Mindset For Success Transcript Part2

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Mindset for Success part 2

Dr Lisa Turner, B.Eng. PhD

Tuesday 29 March 2011



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Hello, hello, hello everyone. Its Lisa Turner here from Psycademy with your let me get this right. Its your April call for the Spiritual Entrepreneur Mastermind. However, its still March. And thats because, next month theres all sorts of exciting things happening, so we had to move the dates around. And I didnt want you to miss out on anything. And it has worked quite well really because this call and last call are two calls that are linked because its all about the mind and how the mind works. So, I see weve got a couple of people on the webcast. So, youre very welcome. And we already have some questions come in on the webcast Q&A box. If you want to what well do is if theres time at the end, you will have the opportunity if you wish to jump on the line for some coaching. Until then, to make sure the recording is clean, Im just going to keep it on mute so that all you guys are muted so you can eat crisps or whatever noisily as you are there. Hmmm, crisps. Now, I want crisps! Okay! So, last time we were covering the conscious mind. We got about two-thirds of the way through the unconscious mind. And that didnt really surprise me that we didnt finish covering all the points of the unconscious mind. The unconscious mind is a huge theres so much information around it its a huge topic. And so, were even in these calls so, were going into some depth into some of the materials. We are still barely scratching the surface of what it is possible to study with the unconscious mind. And in fact, our Spiritual Practitioner and Master Practitioner, I would say 50-60% of the Spiritual Practitioner and probably about the same of the Master Practitioner is covering the unconscious mind and how you use the unconscious mind to work with it, to change your life and transform your life for the better. So, we are really only scratching the surface of whats even possible to know, let alone whats possible to change and transform when you have the skills and tools and techniques to be able to do that. One of the things about the unconscious mind is that all learning, behavior and change happen at the level of the unconscious mind. And the way you change the unconscious mind is a lot of people think that the way you change the unconscious mind is to simply bombard it with affirmation or just tell it to change with your conscious mind. And thats not really how it works. This is a bit like I dont know if youve watched that [00:03:05] He starts screaming at his car for not working properly. Thats a little bit what its like. If youre trying to create change, deep change in terms of your beliefs, in terms of your confidence, in terms or your security, releasing emotions if you do that by just telling it to do that, thats exactly the same as screaming at the car that isnt working properly. If your car stops and it doesnt go again, you know that yelling at it I mean, it might make you feel better temporarily. And weve all done that. Lets admit it. It might make you feel better temporarily, but it doesnt fix the car. What you need to do to fix the car is to get it to a garage, get it to a mechanic or get the hood open and get in there with some tools and techniques and experience and skills. This is why the level of transformation that our students and graduate get on the Spiritual Practitioner is so profound because we give them and teach them the tools and techniques so that they can create profound, fundamental life changes at the unconscious mind level without it needing to be work. This is a word I hear a lot, Oh, Im working on this problem. When I hear people use that terminology, theyre working on this problem, typically what theyre doing is theyre not really


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creating any change. Typically, what theyre doing is thinking about the problem a lot. Now, sometimes that can create some level of resolution. Sometimes, it can create some level of resolution. However, what I have observed and experienced both personally and through all of my graduates is that when you work at this level of the unconscious mind with these really effective, powerful tools, the change is instantaneous. So, you dont need to work at it. Its literally like you just fix it. You just fix it. If theres a bit broken on your car, you just want to replace that bit of your car or if theres a pipe not connected somewhere, you just want to reconnect the pipe. You dont need to work at it; you just need to do it. Theres no making it seem like its a real effort. Its like, Oh, well just do it and then, its done. So, thats something I want you to be aware of. I didnt want you to think that just by knowing this, this information that you could make any change possible because this can set up frustration for people. They will say, Well, I know this stuff. Why isnt it working for me? Now, saying that, what Im going to also invite you to do is Im going to invite you to take one at least one and maybe one or two or maybe three (I wouldn't go any more than three at any particular time). Just take a few ideas, the few of these concepts that Im giving you from the unconscious mind and then, later in the call, from the Higher Self. And then, what I want you to decide just which ones of those concepts that youre going to work with that youre going to apply in your life. Therell be one that you just go, Wow! If I just started doing that, that might make a difference. And so, thats the one. When you get that level of excitement, thats the one I want you to pick. Also, if you find that theres one that Im mentioning which is you know, you might be thinking, Well, that doesnt make sense. I cant really connect to that. I cant really relate to that and you start to notice resistance coming up, notice that thats just resistance. And the reason you experience that as resistance, its probably because you dont fully understand something or you havent experienced it. So, when you feel that you just cant connect with something that Im saying, then put a little asterisk next to it. We just make a note to that. And you can either jump on one of the calls or put some posts in the forum, start sharing your experiences in the forum. Maybe theres something I can clarify or maybe theres some little bit of coaching or even some of the transformational work that we can do together that would enable you to get that kind of experience where you did connect with it. And also, I know that most of you in this forum and on these calls have got access to other bits of my material, my other programs. And in there, there are tools and techniques. And Ive been noticing something that people are doing with the material, which is going to limit the amount of benefit that you can get from it. Heres what I notice some people doing with the material. So, if youve been on the 2012 Shift or the Power of the Word or Spiritual Journey, heres what I hear and see what some people do. They listen to all the recordings and watch the DVDs and they go, Well, that was interesting or, That was interesting, but I didnt really connect with that or they may be saying, Well, that was interesting, but it hasnt really changed me. And when I ask them a little bit further with little, small a few more questions, typically what I notice is they have done none of the exercises none of the exercises. So, if you want to get the transformation, then you need to do the exercises. Theres a big difficult between information and transformation. You need the information in order for you


