those students are pursuing MBA. They have not knowledge about stock market.

Retail Clients For the retail clients I focused on Employees of Mphasis,& Tele Perphormence which is a call centre in Indore. Mphasis, an EDS company, is a leading Applications Services, Remote Infrastructure Services, BPO and KPO services provider. We deliver real improvements in business performance for clients through a combination of technology know-how, domain and process expertise. With currently over

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24,000 people on the roles, we service clients in Financial Services, Healthcare, Communications, Transportation, Consumer & Retail industries and to Governments around the world. More information can be gathered from Other retail clients Apart from employees of Tele Perphormence and MPhasis, retail clients were also generated thorough direct approach, data provided by the company. Clients were acquired and retained through the following process:

Identifying the prospective client Gathering information about client Promoting a client-oriented product/service Providing successful client support Handling client complaints Building a long term relationship

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List of Illustrations

Fig. Particulars Number 1 Gender Distribution among respondents 2 Income distribution among respondents 3 Saving distribution among respondents 4 Awareness among respondents 5 Preference for various investment instruments 6 Awareness about Edelweiss

Page no. 32 33 34 35 36 37

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Relationship with customers has existed since the advent of trade and business. Companies that need customers in order to build a profit need to have a system in place that effectively and successfully manages the customer/client relationship. Client profiling and Client Relationship Management has become a strategic initiative in most companies today. Client profiling and Client relationship management enables an organizations capability to manage and nurture its one to one relationship with its customers. In order to generate clients and to maintain good relations with them organizations are realizing the importance of client profiling and client relationship management. Moreover companies are more attentive for relationship building due to growing competition to attract customers. 1.1 Scope of the project Client profiling involves identifying the customer, gathering information about the customer and finally providing him/her with a product or service which is need driven. The information could relate to age, gender, occupation, income, status, lifestyle, savings etc. After the process of client profiling comes client relationship management. This includes Promoting a
client-oriented product/service providing successful client support , client complaints, building a long term relationship. handling

Client Relationship Management systems are also important to the top management because it provides crucial data like customer satisfaction and efficiency of service by the frontline crews. Customer Profiler helps organization find new customers for the business. It will extract people and/or businesses that match the profile of the current customers. This will provide with a list of prospective customers


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As the economy is growing, the demands and expectations of the customers are also growing at a much faster rate, so the need is to concentrate on the needs and requirements of the various customers and accordingly deliver superior product or service qualities which fulfills the customers expectations, it is the customer service levels that really matters and this is where customer relationship management (CRM) plays an important role. CRM is a strategy that is desired to develop a stronger relationship with customers, especially the most profitable ones. 1.2 Objective of the project The aim of the project is also to identify future scope of Client Profiling and Customer Relationship Management (CRM), the project also includes studying various CRM methods and techniques which a particular company adopts to attract the new customers and retain the existing customers. For example-use of technology, use of softwares for building CRM and to have a firm relation with the custom. Objective includes: to understand the need of the corporate clients for the company To identify the optimal customers To analyze the buying patterns and behavior and gain a greater understanding of consumer motivations. To analyze the factors that affect the customers relationship with organization To recommend the company the ways for maintaining long term relationship with the clients 1.3 Scope of the study By applying profiling techniques, an organization can fully exploit data about customers buying patterns and behavior and gain a greater understanding of consumer motivations. Customer Profiling helps to dramatically increase response rates of marketing campaigns by micro targeting the right customer with the right product. Businesses today are using profiling to reduce fraud, to anticipate demand, to increase new customer acquisition and customer

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loyalty. Customer profiling is also used to develop lifelong relationships with Customers by anticipating and fulfilling their needs. Consumers appreciate a personal touch and something they can act on. When the message matches the need, the conversion rates for sales can skyrocket. 1.4 Limitations Primary data collecting was time consuming The sample size selected will be limited to draw any strong conclusion Bias on the part of the respondent will be a major drawback. The response of prospects was slow due to financial year ending. Due to recession and slow moving market many prospective clients are hesitating in investing.

