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HISTORY---1 Q.1. Which of the following was not known to the Indus Valley Civilization? a. use of iron b.

use of gold c. pottery making d. farming Q.2. Som Ras was used by: a. Aryans b. Dravidians c. Indus Civilization d. none of these. Q.3. The word Veda means a. soul b. god c. knowledge d. truth Q.4. Upanishads also known as the Vedanta are number. a.108 b. 110 c. 105 d. 96 Q.5. The Jatakas are a. philosophical treatisesb. folklore and popular stores about Buddha c. important laws of Manu d. parts of Vedas. Q.6. Megasthenese, the envoy of Sellukas, was received in the court of a. Ashoka b. Chandragupta Maurya c. Chandragupta Vikramaditya d. none of these Q.7. After the Kalinga War, Ashoka a. followed the policy of physical occupation more vigorously b. renounced his kingdom and became a sadhu c. abandoned the policy of physical conquests in favour of cultural conquests d. none of these. Q.8. The famous poet who wrote Harsha Charita and adored the court of Harsha Vardhana was a. Kalidas b.Bana Bhatt c. Bhava Bhuti d. none of these. Q.9. The Saka Era is believed to have begun in the year a. 26 B.C. b. 78 A.D. c. 320 A.D. d. none of these Q.10. Which of the following kings was the founder of Chalukya dynasty? a. Pulakesin-I b. Pulakesin-II c. Vishnu Vardhana d. none of these Q.11. Konark Temple in Orissa was built by a. Raja Narsing Dev.-I b. Raja Krishan Deva Raya c. Kanishka d. none of these Q.12. Rajaraja the Great, belonged to a. Chalukya dynasty b. Chola dynasty c. Rashtrakutas d. none of these Q.13 Palas were the rulers of a. Kanauj b. Avadh c. Bengal d. none of these. Q.14. Which Mughal king had banned music and dance? a. Babur b. Humayun c.Jahangir d. Aurangzeb Q.15. Which of the following period is known as Golden period in ancient Indian history? a. Gupta period b. Mauryan period c. Kushan period d. none of these. Q.16. Who was the founder of Mughal Empire in India? a. Babur b. Akbar c. Humayun d. none of these. Q.17. Who was the last Mughal emperor in India? a. Aurangzeb b. Mohammad Shah c. Bahadur Shah Zafar d. none of these. Q.18. Which of the following is incorrect? a. Muhammad-bin-Quasim invaded Sind in 711 A.D. b. King Dahir of Sind was defeated and killed by Muhammad-bin-Quasim c. Muhammad-bin-Quasim was called by new Khalifa Sulaiman and put to death d. Muhammad-bin-Quasim was killed in an encounter with Jats. Q.19. The first Battle of Tarain a. resulted in the defeat of Mohammad Ghori b. came to an through a treaty of peace and friendship c. resulted in the defeat of Prithviraj Chauhan d. none of these Q.20. a. c. The second Battle of Tarain resulted in defeat of Mohammad Ghori b. defeat of Khusru Malik defeat of Prithviraj Chauhan d. none of these.

Q.21. To which of the following dynasties did Razia Sultan belong? a. Slave b. Khilji c. Tughlaq d. none of these. Q.22 In order to consolidate his power in North India Babur had to fight a very hard battle against a. Rana Pratap b. Rana Sanga c. Ibrahim Lodhi d. none of these. Q.23. Old Fort of Delhi was built by a. Akbar b. Shah Jahan c. Sher Shah Suri d. none of these. Q.24. The institution of Mansabdar was introduced by a. Sher Shah Suri b. Akbar c. Babur d. none of these. Q.25. Jazia was imposed on Hindus by a. Akbar b. Aurangzeb c. Humayun d. none of these. Q.26. The chief instrument of Lord Dalhousies annexationist policy was a. dual government b. subsidiary alliance c. doctrine of lapse d. none of these Q.27. Adi Grant the sacred book of the Sikhs was compiled by: a. Guru Nanak Dev b. Guru Arjan Dev c. Guru Teg Bahadur d. none of these. Q.28. Which of the following gods is not included in the Trimurti traditionally worshipped in India? a. Brahma b. Ganesh c. Vishnu d. Mahesh Q.29. Pallavas were the rulers of which State? a. Vijayanagar b. Vatapi c. Kanchi d. none of these. Q.30. Angkor Vat, a Vishnu Temple is in a. India b. Ceylon c. Cambodia d. Japan Q.31. The Great Uprising (of 1857) resulted in the a. unity among the Indian States b. division of Indian society c. unity among the Hindus and the Muslims d. none of these. Q.32. The first session of congress was held at a. Calcutta, under the President-ship of W.C.Bannerjee. b. Bombay, under the President-ship of W.C. Bannerjee c. Lahore, under the President-ship of A.O. Hume d. none of these. Q.33. Congress was founded by a. Dadabhai Naoroji and was described as a Nationalist Parliament. b. S.N. Bannerjee as an al India National Conference. c. A.O. Hume as a safety valve for the escape of great and growing forces. d. none of these. Q.34. Who started the Home Rule Movement? a. Mrs. Annie Besant b. Muhammad Ali Jinnahc. Mahatma Gandhi d. none of these. Q.35. Which of the following Muslim leaders joined the Home Rule Movement? a. Mohammad Ali b. Mr. Jinnah c. both of them d. none of these. Q.36. When was the Non-Co-operation Movement withdrawn? a. February 5, 1922 b. April 13, 1919c. March 5, 1931 d. none of these Q.37. When was Civil Disobedience Movement launched? a. in 1930 b. in 1928 c. 1919 d. 1942 Q.38. Who was the leader of All India Trade Union Congress? a. Mahatma Gandhi b. Subhash Chandra Bose c. Jawahar Lal Nehru d.M.N.Joshi Q.39. Which of the following was associated with the rule of Lord Cornwallis in India? a. Doctrine of Lapse b. Permanent Settlement of Bengal c. First War of Independence d. none of these. Q.40. The first Reformist Movement which was started in India, was a. Ramakrishna Mission b. Brahmo Samaj c. Arya Samaj d. none of these. Q.41. Jalianwala Bagh Massacre took place in which city? a. Lahore b. Meerut c. Amritsar d. Poona Q.42. After Chauri-Chaura incident the Non-Co-operation Movement was called off by Gandhiji because

a. the movement had been crushed by the Government. b. the movement had turned violent c. people were not willing to continue the movement d. most of the leaders were opposed to it. Q.43. Who among the following shifted the capital from Calcutta to Delhi? a. Lord Wavell b. Lord Curzon c. Lord Hardinge d. Lord Minto Q.44. Which of the following was not the cause of compelling the British to leave India a. weakened position of England as a result of the war. b. establishment of Labour Government in England c. spread of disaffection in the Indian armed forces d. sense of justice and fair play of the British people. Q.45. The Archaeological Department in India was founded by a. Lord Curzon b. Lord Ripon c. Lord Hardinge d. none of these Q.46. Who among the following was the Governor General of India when railways were first introduced in India? a. Lord Dalhousie b. Lord Curzon c. Lord Ripon d. none of these. Q.47. Which of the following is not associated with the year 1920? a. Foundation of the Indian Muslim League. b. Non-cooperation Movement c. Khilafat Movement d. Mahatma Gandhi leads the Congress. Q.48. Dyarchy in the Provinces in India was introduced through a. Government of India Act, 1919 b. Government of India Act 1935 c. Morley Minto Reforms, 1909 d. none of these. Q.49. The Congress declared its goal of complete independence in the year a. 1919 b.1920 c. 1929 d. 1930 Q.50. Which of the following leaders was not associated with the Home Rule Movement? a. Mahatma Gandhi b. Mohammad Ali Jinnahc. Bal Gangadhar Tilak d. Mrs. Annie Besant. ****************** HISTORY1 01. a 11.a 21.a 31.c 41.c 02.a 12.b 22.c 32.b 42.b 03. c 13.c 23.c 33.c 43.c 04.b 14.d 24.b 34.a 44.d ANSWERS (Q-A) 05.b 15.a 25.b 35.c 45.a 06. b 16.a 26.c 36.a 46.a 07. c 17. c 27.b 37.a 47.a 08. b 18..c 28.b 38.d 48.a 09.b 19.a 29.c 39.b 49.c 10.a 20.c 30.c 40.b 50.a


HISTORY-2 Q.1. Study of coins is called as a. Numismatic b. Archaeology c. Sumismatic d. none of these. Q.2. Buddhist and Jaina texts were written in which language respectively? a. Sanskrit and Prakrit b. Pali and Prakrit c. Prakrit and Pali d. none of these. Q.3. Indus Valley Civilization came to limelight during a. beginning of 19th century b. end of 19th century c. beginning of 20th century th d. end of 20 century. Q.4. Who among the following were brought to the red fort for the famous INA trial in 1945? 1. Captain Lakshmi 2. Gurdial Singh Dhillon 3.. Shanawaz Khan 4.. Barkatulla 5. Prem Sehgal a. 1,2 and 3 b. 2,3 and 4 c. 2,3 and 5 d. all the above Q.5 The ruler of Kashmir, who has been described as the Akbar of Kashmir was a. Alaudin Shahb. Shihabudhin Shah c. Shahi Khan(Zainul Abidin) d. Haider Shah Q.6. Among the following, who was responsible for the introduction of Zamindari Settlement in 1793? a. Reed and Munro b. Corn Wallis c. William Bentinck d. Warren Hastings Q.7. Match the following: List I List II A. T. Prakasam 1. Frontier Gandhi B. K Kelappan 2. Andhra Gandhi C. Kenneth Kounda 3. Kerala Gandhi D. Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan 4. African Gandhi Codes A B C D a. 1 4 2 3 b. 3 2 1 4 c. 3 2 4 1 d. 2 3 4 1 Q.8. Match the following: List I List II A. Gorkha War 1. Metcalf B. Suppression of thugs 2. Hastings C. Freedom of Indian Press3. Dalhousie D. Introduction of Postal system 4. William Bentinck Codes A B C D a. 2 4 1 3 b. 4 1 3 2 c. 3 2 1 4 d. 4 1 2 3 Q.9. Who accused Indian National Congress of practicing politics of pray, petition and protest? a. Lala Hardayal b. Bal Gangadhar Tilak c, Subhash Chandra Bose d. Sardar Bhagat Singh Q.10. Who was known as parrot of India in medieval times? a. Tansen b. Amir Khusru c. Udai Singh d. Abul Fazel Q.11. Tulsi Das, the great bhakti saint, was a contemporary of a. Shivaji b. Aurangzeb c. Akbar d. Krishna Deva Raya Q.12.` Grand Trunk Road was built by a. Shershah b. Akbar c. Aurangzeb d. Humayun

Q.13. Brihadeswara Temple built during the reign of Raja Raja I the Chola king is situate in which State? a. Andhra Pradesh b. Tamil Nadu c. Karnataka d, Kerala Q.14. Portugese captured Goa in 1510, from the rulers of a. Vijayanagar b. Bijapur c. Ahmadnagar d. Golconda Q.15. Who were regarded as Chakravartins a. Chandragupta Maurya & Ashoka b. Ashoka & Samudra Gupta c. Chandragupta Maurya & Samudragupta d. Ashoka, Samudragupta & Chandragupta Maurya Q.16. The most accepted period of Sangam literature is a. 300 BC to 600 AD b. 300 AD to 600 AD c. 200 AD to 400 AD d. 200 BC to 200 AD Q.17. Match the following: List-I List II A. Buddhacharita 1. Amara Sinha B. Eulogy 2. Ravi Kirti C. Harshacharita 3. Ashvaghosha D. Amarkosha 4. Bana Bhatta Codes A B C D a. 3 2 4 1 b. 1 2 3 4 c. 3 2 1 4 d. 4 3 2 1 Q.18. Saka Era in 78 AD was started by a. Vikramaditya b. Kanishka c. Rudradaman d. Gondaphernes Q.19. Kanishka patronised which religion a. Hinyena form of Buddhism b. Mahayan form of Buddhism c. Jainism d. Hinduism Q.20. Great bath was found at a. Harappa b. Mohenjodaro c. Kalibangan d. Rakhigarh Q.21. Match the following: List I List II A. Samhitas 1. Collection of vedic hymns, oldest vedic text B. Sama-Veda Samhita 2. For the purpose of singing C. Yajur Veda 3. Contain hymns and rituals D. Atharva Veda 4. Contain charms to ward of evil and disease Codes: A B C D a. 1 2 3 4 b. 4 3 2 1 c. 3 1 4 2 d. 2 4 1 3 Q.22. Which among the following is true about Jainism a. It recognised God but put below Jina and recognised rebirth. b.. admitted both men and women c. prohibited wars and even agriculture. d. all the above. Q.23. List I List II I. Early History of India A. Rajendra Lal Mitra II. Indo-Aryans B. R C Majumdar III. History of Dharmasastra C. Pandurang Vazman Kane IV. History and Culture D. Vincent Smith Codes: I II III IV a. 1 2 3 4 b. 4 3 2 1 c. 2 3 4 1 d. 4 1 3 2 Q.24. List I List II I. Harsha Charita A. Kalhena

II. Rama Charita B. Atula III. Vikramanga Deva Charitha C. Sandhyakara Nandi IV. Rajatarangini D. Banbhatta V. Mushika Vamsha E. Bhilhana Codes: I II III IV V a. D C E A B b. D A E B C c. D C E B A d. C E B D A Q.25. Which one of the following is correct about Neolithic age 1. Earliest farming communities 2. produced ragi and horse gram 3. lived in circular or rectangular houses 4. owned property in communities 5. pottery appeared for 1st time a. 1,2 and 3 b. 1,2,4 and 5 c. 1,2,3 and 4 d. all the above. Q.26. Who assumed the title Dear to God a. Ashoka b. Samudragupta c. Krishna d. Kanishka Q.27. Arrange the following invaders of India in a chronological order A. Shakas B. Indo Greek C. Kushans D. Pratiharas a. A,B,C AND D b. B,A,D AND C c. C,A,D AND B d. D,C,B AND A MEDIEVAL INDIA Q.28. The great Buddhist learning center, Vikramasila University was founded by a. Harsha Vardhana b. Dharma Pala c. Deva Pala d. Gopala Q.29. List I (Temple) List II (dynasty) I. Khajuraho A. Pallavas II. Kailasa Temple-Ellora B. Vijayanagara III. Hazara Swami Temple C. Rashtrakutas IV. Shore Temple-Mahabalipuram D. Chandella Codes: I II III IV a. D C B A b. C D B A c. D C A B d. B D C A Q.30. Arrange the following b battles fought by Babur in Chronological order A. Panipat B. Khagra C. Khanwa a. A, B and C b. B, C and A c. C, A and B d. A, C and B Q.31. List I List II I. Giasudhin Tomb A. Firoz Shah Thuglak II. Quwwatul Islam Mosque B. Alauddin Khilji III. Siri C. Qutubudhin Aibak IV. Hauz-Khas D. Muhd. Thughlak Codes: I II III IV a. D C A B b. B D C A c. D C B A d. C D B A Q.32. Rajatarangini written by Kalhana deals with the history of a. Bengal b. Kashmir c. Gujarat d. South India Q.33. Which of the following was the birth place of Mahavira? a. Vaishali b. Lumbini c. Pawa d. Gaya Q.34. Arrange the following dynasties of the Delhi Sultanate in a Chronological order A. Lodhis B. Ilbaris C. Thughlaks D. Sayyids E. Khaljis a. E, C, B, D, A b. B, E, C, D, A c. B, C, E, D, A d. B, E, C, A, D MODERN HISTORY Q.35. In which of the following industries did Indians have a large share from the beginning?

a. Cotton textiles b. Jute c. Coal mining d. Sugar Q.36. Under, which Act, East India Company lost its monopoly of Indian trade, which was thrown open to all Britons? a. 1813b. 1833 c. 1853 d. 1793 Q.37. List I (Newspaper) List II (Editor) I. Statesman (1875) A. Harsh Chancre Mukherjee II. Hindu (1878) B. Robert knight III. Tribute (1881) C. G S Aiyar IV. Hindu Patriot D. Dayal Singh Majeetia Codes: I II III IV a. C B D A b. B C D A c. B C A D d. A D C B Q.38. List I List II I. Brahmo Samaj A. Poona II. Paramahansa Mandali B. New York III. Deccan Education Society C. Calcutta IV. Theosophical Society D. Nagpur Codes: a. b. c. d. Q.39. I. II. III. IV. Codes: a. b. c. d. Q.40. I. II. III. Codes: a. b. c. d. Q.41. I. II. III. IV. V. Codes: a. b. c. d. I II III D C A C D B A C B C D A List I Revolt of Oraons Revolt of Chenchus Revolt of Mundas Revolt of Thadeo kukis I II III D B A B D A D B C C D A List I Fa-h-Sein Huan-Tsang Megasthanes I II A B C B B A A C List I Pallavas Chalukyas Pandyas Kadamba Gangas I II B A A B C D A B IV B A D B List II A. 1899-1900 B. 1914-1915 C. 1917-1919 D. 1921-1922 IV C C A C List II A. Harsha B. Chandra Gupta II C. Chandragupta Maurya III C A C B List II A. Kanchi B. Badami C. Madurai D. Vi Jayanti E. Kolar III C D B C IV D C E D V E E A E

Q.42. List I List II I. Artha A. Economic resource II. Dharma B. Social order III. Kama C. Physical pleasure IV. Moksha D. Salvation Codes: I II III IV a. B A C D b. A B C D c. A B D C d. D C B A Q.43. List I (initial usage) List II (country) I. Steel A. India II. Silk B. China III. Growing betel leaves C. Indonesia IV. Minting Gold coins D. Greek & Rome Codes: I II III IV a. A B C D b. B C D A c. B A C D d. A B D C Q.44. Founder of Sun Temple at Konark were a. Gangas b. Shakas c. Mauryan d. Kushans Q.45. Arrange the following monuments in a chronological order: A. Brihadeswara Temple, Thanjavur(Tamil Nadu) B. Draupadi Rath, Mamallapuram (TN) C. Kailasa Temple, Ellora D. Meenakshi Temple, Madurai (TN) Select the correct answer from the code given below: a. A,D,B,C b. B, C,A, D c. C, A, D, B d. D, B, C, A Q.46. Match the following: List I I. Bhattaraka II. Kollam III. Gadyanka IV. Vatteluttu Codes: I II III a. D B A b. B D A c. D B C d. C D B Q.47. List I (Court Poets) I. Bilhana II. Jayadeva III. Kshemendra IV. Sriharsha Codes: I II III a. D C B b. B D C c. D C A d. C D A Q.48. List I I. Tajul Maasir II. Tabqat-I-Nasiri III. Futuh-us-Salatin List II A. B. C. D. IV C C A A List II (Patron Kings) A. Ananta of Kashmir B. Govinda Chandra of Kannauj C. Lakshmanasena of Bengal D. Vikramaditya VI of Kalyana IV A A B B List II A. Afif B. Isami Hasan Nizami

Coin Samvat Script Title


IV. Tarikh-I-Firozshahi D. Minhaj Codes: I II III IV a. D C B A b. C D A B c. B D C A d. C D B A Q.49. Find out the correct chronological order of the four Buddhist Councils held at the following four places from the code given below them: A. Vaisali B. Rajgriha C. Kundalavana D. Pataliputra Codes: a. B A D C b. A B D C c. B A C D d. C D B A Q.50. Under the Permanent settlement, 1793, the Zamindars were required to issue pattas to the farmers which were not issued by many of the Zamindars. The reason was. a. The Zamindars were trusted by the farmers. b. There was no official check upon the Zamindars. c. It was the responsibility of the British Government. d. The farmers were not interested in getting pattas. Q.51. Consider the following statements: A. Arya Samaj was founded in 1835. B. Lala Lajpat Rai opposed the appeal of Arya Samaj to the authority of Vedas in support of its social reform programmes. C. Under the Keshab Chandra Sen, the Brahmo Samaj campaigned of womens education. D. Vinoba Bhave founded the Sarvodaya Samaj to work among refugees. Which of these statements are correct? a. A and B b. B and C c. B and D d. C and D Q.52. Match the following: List I List II I. Baba Farid A. Qadiria Order II. Sheikh Hamiduddin Nagauri B. Chistia Order III. Miyan Mir C. Suhrawardia Order IV. Shah Waliullah D. Naqshbandia Order Codes: I II III IV a. C B A D b. B C D A c. B C A D d. D B C A Q.53. List I (Janapadas) List II (Capitals) I. Asmaka A. Paudanya II. Mulaka B. Pratisthana III. Kalinga C. Tosali IV. Avanti D. Ujjayini Codes: I II III IV a. B A C D b. A B D C c. C B D A d. A B C D Q.54. At which of the following Harappan cities the square or round fire pits have been discovered inside the houses: A. Harappa B. Mohenjadaro C. Lothal D. Kalibangan Select the correct answer from the code below: a. A, C. b. A, D c. B, C d. C, D Q.55. List I List II I. Amini Commission A. 1902 (Police)

II. III. IV. Codes: a. b. c. d. Q.56. I. II. III. IV. V. Codes: a. b. c. d. Q.57. I. II. III. IV. V. Codes: a. b. c. d. Q.58. I. II. III. IV. Codes: a. b. c. d. Q.59. I.

