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taste, MeMory Forgotten Foods, Lost Flavors, and Why They Matter David Buchanan $17.

95 Paperback 240 pages ISBN 9781603584401 Available October 2012 Taste, Memory traces the experiences of a modern-day explorer, one who doesnt discover new lands and new cultures, but who rediscovers our common food heritage and then works to bring it back to our gardens and tables for all to appreciate and enjoy. From a cantankerous old pear tree to a strawberry thats too delicate to ship to distant markets, David Buchanan has grown out and evaluated thousands of varieties of fruits, grains, herbs, flowers, and vegetables, capturing not only their flavors, but their fascinating stories and their place in the local harvest.

Mastering artisan CheeseMaking The Ultimate Guide for Home-Scale and Market Producers gianaclis Caldwell $40.00 Paperback 368 pages Full Color ISBN 9781603583329 Available October 2012 Acclaimed cheesemaker Gianaclis Caldwell has written the book she wishes existed when she was starting out. Every serious home-scale artisan cheesemakereven those just beginning to experimentwill want this book as their bible to take them from their first quick mozzarella to a French mimolette, and ultimately to designing their own unique cheeses. This comprehensive and user-friendly guide thoroughly explains the art and science that allow milk to be transformed into epicurean masterpieces.

Power FroM the PeoPle How to Organize, Finance, and Launch Local Energy Projects greg Pahl $19.95 Paperback 288 pages ISBN 9781603584098 Available August 2012 Using examples from around the nation and occasionally from around the world Greg Pahl explains how to plan, organize, finance, and launch community-scale energy projects that harvest energy from sun, wind, water, and earth. He also explains why community power is a necessary step on the path to energy security and community resilienceparticularly as we face peak oil, cope with climate change, and address the need to transition to a more sustainable future.

nuClear roulette The Truth about the Most Dangerous Energy Source on Earth gar smith $29.95 Hardcover 320 pages ISBN 9781603584777 $19.95 Paperback 320 pages ISBN 9781603584340 Available October 2012 Nuclear Roulette chronicles the problems of aging reactors, uncovers the costly challenge of decommissioning, explores the industrys greatest seismic risksnot on Californias quake-prone coast but in the Midwest and Southeastand explains how solar flares could black out power grids, causing the worlds 400-plus reactors to selfdestruct. This powerful expos concludes with a roundup of proven and potential energy solutions that can replace nuclear technology with a Renewable Renaissance, combined with conservation programs that can cleanse the air, and cool the planet.

Chelsea green Publishing

Fall 2012 new and noteworthy titles

hoMe BakeD Nordic Recipes and Techniques for Organic Bread and Pastry hanne risgaard $39.95 Hardcover 256 pages Full Color ISBN 9781603584302 Available August 2012 Recipes and techniques for baking artisan bread using organic stone-milled flour, organic yeasts, and sourdoughs from renowned Danish organic farm and familyowned mill, Skrtoft Mlleliterally translated as Cut-Road Mill. Hanne Risgaard offers practical information not only on the concepts and processes behind creating delicious Scandinavian breads, but also concise growing and cultivation information about the grains themselves, as well as a guide to basic equipment and kitchen set-up, ingredients, and the history of Skrtoft and their philosophy. At the beginning of each recipe there is a brief story contextualizing where the recipe comes from.

DreaMing the Future Reimagining Civilization in the Age of Nature kenny ausubel $17.95 Paperback 240 pages ISBN 9781603584593 Available August 2012 In this collection of short, witty, poignant, even humorous essays, Ausubel tracks the big ideas, emerging trends, and gamechanging developments of our time. He guides us through our watershed moment, showing how its possible to emerge from a world where corporations are citizens, the gap between rich and poor is cavernous, and biodiversity and the climate are under assault and create a world where we take our cues from nature and focus on justice, equity, diversity, democracy, and peace.

killing the Cranes A Reporters Journey Through Three Decades of War in Afghanistan edward girardet $19.95 Paperback 416 pages ISBN 9781603583183 Available August 2012 In Killing the Cranes, Edward Girardet delivers a firsthand account of his thirty years on the ground amid the war, chaos, and strife that have come to define Afghanistan. Along the way, Girardet met the key figures that shaped the nations destiny, including Ahmed Shah Massoud and Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, and narrowly escaped with his life following an encounter with Osama bin Laden. In this timely and compelling tale, Girardet shines extraordinary light on Afghanistans catastrophic history and uncertain future, and offers insight into the Wests fraught involvement and failed recovery effort.