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to get the transformation, in order for you to apply the techniques so that you get the transformation, but you wont get the transformation just from the information. So, last time, we got to where the unconscious mind is responsible for your health and your well-being. So now, lets come on to the next point, which is that the unconscious mind controls the perceptions and the sense. It controls what you see, hear, feel and notice. Now, if you remember, one of the first things I said about the unconscious mind was that it can process at least two million bits of information at any one time, whereas the conscious mind can only process seven plus/minus two bits of information. Now, if youre like most people, you probably dont experience life having enormous gaps in it. So, if you take your vision (lets just take the visual sense), is there like a huge gap in your vision? Is there like, I cant see whats over there in the left-hand corner or, I cant see whats on the back wall or, I cant see You experience your vision as a continuum without gaps. And yet, you are not consciously processing all of that. So, the question is how does your unconscious mind make up the difference? How does it make up the difference? So, if youre getting in two million bits and this are both visually, auditorally (through your ears, what you hear) and kinesthetically (what you feel) and also, what you taste and smell if youre getting in at least two million bits of information per second and youre only processing seven plus/minus two consciously, how does your mind go about making up the difference? How does it make up the difference? This is question I want you to think about. I want you to think about how it makes up the difference. Now, the clue to the answer in that question is in the question. The clue to the answer is in the question. And heres the clue: how does it make up the difference? It makes it up! It just makes it up. And it makes it up based on past patterning. So, a huge amount of information is actually deleted, distorted and generalized. So, those are the filters that it passes through. Those are the three main filters. There are actually tons of other filters lots and lots of other filters. But there are three main filters that delete, distort and generalize the information thats coming in. Now, it needs to do this for efficiency, for effectiveness so that you can process quickly. And this is what makes us humans so very, very intelligent. However, it makes up the difference based on past patterning. And what that means is is that the programming you are running in your unconscious mind will affect your experience. The programs that are running, the patterns that are running in your unconscious mind will have a direct effect on what you experience in reality. So, what I wanted to do is just give you a little example and we can set up a program almost instantly. So, what Im going to do is Im going to set you up a really simple program. This is known as a filtering program. How we filter out that information and filter in information directly affects our experience. Whether we experience things being positive or negative is based very much on what we are filtering for. So, heres an example. What I want you to do is to look around the room. Just look around the room for a moment. And I want you to say to yourself as youre looking around the room,


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Brown, brown, brown, brown, brown, brown, brown, brown, brown. Just as youre looking around the room, just say the words brown. Brown, brown, brown, brown Now, close your eyes and Im going to ask you how many red things were there in the room? How many red things? Im guessing you probably werent filtering for red because you were saying brown, so you probably cant remember that many you probably didnt notice that many red things. So now, what I want you to do is with your eyes closed, with your eyes still closed, say to yourself just a few times, Red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red And now, open your eyes. And notice how much redder the world seems. This very simple deciding and it starts with a decision. And thats a conscious mind decision. You make a conscious decision about what you were going to focus on, what you were going to filter for. And that will have a direct effect on what you experience. Now, that I just one very simple way that you can change your experience by making a decision about what you are filtering for. The other thing to note when it comes to controlling your perception and the senses are your beliefs. Limiting beliefs or something called limiting decisions will have a direct effect on what you experience because if you have heres an example. If you hold a belief that the world is lets just say you hold the belief is a bad place or the world is a dangerous place or that you need to work hard to make money, you have to work hard to make money lets just take that one. So, if you believe that you have to work hard to make money and thats a fundamental core belief that you hold and it may even be unconscious (you may not even know about it), if you hold that belief, what will happen is your unconscious mind will filter out any experience or any opportunity that you might be presented with that might enable you to make money easily without much effort. It will literally just filter that out or it will tell you, Thats not going to work [murmuring] And so, you wont even attempt it. You wont even try it. And so, you will get that direct experience of life being hard or you having to work hard for money. So, heres my invitation to you. If you think about it, if your unconscious mind controls your perceptions and thats based on your filtering patterns and your beliefs and lots of other things like your metaprograms, your values and your attitudes which needs to be changed they can be changed. And if you do wish to change them, that needs to happen at the deep level of the unconscious mind using a process, using a tool like the tools you would learn at our Spiritual Practitioner course. If you want to know what kind of belief youre running, for example, just notice what you experience. So, if you experience lack of abundance, if you experience poverty, a lot of people say, No, no, no. I have an abundant mindset, but Im still broke. Now, you may have a conscious abundant mindset, but if you are still broke, somewhere in your unconscious mind is a rogue belief that is creating that. And it will filter out any experience where you might be able to attract abundance effortlessly or easily. It will just filter that out for you. You dont even notice. And heres an example of how your unconscious mind filters things. Have you ever been in a bit of a panic, running late perhaps and thinking, Oh, my God. I dont want to be late. I


