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(Appeal: Please read this atleast once)

1. One should Practice to think about Allah regularly to make his mind
spiritually receptive and put every thing on Allah’s will and must talk
to Allah in his own language with belief that Allah knows all
languages. To perform religious obligations one must have Faith,
complete knowledge of religion and its regular practice.

2. One should pray with full concentration by closing his eyes to shut out
the world. As more he does this, he will feel Allah’s presence in his
heart and that will give him inner happiness. He must not always ask
in prayers for wishes but to express gratitude for blessings.

3. One should always pray with firm belief, that his sincere prayers are
reach out. He must never use negative thoughts in prayer as only
positive thoughts get results. Must express willingness to accept
Allah’s will and ask whatever he wants but be ready to accept what
Allah gives, it will be better than what he asked for. Due to regular
practice of prayers the Devil will always remained far away.

4. One should pray for everyone including the people whom he does not
like or who have mistreated him. He must be sure that as more he
prays for others, the more positive prayer results will come back to
him, Insha Allah. This attitude reflects a real Islamic brotherhood.

5. One should be generous to avail every opportunity of benefiting

others whenever he can. Even if it is for too little a deed, just to listen
the problem of anyone in difficulty, because his virtue might be little
for this world but in sight of Allah it is only the thing that is going to
matter and he will see how Allah listens his own difficulty.

6. One should be anxious to acquire good knowledge, which is very

important and has always possessed power as wealth and that is never
been separated. He also must spread that good knowledge to others so
as they also may get benefits of it and its echoes are truly endless.

7. One should always keep in mind that everyone of the society needs to
be respected and valued without any discrimination as each one has
much potential to give something back as reciprocal. However honour
must be paid to each highly characteristic dignified persons of society.
8. One should always be optimist and set his goal, then struggle hard,
some thing terrific will come in his way and no matter how dark is the
present. He must keep in mind that pain and pleasure, are considered
as light and darkness, each succeeding the other, so not to be
depressed and always be hopeful for better in the life ahead.

9. It is a social as well as religious tradition that a girl leaves her home,

parents and other family members when she marries with a boy and
adopts the in low’s family members as her real family members. Since
then it must be the responsibility of in low’s family, to treat newly
married girl as their real daughter and love her to maintain a cordial
matrimonial relation to expose a real Islamic thought.

10. One should keep full confidence among the family members, share all
domestic work, enjoy the entertainment and also discuss all family
matters with open heart and broad mind for maintaining pleasant
environment in the home. Always must try to sort out amicable
solution of differences through negotiation and full cooperation to
each other but the Head of family should be respected.

11. One should go ahead confidently in right direction of goal and

endeavor to live the life accordingly, and then he must be sure to meet
with a success. Also must remember that nothing worthwhile comes
easily. Must not try to become a man of success but rather try to
become a man of value and dignity because the first test of a truly
great man is humility.

12. One should do not look back any long towards his mistakes. Mistakes
are lesson of wisdom. The past can not be changed but the future is
yet in his hand. So he must make a new strategy to reach the
destination and make his life happier rather to feel sorrow.

13. All educational institutes should manage to teach not only worldly
education to the students but must realize their real responsibility to
educate them with good social, ethical, humility, moral manners and
good habits such as speaking truth, help to others and fulfillment of
commitments, so as they may become good citizens of the society.
14. The parents must realize their responsibility to teach their children
the right way of living with other humans of the society, expressing
real sense of Islamic teachings as guided by the Allah. They also must
keep vigilance upon the children to save them from the path of
misdeeds and involving in other immoral & unethical activities.

15. It will count the real knowledge, which any one gets after leaving
school/college; by reading good books of great scholars, otherwise his
knowledge is only that which everyone else knows. Science gives us
knowledge, but only philosophy can give us wisdom, Knowledge
without wisdom is considered more or less as a load of books on the
back of a donkey.

16. One should be courageous to take risks and do hard to achieve the
goal in the life and never look backward, but he must not forget to
spare sufficient time for his family members and loved ones, who
always remained hopeful and also they deserve this right.

17. One should administer his surplus wealth for social and welfare
progress of the less fortunate members of the community during his
life and must keep belief that it is the best investment for dividend in
the shape of eternal peace of his soul. Investments for the material life
are essential but must not forget to invest something through good
deeds by helping poor, sick, weak and needy for his eternal life too, to
get the reward in the next world.

