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Editor: G4BUE

February 1999

A man should keep his friendship in constant repair - Samuel Johnson (1755) (3525, 7025, 10120-10125, 14025, 18080-18085, 21025, 24905-24910 and 8025kHz) BANDS OF THE MONTH FOR FEBRUARY ARE 80 & 15 METRES
My thanks to those who responded to my first column in January. I have picked W4ANs reply to publish this month. Do you agree with Bill or do you have other ideas? Reference G3SXWs Topical Issues in News Sheet 591, it does seem to me that CW QSOs are getting shorter and shorter. I can say that I too contribute to the problem. Just about every night I get on 80 metres and call CQ DX, make a bunch of short QSOs that more resemble contest exchanges than a QSO. I do it mostly to test antennas and learn about propagation. Unfortunately, it seems that more and more CW QSOs are becoming this quick exchange of information. One QSO is pretty much like the last one. The newcomers hear these QSOs taking place, and think this must be the way to do it. For some, the thrill of the contact is all they need. The DXer is not interested in an long QSO. A long QSO only keeps him from working more DX. But many operators would be more interested in operating CW if they were more often engaged in an interesting, memorable, QSO on CW. It is common practice on CW to first send a RST two times, name two times and QTH two times. Then turn it back over to the other station, but not before sending his callsign and yours. The next round of the QSO usually starts with an exchange of rig and antenna information and probably the current WX conditions. Normally, the QSO only makes it another round which is nothing more than a 73 and nice to meet you exchange. Yawn! I would like to challenge each and every one of you to break the mould of your normal CW QSO. Ive started a list of ways to break the mould. I hope you will all add to the list, so that we can work towards improving our mode. Send your name and QTH once. Let the guy on the other end ask for a fill, especially if he just gave you a 599 report. Maybe we need a modified RST system? 5991 = you are really loud, but I cant copy a lick of CW. 5999 = you


are loud and Im a crack CW operator so dont bore me with repeats. Inject something interesting in to the first round of a QSO. I just fell off the roof and broke my leg, and I thought CW might cheer me up. Every time you turn the QSO around, ask a question. Challenge the guy on the other end of the QSO to further the appeal of the QSO. Make sure the guy can actually copy CW, and not just send it. See how long you can go in the QSO without either of you exchanging rig or antenna information. Unless there is something unusual about the other persons signal, is station information really that interesting to you? See how long you can go in the QSO without either of you exchanging WX information. We all have the Weather Channel or <http:// www.weather.com/ www.weather.com>. If the WX must be brought up, make it general information about the climate in your area: Normally here in GA we have lots of rain in January and this year is no exception. Temperature information isnt all that interesting. Keep notes about guys you work. In the logging program I use, I can add unlimited notes about a station. This helps to get a QSO jump started the next time I work a station. It also helps to draw the other station in to an interesting QSO. Get in a lengthy QSO when you have the time. I try not to get started in a QSO after 9pm because I put my son to bed (in theory) at 9.30pm, and dont like to disrupt an interesting QSO. A friend of mine once told me to go to a restaurant and not look the server in the eyes during the entire dinner. Then at a later date, go back to the same restaurant and look the server in the eye and smile. The difference in service from the same server is dramatic. Ive done the same thing on CW. The difference in QSO quality is also dramatic. I challenge you all to give it a try some time.

Space is still beating me despite the new format of the News Sheet! I have details of the West Coast Dinner (W6CYX), the Con-Din (DK8EI) and the Harrogate Get-together c which I will be publishing in the next FOCUS. The dates are shown in the FOC Calendar on the back page but if anyone wants details before you receive FOCUS then please contact me or the organiser. Thanks to those members who have told me of their DXpedition plans, see the FOC calendar again! Please do remember to let me know if you intend operating from somewhere. We are planning to mail the FOC History Book, the 1999 Call Book and FOCUS 38 with the April News Sheet at the end of March.



Starred List

The objection to OK1TN was upheld by the Committee. No reply has yet been received to the invitation sent to LZ1AF.