Datta Commission B. 1778 (Land Revenue and Famine) Hunter Commission C. 1905 (Price Movement) Fraser Commission D. 1919 (Punjab Disturbances) I II III IV B C D A C B D A B C A D D B C A List I (Commission Education) List II (Year) Charles Wood Despatch A. 1944 Raleigh Commission B. 1854 Sadler Commission C. 1902 Hartog Commission D. 1919 Sargeant Plan E. 1854 I II III IV V B C E D A B C D A E B C D E A C B D E A List I (Commission-Currency) List II (Year) Mansfield Commission A. 1893 Herschell Commission B. 1866 Fowler Commission C. 1925 Babbington Smith Commission D. 1919 Hieton Young Commission E. 1898 I II III IV V B A C E D A B C E D B A E C D C E D A B List I (Committee-Famine & Relief) List II (year) Cockerell A. 1900 Starchey B. 1896 Lyall C. 1866 Mac Donnel D. 1880 I II III IV D C B A C D B A C D A B B D C A List II (Author) A. Jawaharlal Nehru B. Aurobindo C. M K Gandhi D. Rabindranath Tagore IV B A A B

List I (Title/s) My Experiments with Truth, Harijan, II. Gora, Ghare Baire, Letters from Russia III. Wither India, Discovery of India IV. New Lamps for Old, Doctrine of Passive Resistance Codes: I II III a. D C A b. C D B c. B D C d. C D A

Q60. A. B. C. D.

List I 1556 1600 1686 1739

List II 1. Battle of Haldi Ghati 2. Nadir Shahs capture of Delhi 3. Death of Shivaji 4. Grant of Charter to East India Co. 5. Accession of Akbar

Codes A B C D a. 3 5 4 1 b. 5 4 3 2 c. 4 5 3 2 d. 5 4 2 3 Q61. What is the correct sequence of the following events? 1. Tilaks Home Rule League 2. Kamagatamaru Incidence 3. Mahatma Gandhis arrival in India. Codes: a. 1, 2, 3 b. 3, 2, 1 c. 2, 1, 3 d. 2, 3,. 1 Q.62Which one of the following scripts of ancient India was written from right to left? a. Brahmi b. Nandanagari c. Sharada d. Kharoshi 63. Match the following: List I (Rulers-Medieval India) List II (Period) (A.D.) I. Mahmud Ghazni A. 1210-1236 . II. Shihab-ud-din Mohammad Ghori B. 997-1030 III. Qutub-ud-din Aibak C. 1186-1206 IV. Shams-ud-din Iltutmish D. 1206-1210 Codes: I II III IV a. B C D A b. C B D A c. B C A D d. D C B A 64. LIST I LIST II (A.D.) I. Razia Sultana A. 1246-1266 II. Ghyas-ud-din Balban B. 1290-1296 III. Nasir-ud-din C. 1266-1287 IV. Jalal-ud-din Khilji D. 1236-1240 Codes: I II III IV a. C D A B b. D C A B c. D C A B d. B D C A 65. List I (Rulers) List II (Period A.D.) I. Alla-ud-din Khilji A. 1296-1316 II. Ghiyas-ud-din Tughlaq B. 1320-1325 III. Mohammad Tughlaq C. 1351-1388 IV. Firuz Tughlaq D. 1325-1351 Codes: I II III IV a. A B C D b D B C A c. A B D C d. B A D C 66. list I List II (Buddhist Philosophy Four Noble Truths) I. World is full of suffering A. DUKHA SAMUDAYA II. There is a cause of suffering B. DUKHA NIRODHA III. There is cessation of suffering C. DUKHA NIRODHA MARGA IV. There is a path that leads to the D. SARVAM DUKHAM cessation of suffering Codes: I II III IV

a. b. c. d. 67. I.

A D B C D A C B B D C A D A B C list I List II Held in Rajgir in 483 B.C. under the A. Second Buddhist Council auspices of King Ajatasatru II. Held in 4th century B.C. in the reign of B. First Buddhist Council Kalasoka of Sisuang dynasty at Vishali. III. Held in 4th century B.C. by AsokaC. Fourth Buddhist Council in Pataliputra IV. Held in 1st century AD by Kanishka D. Third Buddhist Council in Kashmir, according to Chinese traditions. Codes: I II III IV a. B A C D b. D B C A c. B A D C d. A B D C 68. List I List II I. 1931 A. Chhauri-Chaura incident II. 1921 B. Dandi March III. 1942 C. Cripps Mission IV. 1930 D. Second Round Table Conference E. Death of Lala Lajpati Rai Codes: a. b. c. d. 69. I. II. III. IV. Codes: a. b. c. d. 70. I. II. III. IV. Codes: a. b. c. d. I II III B D A D A C B D C C D B list I (Organisation) Arya Samaj Ramakrishna Mission Brahmo Samaj Satyashadhana Samaj I II B D D C B D C D List I Ashoka Kanishka Krishna 1 Raja Raja I B D B C II D B A D III A B C B IV C B A A List II (Founders) A. Jyotirao Bhule B. Ram Mohan Roy C. Swami Vivekanand D. Swami Dayanand Saraswati E. Justice M G Ranade IV C A A A List II A. Gandhara School of Art B. Monolithic Pillars C. Brihadeswara Temple D. Kailasnath Temple at Ellora III A A D B IV C C C A

71. I. II. III. IV. Codes: a. b. c. d. 72. I. II. III. IV. Codes: a. b. c. d. 73 I. II. III. IV. Codes: a. b. c. d. 74 I. II. III. IV. Codes: a. b. c. d. 75 I. II. III. IV.

LIST I Declaration of George Town Treaty of Versailies Yalta Conference Desert Storm I B D B C List I 1668 1776 1789 1917 I B D B A II D B C D III A A A B IV C C E C II D B D D III A A C A IV C C A B

LIST II A. World War II B. Gulf War C. NAM D. World War I

List II A. French Revolution B. Glorious Revolution C. American War of Independence D. Chinese Revolution E. Bolshevik Revolution

List I (Eras) Vikram Era Saka Era Gupta Era Kali Era I II D C C D D C B D List I Vishakhadatta Varahamihira Charaka Brahmagupta I II D C C D D C B C List I Varahamihira Vishakhadatta Sudraka Bilhana II C III B B A C IV A A B A

List II(reckoned from) A. 2102 B.C. B. 320 A.D. C. 73 A.D. D. 58 B.C. E. 248 A.D.

List II A. Medicine B. Drama C. Astronomy D. Mathematics III B B A A IV A A B D List II A. Prabhandha B. Mrchchakatikam C. Brhat-Samhita D. Devi-Chandraguptam E. Vikramankadevacharita III B IV A

Codes: I a. D

b. c. d. 76 I. II. III. IV. Codes: a. b. c. d. 77 I. II. III. IV. Codes: a. b. c. d. 78 I. II. III. IV. Codes: a. b. c. d. 79 I. II. III. IV. Codes: a. b. c. d. 80 I. II. III. IV.

C D D C B C List I Gupta Chandella Chalukya Pallava I D C D B List I 1556 1660 1686 1739 II C D C C


E B D List II A. Badami B. Panamalai C. Khajuraho D. Deogarh


IV A A B D List II A. Battle of Haldi Ghati B. Nadir Shahs capture of Delhi C. Death of Shivaji D. grant of Charter to East India Company E. Accession of Akbar IV B B C A List II(Works) A. Dasakumaracharita B. Malavikagnimitra C. Buddhacharita D. Harshacharita E. Rajatarangini

I II III E D C D E C E D B C B D List I (Authors) Dandin Kalidasa Bane Kalahana

I II III IV E D C B D E C B E D B C D B A C list I (Authors) Kalidasa Bhavabhuti Visakhadutta Banabhatta I II III IV A D C B D A C B B A C D C B D A List I A great mathematician and astronomer A great scientist A great mathematician A great physician II III IV

List II (Works) A. Uttar Ramcharita B. Kumar Sambhavam C. Mudra Rakshasa D. Harsha Charita

List II A. Brahmagupta B. Vrihsda C. Aryabhatta D. Varaha Mihira

Codes: I

a. b. c. d. 81. I. II. III. IV. Codes: a. b. c. d. 82 I. II. III. IV. Codes: a. b. c. d. 83 I. II. III. IV. Codes: a. b. c. d. 84 I. II. III. IV. Codes: a. b. c. d. 85 I. II. III. IV.

A D C B C D A B A D B C C B D A List I Known for his quick wit & humour An experienced General A historian A scholar and a poet I II III A D C C D A A D B C B D List I Second Sangam Third Sangam First Buddhist Council Third Buddhist Council I II III D B C B D A C D B B D C List I Asura Vivaha Rakshasa Vivaha Gandharva Vivaha Paisacha Vivaha I II III IV C B D A B D A C C D B A B D C A List I Elephanta caves and temples Ajanta Nasik, cave temples Ellora I D B C B II B A D D III C D B C IV A C A A IV B B C A

List II A. Abul Fazal B. Faizi C. Birbal D. Raja Bhagwan Das

List II A. Abhidhamma Pitak B. Tolkappiyam C. Tripitika D. Silapadikaram IV A C A A List II A. Marriage by capture B. The bridegroom has to pay the bride price C. Marriage in the state of sleep, intoxication or carelessness D. Marriage through mutual love

List II A. Mahayana and Hinayana B. Shaivite C. Buddhist, Jain and Hindus D. Buddhist, Shaivite and Vaishnavite

List I Arikiya Parushni Asikni Vitasta

List II(rivers) A. Chenab B. Jhelum C. Beas D. Ravi

Codes: a. b. c. d. 86 I. II. III.

I II D B B D C D B D List I Kalibangan Lothal Mohenjodaro


IV A C B A List II A. This place seem to have been an outpost for sea trade with contemporary West Asian societies. B. In terms of its size and variety of objects discovered, it ranks as the premier city of Harappan civilization. C. This settlement was located has yielded evidence for the existence of dried-up-bed of the river Ghaggar and has yielded evidence for the existence of Pre-Harappan and Harappan habilitation. D. Excavations begun at this site in 1912 show that people lived here for a very long time and went on building and rebuilding houses at the same location so that the height of the remains of the building and the debris is above 20 metres.



Codes: a. b. c. d. 87. I. II. III. IV. Codes: a. b. c. d. 88. I. II. III. IV. Codes: a. b. c. d. 89. I. II. III.

I II III IV D B C A B D A C C D B A C A D B List I First Chinese Pilgrim to visit India First European to visit China First European invader of India First Man to set foot on moon I II III IV B A D C A B D C B A C D A C B D List I (Famous Sites-India) Akbars Tomb Amber Palace Birla Planetarium Ajanta I II III IV B A D C B C D A B A C D A C B D List I (Famous sites-World) Big Ben Al-Aqusa Broadway

List II A. Marco Polo B. Fahien C. Alexander, the Great D. Neil Armstrong followed by Edwin Aldrin (USA) E. George

List II (location) A. Aurangabad B. Sikandra, Agra C. Jaipur D. Kolkata

List II (Location) A. Jerusalam B. London C. Rome

IV. Colossium D. New York Codes: I II III IV a. B A D C b. A B D C c. B A C D d. A C B D 90. Which one of the following dynasties was ruling over North India at the time of Alexanders invasion? a. Nanda b. Maurya c. Sunga d. Kanva 91. The Indian National Army (I.N.A.) came into existence in 1943 in a. Japan. b. Then Burma c. Singapore d. Then Malaya 92. After returning from South Africa, Gandhiji launched his first successful Satyagraha in a. Chauri-Chaura b. Dandi c. Champaran d. Bardoli. 93. Mahabharata originally had how many verses and was called as a. 24000 and called as Jaya b. 8000 and called as Jaya c. 24000 and called as Bharata d. 8800 and called as Bharata 94. Ramayana originally had a. 6000 verses b. 12000 verses c. 5000 verses d. 10000 verses 95. Match the following: List I List II I. Samkhya A. World owes its creation more to Nature than God. II. Yoga B. Person can attain control through Meditation III. Nyaya C. Salvation through knowledge, School of Logic IV. Vaisheshika D. Discussion of material element V. Mimamsa E. Act of reasoning and interpretation Codes: I II III IV V a. B A C D E b. A B D C E c. A B C E D d. A B C D E 96. Match the following: List I List II I. Koshala A. Kapilvastu II. Mallas B. Kaushambi III. Vaisas C. Vishali IV. Lichchhavis D. Kushinara Codes: I II III IV a. D A B C b. A D B C c. A D C B d. B D C A 97. Which of the following kings was famous as Priyadarshi? a. Kanishka b. Ashoka c. Chandragupta Vikramaditya d. Harsha Vardhan 98. Kanishka belonged to a. Kushan dynasty b. Gupta dynasty c. Mauryan dynasty d. Vardhana dynasty 99. Fa Hein, the first Chinese pilgrim, visited India in the reign of a. Ashoka b, Chandragupta Vikramaditya c. Samudragupta d. Harsha Vardhana 100. Harsha Vardhana had his capital at a. Kannauj b. Vaishali c. Pataliputra d. Kalinga ***********************************

ANSWERS (HISTORY-2) 1.a 11.c 21.a 31.c 41.d 51.b 61.c 71.d 81.b 91.c 2.b 12.a 22.d 32.b 42.b 52.c 62.a 72.c 82.d 92.c 3.c 13.b 23.d 33.a 43.a 53.d 63.b 73.a 83.a 93.b 4.c 14.b 24.a 34.b 44.a 54.d 64.b 74.d 84.b 94.a 5.c 15.b 25.d 35.a 45.b 55.a 65.c 75.b 85.c 95.d 6.b 16.a 26.a 36.a 46.a 56.c 66.d 76.c 86.d 96.b 7.d 17.a 27.b 37.b 47.c 57.a 67.c 77.a 87.c 97.b 8.a 18.b 28.b 38.d 48.d 58.b 68.b 78.d 88.b 98.a 9.b 19.b 29.a 39.a 49.a 59.d 69.b 79.c 89.a 99.b 10 b 20 b 30.d 40 c 50 b 60 b 70 c 80.b 90 a 100.a


HISTORY- 3 1. The Harappan or Indus Valley Civilisation flourished during the _____ age: a) Megalithic b) Paleolithic c) Neolithic d) Chalcolithic 2. Which of the following civilisations is not associated with the Harappan Civilisation?

a) Mesopotamian

b) Egyptian

c) Sumerian

d) Chinese

3. The Harappan Civilisation achieved for greater advancement than Sumer, Elam etc on account of its: a) Town planning b) metal workingc) Weights and measures d) seals and figures 4. The Indus or Harappan Civilisation is distinguished from the other contemporary civilisations by its: a) Town planning b) Underground drainage systemc) Uniformity of weights and measures d) Large agricultural surplus 5. The date of Harappan Civilisation (2300 1750 BC) has been fixed on the basis of: a) Pottery design dating a) Wheat a) Gold a) Kalibangan b) Stratification c) Aryan invasion d) Radio Carbon (14)

6. Cereal(s) grown by the people of Harappan Civilisation was / were: b) Rice b) Silverc) Copper b) Lothal c) Millet d) Iron c) Suktagendor d) Sokta Koli c) Ecological factors d) Not d) All the above 7. Which of the following metals was not known to the Indus valley people? 8. At which of the following Harappan sites has a supposed dockyard been found? 9. The Harappan civilisation declined as a result of: a) Aryan Invasion b) Decline in foreign trade definitely known factors a) Linguistic a) Rigveda a) Samhitas a) Central India Punjab a) Indra a) Yajurveda b) Racial b) Samaveda b) Brahmanas b) Gangetic Doab

10. The term Aryan, Indo-Aryan or Indo-European denotes a _____ concept? c) Religious c) Yajurveda c) Aranyakas c) Saptasindhu d) Cultural d) Atharvanaveda d) All the above d) Kashmir and 11. Which of the following Vedas was compiled first? 12. The later Vedic Age means the age of the compilation of: 13. The Vedic Aryans first settled in the region of:

14. The famous Gayatrimantra is addressed to: b) Varuna b) Purusa sukta of Rigveda c) Pashupati c)Upanishads d) Savita d) Shatapatha Brahmana c) Agriculture and cattle 15. Division of the Vedic Society into four classes is clearly mentioned in the: 16.The Vedic economy was based on: a) Trade and commerce rearing d) All the above a) Sabha and Mahasabha d) Ur and Kula b) Crafts and industries

17. Two popular Assemblies of the Vedic period were: b) Mahasabha and Ganasabha c) Sabha and Samiti

18. After the growth of the Vedic religion the most important development in the history of the socalled Hinduism was the development of? a) Shaivism a) Vishnu Lakshmi. a) Rishba b) Saktism b) Ram and Krishna c) Bhagavatism c) Vishnu and his incarnations d) Tantricism d) Vishnu and 19. Vaishnavism, a later development of Bhagavatism, advocates the worship of:

20. The founder of Jainism was: b) Neminath c) Parsvanatha d) Vardhaman Mahavira 21. The Three Jewels (Tri-ratnas) of Jainism are: a) Right faith or intensions, right knowledge and right conduct. b) Right action, right livelihood and right effort c) right thoughts, non-violence and non-attachment d) right speech, right thinking and right behaviour. 22. In Jainism the aim of life is to attain Nirvana or Moksha for which one has to: a) follow three jewels and five vows b) practice, non-violence and non-injury to all living beings c) renounce the world and attain right knowledge d) believe in the Jains and absolute non-violence 23. The name Buddha means: a) enlightened a) Ashoka b) learned b) Kanishka c) divine c) Menander d) sacred d) Harsha d) 24. Buddhism was divided into Mahayana and Hinayana during the reign of: 25.Jatakas are the stories of: a) Buddhas life b) Buddhas previous lifec) The lives of the future Buddhas Great saints of Buddhism 26.In the sixth century BC northern India was divided into: a) Sixteen great states b) Eight republican states and Magadha a) Haryankas b) Sisunagas c) both (a) and (b) above d) Anga

27. When Alexander invaded India, Magadha was being ruled by the: c) Nandas d) Mauryas 28. The decline of the Nandas at the hands of Kautilya and Chandragupta Maurya has been vividly portrayed in the Sanskrit play written by Kalidasa: a) Mudrarakshas b) Devichandragupta c) Malavikagnimitram d) Mrichhakatika 29. Megasthanes, the ambassador of Selucus at the Mauryan court in Pataliputra, wrote an account of the period in his book: a) Travels of Magasthanes b) Indika c) Indicoplecustus d) Both (b) and (c) 30. After the Kalinga war Ashoka decided never to wage any war because? a) After the conquest of Kalinga the political unity of Mauryan India had been achieved b) Ashoka felt apologetic about the destruction of men and material on both sides in the war. c) He was moved by the violence, slaughter and sufferings to the combatants and noncombatants in the war d) Shortly after the war he adopted Buddhism, which was opposed to violence. 31. Ashokas claim to be one of the greatest rulers in world history lies in the fact that:

a) His aims covered both the religious and secular aspects of life. b) He worked for the material, moral and spiritual uplift of the people. c) After a single conquest he dedicated himself completely to the cause of peaced) He attempted to unify the people of different castes and communities into a bound of common moral ideal 32. The Mauryan sculptors had attained the highest perfection in the carving of: a) floral designs b) pillars c) animal figuresd) yaksha figures 33. Which of the following was not one of the actual causes for the decline of the Mauryan Empire? a) Ashokas pacifist policies b) Division of the empire after Ashoka aggressions, particularly Greek d) Economic and financial crisis c) Foreign

34. The most famous Indo-Greek ruler of India, famous for his sense of justice and dialogues with a Buddhist monk Nagasena (as described in the Buddhist work Milindpanho) was: a) Demetrius b) Menander c) Eukratises d) Heliocles 35. The greatest claim to fame of the Satavahanas is on account of: a) Pursuing a tolerant religious policy and giving common patronage of Buddhism and Brahmanism b) Adoption of Prakrit as their court language in preference to Sanskrit c) Great economic prosperity and brisk inland and foreign trade d) Great contribution to Indian art as evident from the art of Amravati and Nagarjunakonda 36. Which of the following is the oldest of the Vedas? a) Sama Veda a) Mahaprajapati a) Alexander Buddha a) clad in white a) Sanskrit a) Upagupta b) Pali b) Atharvana Veda b) Mayadevi c) Yajur Veda c) Kundavi d) Rig Veda d) Sangamitra d) The 37. Gautama Buddha was brought up by: 38. The phrase the Light of Asia is applied to: b) Chandragupta Maurya c) Mahavira

39. The Svetambhara Jains were: b) clad in black c) Tibetan c) clad in red d) saffron clad 40. The Buddhist Doctrines were written in: d) Not written in any language but orally transmitted c) Ambhi c) Darius d) Asvagosha d) The Persians d) Ajatasatru d) 2000 hyms c) Arthasastra d) Indica 41. Ashoka was much influenced by a Buddhist monk called b) Vasubandhu b) Alexander 42. Megasthenes was the Ambassador of : a) Selukos Nikator a) Ashoka a) 1000 hyms 43. Mauryan Dynasty was founded by: b) Chandragupta Maurya b) 1028 hyms c) Pushyamitra c) 500 hyms 44. The Rig Veda consists of: 45. Which of the following explains the duties of Dharmamahamatras: a) The Minor rock Edicts. b) The two Kalinga Edicts 46. Which of the following Minor rocks Edicts of Ashoka describes the Conquest of Kalinga by Ashoka?

a) No XIII a) Vasumitra

b) No X

c) No XId) No XII b) Vajramitra b) Secondary creation b) Alexander c) Vasudeva c) Pantheistic b) Kansihka c) Pushyamitra d) Agnimitra