18. One should always enjoy his life with pleasure and express his
gratitude for whatever Allah has gifted him and never feels sorrow on
looking the lifestyle of highly fortunate people but must pray for the
patience and courage to survive in the time of troubles.

19. One should remember that the true wealth of a person is the good
deeds, which he performs during his life time in this world. Allah will
bless him for this in his life and also award the excellent reward in the
shape that his soul would rest in eternal peace in the next world.

20. One should always be hopeful for the best in the life but also must
remain well prepared for the worst, because there are ups and downs
in the life of every one. One must have enough sense to enjoy his ups
and enough heart to get through his downs.
21. One should know that a bad settlement reached through negotiation is
better than of successful lawsuit, which is proceeding very long and
one has to bear heavy legal expenses in the court of law.

22. All the social workers, linked with any organization must render their
devoted, selfless and effective service to the community and expect its
reward from the Almighty Allah. Also must keep in mind to serve the
members of community with full responsibility and without partiality
or favoritism in such a way that all things must be performed decently
and in well order to meet the requirement as set by organization.

23. One should always maintain a balance between religious obligations

and materialism as well as to live simple life without consideration,
whatever his earnings may be, to set an example for others. It means
he must not be too miser or too spendthrift. Also must not buy what
he likes, but what he needs and seems it as necessity of life.

24. Any helping institution should help poor, needy and weak people in
such a way that recipient may not feel any sort of disgrace or shy.
Help must always be given as support and not as charity. Remember,
that under unavoidable circumstances any needy person compelled to
get help despite of owning a house or flat, hence he should not be
insulted any way. Because Food, Cloth and shelter are the basic needs
of human beings, hence, only total family income should be considered
with generosity and humility at the time of granting help.

25. One should always support the truth and oppose the unjust. Also must
keep in mind that no society is considered well civilized without
justice and equality. Every one is living for self in this world but to
live for helping others, is a real and magnificent life. This attitude will
give a real happiness and he will feel presence of Allah in his heart.

26. One should avoid finding evils in others and good in himself only, but
always must try to see good in others and evils in his own personality,
then he will face the truth. Everyone must consider all matters in
positive nature and than act accordingly.

27. One should not to be so crazy in wealth accumulation because a bulk

quantity of wealth will be there but his life will end. There is always
possibility that the said wealth may not prove beneficial even to his
real heirs because, no one knows on the earth, that what would
happen tomorrow, only Allah knows it.
28. Any one has sufficient wealth and also has an intention to help other
needy poor, he must not wait for any one ask for help, because there
are many persons are suffering from worldly troubles but for the sake
of self respect they never ask for help. So come forward to trace out
them and help the genuine needy to get best blessings from Allah.

29. The management of any social, welfare, commercial or political

organization must select, the honest, sincere, selfless, hard working,
enthusiast, devoted and capable persons as their subordinates on
merit and depute the right person at the right place to maintain a
good image of the organization and for achieving the targets of
progress and prosperity of the community.

30. The management of any social, welfare, commercial or political

organization, if arranging any informative seminar or workshop for
betterment of community, it must be arrange in such a way that its
benefit could reach the maximum members of community at a lower
cost, that will definitely bring best result and all would appreciate the
policy. The organization will also receive full support of community.

31. Being an executive of any social, welfare or political organization, he

must be fully aware of his responsibility and should perform his duty
with best prior planning of identifying the genuine problems being
faced and finding its proper solution for progress & prosperity of the
whole community. And all his decision must be justified and in right
direction without any sort of discrimination, partiality or favour. If
any one must not possesses such capacity, he should refuse the post.

32. One should not be cruel because Allah does not like the cruelty so
never hurt anybody in any manner. Almighty Allah protects rights of
the oppressed and victimized people. It is also fact that one has to reap
whatever is sown by him, so one must make a habit to be kind to all. It
is very shameful, when pleasures of rich are bought with tears of poor.

33. One should always struggle to climb at the highest but never throw
away anybody else down. Also must avoid highly financial success,
which improve those people who are good in nature and kindness and
debases those people who are not good and kind.
34. One should know that Character is what that Allah and the Angels
know, whereas reputation is what that people think according to one’s
practical deeds. If anyone cares for his character the reputation will
take care of itself. He must keep in mind that his reputation is a real
reflection of his character and behavior.

