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SKSE SECURITIES LTD Prepared By: Hemang Malaviya M.B.A. - SEMESTER-II

Academic Year 2011-2012 Roll No.-1 Enrollment No.-117030592014 ATMIYA INSTIUTE OF TECHNOLOGY & SCIENCE DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT RAJKOT(IN-Gujarat) Submited to:-Gujarat Technological University

Under Guidance Of Assist.Prof:-Nishant Dhruv

College certificate

Company certificate



According to me the practical study is more important than theoretical study. Practical studies are the part of M.B.A. Degree. This is a basic Requirement of any Professional student.

As an entrepreneurship the practical training very helpful to get the practical knowledge about the working of industry and seeing the atmosphere of business units. With the help of this training, students develop his skills about business field and get an information regarding How to start a Business.

As a Management student, I had got a big an opportunity to prepare a project on a SKSE SECURITIES LTD. These 45 days is a great experience for me. I have tried my level best to get required information about stock market.


This is an Opportunity for me take a practical training. Theories knowledge is good but practical knowledge is necessary for any M.B.A. LEARNERS. The same way without any practical experience, a person has to go through a big challenge regarding this project. I would like to all those persons who have helped me directly or indirectly in completing this report.

I would like to thank Gujarat Technological University & Atmiya Institute Of Technology & Science for providing me an opportunity to get practical knowledge apart from theoretical knowledge.

And also thank my project guide PROF. Nishant Dhruv for giving me super guidance to prepare this report. I would also like to thank Mr. Ashok koyani Chief Executive Officer of SKSE SECURITIES LTD. & all the staff members and also the peon, who have provided me all necessary information.


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Industry Overview Company Overview Research Topic Literature Review R e s e a r c h Pr o b l e Research Objectives Hypothesis Research Methodology DATA ANALYSIS & INTERPRETATION HYPOTHESIS TESTING RECOMMENDATION & SUGGESTIONS RESEARCH FINDINGS & CONCLUSION

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HISTORY STOCK TRADING HISTORY IN WORLD The world's foremost marketplace New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), started its trading under a tree (now known as 68 Wall Street) over 200 years ago. Similarly, India's premier stock exchange Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) can also trace back its origin to as far as 125 years when it started as a voluntary non-profit making association. All stock exchanges perform similar functions with respect to the listing, trading, and clearing of securities, differing only in their administrative machinery for handling these functions. Most stock exchanges are auction markets, in which prices are determined by competitive bidding. The need for stock exchanges developed out of early trading activities in agricultural and other commodities. During the middle Ages, traders found it easier to use credit that required supporting documentation of drafts, notes and bills of exchange. At the same time, stock exchanges began to materialize in other trading centers like the Netherlands (Amsterdam Bourse), Frankfurt (the

Deutsche Stock Exchange, formerly the Brse) the London Stock Exchange (LSE) in England and Milan (the Borsa). European exchanges that opened in the 1600s and 1700s included those in Belgium, Spain, Portugal, and Sweden. STOCK TRADING HISTORY IN INDIA The stock trading history in India is obscured in the mists of time. Historical records, as and where they exist, rarely speak about business and speculative activity except in passing. However, the origin of stock broking in the country may go back to a time, when shares, debentures and bonds representing titles to property were first issued on the condition of transfer from one person to another and the earliest record of dealings in securities in India is the East India Company's loan securities, way back in the 18th century. The first stock exchange in India, Bombay Stock Exchange was established in 1875 as 'The Native Share and Stockbrokers Association' and has evolved over the years into its present status as the premier stock exchange in the country. It may be noted that BSE is the oldest stock exchange in Asia, even older than the Tokyo Stock Exchange, which was founded in 1878. The country's second stock exchange was established in Ahmedabad in 1894, followed by the Calcutta Stock Exchange (CSE). CSE can also trace its origin back to 19th century. From a get together under a 'neem tree' way back in the 1830s, the CSE was formally established in May 1908.

India's other major stock exchange National Stock Exchange (NSE), promoted by leading financial institutions, was established in April 1993. Over the years, several stock exchanges have been established in the major cities of India.

There are now 23 recognised stock exchanges Mumbai (BSE, NSE and OTC), Calcutta, Delhi, Chennai, Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Bhubhaneswar, Coimbatore, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Kochi, Kanpur, Ludhiana, Mangalore, Patna, Pune, Rajkot, Vadodara, Indore and Meerut. Today, most of the global stock exchanges have become highly efficient, computerised organisations. Computerised networks also made it possible to connect to each other and have fostered the growth of an open, global securities market

P RO F I L E O F SK SE S EC U RI T I ES L T D SKSE securities Ltd. Is a subsidiary of Saurashtra K u t c h S t o c k E xc h a n g e L t d . I t wa s e s t a b l i s h e d o n 2 8 t h J a n u a r y , 2 0 0 0 a n d i t h a s s t a r t e d i t s t r a d i n g a c t i vi t i e s a s a m e mb e r o f t h e S t o c k E xc h a n g e , Mu mb a i o n 1 0 t h A p r i l , 2 0 0 0 a n d a s a m e m b e r o f Na t i o n S t o c k E xc h a n g e o f I n d i a L t d . o n 6 t h S e p t e mb e r , 2 0 0 0 .