47. Of the following who was the hero of a famous drama Malvikagnimitra written by Kalidasa? 48. Which of the following subjects is not dealt with, in the Puranas? a) Primary creation a) the Vedic Aryans a) Ashoka a) Buddhist c) Genealogies of gods d) Arithmetic c) the Guptas d) the Mauryas 49. A well organised State machinery was introduced for the first time by: 50. Bimbisara was succeeded by: b) Ajatasatru b) Jain d) Chandragupta Maurya d) Zoroastrian c) Harsha d) Ajatasatru 51. Atman is everything and everything is Atman is the .. doctrine 52. Whom can we call the first national ruler of India? a) Chandragupta Maurya 53. The Brahmanas deals with: a) The Bhakti Theory a) Indra a) Ambhi a) China a) Kalidasa a) Sanskrit b) Yoga c) Ritualism c) Vishnu c) Ashoka c) Mesopotomia c) Bana c) Tamil d) Meditation 54.Which of the following was the God of Animal during the later Vedic period? b) Rudra b) Porus b) Jawa b) Visakadatta b) Pali d) Prajapathi d) Bimbisara d) Burma d) Bharavi d) Greek d) Creator d) Spies 55. When Alexander invaded India, Texila was ruled by: 56. The Harappas had commercial relations with .. 57. Mudra Rakshasa was written by: 58. The language which contributed to the spread of Buddhism was 59. Which of the following is not included in Trirathna of Jainism? a) Right Knowledge 60. Ajivikas were .. a) A monastic sect a) Jainism a) Sakuntala a) Jainism a) Prince b) A sect to Barbarians c) Soldiers 61. During the period of Sungas there was a revival of .. b) Buddhism c) Brahminism d) Zoroastrianism c) Megadutta d) Mrichhakatikam 62. Agnimitra was the hero of Kalidass .. b) Malavikagnimitra b) Buddhism b) Commander 63. Kharavella of Kalinga was a follower of c) Hinduism d) Confucianism d) Minister 64. Under Mauryas each province was placed under a c) Council b) Right conductc) Right faith

65. The mother of Vardhamana Mahavira was a a) Lichavi Princess the royal family a) Bodh Gaya a) Chanakya b) Maurya Princess c) Saka Princess d) Not a member of

66. The Buddha attained Nirvana at .. b) Sarnath b) Vishnugupta b) Amarakosa c) Goa c) Sanchi d) Kusinagara d) Devagupta d) Jatak Tales 67. Which of the following is not the name of Kautilya? c) Dramindacharya c) Buddhacharita d) Surat 68. Buddha has been described as an ocean of wisdom and compassion in a) The Light of Asia a) Madras a) Pataliputra a) Sparta a) Susa a) Girnar a) Mahavamsa 69. St Thomas died a martyr at: b) Bombay b) Peshawar b) Athens b) Babylon b) Allahabad 70. The capital of Kanishka empire was. .. c) Kabuld) Taxila c) Macedonia c) Macedonia c) Rajagriha d) Carthage d)Kabul d) Varanasi c) Sakunthala c) Bindusara d) Meanader d) Buddha Charita 71. Alexander was the son lf Philip II of .. 72. Alexander the Great died at . 73. Which of the following is known as the Jain Temple City? 74. Bhasa was the author of .. b) Svapnavasavadatta b) Bimbisara c) Alexander 75. Whom the Greeks referred to as Amitraghata? a) Chandragupta Maurya a) Kadphises I b) Kanishka 77. Kanishka was the follower of a) Hinduism A. Kautilya B. Megasthenes C. Bimbisara D. Upagupta b) Jainism c) Hinayanism d) Mahayanism 1. Magadha King 3. Arhtasastra 4. Ambassador 78. Match the following: 2. Ashoka d) Vasudeva 76. The Saka Era was founded by:

A a) b) 3 2

B 4 1

C 1 4

D 2 3

c) d)

1 4

2 3

3 2

4 1 c) Pataliputra d) Taxila d) Pushyamitra

79. Vardamana Mahavira died at: a) Pavapuri a) Vasudeva a) Asvaghosha a) Mothers goddess a) Ashoka a) Ptolemy a) Kadphises I a) Purushapura a) Cyrus a) Udiyanjeral a) Barukkacha a) Manimekalai a) Nahapana a) Gupta b) Kundagrama b) Kharavela b) Patanjali b) Indra 80. The Nanda dynasty was established by: c) Mahapadma c) Kautilya c) Rudra c) Vasudeva c) Menander d) Bana d) Varuna 81.Of the following who is called Indias Machiavelli? 82. The Indus people were worshippers of: 83. Bimbisara was succeed by .. b) Ajatasatru b) Nearchos d) Chandragupta Maurya d) Porus d) Huvishka d) Huvishkapura 84. Alexander send back home a portion of his army under an admiral called .. 85. Of the following Kushan Kings, who assumed the title The Lord of the Whole World? b) Kadaphises II c) Kanishka b) Kusinagara b) Darius c) Xerxes 86. Which of the following was another name of Pataliputra? c) Kusumapura d) Cambyses d) Sengannan d) Puhar d) Kuruntokai d) Harsha 87.The founder of the Achaemenian Empire was 88. The most powerful ruler of the Cheras was b) Nedunjeraladan b) Kalyan c) Senguttuvan c) Sopara 89. Which of the following was not the port of the satavahanas: 90. Karikala was the center of many legends found in: b) Silapadhikaram b) Chashtana b) Andhra c) Saka b) Pulumayi II c) Andhras c) Purananuru c) Rudradaman I d) Pallava c) Sri Satakarni d) Ashoka d) Nature Worship d) Simuka 91. Sudarsana lake was reconstructed by 92. Naganika was a .. Queen 93. Satavadhana rule was extended to the Coromandal Coast by: a) Sri Yajna Satakarni 94. Srikakulam was the capital of a) Sakas a) Brahmanism b) Pahlavas 95. The Sunga period saw the growth of one o the following religions. Identify: b) Saivism c) Buddhism 96. Who erected the Garuda pillar at Besnagar?

a) Bhagabhadra

b) Heliodorus

c) Menander

d) Antialkidas d) Sculpture

97. Which among the following was not affected by the invasion of the Persians on India? a) Script in the North-West a) Slavery b) Coinage c) Court Ceremonies 98. Which one of the following was not a characteristic of society in Mauryan times? b) Rigidity of Caste c) Prostitution d) Widow remarriage c) It lays 99. Which one of the following statements about Arthasastra is not true? a) It prescribes the duty of a king b) It describes the then economic life of the country down the principles of politics d) It highlights the need for financial reforms 100. Milindapanho is a a) History of a dynasty b) Prakrit drama c) Sanskrit play ******************************** HISTORY-3 ANSWERS: 1. (d) 2. (d) 3. (a) (a) 11. (a) 12. (d) (c) 20. (c) 21. (a) (c) 29. (b) 30. (c) (a) 38. (d) 39. (a) 40. (b) (a) 47. (d) 48. (d) 49. (d) 50. (b) 51. (c) 52. (a) 53. (c) (a) 61. (c) 62. (b) (a) 70. (b) 71. (c) (a) 79. (a) 80. (c) (a) 88. (c) 89. (d) 90. (b) (b) 97. (d) 98. (d) 99. (d) 100. (d) 4. (b) 5. (d) 6. (d) 13. (c) 14. (d) 15. (b) 22. (a) 23. (a) 24. (b) 31. (c) 32. (c) 33. (a) 41. (a) 42. (a) 54. (b) 63. (a) 72. (b) 81. (c) 55. (a) 64. (a) 73. (a) 82. (a) 91. (c) 56. (c) 65. (a) 74. (b) 83. (b) 92. (b) 7. (d) 16. (c) 25. (b) 34. (b) 43. (b) 57. (b) 66. (d) 75. (c) 84. (b) 93. (b) 8. (b) 17. (c) 26. (c) 35. (c) 44. (b) 58. (b) 67. (d) 76. (b) 85. (b) 94. (c) 9. (d) 18. (c) 27. (c) 36. (d) 45. (a) 59. (d) 68. (b) 77. (d) 86. (c) 95. (a) 10. 19. 28. 37. 46. 60. 69. 78. 87. 96. d) Religious conversation

HISTORY-4 1. The first Persian ruler who occupied part of Indian Territory was: a) Cyrus b) Cambyses c) Darius d) Xerxes 2. The one most important feature of the Mauryan Administration was a) Wide powers enjoyed by the provincial governors b) The presence o a council minister c) the presence of vast, numerous powers of the bureaucracy d) an extensive network of spy-system 3. Which social evil was conspicuously absent in ancient India? a) Polygamy b) Sati system c) Devadasi system d) Purdah system 4. The greatest Kushana ruler whose contribution to Buddhism was even greater than that of Ashoka, was

a) Kadphises a) Ashoka

b) Kanishka I

c) Vasishka

d) Huvishka c) Kanishka I d) Menander

5. The first image of Buddha was carved out during the reign of b) Pushyamitra Sunga 6. During the reign of Kanishka, Buddhism for the fist time went to China and from china it went to a) Burma and Tibet and Vietnam a) Mauryan b) Thailand and Cambodia c) Korea and Japan d) Indonesia

7. The worship of images (of Buddha) in India began during the period b) Sunga c) Kushana d) Gupta 8. The Sangam Age in the history of south India represents a) The period of Aryanisation of South India b) A period when an Assembly of a college of Tamil poets was held at Madurai c) A literary-cultural phase of the Tamilham during the first three centuries of the Christian era d) Both (b0 and (c)above 9. Which of the following was not one of the ruling dynasties of south India in the Sangam age? a) Chola b) Chera c) Pandya d) Pallava 10. Which of the following is the correct chronological sequence of the ruling dynasties of northern India, from the decline of the Mauryas to the rise of the Imperial Guptas? a) Sungas, Indo-Greeks, Kushans, Sakas and Guptas b) Sungas, Kushans, Parthians, Sakas and Guptas c) Sungas, Kanvas, Indo-Greeks, Sakas, Parthians and Guptas d) Kanvas Sungas, Indo-Greeks, Sakas, Parthians and Guptas. 11. Kanishka is associated with an era which is known as: a) Vikram era b) Saka-Shalivahan era c) Saka era d) Gupta era 12. A Gupta king has been called an Indian Napoleon and he was also an accomplished poet and musician(player of Veena).Who was he? a) Samudragupta a) Chandragupta I a) Aryabhatta b) Chandragupta II b) Samudragupta c) Kumaragupta c) Chandragupta II d) Skandagupta d) Skandagupta 13. The Gupta king who is known in the Indian legends as Vikramaditya was: 14. The foremost astronomer and mathematician of the Gupta period was: b) Varahamihira c) Bramagupta d) Vanabhata c) independence of later Gupta 15. The most important reason(s) for the decline of the Gupta Empire was/were a) Invasions of the Hunas b) weak later Gupta rulers rulers d) (a), (b) and (c)above A. Maukharis B. Pusyabhuti or Vardhans C. Sasanka D. Maitrakas A a) b) i ii B ii i C iii iv D iv iii (i) Thanesvar (ii) Kannauj (iii) Valabhi Gujarat (iv) Bengal Gauda

16. Match the following rulers / ruling dynasties of North India with the centers of their power:

c) d)

i iv

iii iii

ii ii

iv i c) Sri Harsha d) Gunadhava

17. Harshacharita the biography of Harsha was written by a) Banabhatta a) Jainism b) Sudraka b) Buddhism 18. Harsha was the last great royal patron of: c) Shaivism d) Bhagavatism c) Ajayaraj of 19. One of the founder kings of a ruling dynasty of North India elected by the people was: a) Chandradeva of the Gahadavala dynasty b) Gopala of the Pala dynasty the Chauhan dynasty d) Jeja or jejja of the Chandeka dynasty a)Ajayaraj b) Vigraharaj IV b) Jain temples c) Vigraharaj III d) Prithiviraj III

20.The Chahamana (or Chauhan) king who founded the city of Ajmer and made it his capital was 21. The temples of Khajuraho built by Chandela kings in the 11th century, are? a) Shaiva temples Shaiva temples. c) Both (a) and (b)above d) Buddhist, Jain and

22. The single most important factor responsible for the transformation of Ancient Indian society into medieval society was the a) practice of land grants rigidity of the caste system b) decline of trade c) proliferation of castes d)

23. Of the four main Chalukya dynasties of early medieval India Pulkesin II, who defeated Harsha belonged to Chalukya dynasty of a) Anhilwad (Gujara0 a) Madurai a) Simhavarma b) Badami or Vatapi c) Vengid) Kalyani d) Thanjavur d) Narasimhavarman 24. The capital of the Pallavas was b) Mahabalipuram c) Kanchi or Conjeevaram c) Nandivarman II 25. The Pallava king responsible for carving the Rathas of Mahabalipuram was b) Mahendravarman I 26.The Chola king, who after successfully raiding Bengal took the title of Gangaikonda and also founded a new capital (Gangaikonda Cholapuram) was a) Rajaraja I a) Thanjavur b) Rajendra I c) Rajadhiraj I d) Rajendra II d) Sri Sailam 27. The masterpiece of Chola sculpture is the famous Nataraja or the Dancing Shiva image at: b) Chidambaram c) Kalahasti 28. After the decline of the Chalukya kingdom of Kalyani at the close of the 12th and of the Chola kingdom at the beginning of the 13thcentury, the new kingdoms which arose in South India were: a) Yadavas of Devagiri and Kakatiyas of Warangal b) Hoysalas of Dwarasamudra and Pandyas of Madurai c) Both (a) and (b)above d) Vijayanagar and Bahamani kingdoms 29. The main objectives of the invasions of Mahmud of Ghazni in India was / were a) expansion of Islam the above b) expansion of Ghaznavi empirec) to plunder the wealth of India d) all

30. The Indian ruler who, unable to bear the humiliation of his defeat at the hands of Mahmud of Ghazni burnt himself to death was: a) Pratihara king Rajyapala d) Raja of Bhira b) Shahi king Jayapala c) Shahi king Anandapala

31. The Harappan economy was primarily _____ in nature a) Rural a) Rashtrakutas Pandyas b) Industrial c) Urban d) Capitalist c) Chalukyas of Vakataka d) 32. Which ruling dynasty of southern India was the most powerful rival of the Cholas? b) Chalukyas of Vengi

33. Which of the following does not represent an important source material for the Mauryan period? a) Literary works sources a) Mahapadma Nanda a) The Nagas a) Delhi a) Kanishka b) Foreign accounts c) Numismatic evidence d) Epigraphic

34. Who, among the following was the founder of the Nanda dynasty? b) Ashoka Nanda c) Dhana Nandad) None of above d) The Hindu Shahi Dynasty 35. The Kushan rule was brought to an end by b) The Britishersc) Samudragupta b) Ayodhya b) Ashoka c) Kannauj 36. During Kanishkas reign, the center of political activity shifted from Magadha to d) Purushapura (Peshawar) d) Rajendra Chola 37. Who had got the Konark Sun temple constructed? c) Narasimha Deva II 38. Sultan Mahmuds mission of plundering several temples for their wealth included the famous _____ temple as well a) Konark a) Akbar b) Kanauj b) Kalidas c) Mathura c) Sudraka d) Somnath d) Dandin c) Neolithic age c) Rahul d) Bronze age 39. Who wrote Mrichchhakatika (Clay chart) 40. The Indus valley Civilisation can be said to belong to the a) Paleolithic age a) Gautam b) Primitive age 41. Gautam Buddha as a prince was known as b) Siddhartha d) Suddhodhana 42. Architectural developments in India manifested themselves in their full glory during the period of the a) Guptas a) Harsha a) Iron a) Yoga a) Menander a) Law b) Nandas c) Mauryas d) Cholas d) Samudragupta 43. The proud title of Vikramaditya had been assumed by b) Chandragupta II b) Gold b) Social law c) Tin c) Kanishka 44. Which of the following was the first metal to be discovered and used as tools by humans? d) Copper d) Philosophy d) Ashoka d) Theology 45. The Upanishads are a series of books devoted to c) Religious rituals c) Kanishka c) Medicine 46. Who was Ashvaghosha a contemporary of? b) Harsha b) Grammar 47.With what subject does the Mitakshara deal?

48. The majority of nobles and rulers during the Sultanate period in northern India were a) Arabs b) Turksc)Afghans d) Persians c) A casteless society d) Non49. The aim of Ashokas Dhamma was a) Subtle conquest violence and peace a) Charaka b) Religious domination

50. The author of Ashtadhyayai is b) Panini c) Aryabhatta b) Markings on seals d) Chanakya c) Radio carbon dating 51. The Indus Valley Civilisation has been assigned the period 2500-1800 BC on the basis of a) Mystical insight by modern seers d) Travellers written accounts a) Vedas a) Magadha b) Agamas b) Kasi

52. The concluding portions of the Brahmanas are called the c) Tantras c) Kosala d) Satpathas d) Avanti c) Villages donated to 53. The Mahajanapada that acquired prominence to become an empire was that of 54.What did the Devadana type of a land tenure signify? a) Villages donated to Brahmins b) Villages donated to the king the gods d) Villages not normally lived in 55. What was the extent of Harshas Empire? a) The entire Indian subcontinentb) The whole of India part of northern India a) Muslim invasions wars of succession a) 19th century BC a) Jehangir c) The entire Deccan region d) A

56. The most important cause of the downfall of the Gupta empire was / were b) The pacifist influence of the Buddhas teachings c) Frequent d) Revolt and declaration of independence by principal chiefs. b) 14th Century BC c) 5th Century AD d) Akbar d) 600 BC

57. In which century did the first movement against vedic ritualistic practices start? 58. Which of the following rulers had reigned in the third century BC? b) Ashoka c) Samudragupta 59. Which of the following is regarded by historians as a crucial stage in describing the progress of civilisation? a) Writing b) The discovery of fire c) Agriculture d) The use of Internet 60. Who is credited with having written the immortal classic treatise Raja Yoga Sutras (Aphorisms on Meditation)? a) Panini a) Paramar a) Parsva a) Pottery manufacture b) Kapila b) Yadava b) Birbal c) Patanjali c) Chalukya c) Ashvaghosha d) Manu d) Chandella d) Nagarjuna c) Terracotta toys d) Aircraft 61. Of the following dynasties, only the _____ dynasty was not a patron of temple architecture? 62. Who was not among the scholars patronized by Kanishka? 63. Which important industry showed signs of having thrived in Lothal? b) Shipbuilding

64. Which of the following Indus Valley sites is presently in Pakistan? a) Kalibangan b) Harappa c) Alamgirpur d) Lothal c) The Harappan 65.The earliest evidence of use of silver in India is found in a) The Vedic texts b) The chalcolithic cultures of western India culture d) The Gupta period 66. The Vedic deity Indra was the god of a) Fire b) Rain and Thunder c) Eternity d) Wind d) 67. The institution of varna appeared in the a) Rig Vedic period b) Later Vedic period c) Period of the Manava Dharm Sastra Period of consolidation of text of the Mahabharata 68. The only Veda to have been rendered musically is a) The Rig Vedab) The Sama Veda a) Kanishka a) Nagarjuna a) Sravasti b) Kharavela b) Samprati b) Vaishali c) The Yajur Veda d) The Atharva Veda 69. Name the ruler whose patronage had been enjoyed by Jainism c) Pushyamitra sunga d) Samudragupta c) Vasubandhu d) Pataliputra c) Ajatashatru d) Pulakesin d) Kashyapa Matanga 70. To whom is the introduction of Buddhism into China traditionally attributed? 71. Where was Mahavir born? c) Rajagriha b) Bindusara 72. Who among the following rulers had embraced Jainism? a) Chandragupta Maurya a) Harsha 73. Which of the following rulers did not enter the Buddhist fold? b) Samudragupta c) Kanishka d) Ashoka 74. According to tradition, a mighty king in India in the fourth century BC had been raised to power by a Taxila Brahmin, named a) Chanakya a) Vish a) Yoga b) Patanjali b) Jana b) Bhakti c) Pushyamitra c) Grama c) Karma d) Manu d) Gotra d) Jnana c) Samudragupta d) Ashoka 75. The term used to denote a group of families in the Vedic society was 76. According to the Mimamsa School of Philosophy, liberation is possible through 77. During whose reign did Buddhism become the State religion? a) Chandragupta Maurya a) Sutralankara a) China b) Skandagupta I 78. The fourth Buddhist council had compiled an encyclopedia of Buddhist philosophy, called b) Madhyamika Sutra b) Cambodia c) Thailand b) Mahavira c) Jatakas d) Ceylon c) Shankaracharya d)The Buddha d) Mahavibhasha Sutra 79. Buddhism was first propagated outside India in 80. Who is said to have both been born and shed his body on the Vaishkha Purnima day? a) Chaitanya Mahaprabhu

81. During the Gupta period the village affairs were managed by the village headman with the assistance of the a) Amatya a) Buddhism a) 124 BC b) Mahattara c) Vishyapati d) Gopa d) Brahmanism 82. The Sunga dynasty had made ____ the official religion of their kingdom b) The Ajivika Sect b) 78 BC c) Jainism 83. The Saka era started from the year c) 78 AD d) 124 Ad c) Chandragupta Maurya c) Girnar inscription d)Ashoka d) Allahabad 84. Who among the following has been called the Napoleon of India? a) Samudragupta b) Harshavardhana 85. The achievements of Samudragupta have been chronicled in the a) Hathigumpha inscription pillar inscription b) Sarnath inscription

86. The Chola ruler who had subdued the Ganges and obtained the title Gangai Konda Cholan was a) Rajaraja Chola b) Rajendra Chola I c) Rajadhiraja Chola d) Kulattunga 87. Which Chola ruler had conquered the northern part of Sri Lanka and made it a province of his empire? a) Rajindra Chola I Chola a) The Cholas a) Ancient art a) Thanjavur a) Nirukta a) 14; 500 b) Adhirajindra Chola c) Paranataka d) Rajaraja

88. Who among the following are credited with having built the famous Ellora Caves? b) The Satavahanas c) The Rashtrakutas d) The Cheras 89. The cult of Krishna is primarily exhibited through the b) Rajasthani school of art b) Mahabalipuram b) Mahabhashya b) 16; 600 c) 18; 700 c) Mughal school of art d) Bengal school of art c) Khajuraho c) Ashtadhyayi d) 20; 800 d) Rameswaram d) Kasikavritti 90. The Pallava king were the makers of the rock cut temples at 91. Which is the oldest Indian linguistic text? 92. The Shrimad Bhagvata Gita contains _____ chapters and _____ Sanskrit slokas or couplets? 93. Who among the following anticipated Newton by affirming that all things tended to gravitate to the earth? a) Aryabhatta a) Kalidas a) Alexander b) Brahmagupta b) Panini b) Xersus c) Varahamihira c) Kautilya c) Darius d) Bana d) Phillip II d) Gandhara d) Buddhagupta 94. Who is the author of Kadambari from among the following? 95. To whom did the term Macedonias madman refers? 96. The two colossal images of the Buddha at Bamiyan are an instance of the _____ art? a) Early Mathura b) Maurya c) Gupta 97. The earliest surviving extant, i.e. still standing temples date from the _____ period?

a) Gupta

b) Sunga

c) Vedicd) Maurya c) Kanishka d) Harshavardhana

98. An elaborate system of municipal administration had been established by a) Skanda Gupta a) Rajput b) Chandragupta Maurya c) Mauryan 99. Foreigners were absorbed in a large number in the Indian society during the _____ period? b) Gupta d) Kushan c) The progress of caste system 100. The chief impact of vedic culture on Indian history has been a) The growth of Sanskrit philosophy d) The b) The rise of an other-worldly outlook consolidation of the

*************************************************** HISTORY 4 ANSWERS: 1. (a) 2. (c) (c) 11. (c) 12. (a) (a) 21. (c) 22. (a) (b) 31. (c) 32. (c) (d) 41. (b) 42. (a) (b) 51. (c) 52. (d) 53. (a) 61. (b) 62. (b) 63. (b) 71. (b) 72. (a) 73. (b) 81. (c) 82. (d) 83. (c) 91. (c) 92. (c) 93. (b) 3. (d) 13. (c) 23. (b) 33. (c) 43. (b) 54. (c) 64. (b) 74. (a) 84. (a) 94. (d) 4. (b) 14. (a) 24. (c) 34. (a) 44. (d) 55. (d) 65. (c) 75. (b) 85. (d) 95. (a) 5. (c) 15. (d) 25. (d) 35. (d) 45. (d) 56. (d) 66. (b) 76. (c) 86. (b) 96. (c) 6. (c) 16. (b) 26. (b) 36. (d) 46. (c) 57. (d) 67. (a) 77. (d) 87. (d) 97. (a) 7. (c) 17. (a) 27. (b) 37. (c) 47. (a) 58. (b) 68. (b) 78. (d) 88. (c) 98. (b) 8. (d) 18. (b) 28. (c) 38. (d) 48. (b) 9. (d) 19. (b) 29. (c) 39. (c) 49. (d) 10. 20. 30. 40. 50.