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dont want to be late and, Oh, I hope I dont lose my car keys and there you are, running around the car keys and you cant see them. And yet just a few minutes later or maybe someone else pointed them out and saying, Right in front of you. What happened to those car keys? Do they have some sort of cloak of invisibility? Well, probably not. More likely that your unconscious mind just filtered this out. Okay! I just got question coming in. So, Karen [inaudible], shes saying that you cant get through on the number that you gave me. So, Im just going to give you that number again. This is the number that you need to dial to dial in live. And Karen for you, youre going to get much more coaching on the next call, which is at 1:30. Thats going to be a whole predominantly coaching call. But let me give you the number now. So, the number you need to dial is 0018187420029. And then, when you get through on that number, it will ask you for a pin. And the pin you need to give it is 032790#, okay? So, there may be a little bit of time at the end of this call, but the main call for your coaching Karen is going to come at 1:30, which is part of the Power of the Word call. Okay! But thanks for asking that question. And great to see you here! Yehey! Yehey! Okay! So, thats how your unconscious mind controls your perception. It literally deletes things out. And Im guessing Karen that somewhere in there, your unconscious mind deleted out a number that maybe you didnt push that right button. And its not your fault. Its your unconscious mind deleting something out there. So, just ask it and say, Unconscious mind, just let me dial the number completely correctly so that I can get through especially on the next call. Fabby fab! Okay. Okay! So, the next point is that your unconscious mind is habitual so it needs repetition in order to install new habits. And this is particularly true if you do not have access to a skill or a tool that will enable you to change things at the unconscious level. So, when you one of those processes that I was talking about, you can literally stop biting your nails in an instant. In one session, we can do a process where you remove the trigger for example, biting your nail is just an example. When you remove the trigger, its gone and you just dont do it anymore. But if youre trying to install a new habit so, for example, particularly with meditation. If you meditate every day and anything from 21-60 days, it becomes just a habit. So, when youre installing a new habit, it just literally happens. And youre doing that. And it works perfectly. The next thing, your unconscious mind generates, stores and transmits energy. Now, you probably heard that saying energy flows where the attention goes. I often hear people say to me, Oh, gosh! Im really tired today. And what youre actually doing is youre giving a command to your unconscious mind to allow you to feel tired. What if you asked your unconscious mind to fill you with energy. And you actually brought energy into your body. What if you asked your unconscious mind if you were to believe that the source of your energy is infinite, if you were to believe that, then what would happen is you could just tap into that energy any time you wanted to just by bringing it that attention.


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So, by bringing attention to anything, youll bring energy to it. And your unconscious mind controls that energy. And it controls it through the use of your direction. One of the other points Im going to come into later is it needs to be given orders and instructions. So, you need to give it very clear instructions. If youre trying to heal yourself up, you need to give it instructions to create health in the body, to get well. The next thing is it takes everything personally. Now, one of the things I hear a lot of people say (and Ill just use this as an example), they say something like, Oh, I wish I was more abundant. I want to be richer. I want to have more money. And then, later on in the conversation, theyll say something really negative, really quite nasty about or maybe just a bit judgmental about somebody whos wealthy. Theyll say something like, Hmmm, thats alright for them, isnt it? Thats kind of a mild one, but somebody might go, Rich cow! I bet shes got a sugar daddy or shes a prostitute. Now, if your unconscious mind isnt okay with you being a prostitute or having a sugar daddy, it takes that personally. And if its not okay with anyone saying that about you, it would be lovely and kind to you and protect you from that by making sure that you never get rich! How clever is that? How clever is that? So, be careful what you think about with other people. Just be really careful about what you say to other people or about other people because it will take it personally. It will take it as a personal basically, it will interpret everything you say about someone else as if it is about you. So, it will take everything personally. The other thing that the unconscious mind does is that this is said in a way that absolutely gives you this. So, it does not process negatives! And what have I just done? Ive given you a negative. So, what I could say is it only processes positive. It will only process the positive. And by negative, what I mean is the words not. So, I dont mean that it doesnt process negative situations. What I mean is it will not process the word not. And thats why we say it like that. So, for example, if I say youve probably have heard of this example, but I want to take this a little bit further in a meeting. So, you probably heard of this example, the ole, Dont think of a blue tree. Dont think of a blue tree. Do not think of a blue tree. Dont think of that blue tree. Do not think of that blue tree, okay? Were you think of a blue tree? Why were you thinking of a blue tree when I told you not to? And was there a nest in that tree? There was? Were there any eggs in that nest? Wow! In that blue tree I told you not to think about, how interesting. Now, although most people get this, they still give instructions to other people using negatives so their unconscious mind wont be able to process this or they actually set themselves goals or sort of ask for what they want in terms of what they dont want. And notice Eva has asked the question about confidence and feeling confident about everything I do and whats happening. Now, one of the things Im just going to use this as a bit of an example. One of the things that might be happening is when you say things about confident about everything I do and everything thats happening, theres something in there where you might be processing for