At present, only the members of the parent body i.e. S a u r a s h t r a K u t c h S t o c k E xc h a n g e L t d . C a n t r a d e t h r o u g h S u b s i d i a r y C o mp a n y b y b e c o mi n g S u b - B r o k e r f o r t h e S t o c k E xc h a n g e , M u mb a i a n d / o r Na t i o n a l S t o c k E xc h a n g e o f I n d i a L t d . I t i s h a vi n g d a i l y t u r n o ve r o f Rs . 5 5 - 6 0 c r o r e s a n d i s s e r vi n g m o r e t h a n 3 0 , 0 0 0 s ma l l I n ve s t o r s t h r o u g h i t s B r o k i n g a n d D. P . A c t i vi t i e s a n d i s wo r k i n g i n t h e b e s t i n t e r e s t o f t h e I n ve s t o r s a n d Ca p i t a l Ma r k e t b y c o ve r i n g t h e s m a l l e s t p l a c e i n t h e wi d e r e g i o n .

B S E ME MB E RS H I P I n o r d e r t o r e vi ve t h e R e g i o n a l S t o c k E xc h a n g e , S E B I h a s p e r m i t t e d t h e S t o c k E xc h a n g e s t o f l o a t S u b s i d i a r y C o mp a n i e s a n d a c q u i r e me mb e r s h i p o f b i g g e s t S t o c k E xc h a n g e s . T h e S a u r a s h t r a K u t c h S t o c k E xc h a n g e L t d . , h a s t h e r e f o r e f l o a t e d a s u b s i d i a r y n a me l y S K S E S e c u r i t i e s L t d . a n d o n 1 1 t h Fe b r u a r y, 2 0 0 0 i t a c q u i r e d m e m b e r s h i p o f t h e S t o c k E xc h a n g e , Mu mb a i a n d s t a r t e d c o m me r ci a l t r a d i n g from 11th April ,2000.More than 70 members of the S a u r a s h t r a K u t c h S t o c k E xc h a n g e h a ve b e c o m e s u b - b r o k e r o f t h e s u b s i d i a r y a n d s t a r t e d t r a d i n g i n B S E - Ca s h s e g me n t .

T h e s u b s i d i a r y h a s r e c o r d e d a n A n n u a l T u r n o ve r o f Rs . 1 3 0 0 c r o r e s i n t h e ye a r 2 0 0 4 - 0 5 .

N S E M EM B ERS H I P O u r Co mp a n y h a s a l s o a c q u i r e d me mb e r s h i p o f Ca s h S e g me n t o f t h e N a t i o n a l S t o c k E xc h a n g e o f I n d i a L t d ( NS E ) o n 6 t h S e p t e mb e r , 2 0 0 2 .


Name of Firm Year of Establishment Chief Executive Officer Board of Directors

: : : :



SKSE SECURITIES LTD. Popat Sorathiya Bhavan, Sadar Bazar, Rajkot-360 001

Phone No E-Mail Website

: : :

(0281) 3041280, 3041281, 3041281 www.SKSE SECURITIES LTD .com Ltd. Sunday



Bombay Stock Exchange Limited

Bombay Stock Exchange Limited is the oldest stock exchange in Asia with a rich heritage. Popularly known as "BSE", it was established as "The Native Share & Stock Brokers Association" in 1875. It is the first stock exchange in the country to obtain permanent recognition in 1956 from the Government of India under the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956. Earlier an Association of Persons (AOP), the Exchange is now a demutualised and corporatised entity incorporated under the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956.

The Exchange has a nation-wide reach with a presence in 417 cities and towns of India. The systems and processes of the Exchange are designed to safeguard market integrity and enhance

transparency in operations. During the year 2004-2005, the trading volumes on the Exchange showed robust growth.

The Exchange provides an efficient and transparent market for trading in equity, debt instruments and derivatives. The BSE's On Line Trading System (BOLT) is a proprietary system of the Exchange and is BS 7799-2-2002 certified. The surveillance and clearing & settlement functions of the Exchange are ISO 9001:2000 certified.

Vision statement of BSE:

"Emerge as the premier Indian stock exchange by establishing global benchmarks


National Stock Exchange Limited

The Organization: The National Stock Exchange of India Limited has genesis in the report of the High Powered Study Group on Establishment of New Stock Exchanges, which recommended promotion of a National Stock Exchange by financial institutions (FIs) to provide access to investors from all across the country on an equal footing. On its recognition as a stock exchange under the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956 in April 1993, NSE commenced operations in the Wholesale Debt Market (WDM) segment in June 1994. The Capital Market (Equities) segment commenced operations in November 1994 and operations in Derivatives segment

commenced in June 2000.