59. (c) 60. (c) 69. (b) 70. (d) 79. (d) 80. (d) 89. (b) 90. (b) 99. (c) 100. (d)

HISTORY - 5 1. Rana Kumbha built the famous Tower of victory or Kirtistambha at Chittoor in commemoration of his victory against: a) Gujarat a) Khizr Khan a) 11th a) Khangahs a) Bengal b) 12th b) Qalandars b) Maharastra b) Malwa b) Bahlul Lodi c) 14th c) Silsilahs c) Marwar d) Nagaur 2. The Sultan of the Sultanate of Delhi who transferred his capital from Delhi to Agra was: c) Sikandar Lodi d) Ibrahim Lodi d) 13th d) Darveshs d) Assam 3. Sufism, the liberal and mystic movement of Islam reached India in the _____ century? 4. Different Sufi schools or orders in India were known as: 5. Sankardeva was a great bhakti saint of c) Gujarat 6. The most important saint of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra who was born at Satara and is said to have died in Punjab was:

a) Jnanesvar a) Sangama a) Gulbarga a) Krishna

b) Namadeva b) Saluva b) Bidar b) Tungabhadra

c) Tukaram c) Tuluva c) Daulatabad c) Kaveri

d) Guru Ramdas d) Aravidu d) Golcunda

7. Harihara and Bukka, the founders of the empire of Vijayanagar named their dynasty as: 8. The first capital of the Bahamani Kingdom was: 9. The city Vijayanagar (Now known as Hampi) was situated on the northern bank of the river d) Godavari 10. The Vijayanagar king who wrote a work Amuktamalayada on the lines of Kautilyas Arthashastra was a) Deva Raya II b) Vira Narasimha c) Sri Ranga II d) Krishnadeva Raya 11. Baburs autobiography, called Tuzuk-IBaburi or Babur-naman. Which is reckoned among the most enthralling and romantic works in the literature of all times is written in: a) Arabic b) Persian c) Turki d) Urdu 12. Which of the following measures of Sher Shah Suri greatly helped in the promotion of trade and commerce? a) He got many important roads built b) The roads were very safe c) He abolished all internal duties and taxes were levied only at the points of import and sales d) He built several sarais on the highways 13. Sher Shas mausoleum is at Sahasaram in Bihar but he died at: a) Delhi b) Agra c) Chunar d) Kalanjar 14. After the devastation of the city of Vijayanagar in 1565, the capital of the empire was shifted to: a) Penukonda b) Chandragiri c) Mysore d) Gingee 15. The Portuguese gained a stronghold in India after defeating Zamorin of Calicut. The word Zamorin stands for a) King b) Warlord c) Sealord d) Admiral 16. Who of the following Portuguese Viceroys in India captured Goa (1510) from the Adil Shahi sultan of Bijapur and made it the headquarters of the Portuguese government ion India? a) Albuquerque a) Rana Udal Singh a) Merta b) Almeida b) Rana Pratap c) Joao De Castro d) Dom Luiz De Atayde d) Rana Amar Singh 17. When Chittoor was captured by Akbar (1558) the Rana of Mewar was: c) Rana Kumbha c) Mandalgarh 18. After the fall of Chittoor the city which became the capital of Mewar was: b) Kumbhalgarh d) Udaipur c) fraternity and 19. Akbars concept of Sulh-ikul(or Qul) means a) Friendship and good will to all b) common brotherhood friendship d) harmony and peace to all

20. Akbar had incorporated some principles of social reforms in the Din-I-illahi. Which of the following social reforms did not form pat of din-I-illahi? a) Remarriage of widows of seclusion of women b) Prohibition of child marriage c) Monogamy d) Rejection

21. The Mughal queen, whose name was inscribed on the coins and on all royal farmans as well as attached o the imperial signature was: a) Jotha Bai b) Nur Jahan c) Mumtaz Mahal d) Ladli Begum 22. An ambassador of the British King James I who secured favourable privileges for the east India Company from Emperor Jahangir was: a) Hawkins b) Henry Middleton c) Thomas Roe d) Josiah Child c) both (a) and 23. The most important political gain to the Mughals during the reign of Shah Jahan was: a) Annexation of Ahmadnagar b) treaties with Bijapur and Golcunda (b)above d) expulsion of the Portuguese from Hooghly 24. Todarmal is associated with the revenue system known as: a) Kankut b) Ghalla Bakshic) Zabti or Zabt d) Nasaq 25. On of the so-called Nine Gems of the court of Akbar the one who was reputed poet of Hindi was: a) Abul Fazl a) Amar Das b) Faizi b) Angad c) Abdur Rahim Khan-I-Khana c) Ram Das d) Arjan d) Birbal 26. Akbar granted the present site of Amritsar to the Sikh Guru: 27. The most important poet at the court of Mahmud of Ghazni who wrote Shahanama and is regarded as the Immortal Homer of the East was: a) Utbi b) Firdausi c) Alberuni d) Baihaqi 28. Muhammad Ghori laid the foundation of the Turkish Empire in India by defeating a) Prithiviraj Chauhan in 2nd battle of Tarain b) Jayachandra in the battle of Chandwar c) The Chandelas d) Both (a) and (b)above 29. The Buddhist universities of Nalanda and Vikramshila in Bihar were destroyed during the invasions of a) Mahmud Khalji b) Muhammad Ghori c) Bakhtiyar Khalji d) Ali Mardan Khalji c) He 30. From the point of view of the Turkish rule, the most important contribution of Iltumish was: a) Establishment of dynastic rule b) He was the firs Muslim ruler in India to issue coins made Delhi the capital of the Sultanate d) He organized the Iqta system 31. The first medieval ruler to propound the divine theory of kingship was a) Iltutmish b) Raziya c) Balban d) Alaudin khalji 32. The only known ruler in the history of India to have fixed the prices of different commodities rigidly enforced quality control and ensured easy availability of essential commodities was: a) Iltumish b) Alauddin Khalji c) Raziya d) Gayasuddin Tughluq 33. Muhammad-bin-Tughluq transferred his capital from Delhi to Devagiri (which he named Daulatabad) because: a) Delhi was insecure on account of Mongol invasions b) Devagiri was more centrally located c) from Devagiri he wanted to complete the conquest of the South d) All the above 34. The famous Moorish traveler Ibn Batuta who visited India recorded his experiences in a book entitled Safarnama or Rehla was appointed Qazi of Delhi by Sultan: a) Mubarak Shah Khalji d) Firuz Tughluq b) Ghiyasuddin Tughluq c) Mohammad-bin Tughluq

35. Match the respective cities founded by the following Sultans of Delhi: A. Alauddin Khalji B. Ghiyas uddin TughluqC. Muhammad-bin-Tughluq D. Firuz Tughluq A a) b) c) d) v ii ii v B iii I iii ii C iv iii I iii D i & ii iv & v iv &v I & iv i. Firuzabad iii. Tughluqabad iv. Daulatabad v. Siri ii. Jaunpur

36. Timur invaded India and ordered a general massacre of the people of Delhi during the reign of: a) Nasir-ud-din Mahmud b) Ghiyasuddin II c) Abu Bakr d) Alauddin Sikandar 37. The Akbar of Kashmir who reconstructed and rehabilitated all the temples and asked Jonaraja to continue further Kalhanas Rajatarangini was a) Sikandar a) Agra b) Shah Mir Samsuddin b) Aurangabad c) Fatepur Sikri c) Zain-ul-Abidind) Saifuddin d) Delhi 38. Assuming the title Alamgir, Aurangzeb crowned himself as emperor on July 21, 1658 at 39. Aurangazeb in his attempt to annex Marwar to the Mughal empire, was involved in a 30 year war. During these long years the most valiant struggle from the side of Marwar was fought by: a) Ajit Singh b) Durgadas c) Hadas of Bundi d) Indra Singh 40. During the last 25 years of his reign, Aurangzeb was mainly involved in long-drawn wars against: a) Bijapur b) Golcunda c) Marathas d) all the above 41. The liberal religion preached by the saints of Maharashtra and rigidly followed by Shivaji is known as: a) Desh Dharma a) Swaraj b) Maharashtra Dharma b) Mulk-I-qadim c) Rashtra Dharma d) Maratha Rastra d) Hindu dharma 42. The Maratha dominion of Shivaji was known as: c) Maharajya 43. Tarabai who conducted the affairs of the Maratha government from 1700 to 1707 AD was the widow of the Maratha King: a) Shambhaji b) Shivaji II c) Raja Ram d) Shivaji III c) Mansabdars d) Central Contingents 44. The Mughal troops were largely drawn from a) The Rajput Chiefs b) Tributary Chiefs 45. Which of the following buildings at Fatehpur Sikri is known as Ibadatkhana where Akbar used to hold religious discussions? a) Diwan-i-am b) Diwan-i-Khas c) Panch Mahal d) Jami Masjid 46. Two marble masterpieces of the reign of Shah Jahan were

a) Diwan-I-Khas and Musamman Burj (Jasmine Palace at Agra) b) Pearl Mosque (Moti Masjid) and Taj Mahal (at Agra) c) Diwan-I-Am and Shish Mahal (at Agra) d) Jami Masjid and Diwan-i-Khas (Shahjahanabad, Delhi) 47. The later Mughal King popularly known as Shah-i-Bekhabar (the Headless King) was a) Bahadur Shah b) Jahandar Shah c) Muhammed Shah d) Shah Alam I 48. The famous Sikh leader Banda Bahadur was captured and executed during the reign o the Mughal emperor? a) Aurangzeb b) Bahadur Shah I

c) Jahandar shah

d) Farrukhsiyar

49. During the second decade of the 18 century numerous independent dynasties were founded in different part of India. the dynasty founded by Chin Qulich Khan (popularly known as Nizam-ulmulk) in the Deccan was known: a) Qutb Shahi a) Murshid Quli Khan b) Asafiahi b) Alivardi Khan c) Adil Shahi d) Muhajamjahi d) Sarfaraz Khan c) Maratha 50. The founder of the independent state o Bengal was c) Shuja-ud-din 51. Before the rise of Ranjit Singh to power the Punjab was under the control of various a) Chiefs of Ahmad Shah Abdali commanders d) Sikh Sardars a) Huzur Daftar b) Sikh Misls (military brotherhoods)

52. The Peshwas Secretariat at Pune (Poona) the pivot of Maratha government was known as b) El Beriz Daftar c) Chalte Daftar d) Peshwa Daftar 53. The English founded Calcutta after obtaining the Zamindari of three villages, viz Sutanuti, Kalikata and Govindpur from the Mughal Viceroy of Bengal in 1698. The nucleus of the British settlement in Calcutta was a) San Tome b) Victoria Memorial c) Fort William d) Howrah Port 54. Nawab Siraj-ud-daulah of Bengal was defeated by the English in the battle of Plassey, mainly: a) Because the English forces were much stronger than those of the Nawab b) because of Clives conspiracy with the Nawabs Commander-in-Chief Mir Jafar and rich bankers of Bengal c) Because of Siraj-ud-daulahs retirement from the battlefield d) because of the capture of a band of Frenchmen under the Nawabs service by the English 55. The Battle of Buxer (October22, 1764) which confirmed the decisions of Plassey was fought between the English and a) Mir Kasim, Nawab o Bengal Shah Alam II, the Mughal Emperor a) Ryotwari System a) Haider Ali b) Shuja-ud-Daulah, the Nawab of Awadh d) All the three above c) Zamindari System c) Murshid Quli Khan c)

56. The Permanent Settlement introduced by Cornwallis in Bengal is known as: b) Mahalwari system b) Tipu Sultan d) Iqtadari System d) Malhar Rao Holkar 57. Who was the first Indian ruler to apply the Western methods to his administration: 58. Who of the following was the first to have the office of both Governor General and Commander-in-chief conferred upon him a) Clive a) Lahore b) Cornwallis b) Amritsar c) Warren Hastings c) Multan d) Patiala d) Wellesley 59. The capital of the Sikh kingdom of Ranjit Singh was

60. The greatest achievement of Hari Singh Nalwa, the Marshal of Sikh troops under Ranjit Singh and hero of several popular tales was: a) Defeat of a powerful Afghan army under Dost Mohammad and Capture of the territory east of Khyber Pass b) Annexation of Peshawar c) Annexation of Kashmir d) Organisation of a model army of Fauji-i-Khas 61. Which of the following governor General in India outlawed Sati and female infanticide and defined the aims of education in India? a) Lord Cornwallis a) 1853 a) 1854 b) 1856 b) 1858 b) Lord Wellesley c) 1857 c) 1848 c) Lord Hastingsd) William Bentinck d) 1854 d) 1861 62. The first three universities in India at Calcutta, Bombay and Madras were established in: 63. When was the modern Postal System introduced in India? 64. What was the purpose of the Grand Durbar held at Delhi on January1, 1877 while nearly 58 million people were stricken with grave famine, leading to the death of nearly 5 million people in a single year? a) To invest Queen Victoria with the title Kaiser-i-Hind or Queen Empress of India b) To honour the loyal Indian princes c) To announce the assumption of Indian administration by the Crown d) To announce famine relief measures 65. The Local Self-Government institutions in India were established in 1881 by: a) Lytton b) Ripon c) George Barlow d) Curzon 66. The People greatly resented the partition of Bengal in 1905, because a) It was an attack upon the growing nationalism in Bengal b) It was an attempt to divide the people of Bengal on communal lines c) It disturbed the economic and cultural homogeneity of Bengal d) It was against he geo-political unity of Bengal 67. The purpose of the Macaulayan System of education introduced in India was to create: a) Indian in blood and colour, but English in tastes b) European Renaissance in India c) A separate class of Western educated men and womend) A quest for European literature and sciences in India 68. Who of the following sent a petition signed by about a thousand persons to Government of India urging it to legislate for widow remarriage? a) Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar Roy a) Dinabandhu Mitra d) Ram Gopal Ghose b) D.K. Karve c) P.M. Malabari d) Raja Ram Mohan

69. The tragic story of Indigo cultivators was mirrored in a drama called Nil Darpan written by: b) Chandra Mohan Chatterjee c) Harish Chandra Mukherji

70. The famous agrarian riots in Poona and Ahmadnagar, generally known as the Deccan riots of 1875 were directed against the: a) Zamindars a) Mularaja a) Alpkhan b) Money lenders b) Bhima I b) Ulugh Khan c) Revenue officials d) All the above 71. When Mahmud Ghazni invaded Somnath, the ruler of Gujarat was c) Jayasimha Siddharajad) Bhima II c) Nusarat Khan d) Malik Kafur 72. Alauddin Khaljis commander who led the campaign to South India was:

73. The medieval Hindi ruler who was a contemporary of Akbar and took the title of Vikramaditya was: a) Rana Pratap (of Mewar) b) Sadasiva Raya (of Vijayanagar) Amber) d) Hemachandra (Hemu) 74. The first known ruler to introduce canal irrigation in India was: a) Krishnadevaraya a) Millet and Groundnut a) Akbar a) Safdar Jang a) Wajid Ali Shah Zeenat Mahal b) Firuz Tughluqc) Akbar b) Potato and Mustard d) Tipu Sultan c) Tobacco and Maize d) Indigo and Maize. 75. Two major crops introduced in India during the Mughal period were 76. The Mughal empire reached its maximum territorial extent during the reign of b) Shah Jahan c) Aurangzeb d) Bahadur Shah I d) Saadat Khan d) Begum 77. The Nawab of Awadh who permanently transferred his capital from Fyzabad to Lucknow was b) Shuja-ud-Daula c) Asaf-ud-Daula 78. The revolt of 1857 in Awadh and Lucknow was led by: b) Begum Hazarat Mahal c) Asaf-ud-Daula c) Raja Man Singh (of

79. The Voluminous compositions attributed to Guru Govind Singh (the last Sikh guru) are collectively known as: a) Dasam (Padshah Ka) Granth Gyan Prabodh a) Man Singh b) Todar Mal b) Apni Katha c) Baichitra Natak d)

80. The only Hindu noble at the court of Akbar to accept the din-I-Ilahi was: c) Birbald) Bhagwan Das 81. The Pallava ruler who built the famous Kailash temple at Kanchi and the Shore temple at Mahabalipuram was: a) Narasimhavarman II d) Narasimhavarman b) Parameswaravarman I c) Mahendravarman I

82. The district as an administrative unit under a magistrate and a Collector was first evolved in India during the Governor Generalship of: a) Clive b) Warren Hastings c) Cornwallis d) William Bentinck 83 Govind Dhondu Pant popularly known as Nanasaheb, and one of the principal leaders of the Revolt of 1857 was the adopted heir and successor of: a) Peswa Baji Rao II a) Nana Saheb a) Mongolia a) Kabul b) King of Jhansi c)Madhav Rao Sindhia d) Malhar Rao Holkar d) Mangal Pandey 84. The unique distinction of firing the first shot in the Rebellion of 1857 goes to: b) Bahadur Shah II b) Turkey b) Damayak c) Rani Lakshmi Bai (of Jansi) d) Afghanistan d) Tarain 85. Ghazni was a small principality in: c) Persia c) Ajmer 86. In 1206 AD Muhammad of Ghor was killed at 87. Who was the first Sultan of Delhi to issue regular currency and to declare Delhi as the capital of his empire? a) Balban b) Aram Shah c) Nasiruddin Mahmood d) Iltutmish

88. Timurs invasion has taken place during the reign of: a) Abu Bakr Tughluq b) Ghiyas-ud-din-Tughluq Tughluqd) Nasiruddin Mahmud Tughluq 89. Ayagars in Vijayanagar were: a) Administrators of Nadus d) Village functionaries a) Akbar b) Governors of Provinces c) Administrators of Kottams c) Muhammad-Bin-

90. Which monarch called himself as the second Alexander? b) Samudra Gupta c) Ala-ud-din Khalji d) Chandra Gupta II 91. The most learned medieval Muslim ruler who was well versed in various branches of learning including astronomy, mathematics and medicine was: a) Sikandar Lodib) Iltumish 92. The term Iqta means: a) Assignments of land as reward of pension b) revenue assignment of a particular area in lieu of cash salary c) an administrative grant of relief d) a unit of local government 93. Who from among the following was the founder of Bahmani Kingdom in the Deccan? a) Mahmud Gawan a) Afghans a) Raziya b) Hasan Ganguc) Sikandar Shah c) Turksd) Composite elements c) Iltumish b) Ahmad Shah d) Qutb-ud-din Aibak c) Qutb-ud-din Ahmad Shah d) Malik Ambar 94. The nobility of the Delhi Sultanate was largely composed of b) Arabs b) Balban 95. The Mongols appeared for the first time on the banks of the Indus during the rule of: 96. Who among the following founded the city of Ahmedabad? a) Muzaffar Shah II d) Muhammud I Begarha a) Tirumala a) Poet a) Virupaksha c) Muhammad-bin-Tughluq d) Firuz Tughluq

97. Who was the founder of Aravidu dynasty of the Vijayanagar Empire? b) Sadasiva Raya b) Musician c) Rama Raya d) Merchant c) Vittalaswamy d) Venugopal swamy c) d) Bukka 98. Minhaj-us-Siraj was a: c) Historian 99. Who was the patron deity of Vijayanagar? b) Narasimha 100. Which among the following was the most appropriate cause for the failure of Raziya? a) Her Sex b) Her intention to be the ruler not only in name but also in fact Her unpopularity with the people of Delhi d) Her incompetence **********************

HISTORY 5 ANSWERS: 1. (b) 2. (c) 3. (a) 4. (c) 5. (d) 6. (b) 7. (a) 8. (a) 9. (b) 10. (d) 11. (c) 12. (c) 13. (d) 14. (a) 15. (c) 16. (a) 17. (a) 18. (d) 19. (d) 20. (d) 21. (b) 22. (c) 23. (c) 24. (c) 25. (c) 26. (a) 27. (b) 28. (d) 29. (c) 30. (d)