1.5 Data collecting methods

The data is collected through primary methods as well as secondary methods

2. Economy Analysis
The economy of India is as diverse as it is large, with a number of major sectors including manufacturing industries, agriculture, textiles and handicrafts, and services. Agriculture is a major component of the Indian economy, as over 66% of the Indian population earns its livelihood from this area. In Purchasing Power Parity GDP, the figure for India was 1.5 trillion US Dollars in 2008. The per capita income of India is 4,542 US Dollars in the context of Purchasing Power Parity. This is primarily due to the 1.1 billion population of India, the second largest in the world after China. In nominal terms, the figure comes down to 1,089 US Dollars, based on 2007 figures. According to the World Bank, India is classed as a low-income economy. Ranked by the exchange rate of the United States Dollar, the Indian economy is the twelfth largest in the world.

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Agriculture sector lifted Indias economic growth to 9% in 2007-08 from the earlier projection of 8.7%. This will be the third year in a row, when the Indian economy grew at the rate of 9% and above. In 2005-06, the economy grew at 9.4% followed by 9.6% in 2006-07. It is now projected that economy will grow at a possible rate of 7% in 2008-09 In 2007-08, India attracted an investment of 37.5% of GDP up by around 9.3 percentage point from the investment figure of 28.2% in 2003-04. With the improved productivity and rising investment, India can continue to grow at around 9% if all goes well. India has been one of the best performers in the world economy in recent years, but rapidly rising inflation and the complexities of running the worlds biggest democracy are proving challenging. Indias economy has been one of the stars of global economics in recent years, growing 9.2% in 2007 and 9.6% in 2006. Growth had been supported by markets reforms, huge inflows of FDI, rising foreign exchange reserves, both an IT and real estate boom, and a flourishing capital market. Like most of the world, however, India is facing testing economic times in 2008. The Reserve Bank of India had set an inflation target of 4%, but by the middle of the year it was running at 11%, the highest level seen for a decade. The rising costs of oil, food and the resources needed for Indias construction boom are all playing a part. India has to compete ever harder in the energy market place in particular and has not been as adept at securing new fossil fuel sources as the Chinese. The Indian Government is looking at alternatives, and has signed a wide-ranging nuclear treaty with the US, in part to gain access to nuclear power plant technology that can reduce its oil thirst. This has proved contentious though, leading to leftist members of the ruling coalition pulling out of the government. As part of the fight against inflation a tighter monetary policy is expected, but this will help slow the growth of the Indian economy still further, as domestic

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demand will be dampened. External demand is also slowing, further adding to the downside risks.

The Indian stock market has fallen more than 40% in six months from its January 2008 high. $6b of foreign funds has flowed out of the country in that period, reacting both to slowing economic growth and perceptions that the market was over-valued. 2.1 Change in the outlook It is not all doom and gloom, however. A growing number of investors feel that the market may now be undervalued and are seeing this as a buying opportunity. If their optimism about the long term health of the Indian economy is correct, then this will be a needed correction rather than a downtrend. The Indian government certainly hopes that is the case. It views investment in the creaking infrastructure of the country as being a key requirement, and has ear-marked 23.8 trillion rupees, approximately $559 billion, for infrastructure upgrades during the 11th five year plan. It expects to fund 70% of project costs, with the other 30% being supplied by the private sector. Ports, airports, roads and railways are all seen as vital for the Indian Economy and have been targeted for investment. Further hope comes from the confidence of Indias home bred companies. As well as taking over the domestic reins, where they now account for most of the economic activity, they are also increasingly expanding abroad. India has contributed more new members to the Forbes Global 2000 than any other country in the last four years. 2.2 Recent Growth Trends in Indian Economy Indias Economy has grown by more than 9% for three years running, and has seen a decade of 7%+ growth. This has reduced poverty by 10%, but with 60% of Indias 1.1 billion population living off agriculture and with droughts and floods increasing, poverty alleviation is still a major challenge.