Board of Directors



Compliance (HOD))& Inquiry Dept Trade Settle (HOD) ment Dept. Modificat ion-dept

Demat / Operation Services (HOD)

Server (HOD)

Account Depart. (HOD) KYC DEPT (HOD)

Cash counter trade receive department

maintenance Window


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Particulars Concept of depository Account Opening Dematerialization Rejection Application Collection Trade Settlement Rematerialisation Pledge Unpledge Billing Account Transmission freeze/unfreeze Account closing

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A depository is a facility for holding securities, which enables securities transactions to be processed by book entry. To achieve this purpose, the depository may immobilize the securities or

dematerialize them (so that they exist only as electronic records).' India has chosen the dematerialization route. In India, a depository is an organization, which holds the beneficial owner's securities in electronic form, through a registered Depository Participant (DP). A depository functions somewhat similar to a commercial bank. To avail of the services offered by a depository, the investor has to open an account with it a registered dp. Problems faced with the Physical shares:1. Bad deliveries on account of signature mismatch or forged signature of transferor or fake certificate

2. Delay in receipt of securities after allotment 3. Non receipt of securities 4. Procedural delays in getting duplicate shares

Benefits of Depository System:-

1. Safe, convenient and speedy transfer 2. No question of bad delivery 3. No stamp duty of transfer 4. Trading lot of one share 5. Account freezing facility 6. Immediate credit of corporate Benefits 7. Reduction in paper work

Similarities in Bank & Depository operation:-

1. Renders services of safe keeping of money of customers in book 2. Entry form 3. Required to verify identify and address of customer before 4. Opening of account

5. The bank is entitled to charge some fees for the service of 6. Maintenance. 7. The Bank needs express written consent for debiting the account 8. A Bank account can be operated by Power of Attorney holder. 9. Nomination facility is available.

Differences in Depository & Bank Operation:-

A customer having an account with bank is called as an Account Holder.

A Bank is entitled to use the funds lying in the client accounts. A bank account can be operated upon instruction on either or survivor basis.

In a Bank account, normally a minimum balance has to deposit along with the account opening form.

In the Bank account, addition or deletion of name of one or more account holder is permitted.

Who can open Demat Account:-

1. Individual Investors including Minor 2. HUF 3. Corporate Entity 4. NRIs 5. Clearing Members of Exchange 6. Trust 7. Society 8. Banks 9. FIIs

Depository Participant In One Piece:Bank and depository are same Services and Facilities provided by Depository Participant is something like Commercial Banking Service. Major difference between two is than Commercial Bank provide Interest on Owners deposit while not in case of Depository Participant. But, shares are transfer into Electronic Form and kept in Beneficiary Owners Account, can say Balance. A depository is a facility for holding securities, which enables

securities transactions to be processed by book entry. To achieve this purpose, the depository may immobilize the securities or dematerialize them (so that they exist only as electronic records).' India has chosen the dematerialization route. In India, a depository is an organization, which holds the beneficial owner's securities in electronic form, through a registered Depository Participant (DP). A depository functions somewhat similar to a commercial bank. To avail of the services offered by a depository, the investor has to open an account with it through a registered DP.

Except Demat, any Depository Participant provides following services: 1. Account Opening




Processing Delivery and Receipt Instruction


Account Statement








Transaction of Securities


Change in Address

10. 11. 12.

Bank Account Details Freeze/unfreeze Account Closing.

Account Opening A/c close Demate ria-lization




Depository Participant


[Depository Participant All Activities with Frame work above eleven activities are sequentially arranged behind the conceptual framework. Logically there is a sequence in investors entire DP activities. So, thats main reason why I followed such my own described sequence.

Definition and concept of services

Since establishment of Depository Participant, there wasnt any prescribed sequence or flow of activity that an Investor has follows. And this is right too. But after in-depth understanding and views about Investors day to day activities, it seems to be act as Sequence. Now lets gaze how it adequate as a Sequence.

Service I: Account Opening

1. Passport 2. Voter ID Card 3. Driving license 4. PAN card with photograph 5. MAPIN CARD ( Cancelled)

After establishment of Depository Participant, its mandatory for all listed Companies to list into CDS(I)L or NSDL. So whether an Investor has buy or sell any script, its necessary to convert into Electronic Form from Physical Form. So at fist stage an Investor has come across the Account Opening Activity.

Service II: Dematerialization

Dematerialization is a process by which physical certificates are converted into electronic form. After opened a BO Account From any

registered DP, an Investor came for selling his/her Scripts. For this, its necessary to demat existing Script. Service III: Rejection of Demat Application

Many reasons exist for Rejection of Demat Application. RTA sends further back all the documents to registered DP. Service IV: Collection

By means of Collection, DP has to collect monetary amount regards of New Account Fees, Dematerialization Process Charge, Trading Book Charge, Account Maintenance Charge, Settlement Charges, and Transaction Charge etc. . . . Service VI:Rematerialisation

An Investor comes across within the Dematerialization Process whenever he/she doesnt want to Sell Scripts which are already demat into BOs Account. Service VII: Pledge

Any Commercial Bank provides Loan Amount on some prescribed Assets. Some Commercial Banks provides loan with the reference some Blue Chip Scripts. To settle Loan, an Investor has come through Pledge Activity.

Servicer VIII:


After payments of all Loan Amount, an Investor can liberate his/her Pledged Scripts.

Service IX:Billing Billing is a Statement of Activity performed by an Investor and Depository Participant during particular period of time. BO can get his/her Account Statement at any time. Most of its provides to investor half monthly, monthly, quarterly as per Investors conveniences.