31. (c) 41. (b) 51. (b) 61. (d) 71. (b) 81. (a) 91. (c)

32. (b) 33. (d) 42. (a) 43. (c) 52. (a) 53. (c) 62. (c) 63. (a) 72. (d) 73. (d) 82. (c) 83. (a) 92. (b) 93. (b)

34. (c) 44. (c) 54. (b) 64. (a) 74. (b) 84. (d) 94. (c)

35. (a) 45. (b) 55. (d) 65. (b) 75. (c) 85. (d) 95. (c)

36. (a) 46. (b) 56. (c) 66. (b) 76. (c) 86. (b) 96. (b)

37. (c) 47. (a) 57. (b) 67. (a) 77. (c) 87. (d) 97. (a)

38. (d) 48. (c) 58. (b) 68. (a) 78. (b) 88. (d) 98. (c)

39. (b) 40. (c) 49. (b) 50. (a) 59. (a) 60. (a) 69. (a) 70. (b) 79. (c) 80. (c) 89. (d) 90. (c) 99. (a) 100. (b)

HISTORY-6 1. What is meant by The Forty or Chalisa? a) The cream of Afghan nobles b) The Pick of the intellectuals among the Khaljis c) The select body of the Turkish Aristocracy d) The ulema or the Muslim divines 2. Who was the founder of Srivaishanva sect? a) Nathamuni a) Zoroastrianism a) Arab a) Kotwal b) Uyyakondar b) Hinduism c) Yamunacharya c) Buddhism d) Turk d) Krori d) Jainism d) Ramanuja 3. What was the religion of Malik Kafur before he entered the service of Ala-ud-din? 4. To which race did Mahmud of Ghazni belong? b) Afghan b) Qanungo c) Mongol c) Amin 5. In the Mughal period the registers of the agricultural lands were maintained by:

6. Under the Mughals the Jizya was collected from a) Persians a) Vakil b) Muhammadans b) Diwan c) Kazis c) Hindus d) Foreign visitors 7. Under the Mughal rule the judicial service was formed by: d) Manasabdhars c) Emperor d) Navy d) Akbar d) Calcutta c) Kabuld) Portugal d) Bombay c) Taxed cowd) Zamindar 8. Under the Mughals the Commander-in-Chief of the Army was: a) The Crown Prince a) Infantry a) Balban a) Madras a) Samarkand a) Karachi b) Manasbdhar c) Artillery c) Humayun c) Delhi 9. Under the Mughals was administered as a department of the household: b) Cavalry b) Babar b) Gujarat 10. In India artillery was first used by: 11. During the Mughal rule in India tobacco was first cultivated in: 12. The Mughals imported fruits from b) Arabia b) Calcutta c) Surat 13. The main outlet for foreign trade during Akbars reign was the port of: 14.To bring Hindu-Muslim unity Akbar a) Encouraged cow killing b) Prohibited cow-killing killing d) Remained silent to cow-killing 15. The Upanishads were translated into Persian by: a) Prince Shuja a) Humayun b) Prince Murad b) Akbar c) Prince Dara Shikoh c) Jahangir d) Shah Jahan d) d) Prince Khusru 16. Prince Dara-Shikoh was the son of 17. The Mughal School of Painting was interested in portraying: a) Mughal Court b) Domestic subjects The scenes of their mother land 18. Jama Masjid at Delhi was built by: a) Humayun a) Humayun a) Mirkasim a) Raja of Rewa a) Kotwal b) Kazi b) Sher Shah b) Akbar b) Mir Jumia c) Shah Jahan c) Jahangir c) Shivaji d) Shah Jahan d) Shah Jahan c) Akbar d) Amin c) Guru Harkishan d) Guru Tegh Bahadur d) Sher Shah d) Aurangzeb 19. was the first Mughal Emperor to acquire Koh-i-nur diamond 20. Koh-i-nur diamond was presented to Aurangzeb by 21. Tansen was originally in the service of b) Krishnadeva Raya c) Vakil b) Guru Govind 22. Under the Mughals the Police duties in urban areas were entrusted to the officers known as: 23. The Adi Granth was compiled by a) Guru Arjun Dev c) Scenes from the Indian classics

24. The Sikh Guru who fought in the Mughal ranks during the reign of Aurangzeb was: a) Tegh Bahadur b) Har Rai c) Amar Das d) Angad 25. The English and the Dutch were firmly established in all the parts of the Coast from Sind to Bengal by the middle of the: a) 17th Century a) Jat leaders a) Konkan b) 18th Century b) Mawali leaders b) Poona c) 16th century c) Santhals d) Bhils d) 15th Century 26. In his early days Shivaji moved with 27. The estate of Shivajis father was: c) Tomad) Rajgarh c) Twelve Ministers d) Mansabdars d) Fifteen Ministers 28. During Shivajis rule the Council of the State consisted of: a) Eight Ministers a) Mughal a) Surat b) Eighteen Ministers 29. Chauth and Sardeshmukhi were paid by: b) Pilgrims b) Calicut c) Foreign visitors c) Bombay c)Sambaji c) Kazi 30. Shivaji maintained a fleet at: d) Kolaba d) Shahu d) Mansabdar c) Muhammad Khan d) Aurangzeb 31. Aurangzeb sent Mukarrab Khan against: a) Shaji Bhonsleb) Shivaji a) Diwan a) Afzalkhan b) Vakil b) Shayistakhan b) left fallow 32. Under the Mughal rule the Chief Minister was known as: 33. With the help of Baghnuk (Tiger-claws) Shivaji killed: 34. During the Mughal rule in the field of agriculture Parauti was the land a) Annually cultivated a) Africa a) Sea faring a) Political a) Babur a) Smabhal a) Babur c) uncultivated d) barren land d) England d) Service in army d) Social 35. Under the Mughals the cotton goods were exported to: b) Sumatra b) Agriculture b) Architecture b) Humayun b) Delhi b) Akbar c) Japan 36. Under the Mughal rule the main occupation of the people was: c) Working in mines c) Military c) Jahangir c) Agra c) Jahangir 37.The Mughals have been made immortal by their achievements in the .. field 38. All the early Mughal emperors except .. were great builders d) Aurangzeb d) Lahore d) Shah Jahan c) Artistic schools of the Far Eastd) The 39. Jammi Mosque was built at 40. Indo-Persian style of architecture attained its supreme beauty in the reign of: 41. The Hindu painting was closely connected with pictorial art of the a) Buddhist priests Mughal School b) Jain monks

42. The Peacock Throne of Shah Jahan was made of a) Pure silver b) Pure Gold and silver Silver, copper and gold a) Nadir shah a) Sanskrit a) Three fifths a) Talwandi a) Eighteen a) Mughal b) Ten b) Hindu b) The English b) Persian c) Urdu c) Pure Gold studded with diamonds d)

43. The huge wealth of the Mughals fell into the hands of . after the capture of Delhi in 1739: c) The French d) Hindi c) One fifth c) Amritsar d) Seven d) Sikh d) Four fifths d) Poona d) The Portuguese 44. Kahn Khanan rendered Baburs Memories into: 45. Under Shivajis rule . of the produce were to be given: b) Two fifths b) Purandhar c) Only Two c) Pathan 46. Guru Nanak was born at: 47. The Apostolate of the Sikhs consisted of . leaders 48. Guru Govind Singh was assassinated by a: 49. During the Mughal period there was continuous emigration of the .. to places ruled by Hindu Rajas a) Nobles a) Kabul a) Panipat a) 1536 a) Gaur a) Mount Abu a) Shikadar a) Kalanur a) Bairam Khan a) Mumtaj a) Babar b) Poor b) Farghana b) Chunar b) 1546 b) Chunar c) Middle class c) Badakhshan c) Khanwa c) 1556 c) Chausa c) Surat c) Kasi c) Gaur d) Jaunpur d)1566 d) Agra d) Chittor d) Faujdar d) Kabul d) Farid d) Maham Anaga d) Aurangzeb d) Foreign residents d) Herat 50. When Babur invaded India in 1525, Humayun was the Governor of 51. The battle between Babar and Rana Sanga was fought at: 52. Humayun died in the year: 53. Sher Shah defeated Humayun at: 54. Sher Shahs last campaign was against: b) Kalinjar b) Manasabdar b)Ajmer 55. Under Sher shah the largest administrative unit was administered by a Chief namely: 56. Akbar was enthroned in a garden at: 57. Hemu was captured and brought before Akbar by .. b) Salimc) Shah Qulihan Khan b) Hamida Begum b) Humayun c) Jahanara c) Akbar 58. Akbars nurse-in-chief was: 59. Jizya was abolished by the Mughal ruler:

60. Akbar suppressed the rebellion of Abdullah Khan, the Governor of: a) Mewar a) Calcutta a) Kabul b) Malwa b) Surat b) Heartc) Agra c) Meerut c) Cambay d) Mankat d) Madras 61. Akbar saw the sea for the first time in his life at 62.Hakim Mirza the younger brother of Akbar was the viceroy of: d) Bengal d) Malik Amber 63. Srinagar was captured in 1586 by General: a) Raja Bhagvan Das a) Bijapur a) Kabul a) Goa a) Calicut a) Albuquerque a) Tobacco a) Mihr-un-Nisa a) Gheyas Beg a) Sher Khan a) Queen Mary a) Agra a) Akbar a) Moti Masjid a) Todar Mal b) Delhi b) Sher Shah b) Jami Masjid b) Birbal b) Khan Khanan c) Raja Man Singh c) Ahmadnagar c) Berar d) Oudh c) Calicut c) Surat d) Calcutta 64. Chand Bibi was the ruler of b) Kashmir b) Bengal b) Mangalore b) Cochin d) Mewar 65. Todar Mal hailed from: 66. First Portuguese factory was established in: 67. During his second voyage, Vasco-da-Gama strengthened the defence of: d) Cannanore c) Cabral d) Cashew d) Man Bai d) Daniyal d) Kavi Rai d) Queen Anne d) Mildenhall 68. Goa was captured by: b) dAlmedia b) Potato c) Maize 69. Which of the following was not introduced by the Portuguese to India: 70. Original name o Mumtaj Mahal was: b) Jagat Gosamic) Arjumand Banu b) Abul Hasan b) Sher Afghan b) Queen Elizabeth c) Ajmer c) Sher Afghan c) shah Jahan c) James I d) Burhanpur d) Aurangzeb d) Fatepur Sikri d) Tansen 71. Mumtaj Mahal was the daughter of: 72. Prince Khurram was given the title of: 73. Hawkins came to India with a letter from the British Monarch: 74. Mumtaj Mahal died at: 75. The title Alamgir was assumed by: c) Jahangir c) Taj Mahal c) Jagannath 76. Of the following, which was not built by shah Jahan? 77. The title of Mahakavi Rai was given by Shah Jahan to: 78. On behalf of Aurangzeb Cooch Behar was seized by:

a) Mir Jumla a) Bhagu a) Annexation a) Jaunpur a) Gujarat a) Kashmir a) Agra a) Bijapur a) Afzal Khan a) Poona a) Sikandar a) Jats a) Al-Raza a) Architecture a) Hindi

b) Prince Akbar b) Khan Jahan b) Association b) Behrampur b) Konkan b) Bengal b) Konkon b) Poona c) Bijapur c) Konkan c) Farid

c) Shayista Khan d) Chingiskhan c) Divide and rule c) Jamrud c) Surat c) Punjab d) Poona d) Surat d) Mir Jumla

d) Jai Singh

79. The leader of the Yusufzai Pathans was: 80. The Mughals subdued the Pathans by following the policy of: d) Co-existence 81. Maharaja Jaswant Singh died at: d) Ajmer d) Poona d) Deccan 82. On behalf of Aurangzeb Shivaji attacked: 83. Aurangzeb appointed his uncle Shayista Khan as Governor of: 84. Shivaji attacked Shayista Khan in the night at: 85. Shivaji sacked .. and secured a large booty: 86. Shivajis Agra Adventure was planned by: b) Shayista Khan b) Konkan b) Durga Devi b) Satnamis b) Ibn Batuta b) Painting b) Sanskrit c) Ardh-Magadi c) Jai Singh 87. Shivaji crowned himself at: c) Bijapur d) Rajgarh d) Afzal Khan d) Shayista Khan d) Al-Firdausi d) Sculpture 88. When Aurangzeb proceeded against Golkonda it was ruled by: c) Abul Hassan c) Prince Akbar c) Al-Beruni c) Music 89. Of the following who did not revolt against Aurangzeb? 90. The scholar who had accompanied Mohammed of Ghazni to India was: 91. Which art did Jehangir patronize in particular? 92. Which was the language adopted by the Bhakti saints to preach their ideas to the masses? d) Regional vernacular languages c) Forming an army of Jackals 93. In the year 1528, Akbar took the momentous step of: a) Banning Sati b) Removing Jaziya d) Propounding a new religion Din-i-Ilahi 94. What does the Sangam age owe its name to? a) Village assembly b) Jain influencec) Confluence of rivers d) A literary guild b) Gyan Marga c) The Bhakti Cult d) Ahimsa 95. What did Ramanuja preach? a) The nearing apocalypse 96. Who has preached Rama and Rahim are two different names of the Same God?

a) Chaitanya

b) Sant Kabir

c) Ramanuja

d) Ramananda

97. During the period 1000-1026 AD, how many plundering raids did Mohammed of Ghazni carry out in India? a) 8 a) Akbar b) 12 b) Humayun c)17 d) 26 c) Sher Shah d) Jehangir c) Moti Masjid 98. The Purana Qila (at Delhi) was constructed in the reign of: 99. The Architectural structures constructed by Shahjahan did not include: a) Jama Masjid in Delhi b) Jehangirs mausoleum in Lahore in Agra d) Red Fort in Delhi 100. Who is the author of the famous literary work Tahqiq-I-Hind? a) Dandin b) Badauni c) Bhavabhuti ****************** HISTORY 6 ANSWERS: 1. (c) 2. (d) 3. (b) 4. (b) 11. (b) 12. (a) 13. (c) 14. (b) 21. (a) 22. (a) 23. (a) 24. (a) 31. (c) 32. (b) 33. (a) 34. (b) 41. (a) 42. (c) 43. (a) 44. (b) 51. (c) 52. (c) 53. (c) 54. (b) 61. (c) 62. (a) 63. (a) 64. (c) 71. (b) 72. (c) 73. (c) 74. (d) 81. (c) 82. (b) 83. (d) 84. (d) 91. (b) 92. (d) 93. (d) 94. (d) 5. (b) 15. (c) 25. (a) 35. (a) 45. (b) 55. (a) 65. (d) 75. (d) 85. (d) 95. (c) 6. (c) 16. (d) 26. (b) 36. (b) 46. (a) 56. (a) 66. (c) 76. (d) 86. (c) 96. (b) 7. (c) 17. (a) 27. (b) 37. (b) 47. (b) 57. (c) 67. (d) 77. (c) 87. (d) 97. (c) 8. (c) 18. (c) 28. (a) 38. (d) 48. (c) 58. (d) 68. (a) 78. (a) 88. (c) 98. (c) 9. (c) 10. (b) 19. (a) 20. (b) 29. (a) 30. (d) 39. (a) 40. (d) 49. (b) 50. (c) 59. (c) 60. (b) 69. (d) 70. (c) 79. (a) 80. (c) 89. (d) 90. (b) 99. (b) 100. (d) d) Alberuni

HISTORY-7 1. Who said that the exploitative nature of British rule was bleeding India White? a) Tilak a) The Hindu b) Dadabhai Naoroji b) Indian Express c) Hume c) The Times of India d) Annie Besant d) New India 2. Which of the following was the Newspaper of Annie Besant? 3. Match the following: A. Swaraj is my birth right B. It is not reforms but re-form C. A subject people has no soul D. Policy of petitions, prayers and protests A a) b) 1 4 B 2 3 C 3 2 D 4 1 1. Moderates 2. Lajpat Rai 3. B.C.Pal 4. Tilak

Choose the correct answer from the codes given below:

c) d)

3 2

4 1

2 3

1 4

4.As per the Act of 1919 which of the following statements was not correct: a) British India must remain an integral part of the British Empire. b) Responsible Government would be realized only by the progressive stages c) Provincial subjects were classified into Reserved subjects and Transferred subject d) The salary of the Secretary of State for India was not to be paid by Parliament 5. The Dyarchy which was introduced in 1921 in provinces was in force till the year: a) 1927 b) 1935 c) 1937 b) The Act of 1919 c) Gujarat c) Dyer b) Sentenced to death d) 1947 c) The Act of 1858 d) Poona d) Montagu c) Rewarded with honour d) Relieved of d) The Act of 1861 6. The Secretary of State for India was given powers by: a) The Act of 1909 a) Bombay a) Benn 7. Satyagraha Sabha was formed by Gandhi at: b) Calcutta b) Irwin 8. At Jallianwala Bagh meeting ordered the troops to open fire: 9. Dyer was by the Government of Britain: a) Sentenced for life his service a) Persia a) C.R. Das

10. Khilafat Movement was organized to protest against the injustice done to b) Turkey c) Arabia d) Egypt c) Mrs. Besant d) Nehru 11. Of the following who did not oppose the non-cooperation resolution: b) Madan Mohan Malaviya 12. Where did Gandhi call the Congress Working Committee to announce the suspension of noncooperation movement? a) Bardoli a) Lloyd George a) Bhagat Singh a) 12th March a) Salisbury b) Poona c) Calcutta d) Madras d) Lord Ripon d) Sukh Dev d) 12th May d) Montagu 13. When the Simon commission visited India the Viceroy was: b) Lord Irwin c) Lord Reading c) Jatin Das 14. Of the following who died as political prisoner in Lahore prison? b) Batukeshwar Dutt b) 12th April b) Curzon 15. Dandi March started on .. 1930 c) 12th February 16. When Gandhi-Irwin Pact was signed, the secretary of State for India was: c) Wedgwood Benn 17. The famous resolution on Non-cooperation under the inspiration of Mahatma Gandhi was adopted in a special session of Congress held at Calcutta in: a) September 1920 b) December 1922 c) October 1924 d) November 1925 c) 18. In what session did Congress declared complete Independence (Poorna Swaraj) as its goal? a) Lahore session held in 1929 Ahmedabad session held in 1921 b) Madras session held in 1927 d) Gaya session held in 1922

19. Who was the British Prime Minister who convened the First Round Table conference in London? a) Churchill a) King George V b) Ramsay McDonald b) M.K. Gandhi b) Motilal Nehru c) Chamberlain c) Lord Irwin d) Disraeli 20. Who opened the First Round Table Conference? d) Ramsay McDonald d) Bal 21. My strongest bulwark is gone lamented Gandhiji on the death of: a) Gopalakrishna Gokhale Gangadhar Tilak c) Pherozeshah Metha

22. Mahatma Gandhi participated in the Second Round Table conference after: a) Signing the Gandhi-Irwin Pact of March 1931 b) Refusing to hold direct talks with the Muslim League c) Being permitted by the Congress d) Receiving assurance that independence was fast coming 23. The idea of incorporating safeguards in the Indian Constitution was inspired by the: a) Third Round Table Conference d) Poona Pact a) B.R. Ambedkar Ram b) Gandhi-Irwin Pact c) Visit of Simon commission

24. Who founded the All India Harijan Samaj in 1932? b) Acharya Narendra Dev c) Mahatma Gandhi d)Jagjivan

25. Which of the following leaders died as a result of injuries sustained during a protest demonstration against Simon Commission: a) Bal Gangdhar Tilak Lala Lajpat Rai b) Dadabhai Naoroji c) Gopalakrishna Gokhale d)

26. Which of the following was not one of the cardinal principles of Mahatma Gandhis doctrine of Satyagraha? a) Truthfulness b)Non-violence c)Fearlessness b) Lala Lajpat Rai d) Abstinence c) Bal Gangadhar 27. With whom is the slogan Do or Die associated? a) Subhas Chandra Bose Tilak d) Mahatma Gandhi 28. The Bardoli Satyagraha was led by: a) Rajendra Prasad b) Mahatma Gandhi c) Vallabhbhai Patel d) Morarji Desai d) 29. The sole representative of the Congress in the Second Round Table Conference was: a) Subhas Chandra Bose Jawaharlal Nehru a) Haider Ali a) Clive b) Tipu Sultan b) Cornwallis b) Sir Tej Bahadur Sapru c) Mahatma Gandhi

30. Who was the first Indian ruler to apply the western methods to his administration? c) Murshid Quli Khan c) Warren Hastings d) Malhar Rao Holkar d) Wellesley 31. Who of the following was for the first time designated as the Governor of India? 32. The death of millions of Indians in frequent famines which visited India during the 19th century were mainly due to: a) Overall shortage of food and its improper distribution b) Commercialisation of agriculture c) Poor purchasing power of the people due to their extreme poverty and rise in prices d) Un-remunerative agriculture and fall in agricultural production

33. The Nawab of Awadh permanently transferred his capital from Faizabad to Lucknow was: a) Safdarjang b) Shuja-ud-daula c) Asaf-ud-daulad) Saada Khan 34. Queen Victorias famous proclamation, transferring authority form the East India Company to the Crown was made from: a) London b) Calcutta c) Delhi d) Allahabad 35. During the first hundred years of the British rule in India, peoples resentment and opposition to the British politics mainly surfaced in the form of: a) Tribal uprising a) Big landlords opium planters b) Peasant uprisings b) Moneylenders c) Civil uprisingsd) (a) and (b) above c) Revenue collectors d) British 36. The Deccan riots 1874-75 in Maharashtra were directed at:

