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Pashtun people Short Summary

Pashtun people

The history of the Pashtun people is ancient and much of it is not fully researched. Additional Pashtun communities are located in western and northern Afghanistan, the GilgitBaltistan and Kashmir regions and northern Punjab province of Pakistan, as well as in the Khorasan province of Iran. They are also an important community in Pakistan, which has the largest Pashtun population and constitute the second-largest ethnic group, having attained presidency and high positions in sports. But during the reign of Abdur Rahman Khan (18801901), Pashtun regions were politically divided by the Durand Line, and what is today western Pakistan was claimed by British in 1893.

Pashtun people (100)

The history of the Pashtun people is ancient and much of it is not fully researched.

Pashtun (100)
During the Delhi Sultanate era, the Pashtun Lodi dynasty replaced the Turkic kingdoms as the ruling dynasty in the northern part of the Indian subcontinent. They are also an important community in Pakistan, which has the largest Pashtun population and constitute the second-largest ethnic group, having attained presidency and high positions in sports. Additional Pashtun communities are located in western and northern Afghanistan, the GilgitBaltistan and Kashmir regions and northern Punjab province of Pakistan, as well as in the Khorasan province of Iran. Important metropolitan centres of Pashtun culture include Kandahar, Quetta, Peshawar, Jalalabad and Lashkar Gah. The history of the Pashtun people is ancient and much of it is not fully researched. But during the reign of Abdur Rahman Khan (18801901), Pashtun regions were politically divided by the Durand Line, and what is today western Pakistan was claimed by British in 1893. Several prominent Pashtun families include the Tarzis, Gilanis, and the Karzais.

Afghanistan (27)
Often characterised as a warrior and martial race, their history is spread amongst various countries of South, Central and Western Asia, centred around their traditional seat of power in medieval Afghanistan.

According to Ethnologue, the total population of the group is estimated to be around 50 million but an accurate count remains elusive due to the lack of an official census in Afghanistan since 1979. Additional Pashtun communities are located in western and northern Afghanistan, the GilgitBaltistan and Kashmir regions and northern Punjab province of Pakistan, as well as in the Khorasan province of Iran.

Afghan (23)
Since the 3rd century AD and onward, they have been referred to by the ethnonym "Afghan".

Pakistan (21)
They are also an important community in Pakistan, which has the largest Pashtun population and constitute the second-largest ethnic group, having attained presidency and high positions in sports. Additional Pashtun communities are located in western and northern Afghanistan, the GilgitBaltistan and Kashmir regions and northern Punjab province of Pakistan, as well as in the Khorasan province of Iran. But during the reign of Abdur Rahman Khan (18801901), Pashtun regions were politically divided by the Durand Line, and what is today western Pakistan was claimed by British in 1893.

Pashto (19)
The Pashtuns are typically characterised by their usage of the Pashto language and practice of Pashtunwali, which is a traditional set of ethics guiding individual and communal conduct. Recently, Pashto literature has received increased patronage, but many Pashtuns continue to rely on oral tradition due to relatively low literacy rates and education.

Tradition (12)
This law has maintained the tradition of exclusively patriarchal tribal lineage. Recently, Pashto literature has received increased patronage, but many Pashtuns continue to rely on oral tradition due to relatively low literacy rates and education.

Language (11)
The Pashtuns are typically characterised by their usage of the Pashto language and practice of Pashtunwali, which is a traditional set of ethics guiding individual and communal conduct.

Ancient (8)
Their origins are unclear but historians have come across references to various ancient peoples called Paktha (Pactyans) between the 2nd and the 1st millennium BC, who inhabited the region between the Hindu Kush and Indus River and may be the early ancestors of Pashtuns. The history of the Pashtun people is ancient and much of it is not fully researched.

Persian (6)
Other Pashtuns fought the Persian Empire and the Mughal Empire before obtaining an independent state in the early-18th century, which began with a successful revolution by the Mirwais Hotak followed by conquests by Ahmad Shah Durrani.

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