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The Dog Rambler E-diary

To 16
July 2012
Walk Dogs on walk Around Saltoun Wood Length 6 miles

Archie, Dylan, Finlay, Jolie, Lucas, Maggie, Smudge, Tim

Smudge joined us all today for one of his irregular walks. He only comes out when he is staying with Archie. He can be a little headstrong but greeted me like an old friend. So all should be well. I had little to worry about as it turned out. With Jolie coming toward the end of her season, poor Smudge was caught up by her. This meant he did not roam far. Only wherever Jolie was. However, she is a little faster and more agile than Smudge and she soon had the poor boy panting as he tried to keep up. Tim, unawares this year of the charms of Jolie. Last year he pined for her when she was not around. Not this year. He thought it was all a big game and leapt about at poor Smudge. As if having his affections unrequited was not enough, there was Tim buzzing around his face. Smudge followed Jolie as our meandering route took us around Saltoun Wood. Dark clouds above us but high enough in the air not to threaten rain just yet. Maggie and Lucas adding to the brown dog collection. Smudge being a chocolate Labrador. I was being tested as to

who was who and several times got them mixed up. Lucas happy to run ahead today after his perfect heel walking last week. Unasked for, but perfect nonetheless. Dylans marbled brown meant he did not get mixed up with the others as we headed deeper into the woods. Lines of trees standing to attention in almost perfect rows, seeming to converge on each as we looked along them. In the heart of the woods a river twists it way, carving a route in a deep shaded gully. With the improvements in the weather we were going to give it a go. The path down, under hanging trees, was very muddy. Once at the river it was not so bad. Archie and Finlay quick to get into the water. Soon joined by Maggie who was late on the scene. Smudge leaving Jolie for long enough to have a dip, letting Jolie chase off with Lucas and Tim. With all the warm wet weather the undergrowth had fairly taken off. Like a small forest, its canopy obscuring the path beneath our feet. We managed to stay on it and follow the river. The dogs finding more opportunities for a dip and a deeper section in which they could swim. Those that enjoy a swim. Too overgrown to make much more progress we climbed back out and up onto the first track we intersected with. This led us on a long loop around a far finger of the woods. Again onto a half hidden track where none of the lorries, trucks or tractors that have been clearing the woodland have yet ventured. Having covered the loop we jumped over a half fallen fence to walk around the fields of lush, strong crops. Wading thigh high in long stiff stemmed grasses. The dogs loved it and Dylan led a furious paced chase through it almost knocking me flying as they could not see where they were going. Apart for the odd incursion they managed to keep out of the drops. My voice like an alarm whenever they slightly came off the path. The patchwork of fields led us back into the woods near their top end. We strode back towards its middle and a fine pond in sunken ground for the dogs to mess about in again. This time Maggie not going in as she was too busy chewing a stick. Tim managing one swim and then leaving it to Finlay and Archie to swim out into the ripples of water from thrown stones.

With a bit of a zig-zag and as the clouds began to drop looking more like rain we headed back to the small car park. Smudge still trying to charm Jolie to the last. Archie wondering why his best friend had abandoned him. Dylan and Lucas holding back until the ritual of lifting Finlay into the car was over. Tim having already jumped into the boot terrified of being left behind and Maggie having lazily jumped in not sure as to why all the fuss.


Photo slideshow from the walk

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