Time is very important for any organization. The time one gonenever come services. As SKSE SECURITIES LTD engaged mostly in share broking services. It is very essential for such firm or organization to have proper time management. Work of the SKSE SECURITIES LTD is 9.30 am to 6.30 pm. back. Time is as important as other factors of


This is a semi government company thus why SKSE SECURITIES LTD provides many services in minimum cost SKSE SECURITIES LTD highest strength is that it understands the needs of its client very well. It tries to provide the best value for money to its investors. Ethical business practices have enabled them to grow rapidly in an increasingly competitive market. Its commitment of providing world class broking services to its investors. This spirit of innovation helps to grow your business with it. It has always provided timely research based advice. SKSE SECURITIES LTD is a symbol of trust in a sarashutra region and makes an EMPOWRING INSVESTORS.

Competitors of SKSE SECURITIES LTD. ltd. are as under:

Share Khan ICICI Securities Limited. Kotak Securities. India Info line Limited. India bulls Limited. Marwadi Shares and Finance Pvt. Ltd. Angel Broking Mangal Keshav Securities Ltd. Arcadia Securities Ltd. IL&FS Securities Ltd. Ajay Natvarlal Securities Ltd. Nagrik Bank Securities Ltd. HDFC Securities Ltd.


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Organization of Finance Department


Future Planning




Capital structure


Management of working capital




Money is a lifeblood of modern business money occupies is a key position in the capitalistic of current situation finance is a one of the most important function of the top manager Tories finance at right quality also to use it most effectively. The finance function covers both acquisitions of funds as well as their optimum allocation in various sources. In past, the main function of finance manager is only to find out sources of finance while in modern era. According to J. C. Van Horne, Financial Management is concerned with the acquisition of funds, financing and Mgt. of assets with some overall goal in mind. In General, Finance means procurement of funds and their effective utilization in the business As a member of the top management, he is closely associated with the formulation of policies as well as decision making. The responsibilities for finance managers are spread throughout the organization in the sense that financial Mgt. is to an extent an integral

part of the job for managers involved in planning, allocation of resources and control. Financial Mgt. is highly specialized in nature and is handled by specialists.


FUTURE PLANNING:We are planning to provide diversified service and product to

over client of comparative rate to wider thaw reach over service we are planning to collection to over DP division at various place. Further we have also attracted taking step for development for over IPO division Financial planning means deciding well in advance what is to be done with regard to finance. It is necessary to control in inflow and out flow of cash... Finance manager has to make plan for investment, resources of acquiring money and also, he has to achieve many objectives in future which is planned out in present. SKSE SECURITIES LTD. is having different Financial Planning which is described as under:

(1) short term planning (2) medium term planning (3) long term planning (4)To expand the business of broking services.

(5)To increase the clients of the business.

(6)To increase the volume of trading of day to day transactions. (7)To increase the revenue of firm.



Accounting Function is a necessary input into the finance function that is, accounting is a sub function of finance. Accounting generates information relating to activities of the firm. In SKSE SECURITIES LTD. Accounting is maintained but there is no separate accounting is maintained by each branches. But there is centralized accounting is being maintained by the Head Office of SKSE SECURITIES LTD. in regarding Services. Mainly, the income statement (P & L A/c.) The statement of changes in financial position (sources and used of fund statement). The Balance Sheet is to be prepared.


According to me Capital structure means the portion or ratio of debt equity mix, in any firm or organization. Select a firm should financing capital structure, which will help in achieving. The capital structure is to be decided as per the type of business of firm or organization

The SKSE SECURITIES LTD. has not received money from public to create capital but it is having its own capital. There is no any amount of public in it but the amount of capital is the promoters its own amount. Promoters are able to received money from relatives as well as from bank in the form of loan. The capital structure of SKSE SECURITIES LTD as follow Secured loan UN secured loan 0 44,543,945 (2008-2009)


Working capital means current asset current liabilities under the current Asset inventory, sundry debtors, loan and advance, cash, Bank balance. And under the current liabilities bonk OD, creditors and all this thing are come, SKSE SECURITIES LTD working capital (2008-09) Current Asset -Current liabilities = 89,851,594 = Receivable Receivable is an effective tool of marketing acts as a bridge 106885569 196,737,163-

for markets of service Receivable help to find a collection period. SKSE SECURITIES LTD Receivable 31,626,134


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Particulars What is marketing Today trend in stock market Promotional activity Advertisement Sales Promotion Public relation & publicity Personal selling Competitors Channel of distribution Coverage Marketing research magazine

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1. WHAT IS MARKETING? . Now a days we listen many time the word of marketing, according to ordinary people the marketing means selling, but marketing is a very wide concept. Lets see various definition of marketing According to Philip kotler Marketing is typically seen as the task of creating, promoting, and delivering goods and services to consumer and business A social definition shows the role marketing plays in society. One marketer said the marketings role is to deliver a higher standard of living In general, Market is a place where buyers and sellers meet directly or indirectly for the exchange purpose and an exchange may be of goods or services. Here, place may be real or virtual.

According to the American Marketing Association,

Marketing is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas, goods and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and

organizational objectives.

