Majesty 2

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Majesty 2

Easy gold and hero level: ------------------------Start a Campaign mode game and then choose which ever beginning point desired. As soon as the game is started, save the game. Quit the game. Enter the "..\majesty2\profiles\0\saves\campaigns" folder. You will see numbered folders for the saved games (with just one save it will be "0"). For example: "\My documents\majesty2\profiles\0\saves\campaigns\save0". Enter the numbered folder and open the "mission.sav" file with a text editor. Search for the following line: kingdomtreasure "money" Following the "money" text, there will be a number. This represents your current gold. Change this value to give yourself more gold. Note: Sometimes the number will have a decimal. Altering the front set of numbers (the value before the decimal point) will affect the money cheat. You can also edit hero levels, with 100 as the maximum. In the same file, search for the following line. entity "hero_dwarf" (or mage, rouge, hunter, warrior, etc.). Change the line that reads "Current Level". Note: Not all heroes are listed in this file. Also, when updating other values for a hero, it does not always work (for example, maximum health, dps, etc.). Lots of gold: ------------Submitted by: Tushar this is awesome cheat here! save your game and exit to window,then go to majesty 2 save files,open it till folder coming,atlast open mission.txd with the help of "open with Text" then find this"kingdomtreasure" u ll see this {kingdomtreasure "money" 5000(not the same value) "wood" 0 "id" 4},change the value 5000 into high number like 5000000.exit load game u r done!enjoy

While playing the game, press [Enter], then type one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function: Code: Effect: Additional 10,000 gold fill this bag All buildings available build anything All spells available give me power Infinite spell range cheezy towers Restore hit points restoration Highlighted hero gains five levels grow up Kill opponent now you die Full map revelation Win game victory is mine Lose game i'm a loser baby View frame rate frame it

**This cheat requires editing a game file on your computer, so please make a back-up before you change anything in the file. Start a campaign mode game and then choose which ever beginning point you want. As soon as the game is started save the game. Exit to Windows to edit the file that was created. Now you need to locate the save file to edit to cheat. From your Windows desktop, go into My Documents first: The path to your saved files will be like this: My Documentsmajesty2profilessavescampaigns You will see numbered folders for the saves (With just one save it will be "0"). Example: My documentsmajesty2profilessavescampaignssave0 Go into the numbered folder and open the "mission.sav" with a simple text editor like notepad. Now search for the following: kingdomtreasure "money" Following the "money" there will be a number, that is your current gold. Change this value to to give yourself more gold! *** Sometimes the number will have a decimal, not sure what it is yet, altering the front set of number(the number before decimal) will do the money cheat.

You can also edit Hero levels with 100 as the max. In the same file mentioned above, search for: "hero_dwarf" (mage, rouge, hunter, warrior, etc). Change the line reading "Current Level". *** Not all Heroes are listed in this file, plus even when updating other values for a hero, it does not always work. Attempting to change max health, dps, or others, but level was the only value that seems to be able to be changed like this along with player gold).

1.load up your campaign then QUICK SAVE it. then exit the entire game. 2.OPEN THE EDITOR. push f3 to make the editor say "mission" in the upper right corner. load the same campaign as you had saved in the regular game. 3.then after you've loaded it hit escape to show options again to choose the "simulation" option. 4. once the editor is rolling the sim hit PAUSE, THEN "QUICKSAVE" NOW YOU SHOULD HAVE 2 SAVES 1 in your "campaign" folder and 1 save in your "single" folder. 5.pause editor sim WITHOUT closing your editor. minimize it then open your "campaign" folder and copy all the files EXCEPT the "sshots". file(for some reason it'll crash on you when copied/pasted this way) 6.paste those 5 files in your newly created quicksave folder under the "single" title (in majesty 2 folder) then maximize and quick load it 7. if done correctly, you should be able to edit your campaign save then copy paste back into your campaign folder with all the alterations made. f7 in editor is used for experience and nationality(used to make monsters on your side etc) and if you wish to alter hero stats you'll want to wait till youve made the best armor weapons your smithy can make FIRST, THEN WAIT TILL HERO BUYS BEST ARMOR WEAPONS.(do this by altering how much gold hero has) Then you'll alter not the heros stats but how much of a bonus the armor and weapons give on the hero WARNING: DONOT do this process with lords, for whatever reason having lords on the field before this process negates the glitch. it's the only way ive been able to cheat but hey you can cheat gold(you and your heros), stats and monster nationality.

Go to your game install folder and find the subfolder called "resource". You should back up this entire folder just in case you make a mod that breaks the game. Inside this folder should be a file called resource.pak. Rename this file to and extract the contents of this file into the resource (current) folder. You should now have several subfolders off of resource such as "entity" and "map". At this point you can modify just about anything in the game. In order to permanently fix the maps (without going through the savegame rigamarole, go to this folder: resource/map/Campaign_01 and choose whatever map you want to modify. Go inside the appropriate folder and edit the campaign_name.mi file. Find the line with "kingdomtreasure" in it (just as you would if you were modifying a savegame) and alter the money field. In order to modify hero stats, go to this location: resource/gameData/units and find the file called rpg_params.xml. Find the hero you want to modify and change the attributes of the f_strength, f_maxHealth, etc etc fields. Save your changes. You don't have to zip the file back up. The game will find the files. Run the game and test your changes. If the game crashes, you did something illegal restore your backup and try again.

Save whatever mission you are playing, Find the saved folder - open mission with word pad, search for" kingdomtreasure " and you will find next line {kingdomtreasure "money" 999999( how much money you had when you saved the game) "wood" 0 "id" 1} Make you rich modifying the 99999999999 number . Good luck

Type in night of the living dead to spawn the (undead)

Type in prepare to die to spawn (golems :and dragons)

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