37. One of the best known tribal rebellions and police exactions Ulgulan (Meaning Great Tumult) was launched by the Mundas under the leadership of: a) Kanthu b) Sidhu c) Bisra Munda d) Rampa Munda 38. One of the earliest and the best known mutinies before the revolt of 1857 was: a) The Native infantry Mutiny (1824) b) Indian Solders Mutiny at Vellore (1806 ) c) Sholapur Mutiny (1838) d) Assam Soldiers Mutiny (1824) 39. Match the persons /leaders of the Revolt of 1857 and the places and events with which they were associated: A. Mangal Pandey B. Bahadur Shah II C. Nana Saheb D. Rani Lakshmi Bai E. Birjis Kader - i. Proclaimed himself Peshwa at Kanpur and was joined by his able General Tatya Tope - ii. Proclaimed the ruler at Jhansi - iii. At Barackpore, he refused to use the greased cartridges and killed The Adjutant - iv. Declared the Nawab of Awadh - Proclaimed the King emperor of India in Delhi

A a) b) c) d) ii i iii iii

B v v v ii

C i ii i iv

D iii iii ii v

E iv iv iv i

40. The Revolt of 1857 failed mainly because a) of superior resources of the British Empire b) it was poorly organized and the rebels had no common ideal c) it had very little nationalist sentiment d) it was localized, restricted and scattered 41. The earliest nationalist to commit political dacoities (a feature of the later revolutionary movements) was: a) Jyotiba Phule Das b) Chapekar Brothers c) Vasudev Balwant Phadke d) Yatindra

42. Indian handicrafts rapidly declined due to:

a) Lack of patronage b) growing craze for imported goods machine made goods of Englandd) all the above

c) stiff competition from the

43. After 1893 when complete ban was imposed on all commercial activities of the Company, India was left open to exploitation by: a) British officers in Indiab) Planters Zamindars and big landlords a) Railways c) British mercantile industrial capitalist class d)

44. The single biggest item of British capital investment in India was: b) Plantations and minesc) Banking and insurance d) Shipping 45. Match the following social reforms of modern India with the reform organizations founded by them and the year of their foundations: A. Rajaram Mohan Roy B. Devendra Nath Tagore C. Keshav Chandra Sen D. M.G.Ranade E. Dayanand Saraswati A a) b) c) d) ii iii iii ii B i i ii i C iii ii i iii D v v iv v B iv iii iii iv C iii i i i D v v v v i. Tatvabodhini Sabha (1839) ii. Brahmo Samaj of India (1860) iii. Brahmo Samaj (1828) iv. Arya Samaj (1875) v. Prarthana Samaj (1867) E IV iv v iv i. Opposed untouchability ii. Widow remarriage iii. Abolition of purdah and Child marriage iv. Female Education v. Social service and service to humanity vi. Abolition of sati E i iv ii ii F vi ii iv iv

46. Match the following social reformers with the pioneering reforms they introduced: A. Raja Ram Mohan Roy B. Keshab Chandra Sen C. Dayanand Saraswati D. Vivekananda E. Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar F.D.K. Karve A a) b) c) d) ii vi vi iii

47. Which of the following was not a common social reform attempted by all Hindu social reformers of the 19th century a) Emancipation of women A. Abolition of Sati C. Prohibition of female infanticide b) monogamy c) Female education i. 1843 ii. 1804 iii. 1829-30 d) untouchability 48. Match the years in which the following social legislations were passed: B. Legalisation of remarriage of widows -

D. Abolition of slavery A a) b) c) d) i ii iii iii B ii i iv iv C iii iv ii i D iv iii i ii

iv. 1856

49. The social reformer of Maharashtra, who became famous by his pen name Lokhitwadi was: a) Atmaram Pandurangab) Bal Gangadhar Tilak Chaplunkar c) Gopal Hari Deshmukh d) K.S

50. The main cause for the instant popularity of the Arya Samaj was that: a) It represented the purified form of Hinduism b) It supported and worded for the cause of western education c) It combined the opposition to the evil practices of Hinduism with an aggressive assertion of the superiority of the Vedic religion and Indian over all other faiths d) It gave a call to its followers to go back to the Vedas 51. What was the main objective of the Wahabi movement which during 1852-70 was particularly active in the Punjab, Bengal, Bihar and the NWFP? a) To oust the British from India b) To overthrow the Sikhs in the Punjab and the British in Bengal and to restore Muslim Power in India c) To eradicate religious corruption from Muslim society d) To organize the Muslims into a nationalist community 52. Jyotiba Phule, popularly known as Baba Phule, was a social reformer in Maharashtra, which of the following is not true about him? a) He was the first to raise his voice against Brahmans in Maharastra in the 1870s b) Phule through his book Ghulamagiri (1872) and his organization Satyashodhak Mandal, proclaimed the need to save the lower classes from the hypocritical Brahmans and their scriptures. c) His Satyashodhak Mandal contained both an elite based conservative trend and a genuine mass-based radicalism d) The urban educated Marathas were his most ardent followers 53. The immediate forerunner of the Indian National Congress was: a) Indian Association of Calcutta Association d) Indian Union a) Young India b) India b) Indian National Conference c) British India

54. The first weekly paper published by the INC (in 1889 was: c) Indian people d) Voice India 55. Who said: The Congress is tottering to its fall and one of my greatest ambitions while in India is to assist it to a peaceful demise. a) Lord Dufferin b) Lord Curzon b) B.C. Pal c) Lord Lansdowne c) Aurobindo Ghose d) Lord Elgin d) Ras Behari Bosh 56. The programme of Swadeshi and Boycott against the partition of Bengal was visualized by: a) Surendra Nath Bennerjee 57. The INC for the first time passed the resolutions on Swaraj, Boycott and National Education at its annual session held at: a) Banaras (1905) b) Calcutta (1996) c) Surat (1907) d) Madras (1908) 58. What was the charge against Bal Gangadhar Tilak, for which he was sentenced to six years transportation in July 1908?

a) For being the chief exponent of the cult of extremism b) for instigating violence during the Surat session of the INC c) for seditious writings in his paper Kesari d) for being instrumental in the murder of the British Plaque Commissioner in Poona 59. On what charge was Khudiram Bose, a boy of 18 sentenced to death on April 30, 1908? a) For being an active member of the Anushilan Samiti, the first revolutionary organization in Bengal b) for participating in the Alipur Conspiracy c) for murdering one Kennedy in Muzaffarpur d) for attempting to murder Kingsford, the Chief Presidency Magistrate at Muzaffarpur, who had ordered severe flogging to some young men for minor offences 60. The All India Muslim League was founded in December 1906 at: a) Karachi b) Dacca c) Calcutta d) Aligarh c) Madam Bhikaji Cama d) 61. Who is regarded as The Mother of the Indian Revolution? a) Rani Lakshmi Bai Priti Lata Waddedar a) Madam Bhikaji Cama Both (a and (b)above a) Anusilan Samiti a) Anusilan Samiti Party of India b) Sarojini Naidu

62. The Ghadar Party was founded (November 1913) at San Francisco USA by: b) Lala Har Dayal c) Shyamji Krishana Verma d)

63. The first truly revolutionary organization in Bengal was: b) Yugantar c) Abhinava Bharata d) Abhinava Bharat Society d) Ghadar 64. The Alipore conspiracy case was launched against the revolutionary activities of: b) Abhinava Bharat c) Abhinava Bharat Society

65. The Lucknow Session of INC and the Lucknow Pact (1916) were significant on account of: a) Unity between Moderates and the Extremists with the return of the Extremists to the congress b) The pact between the Congress and Muslim League c) Both (a) and (b)above d)The beginning of the tide of Indian Nationalism 66. The Home Rule Movement was aimed at: a) Complete Independence for India b) Complete autonomy to India c) Self-government for India within the British Commonwealth d) Larger participation of Indians Indias administration 67. Bal Gangadhar Tilak earned the epithet of Lokmanya during: a) His trial in 1907-08 b) The Lucknow pact of 1916 The Congress Session in 1917 c) The Home Rule Movement d)

68. The Khilafat Movement of the Indian Muslims related to: a) Provision of separate electorate for the Muslims in the Act of 1919 b) Restoration of territories to Turkey captured by Britain in the First World War c) Restoration of the Sultan of Turkey who was Caliph of the Muslim World d) Lifting of marital law in Punjab 69. The main objectives of the Non-cooperation Movement were: a) Restoration of the old status of the Caliph (Khilafat Demand) and attainment of Swaraj for India b) Protest against the Punjab wrongs and withdrawal of the Rowlatt Acts c) Lifting of martial law from Punjab and withdrawal of repressive laws d) None of the above. 70. The Non-cooperation Movement was suspended in February 1922 on account of: a) The Chauri Chaura incident imprisonment for six years b) Hindu Muslim riots d) All the above c) Arrest of Gandhiji and his

71. The Congressmen who wanted to contest the elections under the Act of 1919 and enter the legislature, formed a party (1923) called: a) Swarajya Party Party b) Congress Swarajya Party c) Nationalist Party d) Liberal

72. The Hindustan Republican Association, subsequently styled as the Hindustan Socialist Republican Association or Army (HSRA) was founded in 1924 by: a) Bhagat Sing d) Sachindra Sanyal b) Chandra Shekar Azad c) Jogesh Chandra Chatterji

73. To avenge the brutal lathi charge on Lala Lajpat Rai (October 30, 1928) which was believed to have caused his death subsequently, who murdered Saunders, the Asst. Superintendent of Police, Lahore? a) Batukeswar Dutt Sanyal b) Baghat Singh c) Chandra Shekhar Azad d) Sachindra

74.To average the brutal lathi charge on Lala Lajpat Rai(October 1930,1928),which was believed to have caused his death subsequently, who murdered Saunders, the Asst,Superintendent of police, Lahore? a) Batukeshwar Dutt a) Bhagat Singh b) BhagatSingh c) Chandra Shekhar Azad c) Raj Guru d)Sachindra Sanyal 75..Who threw two bombs on the floor of the Central Assembly in New Delhi on April 8 1929? b) Batukeshwar Dutt d) Both (a) and (b)above 76. Which of the following was not one of the historic decisions of the Lahore Session (1929) of the Indian National Congress? a) Decision to launch a programme of civil disobedience b) Complete Independence (Poorna Swarajaya) as the goal of the Indian National Congress c) Decision to observe January 26 as the Poorna Swarajaya Day d) To treat the communal problem as a national issue 77. Match the dates of the following events: A. Publication of the Simon Commission Report B. First Round Table Conference inaugurated C. Signing of the Gandhi-Irwin Pact D. Execution of Bag hat Sing, Sukh Dev and Raj guru a) b) c) d) A i iv iv ii B ii iii iii i C iii i ii iv D iv ii i iii b) Violation of the Gandhi-Irwin Pact d) All the above March 23, 1931 March 5, 1931 November12, 1930 June 7, 1930

77.On September20, 1932 Mahatma Gandhi began fast unto death in Yeravada Jail against: a) British repression of the satyagrahis c) Communal Award of Ramsay McDonald

78. The Civil disobedience Movement was suspended after the Gandhi-Irwin Pact. Why did the Congress decide to resume the movement in January 1932? a) Failure of the Second Round Table Conference b) Repudiation of the Gandhi-Irwin Pact by the British Government c) British policies of repression d) All the above 79. On account of severe British repression the Civil disobedience movement was again suspended in July 1933 and people were asked to offer Satyagraha:

a) Individually

b) in groups

c) locally

d) against liquor shops

80. The first constitutional measure introduced by the British in India, which worked till the framing of the Indian Constitution was: a) The Act of 1919 Mission plan b) The Act of 1935 c) Indian Independence Bill d) Cabinet

81. The most important feature of the government of India Act of 1935 was: a) Proposed All India Federation b) Bicameral Legislature c) Autonomy d) Communal representation 82. The Congress ministries gave up office in October 1939 over the Issue of: Provincial

a) Constant interference by Governors in Day-today administration b) Propaganda of the Muslim League against the Congress c) India having been unwillingly dragged into the Second World War d) Failure of the British to define their war aims 83. On account of his differences with Gandhiji, Subhas Bose resigned the president ship of the Congress (April 1939) and organized a new party called? a) Congress Socialist Party forward Block b) Azad Hind Fauz c) Congress Liberal Party d)

84. Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan better known as Frontier Gandhi organized the Red Shirt Movement in the North-West Frontier Province (NWFP) for: a) Countering the communal propaganda of the Muslim League separate Pakhtoonistan c) Social and religious reforms 85. The Frontier Gandhi actively participated in: a) Khilafat movement b) Non-cooperation Movement Movement d) All the above c) Civil disobedience b) Establishing d) all the above

86. The Muslim League demanded creation of Pakistan (Pakistan resolution) in its session held on March 24, 1940 at: a) Karachi b) Lahore c) Islamabad d) Aligarh c) Indian Prisoners of war under the 87. The INA was largely composed of: a) Indian Revolutionaries b) Overseas Indians Japanese d) Deserters from the British Army

88. Subhas Bose selected the best soldiers from the three existing brigades (named after Gandhi, Azad and Nehru) and organized a new brigade which the soldiers themselves called: a) Himalayan Brigade Brigade d) Subhas Brigade b) Swatantra Bharat Brigade c) Bhagat Singh

89. Kasturba Gandhi died in detention (in 1944) at: a) Yeravada Jail b) Ahmedabad Prison a) July 14, 1942 c) Aga Khan Palace d) Ahmednagar Fort d) June 30, 1942 90. The working committee lf the Congress passed the Quit India resolution on: b) August 10, 1942 c) August 8, 1942 91. The Simla Conference called by Viceroy Lord Wavell (to discuss the so-called Wavell Plan) in June 1945 failed on account of: a) Jinnahs demand that the Muslim League alone would nominate Muslim members to the Executive Council b) The demand of the Congress to include the members of all communities in their quota to the Executive Council c) The demand of the Scheduled Castes to reserve seats in the Executive Council in Proportion to their population d) All the above

92. Which of the following was not one of the recommendations of the Cabinet Mission (1946) about the Constitution of India? a) There should be a Union of India embracing both British India and the States b) The Muslim majority provinces should be separately constituted into a Union of Pakistan c) The provinces should enjoy autonomy for all subjects and should be free to form groups d) Three basic Groups proposed by the Mission were Group A (Hindu-majority Provinces) Group B (Muslim-majority Provinces) and Group C (Bengal and Assam) 93. The Muslim League withdrew its acceptance of the Cabinet Mission Plan and decided to resort to Direct Action Day on: a) August 16, 1946 1946 a) Rajendra Prasad b) September 2, 1946 c) October 15, 1946 d) July 29,

94. The Interim Government which took office on September 2, 1946 was headed by: b) Jawaharlal Nehru c) Vallabhbhai Patel d) C. Rajagopalachari 95. British Prime Minister Atlee made the historic announcement of the end of British Rule in India (and transfer of power to responsible Indian hands by a date not later than June 1948) on: a) May 16, 1946 b) February 20, 1947 c) March 10, 1946 d) December 31, 1946 96. Why did Mahatma Gandhi ultimately lend his support to the resolution passed by the Congress Working Committee agreeing to the partition of India in spite of his personal life-long outspoken disapproval of Pakistan? a) There was no other go, after he was presented with a fait accompli b) Jawaharlal Nehru convinced about the justification in favour of it c) To prevent the loss of prestige of the Congress Ministers who had agreed to the partition d) The problem at home were far too pressing to carp about a minor concession being conceded to the Muslim League 97. Match the national leaders with papers published by them: A. The Maharatta and Kesri B. Bande Mataram and The People C. Young India D. New India A a) b) c) d) iv ii i ii B iii i ii iii C ii iv iii iv D i iii iv i i. Annie Besant ii. B.G. Tilak iii. Lala Lajpat Rai iv. Mahatma Gandhi

98. Match the National leaders with the epithets by which they were known? A. Lala Lajpat Rai B. B.G. Tilak C. C.F. Andrews D. Vallabhbhai Patel E. Dadabhai Naoroji A a) i B ii C iii D iv i.Grand old man of India ii. Iron Man of India iv. Lokmanya v.Lion of Punjab E v


b) c) d)

v v v

iv iv iv

i iii ii

ii ii iii

iii i i c) Gopal Krishna Gokhale d) Dadabhai

99. Who did Mahatma Gandhi recognize as his political Guru? a) Pheroze Shah Mehta Naoroji b) B.G. Tilak

100. Which of the following brought Aurobindo Ghose into the fold of the Indian National Movement? a) The famines of 1986-97 and 1899-1900 b) The partition of Bengal Split d) The Jallianwala Bagh episode ************** HISTORY 7 ANSWERS: 1. (b) 2. (d) 3. (b) 4. (d) 11. (d) 12. (a) 13. (b) 14. (c) 21. (d) 22. (a) 23. (c) 24. (c) 31. (c) 32. (c) 33. (c) 34. (d) 41. (c) 42. (d) 43. (c) 44. (a) 51. (b) 52. (d) 53. (b) 54. (b) 61. (c) 62. (b) 63. (a) 64. (a) 71. (a) 72. (d) 73. (c) 74. (d) 81. (b) 82. (d) 83. (d) 84. (c) 91. (d) 92. (b) 93. (a) 94. (b) 5. (c) 15. (a) 25. (d) 35. (d) 45. (b) 55. (b) 65. (c) 75. (d) 85. (c) 95. (b) 6. (b) 16. (c) 26. (d) 36. (b) 46. (c) 56. (c) 66. (c) 76. (c) 86. (b) 96. (c) 7. (a) 17. (a) 27. (d) 37. (c) 47. (d) 57. (b) 67. (c) 77. (d) 87. (c) 97. (d) 8. (c) 18. (a) 28. (c) 38. (b) 48. (c) 58. (c) 68. (c) 78. (d) 88. (d) 98. (c) 9. (d) 10. (b) 19. (b) 20. (a) 29. (c) 30. (b) 39. (c) 40. (b) 49. (c) 50. (c) 59. (d) 60. (b) 69. (a) 70. (a) 79. (a) 80. (b) 89. (c) 90. (a) 99. (c) 100. (b) c) The Surat

HISTORY-8 1. Where Did Mahatma Gandhi first apply his technique of Satyagraha? a) Dandi b) Noakhali c) England d) South Africa 2. Which of the following was not one of the techniques of Satyagraha advocated by Mahatma Gandhi? a) Ahimsa b) Fasting c) Civil disobedience d) Non-cooperation 3. Which of the following writers did not have a profound influence on the thinking of Mahatma Gandhi? a) Tolstoy b) Thoreau c) Ruskin d) Marx 4. Which of the following songs was so dear to Ganhijis heart, that he wrote: That one song is enough to sustain me, even if I were to forget the Bhagwad Geeta. a) Hare Ram b) Raghupati Ragahv Raja Ram d) Ishwar Allah Tero Nam a) Mohammed Iqbal Azad a) Lord Wavell b) Josh Malihabadi c) Vaishnava Jana To Tene Kahiye

5. Who composed the song Sare Jahan Se Achha Hindustan Hamara. c) Bhagat Singh d) Chandra Shekar

6. Who contemptuously referred to Mahatma Gandhi as a half naked fakir? b) Lord Irwin c) Lord Willington d) Winston Churchill 7.The communist party of India was founded in 1921 by:

a) Hiren Mukherjee a) Dadabhai Naoroji

b) S.M. Joshi

c) M.N. Roy

d) R.C.Dutt c) Dr.B.R.Ambedkar d) C.R.Dass

8. The first Indian to be elected as a member of the British House of Commons was: b) Surendra Nath Banerjee 9. The song Jan-Gana-Mana composed by Rabindranath Tagore was first published in January 1912 under the title of: a) Tatva Bodhinib) Morning Song of Indiac) Bharat Vidhata a) Princely States a) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Vallabhbhai Patel b) British Provinces b) Dr. Rajendra Prasad c) Hill Regions d) Rashtra Jagrati d) Tribal Areas d) 10. All India States Peoples Conference formed in 1927 launched popular movements in: 11. The President of the Constituent Assembly was: c) Jawahar Lal Nehru

12. During the freedom struggle a parallel movement launched in the Indian states (in the states ruled by the Indian rulers such as Kashmir, Nizams Hyderabad, Travancore etc.,) was / were: a) State Peoples Movement Swaraj Movement a) Kerala b) Tamil Nadu b) Praja Mandal Movement c) Both (a) and (b)above d)

13. Shree Narayan Guru was a great socio-religious reformer of: c) Andhra Pradesh d) Karnataka c) Surendranath 14. The first Indian to contest an election to the British House of Common was: a) Dadahbhai Naoroji b) Womesh Chandra Banerjee Banerjee d) Pheroze Shah Metha

15. The momentous decision to transfer the capital from Calcutta to Delhi, to annul the partition of Bengal and to abolish Indian indentured labour were taken during the Viceroyalty of Lord: a) Hardinge b) Mintoc) Chelmsford d) Reading 16.The headquarters of the Ramakrishna Math and Mission established by Vivekananda in 1898 are at: a) Kanyakumari b) Belur c) Hyderabad d) Murshidabad 17. Who of the following was associated with the publication of a large number of weeklies and dailies such as Hindustan, Indian Union, Leader, Maryada, Kissan, Abhudaya etc? a) Motilal Nehru Shankar Vidyarthi a) Madam Blavatsky a) India House Naorojis House a) President b) Jawaharlal Nehru c) Madan Mohan Malaviya d) Ganesh

18. The most famous woman disciple of Vivekananda was: b) Annie Besant b) Kaiser House c) Sister Nivedita c) Singh Sabha Building d) Sarojini Naidu d) Dadahbhai 19. A focal point of all revolutionary activities in London was:

20. Chandrashekar Azad was _____ of the Hindustan Socialist Republican Army b) Secretary c) Commander-in-Chief d) Field Marshal c) Feeling of loyalty to the 21. The All-India Muslim League was founded in 1906 primarily to promote among Indian Muslim: a) Mutual unity and good will b) Political consciousness British government d) Hatred for the Congress