Ultimately marketing helps satisfaction of consumer to increase the selling.


As we know that now-a-days stock market is the most important market like capital market and commodity market. The growth of the stock market is reflecting in the development in the economy of India. Indian economy is also known as Mixed Economy because in the development of Economy, the public sector units and the private sector units play a very important role. In the stock market both these sectors play very important role.

Now-a-days, financial sectors are going on boom position. There is a large development of financial services. The growth of the stock market is also because of financial services. The development of the stock market depends on the growth of the different companies which are working in different sectors and the growth of the Indian economy is depend on the development of stock market. We can say that stock-market is the heart of Indian economy. There is a daily thousands of crores transactions is possible only in the stock market.


Promotion mix is one of the most important mixes of the marketing mix. Without promotional activities, marketing or selling of any product becomes very tough. Promotional activities include:

1. Advertising

In General, Advertising is paid form of mass communication of goods, ideas and services through different media by identifying sponsor. Advertising is very important for the selling of goods or products because when new products are launching in the market, consumer dont aware about launching of new product. At that time, to create awareness about new product, Advertising plays very important role. Advertising can efficiently reach geographically dispersed buyers the main aim of Advertising services. effect on sales and create a good value of

SKSE SECURITIES LTD is a very trusted company and it is a semi government company thats why the company has a no need for advertising expenses .the punch line ok SKSE SECURITIES LTD is EMPOWERING INVESTER

2. Sales Promotions Sales-promotion tools to draw a stronger and quicker buyer resonance. Sales-promotion can be used for short run effects such as to dramatize product offers and boost sagging sales

Sales-promotion include three thing like communication, incentive and invitation directly and indirectly SKSE SECURITIES LTD used sales promotion like nowadays he gives the services of trading on F & O and also provided quick sms system.

3. Public relations and publicity

Public relation and publicity is based in three quality 1 high credibility 2 ability to attract the buyers and 3 dematlisation.

SKSE SECURITIES LTD also the use of promotion mix tools public relation is a very strong and company top management also touch with political leader.

4. Personal selling and direct marketing

Personal selling is most effective tool at later stage of buying process; practically we know buying preference, convention and action. In simple word it means door to door marketing.

We all know SKSE SECURITIES LTD have a more than 30,000 clients so SKSE SECURITIES LTD no need for personal selling Direct marketing means marketing with the help of telephone. Nowadays many companies use this type of marketing. SKSE SECURITIES LTD use mail and this entire thing but not the purpose of direct marketing.

4. Competitors of SKSE SECURITIES LTD.

In modern era, there are many competitors of SKSE SECURITIES LTD. Competition is very important for the growth and development of the business as well as to show the potentiality of the business in the current market.

Competitors of SKSE SECURITIES LTD. ltd. are as under:

Share Khan ICICI Securities Limited. Kotak Securities. India Info line Limited. India bulls Limited. Marwadi Shares and Finance Pvt. Ltd. Angel Broking Mangal Keshav Securities Ltd. Arcadia Securities Ltd. IL&FS Securities Ltd. Ajay Natvarlal Securities Ltd. Nagrik Bank Securities Ltd. HDFC Securities Ltd.


DISTRIBUTION means to distribute, or disseminate the field of marketing channel of distribution indicates the routes or pathway through which goods and services flow or move from producer to customer. Channel of distribution can be defined as the marketing process in which goods bare service Trans from producer to customer. This definition also applicable both sector service sector as well as manufacturing. SKSE SECURITIES LTD has a wide dealership members more than 400 dealer of SKSE SECURITIES LTD. But nowadays 250 members are active.


There is a very wide network of Broking services of SKSE SECURITIES LTD which perhaps, any firm or organization is having. SKSE SECURITIES LTD. Have Total 2 branches in all over India

including Registered and corporate office.

SKSE SECURITIES LTD. is having clients more than 33000 and more than 250 terminals.


Marketing research is only one branch of the marketing means actual and potential customer and intelligent the investigation of study of who, what, where, why and how of actual and potential buyers SKSE SECURITIES LTD also prepare this type of research report its give information about goods and Services in greater derails with the help of figures, charts and illustrations in blue or black colors. Publishers, Travel Agencies, life insurance companies, big

companies, Financial Services provider firm often uses magazine.

SKSE SECURITIES LTD is providing different Research Reports, SKSE SECURITIES LTD Services information Browser, companys technical charts in catalogues. Different Research Reports such as E-broking Research Report, commodities Research Report and portfolio management services Report etc. it also provides information of all services which is provided by them in SKSE SECURITIES LTD corporate Branches Browser.

Thus marketing research is an important matter not only for SKSE SECURITIES LTD but also for every company.


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Particulars Introduction Changing Environment of HRM Recruitment Selection Recruitment and Selection Policy Induction Training of Employee Transfer Promotion policy Reward and incentive Provident fund Grievance handling procedure

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Whenever you see a balance sheet of a company, you see the asset and liabilities which are usually the material element. Can you name the company that puts human resources as asset in balance sheet and started the tradition of considering their employees as appreciating assets?? This is a surprise but it is TRUE. It is a most successful company not just planning and utilization of material resources, but with human recourse as they

are most variable asset for any organization. It is Infosys. According to Edward Flippo, Personnel Management is the planning organizing; directing and controlling of the procurement, development, compensation, integration, maintenance and separation of human resources to the end those individual organizational and social objectives are accomplished.

