Ian BAB 4

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BAB 4: Penyejukan

• Contoh 1
• A refrigerator operates between evaporator temperature and condenser temperature of -
30oC and 35oC respectively. Calculate the maximum possible COPR.
If the COPR for actual refrigerator is 80% of ideal refrigerator, calculate the power
required for a cooling effect of 5kW.
Sebuah alat penyejuk bekerja pada suhu-suhu penyejat dan pemeluwap masing-masing adalah
-30°C dan 35°C. Kirakan pekali prestasi (COP) maksimum yang mungkin di capai.
Jika prestasi sebenar alat penyejuk adalah 80% daripada nilai maksimum, Kirakan kesan
penyejuk dalam kW jika kuasa masukkan kitar ialah 5 kW.

T1=-30 + 273 =243K; T2=35+273=308K

COPref =T1/(T2-T1)=243/(308-243)=3.74
COPref sebenar=0.80 x 3.74=2.99
Given kuasa masukkan, Win=5 kW
Daripada persamaan; COPref=Q1/Win=2.992
Maka; Q1’=5 x2.992 = 14.96 kW
Kesan penyejukan, Q1; 5 kW kerja masukan ialah 14.96 kW

Solution 4.2
• In a refrigeration cycle, pressure of ammonia refrigerant is 1.902 bar and condenser
pressure of 12.37 bar. Calculate refrigerating effect (QL) per unit mass and COPR for:-
i) Ideal reverse Carnot cycle
ii) Ideal vapor compression cycle without superheating and undercooling
iii) Ideal vapor compression cycle with superheating
iv) Ideal vapor compression cycle with superheating and undercooling (subcooling)
by 10K

i. ideal reversed Carnot Cycle (K)
Kitar Unggul; 2
Kesan penyejukan, Q1=T1(S1-s4)=T1(s2-s3)
From table;
S2=Sg@32°C=4.962 kJ/kgK
4 1
S3=Sf@32°C=1.235 kJ/kgK
Q1=253(4.962-1.235)=942.8 kJ/kgK s(kJ/kgK
Oleh itu; kesan penyejukan unggul =942.8 kJ/kgK

ii. dry saturated vapor delivered to the condenser after isentropic compression and no
undercooling of the condensed liquid (use throttle) T
From table: (K)
h2=hg @32°C=1469.9 kJ/kg
3 2

4 1
h3=hf@32°C=332.8 kJ/kg
h4=h3=332.8 kJ/kg
Proses seentropi 1 ke 2
s1=s2=sg@32°C=4.962 kJ/kgK
Oleh itu; h1=hf+x1hfg
h1=89.8+0.874(1420-89.8)=1251.8 kJ/kg
Kesan penyejukan, Q1 =h1-h4=1251.8-332.8
Q1=919 kJ/kg
Kerja masukan/kerja yang dilakukan ke atas penyenjuk, Win=h2-h1
Win=1469.9-1251.8=218.1 kJ/kg
COP ref dengan trottle = Q1/Win=919/218.1=4.2

iii. Dry saturated vapor delivered to the compressor where it is compressed isentropically and no
undercooling of thr condesed liquid
h1=hg@-20°C=1420 kJ/kg
proses seentropi 1 ke 2
s1=s2=sg@-20°C=5.623 kJ/kgK T
At 32°C, sg=4.962 kJ/kg (K) 2
s2>sg @32°C stage of 2 is superheated vapor
From table interpolation 3
h(kJ/kg) s(kJ/kgK) T(K)
1613.0 5.397 50
h2 5.623 T2 4 1
1739.3 5.731 100
h2={[(5.623-5.397)/(5.731-5.397)] (1739.3-1613)} +1613
=1698.5 kJ/kg
Kesan penyejukan;
Q1=h1-h4=1420-332.8=1087.2 kJ/kg
Kerja pada bahan penyejuk;

iv.dry saturated vapor delivered to the compressor and the liquid after condensation undercooled
by 10K
From previous data.;
h1=1420 kJ/kg T
h2=1698.5 kJ/kg (K) 2
we can find T3 is 32-10=22°C 3
therefore; h3=hf@22°C=284.6 kJ/kg 10K
kesan penyejukan, Q1=h1-h4=1420-284.6
=1135.4 kJ/kg 4 1
Win=278.5 kJ/kg
Compare all the COPref. Given the conclusion

Solution 4.3
• R12 enters compressor as saturated vapor at 1.509 bar and -20oC at a rate of 0.05 kg/s
and leaves compressor at 8.477 bar. After cooling in condenser, the temperature is 26oC
and 7.449 bar Then the refrigerant is throttled to 1.509 bar.
i) Rate of heat removal from the refrigerated space
ii) power input to the compressor
iii) COPref P
P1=1.509 bar; T1=-20°C; s1=sg=0.7087 kJ/kgK 3
Oleh itu, h1=hg=178.73 kJ/kg
P2=8.477 bar
sg=0.6839 kJ/kgK @8.477 bar <0.7087kJ/kgK 4 1
Titik 2 pada panas lampau, oleh itu
T s h
0 0.6839 201.45
T 0.7087 h2
15 0.7196 212.73
T=10.42°C oleh itu T2=35+10.42=45.42°C
h2 =208.78 kJ/kg
P3=7.499 bar, T=30°C, T3=26°C; h3@26°C perlu interpolation
T hf
25 59.70
26 hf3 (K) 2
30 64.59
=60.923 kJ/kg 3
Use pendikit; h3=h4
i. the heat removal from refrigerated space 4 1
Q’=m’(h1-h4)= 0.05(178.73-60.923)=5.89 kW
ii.power input to compressor s(kJ/kgK
Win=m’(h2-h1)=0.05(208.78-178.73)=1.50 kW
iii. COPref=Q’/Win=5.89/1.50=3.92
Solution 4.5
• A vapor compression of a two-stage compression plant uses R-134a and has an
evaporator temperature of -5ºC and condenser temperature of 45ºC. The vapor is dry
saturated on entering the compressor. A flash chamber is employed at an inter stage
saturation temperature of 15oC.

i. The amount of vapor bled off at the flash chamber

ii. The state of vapor at the inlet to the 2nd stage of compression
iii. The refrigerating effect per unit mass of refrigerant in the evaporator
iv. The work done per unit mass of refrigerant in the compressors.