22. When the Congress Ministries were formed in the provinces in June 1937, the Viceroy of India was: a) Lord Wellington a) Congress Party a) Chamberlain a) Mohammad Iqbal a) Nehru a) 1940 b) Lord Irwin c) Lord Linlightgow c) Forward Bloc d) Asquith d) Rahmat Ali d) Viscount Wavell d) Communist Party 23. A day of deliverance and thanks giving was celebrated in 1939 by: b) Central Province b) Baldwin b) Jinnah 24. When the August Offer 1940 was offered to India the Prime Minister of England was: c) Churchill 25. The work Pakistan was coined by: c) Abul Kalam Azad d) Rajaji d) 1946 b) Appointed by the British Parliament d) Nominated by the Mughal Emperor d) Queen Victoria 26. The Cripps Offer was regarded as a post dated cheque by: b) Jinnah b) 1942 c) Gandhi c) 1945 27. The Cripps Mission visited India in the year: 28. The Governor of the East India Company was: a) Appointed by the monarch of England c) Elected by the members of the East India company a) Queen Elizabeth I a) A Mughal Emperor a) 480,000 a) 5 years a) 4 years b) Queen Anbolin b) A Gupta Emperor c) 500,000 c) 6 years c) 3 years

29. The Charter for the establishment of the East India Company was granted by: c) Queen Mary 30. When the East India Company was established in India was ruled by: c) A Mauryan Emperor d) A Sunga Emperor d) 300,000 d) 3 years d) 2 years 31. By the Act of 1773, Parliament granted a loan of . To the East India Company: b) 400,000 b) 4 years b) 5 years 32. According to the Regulating Act, directors were to be elected for a period of: 33. The term of office fixed by Regulating Act for Governor General was: 34. According to the provisions of the Regulating Act the Supreme Court in Bengal consisted of Chief Justice and a) 5 Judges b) 2 Judges c) 6 judges d) 3 judges c) Dupleix c) Nazir Jang d) Tamils d) Panipat d) Count-de-Lally d) Musaffar Jang 35. During the first Carnatic War, the French governor General of Pondicherry was: a) La Bourdonnais a) Anwar-ud-din a) Rohillas a) Bauxar b) Captain Paradise b) Chanda Sahib b) Marathas b) Plassey c) Sikhs c) Arcot 36. In the Carnatic the English supported the claims of: 37. Shuja-ud-daula wanted to acquire the territory of: 38. The Rohillas helped the Afghan invaders in 1761 in the battle of: 39. The Hero of Plassey was:

a) Warren Hastings a) Collector

b) Dupleix

c) Clive

d) Shula-ud-daula d) Nawabs c) Rohillas d) Attack by Burmese

40. The Diwani Adalat was presided over by: b) Governor c) Resident 41. In 1831 Bentinck signed a treaty with Ranjit Singh to protect the British territories from: a) Russian menace a) Bessein a) Sobraon a) Hugli a) Mir Kasim a) Major Munro b) Pindar menace 42. Sindhias troops were defeated by General Wellesley at: b) Assaic) Tanjore b) Amritsar b) Kassimbazar b) Mir Jaffar b) Clive d) Poona d) Kashmir d) Calcutta 43. The Sikhs were defeated by the English at . In 1856: c) Lahore 44. The English established their first factory in Bengal in 1651 at . c) Patna 45. Of the following who transferred the Capital from Murshidabad to Monghyr? c) Siraj-ud-daulad) Mir Mudan d)Doughton c) Macpherson c) Danubyu c) Madras d) Prome d) Clive 46 In the battle of buxsar the English army was commanded by C Rojer Drake 47. Who designated the administrative head of the district as Collector? a) Warren Hastings a) Rangoon a) Calcutta a) Meerut a) Elgin b) Cornwallis 48. Mahabandula was killed at .. b) Tenesserin b) Bombay 49. The Hindu College was started in 1817 at: d) Pondicherry 50. The Mutiny was brought to an end with the fall of ----- into the hands of the British in India: b) Oudhc) Gwalior b) Canning c) Minto d) Rohilkhand d) Lytton c) Roberts d) Chamberlain IV.Viceroy d) III, IV, I, II 51. The Indian Civil Service Act was passed during the Viceroyalty of: 52. The first Famine Commission was constituted under: a) Sir Richard Strachey I. Viceroy Lytton Linlithgow . a) II, III, I, IV a) 1911 a) Justice a) Chelmsford b) 1912 b) General b) Irwin b) Sir John Strachey II. Viceroy Mayo b) II, I, III, IV c)1920 53. Arrange the following in chronological order: III. Viceroy Lansdowne c) IV, III, II, I d) 1925

54. The capital of British India was transferred from Calcutta to Delhi in the year: 55. Rowlatt after whom Rowlatt Act was named was a: c) Member of Parliamentd) Secretary of State for India c) Reading d) Hardinge 56. The Non-cooperation Movement under Gandhi was in full swing during the Viceroyalty of:

57. S.N. Banerjee was appointed Professor in English in the Metropolitan Institute at: a) Bombay a) 1889 A. Kesari B. Maharatha C. Ganapathi Festival D. Moplah Rebellion A a) b) c) d) 4 1 2 3 B 3 2 3 4 b) Madras b) 1899 c) Calcutta c) 1890 - 1. 1921 - 2. 1893 - 3. English Journal - Marathi Journal C 2 3 4 1 D 1 4 1 2 c) Christian d) Sikh d) Bangalore d) 1855 58. The Hindu of Madras started in 1868 as a weekly became daily in: 59. Match the following:

60. Wahabis were . fanatics a) Hindu b) Muslim 61.A resolution declaring Purna Swaraj (Complete Independence) as Indias political goal was passed in the . Congress of 1929 a) Simlab) Lahore a) Azad Khan 63. Al Hilal was a: a) Mosque b) Journal c) Madrasah d) Garden 64. Tilak called him the Diamond of India the jewel of Maharashtra and the Prince of Workers. Who is referred in these words? a) Lajpat Rai a) Motilal Nehru a) Mintob) Morley a) 1919 a) England a) Patel b) 1925 b) Shivaji c) Gokhale d) Madhava Rao c) Annie Besant d) Gokhale 65. Swarajist Party was organized by: b) Subash Chandra Bose c) Northbrook c) 1927 66. The famine in Bihar and Bengal in 1873 74 was averted by the timely action of: d) Hastings d) 1930 d) Burma 67. The Rowlatt Act was passed in the year: 68. Servants of Indian Society was founded in: b) India c) America b) Gandhiji 69. In 1946 the Interim Government was formed under: c) Rajajid) Jawaharlal Nehru d)Mrs. Annie Besant 70. The National Liberal Federation was founded by: a) S.N. Banerjee b) Motilal Nehru c) Abul Kalam Azad c) Madras b) Jinnah d) Calcutta c) Md. Iqbal d) Liyakat Ali Khan 62. The Pakistan panacea was sponsored by:

71. The Sepoy Mutiny broke out on May 10, 1857 at .. a) Meerut b) Gwalior c) Jhansi d) Agra 72. During the Viceroyalty of Sir John Lawrence the bone of contention between India and Bhutan was: a) Duars a) Mountbatten a) Bengal a) Tilak b) Jalpaiguri c) Goalpara d) Cooch Behar d) Curzon d) Tamil Nadu d) Annie Besant 73. The Viceroy who wanted to train Indians in the art of self-government was: b) Ripon b) Kashmir c) Northbrook 74. Lokmanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak hailed from: c) Maharashtra c) Gokhale 75. Anthology of the Bomb was written by: b) Bipin Chandra Pal 76. Till the end of the17th century the growth of the executive and legislative powers of the East India Company depended on: a) Governor a) Madras b) Governor General b) The Punjab c) Parliament c) Bombay d) Crown d) Calcutta c) Agitation in India 77. Which of the following was not included in the early three English Settlements in India? 78. Which of the following is one of the causes for the passing of the Act of 1773? a) Failure of Double Government b) Success of Double government d) Desire of the Indian Merchants 79. Pitts India Bill was introduced by . In 1784: a) Prime Minister Pitt company b) Governor-General of India c) Senior Merchants d) East India

80. The members of the Board of Control must be paid from: a) The Consolidated Fund of England d) The revenues of Princely States a) 20 years a) China b) 10 years b) Jawa b) Indian Revenues c) Funds Voted by Parliament

81. The Charter Act of 1793 Renewed the Companys monopoly for .. years c) 30 years c) Ceylon d) 15 years d) Japan 82. The Charter Act of 1813 left intact the Companys monopoly of .. trade 83. The Charter of Act of 1813 allotted Rupees . annually for Indian learning and spread of Scientific knowledge a) One lakh a) 1793 a) 1773 b) Two lakhs b) 1813 b) 1813 c) 1000 c) 1833 c) 1853 d) 500 d) Pitts India Act d) 1793 c) The Commander-in-Chief 84. The Companys monopoly of Trade was abolished by the Act of: 85.The last of the Charter Act concerning India was the Act of: 86. Of the following who did not find a place in the Legislative Council as per the Act of 1853? a) The Governor General d) The Lieutenant Governor b) Additional Members

87. The office of the Secretary of State for India was created by the Act of: a) 1853 a) 1858 b) 1858 b) 1861 c) 1861 c) 1860 d) 1892 d) 1871 b) The Government of India Act of 1919 d) The Act of 1858 c) 88. The Governor General was given power to issue ordinances by the act of: 89. Communal Representation was for the first time given in the interest of Muslims by: a) The Indian Council Act of 1909 The Government of India Act of 1935

90. The Government of India Act of 1919 made provision for the appointment of a / an .. for India in the United Kingdom: a) Ambassador Parliament of England b) Counsel c) High Commissioner d) Indian Member in the

91. Bicameral Legislature was first provided to India by the: a) Pitts India Act b) Government of India Act 1935 c) Government of India Act of 1919 d) Council of Act of 1861 92. Provision was made in the Act of 1919 for the appointment of a Commission in . To investigate the working of the Constitution: a) 1930 b) 1929 c) 1939 d) 1925 93. Which of the following statements is not correct: The materials for the government of India Act of 1935 were drawn from: a) The Simon Commission Report b) The Nehru Committee Report Paper issued by the British government d) Morley-Minto Reforms a) The Central Subjects b) Provincial Subjects list of Subjects for Princely States 95. Which of the following statements is not correct: As per the Act of 1935, The Federal Court would have jurisdiction to decide disputes between: a) The Federating Unites b) The Federating Units and the Federal Government c) The Federal Government and a Federating Unit d) The Secretary of State and the Viceroys Council 96. We do not seek our independence out of Britains ruin said: a) Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru Tagore b) Mahatma Gandhi c) Gokhale d) Rabindra Nath c) The White

94. Which of the following statements is not correct - Provision was made in the Act of 1935 for: c) Concurrent Lists d) A

97. Who said that he had not become His Majestys first Minister to preside over the liquidation of the British Empire? a) Attlee a) Crown a) Delhi b) Churchill b) Parliament b) Simla c) Disraeli d) Lloyd George d) Secretary of State 98. Augusts Offer was issued by: c) Viceroy c) Calcutta 99. Jinnah gave his opposition to Wavells Plan in the Conference held at . : d) Madras 100. In the . Provinces were allowed to form groups with common executives and legislatures:

a) Wavell Plan Mountbatten Plan

b) Dikie Bird Plan

c) Cabinet Mission Plan


ANSWERS: 1. (d) 2. (a) 3. (d) 4. (c) 11. (b) 12. (c) 13. (a) 14. (b) 21. (c) 22. (c) 23. (b) 24. (c) 31. (b) 32. (b) 33. (b) 34. (d) 41. (a) 42. (b) 43. (a) 44. (a) 51. (b) 52. (a) 53. (b) 54. (a) 61. (b) 62. (c) 63. (b) 64. (c) 71. (a) 72. (a) 73. (b) 74. (c) 81. (a) 82. (a) 83. (a) 84. (c) 91. (c) 92. (b) 93. (d) 94. (d)

5. (a) 15. (a) 25. (d) 35. (c) 45. (a) 55. (a) 65. (a) 75. (b) 85. (c) 95. (d)

6. (d) 16. (b) 26. (c) 36. (a) 46. (a) 56. (c) 66. (c) 76. (d) 86. (d) 96. (b)

7. (c) 17. (d) 27. (b) 37. (a) 47. (c) 57. (c) 67. (a) 77. (b) 87. (b) 97. (b)

8. (a) 18. (c) 28. (c) 38. (d) 48. (c) 58. (a) 68. (a) 78. (a) 88. (b) 98. (c)

9. (c) 10. (a) 19. (a) 20. (c) 29. (a) 30. (a) 39. (c) 40. (a) 49. (a) 50. (c) 59. (a) 60. (b) 69. (d) 70. (a) 79. (a) 80. (b) 89. (a) 90. (b) 99. (b) 100. (c)

1. The independent kingdom of Warangal came to an end in the early Fifteen century as a result of its annexation by (a) Alauddin Bahman Shah (b) Muhammad Shah I Ahmad Shah (d) Mujahid Shah 2. Harihara II invaded and extracted tribute from (a) Burma Bengal (b) Sri Lanka (d) Suvarnabhumi

3. The revenue assessment known as batai, ghalla-bakshi was a method of crop-sharing on the basis on (a) gross production (b) rough estimate of crop (c) past production trend (d) mutual agreement (Qubuliyat) 4. The following are connected with the First Anglo-Maratha War 1779-82: 1. Convention of Wadgaon 2. Treaty of Purandar 3. Treaty of Surat 4. Treaty of Salbai Their arrangement in the correct chronological order is (a) 3-2-1-4 4-2-1-3 5. (b) 2-1-3-4 (d) 1-4-3-2

Consider the following statements: The impact of British imperialistic policies on Indian agriculture was 1. creation of a new market economy. 2. polarisation between landowners and tillers. 3. increase in the number of landless labourers. 4. unemployment among village artisans.

Which of these statements are correct? (a) 1,2 and 3 4 6. (b) 2,3 and 4 (c) 1 and 4 (d) 1,2,3 and

The revolt of Banda Bahadur in Punjab took place due to the (a) exploitation of the peasantry by the Mughal authorities (b) religious persecution of the Sikhs by the Mughals (c) ambitions of Banda Bahadur (d) high incidence of taxation

7. Which one of the following statements with regard to trade and commerce during the Mughal Rule is not correct? (a) Shroffs transacted in hundies (Bills of Exchange) and earned to lot of money (b) Mir Jumla and Shaista Khan monopolised trade in imported articles (c) Jagat Seth at Murshidabad carried out trade with several foreign countries and earned lot of money (d) Virji Vora dominated the Surat market and had his offices in Ahmedabad, Agra, and other trade centers of India. 8. The Treaty of Warna was concluded in 1731 A.D. between whom amongst the following? (a) (b) (c) (d) 9. Shahu Chhatrapati of Satara and Nizam of Hyderabad Sambhaji Chhatrapati of Kolhapur and Shahu Chhatrapati of Satara Sambhaji of Kolhapur and East India Company Baji Rao I and Nawab of Bhopal

The Viceroy who put forwards the proposal of August Officer in 1940 was (a) Wavell (b) Linlithgow (c) Willington (d) Bradourne

10. Which Court was considered as the highest court of appeal in India for trying criminal cases during the East India Company rule? (a) Circuit Court (b) Provincial Court (c) Sardar Diwani Adalat (d) Sardar Nizamat Adalat 11. Match List I (year) which List II (Act) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists: List I List II (Year) (Act) A. 1921 1. Bombay Small Holders Relief Act B. 1926 2. U.P. Tenancy Act C. 1938 3. Oudh Rent Act D. 1939 4. Agra Tenancy Act Codes: A B C D (a) (b) (c) (d) 2 3 2 3 4 4 1 1 1 1 4 4 3 2 3 2

12. Match List I (Works) with List II (Authors) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists: List I List II (Works) (Authors)

A. Tapati samvarnupakhyanamu B. Yayati Charitamu C. Vaijayanti Vilasam D. Shiva Dharmottaram Codes: (a) (b) (c) (d) A 1 3 1 3 B 2 4 4 2 C 3 1 3 1 D 4 2 2 4

1. 2. 3. 4.

Gangadhra Kavi Ponnaganti Telaganaraya Sarangu Tammaiah Malla Reddy

13. The quick response of the peasant agriculture to market changes in Mughal India was, in particular, indicated by the (a) increase in food grains production (b) extension in the cultivation of cotton (c) rapid increase in the tobacco cultivation during the 17th Century (d) large scale cultivation of poppy 14. Match List I (Wars) with List II (Treaties) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists: List I List II (Wars) (Treaties) A. Second Carnatic War 1. Salbai B. Second Anglo-Mysore War 2. Bassein C. Third Anglo-Mysore War 3. Pondicherry D. First Anglo-Maratha War 4. Srirangapatnam 5. Mangalore Codes: (a) (b) (c) (d) 15. A 4 3 4 3 B 1 5 5 1 C 2 4 2 4 D 5 1 1 5

Which of the following Acts introduced the principle of the Constitutional autocracy? (a) The Indian Council Act of 1909. (b) Government of India Act of 1919 (c) The Act of 1935 (d) Indian Independence Act of 1947

16. The Monotheism and social reform preached by the Kherwar or Sapha Har Movement (1870) turned into a (a) violent movement against the Zamindars (b) peasant movement demanding reduction in rent (c) campaign against revenue settlement (d) movement for a separate state 17. Match the List I (Event) with List II (Place) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists: List I List II (Event) (Place) A. Champaran Satyagraha 1. Kerala B. Patna Peasant Movement 2. East Bengal C. Moplah uprisings 3. Bihar D. Deccan riots 4. Ahmadnagar Codes :

(a) (b) (c) (d)

A 3 4 3 4

B 1 2 2 1

C 2 1 1 2

D 4 3 4 3

18. Match List I (Bhakti-Period Saints) with List II (Propounded Theories) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists: List I List II (Bhakti-Period Saints) (Propounded Theories) A. Shankaracharya 1. Pure Non-dualism (Shuddhadwaita) B. Ramanujacharya 2. Mixture of monism and dualism (Dwaitadwaita) C. Vallabhacharya 3. Unqualified monism (Adwaitavada) D. Nimbarkacharya 4. Qualified monism (Vishistadwaita) Codes: (a) (b) (c) (d) 19. A 2 3 2 3 B 4 1 1 4 C 1 4 4 1 D 3 2 3 2

Consider the following statements: In the 18th Century, the Khalsa was an organization whose aim was that 1. The Commonwealth of the Sikhs be a religious, military and political organization only. 2. The administration of the Khalsa and the clans must be a democratic one. 3. All the individual members had the same political, religious and social privileges. 4. Anything smacking of inequality must be discouraged. Which of these statements are correct? (a) 1 and 2 (b) 2 and 3 (c) 3 and 4 (d) 1,2,3 and 4 Consider the following events: 1. Annexation of Udaipur 2. Annexation of Jhansi 3. Annexation of Punjab 4. Annexation of Oudh The correct chronological sequence of these event is (a) 3-4-2-1 (b) 2-1-3-4 (c) 2-4-3-1 (d) 3-1-2-4 The Archaeological Survey of India was established during the period of (a) Warren Hastings (b) Lord Wellesley (c) Lord Curzon (d) William Bentinck Peshwa Baji Rao I obtained from the Mughals the subedaris of (a) Ahmadnagar and Nagapur (b) Malwa and Bijapur (c) Gujarat and Malwa (d) Khandesh and Berar The commercial objective of the Portuguese in India was to (a) capture territories on the western coast (b) capture trade of textiles and spices (c) oust Arabs and the Persians from Indias maritime trade (d) capture trade of pepper and other superior spices






During the reign of Jahangir, the title of Nadir-ul-Asr was given to (a) Mir Sayyid Ali (b) Abdus Samad (c) Abul Hasan

(d) Ustad Mansur

25. After a few years of the beginning of his rule, Alauddin Khalji pondered over the problem of public discontent and cause of revolt and discerned four reasons. Which one of the following reasons did not attract his attention? (a) The King was negligent and ignorant of the conditions of the people. (b) Drinking parties of the Amirs were the breeding grounds for conspiracies. (c) Excessive wealth gave both power and leisure for evil thought. (d) Bureaucratic oppression compelled the people to revolt against the King. 26. Which one of the following agrarian measures was not adopted by Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq? (a) He discarded measurement in favour of sharing (b) The chiefs and headmen of villages were given back their perquisites (c) The basis of the demand by the Government was to be hukm-I-hasil (in accordance with yield) with enough provision for crop failures (d) He made a large reduction in the scale of revenue fixed by Alauddin and brought it down to one-sixth of the gross produce 27. In Bahamani Kingdom, Sadr-i-Jahan was head of the department of (a) Revenue (b) Foreign matters (c) Ecclesiastical and judicial matters (d) Military matters Which one of the following statements about Sultan Alauddin Khalj is not correct? (a) Alaudin did not think it necessary to invoke the sanction of the Khalifas name for strengthening his claims to sovereignty. (b) Alauddins objective in styling himself as deputy of Khalifa was not to pay homage to the Khalifa but only to keep the tradition of theoretical Caliphate alive. (c) Alauddin adopted the title of Yamin-ul Khalifa Nasir-I Amir-ul Muminin to show himself as superior to the Khalifa (d) Alauddin was the first Sultan of Delhi to bring the Church under the control of the State There was an unprecedented increase in the number of mansabdars during the reign of (a) Akbar (b) Jahangir (c) Shahjahan (d) Aurangzeb



30. In each stage death is ready to claim her; by the poppy at its dawn, by the fames in riper years. Which one of the following historians made the above observation about the Rajput woman? (a) Crook (b) Utbi Alberuni (d) Tod 31. Which among the following was not the cause of continuous war between Cholas and Chalukyas of Kalyana? (a) The economic factors (b) Rivalry between the Chalukyas of Kalyana and Chalukyas of Vengi (c) The geo-political factors (d) Rivalry to capture South Indias foreign trade with China and South-Eastern Asia 32. The Mahdi movement during the time of Islam Shah was led by (a) Shaikh Hasan (b) Shaikh alai (c) Makhdum-ul-Mulk (d) Mir SaiyidMuhammad 33. Consider the following statements related to the Revolt of 1857:

