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Dear Ravi, You brought the following queries to me: Why is Nandi, the bull, the vaahana of Shiva?

What is the best English word for vaahana ? Why are there vaahanas to gods? Why is it that one is advised to view shiva's image through the horns of Nandi? Why is Nandi depicted as head downwards? Let me try to answer the questions in the following way: First, the issue of good English word for vaahana: Many Sanskrit words do not have good translations in English. The translation of the word vaahana is an instance of the same problem. The most used English word is 'vehicle', which is obviously not very good. The closest I found somewhere is 'holy mount' Next the question of why vaahanas or what is meant by vaahanas: It is well known that the devatas(gods) and the devis(goddesses) are in fact abstract concepts/entities and what we see in the stories of the devatas and the devis and their pictorial and sculptural depictions is the anthropomorphic(human form) and unanthropomorphic(non-human form) images intended to communicate the qualities/attributes/features of these concepts/entities. The mutual relations among these abstract entities/concepts and their qualities/features/attributes are depicted in these stories as 'father-son' relation, 'husband-wife' relation, relation of 'friendship', etc. One good example is Kaama/Manmatha. Whenever a character in any Puranic narrative is overcome by sexual desire, the character is described as afflicted by Kaama's/Manmatha's 'arrow(s)'. Rati is the word for sexual enjoyment and Puranas describe Rati as the 'wife' of Kaama. Vasantha, the spring season is described as the 'friend' of Kaama. Kaama is described as flower-arrowed/flower-weaponed. Similar to this husband-wife relation, weapon-weaponed relation etc. is the vaahana-aaroodha (mountmounted) relation between two abstract entities/concepts of divinities. Many different relations are depicted as vaahana-arroodha relation. One example is word-meaning relation. Words convey their meanings. This act of conveying can be seen as carrier-carried relation. Word is the carrier. Meaning, the carried. Name is the carrier. Entity so named is the carried. Mantras are the divine names of divine entities. In this sense, Mantra of a devatha/ devi is its divine mount and the the devatha/devi is the mounted. Mantra, the mount is given the form of a certain animal or bird, choice of the animal or bird being dependent on the features of the name and/or the named and sources such as the Vedas. Why is Nandi, the bull, the vaahana of Shiva? Nandi, is the name of one of the chief attendants of Shiva. He frequently acts as the chief of the army of 'GaNas', ruled by Shiva. GaNas are classificatory groups of species of creatures( bhootas). Shiva, as the ultimate supreme divinity is GaNapati, the lord of all the creatures. He rules over the creatures through his quality of Shivatva or Shubhatva, the auspiciousness. The synonym for Shubha is Nanda. Hence Nandi's chiefdom over the army of GaNas. Since the name of Shiva has a synonym of Nandi that can convey the meaning of Shivatva Nandi is a conveyance of Shiva.

The above mentioned explanation only helps us understand why Nandi, whatever his shape or form is the vaahana of Shiva. The bull form of Nandi has its origins a)in the names Pasupati etc. of Shiva b) the significance of the Himalayan bulls in the mount Kailash area c)the vrishabha image given to Agni and Language in various Vedamantras such as Chatvaarishringaa... a) and c) have Vedantic esoteric interpretations too. Why is it that one is advised to view shiva's image through the horns of Nandi? If you watch the detailed procedure of watching through the horns it has got the symbolism of bowing in respect to Nandi and taking the blessings of Nandi through each of the two eyes one after the other by bringing each of the eyes separately close to the neck of the bull. This has got a symbolism of a simultaneous bowing in worship to the mount and the mounted. It symbolises understanding Shiva through the lens of Nandi. Veerashaivites focus on the Guru aspect of Nandi. This ritual, from this understanding symbolizes looking through the eyes of the Guru. This ritual particularly suited for the worship of Shiva whose linga image is point cum sphere requiring a pointed view from the center of two reference vertical lines.

Why is Nandi depicted as head downwards? It just indicates the aspect of prasannatva, benevolence of shiva and Nandi both. A bull in its cool, calm serene and peaceful, particularly fulfilled mood ,sits in this posture.

By Dr. Nagaraj Paturi 9492849025

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