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negatives. So, youre thinking about what you dont want. So, one of the ways we sabotage our confidence is saying, Oh, I dont want to mess this up I dont want to fluff my lines I dont want to look like an idiot and so, your unconscious mind will go, Fluff your lines, look like an idiot, mess it up! Great! Got it! Right! Check check check. I could do that. I could that pretty nicely. Thank you very much, rather than saying so, if you start thinking about and creating whats known as an internal representation in your mind of exactly what you do want how do you want to look? How do you want to feel? How do you want it to sound? How do you want other people to respond to you? How do you want things to go? How do you want things to turn out? A lot of people are talking about all the bad things that are happening. You could filter for that or you could instead ask to attract and notice all the good things. So, rather than saying, Oh, I dont want the banks to collapse again or, I dont want the economy to get any worse, its almost like your unconscious mind is going, Well, I can filter for that. So, lets filter out all the stories, all the newspaper articles and all the media pieces that tell you just how bad the economy is. Great! Check, job done! So, another thing I see in the accountability forms coming in, people say, I dont want to lose my job or something that somebody came up, I really dont want to lose my job! What are you telling your unconscious mind? Lose your job. Now, Im not saying it will directly go and do that straightaway because theres a plethora of influences on the unconscious mind. But what you focus on determines your results and how you give your unconscious mind instructions will determine your results. So, just instead of thinking about what you dont want, start thinking about what you want instead. Now, heres a way of catching yourself every time you notice this, just pick yourself up on it and just go, Oh! [00:26:45] Oh, how interesting. So, what do I want instead? Well, what Id really like is yeah! Id like that. And Id like it to be like that. And try this with little things. So, for example, say youre doing the I dont want to be late, instead do, I want to be there absolutely on time or, I want to be there five minutes early and just focus on being there five minutes earlier and notice how easier it is to do that. Now, Im not saying every time you say, I dont want to be late, youll be late, but it certainly increases your chances of being late or getting things wrong or whatever it is. Okay. The next thing is that it needs to be given orders. So, it needs to be given very clear instructions. So, when it comes to healing, a lot of people say things like, Oh, I dont want to get sick. Oh! I dont want to get a cold. Dont give me your cold so, theyre saying it as a negative. Dont give me your cold, your unconscious mind is going, Oh, okay. I can take that cold. Thats great! Yes, cold. Ill do a cold for you. So instead, I really want to stay healthy and give your unconscious mind instructions, Keep me healthy. Keep me healthy. If you do manage to get sick (and as weve covered last time, theres always a positive reason for getting ill), ask your unconscious mind for what purpose did you create this thing that looks like a cold and what do you need to do to heal it up. What do I need to do, what do we need to do to heal it up? And then, you just literally give it instructions. Now, it is more easily done in a light to deep trance. And one of the things that we do in the spiritual practitioner training is we actually go to the Higher Self where the blueprint of perfect health is stored. We bring down that blueprint for perfect health and install that so that the unconscious mind runs that from that blueprint. And this is how you can eradicate