HRM management in this company covers lab our, welfare and industrial relations aspect. HR managers do not manufacture or sell goods but they do contribute to the success and growth of an organization by advising employees are workers working in the organization. Thus development of worker and the good relation between employer and employees. 2. CHANGING ENVIRONMENT OF HRM

AN hr manager worked in a varied environment. He can only do his duties well if he is updated with the changing needs of the employee. And for this she naturally has to keep himself barest with not only the environment from which the employees are coming to work.

Nowadays following thing is change


Advanced technology Exporting job The nature of work Increasing productivity Responding the market Developing human capital


According to me Recruitment is a positive function because most of persons who are eligible for jobs are applied for job.

According to Edward Flippo, Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating and encouraging them to apply for jobs in an organization. Recruitment is pervasive function because all organizations are engaged in recruiting activity. But the volume and nature of recruitment varies with the size, nature and environment of particular organization. Recruitment methods such as direct, indirect and third party methods are means by which an organization establishes contact with potential candidates, provides them necessary information and encourages them to apply for jobs. Different medias are used for recruitment such as advertising is news paper, pamphlets and in Internet etc.


The purpose of selection is to pick up the right person for every job. Selection is an important function because no organization can achieve its goals without selecting the right people.

Selection is the process of choosing the best out of those recruited or applied for job. Recruitment is positive because it aims at increasing the number of applications for wider choice or for increasing the selection ratio while selection is negative because rejects a large no. of applicants. Recruitment involves prospecting or searching where as selection involves comparison and choice of candidates.

5. SKSE SECURITIES LTD Recruitment and Selection policy

In SKSE SECURITIES LTD, recruitment and selection process taking place like in other firms. There are few particular steps for recruitment and selection process / procedure. Lets see one by one: (1) Recruitment process begins when Personnel / HR department receives requisition (official order) for recruitment from

department of SKSE SECURITIES LTD. The Head of HR decides sources of recruitment to be used like newspaper,

consultancies or by using reference of other employees of SKSE SECURITIES LTD. (2) After deciding sources, he will put into a practice and the prospective employees will inform to send their applications within a specific time. (3) After getting application, selection procedure gets started. They will carefully examine applications and suitable person will ask for interviews and rest of applicants will be rejected. (4) Now, Executives and head of concern department etc. will take interviews.


When a new employee joins an organization, he is completely a stranger to the staff, work place and the work environment.

Therefore, he is likely to feel insecure, shy and nervous. In the absence of information and support, these are likely to be anxiety and fear in his mind. In SKSE SECURITIES LTD, when any new employee is going to join an organization, first of all he or she is introduced to all his or her concern department staff members and at the same time he or she will be given a brief information about SKSE SECURITIES LTD. As well as all services which is provided by

them? Then, on the job training is to be given to the new employee In the SKSE SECURITIES LTD stage of induction person is finally placed on the specific job. New candidate are introducing with his co worker, boss and subordinate also provide the knowledge about rules and regulation Program policy.


Training is an important aspect for increasing aspect for their work capacity. In SKSE SECURITIES LTD also provide training facility to their employee. There are two type training method like (1) On the job (2) Off the job CDSL also give training for SKSE SECURITIES LTD employees. In the SKSE SECURITIES LTD, there is a training session of 8 days for a new employee. During these days, he or she has given practical work which he or she has to perform in an organization.


Transfer is a horizontal or lateral movement of an employee from one job, section, department shift to another at the same or another place where his salary, status and responsibility are the same. It generally doesnt involve a promotion. In SKSE SECURITIES LTD, transfer of employees happens in rarely case. Here generally, positive transfer takes place. Means of any employee wants to transfer from one branch to another branch; he is free to do this. Except such cases transfer doesnt happen in SKSE SECURITIES LTD.


According to me Promotion is a very good in the organization it is useful for both employee and organization there the need of formal systematic Programmer of promotion and can be said promotion policy Generally SKSE Ltd. Is giving promotion on the basis of seniority and work performance.


Incentives An incentive scheme is a plan or programmers to motivate individual or group performance. An

incentive programmed is most frequently build on monitory rewards but may also include a variety of non-monitory rewards or prizes Rewards

In SKSE SECURITIES LTD, Rewards are given in the form of bonus which is given to all employees of SKSE SECURITIES LTD. in every Diwali. Bonus is generally given in the form of money.

Personal record

The legal department of the unit maintain the personal report they are also maintain attendance register Card of the employees in files and document and they are generally prepaid and completed from report and they are mean for long term use. Personal record is useful by management at the time of promotion and transfer of the employees. Personal record means predation of information in SKSE SECURITIES LTD have a gat pass machine system and there are also certain file and register corresponded file, recurrent files of each individual.


Provident fund is a king of saving. Any company having more than 20 employees can join this schism. This is artistry scheme meant for wafer of the employees. In the India it was a started in 1962 and applied in all the company. It is a necessary for every company provide PF scheme to its permanent employees Here SKSE SECURITIES LTD also has a scheme.


