Full Body Burden by Kristen Iversen - Reader's Group Guide

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Full Body Burden

Growing Up in the Nuclear Shadow of Rocky Flats

Kristen Iversen


like an ominous portent. Are there other examples of
1. In this book, author Kristen Iversen weaves
foreshadowing in the book?
together two narratives: a memoir of growing up in
Arvada and a historical account of Rocky Flats and 6. From Fluffy to Tonka to the wild rabbits and deer at
the nuclear industry. What effect did moving back and the Rocky Flats site to the deformed chickens, animals
forth between the two storylines have on your experi- are a constant presence in the book. What role do ani-
ence of reading the book? Did you find one of the two mals play in the storyline? How were pets and animals
storylines more compelling than the other? Can you important to Kristen’s household, and why?
think of a different way the book might have been
7. When Kristen was fourteen years old, her father
crashed the family car. Afterward he said he had
2. What themes are shared by the two narratives in the swerved to avoid an oncoming car, but it was clear to
book? How are they expressed in each narrative? her that he had been drinking. Since her parents did
not seek medical treatment for her, it was not until
3. When Kristen is a child, her mother tells her, “I
years later that she found out she had broken her neck.
think [Rocky Flats] makes cleaning supplies. Scrub-
She writes, “We never speak of the accident again.
bing Bubbles or something.” (p. 12) Later, when
Silence is an easy habit for a family or a community.
This is just for us to know. Eventually we’ll forget this
protesters rally against the plant, her parents ridicule
the protests. By the end of the book, however, Kristen
ever happened.” (p. 110) At what other times do we
see her family’s “habit” of silence? How does it affect
has worked at the plant and joined the opposition to it.
What are some key moments in the evolution of her
her? Can you think of a relationship in your own life
views about Rocky Flats?
in which you and a close friend or family member
4. One of the most dramatic passages in the book never talked about something vital to both of you, or
depicts Stan and Bill fighting the “Mother’s Day Fire” pretended that it had never happened?

8. At one point, Kristen’s mother takes the family

at Rocky Flats (pp. 26–38). Iversen describes the scene
in detail, from the “burning globes” that crash from
to see a psychiatrist and each member of the family
the ceiling to the underpass beneath the glove boxes.
draws a picture of home (pp. 120–121). The passage
What parts of the scene were most vivid or memorable
reveals key elements of the family dynamic. What
did you learn about each family member’s coping
for you?

5. While horseback riding one day, Iversen is mechanisms from this scene? In what different ways
disturbed when she comes across a dead cow at the did Kristen and her siblings respond to their father’s
edge of the lake near her house, and she describes the alcoholism, and to the secrets of Rocky Flats as they
mountains nearby as “a dark, heavy presence, a watch- were revealed over time?
ing shadow.” (p. 71) The discovery of the cow seems
Full Body Burden

9. In 1978, protesters were tried for trespassing and occasion of the 1978 Rocky Flats protest and spe-
attempting to obstruct the activity of Rocky Flats. cifically refers to Rockwell, Rocky Flats, and other
They base their defense on a little-known “choice of nuclear weapons facilities. In it, Ginsberg describes
evils” law in Colorado. The law says that an illegal plutonium as a “dreadful presence,” a “delusion
act is justified if it is done to prevent a greater, im- of metal empires,” and as “matter that renders
minent evil or crime. The judge decides that the law Self oblivion.” Why then does he call the poem an
isn’t applicable in their situation (p. 158). Do you “ode”? How does the poem reinforce the message of
agree with the judge’s reasoning? Have you ever the book?
been in a situation where this law might have been
14. During the Cold War, an impenetrable veil
existed between the nuclear weapons industry and
10. Immediately after Kristen learns that Mark has the general public. The U.S. government considered
died, her parents argue and then her father knocks this secrecy necessary for national security. Do you
on her bedroom door. “How can I let him in when a think there is any way the government could have
thousand times he has cast me out?” she asks herself communicated more to the general public without
(p. 166), and she does not let him in. Do you think jeopardizing the nation’s safety?
she was right to protect herself from her father? If
15. For many years the nuclear weapons indus-
she had let him in, what do you imagine they might
try was exempted from environmental regulation
have said to each other?
because national defense was considered a higher
11. There are several passages in which Rocky Flats priority. This book reveals the tragic consequences
workers are contrasted with the activists seeking to of that exemption. Are there situations in which you
shut the plant down, such as the scene with well-to- believe it is justified to exempt the government, cer-
do protester Ann White and working class security tain industries, or private companies from the law?
guard Debbie Clark (pp. 193–194). How did the two
16. We live in the era of Facebook, Twitter, and
groups feel about each other? Were there any simi-
other forms of social media, as well as organiza-
larities or sympathies between the two groups?
tions that seek transparency in government, such
12. Full Body Burden contains many surprising as WikiLeaks. Do you think the level of secrecy
facts about Rocky Flats and about radioactive con- maintained by the DOE and the operators of Rocky
tamination, such as the fact that a single microgram Flats during much of the plant’s history could be
of plutonium is a potentially lethal dose (p. 24) or maintained today?
that in 1970 there was no emergency response plan
17. Do you live near a nuclear site or nuclear power
to protect the public in the event of a major disaster
plant? If so, has your state or local government
at Rocky Flats (p. 67). What fact made the deepest
informed you of the potential risks of living near
impression on you?
such a facility, or about emergency response plans in
13. The poem at the end of the book, “Plutonian the event of a serious accident involving radioactive
Ode” by Allen Ginsberg, was written on the contamination?

Reading group guide for Full Body Burden by Kristen Iversen. Copyright © 2012 by the Crown Publishing Group. Distributed by permission of the Crown Publish-
ing Group, a division of Random House, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this reading group guide may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing
from the publisher.

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