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The structural transformation that has been adopted by the national government in recent times has reduced growth constraints and contributed greatly to the overall growth and prosperity of the country. However there are still major issues around federal vs state bureaucracy, corruption and tariffs that require addressing. Indias public debt is 58% of GDP according to the CIA World Fact book, and this represents another challenge. During this period of stable growth, the performance of the Indian service sector has been particularly significant. The growth rate of the service sector was 11.18% in 2007 and now contributes 53% of GDP. The industrial sector grew 10.63% in the same period and is now 29% of GDP. Agriculture is 17% of the Indian economy. Growth in the manufacturing sector has also complemented the countrys excellent growth momentum. The growth rate of the manufacturing sector rose steadily from 8.98% in 2005, to 12% in 2006. The storage and communication sector also registered a significant growth rate of 16.64% in the same year. Additional factors that have contributed to this robust environment are sustained in investment and high savings rates. As far as the percentage of gross capital formation in GDP is concerned, there has been a significant rise from 22.8% in the fiscal year 2001, to 35.9% in the fiscal year 2006. Further, the gross rate of savings as a proportion to GDP registered solid growth from 23.5% to 34.8% for the same period. 2.3 India Economy: Effects of the US Financial Crisis in India It is often said that when the US sneezes the rest of the world catches a cold. This three-part series looks at how India, China, and Russia have been affected by the US financial crisis. Before we get into detail about how much this US problem is spreading globally, we should understand the severity of it and the possible consequences in the US. How sick is the US?


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Some have compared the situation in the US with the Great Depression of 1929, but this situation is far from a depression in fact its not even a recession. In the Great Depression there was no work and there was widespread poverty. People struggled through the winter with no heating and no food. We are not seeing such extensive suffering in the US. In the US, August 2008 unemployment figures were at 6.1%, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. In the Great Depression unemployment was higher than 25%. The Commerce Department reported that GDP growth was at 2.8%, hardly indicative of a recession, although this was revised down from the 3.3% figure it projected a month ago. But one cannot ignore yesterdays 777 point drop in the Dow Jones Industrial Average after the $700 billion bailout plan failed to pass through Congress. These paper losses of more than a trillion dollars may be the sneeze that disrupts global markets. Even before this controversial rescue plan was shot down, Indian markets took a dive of their own on Monday 29 September. The stock market sank to an 18-month low and the rupee a 5-year low. The stock market dropped 5.3% to 12,595.75. According to Business Standard, vice-president of Karvy Stock broking Ambareesh Baliga, said, We are advising our clients to stay away from trading till selling by Foreign Institutional Investors (FIIs) stops. Also, there is no support to the markets from any domestic institution. While markets are below their fundamental levels, fear has gripped investors and there is panic selling. While US investors and consumers are concerned about who will foot the bill for this $700 billion plan, to Indian and non-US markets that doesnt matter. They just want it to happen so as to restore confidence and of course liquidity. reported Jagannadham Thunuguntla, head of the Delhi-based SMC Group saying, "The first major point of nervousness is that the US bailout plan will now be in three tranches of $250 billion, then $100 billion and

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finally $350 billion and the second and third tranches will require further Congressional approval. This means effectively, only $250 billion is now available for buying troubled assets of banks instead of $700 billion outright. This doesn't really solve the problem of liquidity."

2.4 Indian Economy Statistics & Indicators: Further Details

Indian Economic Indicators

5.3% - Q3, 2011-12 7.6% - Q2, 2011-12 7.9% - Q1, 2011-12 9.0% - 2010-11 2.8% (Apr-Feb, 2011-12) 8.3% (2010-11) 0.18% (April 4, 2012) 0.32 (Mar, 2012) Bank Rate: 6% p.a; Reverse Repo Rate: 3.5% (wef 4 March, 2012); Repo Rate: 5.0% (wef 4 March, 2012) CRR : 5.00% (w.e.f 3 Jan, 2012)


IIP (General)

WPI Inflation

RBI Policy Rate

The 2011-2012 Indian Economic Survey has projected inflation to be just above 4% for 2012. However the rapid rise in food, oil and other commodities prices pushed inflation above 11% by July 2008. But with the global slowdown affecting the global demand and simultaneous downfall in oil prices has caused inflation to fall drastically. From the high of 13%, it fell down to 0.18% for the week ended 16th April2009. Indias inflation rate continued its southward journey after a short break and edged down to 0.48 percent for the week ended JUNE 30.