Additional Nominations

5B4AGC: George ended 1998 with just over 65k QSOs in his log and set new 15m Asian records in both the CW and SSB CW Contests. He is thinking about the 10m Asian records for 1999. George put in a short appearance from ZC4RAF on 27 January, no key or paddle in sight, but he worked 40m SSB for an hour and a half from the club station at Akrotiri. He hopes to make a return visit in February, will take his paddle and try to give advance information. AA5DX: Ron is QRV again from the end of January as VQ9DX, possibly for four months. G2FDF: Bill corrects page 24 of FOCUS 37 that Fraser, G4BJM, won the 1998 Marathon outright for the first time outside the Americas. He refers me to page 21 of the (G3FXB) FOC History Book which confirms he won the 1954 Marathon as GW2FDF, by just three points. My apologies Bill, I meant to say Fraser was the first person outside the Americas to win the Ron Perks Trophy for overall winner of the Marathon. The trophy was not available in 1954 of course. Bill says in 1954 it really was a Marathon as it was from 0900-0000z Saturday and Sunday and 1800-2300z Monday to Friday! G2HKU: Ted has been testing the Omni V against the IC-746 on 10m listening to a 6W station who was in and out of the noise on the Omni, he was Q5 on the 746 using the digital noise filters, signal strength the same, but copy much better on the 746. This is the first transceiver I have found to better the Omni V but I , still prefer the Omni!. Ted would like to check the Omni VI plus against the IC-746. G3CWW: Tony says my ego has been lifted twice in a few days, being recognised on the air in pile-ups involving 9H1EL nice to have a first FOC QSO - remember you from a long way back and ZF2NT (whom i thought had misread my call) dont worry Tony, your call was recognised. Such things have happened before, notably by G3SXW, G3VMW and G4ZVJ, but they are very nice touches and reflects the warmth of membership.


5. 3DACA: KT5X, K4LT, N9RD, N9SW, K7UOT, 9J2BO, N4TO. 5. OZ4FF: W1PL, OK1KT, HA7PB, SM3BCS, OH2KI, G2FDF. 5. GKDZ: F5VEX, G3IY, VE3DZZ, G3MCK. 5. K8NA: YO3AC, N8GZ. 5. W4PA: K4FW, K4LT, VA3LK, NR7O, K4FU. 4. G3UFY: VK8AV, G3JJZ. 4. ZL2AZ(ex-ZL1AIZ): ZL2AGY, ZL1MH, G4BUE, W1RAN. 4. DJ7AA: N9RD, N9SW, GW3YDX, N4TO. 3. SM4BZH: K4EWG. 3. LA8XM: OZ8RO, SM5COP SM3BCS. , 2. K2UFT: KT5X, K4BAI. 2. KW1C: K1RH, KF2AT. 2. KF7E: 9J2BO, KT5X, K4EWG. 1. WUA: G4CEO. 1. OK1RP: G2FDF. 1. 9V1YC: N3BB. 1. EA6ACC: EA6ZY. 1. W4LZ: G3FBN. 1. K6OQ: W6IJ. 1. K5CA: W6IJ.

New Members

1706 N2NT: (Andy) - A. Blank, 1662 Perrineville Rd, Jamesburg, NJ 08831; tel - 732 521 5652; Fax - 732 521 1759; XYL - Bonnie; email - <n2nt@exit109.com> 1707 N8DCJ: (Dan) - D. Bookwalter, 588 Lakeshore Drive, Willard, OH 44890; tel - 419 935 4708; XYL - Jennifer; e-mail <bookwalter@willard-oh.com> 1708 DJ6SI: (Baldur) - B. Drobnica, Zedernweg 6, D-50127 Bergheim, Germany; tel - 2271 92589; XYL - Christa.


G3OHP (917): Transfer Associate Membership. 5B4AGC (1249): amend address - PO Box 61344, Paphos, Cyprus, CY 8133. SVAA (A1352): Resigned. W1HX (910): Resigned.

W6OV (1208): telephone - 308 432 5036.

K8OHG (A946): Resigned. K8ZH (1549): Transfer Associate Membership. G3IY: Jim has booked for the Con-Din and appreciates the help from DL1PM who is going to meet him at the airport. G3JZV: Mort reports that he is now QRV again from his new QTH.