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I mean, even things like needing glasses, all sorts of illnesses like irritable bowels syndrome. Its actually pretty much anything. You can just install that and you give the unconscious mind the instructions. One of the last parts of that exercise, that process when we do that is we say, Can you go to the deepest part of the unconscious mind, sometimes called the Higher Self and install the blueprint, bring down and install the blueprint for perfect health. Then you ask the unconscious mind, Now, run the body from that. And thats the key part because theres no point in having the blueprint. You go, Yeah, Ive got the blueprint. Im just not using it. So, it needs to be given orders. The other thing that your unconscious mind will do is that it works on the principle of least effort. So, this is why you need to be very precise with your orders. So, if you say to your unconscious mind, Oh, I wish I have more money. Now, Ill go, Okay! More money. Right! Great! I can filter for that. No problem. Heres what we do, Ill look around oh, look! Theres 50p on the floor. Great! So, it will draw your perception to that 50p. And then, what it might do is it might then say, Great! Youve got more money. Job done! Check! Thats more. So, it will work on the principle of least effort, which is great because it will always conserve energy. However, if theres a particular way that you want it to do something thats necessary for some particular reason, then you need to put that in the instruction and you need to be very specific in the instruction because Im guessing most people if theyre wishing more money, it was probably more than 50p. It might have been, Ooh! Five pounds! Always been my ambition to have more money than cents. And I have five pounds now, so Im really there. So, right! Okay! So now, lets move on to the Higher Self the Higher Self. So, this is the next part of the unconscious mind. And heres the thing I want you to notice. First of all, noticing your little workbooks, youve got a little diagram somewhere or other. Youve got a diagram of your three minds. And you should have two diagrams. You should have one thats like concentric three rings. So, youve got the Higher Self and below that, the conscious mind in the middle of the page and then, underneath that, the unconscious mind. So, heres what I want you to do. I want you to take a pen (or pencil, any color) and draw a line from the conscious mind (thats the little circle) to the unconscious mind. So, do a little line with an arrow either side because there is direct communication between the conscious and unconscious mind. Then what I want you to do is I want you to take another line and draw another line from the unconscious mind all the way up to the Higher Self going around beyond the conscious mind. Loop it right around the conscious mind. So, what youll notice is there is no direct communication between the conscious mind and the Higher Self. You must go through the unconscious mind. Now, this is why most people who try to teach people how to be psychics at most psychic schools dont work and why most people who try to contact their guide or contact their Higher Self, why it doesnt work for them. And the reason is theyre trying to make direct contact between the conscious mind to the Higher Self or to their guides. You need to have exquisite communication between the conscious mind, unconscious mind and Higher Self. And in fact, the communication needs to go right through the unconscious mind.


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So, those of you and I noticed somebody has asked about, What can I do to know that Im being guided by my angels and guides and to see the signals they send me? Okay! So, this is from Eva. Brilliant question! Absolutely perfect for this call. And heres probably why Im not saying for definite, sure. But this is the most common reason. So, either youre trying to do direct conscious contact with your Higher Self and guides not going through the unconscious mind. Thats the first thing you might be doing wrong. And the second thing is that if you are going through the unconscious mind thats the right way to do it, but if you are doing that and there are any limiting beliefs, that will block that communication. So, I noticed you said, How can I see the signals they send me? Well, the signals are being sent all the time. But for some reason, your unconscious mind is filtering them out. Now, they might be filtering them out because it feels scary. It feels dangerous. Maybe theres something about not self-esteem, not being worthy. Maybe there are some fear that you might abuse the power, which can happen. People arent confident in their own ability to use power in a way that they believe it should be used, which again is potentially a limiting belief because theres no real should. Theres just what works. So, my guess is Eva is that somewhere, theres possibly some limiting belief or negative emotions. So, maybe theres some fear around that. So, my advice would be because I know you have access to the Higher Self therapy, my advice is for you to go all the way through that Higher Self therapy process specifically focusing on the emotions around communicating with your guides. And then, any limiting beliefs around communicating with your guides. So, go through those exercises in the workbook where you can find those limiting beliefs. Ask yourself questions like, What stops you? What did you make that mean about you? Whats stops you communicating with your guide and what did you make that mean about you? Okay! So, your Higher Self. Your Higher Self is actually simpler. Its a lot less complex than the unconscious mind. Your Higher Self is a part of you that is pure spirit. And its part of God in and within and connected to the individual. It is your connection to God and the higher realms of spirituality. And how to demonstrate this is if you look at the diagram Im pretty sure you have that diagram in your workbooks, which is the three concentric circles. So, youve got the picture of the man there in silhouette in the middle. And then, youve got the conscious mind, which is what color is it? Is a color. Then you have the unconscious mind and then, you have the Higher Self. So, theres different colors. Youll notice that it is drawn as if its a hard line, a fixed line. And thats actually not truly the case because what you are conscious of at any given moment is what youre conscious mind. Its not that what your conscious of is fixed in time. Its fluid. So, information flows in and out of your conscious mind and unconscious mind all the time just as information and communication flow between your unconscious mind and Higher Self all the time. So, those fixed lines, if you were to just make them fuzzy and blur them across, that would actually be more accurate. That would be more accurate about how that communication happens. Now, when we say its the connection to God and the higher realms of spirituality, what we want you to do is I want you to take that diagram of those concentric circles and I want you