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However, in 2011-12, due to uncertainties in the global economy, the downward risks were much higher than in the previous year.

3. Industry Analysis
Analysis of Indian Financial Sector reveals that it is at present going through a phase of stable growth rate which is experiencing a upward swing. The rise can be maintained over a long period by keeping the inflation down. The financial sector in India has experienced a growth rate of 8.5% per annum. The rise in the growth rate suggests the growth of the economy. The financial policies and the monetary policies are able to sustain a stable growth rate. The reforms pertaining to the monetary policies and the macroeconomic policies over the last few years have influenced the Indian economy to the core. With sustained deregulatory measures, exposure to international financial markets and the introduction of new products and services, the Indian financial sector is charting an impressive growth path. According to global research data from Macquarie, India is the most preferred stock market in terms of portfolio allocation owing to current lucrative valuations and the government fiscal measures taken to boost liquidity in the economy. With sustained deregulatory measures, exposure to international financial markets and the introduction of new products and services, the Indian financial sector is charting an impressive growth path. According to global research data from Macquarie, India is the most preferred stock market in terms of portfolio allocation owing to current lucrative valuations and the government fiscal measures taken to boost liquidity in the economy. The market is also expected to undergo a structural transformation with organised players increasing their market share. As a measure to ease the

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present liquidity situation and boost market volumes, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) will be allowing cross-margining norms to all the participants in the market. In a previous move in JUNE 2012, SEBI had permitted institutional investors to avail this facility. According to SEBI, "In order to improve the efficiency of the use of the margin capital by market participants, it has now been decided to revise the existing facility of cross-margining and to extend it across cash and derivatives segments to all categories of market participants." In a recent move, the government has permitted liquidity support for nonbanking finance companies (NBFCs) through a subsidiary of state-run lender Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI). The liquidity support would be worth approx. US$ 3.94 billionUS$ 4.93 billion and can be utilised by the NBFCs only to repay active liabilities. The measure is expected to look after the liquidity needs of the NBFCs for around the first six months of 2012. According to a MasterCard survey, Mumbai leads the pack of strategically important commercial centre in emerging nations, ahead of Shanghai and Kuala Lumpur. "In terms of financial services environment, Mumbai ranks one among all 65 cities covered by the index. It received the top score in the dimension of banking services and currency exchange regulations, and ranked highly on the volume of financial services traded," said the report. In all, eight cities from India found a place in the list. Furthermore, foreign pension funds are bullish on India, with over 40 such funds (endowments and university and family foundations) getting registered with the SEBI, during the last few months. One of the reasons for this was the simplification of regulations by SEBI.

3.1 Future of Indian Financial Service Sector:

Indias financial services sector will enjoy generally strong growth during coming years, driven by rising personal incomes, corporate restructuring, financial sector liberalization and the growth of a more consumer-oriented,

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credit-oriented culture. This should lead to increasing demand for financial products, including consumer loans (especially for cars and homes), as well as for insurance and pension products. Indias financial services sector is expected enjoy generally strong growth during coming years, driven by rising personal incomes, corporate restructuring, financial sector liberalization and the growth of a more consumer-oriented, credit-oriented culture. This is expected to lead to increasing demand for financial products, including consumer loans (especially for cars and homes), as well as for insurance and pension products.

3.2 Opportunities for the financial sector of India

The distributed financial gain of the venture capital funds is not taxed. The financial gains are taxed after the investors receive as income The have more insurance and banking products introduced into the market to broaden the spectrum which in turn would boost the growth of the sector Further nullification of the regulations have to take place in order to increase the competition and boost the growth of the financial sector to reach the US$ 51 billion mark

4. Company Analysis
Edelweiss is one of the leading financial services company in India. Its current businesses include investment banking, securities broking, and investment management. It provides a wide range of services to corporations, institutional investors and high net-worth individuals.