Desert or ParaDise Renaturing Endangered Landscapes, Integrating Diversified Aquaculture, and Creating Biotopes in Urban Spaces sepp holzer $29.95 Paperback 256 pages Full Color ISBN 9781603584647 Available November 2012 Desert or Paradise examines Holzers core philosophy for increasing food production, earth health, and reconnecting mankind with nature, applied to reforestation and water conservation across the world. It is a guide to the construction of large water reservoirs in arid, rainfall-dependent regions including examples from Greece, Turkey, Spain, and Portugal. Holzer describes the ecological and economic benefits of these reservoirs, as well as the use of a variety of plant and animal species for further integration and regeneration of the surrounding areas, including reasons for reforestation and the cause and use of forest fires.

Chelsea green Publishing - Fall 2012 Frontlist Continued

FarMs with a Future Creating and Growing a Sustainable Farm Business rebecca thistlethwaite $29.95 Paperback 256 pages Full Color ISBN 9781603584388 Available January 2013 What makes a farm sustainable and successful? Rebecca Thistlethwaite addresses these and other crucial questions in this uniquely important book, which is a must-read for anyone who aspires to get into farming, or who wants to make their farm business more dynamic, profitable, and, above all, sustainable. Over an entire year, the author and her husbandexperienced farmers themselvestook a sabbatical and traveled the length and breadth of the United States to live and work alongside some of the nations most innovative farmers. Along the way they learned about best practices, and a whole lot about what doesnt work.

toP-Bar BeekeePing Organic Practices for Honeybee Health les Crowder, heather harrell $24.95 Paperback 192 pages Full Color ISBN 9781603584616 Available September 2012 More and more organically minded beekeepers are now using top-bar hives, in which the shape of the interior resembles a hollow log. Long-lasting and completely biodegradable, a top-bar hive made of untreated wood allows bees to build comb naturally rather than simply filling prefabricated foundation frames in a typical box hive. Top-Bar Beekeeping provides complete information on hive management and other aspects of using these innovative hives. All home and hobbyist beekeepers who have the time and interest in keeping bees should consider the natural, lowstress methods outlined in this book. It will also appeal to home orchardists, gardeners, and permaculture practitioners who look to bees for pollination as well as honey or beeswax.

slow DeMoCraCy Rediscovering Community and Bringing Decision Making Back Home susan Clark, woden teachout $19.95 Paperback 272 pages ISBN 9781603584135 Available October 2012 Slow Democracy chronicles the ways in which ordinary people have mobilized to find local solutions to local problems. It invites us to bring the advantages of slow to our community decision making. Just as slow food encourages chefs and eaters to become more intimately involved with the production of local food, slow democracy encourages us to govern ourselves locally with processes that are inclusive, deliberative, and citizen powered.

lynn Margulis The Life and Legacy of a Scientific Rebel edited by Dorion sagan $27.95 Hardcover 224 pages Color Insert ISBN 9781603584463 Available October 2012 When Lynn Margulis passed away in 2011, she left behind a groundbreaking scientific legacy that spanned decades. In this collection, Dorion Sagan, Marguliss son and longtime collaborator, gathers together the voices of friends and colleagues to remark on her life and legacy in essays that cover her early collaboration with James Lovelock, her fearless face-off with Richard Dawkins during the so-called Battle of Balliol at Oxford, the intrepid application of her scientific mind to the insistence that 9/11 was a false-flag operation, her affinity for Emily Dickinson, and more.