G3NOH: George was featured in a Write On programme broadcast 24 January in the World Service of the BBC. George was interviewed about why he enjoys using Morse code. G3RXP: Linda and Daves daughter Sarah came out of hospital two weeks before Christmas having been there since May following a road accident. They visited her every day and Dave says Linda and I were touched by the concern and help everyone offered, specially those who wrote and requested no reply, they were right it is very difficult to write about such matters at the time, but I will be contacting them shortly. Many thanks. G3SWH: Phil, Jim, G3RTE, and John, G3WGV , (with Rob, 5Z4RL) will be QRV 17/24 February as 5Z4LI from Lamu Island off the north Kenya coast (IOTA AF-040), CW/SSB and RTTY 16010m except 30m (not allowed in 5Z4) with two stations. QSL via G3SWH. G3SXW: Roger says, Of my 230 QSOs in Affiliated Societies Contest 50 were with FOC members. This is nearly a quarter of all contacts. Over a third of all G members were worked. Thanks and congrats to so many members for supporting the event and their local clubs, and for so fruitfully occupying our CW spectrum for those four hours on 80 metres one cold Sunday afternoon. It certainly sounded as if we were all having fun. G3VMW: Steve will be QRV 2/18 March as C56/ G3VMW and possibly as C56SW from Banjul, CW 160-10m including the RSGB Commonwealth Contest (13/14 March). G3WGV: Johns paper setting out the FOC position on the Morse test requirement for the UK amateur radio licence (which was published on page 2 of FOCUS 36), is to be published by the RSGB in the February edition of RadCom. G3ZEM: Bob and Roger, G3SXW, will be QRV 27 February/7 March as C21ZM and C21SX, CW QRGs ending in 3, QSX up 1-3kHz, priority to Europe and WARC bands, possibly 160m, with beams and amplifiers. QSL via home calls. G4BJM: Fraser had a surprise during the Affiliated Societies Contest on 80m, in amongst a string of Gs, JA5DQH called him! Aki was QRV in the JA DX Contest. G4VXE: Tim will be QRV in the Marathon as GW4VXE from GW5NFs QTH. G4ZVJ: Andy will be QRV again sometime between 24 January and 24 February as DU3/ AH8F, including the Marathon. K1AO: Ron says, I would like to hear from any NA club members who would like to form a team or two for the NA QSO Party. The NAQP is held in January and August and takes place over a 12 hour period beginning Saturday afternoon. The maximum operating time is ten hours and the power limit is 150 watts. The only requirement for team participation is pre-registration of the team members with the contest sponsors. If there is any interest, Ill coordinate the team registration for the August contest.

K2LE: Andy will be QRV again 1/14 February as P4/K2LE, including the Marathon. K2SX: Dennis says, Santa was good to me (with some help of course). He brought me a new FT1000MP. K4LTA: Ruby (K4UPS) and Bill will be QRV again 10 March/5 April particularly (1400-1600z and 2100-2300z) as J3/K4UPS (SSB) and J3/ K4LTA while on holiday. Bill will be QRV CW all bands, including 160m, with 100w Ten-Tec Omni VI plus to a 260 feet centre fed zepp. K5NA: Rich will be QRV 16/27 February from KH6, including the ARRL CW Contest as KH6X. Susan and Rich are planning to be at the Washington DC Dinner again. K6NA: Glen is planning to be QRV as ZD8A for about ten days in February to include the Marathon weekend. N1BB: Bill found 96 members in the ARRL 10 meter Contest, some for the first time on ten. N4AR: Bill says, the cumulative contest the RSGB puts on is a wonderful place to get Windles. Was looking for the ZL9 on 80 last weekend and tumbled into that contest. 40 was really good to the UK from 10-1100z with G3LIK being S6. Never could work Mick as he was S & Ping up the band but worked about 30 Gs and lots of new Windles for 99. N4TO: Vic will be QRV as VP5M during the ARRL CW Contest (possibly multi-op with someone else) and as VP5/N4TO 16/23 February outside the contest. N6EA: N6QR reports that Bob is seriously ill. Adam says, Bobs sense of humour seems intact, but at this time he can surely use all the support his friends can provide. I am sure a few words of encouragement, perhaps with a QSL card would be of great help to cheer him on in his fight. Please forgive me for this intrusion, but over the years I learned how much his FOC friends mean to Bob. N9RD: Jurgen says, Just my thought on CW/ SSB, I had the chance to talk to George, 5B4AGC, and it sure was nice to hear his voice, it gives a personal touch. I know a fist is like a signature but a real radio amateur should be versatile and operate other modes too as not to get stale and lose interest and disappear for long periods. VK6VZ: Steve and Kevin, VK6LW, have bought 100 feet of surplus telescoping tower between them. Steve got the bottom half and will use it to re-build his existing tower to LF band wire antennas up to 90 feet. Kevin will use his half to raise a 40m quad to about 70 feet (in a bid to break ZL3GQs 40m CQ CW Contest record [which Peter took from Kevin] and VK6VZs Australian record). Steve recently unsuccessfully called YO3AC on 160m at Steves sun-rise. VK8AV: Alan has been QRV as VK8AV/1 and will be in Canberra for the Marathon. At the end of February/beginning of March he hopes to be QRV as VK8AV/3 from Phillip island (IOTA OC-136).