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4.1 Evolution of the company:

The Edelweiss Group is a conglomerate of 31 entities including 28 Subsidiaries and 2 Associate companies, engaged in the business of providing financial services, primarily linked to the capital markets. It operates from 43 other offices in 19 Indian cities. Since its commencement of business in 1996, it has grown into a diversified Indian financial services company organized under agency and capital business lines operated by the Company and its thirteen subsidiaries. The Managing Director and C.E.O of the company is Mr.Rashesh Shah. Edelweiss Capital Limited (, incorporated in 1995, today has emerged as one of Indias leading integrated financial services conglomerates. The Edelweiss group offers one of the largest ranges of products and services spanning varied asset classes and diversified consumer segments. Its businesses are

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broadly divided into Investment Banking, Asset Management, Broking Services and Loans. The companys research driven approach and consistent ability to capitalize on emerging market trends has enabled it to foster strong relationships across corporate, institutional and HNI clients. Edelweiss Capital Limited employs over 1500 employees, leveraging a strong partnership culture and unique model of employee ownership.

4.2 Organizational structure

The Board comprises of four independent and two non-executive directors out of a total of eight directors, each of whom brings in his own expertise in diverse areas. The focus is on strong corporate governance. There is an Independent Risk Committee headed by an external director.

The Board comprises of four independent and two non-executive directors out of a total of eight directors, each of whom brings in his own expertise in diverse areas. The focus is on strong corporate governance. There is an Independent Risk Committee headed by an external director.


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4.3 Financial Performance at a Glance Edelweiss over the past few years has delivered strong operating and financial performance. It has a strong track record of high growth and profitability. Our revenues have grown at a 4-year CAGR of 149% while our net profits have increased at a 4-year CAGR of 143% upto March 12. As on March 31, 2012 Edelweiss Group Net worth stood at over Rs. 23 billion including minority interest, indicating a strong balance sheet. Equity capital is the primary source of funding for the company besides debt. The leverage as on 31st March 2012 is below 1:1 indicating the healthy position whereby the balance sheet can be further levered easily for improving the ROEs.


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4.3.1 Consolidated Financial Performance of Edelweiss Capital Limited


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4.4 Business Overview

Edelweiss operations are broadly divided into Agency and Capital business lines. The strategies employed ensure that the divide would broadly remain equal among the two. The Agency business line includes Investment Banking, Broking - both Institutional and HNI, Asset management and Investment advisory services. The Capital business line includes Lending and Treasury Operations. 4.4.1 Investment Banking
Edelweiss has one of the most extensive product offerings within Investment Banking in India, catering to different market and client segments. The verticals within Investment Banking include Equity Capital Markets, Mergers & Acquisitions Advisory, Private Equity Syndication, Structured Finance Advisory, Real Estate Advisory and Infrastructure Advisory.

4.4.2 Broking
Institutional Equities

Edelweiss has one of the leading institutional equities businesses in India backed by a large and experienced research team and a large and diversified client base. Intense servicing, seamless execution and innovative research products have helped Edelweiss build strong relationships with over 300 institutional investors, including FIIs and domestic institutional investors. Research coverage presently extends to over 200 companies across 19 sectors.
Private Client Broking

Edelweiss offers dedicated brokerage services to high net-worth individuals with a strong emphasis on building long-term relationships with clients. Product offerings


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include specialized trading execution for active trading clients and structured products like equity linked capital protection products. Wealth Management The Primary focus is on understanding each HNI client's profile including life style, risk appetite, growth expectations, current financial position and income requirements to create comprehensive and tailored investment strategies. Edelweiss offers customized products along with practice models and advisory teams specializing in servicing the underserved NRI segment. The broad range of offerings includes asset allocation advisory to Structured Products, Portfolio Management, Mutual Funds, Insurance, Derivatives Strategies, Direct Equity, Private Equity, and Real Estate Funds etc.

