Chapter 3 - Follow Your Dreams

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Chapter 3 Carries POV It has been three weeks. THREE WEEKS! Will hasnt spoken one sentence to me.

. Every single day, every single morning, he sits next to me. I mean, its not like I havent tried to communicate, but he just seems so lost in his thoughts and unfocused. Not that it affects his school work or stops him from being an A* student in every subject. Whenever Mr Hutchinson asks a question, however mathematically difficult, Wills hand shoots up without a moments thought and his answers are perfect..., mmm..., just like him. I was getting a bit off topic there. Anyway, like I said, I have tried to talk to him and find out more about him but he never says more than one word answers! For example, the other day: Hey Will. How are you? Fine. Completely monotonous! And a few days ago, I walked in sopping wet from the heavy rain. He looked up and looked straight back down again! What is with that?! I hate the rain, dont you? Yeah... Dude! Please! There is more to life than one syllable words!! As frustrating as it is, his unbelievable cuteness totally makes up for it. If he doesnt speak, then I am perfectly fine with staring (discreetly I hope!) at his face. Sigh... *** After 3 weeks, getting one syllable replies were depressing, so I gave up and plonked myself next to Liz on Monday morning dripping water all over the place after another storm. Without even saying hello she launched into last nights gossip. OMG! You would never have guessed what! So why even say so? You know, Max, yeah well, apparently, he said he liked me!! Switching off in 3... He is so sweet and... 2... ...funny and cute... 1...Oh would you look at that. Ive found my way back to Will! No surprise there though because literally, all the girls here, (except from Liz since shes obsessed with err... What was his name again? Matt? Mack?) Are staring at him. But he doesnt seem to care; he is far, FAR away. Actually he looks a bit upset, maybe I should try talking to him again? Carrie? CARRIE! Are you even listening to me? Lizs distant voice brought me back to Earth. Carrie?! Yeah what? Carry on; you were talking about Matt...

MAX! she interrupted huffily and turning away from me with an annoyed look on her face. Taking my cue, I slipped back to my seat as Mr Hutchinson finally began the class. I glanced at Will and smiled in an attempt to cheer him up and surprisingly, I was rewarded by the tiniest smile. I beamed in return, thankful that he wasnt as dead inside as I thought he was. I noticed the slip on my desk as I turned my attention to Mr Hutchinson and skimmed it quickly. I groaned simultaneously with the rest of the class. A school trip? In this weather?! This is a compulsory trip so no worming your way out of this one! Make sure you get your parents signature on the slip and hand it in by the end of the week. Also they need to say whether they are coming to the Information Evening on Thursday. Mum, Dad, whoever is at home... Wait, Will? Where are you going? I looked up to see Will running out of the room, tears streaming down his face. I scrambled after him; I had to know if he was ok. I dont what it was but I was out of my seat before I could even stop to think about it! It was like he pulled me after him... Carrie get back here, let me... Mr Hutchinson began. No its ok sir, just give me a minute please! I said. I didnt bother waiting for his reply; I was already out of the door.

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