Grievance is any dissatisfaction to the employees in connection with his emplacement situation and than his brought to the attention of management. When Among employees complaint will reach to the top management and should adopt paper method for handle it.

SKSE SECURITIES LTD there is no specific handling procedure for handling their employees have direct connect with C.E.O. and C.E.O. sowing his finance.


INDEX (1) (2) Title Of The Study Objective Of The Study

TITLE OF THE STUDY So far as research report is concerned here the title of the report is INVESTING PATTERN OF THE INDIVIDUAL INVESTOR so here basic purpose of conducting the research in this subject is to get the know-how of financial market in general and by conducting the research report in this subject we can able to understand overall investing pattern of individual investor though the investing pattern of individual investor varies with the number of factor like profession,family background ,income and external environment and many other factor but by conducting the research study on the overall investing pattern of individual investor we can get overall understanding of the Modus Operand of the investor . And through this study we can be able to understand the psychoprofile of the investor and especially how one individual investor willing to take different risk to earn money and how investor choose from safest investment option to risky investment option. And how much proportion is he willing to invest in different investment alternatives. And also we can get general idea regarding the investment duration about different segment.So by conducting this interesting research topic we can be able to understand the investing pattern of investor in security and can be able to understand that what they expect from the financial service provider.So by analyzing all the financial service provider we can make necessary changes in its service and able to know their customer better and ultimately they can able

to satisfy their customer better.And finally the financial service provider can able to achieve huge monetary gain by providing good service to the customer.

So that I have selected this subject as the title of the report to know the overall aspect and related information about the financial market in general and financial service in particular.And this proves to be beneficial for the overall understanding of the financial market in general.


As we know that every kind if activity has its own objectives so,research work has also its goal & objectives which are to be received into the form of result , So we can say objective is the heart of the study.So lets to thumb through some of the objectives of the Research : To gain clean knowledge of financial services. To determine how Retail Stock Broking in particular and financial services has been growing by leaps and bound ? To be familiar with the financial sector to and to know the individual investors view regarding various services. To know the customers view on various aspects. To know the nitty-gritty about various option available for customer and their preferences. And also we know that financial service industry has been growing by leaps and bounds and to get the know-how of financial market in general and financial service in particular I have conducted the research in the investing pattern of individual investor.And so by that we can get the overall picture of the financial market.So we cant able to know customer preference and their opinion regarding the various services offered by the financial service provider.And if we require can make necessary changes in the various service offered by the companies .And last but not least we can easily understand the customers preferences so that we can provide the customer what

they need.So the objectives behind this study is very important and proves to be beneficial for every financial service provider.


INDEX (1) (2) (3) (4) Data Collection Method Sampling Design Tools And Techniques Period Of The Study

DATA COLLECTION METHOD The task of data collection begins after a research problem has been defined and research design/plan chalked out.While deciding about the method of the data collection to be used for the study .the research should keep in mind two types of data first in primary data and second is the secondary data.The primary data are those which Collected s fresh and the first time and happen means to be original in character and Secondary data means those which have already been collected by someone else .So while conducting the collection of the data we have to decide which type of data we have to select for the our research study. So in this report I have selected the method of primary data collection and as per the subject of the topic thorugh non probability convenience

sampling I have collected tge data and this method is prove to be beneficial in out study because this report is regarding the Investing Pattern Of Individial Investor so the only the primary data collection method prove beneficial and accurate.So we can say that we collect primary data during the course of experiements in an experiemental research but in case we do research of the descriptive type and perform surveys ,wheather sample surveys or census surveys ,then we can obtain primary data either through observation or through direct communication with respondents in one form or another or through personal intervies. And there are several method of collecting primary data like personal interviews,observation,qurstainier through schedule and other methods.

so we have to select the method of data collection as per the topic of the our research and as per the sample size so here in this report I have collected the data through questainnaire.And in this type of report this method is more convenient and accurate.

SAMPLING DESIGN A sample design is define plan for obtaining a sample from a given population.It refers to the technique or the procedure the research would adopt in selecting items for the samples.Sample design as lay down the number of items to be included in the samples i.e., the size of the sample. Sample design is determined before data are collected. There are many sample design from which a researcher can choose some designs are relatively more precise and relatively more easier than others. So while conducting the research we must select a sample design which should be reliable and appropriate for this research study. TYPE OF UNIVERSE:The first step in developing any sample design is to clearly define the sets of objects, technically called the universe, to be studied. The universe

can be finite or infinite. In finite universe the number of items is certain, but in case of an infinite universe the number of items is infinite. SAMPLING UNIT:A decision has to be taken concerning a sampling unit before selecting sample. Sampling unit must be a geographical one such as state district, village etc .or a construction unit such as house, flat etc. SOURCE LIST:It is also known as sampling frame from which sample is to be drawn. It contains items of the universes. SIZE OF SAMPLING:This refers to number of items selected from the universe to constitute. The size of the sample should not be neither to excessively or no too small. It should be optimum. PARAMETERS OF INTEREST:In determining the sampling design, one must consider the question of the specific population parameters which are of interest.