WZR: Tom will be QRV in the Marathon as FOC CALENDAR KFOC. W1HL: Jim will be QRV 1/8 March from An- (callsign in brackets indicate G4FOC op) DU3/AH8F by G4ZVJ guilla, but doesnt know the call yet. He says, Until 24 Feb HS/OH2EA (590) please ask the gang to identify themselves as Until Mar VQ9QM by W4QM FOC when they work me as its often difficult to Until Mar VQ9DX by AA5DX (592) look them up on the list during the hubbub of a Until May Until June ZF2NT by N6NT (588) pile-up. W1PL: Laci is staying at a condo in Florida and February - 80m & 15m (G3KTZ) will not be QRV in the Marathon. He wishes us February ZC4RAF by 5B4AGC (592) all good luck with improving conditions. 1/14 Feb P4/K2LE (592) W2GW: George put up a Cushcraft A4S on his 5/7 Marathon roof at 36 feet and have been having a ball with DU3/AH8F by G4ZVJ it. It is the first beam George has had since he GW4VXE by G4VXE was living in SC. HS by OH2EA (590) W3ABC: Hugh has been in hospital and says, I KFOC by WZR went down for the count on Christmas Day and N4AR/8 (592) spent eight days in the ICU on a touch and go P4/K2LE (592) basis after a sudden pancreatic attack. I was in VK8AV/1 (592) the hospital for a month and have been home ZD8A by K6NA (592) about a week catching up. Im not out of the ZF2NT by N6NT (588) woods because I still face two more sessions with 16/23 KG4ZK by W4ZYT (589) the surgeon which will result in my gall-bladder KG4DZ by W4ZYT (ARRL CW) (589) removal. So there is no chance of my partici- 16/23 VP5 by N4TO (591/2) pating in the Marathon because the first surgery 16/27 KH6 by K5NA (592) is scheduled about that time. 17/245Z4LI by G3RTE, SWH & G3WGV (592) W3NZ: Fritz refers to the Vectronics kits adver- 22 Deadline for FOCUS 38 tised in QST and has built the VEC-841k audio 25 Deadline for March N/Sheet filter. It has a variable frequency control which 27/7 Mar C21SX & C21ZM by G3SXW/ZEM Fritz finds too critical on the low (400 to 800Hz) End/March VK8AV/3 Phillip Isl, OC-136 (592) side-tone frequencies and says he should have March - 40m & 12m (GW3KGV) got model VEC-821k which has a fixed 750Hz 1/8 VP2E by W1HL (592) side-tone QRG, for the CW man. 2/18 C56/G3VMW or C56SW (592) W6IJ: Tommys back continues to get better as 10/5 April J3/K4LTA (592) do the bands, he says, getting the odd G even 15 Deadline for Marathon logs G3LIK on 10m now. 29 Deadline for April N/Sheet W6OV: Bruce recently got his first computer April - 30m & 17m (G3PDL) which he is using to help him get back on Oscar Easter 2 weeks 8P6DR by G3RWL (588) AO-10, where he is looking for CW QSOs daily. 9 West Coast Dinner (592) ZF2NT: Bruce says he is behind schedule in the 28 Deadline for N/Sheet Cayman Islands and may not see California un- May - 80m & 20m (G3LIK) til June. He has discovered a truly effective 7/9 North American Weekend weight-loss regimen. Since going to Little Cay- 14/16 Dayton Hamvention man a little over three months ago, he has shed 16 Dayton FOC Breakfast 38 pounds - putting him back to his 1969 weight. 24 Deadline for FOCUS 39 All it takes is hard work for eleven hours a day, 28 June N/Sheet deadline every day, out in the tropical sun, and then sub- 22 Con-Din sisting on a steady diet of dried beans. Guaran- June - VHF & 10m (G3WGV) teed to work! 19 Harrogate Get-together (Please continue to let me have your news over the air, by e-mail, fax, telephone, letter or DX cluster - thanks G4BUE.) THE 1999 WINDLE AWARD

Score updates can be passed to G4BUE or any committee member. An asterisk against the call indicates the score has been updated this month. Table shows the scores received by 1030z 30 January 1999.
183 158 140 135 130 116 G4HZV G4PKD K5DQ G2FDF G3KTZ VK4XA 102 102 100 99 97 95 GW3KGV G3LIK WB2YQH GDMN W6IJ 83 80 78 77 73 ZF2NT G3NKS G4BJM G3WGV G8VG 71 68 67 62 60 W3NZ G3IY SMCOP G3MCK GW3KDB 60 58 58 57 57 G3LHJ YO4PX OZ4UN W5GEL N4TO 48 47 46 45 41 G2HKU DF2IC W4ZYT AC5K SM6AOU 37 34 33 32 30 GW3SB VK8AV ZL2AGY W1HT OH2KI 26 21 21 18 6


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