Business aDviCe For organiC FarMers (Book + DvD) richard wiswall $49.95 Paperback + DVD 224 pgs ISBN 9781603584630 $24.95 DVD only 122 minutes ISBN 9781603582452 Available June 2012
In this book + DVD set longtime farmer Richard Wiswall shares his story and offers detailed advice on how to make your farm production more efficient, better manage your employees and finances, and turn a profit. From his twenty-seven years of experience at Cate Farm in Vermont, Wiswall knows firsthand the joys of starting and operating an organic farmas well as the challenges of making a living from one. The DVD consists of a filmed workshop and interview recorded at the Northeast Organic Farming Association (NOFA) Winter Conference in 2010 and at Wiswalls Cate Farm. Wiswalls book, The Organic Farmers Business Handbook (Chelsea Green, 2009), offers more on all of this information, as well as a comprehensive business kit.

long way on a little An Earth Lovers Companion for Enjoying Meat, Pinching Pennies, and Living Deliciously shannon hayes $34.95 Paperback 352 pages Color Insert ISBN 9780979439124 Available October 2012 Left to Write Press Designed to be the only meat book a home cook could ever need, Long Way on a Little is packed with Hayess signature, delicious, no-fail recipes for perfect roasts and steaks cooked indoors and out on the grill, easy-to-follow techniques to make use of the less-conventional, inexpensive cuts that often go to waste, tips on stretching a sustainable food budget, and an extensive section on using leftovers and creating soups; all with the aim of helping home cooks make the most effective and economical use of their local farm products or their own backyard livestock.

altereD genes, twisteD truth How the Venture to Genetically Engineer Our Food Has Subverted Science, Corrupted Government, and Systematically Deceived the Public steven M. Druker $31.95 Hardcover 380 pages ISBN 9780985616915 $21.95 Paperback 380 pages ISBN 9780985616908 Available January 2013 Clear River Press This book uncovers the biggest scientific fraud of our age. It tells the fascinating and astounding story of how the massive enterprise to restructure the genetic core of the worlds food supply came into being, how it advanced by consistently violating the protocols of science, and how for more than three decades hundreds of eminent biologists and esteemed institutions have systematically contorted the truth in order to conceal the unique risks of its productsand get them onto our dinner plates.

the Passivhaus hanDBook A Practical Guide to Constructing and Refurbishing Buildings for UltraLow-Energy Performance Janet Cotterell, adam Dadeby $45.00 Paperback 256 pages Full Color ISBN 9780857840196 Available October 2012 Green Books, UK Passivhaus design focuses first on getting the building fabric right to achieve ultralow energy consumption in the most cost-effective manner. The Passivhaus Handbook is an essential guide for everyone wanting to realize a supremely comfortable, healthy, and durable home with exceptionally low energy costs. Whether you are building an extension, renovating your house or starting from scratch, and are new to low-energy design or already have some experience, this book will help you navigate the potential pitfalls and misconceptions. It brings together current thinking and best practices.

Chelsea green Publishing - Fall 2012 Frontlist Continued

honeyCoMB kiDs Big Picture Parenting for a Changing World and to Change the World! anna Campbell $17.95 Paperback 264 pages ISBN 9780980747508 Cape Able Publishing Honeycomb Kids is a parenting book for the 21st Century. Including more than 300 practical ideas and activities, it comes with two priceless benefits: not only does it help you prepare your children for an uncertain tomorrow, it also helps you shift to a better family life for today. Reading this book will empower your family to make the most of a world increasingly defined by over-population, rising prices, poor health, fast-depleting natural resources, and an unstable political, social, environmental, and financial landscape. This book shows you how to nurture the timeless values and resilience your children will need to become contributors, not just consumers.

ConvergenCe with nature A Daoist Perspective David Cooper $19.95 Paperback 168 pages ISBN 9780857840233 Available August 2012 Green Books, UK In this book David E. Cooper explores our relationship to nature and asks how it can be shaped into an appropriate one that contributes to the good of peoples lives as a whole. Like the best of contemporary nature writing, the classic Daoist texts reveal a yearning for convergence with nature, nostalgia for a lost intimacy with the natural world, disillusion with humanity or its products, and a feeling for natures mystery. The author explains how these attitudes are rooted in Daoist philosophy and explores their implications for our practical engagement with natural environments.

the Fruit tree hanDBook Ben Pike $29.95 Paperback 352 pages Full Color ISBN 9781900322744 Available August 2012 Green Books, UK A clear, practical guide that will help both amateur and expert to grow delicious fruit, from apples to mulberries and plums to peaches. Simple instructions guide you through soil preparation, choosing the best varieties, and planting your trees successfully, while the mysteries of pollination and pruning are unraveled with the help of diagrams and photographs. Whether you are planting a few trees in your garden or fifty trees in a field, this book gives you all the information you need to design, plant, and look after your orchard, large or small, and be rewarded with baskets full of luscious fruit at harvest time.

