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2012 (Sunday) TIME : 3.00 pm VENUE : Fo Guang Shan, Klang PRESENT: (14 members) Alex Tan Jian Huat Ho Yin Ching Ng Sai Kai Teoh Chew Choo 1.0 PUJA The meeting was preceded by a short puja led by Ho Yin Ching. 2.0 PRESIDENTS SPEECH Ho Yin Ching welcomed everyone to the 11th AGM meeting and enquired on the wellbeing of all. 3.0 PRESENTATION AND ADOPTION OF THE PREVIOUS AGMS MINUTES The 10th Annual General Meeting minutes was presented and was adopted by the members. Leong Seh Yuh proposed the minutes passed and Ong Beng Chung seconded. 4.0 MATTERS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS MINUTES 4.1 Trust Fund matter Ng Sai Kai raised the issue of trust fund matters whereby the initial objectives are to increase the research towards on Buddhist/Dharma aspects in order to benefit the community at large. UKMBA was the pioneer in this aspect as not many Buddhist institutions or Associations give priority in this aspect. Application forms could be given out 1 year in advance for students preparation. Ong Beng Chung enquired whether the trust fund could be expanded to other universities. This matter was deliberated in the event UKM students are not utilizing this trust Fund, then it could be opened to students from UM and UPM. Leow Hoay Hoay asked who will set the thesis subjects as students most probably will just focus on academic subjects. Ong Beng Chung also suggested UKMBA could further publicize Trust Fund on the social media and Ng Sai Kai suggested collaboration with UM and UPM Buddhist Associations. Chah Meow Yong Leong Seh Yuh Ong Beng Chung Wong Tin Song Cheong Poh Choy Leow Hoay Hoay Sai Peir Guan Chew Yee Yean Lim Choh Hock Tay Lih Jinq

5.0 SECRETARYS REPORT Ho Yin Ching proceeded to table the Secretarys Diary and Secretary Report for the Year 2011/2012. For further details, refer to the Secretary Report. She reiterated the intention of UKMBA to attract more young professionals to join UKMBA activities. Two issues were raised pertaining to the above report, referring to the non-attendance of some Exco members: a. Gun Lai Hiang (Exco member) had not been very active for the past year, but she had agreed to continue as an Exco for another year. b. The Secretary, Leong Mei Theng, had expressed her wish to resign from her post. Leong Seh Yuh enquired whether the Exco could proceed to re-appoint another Secretary. Ho Yin Ching mentioned that it was in line with the UKMBA constitution and Ng Sai Kai concurred. 5.1 TRUST FUND UNIT The TFU sponsored a net RM 727.50 for Career Workshop 2011. 5.2 INFORMATION AND PUBLICATION UNIT Ho Yin Ching reported that Facebook is currently very widely used by UKMBA to communicate their events to members. Members of the floor also suggested UKMBA ride on the Facebook group UKM Buddhist created UKMBA member Chong Tong Haw to post news and photos. 5.3 BA-BF LINK It was mentioned that Panggung Bodhis attendance was less than the previous years and Common class attendance only recorded a maximum of 10 students only. UKMBA also supported BFs Kajang Buddhist House by contributing to its monthly utilities and BF members Convocation by giving them graduation gifts. A dana initiated by UKMBA was held at Kajang Buddhist House on 22nd April 2012. 5.4 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Ho Yin Ching reported on the State level Wesak Day Celebration. Ng Sai Kai had earlier extended the invitation to UKMBA members to volunteer in the event. They can also claim their expenses from the organizers. UKMBF members had been asked by Ho Yin Ching to provide volunteers for this event, but they had been too occupied with organizing Panggung Bodhi and thus did not do so. 5.5 PROFESSIONAL FELLOWSHIP UNIT Career Workshop was reported by Tay Lih Jinq, who had organized the workshop on 9-11th March 2012. It was attended by 7 participants, including one graduate of another university.

5.6 RATANA CIRCLE Leow Hoay reported on her Ratana Circle, where a member get-together was held on 20th November 2011 at Zest Caf. UKMBA will establish contact with fresh graduates who attended these events to become potential members in the near future. Members from the floor also suggested a movie outing for UKMBA members. Sai Peir Guan supported by offering his house as the venue for the movie. The objective is to foster the team spirit among the members in an exciting way. Leow Hoay Hoay will communicate and notify the details to members accordingly. 6.0 TREASURERS REPORT Alex Tan circulated the treasurer report to everyone and reported for the Statement of Assets, Liabilities Fund Balance as at 31/12/11 and Income and expenditure Account for year ended 31/12/11. For further details, refer Financial Statements for 2011. Total Income : RM 1385.92 Total Expenditure : RM 5967.90 Surplus (Deficit) of Income Over Expenditure : (RM 4581.98) Ng Sai Kai proposed to close the statement report and Sai Peir Guan seconded. 7.0 SHARING OF MERITS The sharing of merits was led by Cheong Poh Choy. The meeting adjourned at 4.30 pm.

Prepared by:

Confirmed by:

Cheong Poh Choy Vice President 2011-2013

Ho Yin Ching President 2011-2013

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