1. The rebels did not have a definite political perspective. 2. Zeenat Mahal negotiated with the British to secure her safety. 3. Maulavi Ahmadullah provided leadership to the rebels. 4. The rebels failed because of betrayal of the central leadership. Which of these statements are correct? (a) 1 and 4 (b) 2 and 4 (c) 1,2 and 3 (d) 1,2 and 4 34. Who was elected as the permanent President of the Muslim League in 1908? (a) Nawab Salimullah (b) Syed Ahmad Khan (c) Aga Khan (d) Syed Amid Ali The Theosophical Society was founded in the U.S.A. by (a) Dr. Annie Besant (b) A.O. Hume (c) Tilak and Gokhale (d) Madam Blavatsky and Olcott


36. The suggestion of transfer of two Central Governments, India and Pakistan, on the basis of grant of Dominion Status was given by (a) Jawahar Lal Nehru and Sardar Patel (b) Gandhiji and Jawahar Lal Nehru (c) Lord Mountbatten and Jawahar Lal Nehru (d) V.P. Menon and Sardar Patel 37. The following four important battles was fought in India at one time or the other: 1. Chausa 2. Dharmat 3. Haldighat 4. Khanwa

The correct chronological order in which these battles were fought is (a) 1-2-3-4 (b) 4-3-2-1 (c) 4-1-3-2 (d) 3-2-1-4 38. Which of the following was the first Mughal Emperor to lead a military expedition to Bengal? (a) Babar (b) Humayun (c) Jahangir (d) Shahjahan 39. Which of the following new techniques in cotton textile industry was/were introduced in India by the Turks in the Medieval period? 1. Spindle 2. Spinning Wheel 3. Water frame Select the correct answer using the codes given below: Codes: (a) 1,2 and 3 (b) 2 and 3 (c) 1 and 3 (d) 2 only 40. Consider the following statements: Indian nationalists were bitterly disappointed in the closing stages of the First World War due to the reason that 1. Only few Indian Princes participated in the Imperial Conference and Peace conference 2. The closing of the World War brought to Indian not peace but the sword. 3. Gandhi was prevented by the Government from proceeding to Delhi in 1919. 4. The Rowlatt Act was passed in 1919. The Yandaboo Treaty of 1826 paved the way for 1. guaranteed protection to the British merchants. 2. an indemnity of a crore Rupees to the British. 3. the pitched battles between the Burmese and the English 4. the territorial acquisition of Assam for tea. Which of these statements are correct? (a) 1 and 2 (b) 2 and 3 (c) 3 and 4 Consider the following statements:


(d) 2 and 4


When the Prime Minister of England stated that the British element in the Indian Civil Service was the steel frame of the administration, eternally indispensable to India; its consequences were that 1. it resulted in the boycott of the visit of the Prince of Wales. 2. it retarded indianisation, in opposition to the declared policy of the Parliament of England. 3. it resulted in repressive measures against the Congress. 4. the Lee Commission on the Public Services made liberal recommendations. Which of these statements is are correct? (a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1,2 and 4 (c) 2 and 4 (d) 4 only

43. Which of the following Nawabs was deposed by the English on the annexation of Awadh to British Dominion in 1856? (a) Saadat Khan Burhan-ul-Mulk (b) Safdar Jung (c) Wajid Ali Shah (d) Birjis Qadar 44. The Kuka movement to overthrow the British rule was organized in (a) Uttar Pradesh (b) Bihar Punjab (d) Bombay

Directions: The following (14) items consist of two statements, one labeled as the Assertion (A) and the other as Reason . You are to examine these two statements carefully and select the answers to these items using the codes given below: Codes: (a) (b) (c) (d) 45. coins. Reason Major contributions of the Indo-Greeks towards Indian culture were in the field of coinage. 46. Assertion (A) The inner side of the Megalithic pottery in South India has black colour and on the outer side it has red colour. Reason The colours were painted on the pottery separately. 47. Assertion (A): The Sanyasis and the Fakirs revolted against the British in Bengal. Reason The Sanyasis and the Fakirs was opposed to the British interference in Indian religious traditions. 48. Assertion (A) The British introduced in India the modern concept of the rule law. Reason Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation of A A is true but R is false A is false but R is true. Assertion (A): The history of the Indo-Greeks can be reconstructed mainly on the evidence of their

The British did not recognize the existing Personal Civil law in the India. 49. Assertion (A): Alauddin Khalji enhanced the revenue demand to half of the total produce. Reason Larger supplies of grain were needed to keep the market prices at low levels. Assertion (A): Inscriptions of Asoka have been scattered throughout his Empire. But no inscription of this Emperor has been discovered from the north-eastern part of the country. Reason Because this part of country did not form a part of his Empire. Assertion (A): Desiring to make his Dhamma instructions percolate down to the common people, Asoka used besides Prakrit, Greek and Aramaic in his Edicts found in the North-Western parts of his Empire. Reason Greek and Aramaic speaking people formed a part of his population in the North-West. Assertion (A): Indus Valley Civilisation is technically and more correctly known as Harappan Culture. Reason Harappa is the type site of that civilization.





Assertion (A): Construction of free standing temple became a feature of Indian architecture since the Gupta period onwards. Reason Development of image worship marked this period. 54. Assertion (A) Mahatma Gandhi observed fast at Poona in 1932. Reason Mahatma Gandhi was opposed to the provision of separate electorate rights for Harijans in the Communal Award. 55. Assertion (A) R.C. Dutt authored the book Poverty and Un-British Rule. Reason He wanted to expose Indias growing poverty. Assertion (A) Lala Lajpat Rai died of Police lathi-charge during the march against Simon Commission. Reason Simon Commission did not consist of even a single Indian as a Member. Assertion (A) Mahatma Gandhi suspended the Non-Cooperation Movement in 1922 Reason C.R. Das and Motilal Nehru resented the Movement. Assertion (A) Indian Industrial Commission was appointed in 1916. Reason




This came as a benefit out of the fact that the Tata Iron and Steel Works rendered much service to the British in the War of 1914 59. Who was the advocate at the famous INA trials? (a) Bhulabhai Desai (b) Asaf Ali Rajendra Prasad (d) Rajagopalachari The twin principles of Mahatma Gandhis Ram Rajya were (a) Truth and non-violence (b) Right means and right ends (c) Khadi and Ahimsa (d) Satyagraha and non-violence Sikandar Hayat Khan represented the (a) Muslim League (b) Khudai Khidmatgars (c) Krishak Praja Party (d) Unionist Party What is the correct sequence of the following events? 1. Third Maratha War 2. Third Battle of Panipat 3. Third Mysore War 4. Third Burmese War Select the correct answer using the codes given below: (a) 1-3-2-4 (b) 2-3-1-4 (c) 3-4-1-2 63. (d) 4-1-3-2




Which one of the following pairs is correctly matched? (a) Malik Kafur : Rajendra I (b) Singaya Nayaka : Prataparudra Ravivaraman : Ulugh Khan (d) Kampiladeva : Muhammad Tughlaq

64. During the reign of which one of the following did the Vijayanagar State come into existence? (a) Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq (b) Muhammad Tughlaq Firuz Shah Tughlaq (d) Khizr Khan 65. The illustrations executed on cloth belong to which one of the following manuscripts? (a) Harivansha (b) Hamzanama Jami-ut-Tawarikh (d) Akbarnama

66. The outbreak of five famines in India during the first quarter of the Nineteenth Century was due to 1. decline of Indian industries 2. immobility of agricultural labour 3. failure of monsoons 4. import of manufactured goods Which of these statements are correct? (a) 2 and 3 (b) 1 and 4 (c) 1, 2 and 3 (d) 2, 3 and 4

67. In the Nineteenth Century, there was a phenomenal increase in the pressure of population on land because the (a) introduction of commercial crops attracted the peasantry to agriculture (b) ruin of handicrafts and village industries drove the population to agriculture (c) fall of native Governments had reduced the avenues of employments

(d) urban population began to migrate to the rural areas for reason of security. 68. The term Dustak implies (a) free pass or duty-free trade (b) a riot (c) a port near Hooghly (d) market place The French challenge to British supremacy came to an end with the battle of (a) Wandiwash (b) Buxor Srirangapatnam (d) Plassey


70. Which famous social reformer wrote the books Jnana Yoga, Karma Yoga and Rajya Yoga? (a) Swami Vivekananda (b) Ranade . Raja Ram Mohan Roy (d) Ramkrishna Paramhamsa 71. At which place was the All-India Khilafat Conference held in 1919? (a) Lucknow (b) Delhi Aligarh (d) Porbandar An exquisite example of the Nagra style of architecture is provided by the (a) Kailashnath Temple, Kanchipuram (b) Lingaraj Temple, Bhubaneshwar (c) Brahadeswara Temple, Thanjavur (d) Kandariya Mahadeva Temple, Khajuraho Who led the Maratha forces in the 3rd Battle of Panipat in 1761? (a) Vishwanath Rao (b) Sadashiva Rao Balaji Rao (d) Dattaji Scindia Who encouraged the practice of ladies accompanying their husbands to the battlefield? (a) Sadashiva Rao (b) Raghunatha Rao Balaji Rao (d) Madhava Rao




75. Match List I (Foreign Travellers) with List II (Remarks) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists. List I (Foreign Traveller) A. Abdur Razzaq are B. Nicolo de Contin C. Domingo Paes heard D. Athanasius Nikitin A B List II (Remarks) 1. The circumference of the city is sixty miles. There about 90,000 men fit to bear arms 2. There is a wide gap in the standards of living between the Nobles and the common people 3. The city is such that eye has not seen nor ever of any place resembling it upon the whole earth 4. The King is of medium height and of fair complexion and good figure, rather fat than thin; codes C D

(a) (b) (d)

3 4 3 4

1 2 2 1

4 3 4 3

2 1 1 2

76. Rajaraya I and Rajendra I commemorated their victories by which one of the following methods? (a) Erecting temples (b) Erecting pillars Ordering inscriptions to be written (d) Issuing coins 77. Which of the following Indians was demised from the Indian Civil Services by the British? (a) Satyendranath Tagore (b) Surendranath Banerjee (c) R.C. Dutt (d) Dadabhai Naoraji Who proposed the Preamble before the Drafting Committee of the Constitution? (a) Jawahar Lal Nehru (b) B.R. Ambedkar B.N. Rao (d) Mahatma Gandhi Which of the following is/are associated with the Megalithic culture of South India? 1. Burials enriched by boulders of stone 2. Use of black and red were 3. Introduction of punch-marked coins 4. Urban settlements (c) 2 and 3 (d) 4 only



Select the correct answer using the codes given below (a) 1 only (b) 1 and 2

80. Which of the artifacts given below could be used as source material for the prehistoric period in India? 1. Fossils 2. Hand Axes 3. Pottery 4. Remains of bones Select the correct answer using the codes given below (a) 1, 2 and 4 (b) 1, 2 and 3 81. Prehistoric axes are found at (a) Attirampakkam Arikamedu (c) 1, 3 and 4 (b) Adichanallur (d) Sanur (d) 2, 3, and 4

82. sites?

Which of the following ethnic elements is not found in the skeletal remains of Harappan (a) Alpine Mongoloid (b) Mediterranean (d) Negrito

83. Match List I (Indologists) with List II (organization) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the Lists. List I (Indologists) A. B. C. William Jones Mortimer Wheeler Colin Mackenzie List II (Organization) 1. Survey of India 2. Deccan College Asiatic Society


D. Codes: (a) (b) (d) 84.

H.D. Sankalia A 3 1 3 1 B 4 2 2 4 C 1 3 1 3


Archaelogical Survey of India D 2 4 4 2

Which one of the following is a Pratiloma marriage? (a) Brahman boy with a Kshatriya girl (b) Vaisya boy with a Sudra girl (c) Brahman boy with a Sudra girl (d) Sudra boy with a Vaisya girl The archaeological culture associated with the later Vedic texts is (a) Ochre-coloured pottery (b) Black and Red ware (c) Painted Grey ware (d) Northern Black Polished ware A List of some ancient Indian States is given below: 1. Kosala 2. Vajji 3. Magadha 4. Sakya (d) 2 and 3



Which of these did not follow the monarchical system of administration? (a) 1 and 2 (b) 2 and 4 (c) 1 and 4 87. Tolkappiyam is associated with the (a) First Sangam Period (b) Second Sangam Period (c) Third Sangam Period (d) Post-third Sangam Period Consider the following statements: Rise of Magadha to imperial power was mainly due to its 1. position of strategic importance surrounded by five hills. 2. position in a richly fertile zone and good communication Channel. 3. aggressive imperial policy of the rulers. 4. association with the activities of Mahatma Buddha. Which of these are correct? (a)1 and 2 (b) 1,2 and 4 (c) 1,2 and 3 Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched? (a) (b) (c) (d) 90. Chaturvarna: Sudra Dharmasastra Mahamatra Four Asramas : Service to three Varnas : Works on religion and philosophy : Superior officials


(d) 3 and 4


The Buddhist Order broke into Sthaviravadins and the Mahasanghikas at the (a) First General Council (b) Second General Council (c) Third General Council (d) Fourth General Council A monastic life is essential for salvation in accordance with (a) Asokas Dhamma (b) Jainism (c) Bhagavat Gita (d) Kathopanishad



Which of the following are associated with Jainism? 1. Anekantavada 2. Sunyavada 3. Syadvada

4. Sarcastivada

93. James Princep took clues to decipher Asokas inscriptions from bilingual records involving (a) Brahmi and Aramaic (b) Brahmi and Cuneform (c) Brahmi and Greek (d) Brahmi and Hieroglyphics 94. What does the term Upasanpada signify in Buddhism? (a) Religious merit accrued from donations to the Buddhist order (b) Property attached to a Buddhist monastery (c) Initial conversion to Buddhism (d) Final stage of initiation of Buddhist monk

95. which one of the following was not a feature of Mauryan Royalty according to the Greek writers? (a) The king was always surrounded by armed men who were bodyguards (b) Hunting was favourite pastime of the kings (c) Animal fights were arranged for the kings pleasure (d) The kings food was tested by a number of people 96. Kautilya defines Arthasastra was a branch of knowledge that teaches how to (a) acquire (or form) a state and preserve it (b) systematically collect revenue including land revenue (c) earn wealth, and to learn the techniques for doing so (d) learn the way to have meaningful life

97. The crystallization of the Avatara concept and the worship of the incarnations of Vishnu were features of Bhagavatism during the (a) Early Vedic Period (b) Later Vedic Period (c) Mauryan Period (d) Gupta Period 98. Consider the following statements about the caste system: 1. Basic characteristics of the caste-system involve, purity, heredity, marriage and food. 2. Dharma in the three pursuits dharma, artha, kama means caste rules ordained by sastras 3. Anirabasita means the varnasamkaras. 4. process of proliferation of castes is described in the Purushasukta. Which of these statements are correct? (a) 1,2 and 3 (b) 2 and 3 (c) 3 and 4 (d) 2 and 4 Which of the following pairs is Not correct matched? (a) Kapilar : Pari (b) Pisiranthaiyar : Kopperuncholan Auvaiyar : Adikayaman (d) Tolkappiyam : Pattinappalai


100. Match List I (Tinai) with List II (Landscape) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the Lists. List I (Tinai) List II (Landscape)

A. B. C. D. Codes:

Kurinci Marutam Mullai Neytal

1. 2. 3. 4.

Pastures Littoral Hills Plains

A (a) (b) (d) 3 1 3 1

B 2 4 4 2

C 1 3 1 3

D 4 2 2 4 important developments in religion, literature, art this statement, which one of the following pairs Gandhara Art : Milindapanha : Nagarjuna : Kashyapa Matanga

101. The period of the Kushanas witnessed and foreign trade and contacts. In the light of does not relate to the Kushana period? (a) Mahayana Buddhism : (b) Nagasena Caraka Samhita (d) North Western Silk Routes

102. In the Buddhist literature, Milindapanha appears in the Question-Answer from between Nagasena and (a) Kanishka (b) Meander Euthidemus (d) Antialcidas 103. Arrange the following in the correct chronological order: 1. Junagarh Rock Inscription of Rudradaman 2. The beginning of the Saka Samvat 3. Takht-i-Bahi Inscription 4. The beginning of the Vikram Samvat (d) 4-3-2-1

Select the correct answer using the codes given below: (a) 1-2-3-4 (b) 2-3-4-1 (c) 3-2-1-4 104.

Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched? (a) Buddhacharita : Ashavghosa (b) Mrichchhakatika : Shudraka Mudrarakshasa : Vishakhadatta (d) Brihatsmahita : Aryabhatta Which one of the following inscriptions throws light on the Lakulisa Pasupata Sect? (a) Eran Inscription of Samudragupta (b) Mathura Inscription of Chandragupa II (c) Mandasor Inscription of Kumargupta I (d) Bhitari Pillar Inscription of Skandagupta Sravanabelgola is associated with (a) Buddhism (b) Jainism (c) Asoka Dhamma (d) Nagarjuna



107. The Kushana Kings assumed titles like Devaputra Kushana. Kanishkas predecessors also were assuming titles like Sarvaloka Isvara Mahisvara. This shows that Kushana kings. (a) were devotees of Lord Shiva (b) assumed high-sounding titles implying power and fame (c) assumed divine kingship

(d) got the legends on their coins written in Sanskrit 108. Which of the following famous temples of Dravidina style was built by the Pallava ruler Narsinhavarman-II? (a) Mahabalipuram Group (b) Kailashnath temple, Kanchi (c) Shiva Temple. Tiruvadi (d) Ukleshvar Temple, Kanchi 109. The Prayag Prashasti of Samudragupta which mentions Kamarupa as a frontier state, records that 1. Kamarupa was then a big state 2. The King of Kamarupa had initiated the names of the Gupta Emperors 3. The King of Kamarupa rendered personal obeisance to the Emperor 4. The king of Kamarupa paid him all kinds of taxes. Which of these are correct? (a) 1 and 2 (b) 2 and 3 (c) 3 and 4 (d) 1 and 4

110. Match List I (Janapadas) with List II (Capital) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the Lists: List I List II (Janapadas) (Capital) A. Kuru 1. Kosambi B. Kosala 2. Rajagriha C. Vatsa 3. Ayodhya D. Magadha 4. Indraprastha 5. Patliputra Codes: (a) (b) (c) (d) A 1 4 1 4 B 3 2 2 3 C 5 1 5 1 D 2 3 3 2

111. Mrichchakatika an ancient Indian book written by Shudraka deals with a. the love affair of a rich merchant with the daughter of a courtesan b. the victory of Chandragupta II over the Shaka Kshatrapas of western India c. the military expeditions and exploits of Samudragupta d, the love affair between a Gupta King and a princess of Kamarupa/ 112. Which of the following groups of Nobles was associated with the establishment of Bahmani Kingdom in Deccan? (a) Amiran-I Sada (b) Turkan-I Chahalgani (c) Saiyyids of Baraha (d) Iranis 113. The first Turkish conqueror to cross the Vindhyachala ranges was (a) Iltumish (b) Balban (c) Alauddin Khalji (d) Firuz Shah Tughlug

114. Mahadji, the famous Maratha ruler of the later half of the 18th century, belonged to the House of (a) Holkar (b) Scindia (c) Bhonsle (d) Gaekwad

115. The troops raised by the Emperor but not paid directly by the State and place under the charge of mansabdars were known as (a) Walashahi (b) Barwardi (c) Kumaki (d) Dakhili 116. 117. The do aspa, sih aspa rank in the mansabdari system was introduced by (a) Akbar (b) Jhangir (c) Shahjahan (d) Aurangzeb Which one of the following is not correctly matched? (a) 1887 Indian National Congress Session (b) 1916 Indian National Congress Session 1922 Indian National Congress Session (d) 1939 Indian National Congress Session Calcutta Lucknow Gaya Tripuri

118. Match List -I(Events) with List II (Viceroys) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the Lists. List I (Events) A. B. C. D. Codes: A (a) (b) (d) 1 3 1 3 B 2 5 5 2 C 4 1 4 1 D 3 2 2 5 Local Self-government Act of 1892 Foundation of the Indian National Congress Simla Deputation 5. Lord Lansdowne List II (Viceroys) 1. 2. 3. 4. Lord Dufferin Lord Minto Lord Ripon Lord Mayo

119. The belligerent people of the frontier who created problems both for Mahmud Ghaznavi and Muhammad Ghauri were (a) Hazaras (b) Khokhars Yurtawals (d) Baluchis 120. The Venetian traveler who traveled with wife and reached Vijayanagar around 1420 was (a) Athanasius Nikitin (b) Nicolo de Conti Ibn Batuta (d) Ferishta **************************** ANSWERSHISTORY 9 1.c 11.b 21.c 31.b 41.d 51.a 61.d 71.a 81.a 91.b 101.b 2.b 12.a 22.c 32.d 42.b 52.b 62.b 72.b 82.d 92.b 102.b 3.a 13.b 23.b 33.c 43.c 53.a 63.d 73.b 83.a 93.a 103.d 4.a 14.b 24.d 34.a 44.c 54.a 64.b 74.c 84.d 94.c 104.d 5.d 15.c 25.d 35.d 45.a 55.d 65.c 75.a. 85.c 95.c 105.b 6.b. 16.c 26.d 36.d 46.c 56.b 66.c 76.a 86.b 96.a 106.b 7.c 17.c 27.c 37.c 47.c 57.c 67.b 77.b 87.b 97.d 107.c 8.b 18.d 28.c 38.b 48.c 58.c 68.a 78.a 88.c 98.a 108.b 9.b 19.d 29.d 39.d 49.a 59.a 69.a 79.b 89.a 99.d 109.c 10.d 20.d 30.d 40. c 50.a 60.b 70.a 80.a 90.b 100.c 110.d










120. b


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