Future Money Breakdown or Breakthrough? James robertson $23.95 Paperback 192 pages ISBN 9781900322980 Available August 2012 Green Books, UK Future Money explains in plain language and convincing detail how money is now working to propel us toward the self-destruction of our speciesand what we should do about it. Of course, money is not itself the problem, but in the way it works at present, it affects us as a diseased blood or brain system affects a living person. The book clearly shows how the money system works, how it could be reformed so that it acts to the benefit of people and society rather than the opposite, and describes the obstacles that currently prevent a reform of the money system.

how to grow Perennial vegetaBles Low-Maintenance, Low-Impact Vegetable Gardening Martin Crawford $26.95 Paperback 192 pages Full Color ISBN 9781900322843 Available August 2012 Green Books, UK Perennial vegetables are a joy to grow and require a lot less time and effort than annuals. In this book Martin Crawford gives comprehensive advice on all types of perennial vegetables (edible plants that live longer than three years), from ground-cover plants and coppiced trees to plants for bog gardens and edible woodland plants. Part One looks at why and how to grow these crops, and how to look after them for maximum health. Part Two features over 100 perennial edibles in detail, both common and unusualfrom rhubarb to skirret, Jerusalem artichoke to nodding onions.

PeoPle & PerMaCulture Caring & Designing for Ourselves, Each Other & the Planet looby Macnamara $34.95 Paperback 304 pages ISBN 9781856230872 Available August 2012 Permanent Publications, UK People & Permaculture widens the definition of permaculture from being mainly about land-based systems to include our own lives, relationships, and society. This book provides a framework to help each of us improve our ability to care for ourselves, our friends, families, and the Earth. It is also a clear guide for those who may be new to permaculture, who may not even have a garden, but who wish to be involved in making changes to their lives and living more creative, low-carbon lives. People & Permaculture transforms the context of permaculture making it relevant to everyone.

PerMaCulture Design A Step-by-Step Guide aranya $24.95 Paperback 208 pages Full Color ISBN 9781856230919 Available August 2012 Permanent Publications, UK In this unique, full-color guide, experienced permaculture teacher Aranya leads you through the design process from beginning to end, using clear explanations, flowcharts and diagrams. It is based on course worksheets which have been designed, refined and tested on students over time. Linking theory to practice, he places the ethics, principles, philosophies, tools and techniques directly into the context of the process itself. While written for anyone with a basic grasp of permaculture, this book also has plenty to offer the more experienced designer. A great reference for anyone who has done, or is thinking of doing, any kind of permaculture course.

BuilD your own Barrel oven a guide for Making a versatile, Efficient, and Easy to Use WoodFired oven Max and eva edleson $18.00 Paperback 100 pages Full Color ISBN 9780967984698 Available September 2012 Hand Print Press Max and Eva Edleson offer a comprehensive guide for planning and building a practical, efficient and affordable wood-fired oven. The barrel oven offers surprising convenience because it is hot and ready to bake in within 15-20 minutes and is easy to maintain at a constant temperature. It can be the seed for a small-scale baking enterprise or the heart of a communitys wood-fired cuisine. All kinds of food can be baked in the barrel oven including bread, roasts, pizza, cookies cakes, pies, casseroles and stews. Follow this step-by-step guide to transform local, low-cost materials and the suns energy into good food.

Chelsea green Publishing - Fall 2012 recently Published

Cheese anD Culture A History of Cheese and its Place in Western Civilization Paul kindstedt $24.95 Hardcover 256 pages ISBN 9781603584111 A comprehensive look at the 9,000-year history of cheese, the ways in which it has shaped civilization, and what it can tell us about the future of food. Cheese and Culture endeavors to advance our appreciation of cheese origins by viewing human history through the eyes of a cheese scientist.This tour through cheese history offers a useful lens through which to view our twenty-first century attitudes toward cheese that we have inherited from our past, and our attitudes about the food system more broadly.

the art oF FerMentation An In-Depth Exploration of Essential Concepts and Processes from Around the World sandor ellix katz Foreword by Michael Pollan $39.95 Hardcover 528 pages Two-Color Illustrations Color Insert ISBN 9781603582865 The most comprehensive guide to do-ityourself home fermentation ever published. Sandor Katz presents the concepts and processes behind fermentation in ways that are simple enough to guide a reader through their first experience making sauerkraut or yogurt, and in-depth enough to provide greater understanding and insight for experienced practitioners. With full-color illustrations and extended resources, this book provides essential wisdom for cooks, homesteaders, farmers, gleaners, foragers, and food lovers of any kind.