Asset Management Alternative Asset Management focuses on advisory/management expertise for Private Equity Fund, India focused Multi-Strategy Fund, Real Estate Fund and a Bonds Fund. Recent Initiatives that have been announced include setting up an ARC and a Distressed Assets Fund. On the Domestic AMC side, Edelweiss Mutual Fund has launched two Debt Funds, one Liquid Fund and one ELSS Fund.

The Treasury Operations in Edelweiss is similar to that of a Treasury in a Commercial Bank and focuses on liquidity management and yield optimization. This division has adopted a multistrategy/multi-book approach to diversify and grow its portfolio while imparting liquidity in the balance sheet. The Company follows a disciplined and conservative approach to cash management with emphasis on strong risk policies and capital preservation. Lending With a deep knowledge and understanding of capital markets, the Companys primary offering in the lending business includes products such as promoter funding, loan against shares, IPO financing, Loan against ESOPs etc. Its prudent financing norms and a conservative margin of safety ensures low or nil non performing loans.


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Financial Products Distribution Among the recent initiatives, Financial Products Distribution focuses on giving advice and analyzing the best financial product options available in the market. It involves the distribution of the full range of third party financial products and services for the retail customer.

5. Details of the project

5.1 Work done till date
As on 15 July 2012 client profiling and client relationship management has been successfully implemented for corporate clients as well as for retail clients. 5.1.1 Corporate Client- Tata Motors Finance & Shanchi Milk federation During the initial phase of my project I along with my team member searched for the corporate clients. We searched for prospective corporate clients thorough internet and reference. We got contact numbers of many companies through internet. Our first approach with the company was telephonic. With the continuous search we were able to crack Tata Motors finance & Shanchi milk federation which is one of the company in M.G road near T.I.& managliya near dewas naka Indore . 5.1.2 Retail Clients For the retail clients I focused on Employees of Mphasis & Tele Perphormence which is a call centre in Indore. Mphasis, an EDS company, is a leading Applications Services, Remote Infrastructure Services, BPO and KPO services provider. We deliver real improvements in business performance for clients through a combination of technology know-how, domain and process expertise. With currently over 24,000 people on the roles, we service clients in Financial Services,

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Healthcare, Communications, Transportation, Consumer & Retail industries and to Governments around the world. More information can be gathered from Company selected for the project- Mphasis Location- Plot No 17, Race Course Road, Indore Industry to which company belongs- Business Process Outsourcing Number of employees- 1000(approximately) Company in existence at the above said location- One and a half years Company selected for the project- Tele Perphormence Location In front of orbit mall vijay nagar road Industry to which company belongs- Business Process Outsourcing Number of employees- 1100(approximately) Company in existence at the above said location- One and a half years

5.1.3 Other retail clients Apart from employees of Tata Motors finance & Shanchi milk federation and Mphasis& Tele Perphormence retail clients were also generated thorough direct approach, data Collect our reference. Clients were acquired and retained through the following process:

Identifying the prospective client Gathering information about client Promoting a client-oriented product/service

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Providing successful client support Handling client complaints Building a long term relationship

5.2 About the product

As per the schedule in the first two weeks I got the product knowledge and the various schemes which are to be provided to the various clients to maintain a long term relationship which in others refers to CRM from the company. The product includes: Investment Account It is a product which provides the investors with a platform of getting a Demat account, trading account, informations regarding mutual funds floating in the market and information regarding the various insurance floating in the market





5.2.1 Facilities included in investment account: It includes Mutual fund investment Annual maintenance cost free for two years Online portal-

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Offline trading facilities Toll free number Personalized Dealer Relationship manager (RM) Free mobile tips Daily market report, weekly report and monthly report Transaction charges nil in Intraday and delivery No depository participant charges 75% margin holding.