BUDGETERY CONSTRAINT :Cost consideration from practical point of view, have major impact upon decision relating to not only the size of the sample but also to the type of sample. SAMPLING PROCEDURE :Finally, the researcher must decide the type of sample he will use i.e. ,he must decide about the technique to be used in selecting the items for the sample. So there are number of sampling design available but we have to select the type of sampling design which can be make our objective clear and sampling error can be eliminated . At the time of selection we have to keep in mind number of factors like type of universe ,sampling unit, source list, the size of the sample, sampling procedure and etc.




Probability sampling:Probability sampling is also known as random sampling under this sampling design every item of the universe have an equal chance for inclusion in the sample. NON PROBABILITY SAMPLING :In this type of sampling the items for the sample are selected deliberately by the researcher . His choice concering the items remains supreme. From a brief description if the various sample design presented above we can say that normally we should report to sample random sampling because under its bias is generally and the sampling error can be estimated. So we have discussed above regarding the different aspect of sampling design in this report I have selected the sample random sampling because this method is more convenient and also we can able to achieve accuracy in our research. TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES Tools and technique are related with the overall techniques through which the research is conducted. There are many methods are available for research study specially primary data collection method like observation method, interview method, through questionnaires ,through schedules and other method which include warranty cards, distribution audits, consumer panels, using mechanical devices so as per the research study we have to select one techniques for our research here I have selected the Questionnaires method. This data collection method is quite popular, particularly in case of big enquiries. It is being adopted by private individuals, research workers, private and public organization and even by governments. In this method Questionnaire is sent to individual investor and requested to return by filled up. A Questionnaire consist of number of printed questions

and defined in order on a form of set of forms. This method helps me to get actual and accurate data about individual investor . Advantages of selecting this method are . There is low cost even while the universe is large and is widely spread geographically. Iit is free from bias of the interviewer,answer in respondents own words. Respondents have adequate time to give well thought out answers. Large sample can be made use of and thus the results can be made more dependable and reliable. While using this method there is no biasness while filling up the Questionnaire.

PERIOD OF THE STUDY The research has been conducted during the period of six week training and during which the overall study has done so the overall feedback is dependent on the overall circumstances of the time period. And the view of the investor may differ as per the time passes and due to the overall situation of the financial market. This report is conducted during six weeks (6th June to 20th July). So the answer is purely dependent on that periods overall circumstances.



FINDINGS The finding of my research study as follows : Investor prefer to do online trading more than offline trading. Respondents are satisfied with the services. In online trading ,they give more preference to online fund transfer facility,trading from anywhere and speed. In offline trading ,they give more importance to simplify,more services from broker and easy to understand and operate.

Almost 34% investor are long term investor and 20% investors are short term investor , 15%investor are specular. Almost 27%investor are from the age ogroup of 41 to 50 years. 34% of investors having annual income between 3,00,000 to 5,00,000 Out of 200 investors 26% having I.T sector having positive expectation and 23% investor feel that banking sector has positive signal.

RECOMMENDATION In online trading ,more credit exposure should be given same as give in offline tading. They must give online demo, when investors come for opening account. Advertisement through print media, fairs a ns festivals should be done to spread the message of Share Trading Industry. Increase the use of written policies for the sensitive areas of the depository participant and systems as far as possible. Company should do as much as it can for customer satisfaction and fulfill the requirement on customized basis.

CONCLUSION In online trading , as respondents are getting online fund transfer facility, more speed is thee and they can trade from anywhere. The staff of company is very co-ordinate with each department and also with customer. Respondents have preferred more to do online trading. Retired people preferred to do off-line trading. 87% investors preferred to do off-line trading. Online trading is getting importance due to fund transfer facility, speed and trading from anywhere.


QUESTIONNAIRE Note :(1) (2) (3)

Please complete the following questionnaire to the best of your knowledge. The information collected will be kept confidential. The purpose of the question is nothing but to survey for study only.



Address :-

Contact No :-


What is your age ? Less than 20 21 to 40 41 to 50 more than 50

(2) (3)

Under which Depository Are You Registered ? NSDL CDSL Both What is your profession ? Business Service Student Housewife Other What is your annual income ? Less than 3,00,000 3,00,001 to 5,00,000 How do you rate the services of SKSEL ? Excellent Good


5,00,001 to 8,00,000 more than 8,00,000


Very Good Poor


Do you get your Transaction Statement and Settlement Holding on Time ? Yes No How would you like to receive the Transaction Statement & Settlement statement of Holding ? Post/Courier Telephone E-mail Visit DP personally In which Category Do you select yourself as an Investor ? Risk taker Long term Risk Avert Short Term According to you which sector is performing best ? Banking I.T Infrastructure Insurance Energy Other




(10) Which kind of Trading do you prefer?

Online Offline

(11) In Online Trading which Feature do you prefer most?

Speed Trading from anywhere Easy in payment Secrecy Online fund transfer Other

(12) According to you which DP provides well facilities?


(13) According to you In which Script investment is safe & Profitable? (14) Do you aware About Life Time Debate Account scheme of SKSE ?
Yes No

(15) Currently which scheme is activated in your Debate account

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