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to draw another circle around all of that and label that higher realms of spirituality, spirit guides and then, take another circle (draw another circle around that) and label that angels and even higher levels. So, it is a continuum. Its not a fixed thing. its a continuum. So, you communicate with your spirit guides through your unconscious mind and through your own Higher Self. And thats how you communicate with even to the higher level of even with angels. Now, what determines your ability to communicate and connect with at those even higher levels are several things. One thing is its your ability to communicate through all of your minds, the amount of how clear your neurology is, how flexible your neurology is. And what makes your neurology inflexible are things like limiting decisions and negative emotions and your willingness to suspend judgment because one of the things that makes your neurology inflexible is when you have very fixed ideas about what you can and cant do, what is and is not right. So, if you find yourself saying things like, Oh, I cant do that or, Thats not possible or, Thats not right or judging, what will create inflexibility in your neurology. And sometimes, having a flexible neurology, the more flexible your neurology, the more able you are to communicate with the higher levels and higher realms of spirituality. And sometimes this is referred to as raising your vibration. A lot of people talk about this and no ones ever really come up with a definite well, what does that mean raising your vibration? And when they do this, they say, Well, its just being more in tuned with spirit and being happier and lighter? Well, what does that actually mean? Well, in terms of this, what it means is having a more flexible neurology, having a more flexible mind. And your mind also increase your whole nervous system throughout the whole of your body. And one of our other programs called MET Mystery of Energy Transmutation, what we do is we actually open energy channels in the neurology to run information and energy through those channels. And that increases the flexibility of the neurology. And basically, it raises your vibration. So, this is a way of raising your vibration. But what it actually means is having a much more flexible neurology. Okay! So, thats how you can communicate with your guides and with the higher realm. The next point is lets check the time here. Weve got some questions coming here. So, Jean said, On the time point, I will state a time I want to leave home and a time I want to arrive at the destination and it works. Absolutely! Thats a brilliant example, Jean (shes one of my fabulous graduates). Thats a brilliant example of exactly how you can give your unconscious mind clear instructions about when you want to leave, when you want to get there. Nothing else is important really. When do you want to leave? When do you want to get there? Or maybe add in safely. Okay! So, next thing about your Higher Self is that its a guardian over the individual and its completely trustworthy. So, when you know youre getting information from your Higher Self, you know its trustworthy. But heres the challenge. It will come through your unconscious mind where it can get bits of that information can get filtered out. So again, this is where you need to have a very clear and flexible neurology. Your Higher Self can also identify the cause of events of or the source of events. And that includes the cause of problems. So, sometimes when you get a recurring pattern in your life, it can be really useful if you know how to communicate with your Higher Self. And heres the


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way you ask the question. A lot of people ask the question, Why did this happen? And thats not actually the right question. The right question is, What caused this to happen? Another question people ask which is a really useless question is, Why does this always happen to me? If you ask that question, you will go only to your unconscious mind and youll get an answer like it will flag up some sort of filter. Your unconscious mind will filter out, Well, because youre useless at that, because youre rubbish and all the usual stuff that we might use to beat ourselves up. But Higher Self can identify the causes. Now, this is also true and this is what I do when I do my deep channeling and I channel my very high level spirit guides, No One Guide and people ask me, What cause this to happen? Whats the cause of this? my guides cant given an answer. Sometimes, the answers seems a bit way out because the cause is so far back in time or so far removed from the effect that it can seem rather interesting. Okay! Next one, your Higher Self has the power to remove complexes, fixations and identifications. So, an identification is where you have the experience of, I am and its something other than being a perfect pure being of light and pure magnificence. So, when you have any fixation or identification, it will manifest as some kind of problem and your Higher Self can remove that. And thats exactly what were doing when we do Higher Self. And if you listen to the words, Ill say something like, Ill get my Higher Self to go to your Higher Self to remove the problem. So, my Higher Self and the reason this works is because Im really good at connecting with my Higher Self and I also use my spirit guides. So, I get my Higher Self to go to your Higher Self and remove the problem. And thats triggered by your willingness to do that when you get the undeniable yes from your unconscious mind and by my Higher Self going to your Higher Self. And just a little point on that what did they say? Dont try this at home, kids. Please dont attempt the Higher Self therapy on someone else unless you had the initiation which enables you to connect with that high level spirit guides. Otherwise, what will happen is your Higher Self may go to them, remove their Higher Self, remove the problem. But then, theyll just install it in you. So, youll end up running all their problems. I cant imagine why you would want to do that. So, dont try this at home unless you had the initiation, kids. Okay! The Higher Self has the power to produce attainment, such as psychic abilities. And again, this is one of the things that we do on our Spiritual Practitioner training. We work at the level of the Higher Self. And Im working at the level of my Higher Self to connect with my students Higher Self to assist them, to give them the skills and abilities that they want. So, we have various meditations and processes and energy exercises where that happens. So, thats what were really doing there. The students are getting their Higher Self to give them those attainments. Your Higher Self has the power to know, predict and affect to future. And when I say predict the future, what I mean by this is to predict the outcome perhaps the future isnt quite the right word to use. But it has the ability to predict the outcome that will be created as a result of the particular actions and thoughts that youre creating in the present now. What I dont mean by this is that I want you to know is the future is not fixed. Its always flexible. Its always changing. And in fact, the future comes to us almost like a probability