Various schemes of Investment Account: 1250 Plan: In this, customers have to pay amount worth Rs.1250. These charges are for account opening. And six month brokerage free, turnover 200000. Features: There is no minimum margin compulsory for investment. Brokerage charges- 0.045(Intraday), 0.4(Delivery) Advance Brokerage Plan: Cost of subscription Rs. 1250 Rs. 2450 Rs.4950 Rs.7450 Rs.9950 Brokerage Intraday/delivery 0.045/0.45 0.04/0.4 0.03/0.3 .025/.25 0.02/0.2 Validity 6 month 1 yr 1 yr 1 yr 1 yr Turnover 200000 1000000 2500000 5000000 10000000


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Free software

Free AMC/DP Charges

Free Research Advisory

Free Mobile Updating & Alerts

Free Personalized Service / Dedicated Fund Manager for your investment advisory

Relationship manager (RM)

5.2.2 Benefits of the software: Online-Platform for Tax-Planning My Edelweiss Online-Platform for Direct Equity Investment- Equity Online Platform to Access Edelweiss Research (Crisil Rated P1 Grade ) - Research & Strategy The various schemes were also explained to us so that we can provide with the right scheme to right investor which suits there need.


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5.3 Methods of data collection

The methods used in the project for the purpose of data collection are SOURCES

Primary Sources
Questionnaire Interviews/ Appointments

Secondary Sources
Website of the client company Database of the company rrR

The analysis of the data will be done with the help of the graphical tools.

5.4 Methodology


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Sampling Units- The respondents of the questionnaire are categorized are

the prospective customers of the Edelweiss Capital Limited Sample size - Survey will be conducted for 50-100 respondents who are the prospective customers of the Edelweiss Capital limited

Sampling Technique - The respondents were interviewed with the help of

a well structured questionnaire and will be interviewed personally to gather the required information

Sources of data

- Data collected for the project study is inclusive of both

primary as well as secondary data.

Primary Data: Primary Data is collected from the employees of the

Mphasis and Tele Perphormence from the prospective customers

Secondary data is provided by the company. Secondary data is also collected from internet, reference, journals and brochures.

6. Analysis of the data collected

50 respondents were given a questionnaire

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6.1 Gender distribution among the respondents:

Male Female 38 12

40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 male Female

Fig.1 Interpretation: Y-axis represents no. of persons and X-axis shows corresponding data of males and females. Out of these 50 respondents 38 were males and 12 were females.

6.2 Income distribution among the respondents:


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Income level Less than 5000 5000-15000 15000-30000 above 30000 No. of persons 28 11 8 3

30 25 20 15 10 5 0 less than 5000 500015000 1500030000 above 30000 No. of persons

Fig.2 Y-axis represents no. of persons and X-axis represents income level

Income level less than 5000 5000-15000 15000-30000 above 30000

No. of persons 28 11 8 3

6.3 Saving distribution among the respondents:


[Type the document title] [Year] Saving distribution

40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 less than 3000-6000 3000 600015000 more than 15000 Saving distribution


Interpretation: Y- axis represents no. of persons and X-axis represents amount of saving. Saving level No. of persons Less than 3000 3000-6000 6000-15000 more than 15000 34 9 5 2

6.4 Number of people who invest out of 50 persons Do you Invest? No. of respondents who said yes- 41 No. of respondents who said no.- 9


[Type the document title] [Year] Do you invest?

45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Yes No


Interpretation: Y- axis represents no. of persons and X-axis corresponding no of persons who invest and who dont invest. Out of 50 respondents 41 invested their saving in any of the investment instrument.

6.5 In which investment instrument do you invest? :

Investment instrument
18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Bonds Insurance Shares Mutual funds Fixed deposits Investment instrument


[Type the document title] [Year]

Fig.5 Interpretation: Y- axis represents no of persons and X-axis represents in instruments in which people invest. Respondents either preferred shares or fixed deposits. This might be because of their interest in shares and safety in fixed deposits. Lack of knowledge about mutual fund and bonds made them to stay from these instruments. Investment insurance was moderate. Investment instrument No. of persons



Mutual funds Fixed deposits

8 13

6.6 Are you already using the services of Edelweiss

Options Yes No

No. of Respondents 6 44


[Type the document title] [Year] No. of Respondents

50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Yes No

No. of Respondents


Interpretation: Y- axis represents the no of respondents who use Edelweiss services or not. X-axis represents corresponding response of yes or no.Out of
41 respondents who invests only 6 respondents uses Edelweiss services. So we can infer that penetration of Edelweiss services is very low.