2052 A Global Forecast for the Next Forty Years Jorgen randers $34.95 Hardcover 304 pages ISBN 9781603584678 $24.95 Paper 304 pages ISBN 9781603584210 Commemorating the fortieth anniversary of The Limits to Growth, 2052 asks, what will happen to humanity over the next forty years? We know that much needs to change to make our future more sustainable. But will we rise to the occasion? How much change is likely to occur? And how do we prepare to live good lives in the world that is likely to emerge? These are the questions that propelled Jorgen Randers, a renowned analyst of global trends, to ask dozens of leading experts to weigh in with their best predictions on how our economies, natural resources, climate, militaries, political divisions, cities, psyches, and more will take shape in the coming decades.

sowing seeDs in the Desert Natural Farming, Global Restoration, and Ultimate Food Security Masanobu Fukuoka $22.50 Hardcover 272 pages ISBN 9781603584180
Fukuokas last major workand perhaps his most important. Fukuoka spent years working with people and organizations in Africa, India, Southeast Asia, Europe, and the United States to prove that you could, indeed, grow food and regenerate forests with very little irrigation in the most desolate of places. Only by greening the desert, he said, would the world ever achieve true food security. This revolutionary book presents Fukuokas plan to rehabilitate the deserts of the world using natural farming, including practical solutions for feeding a growing human population, rehabilitating damaged landscapes, reversing the spread of desertification, and providing a deep understanding of the relationship between human beings and nature.

the new FeMinist agenDa Defining the Next Revolution for Women, Work, and Family Madeleine M. kunin $26.95 Hardcover 256 pages ISBN 9781603584258 $17.95 Paper 256 pages ISBN 9781603582919 Feminists opened up thousands of doors in the 1960s and 1970s, but decades later, are U.S. women where they thought theyd be? The answer, it turns out, is a resounding no. Looking back over five decades of advocacy, Madeleine Kunin analyzes where progress stalled, looks at the successes of other countries, and charts the course for the next feminist revolutionone that mobilizes women, and men, to call for the kind of government and workplace policies that can improve the lives of women and strengthen their families.

the seeD unDergrounD A Growing Revolution to Save Food Janisse ray $17.95 Paper 240 pages ISBN 9781603583060 Available August 2012 In her latest work of literary nonfiction, award-winning author and activist Janisse Ray argues that if we are to secure the future of food, we first must understand where it all begins: the seed. A journey to the frontier of seed-saving, The Seed Underground is driven by stories, both the authors own and those from people who are waging a lush and quiet revolution in thousands of gardens across America to preserve our traditional cornucopia of food by simply growing old varieties and eating them.

loCal Dollars, loCal sense How to Shift Your Money from Wall Street to Main Street and Achieve Real Prosperity Michael shuman $17.95 Paper 288 pages ISBN 9781603583435 Local-economy pioneer Michael Shuman shows investors how to put their money into building local businesses and resilient regional economiesand profit in the process. Shuman demystifies the growing realm of local investment choicesfrom institutional lending to investment clubs and networks, local investment funds, community ownership, direct public offerings, local stock exchanges, crowdfunding, and more.

a sanCtuary oF trees Beechnuts, Birdsongs, Baseball Bats, and Benedictions gene logsdon $19.95 Paper 240 pages Color Insert ISBN 9781603584012 Humans have always depended on trees for our food, shelter, livelihood, and safety. In many ways, despite the Grimms fairy-tale version of the dark, menacing forest, most people still hold a deep cultural love of woodland settings, and feel right at home in the woods. In this latest book, Logsdon offers a loving tribute to the woods, tracing the roots of his own home groves in Ohio back to the Native Americans and revealing his own history and experiences living in many locations, each of which was different, yet inextricably linked with trees and the natural world.

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