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wave. So, there are things that are more probable and less probable. And this is a bit of a quantum physics thing, so I wont get into this. But I want you to understand that you have complete control over your future and over your free will and your ability to create the future as you choose. So, just checking if theres any other Q&As coming in at this time? Okay! Youre Higher Self never makes mistakes. Thats a really important thing to note. And when people have done things like where theyve communicated with their Higher Self and they havent got the result they wanted, typically that can be for several reasons. The first is the communication got somehow rather mixed up as it went through the unconscious mind. Say, for example, youre asking your unconscious mind and your Higher Self to create a particular outcome, if that particular outcome is not in alignment with your highest good, its unlikely to create that. Its quite difficult for you to do things that are not in alignment with your highest good. And by your highest good, that means for the purposes of assisting you to evolve. Your Higher Self, it cant interfere with the conscious mind free will. So, you must ask your Higher Self this is really key. Ask your Higher Self. Ask your Higher Self for ten things every day and just experiment with that. If you were to ask your Higher Self for ten things every day, what would that be like? Just start doing that. Ask your unconscious mind to go to your Higher Self and ask it for something. Ask it to create a great experience, ask it for some inspiration, ask it for some advice, answer to a particular question. So, ask your Higher Self. Now, one thing that your Higher Self cannot do is it cant interfere with your free will. So, if you ask a question the common thing that I get ask is, Can you ask your guides what should I do? And my guides will go, Well, thats just kind of the experience I get is kind of going, What is he talking about? What are they talking about what should you do? There is no should. So, dont ask those questions. Instead ask questions like to get the answer to something, to get information. I use it a lot with my clients. So, when Ive got a client and Im just a bit stuck as to what to do with that particular client, I say, Okay. Whats the best thing I could do to support my client right now? and I get the most amazing like the information I get, the inspiration I get, its like I would never have thought of that. Its like, Whoa! I would never have thought of that. The conscious mind has free will to deny the existence of the Higher Self. And you probably notice people who do this. So, you can absolutely deny the existence of the Higher Self. And heres the thing. Because your Higher Self is all-forgiving, if you think you mightve done that in the past, you do not need to ask your Higher Self to forgive you. Its not like if you havent phone your mom for a while, you might have to say sorry to her. Its not like that. Your Higher Self, it will also forgive you. Another thing about your Higher Self, it has no judgment about any of the actions you take. Youre always safe with your Higher Self. Youre always safe to be exactly where you are and be supported to get from where you are to where you want to go.


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So, for example, when you I mean, maybe you do something that you later regret, that you later feel guilty about. First of all, you can release that guilt with your Higher Self by asking your Higher Self. And you dont need to ask your Higher Self to forgive. It just is all-forgiving. Also, intuition and inspiration come through the Higher Self. So, whenever we get those flashes of inspiration, those deep knowing where you just know and you dont know how you know, those deep knowing come from and via the Higher Self. Most scientific discoveries are inspired via and through the Higher Self. And in fact, lots of them come through dreams. And indeed, dreams are really important because dreams are one of the primary ways for many people that your Higher Self communicates with you. I think I forgot to say this. Your unconscious mind works with symbols. And this is why dreams are so important because dreams are your Higher Self communicating with you and it will give you the message symbolically in a dream. Now, the mistake a lot of people do when theyre interpreting dreams is to go look it up in a dream book. Oh, I dreamt about snakes, therefore you know, looking it up. Now, all that means is whatever it means. Now, this is wrong way to do it. And heres why. That dream book will have the symbols that are the symbols from someone elses unconscious mind. What you want are your symbols from your unconscious mind. And again, thats one of the things we teach on the Professional Skills for Psychics. We teach that very, very profound method of dream interpretation. And if you ever wanted to set up in this transformational business doing something that is a really fantastic niche, interpreting peoples dreams is a huge market because there are so many people out there and you probably have had this experience where you have either really vivid dreams or you have these recurring dreams and you just know that there is a message in there if you could only damn well get it out. Well, we have a process that you learn on Professional Skills for Psychics that will show exactly what you need to do to interpret any dream from anyone that will be that specific message from their Higher Self to their conscious mind, which is really, really powerful. And last couple of points. The Higher Self is perfectly balanced masculine and feminine energy. Here at Psycademy, we work a lot with balancing the polarities of masculine and feminine. And the Higher Self has the perfect balance of that. And one of the processes we do on the Spiritual Practitioner Training is we actually bring the Higher Self down into the body. Now, that has the effect of bringing in balance. So, for some people when they have the Higher Self descend into the body, some people have the experience of getting really creative, really inspired, which is feminine energy. Other people have the experience of getting really laser-focused and really clear about things. And thats masculine energy and suddenly getting really structured and really in control of things. And thats masculine energy. So when you work at the level of the Higher Self, you will intrinsically become more balanced in terms of your masculine and feminine energy. And on the Mystery of Energy Transmutation again, theres an initiation that we take you through. That process, that initiation and doing that meditation that youre allowed to do once youve gone through that process is known as the Cobra Breath. Cobra Breath level one balances this masculine and feminine energy. So, any time youre feeling out of balance, all you need to do is just do a


