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1.Discuss in detail about microprocessor? (Or) Discuss in brief about the evolution of microprocessor? microprocessor definition 4-bit microprocessor. 8-bit microprocessor. Modern microprocessor. Pentium microprocessor. Future of microprocessor 2.Explain in detail about register organization of 8086? Definition of 8086 microprocessor. Definition of microprocessor. Register-Definition. Capabilities of registers. Categories of register set. o General data register. o Segment. o Pointer & indexed. o Flag register. o Neat diagram

3.Explain in detail about 8086 Architecture with neat diagram? Definition of microprocessor. Architectural Design-Explanation. BIU EU Diagram Generation of physical address-Explanation. Memory Segmentation. Register set

4.Discuss about signal description of 8086? 8086 microprocessor-Definition. Introduction. Clock rates.


CERDIP package. o Two modes Capitalization of 8086 signals. Pin Configuration-Diagram Explanation of signals.

5.Explain in detail about the basic configuration of 8086? The basic Configuration detail include 8086 microprocessor-Definition. Physical memory organization. General bus operation. I/O addressing capabilities. Timing signals 6.Draw a neat timing diagram for the general bus operation cycle in a maximum mode System? o Definition. o When will be maximum mode. o Explain timing diagram. 7, Discuss about the Special processor activity? # what is Microprocessor. # 8086 Microprocessor definition. # List out the activity. # Processor reset & initialization. # HALT, TEST & SIGNAL, with synchronization. 8,Describe the Minimum mode 8086 system & timing in detail? 8086 Microprocessor definition. When it is tackled out. Usage of MIN/MX pin. Requirements for Minimum mode system Latches. Transreceivers. I/O Systems. Clock generator. Memory. Explanation of Each components. Min mode of 8086 Diagram and explain it. Draw the Timing Diagram or READ & WRITE cycle. 2


9.Explain in detail about 8086 maximum mode & timing diagram? 8086 definition Usage of MN\MX mode Bus controller I\o requirement for Maximum mode System.

10.Explain in detail about machine language Instruction format? Definition of instruction format. Introduction. 6 general format of Instruction One byte instruction Register to Register Register to/from Memory with no Displacement Register to/from Memory with Displacement Immediate operand to Register Immediate operand to Memory with 16-bit displacement Explanation of bit indicators W-bit D-bit S-bit V-bit Z-bit 11.Discuss about the addressing mode of 8086? Addressing mode Definition. Processor Definition. Categories of Instruction. Sequence Instruction. 8 address mode Explain. Control transfer Instruction o Inter Segment o Intra segment. 12.How the Instruction set of 8086/8088 get classified Explain? (Or) Explain the Instruction set available on8086 based on their function>


(Or) what are the Instruction available that manipulation the Inner operation of 8086? Processor definition. List out Instruction set category with definition. Abbreviation-Explanation. Explanation of each category.

13.Explain about data transfer and arithmetical and logical instructions? Data Copy/Transfer Instruction List out all instructions o MOV o PUSH o POP o XCHG o IN o OUT o XLAT o LEA o LDS/LES o LAHF o PUSHF o POPF Explanation Give examples for each instructions Arithmetic Instruction List out all instructions o ADD o ADC o INC o DEC o SUB o SBB o CMP o AAA o AAS o AAM o AAD o DAA o DAS o NEG o MUL o IMUL 4


o CBW o CWD o DIV o IDIV Explanation Give examples for each instructions Logical Instruction List out all instructions AND OR NOT XOR TEST SHL/SAL SHR SAR ROR ROL RCR RCL Explanation Give examples for each instructions 14.Discuss in brief about flag manipulation and string manipulation? Flag manipulation instruction Flag manipulation definition List out all instructions o CLC o CMC o STC o CLD o STD o CLI o STI And write their functions String manipulation instruction String manipulation definition o REP o MOVSB/MOVSW o CMPS o SCAS o LODS o STOS


List out all instructions Explanation and write examples for each instructions 15.write short notes on Branching instruction, Looping instruction and Machine control instruction? Control Transfer or Branching instruction definition Unconditional Control Transfer(Branch) Instructions List out all instructions o CALL o RET o INT NINTO o JMP o IRET o LOOP Explanation and give examples for each instructions Conditional Control Transfer(Branch) Instructions List out all instructions Explanation and give examples for each instructions 16.Briefly describe about any eight assembler directories? Assembler definition List out 8 assembler directives o DB o DT o GROUP o DW o END o ENDP o ENDS o EXTRN explanation 17.Discuss the following? DQ ASSUME EQU EVEN LENGTH OFF SET PTR SEGMENT SEG Write definition for each Assembler directives Give examples for each directives 6


18.Write an assembly language program to add 16-bit operands. Page No :94 Book name :Advanced Microprocessors and Peripherals Author name :AK Ray,K M Bhurchandi 19.Write an assembly language program to find out number of even or odd number from a given number of 16-bit Hexadecimal number. Page no :99 Book name : Advanced Microprocessors and Peripherals Author name : AK Ray,K M Bhurchandi. 20. Write an assembly language program for String Comparison. name "cmp "
org 100h cld mov ax,cs mov ds,ax mov es,ax lea si,str1 lea di,str2 mov cx,size repe cmpsb jnz not_equal mov al,'y' mov ah,0eh int 10h jmp exit not_equal: mov al,'n' mov ah,0eh int 10h exit: mov ah,0 int 16h ret x1: str1 db 'hai' str2 db 'hello'

size=($-x1)/2 21.Define interrupt? How the interrupt is serviced by 8086 microprocessor? ISR Multiple Interrupt Processor Capability Interrupt cycle of 8086 7


How it get activated Draw a structure of IVT Explain separately NMI,MI Explain the Trap Signal 22.Explain in detail about interrupt programming? Explain the program? Page No :129 Book name : Advanced Microprocessors and Peripherals Author name : AK Ray,K M Bhurchandi

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