Data P
From table 14.1 Properties of R134a (Bar)
7 6
(Pg: 498: Applied Thermodynamic
Eastop & McConkey 5th Edition) 15°C
3 2
8 5
P6=P7=11.5447 bar@45°C
P3=P8=P5=P2=4.8734bar @15°C -5°C
P4=P1=2.4371 bar @ -5°C 4 1
S1=S2=sg=1.7155 kJ/kgK@-5°C
h7=h8=hf=162.93kJ/kg @ 45°C 120.06 291.77 h(kJ/kg)
h3=h4=hf=120.06kJ/kg @15°C
menggunakan persamaan keseimbangan jisim
atau campuran di titik 8 dengan
mempertimbangkan x kg untuk wap tepu kering
dan (1-x)kg bagi cecair untuk setiap kg bahan penyejuk
di dalam penyejat.
i. Vapor bled-off use flash chamber
Oleh itu h7=hfi+xhfgi h7
x=(h7-hfi)/hfgi hfi xhfgi
x = (162.93-120.06)/(303.38-120.06)=0.234
Wap di jujuhkan ialah 0.234 kg per kg di dalam penyejat

ii.the vapor at the inlet to the second stage of compression

proses 1 ke 2 seentropi oleh itu S1=S2=sg=1.7155 kJ/kgK@-5°C
verify sg=1.7071@15°C<S2 oleh itu s2 pada keadaan panas lampau.
S h
1.7071 303.38
1.7155 h2
1.7463 314.86
Interpolation; h2=303.38+[(1.7155-1.7071)/(1.7463-1.7071)][(314.86-303.38)]
h2=305.84 kJ/kg
Bagi campuran adiabatic menggunakan persamaan keseimbangan tenaga di titik keadaan 5
h5=(1-0.243)(305.84)+(0.234)(303.38) 1xh5
=305.26 kJ/kg xhgi (1-x)h2
hg=303.38 kJ/kg@15°C<h5 oleh itu titik 5 pada
keadaan panas lampau

iii. Kesan penyejuk,Q14=(1-x)(h1-h4)

iv.The work done, W12+W56=(1-x)(h1-h2)+1(h5-h6)
menentukan S5 @ T=15ºC; s5 pada titik keadaan panas lampau >sg@T=15ºC

S h
1.7071 303.38
S5 305.26
1.7155 314.86
Interpolation; s5=1.7071+[(305.26-303.380)/(9314.86-303.38)][(1.7155-1.7071)
= 1.7135 kJ/kgK

menentukan h6; Proses 5 ke 6 seentropi oleh itu s5=s6 @ T=45ºC

S h
1.7071 319.54
1.7135 h6
1.7155 332.87
Interpolation; h6=319.54+[(1.7135-1.7071)/(1.7155-1.7071)][(332.87-319.54)]
h6=323.08 kJ/kg
dari persamaan kerja di lakukan, Winput=(1-0.234)(305.84-291.77) +(323.08-305.26)]
v. Pekali prestasi; COPref=Q14/Win
Solution 4.6
• A two stage cascade refrigeration system operates between pressure limits of 0.8 MPa
and 0.14 MPa. Each stage operates on an ideal vapor-compression refrigeration cycle
with R-134a as working fluid. Heat rejection from lower cycle to the upper cycle takes
place in an adiabatic counterflow heat exchanger where both streams enter at about 0.4
MPa. If mass flow rate of refrigerant through the upper cycle is 0.24 kg/s. Determine
i. Mass flow rate through lower cycle
ii. Rate of heat removal from refrigerated space
iii. Power input of compressor
iv. COPR of this Cascade

From Table: A11, A-12 dan A13 (Yunus;Cengal) 0.8 MPa 7 6

h1=236.04kJ/kg=hg@0.14MPa; P A
Proses 1 ke 2 seentropi (Bar) 0.4 MPa
s1=s2=0.9322kJ/kgK=sg@0.14MPa; 8 5
h2=257.39kJ/kg B
0.14 MPa
h3=h4=62.00kJ/kg=hf@0.4MPa MPa
h5= 252.32kJ/kg =hg@0.4 MPa 4 1
Proses 5 ke 6 Seentropi
S5=s6=0.9145kJ/kgK=sg@0.4 MPa; 120.06 291.77 h(kJ/kg)
h6=266.59 kJ/kg

a. mass flow rate of the refrigerant through the lower cycle is

determined from energy balance on the heat exchanger;
m’B=[(h5-h8)/(h2-h3)][mA]=[(252.32-93.42)/(257.39-62)][0.24 kg/s]
=0.1952 kg/s
b.The rate of heat remove
QL=Q14=m’B(h1-h4)=(0.1952)(236.04-62.00)=34 kW
c. Power Input to compressor
=7.59 kW

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