7. Findings from the data

Out of the total respondents percentage of investment from females was very less in comparison to male. Income distribution was heavily towards less than 5000 category. There were only 3 persons who earn more than 30000. This implies there were very few respondents who could invest heavily. Savings of the respondents was not as much so that they can invest heavily. Most of the respondents saved less than 3000 per month Most of the respondents were aware of the investment instruments available. Out of 50 respondents 41 already invested. This implies respondents were aware of the investment opportunities in market.

[Type the document title] [Year]

Among the investment options, mostly respondents preferred shares and fixed deposits. The reason being lack of knowledge about other investment instruments.

8. Conclusions
After going through all the aspects of client profiling and client relationship management, it can be inferred that client profiling and client relationship management is very much necessary to survive in the fiercely competitive market. In order to give clients the best product and maximum satisfaction, it is indispensable to do their profiling first. Customer Profiling helps in finding new customers for business. It will extract people and/or businesses that match the profile of our product. For example, we wouldn't try to sell a fur coat to an animal activist or a pack of cigarettes to a health advocate. Therefore client profiling should be first thing to be done by Edelweiss before approaching any of the client. Customer profiling is one of the best prospecting tools. By applying profiling techniques, you can fully exploit data about customers buying patterns and behavior and gain a greater understanding of consumer motivations. Customer Profiling helps to dramatically increase response rates of your marketing campaigns by micro targeting the right customer with the right product. I applied the concept of client profiling and I used it to profile the employees of Mphasis Tele Perphormence. Accordingly I approached them with the product that suits them best. Client Relationship management also helped me to build long term relations with my customers. This kind of harmonious relationship will further bring new business opportunities to Edelweiss in the form of new clients. Through continuous follow up of clients I could built personal and healthy relationship with my clients. With the economy showing signs of consolidation and recovery, it is now even more important for Edelweiss to attract new customer as the market is expected to do well in coming months. To do so it is of utmost importance for Edelweiss to use client profiling and client relationship management.

[Type the document title] [Year]

9. Recommendations
During my project I came across certain aspects about Edelweiss. These aspects are as follows: More accessibility- Edelweiss has only one branch in Madhya Pradesh. In order to increase its reach Edelweiss needs have more no. of branches so that as much as clients can be converted into new business opportunities. More promotional activities- Since Edelweiss has recently started its retail broking business; it needs to aggressively make itself aware to the common public. Although Edelweiss has done well in HNI sector, but to do well in retail sector it needs to do more of the promotional activities. Customized Seminars for working persons As per my experience with Tata Motors Finance & Shanchi Milk federation prospective clients are busy in their own job. Most of the retail clients are either employed or professionals who dont have time to think about investment planning. Edelweiss needs to cater to their needs by arranging seminars on weekends, so that prospective clients can come and gain insight about the company and investment avenues. Effective sales time- Since market conditions is improving its important to capture those clients who are not active due to bad financial market. For this Edelweiss needs to have more dedicated and effective sales team.


[Type the document title] [Year]

10. Attachments

1. Name: 2. Age: 3. Gender: 4. Mobile: 5. Company: 6. Designation: 7. Email: 8. Income:

Less than Rs. 5000

Rs. 5000 Rs. 15000

Rs. 15000 Rs. 20000

above Rs. 30000

9. Savings:

Less than Rs. 3000

Rs.3000 Rs.6000

Rs. 6000 Rs. 15000

more than Rs. 15000


[Type the document title] [Year]

10. Do you invest? YES NO

11. If yes then in which of the following:






If others please specify________________________________________

12. Pan Card:

13. Address proof:

14. Have you heard about Edelweiss?



15. Please give any reference: ________________________________________




[Type the document title] [Year]

11. References

Financial reports of edelweiss


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