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couple of these breaths, which takes about 20-30 seconds and you will be completely balanced. Pretty cool, huh? Okay! The last point about the Higher Self is that connection and Im sorry. While Im just giving this one, if theres any questions about anything, just pop them in in that Q&A box and Ill come back and answer that. So, the last point about this is that connection and communication with the Higher Self can make everything okay and just the way that you want it. So, when you connect and communicate with the Higher Self, it gives you the ability to not only change your reality and your experience, but actually working at the level of the Higher Self enables you to create change in others and even in the whole planet. When you connect and communicate with your Higher Self, what happen is when you are working with that energy, pulling it down into your body, with that energy down into your body, what happens is that you are able to you become a sort of beacon of light for other people, if you like. You become this radiant beacon of light so that other people become simply inspired just by your presence. And because the Higher Self has no judgment, because it doesnt judge, when youre working at the level of the Higher Self, with the absence of any judgment or to put it in another way, in the presence of unconditional acceptance, people will behave, will respond and will be inspired to be their true nature, to live their true nature, which is also to be that magnificent inspired divinity (for wont of a better word). So, just a few things to think about. So, my invitation to you is pick one of these points (just one of these points) and work with just one (just for one) and just really meditate on it, think about it, ponder on it and really get to grips with what it is what are you going to do, what actions are you going to take to really apply this in your life? What changes are you going to make to apply this in your life? Okay! This is the way you get this stuff. You have to get this in the muscle. So, that is it or I think Ive delivered everything I said I would. [00:56:31] attempt to do that. And if you have any questions, just let me know. Just pop them in the webcast box and/or if you want to jump on the line and well turn it into interactive mode, if you want to jump on the line to get any live coaching at all. Let me just pop into interactive mode. Okay! So, everyone now is unmuted. So, if youre eating crisps, now is the time to put the packet down. Does anyone have any Ive got a few people on the line. I can see who some of them is. I can see Korina there. I cant see anyone else though. I see other people, but I dont know who they are. Theyre not labeled. But if you have any questions have you got any questions, Korina? Korina: Hello, can you hear me? Say that again. Korina: Can you hear me? Korina, youre all muscles. Say that again a bit more can you say that again more clearly. Lets see if I can hear that again. Oh, gosh! That line is really bad. Oh, Im sorry Korina, darling. I dont know whats going on the line, but what I can hear is a load of crackling. So, what Im going to do is Im going to just mute you again.


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Korina: Okay. Say that again. Lets just try it one more time. Just say it again. Korina: Can you hear me now. I can hear you, but its just not terribly clear. Just give me your question again, my love? Korina: Well, I didnt actually have a question, but I can see your hand raised. Did you mean to raise your hand? Korina: No, probably not. Well, youve learnt something new. Youve learnt how to raise your hand. Korina: Yeah. And just for everyone else, its star two. Its star two to raise your hand. But thx for joining anyway, Korina. Its lovely to hear your voice. Korina: Okay. Alright then! You take care. Im going to pop everyone back on mute. And if you do have a question, hit star two or pop it in the webcast box. Okay! Anything on the webcast box, nothing coming in. Ah! Mary has just said, What a brilliant call. Thank you, Mary. And remember, perception is projection, so you must be brilliant, too. Okay. So, as I cant see any questions coming in. Well call that a day. Now, our next call, the dates will come up soon. Its going to be early May. And it is very excitingly. I know youll be excited to know this. It is going to be an Ask the Oracle where I talk to No One Guide. And let me tell you, last Friday, in front of our Spiritual Practitioners, I did some live channeling. And well, the feedback Ive had is that it was pretty extraordinary and the information thats coming in about the 2012 shift and about the shattering of the shell blew me away. So, well ask No One Guide about that next time. And so, please post your questions for No One Guide in the forum. And if you could, if you go to the main SEM forum, if you go to where it says let me get this right. Let me find it. Its under the Ask the Oracle Call. I cannot see it. So, I do not know where it has gone. I wonder where it has gone February, June, weve lost May. Oh! Channeling calls. I beg your pardon. Yes, its channeling calls. So, its Ask the Oracle No One Guide. And in there, theres a special question forum in that topic where it says Questions for No One Guide. If you can, it will help me enormously if you post your questions before our next call. If you wish them to be anonymous, pop them to the webcast box. And the link to that will be posted in the next few days. So, youll get all that information. Well pop all that in the forum. So, youll get all the information about that.


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So very, very exciting, everyone. The No One Calls are pretty amazing. So, Sophie says, Would you share the insight, some of them, from No One Guide channeling last Friday at some occasion? Absolutely, Sophie! Yes, I will share them on next months No One Guide call. Its perfect timing. Its all perfect. So yeah, very, very exciting! Okay! Everybody, as I dont see any other questions coming in, no other hands raised, so lets call it a day, shall we? And for those of you on Spiritual Practitioner, I will see you in half an hour in this very same place. And so, same number to dial in on. And if you can possibly dial in because thats the way youll get the information and the support you need on the live coaching. Ive got some stuff to share with you, some insights and some feedback from just some questions that have come up in the accountability form, but also some opportunity for live coaching and pulling stuff out. So everybody, just wishing you lots of love and I will see you next month. And keep posting in the forums. Id love to see that stuff. Alright, everybody! Bye for now!


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