35. One should know that Natural ability without education has more
often raised a man to glory and virtue than education without natural
ability. Natural ability is a gift of almighty Allah, like natural plant
that need pruning by study. This valuable quality should be
considered in practical life every where for genuine progress.

36. One should know that Thoughts make the whole dignity of man, so
one must endeavor to think well before acting, that is the only
morality. One must always remember that tension blocks the flow of
thinking power, because brain can not operate efficiently under stress
and worry. Our thoughts are our best friends and also our worst
enemies according to goodness or badness.

37. A person must keep his heart free from hate, mind from worry, live
simply, expect little, give much, behave well with others, fill life with
love to all, forget self and think of others, go to prayers every day, go
early to bed and get up and have serene mind and faith in Allah, to
become happier and live long with peace of mind.

38. One should not expose his fortunity to others but must live the life
with simplicity to set an example for others. Also he must keep in
mind that nothing is stable in human affairs, so to avoid undue elation
in prosperity and undue depression in adversity. Must remember that
the hand of giver always remains above.

39. Each professional, Doctor, Engineer, Bank Executive, College

Principal, School Head Master, Finance Manager, Chartered
Accountant, etc., is the human beings and it must be their social,
ethical, moral and religious obligation on humanitarian ground to
spare a little time to guide the others voluntarily with their
professional knowledge for their betterment and progress.

40. In present time many people are being attacked by different diseases
like high blood pressure, diabetes, renal atrophy, heart trouble,
anxiety, gastric ulcers, nerves ness, because of they do not spare some
time for social and cultural interests, which are always seemed
necessary under code of ethical conduct to live happy and healthy life.
41. A Chief Executive of any social, welfare or commercial organization
should first follow the rules by him and put an example before guiding
others, as it is the real sense of Islamic teachings and the said attitude
will be helpful to maintain discipline within organization.

42. One should always keep in mind that Peers, Paighambers, Walis,
Aulias, Sufis, Saints, Alexander and many others have born and died
earlier in this world, which practically indicates that one day each one
has to die, so before leaving this world one must do any memorable
good deed to keep him alive in the hearts of remainders of this world.

43. One should say less and practically act more in right direction with
courage. At the time of National general election, one must vote for
the right and sincere candidate only in light of his conscience, rather
to keep a soft corner for any particular political party’s candidate.
Because any wrong decision adversely affects the entire nation.

44. All the Industrialists, Businessmen, Entrepreneurs must allocate a

reasonable amount from their profit for donation to genuine and
deserving NGOs, those are famous to run educational or health care
institutions for poor and weak citizens on free or nominal charges
basis in the rural or backward areas of the country.

45. All the manufacturers must realize the position of inflation and pay
reasonable wages to the workers to pull on their family satisfactorily.
They must make a policy to earn a minimum profit on their products
so as the poor and middle class people may also afford it.

46. All the employees/workers of any organization must perform their

regular duty with sincerity, loyalty, honesty and enthusiasm to
compensate their salary/wages being paid by their employers.

47. All the banks must pay a reasonable profit on all the saving accounts
without any condition of minimum balance as they being charged the
mark up on all type of advances and not a single rupee is being lent
without mark up. Banks must share some percentage of their Mark
up earnings with small depositors (Common men). Only in this way
they could justify their business policy, otherwise their, such income
might be considered as forbidden, because small deposit is the Pillar.
48. If one has sufficient capital whereas another has knowledge and talent
of business, they must work jointly with deep understanding so as
they both may be fortunate to earn for their families. And in this way
they both shall be bestowed with blessings of Almighty Allah.

49. In modern time the wrong doers, culprits, cruel, dacoits, corrupts etc.,
are not being punished under any law due to their influence with high
ranked officials and power of wealth. But they should not forget that
they might be punished at a decided time, under the law of nature,
that has been framed by the creator of this Universe and the said law
is not amendable by the people living on this earth.

50. The present generation must realize his duty to challenge corruption
collectively with great enthusiasm for success in stopping it from
damaging the society any further. They should not forget that no
society could progress socially without education that may make the
human being as intellectual. The intellectuality is always seems must
while taking decision, that what is right and what is wrong so



A retired banker ( HBL )

Remember if you lose your Wealth, you lose nothing, if you lose your Health
you lose something BUT…. If you lose your Character you lose everything!!!

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