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Sample In-Depth Interview Guide Interview Information and Questions

Project Name: Interviewer: Location: Date: Start: Comments/Notes End: Questions What is your perception of these key competitors in your market?

Who do you think is your top competitor and why?

What is its greatest strength/weakness?

What new competitive products have you heard about that concern you? Why?

What company on the horizon do you keep a close eye on? Why?

Closing Comments

Is there anything more you would like to add? Are there any questions you have of me? (Note: If you cannot answer, find out the best way to get back to them.) Thanks very much for your time.

Sample In-Depth Interview Guide Post Comment/Expanded Field Notes

Project Name: Interviewer: Location: Date: Start: Comments: This senior product manager has been with the company for more than 10 years. She has been in her current position for two years. Her company is third in market share in commercial flooring. With new owners and a new, aggressive management team, there is a new commitment to become #1. The key competitors in the market are Company X and Y. They are not as formidable as they were three years ago. In an effort to increase their business they have alienated distributors and no longer have channel support. Her company has seized on this and with the introduction of a new green flooring product for healthcare, is harnessing excitement with the channel and key buying influences: architects and interior designers. Shes been told that Company X may be introducing a similar product to theirs but appears to be running into similar manufacturing issues before they developed their patented process for achieving uniformity and deep color. Etc. End:

Sample In-Depth Interview Guide Informed Consent Form

Note: This sample informed consent form should be considered a framework from which you can develop your unique form. Keep your participant audience in my mind when developing the form. It should be clear and easy to comprehend. Run it by legal, but try not to let it become legalese.

I want to thank you for participating in the (NAME OF STUDY.) My name is (YOUR NAME). You were selected as a possible participant in this study because (STATE WHY PARTICIPANT WAS SELECTED.) This interview should take (ANTICIPATED TIME.) I will be audio taping our interview because I dont want to miss any of your comments. Although I am a good note-taker, I cant possibly capture everything you say. Any information that you share and that can be identified with you will remain confidential. This means that your interview responses will only be shared with the research team. To reiterate, any information we include in our report WILL NOT identify you as the respondent. Do you have any questions about what Ive just gone over? Your signature indicates you are willing to participate in this interview. You will be given a copy of this form to keep.





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